Download - Level 2 Photographs


Category; Sports NewsPurpose; illustrate a new storyImage Content; Eyes are drawn to the players celebrating in frame, Fast shutter speed, Rules of third-both players follow the golden point, Narrow depth because the Chelsie players are in focus and also blurs out the Liverpool players. The Liverpool players body language while blurred also shows how the image can be unexpected. This helps to frame the focus in the centre. This photo is a longshot which is brightly lit b harsh lighting of the floodlights. The photographer has used a fast shutter speed to capture the moment as there is no blurs in the centre of the action. The body language of the players also help who are the winners an d who are the losers. Meaning; All this helps to convey the story of the shocking defeat Liverpool lost against olderham.

Category; NewsPurpose; The illustrate a new story. Brazil nightclub fire.Image Content; Broad Depth of field, High angle, Fast Shutter speed, People in the shadows, Coffins, Lighting focused on open coffins, Empty coffin is waiting for next victim. The photographer uses a high angel to try and give us an up top perspective of what's happened and how the people working to fix it; how they are actually working. The photographer uses a fast shutter speed to capture the moment of what's happened without any covers up or missing an anything. A broad depth of field is also used to capture the moment and how the people there are actually reacting to this problem. The image of an empty coffin is used to try and give the feeling that what's happened has not finished and there is still more to come. Although with such problems the people in the image are layer back and just relaxing although this event is catastrophic. The high angel of the image shows how the people work may be unaware that the image has been taken and how they are being watched, this means that they might be doing there job completely different if they knew they was being watched.Meaning; The tragic event what has happened and how people working to fix it are taking it so lightly. People are more relaxed then they should be.

Category; NewsPurpose; To illustrate a new story; Flooding in AustraliaImage Content; Following the rules of thirds-Good framing, broad depth of field, Fast shutter speed, Stood on the roof, Nothing but them, Bright Sky/sunny hot. A fast shutter speed has been used because they are not trying to catch what's has happened to cause this they are trying to capture the after effect and how it has effected peoples lives. The image shows how its bright and sunny but although that is the case the incident that happened does not make fit the weather suitable for this. Much has been lost forever and the weather is trying to make it out like its all happy and wearing to be going out and having fun although that is not the case. The image shows nothing but them and shows how much they have actually lost to the flood. Meaning: Possibly showing how the event has changed peoples lives and how lightly the situation is actually being taken with the sunny background and plain sky.

Category; PaparazziPurpose; Celebrity gossip magazineImage content; Day after British soap awards, Fast shutter speed to catch the action, Flash crates a harsh light, Wearing sunglasses at night possibly because there hung over trying to hide the fact they was partying or something -carrying cloths “meaning every day cloths” not made up, Don’t look happy, Caught of guard or because they possibly didn’t win anything from the event. Day after the prizes was given out and having to return what they used. This image fits well on the rules of thirds because both celebrity's are down each side of the golden line and even one of their heads dead on the centre of a golden points. This makes the image suitable for magazines because it is spaced out well and enough space for more text on image. Meaning; Capturing Celebrates of guard. Day after the before. “real life celebrates”

Category; PaparazziPurpose; Celebrity gossip magazineImage Content; Celebrity's struggling, Caught of guard, Hiding from the paparazzi so eagerly because of the bright harsh lights from the cameras, One of the 2 images following the rules of thirds the image on the right. Because his head follows down the line but in the middle. All dressed up at night possibly coming back from a event or prize give away. Lots of paparazzi hording them meaning they could of possibly won an event. A fast shutter speed was used to capture the moment and to possibly try and capture as many images as possible. A broad depth of field is used to try and capture as much as possible in the one image to possibly try and catch something happen.Meaning; To try and capture the life of a celebrity life style and possibly coming out of an event.

Category; Photoshoot/FashionPurpose; To be used in a magazine/ To promote clothingImage Content; Rules of thirds, women fits down the left side of the image down one of the rule of third lines. She follows the lines of the rules of thirds and passing two golden points. The lighting is lit by natural light filling half of the image and giving a kind of friendly effect on the image. The image has a broad depth of field because the image is in focus and nothing has really been blurred. The image is a mid shot because it manages to get the full body of the image in the shot and also manages to give a “alone” feel to the image. It has a fast shutter speed used because there is not much to capture in the image if it was on a slow shutter speed and the image has not been partly blurred by a moving object. The repetitive use of white coverage used in the image is trying to persuade a type of innocence or purity in the image. Minimal use of colour. Meaning; This image could work for magazine covers or for website covers. But apart from the promoting of clothing this image represents freedom, individuality and naturalness.

Category; Photoshoot/Fashion Purpose; To be used in magazines/To Promote clothingImage Content; The placement of his posture would work for a magazine If placed on the right side of a magazine. A fast shutter speed has been used on this image because they was not trying to capture time go by but instead capturing what he has on at the time. Is it a broad depth of field because the image has not been blurred on the background and does not even need to be blurred. In the image he looks away from the camera giving the impression he is better then you which is part of the marketing product to make you want to buy it. His body language in this image is trying to give the idea that his above others with the way he pushes his shirt forward which can give the impression he’s ahead of everyone else. Un-Natural light sources. Plain background to make you focus on him. The photoshoot makes it seem as if the jacket is the main product because it stands out more then the actual person in the shoot.Meaning; Meaning behind this image is to try and encourage readers into wanting this product to seem above others.

Category; Music/Portrait Purpose; To illustrate an album coverImage Content; Rules of thirds has been used because one of Jennifer Hudson’s eyes is on a golden point which will try to lure the attention of people who view this towards this image. A narrow depth of field has been used to blur out the background of this image although small can still be affective. A fast shutter speed has also been used to try and capture the correct moment. The image is simple to try and capture the viewers eye. A low angle shot is used to make the image seem as if she's looking down on us and were looking up at her to get a state of power above us. The backlight is used to make her seem more important then the rest and even a representation how even she blocks out the light and Is more important that what our everyday need is. The idea that her name is on the main cover of this image gives the impression that this image is about her and no one else alone. But people who don’t know her will view this and might be encouraged to know more about her and find out what makes her who she is today. Lens flare is used to give a backlight and to make her more appealing to the audience.Meaning; Genre of music

Category; Purpose; To encourage people to become more aware of there surroundings possibly in the work place.Image Content; This image contains the rule of thirds because the leaver on the left goes straight down one of the rules of thirds and though 2 golden points. A narrow depth of field has been used to slowly start blurring out the background and part of the main image giving a kind of un secure feeling about the image. The image shows little bits of the fingers possible representing how unnoticed the work conditions at a workplace can actually be, and this image is trying to make you more aware of these type of problems. The image uses a design based around a factory work place and could possibly be used on one of the main machines, This technique is used to make you more self aware of the problems caused that this image is trying to portray. The photographer makes the images main properties in the centre of the camera shot. The image centre image is on the fingers giving them the main importance of the image. This helps to convey the purpose of this image. Rules of thirds have been used because on the outer area of the golden points has mainly been blurred so that when viewing this image your eyes avert into the golden points where is has not been blurred. Gets rid of the numbers and replaces with fingers to demenstraight who else has also touched this part. A shallow depth of field is used to make the image blurred and makes the fingers stand out and to have a greater effect on making people more aware of what they actually touch.Meaning; To try and give us a perspective of what you really touch. (Slogan Explains the meaning “what you really touch)

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