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Fellowship/CE .....................2-3

Mission ................................2-5

Stewardship ........................... 5

Youth ...................................... 6

Birthdays/Milestones .............. 7

A Publication of The Presbyterian Church, Fredericksburg, Virginia Lamp Led by the Holy Spirit, we glorify, nurture, witness.

November 2017

A Discipline of Giving The word “discipline” has for many people a negative tone that overwhelms its

original meaning. That’s too bad, because at its root it is a positive and helpful

notion of routine, regular practice or behavior. In the Christian Church, discipline is

the intentional practice of following Jesus through specific acts and particular deeds.

Some of the list of spiritual disciplines that have been handed down for millennia

in the church include prayer, scripture study, worship, fasting, and one we call

stewardship – the regular practice of giving. In our day and culture, it is far more

prevalent for people to respond to disasters, emergency appeals, and especially

causes to which our own political or social agendas are attracted. But the

Stewardship tradition of the church relies almost entirely on the second part of the

“greatest commandment” cited by Jesus, that you love your neighbor as yourself.

We recognize the need to give exists alongside or even before the many needs for

assistance we all hear and see.

Regular, disciplined giving to the church is an affirmation of the gratitude we all

hold for the gifts God has given us. We realize how deeply and richly blessed we

are, and following Jesus’ lead, we seek to express our thanks to God, by reaching out

to others. The practice of pledging in support of the work of the church is a concrete

way to practice the discipline of giving.

Your gifts and offerings to the church help us maintain this place and work as a

base of discipleship and witness to the ever-expanding area of which we are a part.

Utilities, insurance, maintenance, and salaries for church staff are part of what it

takes to keep our programs, missions and benevolences alive and growing. The

reach of your gifts is beyond our imagining to regional, international and national

ministries far and wide.

Session appreciates all the gifts you give, and we sincerely encourage you to

consider making a pledge to support the work of the church in 2018. The spiritual

growth and depth we explore when we commit ourselves to regular giving to the

glory of God is always enriching for disciples who practice it. Thanks for your

commitment to grow in faith thorough the discipline of stewardship.

We can translate an attitude of gratitude into the discipline of giving. “Use what-

ever gift you have received to serve others…” ( I Peter 4:10 NIV) -- It’s more than a

theme. Blessings await all who practice and grow in this act of faith.

See you in service!

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Monthly Payments of $65

for the May trip to

Philadelphia are due.

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Prime Timer Outings The Prime Timers will gather at

Bravo’s Italian Restaurant behind

the Towne Center, at 1 Towne

Center Blvd, at 11:45 a.m. on

Wednesday, December 6. Please

make a reservation with Bruce by

Sunday, December 3, either by

calling 373-7057 or emailing at

[email protected].

Empty Nester Outing On Sunday, November 12, we

are going to Potomac Point Win-

ery, (275 Decatur Rd, Stafford,

22554) for a picnic and wine tast-

ing at 1:00 p.m. Cost: $20/person.

RSVP to Kaci LeFebre

([email protected]).

Confirmation Begins The 2018 Confirmation Journey will

begin in January with an orientation in

December. We ask current 8th graders

along with any 9th or 10th graders who

have not been confirmed to let us know

by November 12 if you plan to partici-

pate. Regular class time will be on

Sunday mornings with some special

activities at other times from January

through the beginning of May. Confir-

mation Sunday will be on Mother's

Day, May 13.

Alternative Gift Market The Alternative Gift Market is coming Sunday, November 19, from 9:30 to 11:30

a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Children, youth, and adults are invited to come.

Representatives from Camp Hanover, Legal Aid Works, Thurman Brisben Center,

Stafford Junction, Our Food Pantry, Fredericksburg Interfaith Council (School Dress-

ing Days), Rappahannock Council on Sexual Assault, Rebuilding Together, Micah

Ministries, Haiti Missions, Hazel Hill Health Center, Lloyd Moss Free Clinic, and

possibly others will be there. They will share information and provide ways you may

make a gift in honor of a family member or friend while also helping out one of these

ministries/agencies supported by our Mission budget. In addition, there will be Pres-

byterian Mission Giving catalogs that will give you the opportunity to reach around

the world, the Good Samaritan Fund, Zuni peanuts, and order forms for coffee/tea/

chocolate from Equal Exchange. Make plans now to attend. Most children and youth

Church School classes will visit the market during part of the Church School hour.

2nd Wednesday Fellowship Second Wednesday Fellowship will

continue on November 8, at 6:00 p.m.

in the Fellowship Hall. The menu will

be baked potatoes with toppings, salad,

and dessert prepared by the Wednes-

day Fellowship Committee. For the

activity we will make Chrismons and

other Advent decorations for home.

All ages welcomed.

Gospel of Matthew Study The study of the Gospel of Matthew

will conclude on Tuesday, November

13. We thank the teachers, the Rev.

Shannon Waite, Brittany Harvey, Jen

Rowe, Pastor Tamminga, Pastor

Fisher, and Bruce Harvey. We

especially thank the participants who

engaged the Gospel during the week

and brought questions, insights, and

enthusiasm to the class each week.

20s/30s Fellowship Event The 20s/30s Fellowship Group will

meet on Sunday, November 5, at Red

Dragon Brewery (1419 Princess Anne

St.) from 2:30-4:30 p.m. This Fellow-

ship Group for young and young-ish

adults offers a place to belong whether

you are studying or working, single,

newly married, have already started a

family, looking to meet new friends, or

deepen relationships with those you

already know. We hope you will join

us for a casual and relaxing afternoon

of fellowship. Childcare will be pro-

vided in the Church Nursery from 2:15

to 4:45 p.m.

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Presbyterian Women Memorial Books Monthly Circles Never Ending Circle, - Nov. 5, 1pm,

Debe Garrison’s home, leader Trudy

McNatt, 373-2852

Circle of Joy - Nov. 6, 10am, Church

Parlor, leaders Kathryn Hower, 361-

7435 and Gale Kehoe, 371-4570

Faith Circle - Nov. 13, 1pm, Church

Parlor, leaders Patti Kerns 786-2861

and Susie Davis 656-2055

Friendship Circle - Nov. 14, 10:30am,

Chancellor’s Village, leader Carol

Johnson, 639-4700 and Barbara Gary,


Circle of Grace - Nov. 19, 2pm, Jessica

Nix’s home, leaders Heather Eland, 737

-4449, Robin Joel 229-1421, Rachel

Hole 903-0677

Circle of Prayer - Nov. 20, 12:15pm,

Conference Room, leader Jeanne

Ramsburg, 710-5891

The Congregational Care Committee

is seeking help with future events.

The Committee organizes receptions

following funerals, which includes

consulting with the family regarding

their loved one’s wishes and prefer-

ences, procuring food donations, and

organizing the set up and clean up of

the Fellowship Hall and Church Parlor.

The committee is looking for people

who feel called to help with this minis-

try to the congregation in the following

ways: preparing food, donating an hour

or two of your time to help with setup,

cleanup, serving as an usher or elevator

assistant,. Please email anyone member

of the present Congregational Care

Committee: Piper Foresman,

[email protected], Marjolijn

Bijlefeld, [email protected], Kurt

Chewning, [email protected].

Stafford Junction Stafford Junction started Brain

Builders at the 8 schools it serves.

“Helping a child will not necessar-

ily change the world, but it will

change the world for that child.”

You can be the one who changes

the world for that one child by

helping elementary kids with

homework, listening to them read

and cheering them on for their


Brain Builders is Monday

through Thursday from 3:30 to

5:00 p.m. We will set you up for

one or two days a week at the

school closest to you. Thank you

for making a difference.

Email Lynn Hamilton at

[email protected], to

get started.

Peace Offering We received $4,410.25 for the Peace

& Global Witness Offering. Twenty-

five percent will remain local with

$1,102.56 going to help purchase

school supplies for the homeless

school children in Spotsylvania

County. We thank all those who con-

tributed to this special offering.

Presbyterian Women have donated the following

books to the church library in memory of those who

passed this year.

In loving memory of Sue Lang: Unseen, The

Gift of Being Hidden in a World That Loves to

Be Noticed by Sarah Hagerty

In loving memory of Mary Babinsky: The Gos-

pel According to Paul by John MacArthur

In loving memory of Myles Nix: What Do You Do with an Idea? And

What Do You Do with a Problem? Both books by Kobi Yamada and

illustrated by Mae Besom

In loving memory of Jacquie Raymond: What Happens When Women

Walk in Faith: Trusting God Takes You to Amazing Places by Lysa


In loving memory of Eleanor Bailey: Becoming the Woman God Wants

Me to Be: A 90-Day Guide to Living the Proverbs 31 Life by Donna


Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints. -Psalms 116:15

Assisting the Congregational Care Committee We would love to hear from you and

enlist your assistance occasionally

when the need arises.

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Page 4 The Lamp The Presbyter ian Church

Bell Ringing It is time to sign up for bell-

ringing at Southpoint Walmart to

support the Salvation Army. Our

church is responsible for ringing

the bell between 10:00 a.m. and

7:00 p.m. on December 2 and 9.

Volunteers serve only one hour

shifts. We need a minimum of 4

for each hour. Sign up before and

after church in the Lobby or contact

Wayne Hibbeler, 220-7542,

([email protected]).

World Peace Through Education is

still a relevant part of the community

in the Philippines. They have done

several improvements in the building,

including adding a 3rd floor and an

outdoor classroom to accommodate

more students, and purchased training

equipment for the students. Most of all

they have instilled in the minds of

students the importance of helping

other people. We help WPTE so that

in return the students will also help

others who are in need. Course

offerings are Cookery (Culinary Arts),

Consumer Electronics and Computer

Technician. The local government

sponsors an annual Foodfest

competition, and the WPTE Cookery

class of 2017 won the best Roasted

Chicken with Mango Glaze! The stu-

dents received scholarship money.

We are proud of what they have

accomplished since graduating its first

class in 2008.

There is still much work to be done

such as providing A/C system in the

building, including storm doors and

windows as a proactive measure for

the yearly typhoon. The building gets

a beating every typhoon season, and

maintenance expenses add up. We

have not been able to visit the

Philippines since our 10-month stay in

2009-2010, because of Bob’s health

problems. He has severe arthritis in

his back so travels are on hold for now.

But God is good; this too shall pass.

On behalf of the WPTE Staff and

Board of Directors, we thank the

Presbyterian Church and its Mission

Committee for its continued support.

Cold Weather Shelter The Cold Weather Shelter will

open on November 15, and will

remain open until sometime in


We are responsible to staff

Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to

7:30 p.m. Volunteers help check-in

the guests, make beds when neces-

sary, help with snacks, and hand

out supplies such as socks, under-

wear, etc. We have 38 volunteers

to date who have been divided up

in teams to cover the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,

and 4th Wednesdays each month

and the 5th Wednesdays in Novem-

ber and January. We give thanks

for these volunteers. If you would

like to be a substitute, contact

Bruce, 373-7057

([email protected]).

You may also bring women’s and

men’s underwear, socks, and/or t-

shirts and put in the bin provided.

We have a member who donates

soft drinks each Wednesday to go

along with the snack we provide.

Please be in prayer for the home-

less in Fredericksburg and every-


WPTE Update from Founders, Bob & Lydia Collett

The 2017 Freshman Cookery Class

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School Dressing Days We thank you again for your

tremendous donations over the

last couple of years for School

Dressing Days.

Once again, we have been re-

quested to collect gently used and/

or new hoodies for teenagers,

coats for younger children, and

new and gently used athletic shoes

for all ages and flats for teen girls.

Please refrain from bringing adult

coats. You may also bring new or

used 3-ring binders. Thanks so


Hurricane Recovery To date, we have received

$4,385 for Presbyterian Disaster

Assistance to help with the recov-

ery from the recent devastating

hurricanes. We have also sent 94

Hygiene kits to PDA to help with

recovery efforts.

The Great Pie Give-Away Having pie for dessert and giving a whole pie to our guests has become a tradition at the November Community Din-

ner. This small act of love means a great deal to dinner guests. Please consider donating a pie or two to the “Great Pie

Give-Away.” Pumpkin, apple, sweet potato, pecan, and berry pies are all big hits. Pies may be dropped off in the

kitchen before noon on Friday, November 17, or beginning at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, November 18. It is helpful to know if

you are donating a pie, so please contact Karen Johnson, (540) 621-5685, ([email protected]). (This year only,

you cannot drop pies at the Johnsons’ house because they are in the process of moving.)

New for December 16, Christmas Cookie Give-Away. Look for details in the December newsletter. Would you like to

help cook, serve, visit with guests, or clean up? Let Karen know that, too.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as

faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

It is November and here are some ideas to get you thinking about a pledge

and your giving to the Church.

Our theme this year from 1 Peter 4:10 asks each of us to use our various gifts

to serve others. We ask you to prayerfully consider stepping up your current

pledge, or if you have not done so, to consider pledging.

Why does our Church run a stewardship campaign asking me for a pledge

on Pledge Sunday on November 12?

The only financial income the Church receives is the generous donations from

all of us. We ask you to pledge so that we can responsibly plan for the minis-

tries of the Church for the next year.

I give regularly; why should I make a pledge?

Pledging is a tangible statement of faith in God. It's gifting that shows we

trust that Christ will see us through whatever the future brings with blessings

beyond what we can imagine.

With a pledge, you prayerfully set a goal for your financial commitment to

our Church. Your good intentions help us create the Church budget. We ask

you to consider pledging if you do not currently pledge. If you do pledge, we

thank you, and ask you to consider increasing your pledge. We encourage mem-

bers to reevaluate your committed support to God’s work annually as a part of

your spiritual growth.

What giving should I consider?

How much you can give is a personal decision between you and God. Our

Church members pledge and give as they feel called and in response to bless-

ings received. Remember, everyone is important and no amount is too small or

unappreciated. We all give according to our abilities and much of our giving is

in time, not money.

We ask you to return your pledge card

on Sunday, November 12.

Your Stewardship Campaign Committee

Pete Kolakowski, Bob Deaderick, Doreen Vaughn, Sharon Humes, Leonard

Watson, Jim Toler, Pete Beattie, Robin Joel, Allen Fisher, Al Moreau

Being Stewards

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YOUTH Fellowship @ TPCYOUTH Fellowship @ TPC High School Happenings

Nov. 5 - There is a lot going on in the world. Let’s talk

about it! We hope you will join us for an evening of

lively discussion – taboo topics are welcome!

Nov. 12 - Come and help assemble care packages for

our Youth Fellowship friends and alums who are

away at school.

Nov. 18 - The 3rd Saturday of every month, volunteers

from our congregation host a community dinner for

those in need. We will meet at 2:00 p.m. in the

Fellowship Hall. Come ready to prepare the meal,

serve guests, and/or help with cleanup. This is an im-

portant ministry of hospitality our Church offers – we

want you to be a part of it!

Nov. 19 - No High School Youth Fellowship tonight.

Nov. 26 - Meet in the Kitchen at 12:15, directly follow-

ing the 2nd Service, where we will be preparing

lunches for Micah Ecumenical Ministries. There will

be no Youth Fellowship.

Middle School Happenings

Nov. 5 - Join us for a time of reflection and sharing

following the Fall Retreat at Camp Hanover and

bring your ideas for what outings and activities you

think would be fun for the spring!

Nov. 12 - Per student request, we are having a Game

Night! Come with sturdy shoes, ready to play!

Nov. 19 - Fall weather means lots of leaves to rake.

Meet us in the Church Parking Lot at 2:30 p.m. with

your rake in hand. We will be raking the grounds for

our friends at Humankind. We will return in time for

choir (5:00 p.m.); there will be no youth dinner.

Nov. 26 - Meet in the Kitchen at 12:15 p.m., directly

following the 2nd Service, where we will be preparing

lunches for Micah Ecumenical Ministries. There will

be no Youth Fellowship this evening.

Thanks for the Rides The Fellowship Committee wants you to know that Sundance, the much loved

and important part of the Fall Festivals and other gatherings at the Copley Farm,

died on October 9. We are very thankful to the Copleys’ for sharing Sundance

with us over the years.

Kelly Copley shares: On Monday, October 9, 2017 Sundance (38) was laid to

rest under his favorite pear tree. Sundance arrived at the Copley’s Springfield

Farm when he and Heather were both 13. While we all thought we were train-

ing a “new” pony, Sundance knew better. He trained us, all his many riders,

and fellow four legged friends (big and small). Sundance loved life and his

many riders. He took pride in caring for each and every one of them. Sundance

even enjoyed all the pony rides he gave over the years. He will never be forgot-

ten by all he has touched.

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1. Charles Bentley, Jean Snow, Lista Winger-Eger

2. Scott Fischer, Richard Garner, Ann Lewis,

Kathy Rocholl, Loretta Shelton, Mackenzie Sullivan,

Ann Warner

3. Ben Fidler, Emma Harrison, Adam Nelen,

Meghann Rusbarsky

4. Mary Wallace Baker, Jim Christie

5. Robin Joel, Betsy Lewis, Sam Valasko

6. Barbara Luckett, Lynn Simms, Zach Whalen

7. Libby Baker, Bill Garner, Paul Kukla,

Walter Personius, Russ Pruitt, Gary Shockey

8. Erik Fino, Avery Foresman, Sarah Kunkler,

Trudy McNatt, Hamilton Schattgen

9. Tom Edwards, Sammy Green, Quinn Morris

10. John Bailey, Jonathan Gillespie, Alison Mitchell,

Claire Rehm, Ashley Statler

11. Bryan Eland, Morgan Kuiper, Alex Yealy

12. Clark Henshaw, Billie Plank

13. Vanessa Huffman, Gyles Norwood

14. Caroline Deaderick, Dave Techlin

15. Tim Duffy, Debra Myers

16. Gerry Zimmermann

17. Sylvia Allen, Katie Brandon, Janice Cleland,

Nancy Hansen, Gillian Harvey, Samuel Serbay

18. John Deegan, Karen Dodson

19. Alex Lang, Jerry Parsons

20. Will Doherty, Kelsey Laye

21. Michael Atkinson, Stacy Horne, Andrea Kuliasha,

Jacob McAllister, Russell Morris, Joe Valasko

22. David Deaderick, Terry Fellinger, Clark Hower,

Charles McDaniel, Robert Paul

23. Joan Dunbar, Grace Hynden, Genny Miraglia,

Kathryn Rexrode

24. Jayce Wright

25. Charlotte Mims, Liz Ross, Emily Wright

26. Robert Fidler, Anna Mahon, Jenny Major,

Mike Porter

28. Rachel Ball

29. Laura Godshall, John Parkinson, Alicia Veil

30. Bill Stewart, Andy Toler Marjolijn Bijlefeld Matt Bohmke Kurt Chewning John Conway Steve Davis Erik Fino Piper Foresman

Vanessa Huffman Ralph Lewis Brian Liska James Luckett Sammy Merrill Nils Pedersen Diane Peterson

Ashley Raska Jen Rowe Beth Valasko Jeremy Vaughn Joel Young

2017-2018 Session

Moderator – Rev. Allen H. Fisher, Jr., Pastor Associate Pastor – Rev. Brittany Tamminga Clerk of Session – Tamie Pratt-Fartro

Milestones Capsule of Concern: Carole Fariss, Laura

Miller, Bob Morecock, Judy Schulken, Harry

Smart, Susie Techlin, Frank Turnage, Rim


Continued Prayers: Bob Snow

Baptism: Maxine Valentine Gloyd, born January 14, 2017,

was baptized on Sunday, October 22. Maxine is the daughter

of Melissa and Michael Gloyd; and sister of Stephen,

Savannah and Robert.

Heartfelt Christian love and sympathies are extended to

Carole Green on the death of her brother, F. Clifton “Kip”

White, Jr., who died on September 16, 2017, in Connecticut;

John Bailey and friends on the death of his wife, Eleanor,

who died on September 23, 2017;

the family of Kenneth Pullen, who died on October 9,


Monica Cox on the death of her husband, Warren, who

died on October 3, 2017.

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