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Letter of Application

- Written to induce someone to invest a certain amount of money-salary-in the time and services of one who seeks a profitable market for them.

Causes of Letters of Application

There are two classes of Letter of Application:1. Solicited Letters – those that were written in response to advertisement.2. Unsolicited Letters

a.) Those written at the suggestion of someone who knows of the existence of vacancy.

b.) Those written on the chance that there is or will be an opening which the applicant is qualified to fill.

Right Attitude of Letters of Application

A letter of application must show clearly and unmistakably the stand the applicant takes in general toward securing employment and in particular toward the prospective employer and his business.

The actual writing of an application should always be preceded by a painstaking analysis 0of the specific demand likely to be made by the prospective employer of the applicant and of the particular requirements of the position to be secured. (Preliminary Steps)

Construction plan of the letter. Only when these matters are determined by the applicant ready to decide upon the content and plan of his letter. In taking this step, he should consider the following:1. You want a certain position.2. You are fitted for it by:

a. Educationb. Experience

3. You want a position for a definite reason.4. You tell your reader something about yourself.5. You name those who know you and your work well.6. Secure action.

Beginning the Letter. The opening sentences of the application letter should arouse the immediate attention of the reader. If it fails in this respect, it usually fails on its purpose to get an interview for the applicant.Beginning of an unsolicited letter. When an applicant hears a vacancy indirectly or when someone or agency informs him of a position, one effective way of establishing contact is to refer directly to this person or agency in the introductory paragraph.

The body of the letter. In opening the paragraph one must put emphasis on feature or qualification which he deemed necessary, it must depend on duties involved in the position or the nature of the applicant’s training. The three general types of qualification are:1. Education – only the subjects closely related and

necessary should be discussed.2. Experience – he should use specific details like the name

of the firm, what position he held and his duties he may also include his work accomplishments.

3. Personal Qualities – in the absence of experience one may put his personal qualities like accuracy, intelligence, judgment, efficiency, initiative and reliability.


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4. Reasons for wanting the position - telling that an applicant is really interested in getting the job, and if given the opportunity, he will be likely to stay with it, would be persuasive and helpful.

5. Personal History – usually employers want to know about these matters.

6. References – one way of proving that an applicant has stated correctly and truthfully his qualifications, he may give references, for the employer to verify its veracity.

7. Salary – it may be best taken up in the interview and not in application letter unless the employer definitely invites such a discussion.

8. Securing Action – leave no doubt in the employers’ mind that you would go for an interview.

Tone of the Letter. The application letter should be positive, conservative, self-reliant, courteous, sincere and natural.

“Two-Part” Application Letters. An applicant who must present considerable amount of data frequently uses a data sheet/s on which are given the details of his qualification. When a data sheet is used, the application letter itself becomes an informal sales letter.

Date Sheet. It usually contains a summary or abstract of the applicant’s education, training, and experiences, a description of the personal qualities, references and a brief discussion of such other facts as he feels maybe of interest. Usually the material is classified under such headings as:1. Personal Information2. Education3. Practical Training and Experience4. Personal Characteristics5. References

Application Follow-Up. After the applicant has had an interview, it is good strategy sometimes to make use of such

an opportunity to create a favorable impression by following up the interview with an acknowledgement.

Write your own letter. Do not copy the letter made by someone else.

Prospecting Application Letter

- Is one that is put into mails without the writer’s knowing whether or not a position is available.

Reporters: (by order of appearance)Kristel May Del Rosario

Christian PalacioNorman Roy Seguritan

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Jesse Ann CruzMark Ian Nicolas


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