Download - Latin Roots 8


Latin Roots 8

Mrs. Lucidi

English 2

Root: aev, ev

Meaning: age, era

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Pertaining to or belonging to the Middle Ages

I like to read about the Medieval times.

Root: rump; rupt

Meaning: to break

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To break open or burst

Jack’s appendix ruptured so he had to have emergency surgery.


A sudden, often violent, outburst

Scientists predict that the volcano will erupt sometime in the next five years.

Root: simul, simil

Meaning: like, same, similar

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To absorb into the culture

As an exchange student in Scotland, William quickly assimilated into the culture by learning to play the bagpipes.


A kind of figurative language in which two things are compared using the words LIKE or AS

Marcus eats like a pig.

Root: ver, veri, vera

Meaning: true, truth

Sample words:




Unquestionable; true

Sarah’s explanation of why she was late to class was veritable because she had a pass to prove it.

Please Excuse.


To determine or test the truth or accuracy

When you order something over the phone, they often want to verify some personal information before charging a credit card.

Root: tang, ting, tact

Meaning: to touch

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Capable of being touched

A desk is a tangible object.

Root: agri, agrari

Meaning: field

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The science, art and business of cultivating soil. Producing crops and raising livestock.

Tommy wanted to take over his family’s farm, so he took several agriculture classes in college.

Root: ben, bon

Meaning: good, well

Sample Words:





A blessing, usually at the end of a church service or other important ceremony.

The priest gave the benediction at the end of the service.


Gentle; mild; not malignant or harmful

The doctors performed a biopsy on the tumor and were relieved to discover that it was benign.


One who gives financial or other helpful assistance.

The benefactors gave the homeless shelter a large donation of money and volunteered to serve dinner once a week.

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