
PowerPoint Presentation

Sara KelsoLIBR 285Spring 2013Dr. HagarUser Perceptions of Libraries in a 21st century recession

This proposed study seeks to explore whether or not a correlation exists between economic downturn, job searching, and patron attitudes about public libraries. The government said the recession was over in 2009, but some areas, including Washington County, in Oregon, where the study will take place, still suffer from significant unemployment.Libraries have more traffic during a recession, but does use of library services for job searching affect patron perceptions of libraries overall?Employers are demanding tech-savvy employees; are libraries meeting the challenges of a digitally driven job market for patrons?Background/introduction

Is there a correlation between economic downturn, job searching, and patron attitudes about public libraries?Research question:

What is the role (if any) of available technology in libraries as it relates to job searching and public perception?

What is the role (if any) of library staff in serving patrons as it relates to job searching and public perception?

Are people aware of library services and does it affect current public perception of libraries?


Unit of analysis:Individuals 18 and older living in Washington County, OregonSixteen libraries operating in the Washington County Cooperative Library Services Consortium

VariablesIndependent variables:Age range, education level, current employment statusDependent variables:Frequency of library usePurpose of library use

Unit of analysis, variables

Age: Seven year increments, starting at age 18. (18-24, 25-31and a 65+ category to make it exhaustive)Education level: Some high school/GED, high school diploma, certificate/vocational, some college, 2-year degree, 4-year degree, graduate degree or higher, otherCurrent employment status: unemployed, employed part-time (

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