
Musculoskeletal system

Lecture devised by Dr. Rasha Ali

Baghdad College of Medicine


• Analyze, define & pronounce the new terms introduced in this Chapter.

• Comprehension of English language

Student Duties

• 1- Lecture read before attending

• 2- Print the exercises of this lecture and hand it to the lecturer solved. It is your homework. You should write your name, the date, your group and the name of your lecturer.

• The methodology of your exercises are similar to your formative and Summative exams.


Ankyl/o Stiff, fused, closed

Arthr/o Joint

Brachi/o Arm

Carp/o wrist

Chondr/o Cartilage

Cost/o rib

Crani/o Cranium

Dactly/o Finger, toe

Kinesi/o Movement

Kyph/o hump

Lord/o Swayback, curve

My/o, muscul/o muscle

Orth/o Correct, straight

Oste/o bone

Ped/o Foot, child

Suffix Refers to

-algia pain

-desis Stabilize or fuse

-ectomy Removal of, excision of

-itis inflammation

-kinesia Movement

-malacia Softening

-oma tumor

-physis To grow

-plasty Surgical repair

-scopy To visually examine

Structure & Function Analysis Meaning

Appendicular Adjective referring to something that is added or attached

Having to do with something attached

axial Adjective form of axis, a common English word

Straight line through a physical body

Brachial Brachi/o (arm); al (adjective suffix)

Having to do with an arm

Bursa A latin word meaning “purse”

Sac-like connective structure found in some joints; protects moving parts from friction

Chondrogenesis Chondr/o (cartilage) –genesis (origin)

Formation of Cartilage

diaphysis A Greek word growing in Between

Shaft of the long bone

Parts of Long Bone

Term & condition Analysis Meaning

Epiphysis Epi- (upon); physis (growth) End of the long bone (distal, proximal)

Osseous From the latin word osseus (bony);- ous (adjective suffix)

Bone tissue

ossification Oss (bone); facio (Latin word for make)

Bone formation

osteocyte Oste/o (bone); -cyte ( cell) Mature bone cell

Osteogenesis Oste/o (bone); -genesis (origin)

Formation of Bone

Periosteum Peri- (around); oste/o (bone)

Membranes that surrounds the outside of the bone

Synarthrosis Syn- (together); arthr/o (joint); osis (condition)

Joint with no movement


Bone tissue

Term Analysis Meaning

arthalgia Arthr/o (joint); -algia (pain) Pain in a joint

Arthritis Arthr/o (joint)- itis (Inflammation)

Inflammation of a joint

arthrocele Arthr/o (joint); -cele (hernia)

Swelling of a joint

Arthrochondritis Arthr/o (joint); chondr/o (cartilage) -itis (Inflammation)

Inflammation of cartilage in a joint

arthrodynia Arthr/o (joint) ; -dynia (pain)

Pain in a joint

Arthropathy Arthr/o (joint); pathy (diseases or disorder)

Any disorder of a joint

Arthrosis Arthr/o (joint); -osis (abnormal condition)

Disintegration of a joint

Term Analysis Meaning

Brachialgia Brachi/o (arm); -algia (pain)

Pain in the arm

Chondomalacia Chondr/o (cartilage); -malacia (softening)

Softening of the cartialge

Chondrosarcoma Chondr/o (Cartilage); sarc/o (flesh ); -oma (tumour)

Malignant tumour arising from the cartialge

Costalgia Cost/o (rib); -algia (pain) Pain of rib

Dactylyalgia Dactylodynia

Dactly/o (finger, toe); -dynia (pain)

Pain in a finger (or toe)

Dactylomega, often called megadactyly

Dactyl/o (finger, toe); -megaly (enlargement)

Enlargement of one or more fingers or toes

Kyphosis Kyph/o (humped); -sis (condition)

Humpback anteriorly concave cuvature of the thoracic and sacral region of the spine

Chondrosarcoma in proximal humerus


Term Analysis Meaning

Osteomyelitis Oste/o (bone); myelitis (bone marrow)

Inflammation of the bone marrow

Osteopenia Oste/o (Bone); -penia (deficiency)

Abnormally low bone

Osteoporosis Oste/o (bone)- por/o (porous); sis ( condition)

Atrophy & thinning of bone tissue

Scoliosis Scoli/o (twisted); -sis (condition)

Lateral curvature of the spine; S-shaped curvature

Orthopedics Orth/o (straight or correct); ped- (child); ic (adjective suffix)

The medical speciality concerned with the development, preservation, restoration, and function of the musculoskeletal system



Diagnosis & Treatment

Analysis Meaning

Analgesic An- ( absence); from the Greek word gesis (sensation)

Medication used to relieve pain

Anti-inflammatory Anti- (against); inflammatory (common English word)

Medication used to reduce inflammation

arthrogram Arth/o (joint); gram (record a picture)

Radiograph of a joint

Arthrocentesis Arth/o (joint); -centesis (surgical puncture for aspiration )

Removing fluid from a joint

Arthroscopy Arthr/o (joint); - scopy (use of instrument for viewing)

Examination of the interior of a joint

CT scan Abbreviation for computed tomography

Noninvasive imaging test; imaging anatomic information from a cross-sectional plane of the body


CT scanner (machine)

MRI scanner

Diagnosis & Treatment Analysis Meaning

MRI Abbreviation for magnetic resonance imaging

A diagnosis radiograph in which the magnetic nuclei of a patient are aligned in a magnetic field; these signals are converted into tomographic images

Narcotic Narc/o (sleep) Drug derived from opium with potent analgesic effects; potential effects of dependency through prolonged use

Arthrectomy Athr/o (joint); ectomy (surgical removal

Excision of a joint

Arthroplasty Arthr/o (Joint); plasty (surgical repair )

Surgical repair of a joint

Arthrotomy Arthr/o (joint) –tomy (cutting operation)

Surgical incision in a joint

osteorrhaphy Oste/o (bone); -rrhaphy (surgical suturing)

Suturing together the parts of a broken bone

Word element Refers to

Fasci/o Fibrous membrane

Fibr/o fiber

Hemi- half

Muscul/o muscle

My/o muscle

Para- Beside, beyond, near

-paresis Partial or incomplete paralysis

-plegia paralysis

Quadri- four

Term Analysis Meaning

Fascia Latin word for band Fibrous sheath of connective tissue that covers a muscle

Myocardial muscle

My/o (muscle); cardi/o (heart); al (adjective)

Heart Muscle

Striated From the Latin verb striare (to grove)

Adjective describing skeletal muscle

Atonia a- (deficient); tonia (tone) Flaccidity; lack of muscle tone; relaxation of muscle

Atrophy a- ( deficient) Wasting of the muscles

fibromyalgia Fibr/o (fiber); my/o (muscle); -algia (pain)

A chronic disorder charecterized by widespread aching and stiffness of muscle and soft tissue.

Hemiparesis Hemi- (half); -paresis (paralysis) Slight paralysis of one side of the body

Hemiplegia Hemi- (half); plegia (paralysis) Total paralysis of one side of the body

Kinesialgia Kines (from the Greek word kinesis meaning “motion”); -algia (pain)

Pain resulting from movement

Striated Muscle (skeletal)

Term Analysis Meaning

Dystrophy Dys- (difficult); -trophy (from the Greek word trophé) meaning “nourishment”

Muscle diseases affecting the muscles and causing weakness without affecting the nervous system

Myasthenia My/o (muscle); asthenia (from Greek word astheneia meaning “weakness”

Weakness of the muscle

myocele My/o (muscle); -cele (hernia) Hernia of a muscle

Myodynia, myalgia

My/o (muscle); dynia (pain); -algia (pain)

Pain a muscle

Myoma My/o (muscle); oma (tumour) Benign neoplasm of muscle tissue

Myospasm My/o (muscle), -spasm (involuntary motion)

Involuntary contraction of a muscle

Orthopedic Orth/o (straight); pedics (child); note; the word was coined in the 18th century, originating with the study of skeletal disorders in children

Pertaining to orthopedics or the study of the musculoskeletal system

Term Analysis Meaning

Electromyography Electr/o (electricity); my/o (muscle); graphy (process of writing)

Abbreviation is EMG; records the strength of muscle contraction by means of electrical stimulations

Myectomy My/o (muscle); ectomy (excision)

Excision of part of a muscle

Tenorrhaphy Ten/o (tendon); rrhaphy (suturing)

Suturing of a tendon



Correction of Error in typing in previous lecture & additions (lecture of Body Organization )

• Cynosis- Cyanosis

• Add to Objectives of Body Organization lecture : Comprehension of English Language.

Term Analysis Meaning


Onych/o (nail); -pathy

Any disease of the nails


Q- Use the word elements listed to build the terms defind below:

-algia (pain) -gram (record) Myel/o (marrow/spine)

Arthr/o- (joint) Inter (between) -oma (Tumour)

Cardi/o- (heart) -itis (inflammation) Oste/o (bone)

Chondr/o- (cartilage) Kinesi/o (movement) -plasty (plastic repair)

Cost/o- (rib) -logy (study) -porosis (porous)

-desis (fusion/ fixation Malacia (softening) Sarc/o (flesh)

-ectomy (removal) -gram (record) -scopy (visual exam)

-electro (electricity) My/o- (muscle)

Word Definition

Mean inflammation of the bone and the bone marrow

Means visual examination of a joint

Means abnormal softening of cartilage

Means radiograph of a joint

Means the fusion or fixation of a joint

Means the study of movement of body parts

Means the surgical repair of cartilage

Means pertaining to the area between the ribs

Means inflammation of the bone

Means a highly malignant tumour of the bone

Means surgical repair of a joint

Means X-ray

Means inflammation of the cartilage

Means bones with diminished density; porous

Means pain in the ribs


• Q- Give the meaning for these terms : (Arthroplasty) (Arthrocentesis) (Osteoporosis) (Osteosarcoma)

(polydactyly) (Arthritis) (Scoliosis)

Q- Case Study

The underlined definitions refer to a medical term. Read the case study and replace the underlined definitions with an appropriate medical term. Write this term in the space provided below.

Complaint: Mrs. Nadia Salim, an 82 years old female, was out walking on a winter day. She

slipped on a path of rain, fell and had wrist and hip injury.

Assessment: in the emergency room, a (1) physician who treats and diagnose skeletal

conditions examined her. He ordered X-rays of her wrist & left hip.

• The X-ray revealed a broken wrist bone & broken hip bones. The (2) surgeon corrected the fractures and pulleys and weights to maintain the correction. Also prescribed (3) a very strong pain medication to relieve her from pain and a (4) a drug to decrease the swelling at the site of her fracture.

• 1- ......................................

• 2- ......................................

• 3- ......................................

• 4- .......................................

• Q- Write the term of the following definitions: • 1- Instrument used to view inside the joint ........................................

• 2- Inflammation of a joint ....................................................................

• 3- Fingers & Toes .................................................................................

• 4- Root for cartilage .............................................................................

• 5- Pain in a rib ......................................................................................

• 6- Joint pain .....................................................................

• 7- Abbreviation for computered tomography ...............

• Q- Fill in the blank with the correct term:

• 1- The word that means “” inflammation of a joint”” is ...............................

• 2- aspiration of fluid from a joint by a needle puncture is a ........................

• 3- Removal of fluid from the joint is ............................................................

• 4- Surgical removal of the rib is.....................................................................

• 5-Inflammation of bone marrow ..................................................................

• 6- Bone is called either............................... Or .............................................

• 7- An old man has a very large back hump, this is called ............................

• 8- A membrane surround the bone is ..........................................................

• 9- Formation of bone is ................................................................................

• 10- pain in the arm........................................................................................

• Exercise: • Chief Complaint: cervical neck pain with limited movement and right shoulder pain

with limited range of movement.

• Progress: the patient states that he is the same as he was the last time he was in for therapy

• Aggravating factors: working

• Pain/Discomfort level: The patient states that the pain is 5/10.

• Treatment: Treatment today considered of moist heat and ultrasound of the cervical spine, therapeutic exercise to the neck and shoulder X45 minutes,

• Patient progress: the patient is doing well with his cervical spine exercise. His radiating pain is reduced. He has pain on abduction and flexion. He has rotator cuff tendonitis. The patient was put on treatment of pain killers and was advised to limit the use of his arm. The patient improved after 2 weeks of this.

• Questions; 1- Make an oral presentation of the case in Arabic.

2- what is the meaning of “tendinitis”?

3- what is the meaning of “abduction”?


Use the word elements listed to build the terms defined below.

-algia Hemi- -logy Para- Tendin/o

-cele -itis Muscul/o -paresis Ten/o

Fasci/o Kinesi/o My/o -pathy -tomy

Fibr/o -logist Neur/o -plegia -trophy

• 1- slight paralysis of one side of the body......................................................

• 2- Pain resulting from movement..................................................................

• 3- Incision in a tendon....................................................................................

• 4- Inflammation of a muscle..........................................................................

• 5- Any disease of the muscle.........................................................................

• 6- A chronic disorder characterized by widespread......................................

• 7- Hernia of a muscle....................................................................................

• 8- Physician who diagnoses and treats disease of the nervous system..................

• 9- Paralysis of both legs and the lower part of the body...................................

• 10- Inflammation of the fascia.......................................................................

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