Download - Lapsley Will


Probated Will

Name: Josephine H. Lapsley

Date of Will: July 28, 1969 Date of Codicil of Will: June 18, 1971

Date of Death: November 2, 1974

Place of Death: Plainfield, New Jersey

Will Probated: Union County, New Jersey

Docket Number:

Probate Will Number: R-18, page 872

Fourth Article of Will: Bequest all of my right, title and interest in the net estate of Howard G. Lapsley,to THE FIDELITY BANK, as Trustee in trust to hold, manage, invest and reinvest the same and accumulated income in perpetuity, and to pay two-thirds of the net annual income in annual payments to and among THE RECTOR, WARDENS, AND VESTRYMEN OF GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH,, and to THE MUHLENBERG HOSPITAL,in equal shares.

Seventh Article of Will: I give, bequeath and appoint to THE FIDELITY BANK,, as Trustee in trust to hold, manage, invest and reinvest the same to pay each year all the net income therefrom to THE MUHLENBERG HOSPITAL,in trust as a memorial to my brother Howard G. Lapsley and for the sole purpose of enabling THE MUHLENBERG HOSPITAL to provide annual scholarship aid to one or more needy candidates for degrees in medicine who reside in the City of Plainfield, New Jersey or adjacent areas served by that hospital. The selection of scholarship recipients shall be made by the Board of Governors of THE MUHLENBERG HOSPITAL pursuant to rules and procedures of selection to be formally adopted by that board and filed with The Fidelity Bank as Trustee..

Codicil of Will: Three: Whereas in Articles Fourth and Seventh of my will I have named The Fidelity Bank as trustee of certain trusts there provided, I now revoke the designation of The Fidelity Bank as such trustee; and, in its place I now designate The United National Bank of Central Jersey, and [name of person/personal friend], to receive, hold and administer the trusts provided under Articles Fourth and Seventh of my will for the benefit of The Rector, Wardens, And Vestrymen Of Grace Episcopal Church,, and for the benefit of The Muhlenberg Hospital,as therein provided. I make this change mindful of the long association I have had with The Fidelity Bank, and for the purpose of providing administration of this trust in the community in which such trust beneficiaries are located.

Please note:

PNC Bank is now the designated trustee. Ms. Lapsley was a victim of violent crime. Ms. Lapsley is buried in Hillside Cemetery. Muhlenberg Hospital was closed August 13, 2008.

What is the current status of the Howard G. Lapsley Scholarship now that Muhlenberg Hospital is closed?

Ms.Lapsley was clear in her codicil that administration of this trust in the community in which such trust beneficiaries are located, which is Plainfield.

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