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Learning to learn

What you didn’t learn at school – and why

Dan North, ThoughtWorks

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Meet the “Gang of Three”

SocratesDialectic: logic and argument

PlatoReality as a projection


Inclusion and exclusion

469–399 BC

428–348 BC

384– 322 BC2© Dan North, ThoughtWorks

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These men shaped how we think

We focus on what is rather than what could be

Pointing out what is wrong

We don’t value instinct

“It’s just a hunch”

“It just feels right”

We use logic to argue from cause to effect

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Example: modern legal systems

Laws based on ethics

It is wrong to kill someone, usually

Dialectic between prosecution and defence

No (explicit) value on emotion or feelings

Purpose is to “prove beyond reasonable doubt”

Rather than find “most intuitively sensible outcome”

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Reality is more complex

Factors influence one another in loops

either reinforcing, balancing or damping

The shower being too hot

or too cold

The amount I move the dial

Being addicted to drugs Committing

petty crime to pay for drugs

Being in prison with easy

access to drugs

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Systems Thinking

Looks at the system as a wholeOverall effectiveness rather than local efficiencyFeedback loops rather than cause-and-effect

Metrics are indicators of trend, not targets

The system is greater than the sum of the partsWhat is the individual contribution of a coach?

One globally-optimising target“Does it make the car go faster?”

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Western society is based on targets

Schools have SATs, GPAs, school league tables

Businesses have KPIs, SLAs, budgets, sales targets

Hospitals have waiting lists, more league tables

Even trains have punctuality targets (in the UK)

But targets are based on a logical fallacy!

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The fallacy of targets

A good school will produce high exam results, therefore a school with high exam results is a good school

All cows have four legs, so all four-legged animals must be cows

We assume only this cause can give this effect

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You can always “game” targets

Improve school exam results

Reduce hospital waiting lists

Increase train punctuality

The tail is wagging the dog!

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How we learn in school

“Open your books at chapter 12 and read”

Sitting and listening to history“3 minute” attention span, based on eye movement

Individual rote learningMemorise and regurgitate – « Ecoutez et répétez »

Practising for your end-of-year examsAll that matters is getting the grade

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How we learn at work

“Open the spec at section 12 and read”

Sitting and listening to the sales report“3 minute” attention span, based on eye movement

Individual rote learningMemorise and regurgitate – SELECT FROM WHERE

Practising for your end-of-year reviewAll that matters is getting the promotion

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How we actually learn

The Dreyfus model

Novice – needs context-free direction

Advanced beginner – needs to fail

Competent – needs goals

Proficient – needs metaphor

Expert – needs experts!

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How we learn martial arts


Shu - holding

Ha - breaking

Ri - transcending

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How we limit learning

Providing information without contextAnyone above Novice will disengage

Penalising “failure”Cannot progress beyond Advanced Beginner

Working aloneCollaboration is cheating! Especially in exams

Not valuing instinct or intuitionNo incentive to become proficient

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Effective learning

Offer knowledge with context

Create "breakable toys“, encourage experimentation

Encourage collaboration, especially in exams

Foster instinct and passion

That sounds like effective leadership!

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How we limit thinking

Back to our three amigos...

Most business interactions are dialectic

We “know” the answer before the meeting

It’s just a question of talking the other guy round

We use logic and rhetoric

And we have no time for instinct or hunches

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Six thinking hats

Parallel thinking

– process, direction

– facts, data, gaps

Red hat – emotion, feelings

– positive possibility, past success

Black hat – critical thought, risk

Green hat – generative, creative, lateral

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Thinking hats applied





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Effective thinking

Leave your ego at the door

Everyone gets to play to their strengths

Practise parallel thinking

Works equally well either planned or reactive

Risk aversion isn’t “being negative”

It’s great black hat thinking!

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Summary – what can we do differently?

Apply Systems ThinkingEffective throughput rather than local targets

Use metrics as indicators not targetsBeware of four-legged cows!

Foster a learning environmentEncourage breakable toys

Practise parallel thinking

We can learn to learn and think – and lead – effectively

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Thank you

“Far too often proof is no more than lack of imagination” – Edward de Bono

Any questions?

[email protected]

21© Dan North, ThoughtWorks

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From Novice To Expert – Dr. Patricia Benner

Six Thinking Hats – Edward de Bono

The Art of Systems Thinking – Joseph O’Connor

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance –Robert Pirsig

22© Dan North, ThoughtWorks

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