

Module Name CO-CURRICULUM Module CodeMPU 142 (DIP. IN FILM AND TV)


Module Leader Name

Master Choo Kam Thong (Sifu)Assessment Type / Reference No.


Student Name 1. LEE SWEET WAN (LEFT)

Student Name 2. THEN YUE XIN (MIDDLE)

Student Name 3. LIM MAY YENG (RIGHT)


1. 2014 May

2. 2014 May

3. 2014 May

Student College Identification No.

1. 2014050053

2. 2014050163

3. 2014050065

Student’s Declaration

WE hereby certify that this assignment are OUR own work and where materials have been used from other resources, they have been properly acknowledged. WE also understand WE will face the possibility of failing the module if the content of this assignment are plagiarized.

Signed 1: ________________________ Date: _________________

Signed 2: ________________________ Date: _________________

Signed 3: ________________________ Date: _________________


ASSIGNMENT # 1: Weekly Tasks

OBJECTIVE: Familiarity with key developments in Co-Curriculum assignments/projects

An understanding of issues relating to Film & TV techniques or New Media Design

An ability to analyse works of Film & TV techniques or New Media Design via contemporary concepts/ideas

A comprehensive knowledge of relevant discipline (Film & TV techniques or New Media Design) working inside a culture/ethnic difference of their own encompassing Co-Curriculum assignments/projects

Ability to structure Assignment 1 via stages/progresses on Film & TV techniques or New Media Design: 1. Research … 2. Creativity … 3. Execution

CRITERIA: Assignment 1: Self-Branding (Corporate Identity System And Company Profile)

1. Stage 1 – Research:

1.1 Company – 1. Name, 2. Logos/Logotypes, & 3. Stationaries/materials

1.2 Company Profile: Websites (Production House/Company Webpage Design)

1.3 Company Profile: Team Members’ Testimonial Videos

2. Stage 2 – Creativity:

2.1 Company – 1. Name, 2. Logos/Logotypes, and 3. Stationaries/materials

2.2 Company Profile: Websites (Production House/Company Webpage Design)

2.3 Company Profile: Team Members’ Testimonial Videos

3. Stage 3 – Execution:

3.1 Company – 1. Name, 2. Logos/Logotypes, and 3. Stationaries/materials

3.2 Company Profile: Websites (Production House/Company Webpage Design)

3.3 Company Profile: Team Members’ Testimonial Videos

4. Step by step processes, design development, and review will be so be tabulated as per the following assessment criteria.

Requirements: All weekly progress should be submitted via soft copies…i.e. ‘snapshots’ all artworks for “SIFU’ to collect for assessment/grading.

Weight: Assignment 1: 40%

Due: Week 6


Week Development / Review Marking criteria

Week 1 Briefing Assignment 1 (Homework); Class General-Exercise or Practise ~

Week 112 October 2015Monday

< TO >

Week 628 October 2015Wednesday

1. Assignment 1: “REPORT” Progress and Development Check

2. Class Exercise/Practise 1 (Correlating to Assignment 1)~

Research/ (Investigation and Analysis) 10

Creativity (Concept/Idea via Scamps) 10

Execution (Concept/Idea via Digital Authoring/Design) 20


1. Instructions to Students – Assignment 1’s weekly task:

2.1 Compile/print relevant task corresponding on weekly stage/progress topics via Microsoft Office Word and other relevant softwares

2.2 Create self-branding designs/ides based on weekly stage/progress topics …research, creativity, execution stages/progresses are applied based on teams’ preferences)

2.3 A booklet-like design journal too is included in this Assignment 1 demonstrating all developments, procedures, and processes will enhance assessment/presentation grading.

2.4 Step by step processes, design development, and review will be paginated as per the following assessment criteria.

2. Materials/Equipment:

Laptop: PC or Mac platform

Softwares: 1. Adobe CS/CC (Illustrator and Photoshop) 2. Microsoft Office (Word), and 3.Audio/Video Editing Softwares, Etc.

Outcome – Assessment Mapping

No. Assessment MethodsLearning Outcomes


C 1


C 2


C 3


C 4


C 5

1 Research/Investigation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

2 Creativity ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

3 Execution ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓


Assignment 1: Self-Branding (Corporate Identity System And Company Profile)

1. Stage 1 – Research:

1.1 Company – 1. Name, 2. Logos/Logotypes, & 3. Stationaries/materials Samples

1.2 Company Profile: Websites (Production House/Company Webpage Design) Samples

1.3 Company Profile: Team Members’ Testimonial Videos Samples

1.1 Company – 1. Name, 2. Logos/Logotypes, & 3. Stationaries/materials Samples…

1. Name

√ I like the name Storyland because it sounded like it is a studio that can brings out story and also you can create or deliver your story there. Therefore, we been inspired by this name and we finally make a decision on our company name.

Our company's name:


- As we been inspired by the name Storyland, so we here create a company named Dreamland Production House. We wanted to help our clients from successfully deliver their dreams through whatever story or project of them.

2. Logos/ Logotypes

This is a logo from River Film. I like how they use the lines to form an Alphabet which represent their company name.

This is a logo from ASTA Studios. I like the low poly portrait style that used on the logo.

This is a logo from Capitol Productions. At first I like how simple and special in the same time that the logo looks like. But there is one bad thing about this logo which is sometimes it may confused the clients as the logo is just showing half way.

This is a logo from Bond Records. I like the rainbow colour that they used which seems like cheerful. In addition, they used different length of lines to create the beats on the font.

This is a logo from Astorion Luxury Watches. It is simple as that and they just create a unique logo from the word A but overall it looks cool.

√This is a logo from Trip in Fashion. They found a platform to combine the word “T” and “F” together. They used the line which both have in the word “T” and “F” then make it to one straight line in the middle. It is simple but nice. Finally, this is what I want my company’s logo to be like.

This is a logo from Salvatone Cincontta Films. As I always think that the simple is the best so I like the idea of using the film design on the font or logo of the company. And here they wrote their company name right below their logo which seems like so neatly.

3. Stationaries/materials

I kind of like the Stereos’ design too. In addition, the colour is nice but it looks colourful to me.

√I like both TF’s and BlickFang’s design because I’m more prefer the colour of black, white and grey. In addition, it looks simple and nice.

Here a film company uses a clapboard as their name card. A simple graphic, yet it speaks immediately about who they are and what they do.

√Here they changed the orientation from horizontal to vertical. Besides, adding patterning around the edges can make a simple design more complex. They also added graphics which can represent their company.

Here is a name card which they using transparency.

The four name card above have a thing in common. The simple front and back looks clean and professional.

The idea of our company’s name card:

We choose the name card which changing the orientation from horizontal to vertical. We think that it looks a bit special and neatly than usual.

1.2 Company Profile: Websites (Production House) Samples…

1. Doghouse 73 Pictures

2. River Film

3. Reservoir Production

√The design of this is similar to the second one which is River Film. The websites are both neatly placed. For example, there is a colour or picture base below the content pages. But River Film is a little bit colourful than this. Since I like mostly black, white and grey colour, I’ll more prefer the design of Reservoir Productions.

4. Amazing Studios

√Lastly, this is a website of Amazing Studios. It is also similar to the website of River Film and Reservoir Productions. What make it different is the content of this website. It contains more information than the two before.

The idea for our company’s website:I’ll use the design of Reservoir Productions which is mostly black and white or even grey colour. I’ll first use a black colour as the base colour and create a box in front of the base and write down all the content inside the box. Therefore, I’ll use the content of Amazing Studios which they have the icon for every information.


Company Profile: Team Members’ Testimonial Videos


2. Storyboard: Dreamland production house

1. Outdoor Background

This is obviously with an outdoor background which you can see like he is surrounding by a green environment which full of leaves. This will looks fresh for the audience’s eyes. And one thing that important is you need to put your name and your position so that audience are clear that who you are.

This is also you can see he is interviewing at the outdoor area. But the background not looking so good than the first one.

2. Indoor Background

This is definitely at an indoor environment which the background is book shelf and all that. I quite like this kind of background.

This is also an indoor interviewing but the background looking a little bit messy and dark.

This is an interview with a mirror background. They try a different thing as using the mirror for the background but it looks a bit confusing so it is a no.

√They used some editing softwares and computers as they background. I’ll choose this because it seems like related to the industry.

Assignment 1: Final Learning Outcome – Conclusions Statements

(What we learnt in this Assignment 1)

1. We truly understand the progress before you start to have your own company in Film and TV career or even any other career.

2. We also get to know the issues of starting your own company which is you really have to start to analyse and do everything like research and all that by your own. You have to start from nothing until you get your own company.

3. First thing first, you’ll have to think of a name, logo that is relevant to what your company will do.


2.1 Company – 1. Name, 2. Logos/Logotypes, & 3. Stationaries/materials Samples…

1. Name

We named our company as DREAMLAND PRODUCTION HOUSE. We want the people or clients that come over our company can dream what they want to dream through our works. The colour of the word will be white while the strips that on the film will be black.

2. Logos/Logotypes

This is a combination of word “D” and “L” which represent our company’s name, Dreamland. In addition, there is one film which located between the word “D” and “L” which I think people can recognize and get some idea of what kind of the company is after seeing it.

Then, we traced it using Adobe Illustrator.

3. Stationaries/materials

We used vertical for our name card and also we added some design at the edge of the name card to make it feels like film. We will be placing our company name and logo at the front page, meanwhile the back page will be a smaller logo at the top and all information will be right below the logo.

Then, we traced it using Adobe Illustrator.

2.2 Company Profile: Websites (Production House) Samples…

This is our homepage with our company name up there.

This is our page “about us” which will be writing all information of our company.

This page will be showing all our works.

And here we will explain what we do in the company.

Here is the profile of our team member.

Lastly, we have a page for contact us.


3.1 Company – 1. Name, 2. Logos/Logotypes, & 3. Stationaries/materials Samples…

1. Name

2. Logos/Logotypes

3. Stationaries/Materials

Letter Head

Small Envelope

3.2 Company Profile: Websites (Production House) Samples…

We developed our idea of the website from the first version to this.

1. Home Page

2. About Us

3. What We Do

4. Work

5. Team

6. Contact Us

3.3 Company Profile: Team Members’ Testimonial Videos

testimonial video.mp4

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