Page 1: Landscape and flux reveal a new global view and physical ... · PDF fileLandscape and flux reveal a new global view and physical quantification of mammalian cell cycle ... growth factor

Landscape and flux reveal a new global view andphysical quantification of mammalian cell cycleChunhe Lia and Jin Wanga,b,1

aDepartment of Chemistry and Physics, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3400; and bState Key Laboratory ofElectroanalytical Chemistry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, Jilin 130022, People’s Republic of China

Edited* by Peter G. Wolynes, Rice University, Houston, TX, and approved August 26, 2014 (received for review May 29, 2014)

Cell cycles, essential for biological function, have been investi-gated extensively. However, enabling a global understanding anddefining a physical quantification of the stability and function ofthe cell cycle remains challenging. Based upon a mammalian cellcycle gene network, we uncovered the underlying Mexican hatlandscape of the cell cycle. We found the emergence of three localbasins of attraction and two major potential barriers along the cellcycle trajectory. The three local basins of attraction characterizethe G1, S/G2, and M phases. The barriers characterize the G1 andS/G2 checkpoints, respectively, of the cell cycle, thus providing anexplanation of the checkpoint mechanism for the cell cycle from thephysical perspective. We found that the progression of a cell cycle isdetermined by two driving forces: curl flux for acceleration andpotential barriers for deceleration along the cycle path. Therefore,the cell cycle can be promoted (suppressed), either by enhancing(suppressing) the flux (representing the energy input) or by lowering(increasing) the barrier along the cell cycle path. We found that boththe entropy production rate and energy per cell cycle increase as thegrowth factor increases. This reflects that cell growth and divisionare driven by energy or nutrition supply. More energy input in-creases flux and decreases barrier along the cell cycle path, leadingto faster oscillations. We also identified certain key genes andregulations for stability and progression of the cell cycle. Some ofthese findings were evidenced from experiments whereas otherslead to predictions and potential anticancer strategies.

cell cycle phases | cell cycle checkpoints | landscape | flux

The cell cycle is a series of events that take place in a cellleading to its replication and division. Studying the cell cycle

process is essential for understanding cell growth, proliferation,development, and death (1–4). Cell cycle comprises several dis-tinct phases: G1 phase (resting), S phase (synthesis), G2 phase(interphase), and M phase (mitosis). Activation of each phase isdependent on the proper progression and completion of theprevious one, which can be monitored by cell cycle checkpoints. Itis now believed that all proliferation, differentiation, and cell deathprocesses are controlled by the underlying gene regulatory net-works (5), which often involve many complex feedback loops (6).The complexity of the large regulatory networks for the cell cyclemakes it difficult to understand the global natures and connectionsbetween the underlying network and the cell cycle process. Fur-thermore, in the cell, the intrinsic fluctuations from the finitenumber of molecules and extrinsic fluctuations from dynamical andinhomogeneous environments (7, 8) coexist. Therefore, stochasticapproaches are often required to explore the nature of the un-derlying network of chemical reaction soups (9–14). The challengeis how to understand the global picture and physical principles forthe stability and function of the cell cycle from the underlying generegulatory network. For example, how do the seemingly manypossible gene expression patterns lead to limited specific functions?Here, we suggest a new global view of the mammalian cell cycle

in terms of probability landscape and flux to address the challenge.The probabilistic landscape approach may provide a possible an-swer, as the significance of each state can thereby be distinguishedaccording to its associated weight. Functional states may correspond

to higher probability of occurrence and occupy lower potentialvalleys (15–20). The state space of gene regulatory networksincludes states with different gene expression patterns in the cell,which further determine different cellular functions. Using thelandscape concept (15–20), cell types can be represented by thebasins of attraction on the landscape reflecting the probability ofappearance. By quantifying the topography of the potential land-scape in terms of barrier heights between basins, we can explore theglobal stability and function of the cell cycle. Furthermore, the dy-namics of the nonequilibrium system is determined by both land-scape gradient and curl flux (16).We found that the landscape of the cell cycle network depicts

a Mexican hat shape, which guarantees the stability of the cellcycle process. Both the landscape and the curl flux determine thedynamics of oscillation (16). Landscape attracts the cell to theoscillation ring, and the curl probability flux drives the coherentoscillations along the ring path. We found the emergence ofseveral local basins of attraction on the potential landscape andsaddle points along the limit cycle trajectory. Here the threelocal basins of attraction on the potential landscape characterizethe different phases (G1, S/G2, M) of cell cycle progression. Thesaddle points (or barriers) between different local basins of at-traction on the landscape characterize the checkpoints (G1checkpoint and S/G2 DNA replication checkpoint) in differentstages of the cell cycle, thus providing an explanation for thecheckpoint mechanism of cell cycle from the physical perspec-tive. Landscape topography based on the barrier heights sepa-rating different basins of attraction provides a quantitative mea-sure of the global stability of the complex network system. Wequantify three barriers in the landscape picture. One of themcharacterizes the global stability of the whole system. The other


Understanding the mechanisms of the cell cycle remains chal-lenging. The cell cycle is regulated by the underlying generegulatory networks. We uncovered the underlying Mexicanhat landscape of a mammalian cell cycle network. Three localbasins of attraction along the cell cycle loop emerge, corre-sponding to three distinct cell cycle states: the G1, S/G2, and Mphases. Two barriers along the loop characterize G1 and S/G2checkpoints, respectively, of the cell cycle, which providea physical explanation for cell cycle checkpoint mechanisms.The cell cycle is determined by two driving forces: curl flux andpotential barriers. We uncovered the key gene regulationsdetermining the progression of cell cycle, which can be used toguide the design of new anticancer tactics.

Author contributions: J.W. designed research; C.L. and J.W. performed research; C.L. andJ.W. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; C.L. and J.W. analyzed data; and C.L. andJ.W. wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

*This Direct Submission article had a prearranged editor.1To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected].

This article contains supporting information online at

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two reflect the major barriers that the cell needs to overcomealong the cycle path to complete the cell cycle. They also char-acterize the different cell cycle checkpoints. Therefore, the cellcycle can be facilitated in two ways. The first is by enhancing thecurl flux as the driving force, and the other is by lowering thepotential barriers along the cell cycle path. We found that boththe entropy production rate and energy per cell cycle increase asthe growth factor increases. This reflects that cell growth anddivision are driven by energy or nutrition supply. More (less)energy input increases (decreases) flux and decreases (increases)barriers along the cell cycle path, leading to faster (slower)oscillations. Using global sensitivity analysis for the key genesand wirings on landscape topography in terms of barrier heights,we identified certain key elements or wirings that control thestability and the progression of cell cycle. Some of our resultswere evidenced through experiments, and in some cases lead topredictions and potential anticancer strategies.

Results and DiscussionGreat efforts have been devoted to investigating cell cycle reg-ulatory wirings (1–3, 17, 21–23). A mammalian cell cycle networkwiring has been constructed (Fig. 1) (21–23). It includes the mainregulations in the mammalian cell cycle. The network involvesfour major complexes formed by cyclins and cyclin-dependentkinases (cyclin/CDks), centered on cyclin D/Cdk4-6, cyclinE/Cdk2, cyclin A/Cdk2, and cyclin B/Cdk1, which togetherdetermine the cell cycle dynamics. The mutual repressionregulations between the tumor suppressor retinoblastomaprotein (pRB) and the trascription factor E2F control the cellcycle progression.At the beginning of the cell cycle, the growth factor (GF)

promotes the synthesis of cyclin D and further cyclin D/Cdk4-6(Module 1). The active forms of cyclin D/Cdk4-6 and cyclinE/Cdk2 (Module 2) ensure the progression in G1 and elicit theG1/S transition by inhibiting pRB. The deactivation of pRBensures the activation of E2F, which leads to cell cycle progressionby promoting the synthesis of G1 cyclins (Module 2). During S andG2 (Module 3), cyclin A/Cdk2 inhibits the Cdh1 that promotes the

degradation of cyclin B. The negative feedback loops exerted, viaCdc20 activation, by cyclin B/Cdk1 on itself and cyclin A/Cdk2(Module 4), and the negative feedback loop exerted by cyclinA/Cdk2 on E2F (Module 3), allow the reset of the cell cycle andthe start of a new round of oscillations. Inhibitory phosphory-lation by Wee1 and activating dephosphorylation by the Cdc25regulate the activity of Cdk1 and Cdk2.Based on mass action or Michaelian kinetics, the dynamics of

the model is described by a set of nonlinear ordinary differentialequations (44 ODE; see SI Appendix, ODE for 44 VariableMammalian Cell Cycle Model for detailed equations and SI Ap-pendix, Table S2, for parameter values).

Landscape and Flux of the Mammalian Cell Cycle System. For non-equilibrium dynamical systems such as cell cycle networks, themain driving force for the dynamics is determined by both thelandscape and the flux. The landscape reflects directly the steadystate probability distribution, giving the weight of each state, andtherefore can be used to quantify the global stability and behavior.On the other hand, the flux has the curl nature, which breaksthe detailed balance and time reversal symmetry (see detailsin SI Appendix, Landscape and Flux Decomposition).Fig. 2A shows the typical textbook illustration of four phases of

cell cycle with three checkpoints: G1, S, G2, and M phase. Basedon a mammalian cell cycle network (21–23), we uncovered theunderlying landscape and flux. Applying the self-consistent meanfield approximation (15, 17, 19), we quantified the steady stateprobability distribution Pss and the potential landscape U (U =−lnPss) (15–19, 24–26). By projecting a 44-dimensional land-scape (in terms of the 44 gene expression variables with eachvariable representing the expression level of each gene in the genenetwork) to a two-dimensional state space, we quantified thelandscape of the mammalian cell cycle system in terms of two keyproteins CycE (cyclin E/Cdk2) and CycA (cyclin A/Cdk2) as shownin Fig. 2 B and C (our new landscape view for cell cycle). Thelandscape has a Mexican hat shape (SI Appendix, Fig. S1, shows thecorresponding landscape using a different coordinate pair CycEand CycB). The blue colored region along the ring represents lowerpotential or higher probability, which also corresponds to the os-cillation trajectory. Inside or outside of the Mexican hat ring (redcolored region), the potential is higher and the probability for thesystem to reach these regions is lower. The Mexican hat shapeguarantees the stability and robustness of cell cycle oscillation dy-namics. Fig. 2C shows the curl probability flux on the landscapebackground. White arrows represent the probabilistic flux, and redarrows represent the negative gradient of potential landscape. Wefound that the landscape and the curl flux are the driving forces ofthe cell cycle. The force from the negative gradient of potentialattracts the cell cycle into the oscillation ring, and the flux drivesthe cell cycle oscillations along the ring path.In Fig. 2B, we labeled the three phases of cell cycle progression

along the cell cycle trajectory (magenta trajectory: three basinsalong the limit cycle trajectory), which separately correspond tobiological G1, S/G2, and M phases, and two checkpoints (G1checkpoint and S/G2 checkpoint). In the cell cycle model we used,the S phase and G2 phase are merged together to become an S/G2attractor state. Therefore, the four phases become three basins onthe landscape and three checkpoints become two (G2 checkpointand M checkpoint are merged together). We noticed that the cellcycle path is not smooth. Starting the cycle from the G0/G1 basin,the cell needs to overcome two major barriers (two saddle pointson landscape) along the cycle path, respectively located betweenthe G1 and S/G2 basins as well as between the S/G2 and M basins,to complete the cell cycle. Here, the landscape from the M basinto the G1 basin is rather flat, i.e., the barrier from M to G1 is notvery significant. Therefore, we only consider the two major bar-riers (the barrier between the G1 and S/G2 basins as well as thebarrier between the S/G2 and M basins) along the cell cycle path.

Fig. 1. The diagram for the mammalian cell cycle model (see SI Appendix, Fig.S11, for a more detailed diagram). Arrows represent activation, and dotted lineswith short bars represent repression. The model includes four major cyclin/Cdkcomplexes centered on cyclin D/Cdk4-6, cyclin E/Cdk2, cyclin A/Cdk2, and cyclinB/Cdk1. The opposite effects of pRB and E2F control the cell cycle progression.The combined effects of four modules determine the cell cycle dynamics of os-cillation. Red colors represent the key genes and regulations found by globalsensitivity analysis. Blue colors represent the key genes found by global sensitivityanalysis, which are consistent with experiments.

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This new landscape picture reflects the cell cycle dynamics globallyand quantitatively. It provides pictorial yet physical and quanti-tative explanations for the checkpoint mechanisms of cell cycle.Biologically, cell cycle checkpoints are understood to be thecontrol that ensures the fidelity of cell divisions. It determineswhether or not the cell cycle process at its current phase is accu-rately completed and able to progress into the next phase. In ourlandscape picture, there are two forces along the cell cycle pathdetermining the progression of the cell cycle. One is the probabi-listic flux, which promotes the coherent oscillation (cell cycle for-ward). The other is the negative potential gradient along the path,which always drives the system to the direction with lower potential.When the cell begins the cycle from the G0 state, it will en-

counter the first barrier (BarrierG1/S) characterizing the G1 check-point. At this stage, the flux provides the driving force pointing tothe forward direction of the cell cycle, whereas the negative gradientof potential points to the opposite direction. At the G1 checkpoint,the combined effects of flux and potential gradient determine theoutcome of cell cycle progression. If the driving force from the fluxis larger than the backward force from the potential gradient, thecell will go over the G1 checkpoint (BarrierG1/S or saddle pointG1/S) and the cell cycle will continue. If the force from the flux issmaller than the backward force from the potential gradient, i.e., ifthe driving force of the cell cycle is not large enough (biologically,this means that the nutrition supply is not large enough, or theDNA is damaged), the cell will go back to the G0 basin. The cellcycle will then stop at the G0 state until the driving force is largeenough (e.g., the GF initiated from the nutrition supply is largeenough, or the DNA damage is repaired), which will drive the cellto pass over the G1 checkpoint. In the same way, the second barrier(BarrierG2/M) along the cell cycle path characterizes the S/G2checkpoint (DNA replication checkpoint), whose function is tomake sure that DNA replication is completed before moving to

the next phase M. This can be realized with a sufficiently largeflux over the landscape gradient at the S/G2 checkpoint.To investigate the influence of GF on the potential landscape, we

also show the change of landscape (Fig. 3) when GF is graduallyincreased (from 0.05 to 1). At small GF, the system exhibits amonostable landscape (a stable steady state corresponding to cellquiescence or G1 state). As the GF grows, the system evolves froma monostable basin at G1 to a stage where local basins of S/G2 andM gradually form (Fig. 3 A−D). As the GF increases further, thecentral island starts to develop (Fig. 3 E and F) and the systemevolves to a robust oscillation stage (corresponding to cell pro-liferation and division) where the Mexican hat landscape emergeswith three local basins.

The Effects of the Growth Factor and Other Parameters on Cell CycleFunction. To quantify the landscape topography, we define threebarrier heights for the cell cycle. BarrierG1/S is defined as thebarrier from the G0/G1 basin to the saddle point G1/S (G1checkpoint). BarrierG2/M is defined as the barrier from the S/G2basin to the saddle point G2/M [the DNA replication checkpoint(27)] along the cell cycle path. BarrierCenter is defined as thepotential difference between the global potential minimum andthe local maximum inside the cycle ring (the central top of theMexican hat). BarrierCenter can be used to quantify the globalstability of the cell cycle (16). Higher BarrierCenter leads to morerobust cell cycle oscillation. Additionally, to quantify the curlprobabilistic flux, we define FluxIntLoop as the flux integration alongthe loop trajectory of the cell cycle oscillation divided by the looplength in gene expression state space (FluxIntLoop =

HLJ · dl=


see SI Appendix for details) (28, 29).GF, characterizing the initiation signal, induces the expression of

cyclins and controls the strength of cell cycle progression. Here,we change the GF to explore the effects of GF on the landscape.






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.70
















G2 checkpoint

G1 checkpoint




Fig. 2. (A) The four phases of cell cycle with thethree checkpoints: G1, S, G2, and M phase. (B) Thethree phases (G1, S/G2, and M phase) and the twocheckpoints (G1 checkpoint and S/G2 checkpoint) inour landscape view (in terms of gene CycE andCycA). (C) The 2D landscape, in which white arrowsrepresent probabilistic flux, and red arrows repre-sent the negative gradient of potential. The diffu-sion coefficient D is 0.05.

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Fig. 4A shows the change in the barrier and the flux when GF ischanged. ΔFluxIntLoop is defined as the percentage of change forFluxIntLoop relative to the point at GF = 0.6, i.e., ΔFluxIntLoop =(FluxIntLoop − FluxIntLoop(GF=0.6))/FluxIntLoop(GF=0.6). We use thisnormalization (as well as for the other three curves in Fig. 4A) todisplay the four curves together and facilitate comparisons. Wecan see that the BarrierCenter, characterizing the global stability ofoscillation system, increases as the GF increases. The GF pro-motes the cell cycle along the oscillating ring from two per-spectives. First is by increasing the flux, since the FluxIntLoopincreases as GF increases (Fig. 4A). Second is by lowering thebarrier along the cell cycle oscillation path on the landscape, aswe can see that BarrierG2/M decreases as GF increases. We noticethat the BarrierG1/S increases as GF increases. However, BarrierG2/Mis much larger than BarrierG1/S. BarrierG2/M is, therefore, the mostcritical barrier (or rate limiting step) for the system to go over alongthe oscillation trajectory. The increase of the BarrierG2/M thus de-termines the global cycle behavior, and the cell cycle is promoted.Comprehensively, the landscape picture tells us that the GF con-trols cell cycle behavior by influencing both flux and BarrierG2/M(landscape topography) along the cycle. This implies that thelandscape and flux are both vital to the oscillation dynamics of thecell cycle.The flux results in Fig. 4A are based on the two-dimensional

projection of the 44-dimensional system. We also performed theflux integrations along the loop when the entire 44 dimensionsare considered (SI Appendix, Fig. S2A). We can see from SIAppendix, Fig. S2A, that for the 44-dimensional case, the trend ofthe curve for the flux integration along the loop (FluxIntLoop)versus GF is similar to the two-dimensional case (Fig. 4A), beingthat the flux increases with the increase in GF. This consistencyindicates that the flux also works in high-dimensional space andit is reasonable to use the two-dimensional flux projection.We also investigated the effects of other parameters (regula-

tion strengths or synthesis rates) on the cell cycle. Here, we usethe period as a measure for cell cycle progression strength, be-cause the period reflects how fast the cell cycle oscillates and itsgrowth speed. By investigating the correlations among ΔPeriod(period change induced by parameter changes), ΔFluxIntLoop,ΔBarrierCenter, ΔBarrierG1/S, and ΔBarrierG2/M (SI Appendix, Fig.S4), we found that the period has a good anticorrelation with flux

(Fig. 4B, correlation coefficient equals −0.839) and a positivecorrelation with BarrierG2/M (Fig. 4C, correlation coefficientequals 0.879). The flux often takes the form of GF signaling ornutrition supply to the cell, and so characterizes the energy input.Larger flux means more energy input or larger cell cycle drivingforce and therefore leads to less time to finish cell cycle oscil-lation (the period is smaller). On the other hand, BarrierG2/Mcharacterizes the major barrier along the oscillation loop that thecell needs to overcome to complete the cell cycle. Therefore, thelarger the BarrierG2/M, the more time the cell cycle needs tocomplete and the larger the period. This also implies that the cellcycle can be promoted in two ways: by enhancing the flux (repre-senting the energy input) or by lowering the barrier (BarrierG2/M asthe key barrier) along the cell cycle path.We also explored coherence as the quality of the cell cycle

progression (definition given in SI Appendix, Definition of PhaseCoherence). We observed that when the barriers increase (bothcentral barrier and BarrierG2/M), the coherence increases (Fig. 4Dand SI Appendix, Fig. S5D). This demonstrates that a stable cellcycle oscillation has better quality of progression. We find thatthe coherence has a certain anticorrelation with the flux (Inset inFig. 4D, the correlation coefficient is −0.55). This implies theexistence of competition (balance) between stability and speed ofa cell cycle (i.e., a faster cycle may disturb the sequential order ofthe oscillation and lead to lower quality of oscillation, with lesscoherence or a less stable system). This indicates that a cell needsappropriate cycle speed (to be functional), balanced with appro-priate stability (to be stable).To explore the origin of the flux, we calculated the changes of

the entropy production rate (EPR) (Fig. 5A) and the energy percycle (Fig. 5B) with respect to the GF (see SI Appendix for de-tailed methods of calculating the EPR). The energy per cycle isquantified by the EPR times the period of oscillation. We seethat both the EPR and the energy per cell cycle monotonicallyincrease with the increase of the GF. This reflects that cell

Fig. 3. Landscape changes when GF is gradually increased (from 0.05 to 1).At small GF, the system has a stable steady state (monostable landscape),whereas when the GF (representing nutrition supply) is increased, the systemevolves to oscillation solutions and the Mexican hat landscape emerges. Thediffusion coefficient D is 0.05.

0 2 4 6 8 10−0.04








Δ Fl



p (Δ B





−0.5 0 0.5−0.5








Δ FluxIntLoop





−0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2−0.5








Δ BarrierG2/M





−0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2−0.5



Δ BarrierCenter





−0.5 0 0.5




Δ FluxIntLoop




Fig. 4. (A) The change (percentage) of FluxIntLoop, BarrierCenter, BarrierG1/S,and BarrierG2/M when GF is changed. (B) The correlation between Δflux andΔperiod when parameters (regulation strengths or synthesis rates) arechanged (correlation coefficient is −0.839). (C) The correlation betweenΔBarrierG2/M and Δperiod when parameters are changed (correlation co-efficient is 0.879). (D) The correlation (correlation coefficient is 0.741) be-tween ΔBarrierCenter (Δflux for inner plot; correlation coefficient is −0.553)and Δcoherence when parameters are changed.

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growth and division are driven by energy or nutrition supply.From the definition of EPR (see SI Appendix), we can see clearlythat the entropy production and energy per cycle are directlyrelated to the flux. Zero flux corresponds to zero entropy pro-duction and zero energy per cycle. We can see that the origin ofthe flux is the chemical energy from the nutrition supply. Fig. 5 C−Findividually shows the changes in energy per cell cycle with respectto the Flux, BarrierCenter, BarrierG2/M, and Period. We can see that theenergy per cycle increases as the Flux or the BarrierCenter increases,whereas it decreases as the BarrierG2/M or the Period increases. Thelarger flux costs more energy (see definition of entropy productionin SI Appendix). The larger BarrierCenter means more stable systemwith higher coherence, and it consumes more energy to maintainthe stability of the system. BarrierG2/M stands for the major barrier orobstacle along the cell cycle loop. Therefore, larger BarrierG2/M willmake the system easier to trap, and cost less energy. Furthermore,a faster oscillation (smaller period) costs more energy, and there-fore leads to a larger energy per cycle.

Global Sensitivity Analysis of Key Genes and Regulations. The cellcycle is a process involving many genes and regulations amonggenes. Therefore, we did a global sensitivity analysis on the func-tion through the oscillation period, and the landscape topographythrough checkpoints and central island barriers as well as the curlflux (flux integrated over the cell cycle path), to find those keygenes or regulatory wirings for the cell cycle (SI Appendix, Fig. S3).By selecting the top influential parameters (regulation strengths

or synthesis rates) in terms of the genes and regulations of thenetwork (those influencing the checkpoints and central island bar-riers, the flux, and the period most in SI Appendix, Fig. S3), weidentified certain key factors or hot spots for the cell cycle pro-gression. SI Appendix, Table S1, provides a summary of majorresults from our global sensitivity analysis. Some of these have beenconfirmed by experiments as indicated. For example, pRB servesas a key gene in controlling the G1 checkpoint, as its activationrepresses the cell cycle and also represses the cancer (30–32). Theresults from our global sensitivity analysis (SI Appendix, Fig. S3) are

consistent with the above findings, where activation of pRB leads tothe increase of the period, the decrease of the flux, and the increaseof the BarrierG2/M as well as the elongation of the cell cycle (pa-rameter 3 represents the synthesis rate of pRB). We also providepredictions (SI Appendix, Table S1), which can be further tested byexperiments. We marked the key sensitivity analysis results (keygenes and regulations) in the wiring diagram for the cell cyclenetwork (Fig. 1) in red.In summary, the driving force for cell cycle dynamics is de-

termined by the landscape topography and the curl flux (fromchemical energy pump and, in this case, the nutrition supply).The perturbations in underlying genes (nodes) and regulations(wirings) causing the significant changes in landscape barriers andcurl flux (flux integral along the loop) (SI Appendix, Fig. S3) willdisturb the function (oscillation period). Therefore, through quan-tifying the dependence of the two driving forces, we can identify thekey genes and wirings for the global stability and function.

ConclusionsBeyond our previous works on the landscapes for limit cyclesystems (16, 17, 24, 28, 33), our current work exhibits the fol-lowing novel results: (i) We uncovered the underlying Mexicanhat landscape of a mammalian cell cycle gene regulatory net-work. (ii) More importantly, for the first time, we identified andquantified different cell cycle phases as landscape basins on thecell cycle ring; we identified and quantified the checkpoints ofthe cell cycle as the potential barriers along the cycle ring. Thisprovides an intuitive yet quantitative explanation for the check-point mechanism of the cell cycle—a persistent focal problem incell biology—from the physical perspective. (iii) We identifiedand quantified the global driving forces for the cell cycle pro-gression—landscape barriers and cycle flux. Especially, we iden-tified and quantified the nutrition supply as the origin of the flux.For the cell cycle progression, the curl flux is responsible fordriving the oscillation on the cycle ring, while the potentialbarriers act to block the oscillation along the cycle path wherethe different phases and checkpoints of the cell cycle emerge.These illustrate the importance and quantification of barriersand the curl flux along the cell cycle.In the current work, we focus on the effects of external noises

(environment changes) on the system, and the additive noise isapplied. We have investigated the landscapes of some biologicalsystems under external noises (16–19, 34) and under intrinsic noises(multiplicative noise is used) (24, 33), previously. In mammaliancells, the number of protein molecules is often abundant; thereforeit is expected that the source of fluctuations is mainly from theextrinsic noises, rather than from the intrinsic noises.Compared with the previous works on cell cycle modeling

(1–4, 21–23), which mostly focused on the deterministic dy-namics, our results from the landscape view provide new insightsand explanations for cell cycle mechanisms. Different fromTyson’s model (1–3), the stochastic model we used does not haveperiodic time-dependent mass as a driving force variable. Forthis case, the cell cycle is driven by the nutrition supply (not timedependent) and depends on the threshold of GF. The thresholdcontrols the switching of the behavior from monostable state,to multiple states coexisting, and finally to oscillations on thelandscape (Fig. 3). Additionally, Tyson and Novak (4) proposed a“gate control”-like model to explain the cell cycle progression andthe cell cycle checkpoints. However, there were no quantitativeresults for checkpoints, and the physical picture is not completelyclear in their work. In this work, we identified local basins as thephases and potential barriers as the checkpoints along the cellcycle ring. These findings provide a physical foundation andquantification of different cell cycle phases and checkpoints. Theyalso give an intuitive yet quantitative explanation for the mecha-nism of cell cycle checkpoints. We quantified the two cell cycledriving forces: the potential barrier for forming basins/checkpoints

0 2 4 6 8 100














0 2 4 6 8 100







per c



0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.0820









per c


Δ FluxIntLoop


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.0620









per c


Δ BarrierCenter


−0.03 −0.02 −0.01 020









per c


Δ BarrierG2/M


29 30 31 32 330.4






per c




Fig. 5. (A and B) The change of EPR and energy per cell cycle increase as GFis increased. (C−F) The Flux (C), BarrierCenter (D), BarrierG2/M (E), and Period(F) versus the energy per cell cycle with GF changed. It can be seen that theenergy per cycle increases as the Flux and BarrierCenter increase, while itdecreases as the BarrierG2/M and Period increase.

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of the cell cycle and the flux for driving the cell cycle. Therefore,the cell cycle can be promoted (suppressed), either by enhancing(suppressing) the flux (representing the energy input) or by low-ering (increasing) the barrier (BarrierG2/M as the decisive barrier)along the cell cycle path. These can be realized by perturbing thegenes or regulations based upon the results of our global sensi-tivity analysis according to the topography of landscape and flux(SI Appendix, Fig. S3). The key genes and regulations identifiedfrom the global sensitivity analysis regarding, especially, the period(fast for cancer and slow for normal cells) of the cell cycle suggestpotential anticancer strategies. Our approach is general and canbe applied to other gene regulatory networks or protein networks.

Materials and MethodsThe statistical nature of the chemical reactions can be captured by corre-sponding diffusion equations, which describe the evolution of the networksprobabilistically. It is hard to solve a diffusion equation due to its inherenthuge dimensions. We therefore apply a self-consistent mean field approxi-mation to reduce the dimensionality (15, 17, 19, 35). In this way, we canfollow the time evolution and steady state probability of the protein con-centrations, and finally map out the potential landscape, which is closelyassociated with steady state probability distribution.

The state dynamics of the cell cycle can be quantitatively describedthrough a probabilistic evolution dictated by the Fokker−Planck diffusionequation: P(X1, X2, . . ., Xn, t) where X1, X2,. . ., Xn are the concentrationsof proteins or populations of molecules. We expected to have an N-dimensional partial differential equation, which is not feasible to solve,because if every variable can have M values, then the dimensionality of thesystem becomes MN. Following a self-consistent mean field approach (15, 17,19, 36), we split the probability into the products of individual ones:PðX1,X2, . . . ,Xn,tÞ∼∏n

i PðXi ,tÞ and solve the probability self-consistently. Thiseffectively reduces the dimensionality from MN to M × N and thereforemakes the problem computationally tractable (see details in SI Appendix,Self-Consistent Mean Field Approximation).

However, for the multidimensional system, it is still hard to solve thediffusion probability directly. We can start from moment equations and thensimply assume specific probability distribution based on physical arguments,i.e., we assume some specific connections between moments (36). In prin-ciple, once we know all of the moments, we can construct probability dis-tribution. For example, the Poisson distribution has only one parameter, sowe may calculate all other moments from the first moment, i.e., the mean.Here we assume a Gaussian distribution as an approximation (25, 26); thenwe need two moments, mean and variance.

When the diffusion coefficient D is small, the moment equations could beapproximated to (25, 26):

_xðtÞ=C�xðtÞ� [1]

_σðtÞ= σðtÞAT ðtÞ+AðtÞσðtÞ+ 2D�xðtÞ�: [2]

Here, x, σ(t), and A(t) are vectors and tensors, and AT(t) is the transpose ofA(t). The matrix elements of A are Aij =

∂Ci ½XðtÞ�∂xj ðtÞ . According to these equations,

we can solve x(t) and σ(t). We consider here only diagonal element of σ(t)from mean field splitting approximation. Therefore, the evolution of dis-tribution for one variable can be obtained using the mean and variance byGaussian approximation:

Pðx,tÞ= 1ffiffiffiffiffiffi2π

pσðtÞ exp−

�x − xðtÞ�22σðtÞ : [3]

We can extend the current results to the multidimensional system byconsidering the total probability as the product of the individual probabilityfor each variable from themean field splittingmentioned at the beginning ofthis section. Finally, once we have the total probability, we can quantify thepotential landscape by: U(x) = −lnPss(x).

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. C.L. thanks Mr. Dick Goldman and Mr. Peter Soo forhelp in editing the English text. This work was supported by the NationalScience Foundation. J.W. acknowledges support from the National ScienceFoundation of China (Grants 21190040 and 11174105) and the 973 Project ofChina (2009CB930100 and 2010CB933600).

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