
April/May 2016

An update from your missionaries in Spain

Lehman Family Newsletter

As I sat overlooking the beautiful bay in Cartagena, Spain, I couldn’t help but wonder how much history the two hills on either side of this harbor have seen. They have been sitting right there, standing guard over this ancient city for such a very long time. They have seen so many cultures come and go; from the Carthaginians to the Romans, the Vandals to the Visigoths, from the Byzantines back to the Visigoths, then from the Moors to the modern day Spaniards. Indeed, during the time of the modern day Spaniards these hills have seen fierce battle during the Spanish Civil War.

It makes one feel small to consider such things. And it helps to remind one that our days are but few. We are here one day, then gone. In a flash. In the blink of an eye. What a great blessing it is to be here right now, called by our Lord to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ crucified for the forgiveness of sins, right here in Spain, right now. What a truly humbling thing it has been to serve the brothers and sisters in Christ of the Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Española (the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Spain).

The bay in Cartagena, Spain

From my train window, somewhere

between Cartagena and Madrid

April/May 2016

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I was in Cartagena last week, serving the congregation in that ancient city with the Word and the Sacrament. What an honor and blessing it is to be here in this place, serving as a missionary pastor.

Thank you for your continued support. Thank you for both the prayers and the financial support that you have provided (and that you continue to provide) for the sake of the Gospel in this historic land. The truth is, it is abundantly clear to me that the Lord is using all of you to accomplish His will here in this place. Indeed, I see how the Lord is using you far more clearly than you can. But please, trust me when I tell you that the Lord is using you to help proclaim the Gospel in Spain. And your prayers and support are a great encouragement to my family and me. Thank you.

Prayer Requests As always, thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

We know that the Holy Spirit creates faith when and where He wills. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would create faith in many as He works through the proclamation of the Word here in Spain.

Please pray for the pastor and seminarians here in Spain, and for all of your brothers and sisters of the Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Española (the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Spain).

And please continue to pray for my family and me, and for our dear friends and fellow missionaries, Pastor David and Shelee Warner.

The Lord bless and keep you. You remain in my prayers every day.

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Adam Lehman

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