Page 1: KASPERSKY LAB CYBER SECURITY CASE STUDY - … LAB CYBER SECURITY CASE STUDY ... Introduction Voting is ... Bitcoins are essentially a digital currency that is backed by the technology









Page 2: KASPERSKY LAB CYBER SECURITY CASE STUDY - … LAB CYBER SECURITY CASE STUDY ... Introduction Voting is ... Bitcoins are essentially a digital currency that is backed by the technology

Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3

The Blockchain .............................................................................................................................................. 3

Paradigm interoperability issues .............................................................................................................. 5

User Authentication ...................................................................................................................................... 6

Enrollment/User Registration ................................................................................................................... 6

Improvements for Authentication ............................................................................................................ 8

Security Features .......................................................................................................................................... 8

Voting Timeout ......................................................................................................................................... 8

Voter Token Generation ........................................................................................................................... 8

Built-In Virtual Private Network (VPN)...................................................................................................... 9

Voting Process ............................................................................................................................................... 9

User Experience ............................................................................................................................................ 9

Security Challenges ..................................................................................................................................... 10

Voter Authenticity ................................................................................................................................... 10

Voting under duress ................................................................................................................................ 11

Interim Results ........................................................................................................................................ 11

Voting Decision ....................................................................................................................................... 12

Voting Aftermath .................................................................................................................................... 12

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 13

References: ................................................................................................................................................. 14

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Voting is one of the central tenets of governance and has constantly been evolving

throughout our history. Thanks to the latest innovations in cryptography and peer to peer

networking, Satoshi Nakamoto came up with one of the most groundbreaking technologies in

recent history - the block chain. With the power of blockchains, we can now envision a future

with convenience, easy scalability and better efficiency in electronic voting. With the digital

voting system there is a possibility of getting compromised by several vulnerable attacks and we

are proposing a solution to eliminate the possibility of this system getting compromised [1].

The Blockchain

The blockchain is a relatively new technology for storing a continuous ledger of records

that is tamper proof. It is a type of distributed database that stores information based on blocks

which are cryptographically connected to the last block thus forming a chain. This data is

distributed amongst the many nodes and miners in the network whose job is to verify the validity

and integrity of the chain by solving the hashes involved in the transactions [2].

As a worked, proven example we will describe the Bitcoin system and architecture.

Bitcoins are essentially a digital currency that is backed by the technology of cryptography and

the user base rather than a certain physical good (silver, gold standard) or the word of a

government [3]. The Bitcoin architecture mainly relies on two concepts: peer to peer (P2P)

networking and basic public/private key cryptography. Once a user establishes his account

(wallet) he is issued an address and a set of public/private keys. The user can then use this

address just like an email address. If someone has your Bitcoin address, they can send you the

currency provided they can prove that they have sufficient funds [2].

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It is important to note that the Bitcoin is not a perfectly fungible good. This means that

every single Bitcoin is unique and is not exactly the same as every other Bitcoin. All Bitcoins are

equal in terms of value, but not all Bitcoins are the same. This is not a big deal when you are

dealing with just one blockchain, but becomes more of a concern when the concept of sidechains

is introduced.

A sidechain is an even newer innovation and it introduces interoperability between

blockchains and their different tokens. By setting up a two-way peg the user is able to transfer

tokens “between chains at a fixed or deterministic exchange rate” [4]. This means that you can

"pass" tokens from one blockchain to another without having to worry about creating a new type

of token on that sidechain.


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This can come in handy in a case where a country has a law requiring a certain hierarchy

for counting and reporting votes. We propose using this concept of sidechains to represent this

hierarchical structure. Therefore, if the law states that votes need to flow from county to state to

the federal government we can create county many sidechains that would then pass on their

token to the state-level sidechain which is finally passed to the main federal-level blockchain. In

our case the sidechains would only need a one-way peg since the votes would never have to flow

back to the county-level chains.

Paradigm interoperability issues

The blockchain is an inherently decentralized system that gets its advantages of tamper-

proofness and reliability from the architecture of the system. No one machine is the master node

and no one machine has the official record. Instead the blockchain is mined by any number of

users on the network which each contribute to solving hashes for verifying every transaction. In a

sense, this directly counters the notion of a government and the economy as most governments

and the current economic system are inherently centralized.

The power and security of the blockchain comes from the fact that no single user has

complete control of the network, all transactions are publicly visible and verifiable and the

legitimate users, theoretically, do not have any incentives to attack the network due to the

economic disadvantages. Therefore, some users argue whether a private, centrally controlled

blockchain is still a proper blockchain since the controlling party would have 100% ownership of

the hash rate [5].

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User Authentication

As the voting is digital, users will enroll and vote online at their premises using their own

devices. The complete voting procedure has to be made more secure as there could be several

possibilities of suspicious and fraudulent activities. Hence, we propose the blockchain

architecture with Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) along with the option of adding multi-factor

authentication to provide a secure digital voting experience.

In our proposed system, users are given the freedom to register their votes from any of

their devices such as: laptops, desktops, smartphones and tablets. The voting platform is an

application that the user has to download from the official voting provider website. It is the

responsibility of the government to ensure that this server is secure and verifiable.

Enrollment/User Registration

When a user is ready for enrollment, which would be earlier than the voting period, the

user chooses their preferred device and keeps a valid photo-ID (e.g. driver's license, state ID,

passport) ready. During enrollment, the photo-ID is scanned and submitted to the server through

the application. The smartphone application would make use of the built-in camera in the phone

to scan the documents or a desktop application could import the image. We propose a few ways

to validate the data:

1. The data in the ID can be checked against government databases and compared with the

information in the form to validate the user. The form needs additional information about

the user apart from what is available in the photo-ID so that a person could not just spoof

the identity of a user by stealing their photo-ID.

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2. The application could be embedded with an option to provide biometric information such

as face, iris or fingerprints.

3. The application can issue a confirmation number, which the user would have to take to a

third-party location trusted by the government for verification.

If the validation process succeeds, the user will be provided with a UUID and it will allow

the user to create a password within the application. The user should provide their phone number

and their email as recovery options.

During user registration, a public key for the user is created at the server end. At the same

time, the user receives a private key that is valid for that particular device. Whenever the user

registers with a new device, a new private key is created on the user end and the public key is

updated on the server end. Users can have only one registered device at any given time to avoid

any race conditions. When the user registers a new device, the private key corresponding to the

old device will be automatically deregistered.


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Improvements for Authentication

Based on regulations, we can make this more secure by adding FIDO (Fast Identity

Online) authentication where the user has to use their biometric features [6]. This eliminates the

usage of passwords and improves security by having the user scan their face during registration

and every login. The face recognition algorithm can be made stronger to resist any presentation

attacks. Even after registration, the users are validated for their authenticity to rule out imposters.

Another option is having U2F (Universal 2nd Factor Authentication) in place which

would require the need of a key-pair usage or a special token device which needs to be provided

during login [6]. However, such a solution is unlikely on a large scale due to the cost, unless

these devices can be mass produced affordably.

Security Features

Voting Timeout

Every user is created with a timeout by default when they login. This helps us ensure that

the user votes within a particular span of time and that the user is focused on selecting a

candidate. There will also be a “Get More Time” option available for people who are still

indecisive. The default timeout is based on the network strength and the type of device the user is

using to access the service. If it is a mobile device and if they are accessing from a weak

network, their timeout duration is kept higher and it is lower if the user is accessing from a

desktop with a high-speed connection.

Voter Token Generation

Right before the voting period, users are issued with a one-time use token. This token

would be the currency tied to their respective, jurisdictive blockchain. The user will be informed

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when the token is available along with the identifier for the token, but the token will not be

visible in the application/webpage for security reasons.

Built-In Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A VPN can be built-in right into the voting application and will be switched on by default

and have no option to switch it off. This would guarantee an encrypted channel of

communication even if the user uses an unsecured network connection.

Voting Process

Provided all prior infrastructure and mechanisms are in place, every user is provided with

the ballot which they can access after they login to the application during the predetermined

voting period. During the login, it is made sure that the private-public key is in place and the

server checks the authenticity of the user. Once the ballot is open, the user has a set amount of

time to make his/her decisions. All options are set to undecided by default to prevent any

confusion. While the user is completing the ballot the timeout duration is clearly visible and s/he

can request for more time if they are indecisive or, for some reason, distracted. If the user is not

able to complete the ballot within the timeout duration and if the user does not request for any

timeout extension, the ballot will be discarded and the user's vote will not be recorded in the

server. The user's vote token will still be valid.

User Experience

Voters will have to enroll with the voting service by downloading the application for their

device. Connections to the server will be automatically tunneled through a VPN. The user will

have to fill out identifying information to build a profile and also submit a government approved

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photo ID. After the user has been validated, the user will be informed of the generated UUID and

will be asked to create a password through the application. The user will be informed if they are

eligible to vote or if more information is required to validate them.

During the voting period, the users login to the application, download the ballot and

select their choices. They will have to be mindful about the timer that runs before triggering a

timeout. The user can extend the timeout by clicking on "Extend Timer", if they need extra time

to make their decision. However, once the timeout has expired, the vote will not be submitted

and the user will have to login once again. Once the user has selected his desired candidates,

he/she can submit the vote. Once the vote has been successfully received, a receipt will be issued

to the user which can be used for cross validation later. The user could signal duress by

providing an invalid password while logging in, the vote would still be issued and the user would

be provided with a submission receipt. Whenever a user submits a vote in duress, the user won’t

be able to submit another vote for a set amount of time for voter safety.

Security Challenges

Voter Authenticity

During vote submission, the application asks the user to enter their password twice to

prevent typographical errors. If the credentials entered are valid, the vote token is used when the

user submits the vote. The message along with the token is encrypted with the server’s

(government’s) public key and the user's private key and is passed on to the respective


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Voting under duress

If the user is under duress and would like to send a fake vote at that point in time, the user

enters a random password which is the same at both the password fields and clicks on “Login”

[7]. The user would still vote normally and after submitting the vote, the user would get a vote

submission success screen. This would mean that the user has sent a vote under a duress

condition and the vote will not be taken into count. Voting under duress does not invalidate your

token as the user might be able to get away and safely issue his/her real vote later during the

voting period. There will also be a delay before the user can issue a vote ranging from a few

hours to a day depending on the voting period. So, if the person threatening asks the user to

login again, the application would not allow the user to vote immediately. The vote registered

during duress would be considered as a duress vote and would be ignored during the counting of

the votes.

However, if the user would like to register a valid vote after entering a safe zone, the user

can login to the application and download the voting form again. During submission, the user

enters the valid password on both the fields and submits the form. It being a valid entry and as

the user is registering his genuine vote for the first time, the system encrypts the vote and sends it

to the blockchain and issues a receipt for the vote submitted. Irrespective of the number of votes

registered by the user and the success receipts, only the very first vote with valid credentials is

taken into consideration.

Interim Results

Thanks to encryption, interim results will not be visible to anyone until the end of the

voting process (provided such a legal requirement is in place). The only publicly visible

information is the number of transactions represented as blocks on the chain.

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Voting Decision

There will be some voters who would not have adequate exposure to the candidates

standing in elections, but would still like to exercise their right to vote. We propose to provide

the option of "None of the Above" which would be selected by default. The voter can choose to

pick any other option that he/she prefers instead of "None of the Above". Once the vote is

submitted, the voter will not have an option to edit his/her vote if they change their mind.

Voting Aftermath

Cryptography and the blockchain are the only mechanisms necessary to ensure that any

concerns about the legitimacy of the voting procedures have not been tampered with. Based on

the total number of tokens issued and exhausted, the user can see how many votes were cast in

total and in each separate jurisdiction at the end of the election period.

The only “legitimacy” issue we can foresee happening is if the government mining

entities decided to carry out a 51% attack to block certain transactions or “double-spend” some

tokens. A 51% attack is when a single user or group of users have the majority of the hashing

power on the whole blockchain. This means they can choose to publicly control which

transactions go through since they will always be able to outperform any other legitimate users.

However, as mentioned before, a government would automatically control 100% of the hashing

power on the blockchain due to its inherent centralization. At the same time such an attack would

be extremely obvious and thus automatically discredit the whole blockchain defeating the

purpose of using this technology in the first place; neither the government, candidates or the

voters would benefit from such a situation [8].

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A voter will be able to check if his/her vote exists in the blockchain by requesting the

application to download the block pertaining to the voter. After the voting period is over, the

government can make their private keys public allowing auditors and voters to verify the count

as well as see if their vote was counted by replicating the hash. On the government side, seeing

how many people voted can be as simple as checking how many tokens were exhausted and

comparing that with the total number of tokens issued for each jurisdiction.


We have proposed our idea on how a digital voting system could be designed which

could withstand the most common attack vectors and voting issues. Understanding the

importance of selecting a ruling candidate of a country, digital voting should provide

convenience to voters but also eliminate the possible attacks resulting in fraudulent votes being


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[1] S. Delaune, S. Kremer, and M. Ryan, “Coercion-resistance and receipt-freeness in electronic voting,” 19th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop (CSFW’06). p. 12 pp.-pp.42, 2006.

[2] M. Swan, Blockchain: Blueprint for a new economy. “ O’Reilly Media, Inc.,” 2015.

[3] S. Omohundro, “Cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and artificial intelligence,” AI matters, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 19–21, 2014.

[4] “Blockstream,‘How sidechains work?,’” 2016. [Online]. Available:

[5] N. Hampton, “Understanding the blockchain hype: Why much of it is nothing more than snake oil and spin,” Computerworld, 2016. [Online]. Available:

[6] D. Balfanz, “FIDO U2F Implementation Considerations,” 2013.

[7] J. Clark and U. Hengartner, “Panic Passwords: Authenticating under Duress.,” HotSec, vol. 8, p. 8, 2008.

[8] Learncryptography, “51% Attack,” 2016. [Online]. Available:

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