Page 1: Kate nash   foundations

Deconstruction –

Kate Nash - Foundations

Page 2: Kate nash   foundations

• Establishing shot of two toothbrushes together – suggesting these two people live together. So know each other well.

• Shot of house hold items including telephone and shoes – setting the scene of the video

• Like Goodwin's theory – the shot changes in time with the beat

Page 3: Kate nash   foundations

• Scene changes to two people playing game – close up of faces to establish characters (Goodwin's theory)

• Point of view shot from Kate's boyfriend. Kate looks into camera as if talking to the audience.- Notion of looking.

• Goes to shot under table, showing Kate move away from him – lyrics linking with visuals “my finger tips are holding onto the cracks…”

• Another sequence of close ups showing the reactions to each other – mostly annoyed

• Opens fridge to reveal lots of beer bottles – linking visuals with lyrics. “why don’t you have another beer then” – sarcastic tone.

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• Close up of them playing game – representing the relationship, which is competitive and under pressure.

• Birds eye view shot of them on bed together – they are physically far apart – linking to lyrics

• Uses stop motion with socks, to represent relationship “I know that I should let go but I cant…”

• Kate starts eating lemons – links visuals with lyrics

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• Socks part from each other – like relationship “it gives me thrills to wind you up”

• They have an arm wrestle to represent their childish relationship

• Mid shot of Kate singing on stairs – goes into close up build up the sympathy with audience toward chorus – looking into camera

• Kate starts punching mid air – visuals with lyrics. Represents Kate fighting a losing battle.

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• Kate lying on sofa – birds eye view camera – reference to looking and visuals with lyrics

• Close ups of Kate singing

• Back to them in bed – Kate turns away from him

• Close up of their fingertips – lyrics to visuals

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• Uses watches to represent them – watches move close together

• Close up of Kate singing

• They make faces out of ketchup in their dinner – linking the lyrics with the visuals

• Close up singing again

• Goes back to shot in bed – Kate cant sleep “I know that I should forget but I cant”

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• More close ups

• Goes back to the establishing shot of tooth brushes – this time they are close together

• When Kates cleaning she turns down the photo of him and her – visuals to lyrics.

• Tooth brushes move away from each other “I know that I should forget but I cant”

• Socks move away – representing the relationship ending

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• Shot of Kate backing her suit case and leaving

• Message on door as I closes behind her: “don’t fall for this” – subliminal message

• This music video is a mix of a performance and narrative – so therefore a hybrid

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