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Language Acquisition Project

The Differences Between

Oral and Written

Hussain S. Al-ghawi

Southeast Missouri State University

Fall semester 2014

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I. Statement of purpose

The purpose of this study is to listen to the subject and then try to analyze the English

language as a second language for the subject. I will record the conversations first, and then I

will write and analyze it. To do this, I will make three conversations with my subject and one

writing sample in English. After that, I will evaluate her ability in English as the result of IELTS

test candidates were taking this exam for admission purpose.

My subject is a female and from Saudi Arabia. She has a very good background in

English because she has studied English more than nine years. The project will focus on my

subject mistakes in grammar in oral and written to compare the differences between them. I

would like to get information from the conversation about her strength and weakness in English.

Also, what is she needs to improve her English, and using theories what are the factors apply in

my subject to acquisition the English language as a second language.

The aim of this project is to compare her speaking and her writing to see if she is doing

well in both ways or not. Many international students do not have the same ability in English.

For example, some international students his/her speaking as a native, but his/her writing still

needs hard work to be as a native. On the other hand, other international students are doing well

in writing, but still find difficulty in speaking because they did not live with host-family or

finding close friends from native people.

Another point that I would like to learn about her strategies used to achieve her goals. In

addition, how she got successful in English. Moreover, what are the primary factors to learn

English as a second language and acquisition? This project will look at three conversations about

the general information and background, such as higher education, ESL Institute, and she a

student and mother at the same time. From the conversations and one sample of her writing and

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she got grades, I will be able to identify is my subject as native or still needs more times to be

like native American speakers.

II. Subject Information

To achieve my goal for the project, I selected my subject to apply my theories and factors

that are effected to learn English or not. My subject of this project is “Eman.” She is from Saudi

Arabia. She is an adult learner. Eman was born in Saudi Arabia in 1986. She lived in Qatif city.

Qatif is located in the eastern region. She has three brothers and four sisters, and she is the

oldest. Her parents are alive. His father is working as a petroleum engineer in Aramco Company.

In contrast, her mother finished only the high school, and she does not complete her higher

education. Her parents and family members are speaking Arabic language only at home. Her

father is the only member of her family speak English as native speakers because he got course

four months from his company.

Subject Status

My subject is married, and she engaged in 2009. When she came to the United States, she

was pregnant. Eman has a baby girl, and her age is two years and a half. Her daughter was born

in the United States in 2012. Nowadays, her daughter goes to the daycare every day. She lives

now with her daughter and his husband in Missouri State. His husband is studying for a master’s

degree at Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO).

Arrived in the US

She has been in the United States since 2012. To be exact the first day in the United

States for Eman was on December 8, 2011. First two years were in Michigan State studying

English as a second language (ESL) at Oakland University. In the January 2014, she moved to

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Missouri State to complete her education there. She went there to study a master’s degree at

Southeast Missouri State University.

Education Background

She has a bachelor degree from Saudi Arabia. She moved to Jeddah city without her

family in 2004. Jeddah located in the western region of Saudi Arabia. It was the first time for her

to stay alone and away from her family for four years. Her bachelor major was physical therapy.

Eman has one-year experience in the same field of study. She lived in Jeddah five years, and she

graduated in July2009.


She has a full scholarship from her country, and she receives monthly salary from her

country. In the United States, she has one brother, and one sister who is studying for bachelor’s

degrees at Oakland University in Michigan State. She lives with her husband and her daughter in

Missouri. Eman’s husband is studying for master degree also, but he is the first term while Eman

is the second term in master degree.

ESL Classes

When she came to the United States, she was a full-time student at Oakland University.

She was studying only English as a second language (ESL) student there. As the requirement of

holder visa F-1, she has a twelve credit each semester. She stays at Oakland University two years

until she got admission from Southeast Missouri State University. Not only she is serious about

learning English, but also she is an eager student. Moreover, she understands English the written

and spoken words. Eman becomes the first one in her family to get a certificate of master’s


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Visual Learner

My subject is a visual learner. She prefers this style of learning than other styles of

learning because it is easy to learn and understand the ideas and information. For example, she

is using pens to highlight in her textbooks if she wants to study.

III. Description of the sitting place

We met three times in different places and one meeting every month. Before I made an

appointment with my subject, I told her many points are very important. Firstly, the time of the

conversation she must choose or prefer the best time not for me. Secondly, each conversation of

three might take up to fifteen to twenty minutes. Thirdly, I told my subject all personal

information and other details for this assignment will not be used for other purposes. Fourthly, I

will not type our conversation in front of you, but I will record our conversation by electronic

device. This is to let my subject feel comfortable while she is speaking. Lastly, we will use an e-

mail for contact and text- message on a cell phone to make an appointment.

First Meeting in the Kent Library

The First meeting was in the Kent library at Southeast Missouri State University

(SEMO). On September 20, 2014 at 1:00 pm, we were sitting in a private room on the first floor.

Then, I started to introduce myself to her, and what is the purpose of this assignment. The first

topic we talked about being about her education in general and until nowadays. She did not mind

answering my questions with honesty. At the first meeting, I asked her eleven questions that

related to her education background from elementary school until today.

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Second Meeting Takes Place at her Apartment

The second meeting takes place at her apartment and we discuss the English as a second

language (ESL) Institute. This meeting was on Monday, October 17, 2014 and at 1:00 pm, as she

preferred. This topic lets me understand more and identify her knowledge of English. Also, and

how ESL courses help her to improve her English.

Third Meeting Takes Place in West Park Mall

The third meeting takes place in West Park Mall in Cape Girardeau, and this time we are

talking about how she is a student and mother at the same time. The meeting started at 1:00 P.M

on November 15, 2014. It is not an easy job for my subject to be a student and a mother at the

same time. This topic to identify if her English language still improving or not and how it is

effected in her education and accent. Also, I will compare this conversation with previous

meeting if there any changed in her accent and acquisitions.

IV. Lack of English Acquisition – problems

In this section, I will discuss the strength and weakness in English grammar. In her

strength point, I will explain the complete thought and knowledge of many words in English. On

the other hand, her weakness, I will explain the mistakes and errors made by my subject. For

each point of her strength and weakness, I will provide examples from her writing sample and

the three conversations. I will explain the mistakes and errors as the Brown defined in the book

Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Brown defined mistakes as a “performance error

that is either a random guess or “slip” in that is a failure to utilize a known system correctly.” An

error is a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of native speakers, reflect the competence

of the learner. Therefore, mistakes can self-corrected by the speaker. (Brown, 2000, p. 257-258).

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I was not concerned with my subject because she has the ability to understand English

and speak English as well. My concern and goal was how to identify her mistakes or error in

English she made. After reviewing the conversation type and the sample of her writing, I saw

there were mistakes and errors done by the subject. The mistakes and errors are very common in

people who are learning a second language. Eman’s mistakes and errors are limited and

sometimes she corrected her mistakes by herself. Her limited mistakes in English grammar are in

speaking only. I was concentrated with her in the three conversations to be able to know what her

mistakes or errors. On the other hand, there were errors in her writing sample.

A. Identification of English grammar strengths

The first grammar strength point of my subject is that she has a good comprehension of

sentence structure and word order. She never answers my question in three conversations by

short answers “Yes” or “No”. It means she is often expressed a complete thought. For example,

in conversation one she replied my question “did you get a high grade in schools?” She said”

Yes, of course. I always got 95-100% of each class.” Another example of the conversation two,

my question was “did you get a high grade and you understand everything?” She said “Yes, of

course. All teachers were wondering get high grades, and this is the first semester and the first

level.” (See appendix for the conversation one and two).

Another grammar strength is she knows many vocabularies. She can use the synonyms in

her writing sample or during the three conversations. For example, in the first conversation she

said the first-time word ”in fact” and the second time she said “indeed.” It means my subject she

knows many words and try to use the synonyms. Not only in speaking dialog, but also in her

writing sample. For example, she used word “but” and “however.”

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B. Identification of English grammar weakness

After reviewing the strength points in English grammar, this time I will use her writing

sample and the three conversations to discuss the mistakes and errors she made. Firstly, I will use

her writing sample, and I will use the yellow highlight for her mistakes and errors my subject

made. Secondly, I will use the conversation to find the grammar mistakes and errors.

Writing sample

In the writing sample, it was an essay and the title is “Explain to me How to Celebrate

Eid Al-Adha.” This essay refers to one tradition holiday in her country and religion. The first

error in her writing sample is the title she should write “Explanation of How to Celebrate Eid Al-

Adha. The second mistake is there are a lot of missing commas. It means error of using

punctuation. Punctuation is a common error between learners of a second language. One of the

most common errors in punctuation is when or how to use a comma. She missed adding commas

after the transition words and some areas. For example, after she wrote the words “therefore”,

“also” and “spot” she did not add commas after these words. Another mistake is the missing add

three articles. For example, she missed adding commas after these words ”tent”, “same” and


Oral Mistakes

In contrast, according to the three conversations I identified some areas of her mistakes or

errors she made. Firstly, she used very basic vocabulary during the conversation. It seems like

her learner level is between high intermediate and advanced level, but not as advanced as native

speakers. Although, she was using basic vocabulary, her sentences were grammatically correct.

Secondly, she was using the words” Uh and um “sometimes. It means she has some difficulty to

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explain her point to be grammatically correct. For example, in a conversation one she responded

to one of my questions by saying “Um, It was not too much difficult for me, and I like it.

Moreover, I graduated and my GPA is 3.75 of 5. It means it is 2.90 of 4.”

C. Evaluation her English

According to the three conversations and the writing sample, I would say that Eman is in

the advanced level. Advanced level or as the term using in the IELTS test to evaluate candidate

“good user.” A good user means she is in the “Band 7 of 5.” IELTS test describes a good user or

the band seven as “has operational command of the language, though with occasional

inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally handles

complex language well and understands detailed reasoning.”

V. Discussion of what's occurring and not occurring

In this part, I will explain and describe the reason for errors and mistakes by subject made

it in the three conversations and the writing sample. Also, I will compare between the oral and

written sample to see the differences and similarities for mistakes and errors my subject made it.

Moreover, why or why not my subject made the errors and mistakes in her second language.

A. What is Occurring?

1. Needs improvement

My subject needs some improvement in English, especially for speaking. She needs to

make friends with native students. Eman does not have friends from the United States, and other

students are non-speakers of English. Making friends of native speakers will help her to improve

English speaking. At home, she speaks Arabic with her husband nearly 90% daily. The 10% for

doing their homework and help each other to explain or gives an idea how the homework can be


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2. Few Seconds thinking in response

She was able to speak English, and she tried to answer my questions with correct

sentences. However, many times, she was taking a few seconds thinking about her answers

My questions in the correct way without any errors or mistakes. She is not sure about her ability

of speaking English in front of native speakers. Her speaking of English is Pidgin. Merriam-

Webster defined Pidgin as a “Language with a very limited vocabulary and a simplified

grammar. Pidgins usually rise to permit communication between groups with no language in

common.” Another definition from is “an auxiliary language that has come into

existence through the attempts by the speakers of two different languages to communicate and

that is primarily a simplified form of one of the languages, with a reduced vocabulary and

grammatical structure and considerable variation in pronunciation.”

3. English Background

During her learning English as a second language in Saudi Arabia whether in schools or

university, she does not have classes for speaking. The issue is caused by her country because the

English classes are focusing on learning English grammar only. In this case, it means there are

no classes for writing, reading, and listening to speaking. For example, her English classes in

Intermediate school and high school the English classes were focused on grammar only. It means

she spent six years to learn only English grammar without other parts of the English language.

After high school, she went to the Jeddah city in her country to complete her education at King

Abdul Aziz University. She spent five years studying English because her major should teach in

English. As a result, the background of studying English in Saudi Arabia made the differences

between speaking and writing mistakes for her. Almost majors in Saudi Arabia at universities are

teaching of Arabic language except the medical majors are teaching in English.

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4. Stopped Learning English Grammar

Eman does not try to improve her weakness in English language by herself. She should

depend on herself how and when use commas and articles in her writing. Because she does not

have classes in ESL, she should search on websites or buy books to improve her writing. I think

she will not have difficulty to learn those. Although, there were missing commas, she missed

only three times. It means she can use commas in some places.

5. Religion and Gender factors

Her religion is playing a big role for less activities to learn English in a country of

freedom. As the Islamic rules the female Muslims, the female Muslims should not hang out and

speaking with males. In addition, the females cannot go anywhere without someone from her

family, such as brother or husband. For this reason, women found difficulty in making new

friends with a man. The only choice for women is making new friends with females and sitting at

their houses not outside.

6. Social websites

To make new friends and contact with them, the best way is using social websites. These

are helping students to write in English instead of another language. Many international students

have friends from different culture, and they put a comment or post on these websites and they

reply to each other. My subject is less using these websites, and she found it uninteresting. In this

case, improving speaking and writing will not be changed, and may be a way for forges the

grammar rules.

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B. What is not Occurring?

1. Self-Correction:

My subject, Eman, can correct her mistakes and error by herself. She knows what errors

and mistakes that she made it. When I analyze the error and mistakes for her, I saw her mistakes

and errors are local and covert. To identify the errors or mistakes it needs someone has the ability

to correct the errors or mistakes in her writing sample or the type of oral sample. For instance,

missing commas need someone to know when he or she use commas in the sentences.

Another example is using articles. Missing commas and articles are universal for the learner of a

second language, especially for those who are trying to learn English as a second language.

Continuing education for higher education in the United States is a good example of known and

ability using the English language.

2. No Differences:

In the three conversations, there are no differences or changing in her speaking. Eman

was stable in English. The three examples of her stability in English speaking of the three

conversations are; from the example one, my subject answered one question like “: I attended

public school.” See appendix one. Example two from conversation too, my subject said “I think

it is seven years. I spent four years for bachelor degree, two years for ESL and one year for

master degree”. The last example from conversation three she said “In fact, I found some

difficult first year, but now much better after my daughter turned two years and a half.” She

seems her English grammar is the same, but she is increasing her vocabulary. In the writing

sample, there was not a big issue in her grammar rules such as missing noun, verb, and objective.

In addition, there were no errors of word order, unclear sentence, and incorrect single or plural.

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3. Watching movies

My subject finding way to learn English, which is watching movies a lot. By this way,

she can learn new vocabulary, slang, and pronounce words in the correct way. During days of

school, my subject watches movies when she eats her lunch and dinner. When she learns new

words or idioms, she writes it in her cell phone.

4. Age Factor

Lenneberg hypothesized “That language could be acquired only within a

critical period, extending from early infancy to puberty. In its basic form, the critical period

hypothesis need to only have consequences for first language acquisition.” A critical period in

his opinion happened between infant until teenagers only. However, Johnson and Newport

(1988) are arguing the Lenneberg hypothesized, and they said that could be occurring in adult

too. My subject is a Johnson and Newport hypothesized. The age factor is not playing a big role

that effect on the acquisition of English as a second language. She started learning English from

age thirteen. She is continuing learning English without any fear of losing grades. (p. 66)

VI. Conclusion

My subject, Eman, is from Saudi Arabia. She is an adult learner of English as a second

language. She has been in the United States three years. She has been learning English as a

second language more than nine years. I collect the data from the three conversations and one

writing sample. The three conversations were taking three different places and periods. My

subject can speak or write very well. When evaluate her, I found her in the advanced level or as a

good user in the IELTS test. Eman made a mistakes and errors in the conversation and the

writing sample. Her mistakes and errors are local and covert. In addition, her mistakes or errors

are very common in learners of English as a second language. Two things effect improvement

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her accent and knowing the rules of grammar. Firstly, she does not have native friends, so she

thinks what she want to say first. Secondly, she needs to know when and where to use commas in

a sentence. I suggest her to make some American people as friends for her because she will

improve her accent and unlimited words instead of pidgin language.

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1. Brown, H. (2007). Principles of language learning and teaching (5th Ed.). New York: Pearson


Johnson, J., & Newport, E. (1988). Critical Period Effects In Second Language Learning: The

Influence of Maturational State On The Acquisition Of English As A Second

Language*1.Cognitive Psychology, 21(1), 60-99.





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First meeting

The first meeting was in Kent Library at Southeast Missouri State University. The general topic

was about her education.

H: did you attend public or private school?

E: I attended public school.

H: Why you attended public?

E: because it is free and very close to my home. Private schools do not mean much better than

public schools.

H: did you get a high grade in schools?

E: Yes, of course. I always got 95-100% in each class.

H: do you have a bachelor degree?

E: Yes, I have

H: what was your major?

E: Physical therapy.

H: Why you were choosing this major?

E: in fact, I changed to Physical therapy. First semester I was studying Nursing, but my family

tell me to change it to Physical therapy.

H: Are you happy after you change it?

E: No

H: Why?

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E: in indeed, it is hard to find a job for Physical therapy while nursing too much easy to find a

job. The real reason for change my major is the tradition. My Community respect women work

in different major than Nursing because she work and treat men.

H: do you like Physical therapy?

E: um,It was not too much difficult for me, and I like it. Moreover, I graduated and my GPA is

3.75 of 5. It means it is 2.90 of 4

H: How many years spent it to get your bachelor degree?

E: four years and one year for training in the hospital. After that, I got my Certificate.

H: How was your training and where you did it?

E: the first two months was difficult because it was the first time for me to work in a hospital.

This time to be or not to be a doctor.

Second meeting

Take place at her apartment and we discuss the English as a second language (ESL) Institute.

H: how is your English?

E: I think it is good, but I cannot measure myself it is good or not. Someone else will know if I

speak good or not.

H: How many years you spent it to learn English?

E: I think it is seven years. I spent four years for bachelor degree, two years for ESL and one

year for master degree.

H: do you find English easy or difficult?

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E: Indeed, in my country, we learn English British, and you know there are some terms

difference between US. For this reason, I know English, but I learned new words used in the

United States.

H: where you attend the ESL in the united state?

E: at Oakland University

H: Where is Oakland university located and why not other universities or Institutes?

E: because there were my brothers, and my husband will be with me in classes?

H: do you think you improve your English there?

E: not too much?

H why and how many percentage you think you learn it from Oakland University?

E: It was not the first time to learn English, and I think it is only 30%

H: Did you get a high grade and you understand everything?

E: Yes, of course. All teachers were wondering get high grades, and this is the first semester and

first level?

H: if you know English why it is only in the first level?

E: because it is OU rules, and there are only three levels?

H: Did you finish ESL early and start master degree after three levels?

E: in fact, I stayed at OU institute two years until I get my admission. At the same time, I cannot

stay at home because my visa states F-1. It means I should attend school every day whatever you

major is. When I got my admission, I unrolled for master degree at SEMO.

H: In your opinion, how many months or years enough to learn English?

E: I think two years and attend workshops besides speaking a lot with native speakers.

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Third meeting

It was in Cape Girardeau mall, and this time we are talking about how is she a student and

mother in the same time?

H: How you can study, and you are a mother in the same time?

E: In fact, I found some difficult first year, but now much better after my daughter turn two years

and a half.

H: Can you study for exams and do your homework?

E: As I said, first year for my daughter was difficult for me. What I did I prepared for exams and

did my homework after my daughter slept.

H: What about now you are studying master degree, not ESL?

E: From Monday to Friday, my daughter goes to daycare from 9 am to 7 pm. In this case, I have

some hours to study and do my homework.

H: what about in the weekend?

E: depend on, but most probably less studying and do my homework if I can do it. I think total

hours in the weekend to study are no more than six hours.

Writing sample

Explain to me How to Celebrate Eid Al-Adha

Have you heard before about haje? Do you know when this event happens? At the end of

each year, people in my country celebrate Eid. It is a big celebration where most people enjoy

their time by praying there. Therefore, people in Eid AL-Adha go to the best city in my country

in order to pray and enjoy their time by doing many things.

First of all, if you one enjoy this celebration, you need to go with all people to place

called Mona. In this spot each family set up a tent and makes their own food. However, some

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people like to buy rather than cooking because groceries in Makkah city open 24 hours during

eid. Also, each family visit their friends or neighbors and sit together in tent to say happy eid. At

night, people sleep in their tent to prepare for the next day.

In the next day, after you wake up, you go with people to a climb a mountain called

Arafah. Arafah is Arahah Mountain in Makkah. This mountain became a special because Prophet

Mohammad went to it and pray there for God. Therefore all people climb there and pray for God

from early morning. Also, there is important rule you should do it. in this day all people wear

same customs. It consists from two pieces for men and five pieces for women. It has a white

color, so all people wear same color. The resone for that is to let all people feel that they are all

in same economic level and no one is the best except their God.

Finally. You will go with all people to the God’s house. The God house is located in

center of Makkah. There are millions of people walk around it. You need to walk around it seven

times. Also when you go to God house, you wear the same clothes as other people.

All in all, Aid al-Adah is a special celebration in my country. People go to three places in

Makkah such as Mona, Arafah, and the God house. This celebration is important because it

brings all people together to pray. Moreover, it remembers them about faith and they are all on

the same economic level. In my opinion, eid al-adha is the best celebration that we have in my

country and I suggest you to enjoy by doing these things.

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