Page 1: Kidderminster Town Council Agenda · Kidderminster Town Council Agenda To all Town Councillors: You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of the Town Council to be held on Wednesday,

Kidderminster Town CouncilAgenda

To all Town Councillors:You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of the Town Council to be held onWednesday, 28th June 2017 in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Vicar Street,Kidderminster at 6.00pm for the transaction of the business detailed below:

Tony BeirneTown Clerk


Item Subject Page1. Apologies for Absence2. Minutes (attached)

To approve the minutes of the Council meetings held on Wednesday 24th

May 2017


3. Declarations of Interests4. Public participation

In accordance with Standing Order 3(c), to allow members of the public tomake representations, answer questions, and give evidence.Members of the public will be called in order of receipt of notice of theirintention to speak. Please email [email protected] telephone 01562 732680 to give your name and an indication of the topicyou intend to raise.

5. External Audit – Annual Return (attached)To approve the

i. Annual Governance Statement 2016/17 (section 1, page 6)ii. Accounting Statement 2016/17 (section 2, page 7)


6. Report of the Internal Auditor (attached)To refer the Internal Auditor’s Report to the Finance & Overview Committeefor detailed scrutiny and the Committee to report back to Council with anyrecommendations


7. KEF Annual Report (attached) - Councillor Oborski MBE 268. Town Council Business Plan (attached) 319. Finance Report (attached) 47

Declaration of Interests by Members – interests of members in contracts and othermattersDeclarations of Interest are a standard item on every Council and Committee agenda andeach Member must provide a full record of their interests in the Public Register.In addition, alongside the Register of Interest, the Members Code of Conduct (“the Code”)requires the Declaration of Interests at meetings. Members have to decide first whether ornot they have a Disclosable interest in the matter under discussion.Please see the Members’ Code of Conduct for full details.

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Page 2: Kidderminster Town Council Agenda · Kidderminster Town Council Agenda To all Town Councillors: You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of the Town Council to be held on Wednesday,


Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) / Other Disclosable Interest (ODI)DPI’s and ODI’s are interests defined in the Code of Conduct that will be adopted bythe Town Council at this meeting.If you have a DPI (as defined in the Code) in a matter being considered at a meeting of theCouncil (as defined in the Code), the Council’s Standing Orders require you to leave theroom where the meeting is held, for the duration of any discussion or voting on that matter.

If you have an ODI (as defined in the Code) you will need to consider whether youneed to leave the room during the consideration of the matter.

Register of InterestsAs part of managing the risk assessment Councillors are reminded to ensure they keep theirregister of interests up to date. If you have any questions please contact the Town Clerk

For further informationIf you have any queries about this Agenda or require any details of background papers, furtherdocuments or information you should contact Tony Beirne, Town Clerk, Kidderminster TownCouncil, DY11 7WF. Telephone: 01562 7326800 or [email protected] referred to in this agenda may be viewed on Town Council’s website

Date of next meeting

Wednesday 19th July 2017 at 6.00pm

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Page 3: Kidderminster Town Council Agenda · Kidderminster Town Council Agenda To all Town Councillors: You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of the Town Council to be held on Wednesday,


MINUTES of the meeting held on Wednesday 24th May 2017 at 6.00pm in the CouncilChamber, Kidderminster Town Hall, Kidderminster


Present: The Mayor (Councillor N. Gale)Councillors J. Aston, J. Baker, R. Bishop, S. Chambers, M. Cheeseman,H. Dyke, K. Gale, L. Hyde, M. Kelly, N. Knowles, F. Oborski MBE, M.Rayner, S. Rook, D. Ross, M. Stooke, and P. Young

Manchester – At 6.00pm the Council stood in a minutes silence to remember those whohad been affected by the tragedy of the Manchester bombing

C.245 ApologiesCouncillor J. Smith

C.246 Minutes of the meetings held on 19th April 2017 and 17th May 2017RESOLVED: - that the minutes be approved as a correct record of themeetings.

C.247 Declarations of Interests by MembersCouncillor Report Item InterestF. Oborski MBE St George’s Paddling

Pool (Minute C.253)ODI – member of theFriends GroupM. Rayner

P. Young

C.248 Mayor’s Announcements & EngagementsThe Mayor made the following announcements

i. Dementia Action Awareness (DAA) LunchThe Mayor referred to the DAA lunch which had taken place on Friday 19th

May 2017. She said it had been a great success in acknowledging thosebusinesses that were supporting the goal to make the Town a dementiafriendly environmentThe Mayor also said she was intending to hold further similar eventsthroughout here Mayoral Year to honour carers, young carers and the ‘bluelight’ services

ii. Civic Society InvitationThe Mayor reminded Councillors that The Civic Society had invited allCouncillors to be their guests at a Summer Social Event to be held atCaldwall Castle on Thursday 29 June 2017 at 7.30pm.iii. List of engagements

The list of engagements was noted.

C.249 Public participationNone

C.250 Appointment to CommitteesRESOLVED: - that the following Committee appointments be agreed for2017/18

i. Finance & Overview - S. Chambers, H. Dyke, N Knowles, andM. Rayner

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ii. Events - R. Bishop, S. Chambers, N. Gale, D. Ross, S. Rook,M. Stooke, and P. Young

iii. Services - R. Bishop, H. Dyke, K. Gale, L. Hyde, M. Rayner,J. Smith, and M. Stooke

iv. Town Hall - N. Gale, M. Kelly, F. Oborski MBE, and P. Youngv. Planning & Consultations D. Ross, and F. Oborski M BE,

vi. Kidderminster Education Foundation - F. Oborski MBE, J. Baker,M. Kelly and P. Young

C.251 Appointments to Committees and Outside BodiesRESOLVED: - that

i. Councillor P. Young be appointed as the Town Council’s secondCALC representative for the period up to 2020

ii. the update be noted

C.252 St George’s Park – Paddling PoolCouncillors expressed concern that any agreement should not tie theCouncil to any liabilities or costs for the upkeep of the park as a whole.They reaffirmed their view that the Town Council was only taking onresponsibility for the paddling pool.RESOLVED:- that, subject to clarifying the contract to ensure the TownCouncil only takes on responsibility for the paddling pool, the Town Clerkbe authorised to sign off the lease for the paddling pool

C.254 Council Meeting - Wednesday 28th June 2017It was noted that an additional Council meeting, on 28th June 2017, hadbeen include in the Civic Calendar for the signing off of the annual auditand discussion of the Town Council’s Business Plan

C.255 Finance ReportRESOLVED: - that Council

i. agrees the accounts paid to dateii. agrees the income received to date

iii. notes that £100,000 of reserves are now with the WFDC investmentfund

iv. agrees to add an additional £5,000 p.a. to the elections budget forthis and future years, to contribute to any future by-election costs,the increase to be met from the new services budget

v. notes the current balances

The meeting ended at 6.25pm



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Local Councils, Internal Drainage Boardsand other Smaller/Authorities in EnglandAnnual return for th'eyear ended 31 March 2017Every smaller authority in England with an annual turnover of £6.5 million or less must completean annual return at the end of each financial year in accordance with proper practicessummarising its activities. In this annual return the term 'smaller authority'* includes a ParishMeeting, a Parish Council, a Town Council and an Internal Drainage Board.

The annual return on pages 2 to 4 is made up of three sections:

- Sections 1 and 2 are completed by the smaller authority. Smaller authorities must approveSection 1 before Section 2.

- Section 3 is completed by the external auditor.

In addition, the internal audit report is completed by the smaller authority's internal audit provider.

Each smaller authority must approve Section 1 and Section 2 in order and in accordancewith the requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.

Completing your annual return

Guidance notes, including a completion checklist, are provided on page 6 and at relevant points inthe annual return.

Complete all highlighted sections. Do not leave any highlighted box blank. Incomplete or incorrectreturns require additional external auditor work and may incur additional costs.

Send the annual return, together with the bank reconciliation as at 31 March 2017, an explanationof any significant year on year variances in the accounting statements, your notification of thecommencement date of the period for the exercise of public rights and any additionalinformation requested, to your external auditor by the due date.

Your external auditor will ask for any additional documents needed for their work. Unlessrequested, do not send any original financial records to the external auditor.

Once the external auditor has completed their work, certified annual returns will be returned to thesmaller authority for publication and public display of Sections 1, 2 and 3. You must publish anddisplay the annual return, including the external auditor's report, by 30 September 2017.

It should not be necessary for you to contact the external auditor for guidance.

More guidance on completing this annual return is available in the Practitioners' Guide that canbe downloaded from or from or from

'for a complete list of bodies that may be smaller authorities refer to schedule 2 to Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014

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Page 6: Kidderminster Town Council Agenda · Kidderminster Town Council Agenda To all Town Councillors: You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of the Town Council to be held on Wednesday,

Section 1 - Annual governance statement 2016/17

We acknowledge as the members of:

Enter name of

smaller authority here:

our responsibility for ensuring that there is a sound system of internal control, including thepreparation of the accounting statements. We confirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief,with respect to the accounting statements for the year ended 31 March 2017, that:

~'Yes'~ means that this smaller authority:

1. We have put in place arrangements for effectivefinancial management during the year, and for the '-If..Spreparation of the accoynting statements.

prepared its accounting statements inaccordance with the Accounts andAudit Regulations.

2. We maintained an adequate system of internal control,including measures designed to prevent and detect YESfraud and corruption and reviewed its effectiveness.

made proper arrangements and acceptedresponsibility for safeguarding the public moneyand resources in its charge.

3. We took all reasonable steps to assure ourselves thatthere are no matters of actual or potential non-compliancewith laws, regulations and proper practices that could tieshave a significant financial effect on the ability of thissmaller authority to conduct its business or onits finances.

4. We provided proper opportunity during the year for theexercise of electors' rights in accordance with therequirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulations.

5. We carried out an assessment of the risks facing thissmaller authority and took appropriate steps to managethose risks, including the introduction of internal controlsand/or external insurance cover where required.

6. We maintained throughout the year an adequate andeffective system of internal audit of the accountingrecords and control systems.

has only done what it has the legal power to doand has complied with proper practicesin doing so.

during the year gave all persons interested theopportunity to inspect and ask questions aboutthis authority's accounts.

considered the financial and other risks it facesand has dealt with them properly.

arranged for a competent person, independentof the financial controls and procedures, to givean objective view on whether internal controlsmeet the needs of this smaller authority.

7. We took appropriate action on all matters raised inreports from internal and external audit.

8. We considered whether any litigation, liabilities orcommitments, events or transactions, occurring eitherduring or after the year-end, have a financial impact on thissmaller authority and, where appropriate have includedthem in the accounting statements.

9. (For local councils only) Trust funds including charitable.In our capacity as the sole managing trustee wedischarged our accountability responsibilities for thefund(s)/assets, including financial reporting and, ifrequired, independent examination or audit.

This annual governance statement is approved by thissmaller authority on:

and recorded as minute reference:

responded to matters brought to its attention byinternal and external audit.

disclosed everything it should have aboutits business activity during the yearincluding events taking place after the year-endif relevant.

Yes I No I NA has met all of its responsibilities where it is asole managing trustee of a local trust or trusts.

Signed by Chair at meeting where approval is given:


'Note: Please provide explanations to the external auditor on a separate sheet for each 'No' response. Describe how this smallerauthority will address the weaknesses identified.

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Section 2 - Accounting statements 2016/17 for

and reserves at the beginning of the year as recordedin the financial records. Value must agree to Box 7 of previous year.

2. . (+) Precept or Rates Total amount of precept (or for lOBs, rates and levies) receivedand Levies C 4~2(g~o or receivable in the year. Exclude any grants received.

3. (+) Total0 73,34-2.

Total income or receipts as recorded in the cashbook less theother receipts precept or rates/levies received (line 2). Include any grants received.

4. (-) Staff costs Total expenditure or payments made to andon behalf of all

13/0[5 gq,SiCf employees. Include salaries and wages, PAVE and NI (employeesand employers), pension contributions and employment expenses.

5. (-) Loan Total expenditure or payments of capital and interest made duringinterest/capital 0 0 the year on the smaller authority's borrowings (if any).repayments

6. (-) All other Total expenditure or payments as recorded in the cashbook less staffpayments 17,7GO :£)9,524- costs (line 4) and loan interest/capital repayments (line 5).

7. (=) Balances carried%,4-79 IS3{b215

Total balances and reserves at the end of the year. Must equalforward (1+2+3) - (4+5+6)

8. Total value of cash The sum of all current and deposit bank accounts, cash holdings andand short term 4'3,81+9 1~'3147Ct:, short term investments held as at 31 March - To agree with bankinvestments reconciliation.

9. Total fixed assets This cell shows the value of all the property the authority owns. It isplus long term

3ltS,8b$ '2>4%( %159made up of its fixed assets and long-term investments.

investmentsand assets

10. Total0 0 The outstanding capital balance as at 31 March of all loans from third

borrowings parties (including PWLB).

11. (For Local Councils The Council acts as sole trustee for and is responsible for managingOnly) Disclosure Trust funds or assets.note re Trust funds '-{fS N.B. The figures in the accounting statements(including charitable) above do not include any Trust transactions.

I certify that for the year ended 31 March 2017 theaccounting statements in this annual return present fairly thefinancial position of this smaller authority and its income andexpenditure, or properly present receipts and payments, asthe case may be.

I confirm that these accounting statements were approvedby this smaller authority on:

and recorded as minute reference:

Signed by Responsible Financial Officer:

Signed by Chair at meeting where approval is given:


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Page 8: Kidderminster Town Council Agenda · Kidderminster Town Council Agenda To all Town Councillors: You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of the Town Council to be held on Wednesday,

Section 3 - External auditor report and certificateIn respect of:

Enter name of

smaller authority here:

1. Respective responsibilities of the body and the auditorThis smaller authority is responsible for ensuring that its financial management is adequate andeffective and that it has a sound system of internal control. The smaller authority prepares anannual return in accordance with proper practices which:

• summarises the accounting records for the year ended 31 March 2017; and

• confirms and provides assurance on those matters that are relevant to ourduties andresponsibilities as external auditors.

Our responsibility is to review the annual return in accordance with guidance issued by theNational Audit Office (NAO) on behalf of the Comptroller and Auditor General (see note below).Our work does not constitute an audit carried out in accordance with International Standards onAuditing (UK & Ireland) and does not provide the same level of assurance that such an auditwould do.

2. 2016/17 External auditor report

(continue on a separate sheet if required)

(Except for the matters reported below)* on the basis of our review of the annual return, in our opinion the information in the annualreturn is in accordance with proper practices and no other matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevantlegislative and regulatory requirements have not been met. ('delete as appropriate).

(continue on a separate sheet if required)

Other matters not affecting our opinion which we draw to the attention of the smaller authority:

3. 2016/17 External auditor certificateWe certify/do not certify* that we have completed our review of the annual return, anddischarged our responsibilities under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, for theyear ended 31 March 2017.I'We do 001 certify completion because

External auditor signature

DateExternal auditor name

Note: The NAO issued guidance applicable to external auditors' work on 2016/17 accounts in Auditor Guidance Note AGN/02. TheAGN is available from the NAO website (

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Annual internal audit report 2016/17 to

Enter name of

smaller authority here:

This smaller authority's internal audit, acting independently and on the basis of an assessment ofrisk, carried out a selective assessment of compliance with relevant procedures and controlsexpected to be in operation during the financial year ended 31 March 2017.

Internal audit has been carried out in accordance with this smaller authority's needs and plannedcoverage. On the basis of the findings in the areas examined, the internal audit conclusions aresummarised in this table. Set out below are the objectives of internal control and alongside are theinternal audit conclusions on whether, in all significant respects, the control objectives were beingachieved throughout the financial year to a standard adequate to meet the needs of thissmaller authority.

A. Appropriate accounting records have been kept properly throughout the year.


B. This smaller authority met its financial regulations, payments were supported by invoices, allexpenditure was approved and VAT was appropriately accounted for. ./

C. This smaller authority assessed the significant risks to achieving its objectives and reviewed theadequacy of arrangements to manage these.

D. The precept or rates requirement resulted from an adequate budgetary process; progressagainst the budget was regularly monitored; and reserves were appropriate.

E. Expected income was fully received, based on correct prices, properly recorded and promptlybanked; and VAT was appropriately accounted for.

F. Petty cash payments were properly supported by receipts, all petty cash expenditure wasapproved and VAT appropriately accounted for.

G. Salaries to employees and allowances to members were paid in accordance with this smallerauthority's approvals, and PAVE and NI requirements were properly applied.

H. Asset and investments registers were complete and accurate andproperly maintained.

I. Periodic and year-end bank account reconciliations were properly carried out.

J. Accounting statements prepared during the year were prepared on the correct accounting basis(receipts and payments or income and expenditure), agreed to the cash book, supported by an Iadequate audit trail from underlying records and where appropriate debtors and creditors wereproperly recorded.

K. (For local councils only)

Trust funds (including charitable) - The council met its' responsibilities as a trustee.

For any other risk areas identified by this smaller authority adequate controls existed (list any other risk areas below or on separatesheets if needed)

Name of person who carried out the internal audit 1 Cf1 EI:!.'It.... E L..L.. tE~ "T 0,JL_ ~ ~

Signature of person who carried out the internal audit LI_C_· __ ~_·_((_t;;!f._lc__ t.__. -"1 Date 1 ..2:). OG. q .'If the response is 'no' please state the implications and action being taken to address any weakness in control identified(add separate sheets if needed).

"Note: If the response is 'not covered' please state when the most recent internal audit work was done in this area and when it isnext planned, or, if coverage is not required, internal audit must explain why not (add separate sheets if needed).

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Guidance notes on completing the 2016/17 annual return1. You must apply proper practices for preparing this annual return. Proper practices are found in the

Practitioners' Guide* which is updated from time to time and contains everything you should need toprepare successfully for your financial year-end and the subsequent work by the auditor. NALC, SLCCand ADA have helplines if you want to talk through any problem you encounter.

2. Make sure that your annual return is complete (i.e. no empty highlighted boxes), and is properlysigned and dated. Avoid making amendments to the completed return. Any amendments must beapproved by the smaller authority, properly initialled and explanation provided. Annual returnscontaining unexplained or unapproved amendments may be returned and incur additional costs.

3. Smaller authorities must approve Section 1 on page 2 before approving Section 2 on page 3.

4. Use the checklist provided below. Use a second pair of eyes, perhaps a Councillor or Board Member,to review the annual return for completeness and accuracy before sending it to the external auditor.

5. Do not send the external auditor any information not specifically asked for. Doing so is not helpful.However, you must tell the external auditor about any change of Clerk, Responsible Finance Officeror Chair.

6. Make sure that the copy of the bank reconciliation which you send to your external auditor with theannual return covers all your bank accounts. If your smaller authority holds any short-terminvestments, note their value on the bank reconciliation. The external auditor must be able to agreeyour bank reconciliation to Box 8 on the accounting statements (Section 2 on page 3). You mustprovide an explanation for any difference between Box 7 and Box 8. More help on bank reconciliationis available in the Practitioners' Guide*.

7. Explain fully significant variances in the accounting statements on page 3. Do not just send in a copyof your detailed accounting records instead of this explanation. The external auditor wants to knowthat you understand the reasons for all variances. Include a complete numerical and narrativeanalysis to support your explanation. There are a number of examples provided in the Practitioners'Guide* to assist you.

8. If the external auditor has to review unsolicited information, or receives an incomplete bankreconciliation, or you do not fully explain variances, this may incur additional costs for which theauditor will make a charge.

9. You must inform the external auditor of the date set for the commencement of the period forthe exercise of public rights.

10. Make sure that your accounting statements add up and the balance carried forward from the previousyear (Box 7 of 2016) equals the balance brought forward in the current year (Box 1 of 2017).

11. Do not complete Section 3 which is reserved for the external auditor.

Completion checklist - 'No' answers mean you may not have met requirements I Done?

All sections All highlighted boxes have been completed? ./All additional information requested, including the dates set for the period for the exercise of

./public rights, has been provided for the external auditor?

Section 1 For any statement to which the response is 'no', an explanation is provided? VSection 2 Smaller authority approval of the accounting statements is confirmed by the signature of the Chair /of the approval meeting?

An explanation of significant variations from last year to this year is provided? II'Bank reconciliation as at 31 March 2017 agreed to Box 8? ../An explanation of any difference between Box 7 and Box 8 is provided? ../

Sections 1 and 2 Trust funds - all disclosures made if a Council is a sole managing trustee? NB: Do not send trust /accounting statements unless requested.

Internal Audit report All highlighted boxes completed by internal audit and explanations provided? ./

'Note: The Practitioners' Guide is available from your local NALC, SLCC or ADA representatives or from or

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31ST MARCH 2017

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1st Dec 15to

31st Mar 16

1st Apr 16to

31st Mar 17£ £


0.00 Precept 482,850.000.00 Precept Support Grant 14,361.720.00 Interest 75.920.00 Rent and Registrars Income 58,904.880.00 556,192.52


General Administration12,904.86 Staff Costs 79,518.83

110.35 Mayoral Allowances Note 5 10,000.002,034.93 General Office 9,505.80

148.39 Miscellaneous 1,500.0013,473.82 Parishing / Town Council Costs 3,868.00

0.00 Robes and Regalia 2,006.0028,672.35 106,398.63

Running Costs

1,204.39 Insurance 4,234.84898.30 Mayor's Car 4,883.23

0.00 Civic Events 5,143.370.00 Travelling & Subsistence 491.000.00 Elections 40,032.080.00 WFDC Services / Grants 85,947.960.00 Contribution towards Town Hall Maintenance 84,450.000.00 Dual Use Agreement 93,270.000.00 Christmas Lights 19,475.000.00 Public Conveniences Market Street 4,451.430.00 Clock Tower, Oxford Street 265.75

2,102.69 342,644.6630,775.04 449,043.29

(30,775.04) Surplus (Deficit) on Period 107,149.23

77,254.23 FUND BALANCE b/f 46,479.19

(30,775.04) DEFICIT FOR YEAR 107,149.23

46,479.19 BALANCE c/f 153,628.42


Income and Expenditure Account for the Period Ended 31st March 2017

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1st Dec 15to

31st March 16

1st Apr 16to

31st March 17£ £

Current Assets

2,730.51 Debtors Note 1 6,079.6530,000.00 Investments Note 2 30,000.0013,348.68 Cash - Current Account 132,975.93

500.00 Cash - Petty Cash 500.0046,579.19 169,555.58


Current Liabilities

(100.00) Creditors Note 3 (15,927.16)

46,479.19 Net Assets 153,628.42

Represented by:46,479.19 Fund Balance Note 4 153,628.42

46,479.19 153,628.42



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1st Dec 15to

31st March 16

1st April 16to

31st March 17

£ £Note 1 Debtors

VAT to be reclaimed 2,730.51 4,401.31WFDC Services - Refund 0.00 1,182.50Income for Hire of Council Chamber and Court Room 0.00 495.84

2,730.51 6,079.65

Note 2 Investments

Investments with Wyre Forest District Council 30,000.00 30,000.00

Note 3 Creditors

Audit Fee (100.00) (1,500.00)Staff Costs - March Payroll 0.00 (6,764.29)Mayoral Allowances - Tax / NI 0.00 (1,540.00)Electricity - Public Conveniences and Clock Tower 0.00 (591.87)Parishing / Town Council Cost - Painters Solicitors 0.00 (3,400.00)Robes and Regalia 0.00 (2,006.00)General Office Expenses 0.00 (125.00)

(100.00) (15,927.16)

Note 4 Fund Balance

Balance 1st April 2016 77,254.23 46,479.19Surplus for Year (30,775.04) 107,149.23Balance 31st March 2017 46,479.19 153,628.42

Note 5 Mayoral Allowances

Mayoral Allowances is made up as follows:

Town Mayor 0.00 6,360.00Deputy Town Mayor 0.00 2,100.00Tax / NI 110.35 1,540.00

110.35 10,000.00


Notes to the Accounts

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Note 6 Trust Funds





Kidderminster EducationalFoundation

0 2 276 0

Note 7 Capital Accounting

1st Dec 15to

31st March 16

1st April 16to

31st March 17

£ £Regalia and Plate 175,935 175,935King Charles Room, Council Chamber and Stairs 100,700 100,700Mayor's Parlour 24,090 24,090Store Room 43,640 43,640Office 4,500 4,500Kidderminster Town Hall 0 1Public Conveniences, Market Street 0 1Land Adjacent to St Mary's Church (excluding Car Park) 0 1Angel of Peace Statue 0 1War Memorial, St Mary's 0 1Baxter Statue 0 1Clock at Worcester Street* 0 1Horse Statue, Horsefair* 0 1Rowland Hill Statue* 0 1Allotments 0 8Bus Shelters 0 6

0 1

348,865 348,889* excluding land

Kidderminster Town Council acts as Corporate Trustee for Kidderminster Educational Foundation.Responsibility for the role of Trustee transferred to Kidderminster Town Council on 1st April 2016from Wyre Forest District Council. Kidderminster Educational Foundation is a registered charity,whose main activity is as grant-maker to individuals, and also to assist other organisations inactivities which comply with the governing objectives of the Foundation. The fund is invested in themoney market with Wyre Forest District Council but not included within Kidderminster TownCouncils balance sheet. The capital balance invested during the year was £271,209 whilst therevenue balance was £4,625 as 31st March 2017.

The Council is not required to comply with capital accounting requirements. However assets havebeen identified and valued; listed below. This includes a number of assets including KidderminsterTown Hall that have been transferred with effect from 1st April 2016 to the Council from WyreForest District Council as part of the October 2015 Reorganisation Order. In accordance withGovernance and Accountability for Smaller Authorities in England, June 2016, these have beenincluded with a nominal one pound (£1) value. All other assets are shown at their insurancevaluation.


Miscellaneous Assets (including baskets for floral displays , benches,finger posts and boundary signs)

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IntroductionKidderminster Town Council is a newly formed Town Council, established on 1st April2016. Previously the Kidderminster Parish Council created on 1st December 2015 by theKidderminster {Reorganisation of Community Governance} Order 2015.

Services for the day to day administration of the grants financial affairs, internal audit,legal and Human Resources were commissioned from Wyre Forest District Councilunder a Service Level Agreement for 2016/17.

The Town Council has a statutory responsibility to provide an adequate and effectiveInternal Audit. The role of the Internal Auditor is to provide an independent review andappraisal of the Council’s accounting records and system of internal control, theoutcome of which is reported to the Town Council as part of the Annual Return to theExternal Auditors.Internal Audit ApproachIn undertaking this review, regard has been given to the fact that 2016~17 was the firstfull year the Town Council was operational. In view of this, the detailed testingundertaken to be able to provide an assurance on the internal control environment hasincluded selective sampling on larger volumes of transactions and 100% detailed checksin some key areas in order to gain sufficient assurance that the Town Council’s financialand regulatory systems and controls are appropriate and fit for purpose. The review hasfollowed the best practice as referenced in the Governance and Accountability forSmaller Authorities in England {Practitioners Guide} March 2016.ConclusionIn view of the detailed testing undertaken and review of key policies, it can be reportedthat the financial records are maintained to a high standard and are supported withdetailed documentary evidence. On this basis it can be concluded that KidderminsterTown Council has in place adequate and effective internal control arrangements for thefinancial year 2016~17.

Review of Accounting Arrangements {Records & Bank Reconciliations}Objective Outcome

To ensure proper accountingrecords are maintained; that yearend accounts are prepared on anincome and expenditure basis andagree with the cash book.Ensured that a cash book/nominalledger is maintained to reflect theformally approved budget.Ensured that there are regularreconciliations to the BankStatements.Confirmed that there is an audit trailfor underlying financial records tothe accounts, and that whereappropriate debtors and creditorshad been appropriately recorded.

There is evidence that the year end accounts areprepared on an income and expenditure basis.Validated the opening balances as detailed in the2015~16 Statement of Accounts.Cash Book entries could be reconciled to the trialbalance as at 31st March 2017.Reviewed the April 2016 Opening BankReconciliation and the March 2017 Closing BankReconciliation to ensure completed in a timelymanner and that cash in transit/unpresentedcheque payments are evidenced.Bank Reconciliations are completed on a monthlybasis with evidence held on file.Reviewed and reconciled close down journals toinclude accrual and prepayment calculations.Validated the year end accrual for VAT.

Conclusion: There remained an unpresented cheque of £75.00 from 2015~16 financialyear which had been written back in April 2017.

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There were no significant matters arising from this review.Points for Action: NoneTown Clerk Response:The Town Clerk accepts the findings.

Review of Corporate GovernanceObjective Outcome

To ensure that there is acorporate governanceframework in place, ensuredthat the Council has formallyadopted Standing Orders &Financial Regulations; thereis a Committee Structure inplace; a Responsible Officeris in place with specificduties and that appropriateCorporate polices andprocedures are in place.

As part of reviewing theCorporate GovernanceArrangements, a review ofthe recommendations fromthe 2015~16 Internal andExternal Audit Reports werereviewed.

The Code of Conduct, Standing Orders & FinancialRegulations for Kidderminster Town Council wereformally adopted at its initial meeting on 1st December2015 {Agenda Item 4}In addition, at this meeting the Town Council approvedthe:-Banking, treasury management and insurancearrangements for the newly formed organisation {AgendaItem 7}Committee Structure and Delegation Scheme {AgendaItem 11}The recruitment of a Responsible Financial Officer andthe duties aligned to this post were approved at its initialmeeting on 1st December 2015 {Agenda Item 13}, withthe appointment confirmed at its meeting on 10th February2016 {Agenda Item 9}.As part of the initial duties of the Responsible FinancialOfficer {Town Clerk} the Council when approving thebudget and financial strategy for 2016~17 agreed that theClerk should develop a grants policy for approval by theTown Council. A grants policy had been prepared andconsidered by the Town Council at its meeting of 20th July2016. {Agenda Item 13}. This was referred back to theStrategic Advisory Committee with a final Councildecision that a new grants policy for 2017~18 would beimplemented. The Town Clerk has confirmed that thegrants policy went live as of 1st April 2017.In addition, a Risk Management Policy had beenprepared and adopted by the Town Council at its meetingon 8th June 2016 {Agenda Item 13}. This was reviewedand updated as part of a review of the governancearrangements with Council approval April 2017.

As 2016~17 is the first full year of the Town Council, theprevious audit report only covered the initial period of 1st

December 2015 to 31st March 2016 for the KidderminsterParish Council.The Internal Audit:Recommended Balance Sheet: Reserve for the ExternalAudit Fee. £1,300 accrued for the 2016~17 review.Recommended: to note that the £75 unpresented chequemay remain un cashed based on experience. The

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Review of Corporate GovernanceObjective Outcome

cheque remained unpresented as at 31.03.17. Writtenback into the Accounts April 2017.The External Audit:Advised that a letter of engagement is obtained from theinternal Auditor to evidence their independence. Thisfunction for the Town Council forms part of a formal SLAfrom 1st April 2016.

Conclusion: There were no significant matters arising from this review.Points for Action: As processes continue to be embedded into the newly formed TownCouncil, governance issues will be reviewed as part of future internal audits. This willinclude a review of the implementation of the formal grants policy and any applicationsgranted along with the expansion and formal review of the Risk Management Strategy.Town Clerk Response:The Town Clerk accepts the findings and is in the process of formulating an action planfor consideration at the next Finance and Overview Committee.

Review of Expenditure {Payment Controls}Objective Outcome

To ensure thatpayments aresupported byappropriatedocumentation,evidence ofauthorisation.

Expenditure has beenrecorded againstapproved budgets andminuted.

VAT has beenrecorded andrecovered periodically.

As appropriate,services have beencompetitively

The system is manual in that the cash book is maintained byspreadsheet, all payments are supported by an invoice.The Town Clerk as the Responsible Financial Officerconfirmed that all payments are authorised/approved byhimself prior to passing for payment. Cheques are signed byone of the Councillor signatories. A small sample ofpayments were reviewed to ensure that the payment hadbeen authorised, an appropriate invoice had been raised andthe expenditure recorded in the cash book.

The Town Clerk did advise that the current arrangements areunder review, with consideration of a move towards electronicbanking arrangements, and agreements for certain fixedexpenditure e.g. utilities.

Payments are minuted, with regular finance reports to theTown Council to ensure that the whole Council has oversightof the financial position.

VAT on payments had been identified, recorded and for thefirst three quarters {April 2016 ~ November 2016}. Claims hadbeen submitted. The input/output tax entries were validatedwith a full validation of the outputs/inputs plus the VATreconciled in full to the Cash Book and the refund due verifiedfor the fourth quarter of December 2016 ~ February 2017.

The Kidderminster {Reorganisation of CommunityGovernance} Order 2015 provided for the acquisition ofvarious assets and certain support services by the

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Review of Expenditure {Payment Controls}Objective Outcome

procured. Parish/Town Council. At its meeting of 10th February 2016the Town Council formally entered into agreements withWFDC to provide funding for the operation and maintenanceof the Town Hall, services to support other assets transferred,as well as support services from WFDC. Thesearrangements provided for the provision of grant support of£5k in 2016~17 for the Kidderminster Arts Festival and £8kfor a Christmas lights switch on event. In addition, thereorganisation order transferred a contract in respect ofChristmas Lights from WFDC to the Town Council, whichinvolved an annual cost of £19k.

A formal agreement from 1st April 2016 has been entered intowith Wyre Forest District Council for additional services thatdo not form part of the services transferred at thecommencement of the Town Council.

These transactions form a major part of the expenditureincurred by the Town Council for the financial year 2016~17highlighted in the Financial Strategy report presented to theCouncil on 10th February 2016. The payments under theService Level Agreement for provision of support servicesprovided by WFDC, and the contribution towardsmaintenance costs for the Town Hall, and payments inrespect of duel use of the Town Hall, were reconciled in full.

Conclusion: There were no significant matters arising from this review. For thefinancial year 2016~17 there was no requirement for competitive procurement with themain services subject to formal agreements between WFDC and the Town Council.Points for Action: As processes are changed, any revised procedures will bereviewed as part of future internal audits. In view of the proposal to review the bankingarrangements, this could provide for an opportunity to undertake a competitiveprocurement exercise to ensure best value for the Council subject to the value andspecific detail of the service requirement.Town Clerk Response:The Town Clerk acknowledges the findings. Electronic banking arrangements arealready progressing and consideration will be given whether a formal procurementexercise will deliver best value (in accordance with the approved Contract ProcedureRules) and recognised in the action plan taken to the next Finance and OverviewCommittee.

Assessment and Management of RiskObjective Outcome

To ensure that the TownCouncil has assessedthe significant risks toachieving its objectivesand that it has in placearrangements to identify

The Council at its meeting on 8th June 2016 adopted aRisk Management Policy. The Policy to provide for anassessment by Kidderminster Town Council of the currentrisks faced and framework for mitigating actions and thereporting framework.Regular finance reports are presented to the Town Council

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Assessment and Management of RiskObjective Outcome

potential risks financialand non-financial toinclude review andminutes of any unusualfinancial activity.

To ensure that insurancecover is appropriate andadequate.

to update the Council on the budget performance and theplans for future spending ensuring they are fully informedof any financial implications. A detailed review of theFinance Report for the period 1st September – 30th

September 2016, presented to the Town Council onWednesday 26th October, was undertaken and entriesreconciled back to the Cash Book, and supportingdocumentation. The report also noted additionalexpenditure incurred as a consequence of a by-electioncalled within the 2016~17 year, therefore ensuingMembers were fully informed

As part of the reorganisation order, the Town Council wererequired to renegotiate the insurance contract with ZurichMunicipal following the transfer of assets and services on1st April 2016.

The Town Clerk has confirmed that the ReorganisationOrder was forwarded onto Zurich as part of therenegotiation. During the audit review, it was necessary toclarify the arrangements for certain assets transferred.Zurich Municipal, the Council’s insurers provided evidencethat all significant assets transferred were insured underthe new Kidderminster Town Council policy which wassighted as part the review.

Conclusion: The overall conclusion is that the Council have adopted an initial riskassessment policy to acknowledge the current risks faced.Points for Action: It is anticipated that this document will expand as services growand new polices are adopted by the newly formed Town Council, these will bereviewed as part of future internal audits.Town Clerk Response:The Town Clerk acknowledges the findings and is in the process of refreshing theTown Council’s risk management arrangements, further details will be included in theaction plan for consideration at the next Finance and Overview Committee.

Review of Budgetary ControlsObjective Outcome

To ensure that the TownCouncil has procedures inplace to identify futurefinancial requirementsand/or commitments;supported by an approvedbudget and formaldetermination of therequired precept.

To ensure that there is

Initial budget for the first full financial year of the TownCouncil 2016~17 was formally approved at its meeting of10th February 2016, Agenda Item 12 Report of theConvenor/Treasurer to include evidence resolution forprecept ~ Agenda Item 13.Regular finance reports are presented to the TownCouncil to update the Council on the budget performanceand the plans for future spending ensuring they are fullyinformed of any financial implications. Sighted reportsissued:June 2016 {May 2016 Transactions}

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Review of Budgetary ControlsObjective Outcome

budgetary control andmonitoring of performancewith explanations for anyvariances, that Membersreceive regular financialreports and the budget ismatched to the year endout-turn.

July 2016 {June 2016 Transactions}January 2017 {December 2016 Transactions}March 2017 {February 2017 Transactions}April 2017 {March 2017 Transactions}A detailed review of the Finance Report for the period 1st

September – 30th September 2016, presented to theTown Council on Wednesday 26th October, wasundertaken and entries reconciled back to the CashBook, and supporting documentation.

Conclusion: The overall conclusion is that there is evidence of detailed budgetmonitoring. The process is spreadsheet based, with the Town Clerks representative{Accountant for WFDC} recording and monitoring transactions against the designatedaccounting structure which could be reconciled back to the cash book and TrialBalance entries as part of the Internal Audit review.Points for Action: Finance Report to the April 2017 Council Committee to explain agrowth in reserve as the outcome of the first year of the Town Council. Whilst anadditional £70k has been invested, a work programme has been formulated to help theTown Council going forward to clarify its vision further establish itself and deliver itsrole in terms of specific actions and outcomes.Town Clerk Comments:The Town Clerk endorses the findings and this will be a key part of the action plan forconsideration at the next Finance and Overview Committee to inform the strategygoing forward.

Review of IncomeObjective Outcome

In considering the TownCouncil’s income streamsensure that systems are inplace to enableidentification of all incomedue, that the income isrecorded correctly andpromptly banked.

Ensure that the preceptdue to the Town Councilagrees to the formalCommittee approval.

The Town Council has sources of income other than theprecept and parish support grant, in terms of income fromrent paid by WFDC for space within the Town Hall,occupied by the HUB, along with rental income in respectof the registrars fee, and 50% of the booking feesreceived in respect of Town Hall Room Hire Services.Additional income had been received in respect of VATand bank interest on investments. The monthly rent andregister fees were reconciled to invoices raised andentries sighted on the bank statements.

The precept for 2016~17 had been reported toKidderminster Town Council Committee 10.02.16following adoption of Financial Strategy. Precept agreed@ £482,850. Paid in 2 instalments of £241,425 29.04.16& 30.09.16. Entries sighted on Bank Statements.

Conclusion: There are no significant matters arising from this review. All income hadbeen correctly referenced in the cash book and final accounts.Points for Action: NoneTown Clerk Response:The Town Clerk is very pleased to accept the findings.

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Review of Petty Cash ImprestObjective Outcome

To ensure that appropriatecontrols are in place for therecording of petty cashspend; that all expenditureincurred is supported byeither a business invoice ortill receipt, that theexpenditure is appropriate,that VAT has been identifiedseparately for periodicrecovery, and that thecheque encashment from themain cash book is recordedcorrectly.To ensure that petty cashexpenditure is reported toeach Council meeting.

Examination of the financial records indicate thatexpenditure in this area is small and used forminor/emergency purchases covering stationery items,refreshments for events, and postage. Forcompleteness, examined in detail the reimbursementcompleted in June 2016.Each transaction had been supported by an invoice ortill receipt and VAT recovered where relevant and aVAT number evidenced on the documentationprovided. VAT incurred had been coded and recoveredaccordingly.The Town Clerk confirmed that the petty cash imprestis managed by the Office Manager.Councillors are advised of petty cash spend, followingthe reimbursement. The report details the totalreimbursement, rather than the varying types ofexpenditure.

Conclusion: Whilst there are no significant matters arising from this review. Thetesting did identify that on occasion employees had used personal credit cards forpurchases.Points for Action: It is recommended that consideration be given to implementingcorporate credit cards to be held by the Town Clerk and Office Manager with a view toceasing the use of petty cash.Town Clerk Response:The Town Clerk acknowledges the findings. Consideration will be given toimplementing corporate credit cards and recognised in the action plan taken to the nextFinance and Overview Committee.

Review of Salaries {Payroll Controls}Objective Outcome

To ensure that employeesof the Town Council havecontracts of employment;and that salaries are paidas approved by the Council.To ensure that deductionsfor National Insurance,Income Tax and LocalGovernment Pension{LGPS} are correctlyrecorded, and paid over toHMRC and WorcestershireCounty Council on a timelybasis.

Payroll Services are provided by WFDC as part of theexternal arrangements with Redditch BC andBromsgrove DC. The payments for Kidderminster TownCouncil, previously Charter Trustees fall under theService Provision to External Bodies as defined by theSLA between WFDC and RBC/BDC to provide a fullpayroll service including the calculation of EmployersPension and NI for submission to WorcestershireCounty Council and the HMRC as part of the Real TimeProcessing respectively. Salary payments aretransmitted by WFDC via the Banks Automated ClearingService and at month end to Worcestershire CountyCouncil for pension contributions from both employeeand employer and to the HMRC for NI and Tax tosupport the Real Time Information provided at the timeof salary payments.

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All five employees salary payments for the month ofDecember 2016 were examined in detail {gross to net}by the Internal Audit Team for WFDC who undertake thepayroll review as part of their approved Internal AuditPlan.

Confirmation from Town Clerk that all staff havecontracts of employment. In addition advised thatprogressing into 17~18 new contracts are to be drawnup. The Town Clerk advised that County Association ofLocal Councils {CALC} have been retained for thisexercise as reported to the Staffing Committee. TheTown Clerk advised that there are no other payments toemployees i.e. mileage, long service.

Conclusion: There are no significant matters arising from the review of payrollcontrols.Points for Action: In view of the changes proposed to the employment contracts,further work to be undertaken as part of future internal audits.Town Clerk Response:The Town Clerk acknowledges the findings. New employee contract arrangements arealready progressing and will be evidenced in the action plan taken to the next Financeand Overview Committee.

Review of Asset RegisterObjective Outcome

All Councils are required tomaintain a register of allmaterial assets owned or inits care, and ensure theregister is regularlyreviewed and insurancevaluations agree with thosein the register.

Following the formal creation of Kidderminster TownCouncil on 1st April 2016 certain land, property, rightsand liabilities were transferred from WFDC to theKidderminster Town Council.Where appropriate, the Town Council becameresponsible for the insurance arrangements for theseassets. Independent clarification was provided by theTown Council’s insurers to confirm that that allsignificant assets transferred were insured under thenew Kidderminster Town Council policy which wassighted as part the review.The assets detailed on the re-organisation order werereconciled to the insurance documentation providedby the Town Clerk and also the Asset Registermaintained by the Town Clerks representative{Accountant @ WFDC}

From the information available it was not possible toconfirm the insurance requirements for the WarMemorial located on land adjacent to St Mary’sChurch.

In addition, when reviewing the Asset Register It wasnoted that some of the lower value miscellaneous

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Review of Asset RegisterObjective Outcome

assets transferred were not insured as separate itemswith the exception of the 6 Bus Shelters which hadbeen given a value of £1500 each. This was raisedwith the Accountant and the Asset Register amendedaccordingly to reflect these miscellaneous assetsindependently of the remaining items which includedBaskets for Floral DisplaysVarious Benches total of 18Fingerposts 2Kidderminster Boundary Signs 10For completeness, the revised Asset Register wassighted.

Conclusion: Whilst there are no significant matters arising from this review, there isan outstanding decision on the insurance requirements for the War Memorial on landadjacent to St Mary’s Church.Points for Action: The Council in consultation with the Town Clerk review theinsurance arrangements for the War Memorial which is currently self insured asopposed to a separate requirement on the current Zurich Policy.Town Clerk Response:The Town Clerk acknowledges the findings and will present options for the TownCouncil to consider as part of the action plan taken to the next Finance andOverview Committee.

Review of InvestmentsObjective Outcome

To ensure that the TownCouncil is managingreserves, reviewed thearrangements for investingsurplus funds, to ensurethat they are in accordancewith an approved TreasuryManagement Policy.

As part of the re-organisation, the Parish/TownCouncil at its meeting of 1st December 2015 formallyagreed to adopt the Treasury Management Strategy inline with the previous arrangements in place with theCharter Trustees who invested excess funds withWFDC.For the financial year 2016~17 the Town Council had£30,000 invested with WFDC on a six month fixedterm arrangement. This investment transferred fromthe Kidderminster Charter Trustees.A review of the investment agreements wasundertaken and investment income reconciledaccordingly.

Conclusion: As part of the approval of the Treasury Management arrangements itwas acknowledged that the Treasury Management Strategy adopted on 1st

December, would require a review, to ensure it meets the needs of the KidderminsterTown Council.Points for Action: To date this Strategy is still under review, and further work will beundertaken as part of future internal audits. It is recommended that the Town Councilin consultation with the Town Clerk explore alternative investment options as part ofthis review.Town Clerk Response:The Town Clerk acknowledges the findings and is actively researching the range of

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investment options available. Additional investments have been placed with WFDCfor 2017/18; consideration of alternative investment options will be undertaken aspart of the annual Treasury Management Policy Review. This will be included in theaction plan taken to the next Finance and Overview Committee.

Consultees:Tracey Southall, CPFA, MAATDirector of Resources, S151 OfficerWyre Forest District Council

Diana Evans, CPFAAccountant,Wyre Forest District Council

Tony Beirne,Town ClerkKidderminster Town Council

Report Prepared By:Cheryl Ellerton, MAAT,Audit Manager,Wyre Forest District Council

Date: 21st June 2017

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Receipts and Payments Account for Year Ending 31st March 2017

PRIOR YEAR2015/2016 RECEIPTS 2016/2017 2016/2017

£ £ £1,124.33 Interest on cashflow invested with WFDC 433.571,124.33 (A) 433.57 (A)

PAYMENTSStudent Prizes:

200.00 Baxter Business & Enterprise Centre (16/17) 200.0050.00 Holy Trinity Student Awards (14/15) 0.00

Holy Trinity Student Awards (15/16) 50.000.00 Kidderminster College Student Awards (14/15) 200.00

Kidderminster College Student Awards (15/16) 200.00200.00 Bewdley School & Sixth Form Centre (16/17) 200.00200.00 Wolverley High School Student Awards (14/15) 0.00200.00 King Charles 1 School (15/16) 200.00

0.00 King Charles 1 School (16/17) 200.000.00 0.00

Hardship Grants:0.00 Hardship Grants 0.00

Other Grants:1,000.00 Bewdley Festival 0.001,000.00 Friends of Broadwaters 0.00

0.00 Arts Etcetera 825.00

110.00 External Audit Fee 100.00

0.00Professional services provided byWyre Forest District Council 0.00

2,960.00 (B) 2,175.00 (B)2,960.00 (B) 2,175.00 (B)(1,835.67) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year (A) - (B) (1,741.43) (A-B)


PRIOR YEAR2015/2016 2016/2017

£ £ £8,202.41 Unrestricted Fund - Balance at 1st April 2016 6,366.74

(1,835.67) Surplus/(Deficit for Year) (1,741.43)6,366.74 4,625.31

271,208.64 Capital Endowment Fund - Fund Account 271,208.64

277,575.38 275,833.95


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Revenue Fund£ £

Balance on fund as at 1st April 2017 4,625

Less grants paid to date:-Mentor Link -962Student Awards - Hagley Catholic High School 2016/2017 -100


Interest on cashflow invested with WFDC (estimate) 4504,013

Less (approximate):Administration Expenses Contingency 0Audit Fee - -100Additional Student Awards for 17/18 (if requested) -1,450Additional Student Awards for 16/17 (if requested) -700


Committed Expenditure0


Estimated Funds Available as at 31st March 2018

Approximate Surplus/(Deficit) Balance as at 31st March 2018 £1,763(Includes £2,250 Arts Partnership Fund, a transfer from the CapitalEndowment Fund may be required if all of the Student Award Grants are requested)

Capital Endowment Fund - Balance Available £271,208

Estimated Total Available Monies £272,971

18/07/2007 Kidderminster Educational Foundation decision to allocate up to £10,000 per annum fromthe Capital Endowment, if necessary, to supplement the Revenue Fund for non-capital projects inaccordance with the objects of the Foundation).

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Agenda item 7Kidderminster Town CouncilWednesday 19th April 2017

Town Council Business Plan1. PurposeThe purpose of this report is to seek the agreement of Council to a process tofinalise and produce a business plan for the Council

2. BackgroundCouncil has agreed its Vision Statement. This needs to be developed and expandedto form the full business plan

3. Draft Business PlanAttached as the appendix to this report is a draft business plan which includes

An overview Information on the locality The set-up of the Council The Vision Values & Priorities A SWOT analysis How/what we deliver Our budget Contact details

4. RiskHaving a business plan in place will give clarity of our purpose and spending. It willinform future risk assessments

5. FinanceThere are no strategic financial implications arising from this report. There is abudget available to develop and produce the plan

6. Next StepsTo successfully deliver the business plan Member input is needed. This will ensurethe document reflects the Council’s aspirations. It will also ensure the final plan isedited, designed and produced. It would seem appropriate to identify a ‘task andfinish group’ of 2 or 3 Councillors to lead the work with the support of the TownClerk.

7. RecommendationCouncil are recommended to:-

i. Approve the draft business plan in principleii. Identify a ‘task and finish group’ to finalise and produce the document

iii. Note the costs of the work can be met within current budgets

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Kidderminster Parish, a place where a goodquality of life is open to all.

1. Introduction

2. Overviewa. Purposeb. Community involvementc. Monitoring

3. Kidderminstera. The Local Pictureb. Populationc. Historyd. Geographye. Transport

4. The Town Councila. Councillorsb. Financesc. Staff and Managementd. Kidderminster Town Council’s Areas of Responsibility

5. Vision, Values and Prioritiesa. Visionb. Valuesc. Priorities

6. Delivering our servicesa. Finance Committeeb. Services Committeec. Events Committeed. Town Hall Committeee. Planning Committee

7. The Budgeta. Kidderminster Town Council Budget 2017/18

8. Contact Details


Kidderminster Parish, a place where a goodquality of life is open to all.

1. Introduction

2. Overviewa. Purposeb. Community involvementc. Monitoring

3. Kidderminstera. The Local Pictureb. Populationc. Historyd. Geographye. Transport

4. The Town Councila. Councillorsb. Financesc. Staff and Managementd. Kidderminster Town Council’s Areas of Responsibility

5. Vision, Values and Prioritiesa. Visionb. Valuesc. Priorities

6. Delivering our servicesa. Finance Committeeb. Services Committeec. Events Committeed. Town Hall Committeee. Planning Committee

7. The Budgeta. Kidderminster Town Council Budget 2017/18

8. Contact Details


Kidderminster Parish, a place where a goodquality of life is open to all.

1. Introduction

2. Overviewa. Purposeb. Community involvementc. Monitoring

3. Kidderminstera. The Local Pictureb. Populationc. Historyd. Geographye. Transport

4. The Town Councila. Councillorsb. Financesc. Staff and Managementd. Kidderminster Town Council’s Areas of Responsibility

5. Vision, Values and Prioritiesa. Visionb. Valuesc. Priorities

6. Delivering our servicesa. Finance Committeeb. Services Committeec. Events Committeed. Town Hall Committeee. Planning Committee

7. The Budgeta. Kidderminster Town Council Budget 2017/18

8. Contact Details

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1. IntroductionAs a new Town Council this business plan has been designed to help to give localpeople a clear understanding of the Town Council’s services and responsibilities andhelp us focus our work on improving and developing those services.

2. Overviewa. Purpose

This Business Plan sets out the vision; values; objectives; and key priorities for theCouncil.The Plan shows where we spend our money and the services and priorities we aredelivering.This Plan also sets out for Councillors, staff, and the community, our plans for thenext three years.We are a new Council looking to build our services and increase our influence; thisPlan will help ensure that Kidderminster Town Council can take a coordinatedapproach to:

The design and delivery of services The prioritisation and allocation of resources The achievement of real value for money

The Business Plan will also allow the Council to become more confident andproactive in its decision making.

b. Community InvolvementIn determining the aims of the Council the Business Plan has:

Recognised national and local priorities Taken account of the views of local communities and the elected Councillors Consulted with partner organisations

c. MonitoringThe detailed content of the Plan will be strongly influenced by other work and will beregularly reviewed and updated. The Town Council formally reviews its spending andperformance every November to plan for the following year’s budget.

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3. Kidderminstera. The Local Picture

Worcestershire is made up of three tiers of local government, each with differingareas of responsibilities. Kidderminster Town Council is the first and most local tier ofgovernment for residents of Kidderminster Parish.Wyre Forest District Council is the second tier and is responsible for services withinKidderminster including, parking, housing and street cleaning.The third tier of local government is Worcestershire County Council; itsresponsibilities include education, highways, libraries, rights of way, health andsocial services.

Kidderminster Town Council was established in December 2015 by the ‘Wyre ForestDistrict Council (Reorganisation of Community Governance) (Kidderminster) Order2015’.In May 2016 Kidderminster Town Council held its first elections and eighteencouncillors were elected to serve six wards

b. PopulationThe population of the parished area is 55,530 (2011 census) with an electorate of45,535. Kidderminster is the 8th largest parish in the Country

c. HistoryKidderminster is world famous for its quality of woven carpets and as the birthplaceof Sir Rowland Hill, founder of the Penny Post.The development of Kidderminster has been shaped by the carpet industry, havingonce possessed the largest concentration of carpet manufacturers in the world.Although this is no longer true, Kidderminster carpets are still famous around theworld

d. GeographyKidderminster is the largest town in the district of Wyre Forest and is in the north ofthe County of Worcestershire, England. It is located approximately 17 miles (27 km)south-west of Birmingham city centre and approximately 15 miles (24 km) north ofWorcester city centre.

e. Transporti. Rail

Kidderminster rail station, trains run to Birmingham, Worcester and London.ii. Road

Several major routes run through the town including the A456 which runs fromBirmingham to Woofferton, Shropshire, a few miles south of Woofferton, the A451which runs from Stourbridge to Abberley, the A442 which runs from Droitwich toHodnet, Shropshire, a few miles north of Telford, the A449 which runs from Newportin south Wales to Stafford and crosses the A456 at the Land Oak, and the A448 roadwhich starts in the town and goes to Bromsgrove. A major change in the town centreroad infrastructure was the construction of the ring road in the 1970s and 1980s,

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which relieved the town's growing congestion problem. Unusually, the final phase ofthe ring road was never completed which results in it having a ring road that does notform a complete ring.

iii. WaterwaysThe Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal passes through the town.

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4. The Town Council

a. CouncilThe Town Council is made up of 18 elected councillors. The Town Mayor andDeputy Town Mayor are elected from within those Councillors at the Annual MayorMaking Meeting in May each year. The Town Councillors are responsible for theexpenditure and performance of the Council.

b. FinancesThe total budget for the Town Council’s services is £455,950 (2017/18) made upfrom a precept levied on local householders

c. Town Council Staff & Management StructureThe administration of the Town Council is carried out by a qualified Town Clerk whois appointed by the Town Council. The Town Clerk is required to carry out all thefunctions required by law as the Town Council’s proper officer and to issue allstatutory notifications. The Town Clerk is also the Responsible Finance Officer.The Town Clerk is supported by a team of 2 part-time members of staff

d. Areas of Responsibility

What we manage1. Town Hall2. St Mary’s Churchyard and War Memorials3. St George’s paddling pool4. Baxter statue5. Roland Hill statue6. Clock Tower, Worcester Street7. Market Street public toilets8. Town Centre floral displays9. Street Furniture (Benches/Bus Shelters/Road Signs)10. Town Council art collectionWhat we support through grants11. Christmas lights12. Kidderminster Arts Festival13. Allotments

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5. The Council’s Vision, Values and Prioritiesi. Our Vision

Kidderminster Parish, a place where a good quality of life is open to all.

ii. Our Values People

We will treat partners, customers and colleagues, with the respect they deserveand believe only our best is good enough.

PrideWe are proud of the role we play in making Kidderminster a success. We willaccept the responsibility invested in us and rise to meet the challenges we needto overcome.

PlaceWe will celebrate all things Kidderminster and strive to make our parish an evengreater place to live, work and visit

iii. Our Priorities The Town Centre

We will work to make the Town Centre a thriving retail, commercial andresidential centre by supporting local businesses, infrastructure/transport, andemployment

The Wider ParishWe will work to provide services across the parish of Kidderminster for the benefitof all residents by supporting improvements in housing, open spaces andeducation

HeritageWe are proud of Kidderminster’s heritage and want to help build on its strengthsand take advantage of new opportunities, aiming to make it a town that peoplechoose to live, work and visit. We will do this through supporting tourism andbuilding civic pride

Working in partnershipWe value our communities, local businesses and partners and we will work withthem to create a parish for the future

iv. How We Will Deliver These Lead for our community – we will work for the benefit of our communities, to

provide better services and opportunities for our people Best customer experience – we put all our customers at the heart of everything

we do Can do – our positive attitude means that we find ways of achieving excellent

results for our customers, partners, stakeholders and colleagues Honesty and respect – we will behave ethically and embrace diversity while

treating everyone fairly. Innovate – we will create an environment where we constantly strive for better

ways of doing things, through creativity, forward thinking and learning

v. The Way We Work Cooperation – we will share knowledge, capacity and resources with our

partners to tackle the issues facing the parish. Managing the money – we will balance our budgets, manage our reserves,

deliver efficient services and always strive for value for money

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Targeting our help – the council has limited resources and we will target oursupport for maximum impact and to help those in most need.

Reviewing the things we do – as the challenges increase we will look at all ourassets to ensure they deliver the best return

vi. The Future

Kidderminster is a new Town Council. We will build our reputation through Delivering good services Managing our finances Respecting our partners Working with our communities Valuing our staff

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6. Kidderminster: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOTAnalysis)

The Council has used their analysis of the social, economic, political andenvironmental context to identify the current strengths and weaknesses ofKidderminster and the opportunities and threats that can be anticipated and plannedfor.

i. Strengths The location of the town:

o Situated in the north of the County with access to Birmingham and nearbymotorways

o Good rail network to links to, Birmingham, Worcester and Hereford There are a variety of businesses sited in the town, with a good balance of

residential, business and light industrial areas. Strong community policing creates a positive environment for residents and


ii. Weaknesses The road system around and through Kidderminster needs improving Bus services for the town need improving not all areas are covered and there is

scope to support the night-time economy The Town Centre needs improvements to make it more attractive both locally and


iii. Opportunities Development of the Road System: A better shopping experience, more residential accommodation in the town

centre Improving the railway gateway to the town Improving bus services in and around the town

iv. Threats Volumes of traffic are reaching saturation point at peak times Traffic congestion increases due to development within the town and surrounding

area The occurrence of some anti-social behaviour

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7. Delivering our servicesThe Council’s services are delivered by five committees, each with its own remit; theCouncil as a whole has the overview and ultimate responsibility for all services

a. Finance & Overview CommitteeThe Committee is authorised by the Full Council to take responsibility for thepreparation of the Councils annual precept, implementation of annual grants system,review of the longer term strategy of the Council, the review of any personnelrequirements, and the monitoring and scrutinising of the budget. In addition theCommittee takes responsibility for the regular review of Standing Orders, Policiesand Terms of Reference.

b. Services CommitteeThe Committee manages the following services within the budgets agreed byCouncil –

St Mary's Churchyard Baxter Statue Clock Tower War Memorials Maintenance/replacement/cleaning of Street Furniture owned by the Council Arts Collections storage and display St Georges Paddling Pool Market Street Public toilets

c. Events CommitteeThe Committee manages the following services within the budgets agreed byCouncil –

Christmas Events Christmas Lights Town Centre Hanging Flowers Kidderminster Arts Promotion Kidderminster Arts Festival Community Awards Sports Awards

d. Town Hall CommitteeThe Committee oversees the Kidderminster Town Hall budget as agreed by TownCouncil and also manages the legal agreements with WFDC relating to the TownHall

e. Planning CommitteeThis Committee has three key roles:

it reviews planning applications affecting the Town,

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advises on tree applications considers and responds to highways schemes and consultations from

Government, County and District Councils relating to planning, transport,environment and development that affect the parish

The Town Council is a statutory consultee, and it should be noted that WFDC makesthe final decisions on all planning applications.

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8. The Budget

The budget shows where we are spending our money

a. Overview 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20Town Council Committees Estimate



£1. COUNCIL (455,950) (413,930) (406,590)2. FINANCE 178,280 179,750 181,2603. EVENTS 67,420 59,690 59,2404. SERVICES 51,850 44,970 45,0905. TOWN HALL 133,380 133,150 138,0306. PLANNING 0 0 0

Total Net Expenditure / (Income) (25,020) 3,630 17,030

b. Finance Committee 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20Estimate



£ExpenditureEmployee Costs

Salaries and Honoraria 35,000 35,000 35,000Clerk 50,840 51,360 51,880Net Salaries and Wages 85,840 86,360 86,880

Town Mayor's allowance 6,520 6,680 6,850Deputy Mayor's allowance 2,150 2,200 2,260Contingency for Tax/NI 1,580 1,620 1,660

Supplies & Services

General Office Expenses 4,000 4,000 4,000Office Equipment 1,000 1,000 1,000Printing and Photocopying 1,000 1,000 1,000Books and Stationery 500 500 500Audit Fees 1,000 1,000 1,000Postage 750 750 750Telephones 750 750 750Computing 0 0 0Travel 200 200 200Training 600 600 600Refreshments 200 200 200Professional Subscriptions 4,000 4,000 4,000Insurances 12,000 12,000 12,000Mayoral Car 6,000 6,000 6,000Mayors chain engraving, robe, etc. 2,000 2,000 2,000Purchase of Civic Gifts 1,000 1,000 1,000Civic Occasions 6,000 6,000 6,000Twinning 3,000 3,000 3,000

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Discretionary Grants 10,000 10,000 10,000

Support Services

WFDC Finance support 20,500 21,010 21,540ICT 2,560 2,630 2,690Legal 5,130 5,250 5,380

Total Net Expenditure / (Income) 178,280 179,750 181,260

c. Services Committee 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20Estimate




St Mary's Churchyard 10,890 11,160 11,440Baxter Statue 12,000 0 250Clock Tower 250 250 250War Memorials 1,500 1,000 1,000Maintenance of Street Furniture - cleaning 2,050 2,100 2,150Maintenance of Street Furniture - replacement 5,000 5,000 5,000Arts Collections Management - storage 5,310 5,440 5,580St Georges Paddling Pool 4,280 4,280 4,280Public Conveniences 25,730 25,870 26,540Grounds Maintenance 2,690 2,730 2,750Signage Boards 4,000 4,000 0

Gross Expenditure 73,700 61,830 59,240


St Georges Paddling Pool – Transfer GrantCapital repair grant




Gross Income (6,280) (2,140) 0

Total Net Expenditure / (Income) 67,420 59,690 59,240

d. Events Committee 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20Estimate





Kidderminster Arts Festival 5,000 5,000 5,000Kidderminster Arts Promotion 5,000 5,000 5,000Town Centre Hanging flowers 4,850 4,970 5,090Town Centre Planting 5,000 0 0Christmas Lights 19,480 19,480 19,480

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Christmas Events - WFDC Grant 8,000 8,000 8,000Christmas Events - Other 2,520 2,520 2,520Community Awards 2,000 0 0

Gross Expenditure 51,850 44,970 45,090

Income 0 0 0

Total Net Expenditure / (Income) 51,850 44,970 45,090

e. Town Hall Committee 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20Estimate





Contribution towards WFDC maintenance costs 74,340 76,010 77,720Dual Use Agreement in respect of the Town Hall,Including payment to Organist 108,040 111,140 114,310Civic Furniture 4,000 4,000 4,000Artefact Cleaning 5,000 0 0

Gross Expenditure 191,380 191,150 196,030


Income passported for Registrar’s Office (8,000) (8,000) (8,000)Rent Income (50,000) (50,000) (50,000)Income for Room Hire of Council Chamber andCourt Room

Gross Income (58,000) (58,000) (58,000)

Total Net Expenditure / (Income) 133,380 133,150 138,030

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9. Contact Details

Kidderminster Town CouncilTown HallVicar StreetKidderminsterDY10 1DBTel: 01562 732680Email: [email protected]

Web site Facebook page Twitter

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Finance Report

1. Accounts Paid 1st May 2017 to 31st May 2017Date Payee Purpose Amount

Inc. VAT£


02/05/17 Wyre Forest DC NNDR – Marker Street Toilets May 196.00 DD02/05/17 Investec Copier Rental 121.49 DD02/05/17 Npower Electricity – Clock Tower, Oxford Street -48.51 DD04/05/17 Information


ICO Membership 2017 35.00 DD

04/05/17 Nicky Gale Mayoral Allowance 6,520.00 91004/05/17 Martin Stooke Deputy Mayoral Allowance 2,150.00 91104/05/17 Copyfax Digital

Solutions LtdCopier Charge 203.36 912

09/05/17 WorcestershireCALC

Membership Fees 2,574.35 913

10/05/17 Barclays Bank Bank Charges 10.46 DD11/05/17 We Do Services Ltd Blinds for Mayors Office 125.00 91419/05/17 Vaughtons Civic Regalia 197.48 91519/05/17 BT Phone Bill 89.04 DD23/05/17 Miriam Cunliffe Pictures of Mayor Making and Dementia

Awards180.00 916

23/05/17 Gardening Services Lengthsman Scheme April 2017 180.50 91723/05/17 DPS Print 4 U Art Work and Additional Business Cards 92.40 91823/05/17 Dragon Leisure Ltd Mayor Making 180.00 91923/05/17 Plyvine Catering Ltd Mayor Making Buffet 17/05/17 595.20 92023/05/17 Plyvine Catering Ltd Mayor Making Bar Tab 17/05/17 186.10 92023/05/17 Vintage Delight Dementia Awareness Catering 245.00 92126/05/17 Wyre Forest DC May Payroll 6,812.16 92226/05/17 Painters Solicitors Land Registry Fee 120.00 92330/05/17 Npower Electricity – Clock Tower, Oxford Street

01/02/17-30/04/1789.23 DD

TOTAL 20,854.26

2. Income Received 1st May 2017 to 31st May 2017Date Payee Purpose Amount

Inc. VAT £03/05/17 Wyre Forest DC Investment Interest 22.3217/05/14 Wyre Forest DC Grant Contribution - Paddling Pool 2,000.00

TOTAL 2,022.32

3. BalancesBank Balance as at 31st May 2017: £274,578.87There is also a £100,000 investment with Wyre Forest District Council.

4. RecommendationTo ask any questions and to note the current financial position

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