
Kate Middleton Method: How to Get Your Ex- Boyfriend & Prince

Charming Back!

For those of you who don’t know, Kate Middleton is engaged to England’s future king, Prince William Arthur Philip Louis. Other than loving to visit England and picking up a gorgeous and vivacious model during my last dating bootcamp in London, I don’t really care what the royals are up to.

However, the jockeying and maneuvering that women do to ensnare rich, powerful and influential men puts some of the most famous master Pick Up Artists to shame. I’ve seem some of the hottest, most beautiful models try to angle their way to the likes of Quentin Tarantino and Wesley Snipes with skill and acumen that would rival the best of my industry peers.

So how did Kate Middleton get her ex- boyfriend and Prince Charming back? What crafty feminine wiles and method did she use to bag and tag one of the biggest bachelors in town not once, but TWICE?Obviously, she knew he was going to be

the best she ever had, so she pulled out all the stops and didn’t lose sight of her wedding nuptial goals…and what works for her and a real life prince will work for you.

Get In Shape: I hate to say this, ladies, but you have to shape up or ship out. When your ex-boyfriend says that “it’s not you, it’s me,” he’s LYING. I know that’s harsh, but assuming he broke up with you, there was something missing. One of the things that Kate Middleton did

to recapture her Prince Charming’s eye is she worked out like a fiend after the break up, lost a lot of weight, and got head turning toned.

While measuring at 5’8” and weighing 130 lbs seems slim, she ended up losing an additional 15 pounds. Kate Middleton was already a pretty girl, but getting Demi Moore ripped gave her that additional “WOW” boost.

Men are visual creatures and becoming more visually appealing will pique their interests in what they once had. So if you want that extra special boyfriend back, you gotta be an extra special girlfriend yourself.

Get Sexy: This doesn’t mean being a hoe, but rather

owning your hotness! Adding some sex appeal and sexy apparel to her new rocking body hoisted Kate Middleton into sex goddess girlfriend status. If you don’t have the cash to blow on an entirely new wardrobe, there are simple changes you can make. For those of you who don’t know this, the color red makes you more alluring, more sexual, and seem more confident.

It will also, however, make you seem more intimidating to your ex-boyfriend, which in this case, sense he’s your ex-Prince Charming, it’s a good thing; after all, he dumped YOU. So now you’re looking sexier, you’re

feeling sexier because working out got him off your mind, albeit temporarily, and he knows it. By showing off her now bod and new threads, you start getting the attention of your ex-boyfriend back.

Get Out There: When you go out and have fun, he needs to be aware of it, but you can’t push it in his face. While we may not have the power of the paparazzi, you have the mighty power of Facebook at your fingertips.

Assuming he’s on your friend-list, post fun status updates. Don’t mention how pathetically sad you are (although it’s okay to mention that you are a little bit sad and that he did affect you); you don’t want to be a Debbie-Downer or suffocating because no one likes that combination.

So, in your fun-filled status updates, post pictures of you enjoying yourself. Night-life pictures are an integral part of this, because they’ll show the serious sex appeal you have, because other than going to the beach, the night is where you will reveal your most decolletage. Moreover, you want to be in the accompaniment of your normal friends but introducing new, other men into the picture. Men equal if not BETTER than your ex-boyfriend.

What Kate Middleton did was she started hanging out and going to the same clubs that her Prince Charming did, but with the men in his social circle. They weren’t all his friends but they were his peers – actors, millionaires, and industry tycoons. No, you may not have access to that kind

of man fuel, but you definitely have to show that you are not completely pining over your ex and that other men are, in fact, chasing you.

Danger! – be very careful with this though, the idea is NOT to make your ex-boyfriend jealous but rather to make him start re-evaluating you and thinking of you in a different light.

You want him thinking, “Damn, why did I give that up? What’s wrong with me? She’s the best I ever had or could ever get!” Social-proof is a funny double standard – when a man is social- proofed by surrounding women, he is considered more attractive by women.

Women surrounded by other men make him less likely to approach, as he’s intimidated by the herd. Don’t go boy crazy because the other warning is, just like when I tell my students you can’t switch targets in the D-phase (Dominant, Direct Intent, & Disqualify), you are considered sleazy if you start snogging random men.

If you’re showing pictures of being more involved with a different guy, he’ll be jealous…and not in the good way. Instead of being driven by curiosity and slight jealousy, he’s going to take you for a slut and move on.

Get Partying (For Him): Now, this one’s for the guys out there that want to get their ex-girlfriend back using the concept of social proof. One thing that will definitely get her re-

thinking you is a house party. Don’t stop at the usual guests, however – invite as many ladies as humanly possible (you do know how to talk to girls, right?). Get them in there, get them entertained, and get them to talk to you.

This goes back to social-proofing, where a man is considered more attractive when a lot of women want him. Again, take caution, as you do not want to go into the D-Phase here. Being friendly and flirting with other

women is OK, but nothing more than that. It will go horribly awry if your ex-girlfriend catches you making out with another girl. If I need to explain why, perhaps there’s a good reason your lady broke up with you.

Get Aloof: Keep the avenues of communication open to your ex-boyfriend, but do not be available as you once were. After all, he broke up with you and after you pieced yourself back together again – a life potentially even better without Prince Charming. So, on occasion, show up for a coffee

date, but until he puts the moves on you, don’t be too aggressive.

The first sign he wants to jump back in bed with you, don’t do it. That’ll just tell him you’re still hung up on him, something you desperately need to avoid. You need to recreate the idea of this being

something new – the first time around he had to chase you, ie that puppy love feeling. Making him not only work for it again but want to work for it again will keep him around, but only if you act as cool and collected as you did the first time.

After years of work and dedication, Kate Middleton is finally preparing for her wedding to Prince William, a real life Prince Charming.Even though he broke up with her, she

made herself something that he simply couldn’t resist – and he liked it so much, he had to put a ring on it.

If it worked on royalty, it’ll work on your Prince Charming and ex-boyfriend as well; after all, you have a hot new body, a wardrobe to show it off, and are so in demand he can’t keep up.If he still doesn’t want you back, dump this

frog and find a real Prince Charming – you’re too good to pass up!

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