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Learn HDR in Photoshop, Colin’s HDR

 photography tutorial

I originally wrote this tutorial for Photoshop CS3, in the years since then, Photoshop has gotten a couple

of big upgrades in the HDR area, and we are now at Photoshop CC. I have also learned a great deal

ore about the sub!ect, so I decided it was tie for an update. "his tutorial will wor# for all versions,

including CS$ and HDR in Photoshop CC. In CC Caera Raw was added as an option, ore about that


%hat is HDR and why do we need it&

I n this tutorial we will ta#e a loo# at HDR photography. HDRI 'High Dynaic Range Iaging( wasoriginally used in 3D and is now in full force in photography. )asically it*s the process of ta#ing ultiple

e+posures and erging the together into a single 3 bit iage. -et e e+plain

%atch the HDR Intro video that e+plains what HDR is/

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 0 caera is capable of capturing a liited aount of tones in a single photo 'we call this dynaic Range,

the range of tones that can hold detail between pure blac# and pure white(. "ypically we sacrifice

eleents in a photo when we set the caeras e+posure. %e eter for the ost iportant part of the

scene. 1or e+aple let*s loo# at the series of iages I shot at the )radburry building in -os 0ngeles. "he

center iage is a typical e+posure, showing an average etering to produce the ost detail possible.

2otice that the detail outside the door is lost because it*s too bright. 0lso the detail on the stair rail is lostbecause it*s too dar#. %hen you are at the location, you are able to see all these detail with your eye, this

is because the huan eye can see a larger range of tones than the caera can capture on the sensor or 

fil in a single photograph.


"he solution is to ta#e ore than one photograph and brac#et the photos. Shoot a noral e+posure

'center iage(, then undere+pose 'left( to capture the highlights outside the windows and overe+pose

'right( to capture shadow detail. 1inally, erge these photos together to produce a single iage with a

larger range of tones that can now show all the details in the shadows and highlights.

This tutorial will show you how to complete this process with the minimum fuss.

"ips for photographing HDR

1irst we need to capture our source iages with our caera. "echnically you will need to shoot a

iniu of photos with different e+posure settings to create a HDR. I personally get good results fro

3 shots. I li#e to over e+pose and under e+pose by stops each. I #now this is a bigger brac#et than

soe people are cofortable with, but for the type of HDR iages I li#e to create 'cityscapes(, this wor#s

great. If you*re shooting people, you ay want to reduce this to single stops.

Soeties you need to capture ore than 3 e+posures. It really depends on how uch contrast is in

your scene. 1or the e+aple of the )radburry building, I captured a series of Photographs inside a dar#

building in -os 0ngeles with a sunny day outside a glass window. I needed 4 photots with stops apart in

order to capture the entire dynaic range of that scene. 5ou ight be able to capture a lower contrast

enviroent such as a foggy day in a single frae. )ut once again, for the a!ority of HDR photography 3

shots are usually perfect. I set the caera for 0uto 6+posure )rac#et and stops 7 and . 8a#e sure that

you only change the shutter speed. If you change the aperture, the depth of field will also change,

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producing unwanted blurring in your final coposite. 9se a tripod if you can, otherwise support yourself 

on a wall or solid ob!ect to reduce oveent between fraes.

2ote 1or real HDR, you shouldn*t use a single raw iage and e+posure it several ties as soe people

suggest. "his is unnecessary, as you can use the Shadow and Highlight recovery and ad!ustent brush

in Caera Raw or -ightroo to bring out the sae aount of detail in the photo. 0lso there has beenisinforation circulating, using the ter :Single Iage HDR;. "his is #nown as pseudoHDR. 5ou can*t

get HDR/ (HIGH / Dynaic Range( fro a single SDR 'STANDARD / dynaic Range( photo. It*s li#e

:single spea#er stereo;, the digital inforaition !ust isn*t there. 5ou can apply a toneapped effect to a

single iage for a grungy feel. It*s psudo HDR, but not to be confused with true HDR.

1or ore details see the full <.= hour video / HDR and Photoshop

HDR in Photoshop tutorial

Step 1

Start with 3 iages. >ne noral e+posure, the second undere+posed and the third overe+posed. In this

case I used stop brac#eting. 0s I shoot a lot of city scapes I can get away with stops, because I*

ainly shooting flat surfaces and banding and posteri?ation isn*t such a proble. If your shooting rounded

and curved surfaces you will want to lower your brac#eting to get soother gradients, although there is a

lot of overlap already in the tones as a decent DS-R caera can capture around @@ Stops of e+posure.

I set the brac#eting on y caera to stops. "hen I set the shooting ode to burst. %hen I hold the

shutter down, 3 photos will be captured. I shoot in the R0% forat for the widest possible dynaic range.

5ou can still create HDR if your caera doesn*t support R0%, but bear in ind a !pg is only an Abit file.

8a#e sure you shoot in 0perture Priority or in 8anual. 5ou want to brac#et the e+posure tie, not the

 0perture. If you change the aperture, the depth of field won*t be consistent and you*ll get blurring. 0lso

avoid any oving sub!ects in the photo or you*ll get :ghosting; where soething is only in one frae and

will appear very strange in the final. If you loo# at the three iage that I used here, the iddle iage has

a lot of detail. However, the details in the shadows are lost in the boats and the city lights are too bright

and lose detail inforation. "he left iage is under e+posed to pic# up the details in the highlights such as

the buildings in the bac#ground. "he right hand photo is over e+posed by stops to pic# up the detail in

the shadows, such as the hulls of the boats and water reflections.

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Step 2

"ie to erge the photos together into a single 3 bit iage.

Choose 1ileB0utoate B8erge to HDR Pro. "his wor#s on Photoshop CS CS$ 'CS Doesn*t have

auto align and it*s called :8erge to HDR on versions older than CS=(. Choose either iages or folder. I

organi?e each set of photos in its own folder so I used the folder option. Select your photos to erge.

"urn on 0uto 0lign in Photoshop CS37. Clic# >. 'Photoshop uses 0utoalign technology that even

allows you to create HDR without the use of a tripodE(

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5our iages will now be erged into a single photo. 5ou can turn off individual photos by un chec#ing

their bo+es on the left filstrip. If you get soe blurring caused by caera sha#e in the longest e+posure,

you ay want to turn off that photo. If there is ghosting because of oveent, clic# the bo+ Reove


'%hen the ode is at @$ or A bit you will see settings li#e this, if 3 bit is selected, it will loo# li#e step <(

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Step !

"he erged result is a floatingpoint 3 bit iage. Change the ode to 3 bit. 5ou can view the available

tones by sliding the %hite Point slider. 2ote, this slider doesn*t change the iage, it is there for you to

e+aine the range of tones, because a onitor is incapable of displaying all the tonal detail in a 3bit file

all at once.

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2ote In Photoshop CC there is a new option. :Coplete "oning in 0dobe Caera Raw;/ "his option

isn*t in CS$. If you are on Photoshop CS$ and lower, !up to step = right now.

If you are on CC and the :Coplete "oning..; button is turned on, you won*t be able to ove the slider.

Clic# the option off and you will be able to ove the slider and continue with the rest of the tutorial !ust l i#e

in CS$.

However, when the option is turned on, you will be able to use Caera Raw for the "one 8apping instead

of the HDR Pro settings. In this case, s"ip to step #$.

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However, I recoend learning both ethods as they each have erit. "he HDR Pro tone apping 'step

=7( will give you ore control and enable you to create a surreal effect as well as powerful HDR controls. 0CR 'Caera Raw( has the advantage of being able to do very realistic HDR toneapping without too

uch effort.

Step %

5ou could do your toneapping right now if you li#e, but I li#e to save a 3bit negative. Clic# > to erge

the photos into a 3 bit iage. 2ow is a good tie to save your file. Save as a psd, tif or open 6GR.

If you are wor#ing with 3D and are wanting HDRI for I)- lighting, enviroents etc, save as open 6GR as

8aya and other 3D pac#ages recogni?e this forat. 'you are finished here, photographers read on(.

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 0dd eE

Step &

In order to use the photos, you*ll need to convert the to @$ or A bit iages. %hen we convert the we

will create what I call interpretations of the photo. "he reason I say this is because we have unliited

ways we can a#e the photo loo#. %hile we have this huge dynaic range available in 3 bit, we will no

longer have those options after conversion. 0lways wor# fro the saved 3 bit version, and then convert

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and save versions 'personal interpretations(. 0void overwriting the 3 bit iage, it*s our aster and we

ay want to go bac# to it any ties.

Choose IageB8odeB@$ bit 'or A bit(. 2ow we get to play with soe fun options. 5ou*re now at the tone

apping part of the process. "his is were all the creativity can oo?e.

'If you want to a#e the ad!ustents without converting, choose viewB3 )it Preview >ptions. 5ou can

use several of Photoshop*s tools in the IageB0d!ustents enu. "he ost iportant of these is the

6+posure control(

5ou*ll see an HDR "oning Dialog bo+ 'HDR Conversion for versions before CS=(. 6+posure and Faa

is the default option. )est way to approach this& Set the gaa first, then ad!ust the e+posure to suit. If 

you want an iage with lots of contrast, lower the gaa. 1or less contrast raise the gaa. 1inally,

ad!ust the e+posure to get the desired brightness. If you want ore control, read on otherwise press >

to convert.

Step '

Change the 8ethod to -ocal 0daption. '"here are < available ethods, but these are the only with user 


%ith local 0daption, you get soe advanced "one 8apping sliders and you can ad!ust the curves. "he

use of curves is optional as they allow you to fine tune the other settings. Set these li#e you would

norally wor# in curves, but don*t be afraid to clip the histogra a little. 5ou can clip because you*re

wor#ing with a larger dynaic range than you*re used to. )ring out the detail in the iage, but don*t forget

to put soe shadow in there or it will loo# washed out and fa#e.

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)*e Glow

>nce your happy with the curve, ad!ust the radius and strength sliders to a#e sure there are no halos in

the photo. ')adly converted HDR iages have a glow around the areas of contrast.( "he radius controls

the as# blur while the strength decides how strong to apply the effect.

Tone an) Detail

Faa "his is where you control the contrast. 6+trees are washed out or super punchy.

6+posure Controls the overall brightness.

Detail"his sharpens or softens the appearance.


Shadow >pens up details in dar#est parts of the photograph.

Highlight Recovers detail in the brightest areas of the photograph.

Jibrance "his a#es the photo ore colorful without over saturating areas that are already colorful. 'It*s


Saturation Increases or decreases the overall aount of color. )e careful not to over saturate the colorsas a rule. '>f course all rules can be bro#en on occasion(.

Clic# o# to convert.

Step #

Here we have a erged iage fro HDR. Photoshop is great for producing very realistic HDR iages.

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Step #$

HDR, -i*htroom an) amera RA/, (0hotoshop

 0 new developent in the latest release of -ightroo. <.7 and Caera Raw in Photoshop CC, is the

ability to wor# with 3 bit iages. "his is wonderful because you can use the ad!ustent brush to fine

tune areas of the photograph while wor#ing in a 3 bit enviroent. "he iage below shows the result of 

wor#ing with the ad!ustent brush in -ightroo. 2otice how I was able to craft the iage. '"he sae is

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possible with 0CR(. Read on for instructions

In step <, we are in the 8erge to HDR Dialog bo+.

@. Choose 3 bit fro the 8ode dropdown enu if it is in A or @$ bit ode.

. "urn on the :Coplete "oning in 0dobe Caera Raw button;. "he button at the lower right will change

fro >, to "one in 0CR.

3. Clic# the "one in 0CR button. "He iage will now open in Caera Raw. 5ou can perfor all the usual

ad!ustents that you would do in Caera Raw, with the lu+ury of wor#ing on a 3 bit HDR iage which

has uch ore availible detail in the highlights and shadows.'"a#e advantage of the shadow and

highlight sliders(. See 0CR "utorial here

<. Clic# o# when 1inished.

=. "he iage will still be in 3bit ode. If you want to do further toneapping, you can !up bac# to step

= of this tutorial and wor# on your photo with the advanced tone apping tools in Photoshop. 5es, you

can double tone ap an iage with great results.

If you are happy with the current results and finished wor#ing on the tonal ad!ustents of the iage, you

 !ust need to convert to A or @$ bit and finish off li#e you noraally would on a regular -DR '-ow Dynaic

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Range( iage./ Choose IageB8odeB A or @$ bit. "he tone apping options will pop up, to #eep the

appearance e+actly as it was in Caera Raw, choose 6+posure and Faa as the 8ethod. Set the

6+posure to K and the gaa to @. Clic# o# and your iage is done. Congratulations./ 'I #now there is a

lot to it, y <.= hour DJD a#es it very easy to understand(.

2ote If you can*t get the HDR "oning tools to open in Photoshop CC that*s because of a preferenceseting. Choose your preferencesB1ile Handling. "here is an option that says :9se 0dobe Caera Raw to

Convert Ducuents fro 3 bit to @$LA bit; If this is on, when you choose 1ileB8ode you will see Caera

Raw. If the >ption is >ff, Photoshop will use the standard HDR "oning options.


'8ore info and free video on editing HDR in -ightroo andLor 0CR(

In order to wor# with a 3 bit file in -ightoo, you ust do the following.

@. 8erge to HDR as entioned earlier in this


. Save as 3 bit file, be careful to save as a "I1, it will only wor# with a "iff.

3. Iport bac# into -ightroo

<. 9se the ad!ustents as you would norally, but en!oy a lot ore control and larger range of tones thanbefore.


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If your desiring a ore surreal result there are different plugins that you can use. 8y favorite is

Photoati+ pro fro/ HDRsoft. / 5ou can !ust get the tone apping plug in for Photoshop which wor#s


Use the coupon code  photoshopcafe  to save "# on Photomatix plugin and Photomatix pro

9sing photoati+ tone apping plugin allows you to get highly detailed te+tures in your photographs. 5ou

erge in Photoshop as shown in this tutorial. "hen choose 1ilterBPhotoati+ to apply tone apping.

Convert and save as noral.

Step 13

"his iage shows an iage after tone apping using Photoati+ pro.

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Step 11

Here you can see coparisons between a single iage, subtle Photoshop HDR and a radical Photoati+

effect %hatever result your after, hopefully this tutorial has helped deystify the HDR process.

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