Download - Letter to Mp's

  • 8/3/2019 Letter to Mp's


    ? ?

    Phone :07889 907001, 01495 785613

    Email NF4J : [email protected]? / [email protected] JUSTICEPREVAILS: [email protected] / [email protected]



    Dear Sir or Madam,

    We am writing to you as the Wales / Sussex co-ordinators for NF4J (The New Fathers 4 Justice) and

    FJGU ( FAMILY JUSTICE GROUPS UNITED ), We are a more organised, Dedicated Team linked toOther NF4J / FJGU Groups throughout the UK . This Network has been set up to Gain Equality and

    stand up for a Change in family law. Throughout the UK and Europe all Groups are merging together

    to form a mass movement to get the Government to change the Preposterous Legislation?s that they areimposing and end the pain of parents and children in the UK caused by the government.

    The title of this Movement is:FAMILY JUSTICE GROUPS UNITED (Global)

    The following constituencies are already onboard:(Sheffield) (Nottingham) (Midlands) (Leicester) (Sussex) (Leeds) (Plymouth) (London) (Newcastle)

    (Bristol) (Ireland) (Yorkshire) (Newcastle) (Essex) Newport, Cardiff, Swansea, Abergavenny,

    Pontypridd, East Midlands South /East Wales, Plymouth, North East London, Newcastle Upon-Tyne,

    Thames Valley, North West Sheffield, plus 1000?s more each day.

    THAT?S A MOVEMENT OF 100,000?s that want change and who have had enough.

    Everyone is united by their wish to create positive change in society and end the pain and suffering of

    thousands of Mums, Dads, Children, Men, and Women. If you could understand that we have all had

    enough ! Either the government change the laws or we all fight back united together and I can assureyou 30,000 for a G20 will be nothing compared to what will be demonstrating in the future.

    I ask you to be a voice in anyway you can for the people of the UK, We cant take anymore ! How many

    mothers / fathers / children have to suffer at the hands of the Government ? How many more have todie through suicide ? Weather you choose to ignore the problem or not it has now gone too far.

    Something needs to be done and now !

    There have been small Protests and demonstration throughout the UK for the past few months and

    these are getting bigger all the time. Please open your eyes and understand what is going on aroundyou.

    Parental alienation is a crime and causes immense psychological damage to children that often impairstheir ability to form relationships in their teen and later in life.

    The family courts and the police need to realised that the action of a parent in alienating a child against

  • 8/3/2019 Letter to Mp's


    the other parent calls into question the right of that parent to have control over the child and is a worst

    crime than physical assault.

    Despite?Jack Straw has announcing that family court hearings in county courts and the High Court areto be opened to the media from 27 April?it appears that top Judges and solicitors are reluctant to a

    change the Family law ?gravy train? and family law practitioners and Government are try to sell

    families down the river

    Far from a complete open family court system??likely to produce selective opening of the Family

    Courts with a full reliance on the Judges discretion, as is the case today in most courts.

    The secrecy surrounding the family court systems encourages bad practice'

    New Fathers 4 Justice and Family Justice Groups United demand a completely open Family courtsystem and if that means storming family court hearings like in Bristol last?June then we WILL!!!

    The reality is that the people are telling the government and it will not take any notice of a few of uswriting letters and moaning about the persecution and abuse of our children, so we have no option but

    to resume non violent direct action. Expect a superhero dad and protest or demonstration near you

    soon until we get change ! Each march, Each, Protest getting bigger and bigger until Control is lost orthe government listens.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us on the above phone numbers or E-Mail Addresses

    Yours Hopefully

    New Fathers 4 Justice / Family Justice Groups United

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