
Kirael Shift Report - July 2002


By Rev. Fred Sterling through the loving guidance of Kirael from the Seventh Dimension


Good evening. For the new faces here this night, I say unto you it is in your light that you listen with the fullness of your heart, for in that you will discover your own truth, a truth which shall dwell in you for times to come.

This evening we will talk much about the event we refer to as the crucifixion. Each of you may very well have your own theory about what might have taken place around this occasion. When I am through this evening, I will have given you the outcome as it is written in the Records of Light.

Journey with me, if you will. I would ask you to close your eyes and simply take a deep breath. As you do, I ask that you bring into your reality the highest presence of your essential self. Simply will your higher self into the framework of your physical world. Feel the fullness of your own light. As you will that higher self to join within you, recognize the feeling of light, for it is the light of which you are made. You are not of your physical world, my friends, but simply a projection of your essential light. Let those two merge together as I take you on a very short journey of love and light.

So rise with me above the clouds. Free your minds of the physical world where you sit this moment and fly with me across the clouds and all of their light. Now imagine that the sea of clouds before you begins to part and you can see down into the opening. Visualize with me as we begin to journey down.

As we descend, you see what looks to be a crowd of people lining a walkway, and you see a man wearing a crown of bristled thorns. As he moves through the throngs, there are those in the crowd who have been paid to jeer him. They send angry thoughts toward him. They scream his name. They call him the false prophet.

Yet among those in the masses, you see some with their heads hung deeply, for they know that before them is one of the great masters incarnate on the Earth plane, and now he walks the path to death. Look behind the crowds and see those who would be scribing the event, for amongst them is a young man named Jeremiah. He scribes the entirety of this. He watches as the Master walks. He looks to the hill ahead and sees the crosses aligned with people suspended from them, and he

scribes everything he sees.Before you can blink an eye, you have changed scenes, and you see three women walking down a single path with their heads covered. You would know them to be Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Martha, and they are on their way to cleanse the beautiful light of the young Master who walked in the incarnate form of human. And there, on the side of the path, you see the same scribe as he writes the event in all of his light.

The scene changes once more, into a house where all of the disciples have gathered. And just to keep you clear, look in the back corner, for there is the same scribe, still writing, unnoticed by those present. As you observe him, he begins to glow, and in that glow great wings appear on his back. The parchment upon which he scribes, it too begins to shimmer with light.

I bring you here tonight to show you what was written on those scrolls by that magical angel of light, for that light scribe has written of many events in your history, events far beyond what the human mind can grasp. Yet this one, my friends, I shall share with you this day. 

Listen to the beauty of what awakens in your heart and draw upon you your own conclusions. Let what I say tonight strengthen your resolve to know the truth and to experience in your own light that each of you is a conscious creator of this place called Earth, that each of you has descended onto this place of learning in the most high of adventures because it is you upon whom the Creator depends to do the journey. 

In that, you will come to the conclusion that you have but begun the beauty of your journey and that there shall be no end. For the resurrection of Master Jesus proved but one thing: it proved that all of you have lived for thousands upon thousands of years. Indeed, many times would you use the form of human to do the bidding of the Creator, as did the young Master. As did I. As did my medium. And as do each of you. And when you awaken to the one moment in your life when you ascend back towards your light beingness, your higher self will stand triumphant in its glory of learning. It will stand with the Great Masters, the Master Jesus, the Master Buddha, the Lady Quan Yin in all her beauty. Every one of you will stand with us, and you will realize that we are not above you, we are not better than you. We are simply light energy doing a service within the Creator's force, that we together co-create this place you call Earth.

So I say to you, my friends, so many things this night that may align to your beliefs may also rattle the very core of them. Your history books have been written by the winners of the battles, by the ruling elite. They were not designed for the benefit of We the People but for the architects of the over-mastermind who have held sway in various guises for these 2,000 years. Until now.

This time, the guides have begun to return. They have come in the name

of Seth, they have come in the name of Kryon, they have come in many forms, my friends, but they have come not as disciples; they have come as fellow light energies.

We are here, my friends, in mass. Believe what you must, but the likes of our energies have stood in the Light of Creation itself. I have been called forth from a deep sleep of love and light to venture here to your world to bring you the messages of the Light itself. You, my friends, are the bidding of Light. It is you that I hold in the highest regard, for it is you the human that does the journey, the journey of being a conscious creator.

My honor, my humble light before you, I say to you I will answer your questions in whatever form you bring them to me. But remember when you approach to ask the question, it is not I who asks for reverence, but it is I who offers you reverence. You are the magical journey for which I exist, and because you have the courage to journey into this world, we have the love of the Creator to stand before us. Each and every one of us, the co-creators of existence itself, will find our journeys fuller by your questions this night. Let us begin.

Q:  I would like to ask about the angelic scribe, Jeremiah. How much of what he scribed is included in the Bible as we know it?  And of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which of these presents the most truthful version of what took place?KIRAEL:  Almost everything that Jeremiah scribed is in the Bible - with a bit of a twist to the version of it. You will find that if we could pull his records from the archives, that they do shake the foundations of this light.

When they wrote their gospels, each of the above named men was telling the truth as they saw it. Many of those you call disciples wrote the books and had great "help" in their writing. Many of their writings were "adjusted" after the writing. If you look in the catacombs of the Vatican at the very last manuscripts written by Mark, for example, it absolutely stops in mid sentence. It is said that even the last few parts of Mark were written by someone other than Mark, and they were brought to align with those who had written before him, Matthew, Luke, John, even Paul. 

For instance, regarding the crucifixion, you can verify in your books of history that the Romans were some of the most methodical beings. They never had anyone carry the length of the cross, but only the cross piece, for in their endeavors to make sure everything went perfectly, the long piece was always laid where the cross would be erected. 

Furthermore, the Romans would only use the great spike in the bone of the wrist, not the hands, for it would definitely tear off. I would also tell you that the greatest percentage of the time, they used no spikes at all, for they simply roped them so the death would be slow and methodical.

Which of the books is of the most truth? I say to you to read them all, not to find the discrepancies, but to find what must have been in the heart of the writer. Knowing that if the truth was in the "wrong" light, who might next be carrying the cross piece where their Master Jesus had lost his life.

Q:  When Jesus was put to death on the cross, it was meant to cause him great suffering. What was the lesson plan in that?

KIRAEL:  Well, the question would be, my friends, did he suffer? As I explained in my books, no one at the time of their violent death ever recalls the pain that comes with it. For instance, if you are driving down the autobahn at 140 miles per hour and your car slams into the wall, you will be standing back and watching it. You will be seeing yourself scream with terror. However, through the love of your Creator, you would never be able to experience the horrors of that death. Nor did the physical world of Jesus experience the horrors of that death. I say to you: Do not cry another tear for what Master Jesus felt upon that cross. Cry only for the fact that the human world hid the true expression of the love he offered by saying to you he was dying for some dark force. He left this Earth plane for each of you to remember that you will never die.

I would suggest to you that his final words were not "Father, why have you forsaken me?" Instead what was written by the young man who stood within hearing range of Jesus' voice was, "Father, I have done what I have come to do.  Accept my light back into your Light.  Let this one called Jesus be left for the world to see."

Q:  Would you comment on the statement, "Jesus died for our sins"?

KIRAEL:   Jesus dying for your sins very likely could be construed in that light because he died helping each to understand that they were healing their way back to the Light itself.  And if you were not healed in those times, it would be said that you were full of sin.  So yes, in those times, it was probably an accurate statement because they didn't have the language, so to speak, that you have available to you today. 

But what if, my friends, this beautiful loving man who walked in the name of Jesus was not here so he might absorb your sins, but what if he was here to awaken the whole of the world to the awareness that sin is but a journey. And that the world could choose to not sin by choosing a path that would heal them back into love. 

Do you think Jesus prayed that we would be indebted to him for absorbing the evils of the world, or was this young man praying for the masses to hear the beauty of his speech?

"I am the healer," he said, "who was sent here by the Creator to rejoice with you, the co-creators of its world, to begin your healing journey so you may rise above the chaos that has been put before you.  Hear the

truth of my words as you resign to accept the reality that you are of the loving energy of the most powerful energy force that could ever be, for you are of the Creator's Light."

Q:  I have a question about the "missing years of Jesus," the supposed eighteen year interim for which we have no Biblical records regarding the young Master Jesus. There was a recent documentary based on some ancient Tibetan records which told the story of a man called "Saint Issa," which mirrors in remarkably close detail the life and times of the man we know as Jesus of Nazareth, from his birth in humble circumstances through his death by crucifixion. The scrolls tell of Saint Issa's journey from Palestine to India where he mastered the Vedas in a very brief time and was revered as a master even as a young lad, through to Tibet where he mastered various forms of esoteric Buddhism, and on through Persia, Greece and finally into Egypt, where he was initiated in the ancient mystery schools in the temples of the Great Pyramid. When he finally returned to Palestine, the scrolls say he was a worldly and learned man, who had mastered multiple languages and spiritual paths, and attribute his healing skills to the Siddhi powers he acquired in India. How much credence can we place in this remarkable story? 

KIRAEL:  I would rate the accuracy somewhere in the range of 80 to 84 percent truth, which is higher than most anything I have rated in a long time. But hear this. The scholars who brought these records forth are very accurate in their own light, but you must stretch your world beyond the limitations of the 10 percent light and understand that the one called Christ had no limitations whatsoever, could be in multiple places at the same time, could move from place to place by thought powers alone. He had traveled the universe, not just the universe that contains this little planet called Earth, but the fullness of the universes where, like myself, he would be trained and brought forth to then visit the great Egyptian temples, or sent to a mountaintop to be indoctrinated in the healing powers of a Lama. A day in this one's life might have been years in yours. Hear me clearly, my friends, he had no limitations.

Q:  Two thousand years ago, one of the last conversations Jesus had with the women he loved was "I would declare a prophecy." He said that because women are the completion of the four-body system, they would come forth and be the healers, and also the tellers of truth. And my question is, could you please give clarity to that prophecy today.

KIRAEL:  I will answer this way. The greatest seers in the times soon after Christ's death were the male seers. They were the mystics, and they were given supposed great powers. Yet it was to those who stand in the background, who do not shout from the mountaintops of their powers, that Master Jesus spoke to this day, and he spoke thusly: "I tell you this day your world is but a prophecy. It is a prophecy that has no end. It is a line of light that will be followed for all to experience the

potentials and possibilities of the experience itself. And it will one day come to a point where the prophecy will near the time when it must conclude itself, and that will be the day when your sex begins to awaken your own inner light and begins to change your inner workings, such that all around you will become aware of your powers. 

Until that time, work the magic of who you are by guiding the males as best you can. Show the world that there is hope to be had. There is hope to be lived within. Show the world that the balance of the four bodies is the most important aspect of the Creator's domain. Show the world that the prophecy can come out exactly as they pray it to be, not in the form of sin, but in the form of love. Let the light shine within you, my sisters. Carry the light force until the time comes when the Earth next experiences the potential of a Great Shift. And when it does, come from around the corner, stand to the front and say, "Here I am. Here I will be. Here will we stand together, and here I am the Light of Christ." That was his prophecy.


In the light of who I am and who you are, understand that I AM and YOU ARE. I suggest to you in the I AM presence of God Creator, for you will come to the clarity soon that what you have heard this night leaves no recourse but to question all which you have understood for so long. Do not take the word of anyone in your light, including my own. Simply check your truth. Check your heart.

Apply the Ten Principles and you will see that each and every speech we have made has the prophecy of light itself attached to it. There are no endings to your learning, my friends, only beginnings. It is my desire that you will never choose to limit the potentials of your learning just because someone said so. Let your own knowingness be your guide and you will come to your truth, and you will love your heart more.  

For the healings I have offered you this night with the Master Jesus himself walking into your energy, let the praise be lit throughout the etheric fabric that the Master Jesus does live this very day. He lives in the form of the Christ Consciousness, and his light will never be put out.

My friends, my light beings, my essence of who you are, I AM.Good evening.

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