Download - June 222013

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    an overall vision of or attitude toward life and the purpose of life]


    1. Self esteem plays an important role in how much or how little you value yourself. In order to value others, you have to value yourself first. What do you think about yourself? What do you think about your job. Do you feel like you do a good job, or do you feel that you are not adequate at what you do? You are more likely to succeed if you value yourself. Self esteem determines your inner most happiness. If you have high self esteem, your probably a happier person than someone with low self esteem. Self esteem conveys how we treat ourself and how we treat others.

    You have to feel good about you. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or says. You don't have to be the coolest person in a group, you don't have to be thebest looking. Stop comparing yourself to others and stop letting others get thebest of you. Eleanor Roosevelt was right when she said "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission." Our self esteem depends alot on our interactions with others and also how we treat ourselves. Alot of how we feel about ourselves depends on how much we feel loved and accepted by others.

    We should not let others determine how we feel about ourselves, nor should we give in to that inner critic. We should not have to base our self-esteem around how others treat us. If we valued ourselves, we would have a positive self image and a high self esteem. However, I do realize it's hard when your young and haveonly negative role models or a negative inner critic to start with.

    The good thing is, we can change our self-esteem. We can learn to value ourselves.

    Think positive: As soon as you hear that negative inner critic, cut it off and fill it back in with a positive affirmation. Keep filling your head with positivethoughts and eventually your mind will have no more room for the negative.

    See your mistakes as learning opportunities. Everyone makes mistakes and the best thing you can do is learn from them, rather than beat yourself up for it. Making mistakes only makes you human, learning from them makes you grow and change-and that's a good thing.

    Make positive friends. Surround yourself with those who love and care about you,and those who treat you good. Avoid those who treat you bad.

    Do something nice for someone, it will make you feel good too.

    Recognize your skills and talents- build upon them.

    Set realistic goals, stick to them and when you achieve them, you will feel great.

    Stop trying to be perfect

    Follow your passion, be true to yourself

    Make eye contact, stand tall, dress nice-you'll feel better


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    Those are some things you can do to change your self image-the mental image youhave of yourself. You can take it step by step and see how you feel after tryingthese out.



    The most valuable asset you can have is trust. It allows for flow and openness.When there is no trust, it becomes harder to get anything done. Think of one ofyour relationships where there is a lot of trust. Now think of another one withvery little trust.

    Which one do you prefer?

    We can all be better off with more trust in our lives and Im going to show you a few things you can do to build that trust.

    Please note: My definition of client is anyone that has a relationship with you. T

    his can be your spouse, your boss, your customer, your friend, etc.

    Before we look at the different ways you can build trust, lets look at the benefits of trust:

    You become influential - people will seek you out for advice and follow your recommendations without much persuading.

    You get valuable information - your clients will open up to you when they trustyou. Theyll give you valuable information and feedback.

    You can serve your clients more effectively - with access to insider information(#2), you can get to the root of the problem and really make a difference for y

    our client.

    You will get more business - people refer you when they trust you. This leads tohigh quality leads. Would you refer someone you didnt trust?

    You get less stressed - when your clients trust you, they give you the benefit of the doubt. Whether youre running late for a meeting or hanging out late with friends, its less stressful to know that people will be understanding and forgiving.

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    You avoid bigger problems - with trust, your clients will communicate with you earlier on and warn you of any issues they are seeing. With enough trust, your clients will go out of their way to protect you.

    You have more effective negotiations - research has shown that subjects who thought they were collaborators struck better deals than subjects who thought they were competitors. Surprise, surprise.

    Now that you see the benefits of getting trust, here are a 101 ways to build trust (no particular order):

    How to Build Trust1. Be honest - if you tell the truth, your clients will trust you. Always be honest especially when no one is looking.

    2. Respect your client - treat your clients with the same respect you would showthe President of your country. Respect their time as well by never being late.If you need help being on time, check out How to Always Be On Time.

    3. Sincerely care - when you truly care about others, it is hard not to trust you.

    4. Ask open-ended questions - learn more about your client and be interested intheir answers. Open-ended questions give your client the opportunity to tell you

    about themselves. Ask more questions based on the answers that you get.

    5. Dont be perfect - there is always something fishy about someone who seems to have everything going for them. Dont waste your energy hiding your mistakes or weaknesses. This sends a message that youre not hiding anything and that you want tobuild trust.

    6. Dont look at your watch - were all on a tight schedule but looking at your watch when someone is talking is rude. If you must be wary of the time, ask for permission to look at your watch.

    7. Find the win-win - in negotiations, always look for the win-win outcome. Win-lose outcomes are one-time only events. When both parties win, you strengthen th

    e relationship.

    8. Dont hedge your answers - be definitive when you can. When you hedge your answers, you are giving yourself an out. How can anyone trust you when you keep dodging responsibility. Politicians are notorious for hedging their answers. How muchdo you trust your politician?

    9. Have your clients best interests in mind - clients know when you are lookingout for them and when you are looking out for yourself. Its hard to trust you when there is a conflict of interests.

    10. Dont show off - it puts people off and you come off like a self promoter interested in your own success and not the success of others. This breeds resentment

    more than trust.

    11. Ask others to endorse you - if you prove yourself trustworthy and you offergreat products and services, dont be afraid to ask your clients to recommend you.Its easier for others to trust you if someone they already trust endorses you.

    12. Paraphrase what was said - giving the information back to the client in yourown words is a great way to show you were listening and to demonstrate your understanding. People trust others who take the time to listen.

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    13. Be transparent - I have issues trusting people or companies who are not fully transparent. For example: companies that deliberately hide their prices for their products and services.

    14. Call your client - relationships get weaker if you dont nurture them. Call your clients on a periodic basis, not only when you need to sell them something.

    15. Take responsibility - when something goes wrong and its your fault, take responsibility right away and focus on the next steps. Its easier to trust someone who owns up to their mistakes.

    16. Take whatever is being said seriously - dont dismiss another persons problem as being small or counter with the size of your own problems. Just listen. Whatever they are going through is real and serious for them and you should treat it as such.

    17. Add value - value is what people are willing to pay for. Keep doing great work that adds value and others will reward you with trust.

    18. Form a common enemy - when you focus on a common cause, it naturally buildstrust and rapport to deal with the issue.

    19. Be poised - its hard to trust someone who gets emotional easily. Breathing helps.

    20. Empathize - acknowledge the feelings behind what is being said and show empathy. Your clients will trust you more when they feel that you understand them.

    21. Make the client feel significant - this is a basic human need and if you fulfill it, people will trust you. Always be sincere when making your clients feelimportant. They can tell if youre faking it.

    22. Be accessible - when people know they can get access to you, it builds trustbecause they can hold you accountable. People who I cant reach always seem lesstrustworthy to me.

    23. Look people in the eye - if you constantly shift your eyes, it makes people

    suspicious of you.

    24. Remove distractions - if youre meeting with clients, remove all distractions(turn off phone, computer screen, etc.) and give them your undivided attention.

    25. Have high self-esteem - be comfortable with who you are. Dont try so hard toimpress, it makes you look wishy-washy. Be careful about these other warning signs of low self-esteem.

    26. Show commitment - when you show commitment, people trust you. Think of men who propose (and actually get married), employees who sign employment contracts and people who always show up when they say they will.

    27. Say I dont know - admit that you dont know and say it upfront and direct. Youlet a lot of credibility for that.

    28. Deliver what you promise - Do what you say you are going to do. This is oneof the best ways to build trust.

    29. Use a real picture - if you have an online presence, use a real picture of yourself. An authentic picture lets me know that youre not afraid to put yourselfout there and youre willing to be responsible for what you write on your websiteand blog.

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    30. Be vulnerable trust builds when you open up. Dont hide your human side, thatsthe side that people connect to.31. Volunteer information dont wait until someone follows up to give informationthat is important to them. Let them know as soon as you know.

    32. Know your audience make sure you use language that your client will understand. If youre not talking to a technical person, dont use technical language.

    33. Take time to explain - when your client is confused, be patient and take time to help them understand. Theyll appreciate you for it and reciprocate the nexttime youre confused.

    34. Dont abuse privileges as you gain more trust, youll be given more privileges.Dont abuse those privileges.

    35. Dont fidget be aware of your body movements. Minimize your leg shakes, body shifts and hand fidgets. Its hard to trust someone who seems nervous or anxious.

    36. Stay up-to-date your clients situation, preferences and needs change over time. Its up to you to keep up-to-date through proactive communication. Dont wait foryour clients to update you.

    37. Give proper feedback if you want to build trust, you need to tell your clien

    t the truth when they make mistakes. Yes Men are not very trustworthy

    38. Dont name-drop - you might think this will help build your credibility but when you a drop names, its a turn off. It seems like youre using that persons name tocompensate for your abilities. For better results, have others endorse you (#16).

    39. Stand up for your client - if you feel your client is being taken advantageof in any way, stand up for them or at the very least, inform them of whats goingon.

    40. Make it personal get out of the office and meet your clients face-to-face. You need to get personal to build deep trust.

    41. Give good advice if your advice helps people, theyll trust you and your advice even more.

    42. Go ABCD - go Above and Beyond the Call of Duty. I didnt make the acronym up but ABCD is a great strategy for building trust. Always look for ways to over deliver.

    43. Dont hard sell You may have the best product or service out there that everyone can benefit from but no one likes to be sold to or feel forced to do things.Build a relationship, educate and persuade, not badger. Check out Permission Marketing by Seth Godin (affiliate) or my How to Sell with Integrity Series.

    44. Share ideas - when you come across good ideas, share them with your clients.Share ideas that demonstrate your deep understanding of your clients needs.

    45. Return calls quickly if someone leaves a message, call them back as soon asyou can. This makes the other person feel important and makes them like and trust you more.

    46. Be curious ask questions and be genuinely interested to learn more. Resist taking over the conversation or trying to immediately solve the problem or issue.

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    47. Keep secrets if a client tells you something confidential, keep it to yourself unless it violates your moral and ethical standards.

    48. Dont over-explain When you over-explain, youre trying to remove yourself frombeing responsible. This is one of the best ways to lose someones trust.

    49. Show compassion step into the other persons shoes. When something bad happensto your clients, express your sympathies.

    50. Value the relationship show your client that youre in it for the long-term and demonstrate that you value the relationship. This may mean taking the first step in a compromise.

    51. Ask for clarification - when asked a question, always clarify it before answering. Think Columbo - I may be a little slow here

    52. Know your outcome - if your goal is to build trust, then your desire to helpthe client should surpass your desire to be right or to win. Remember this nexttime you are trying to prove how right you are at the expense of your relationship to the client.

    53. Dont use a fake voice some people I know use a professional voice that isntown. Use your own voice. If you dont like how it sounds, get some voice lessons,they work.

    54. Dont manipulate it is possible to use the ideas on this list with the intention to manipulate. Dont do it because it wont end well. It never does.

    55. Dont lie one small lie can destroy a mountain of trust.

    56. Understand that your client is unique - every person in this world is uniqueand should be treated as such. A one size fits all approach rarely works.

    57. Dont finish other peoples sentences even if they are taking a long time at it,be patient and let them say it.

    58. Dont try too hard when you are overly servile or deferential, it can be fairl

    y annoying. I find it hard to trust anyone who cannot think and act for themselves.

    59. Never talk down to anyone there is no situation where this is acceptable.

    60. Be competent - always work to improve your skills. If you want to be trusted, you need to be competent. This is especially important in a leadership role. Think back to any bosses youve had that were incompetent. Did you trust them?

    61. Say what you mean - if you think its a bad idea, say so. When you build up areputation of saying what you mean, people dont have to second guess what youre trying to say. This helps to increase your trustworthiness.

    62. Focus on your similarities highlight what you have in common with the otherperson. We like people who are similar and we trust people whom we like.

    63. Listen attentively Replay for the other person something that shows youve listened carefully. This is especially effective when you bring up and help someonewith challenges theyve told you about in previous conversations where they dont expect you to remember.

    64. Think abundance - adopt the belief that there is enough for everyone and youare not in competition for limited resources. Actions that reflect this belief

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    builds trust because you become more collaborative with those around you and work to raise people up as opposed to putting them down.

    65. Send a birthday card there is no better way to show that you care than to remember someones birthday and to get them a nice card. In this internet age, a handwritten card goes a long way.

    66. Give specific compliments the more specific your compliment, the more sincere it usually is. It shows that you took time to notice.

    67. Start and end meetings on time if you set up a meeting, make sure the agendais clear and that the meeting starts and more importantly, ends on time.

    68. Be consistent dont change your views on a whim. It makes people distrustful.

    69. Read books related to emotional intelligence - How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie and Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman are good places to start.

    70. Dont gossip dont gossip about your clients, dont gossip about others to your cients.

    71. Give freebies if you sell a product or service, consider giving a free version of it. It allows you to help those without resources to access your expertise

    . Make sure your freebies are of high quality and valuable.

    72. Remember names there is nothing more interesting to us than our own names. Show that you remember the other persons name. If you need help, check out How toRemember Names Even If You Have Bad Memory.

    73. Trust others first - people treat you the way you treat them. Give trust first if you want to get trust.

    74. Be comfortable with silence - dont feel obligated to fill in the silence. I know it can be uncomfortable but let the other person think through their ideas and allow them to break the silence first.

    75. Be responsive - if someone is unable to reach you, make sure you respond within 24 hours with an acknowledgment or have a auto-reply message explaining theexact times when you can be reached.

    76. Have integrity stick to your beliefs and values no matter what. Check out this article on the Importance of Keeping Integrity in the Workplace.

    77. Allow others to help you sometimes we are so focused on giving that we do not allow others to give to us. Doing this robs them of the joy of giving. Let others give.

    78. Dont blame - when things go wrong, dont point fingers. Empower yourself by taking responsibility and then determining what youre going to do next. Dont waste th

    e present thinking about the past that cant be changed. A person that doesnt blamequickly gains the trust of others.

    79. Be yourself - dont change who you are to please other people. Its tiring for everyone. If you dont know how to be yourself, check out this article by Chris Guillebeau.

    80. Express emotions - just the facts may be appropriate during an investigation but when dealing with people, emotions add the human element which is key for building trust

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    81. Pay attention - be attentive to the body language to make sure it matches the meaning of the spoken language.

    82. Dont prejudge - listen with an open mind and take in what is being said without coloring it with your own judgments.

    83. Understand that the map is not the territory - our reality is only our perception of reality. Understanding that everyone perceives the world differently allows us to be more open-minded and accepting of ideas.

    84. Dont interrupt when you interrupt, you are telling everyone that what you have to say is more important than what anyone else has to say.

    85. Get testimonials if you do great work, ask your clients to write testimonials for you. These are the first things I read before buying anything. Never faketestimonials.

    86. Dont be a know-it-all - you cant possibly know how to do everything and you dont need to. Always be transparent about what you know and dont imply that you knowmore that you actually do. Being human is a good thing.

    87. Have passion - when I see someone who is motivated by their passion and notmoney, status or power, I am more inclined to trust them. Perhaps it is the feel

    ing that they are not trying to take anything away from me but rather they are building something great.

    88. Show loyalty a person that demonstrates firm and constant support is usuallya person that other people want to trust.

    89. Do your research make an effort to understand your client. The more you getthem, the faster theyll think of you as an insider. Your goal is to be invited tothe inner circle.

    90. Give credit the more credit you give to others, the more people will trust you. There is no limit to the good man can do if he doesnt care who gets the credit. Judson B. Branch

    91. Have an opinion - people who never take sides have trouble building trust because they are not willing to take a stand.

    92. Dont expect anything in return help people and dont expect anything in return.Youll be happier for it and giving is always better than receiving.

    93. Uphold accountability trust is not about letting things slide. Its about doing what is best for your client.

    94. Never exaggerate its tempting to play up the benefits about your products andservices but exaggerations never end well. Any form of truth stretching is a badidea if you want to build trust.

    95. Make things right - when you make a mistake, in addition to learning from it, you should make it right in some way. At Pret-a-Manger, when they got my orderwrong, they gave me my order for free along with a free cup of coffee. I now gotwice as often.

    96. Dont flatter insincere compliments are one of the quickest ways to lose rapport and trust with someone.

    97. Trust yourself you cant give what you dont have and you cant get what you don

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    ive (say that 5 times fast).

    98. Be fair - treat people fairly. Like a good parent, dont play favorites. Reward and punish accordingly.

    99. Help their children if you have clients who have children, find a way to help their kids. You can give them advice, write a letter of recommendation or givethem a job. Your deeds will definitely not be forgotten and youll find yourselfbeing introduced as a friend of the family.

    100. Dont give up just because someone doesnt trust you now, doesnt mean you cantild it. If what youre doing is not working, try something else. You have 101 things you can do.

    101. Be enthusiastic most people cant fake enthusiasm. When you are enthusiasticabout what you do, people are more likely to trust you.

    Here is bonus tip:

    102. Lead by example walk your talk.

    So which trust building tips resonated with you? Were there any that I missed?

    If you enjoyed this article, please share it with anyone you think might benefit

    from reading it.


    Faith is more than positive thinking.Positive thinking will NOT produce faith.Faith is trust in God, and the only way to develop faith is tolearn to know God. Since He is trustworthy, as we learn to know Him,we spontaneously learn to trust Him. Faith is trusting God when things

    don't turn out the way we expect.

    What does that spiritual intimacy include?

    1. We must have such an intimate relationship with God that we can truly talk with Him as we talk with our spouse or closest friend. We must share everything with Him. Talking to Him must become easy, second-nature, not contrived or stumbling, even though it may be uncomfortable and stumbling in the beginning.

    2. We must be comfortable in His presence.

    3. We must be able to tell Him that we love Him.

    4. We must not be afraid of Him.

    5. We must learn to trust Him to run our life, to make all of our plans.

    6. We must trust (believe) that He will come through for us - that He WILL keep

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    ALL the promises He has made to us. Those promises include:

    a. that He will be with us in trouble

    b. that He will provide food for us

    c. that He will provide ALL our needs

    d. that He WILL answer our prayers (but maybe not in the way we wish)

    e. that He WILL save us

    f. that He WILL save our children

    g. that HE is the one who brings calamity to us - but ONLY for our own good.

    h. that He will go through the calamity with us

    i. that the calamity He brings into our lives, no matter what it is, is broughtto us to build our character to make us like Him.

    j. that, no matter what happens, we should have no fear

    k. that He DOES love us.

    l. that we must go directly to HIM, and NOT to "man" - to doctors, when we are sick.

    m. that we go directly to HIM, and NOT to "Christian" counselors or pastors, when we have troubles.

    n. that we WILL hear His voice

    o. that we DO trust Him with our life, and we have no need of "self - defense."

    p. that He WILL make us PERFECT!

    How do we develop that trust in God? How do we get to KNOW Him that well?

    There is only ONE way:

    Daily Bible study and prayer! And it must be done in the following way:

    a. Privately

    b. Always in the same place.

    c. Always in the morning - at the beginning of every new day when one is most alert. (Praying should be done in the evening, as well, but the major praying andBible study should be done in the morning.)

    d. Praying MUST be done on our knees - in total submission to God (unless one istoo ill or weak to pray on his or her knees). (If you don't want to pray on your knees, ask yourself "Why?" Better yet, tell GOD why you don't!)

    You'll NEVER find God until you get on your knees!

    e. It must be done EVERY day, not just now and then. It MUST become a daily habit!

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    f. If you are just starting out, begin with 15 minutes. As you get to know God personally, you will find that you WANT - and you NEED - to spend more time withHim every day - up to an hour a day, or more.

    This is the ONLY way to get to "Know" God - or anyone else, for that matter - byspending regular time ALONE with that individual.

    "You will seek Me and you WILL find Me (but ONLY) WHEN you search for Me with ALL your heart!" Jeremiah 29:13

    The rewards are great! You will find peace, joy, lack of fear for your safety, lack of fear for the future, calmness and self-control. Your life will never again feel like it's out of control. You will know that God is ALWAYS in control ofyour life.



    The term sociology was coined by August Comte in the nineteenth century from the Latin word socios (companion with others) and the Greek word logos (study of reason)

    to describe the new science of social life.

    Social organization is the study of the various institutions, social groups, social stratification, social mobility, bureaucracy, ethnic groups and relations, and other similar subjects like family, education, politics, religion, economy, and so on and so forth.

    Social psychology is the study of human nature as an outcome of group life, social attitudes, collective behavior, and personality formation. It deals with group life and the individual's traits, attitudes, beliefs as influenced by group life, and it views man with reference to group life.

    Social change and disorganization is the study of the change in culture and social relations and the disruption that may occur in society, and it deals with thestudy of such current problems in society such as juvenile delinquency, criminality, drug addiction, family conflicts, divorce, population problems, and othersimilar subjects.

    Human ecology deals with the nature and behavior of a given population and its relationships to the group's present social institutions. For instance, studies of this kind have shown the prevalence of mental illness, criminality, delinquencies, prostitution, and drug addiction in urban centers and other highly developed places.

    Population or demography is the study of population number, composition, change,and quality as they influence the economic, political, and social system.

    Sociological theory and method is concerned with the applicability and usefulness of the principles and theories of group life as bases for the regulation of man's environment, and includes theory building and testing as bases for the prediction and control of man's social environment.

    Applied sociology utilizes the findings of pure sociological research in variousfields such as criminology, social work, community development, education, indu

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    strial relations, marriage, ethnic relations, family counseling, and other aspects and problems of daily life.



    Definition of communication-something that is communicated by or to or between people or groups

    -the activity of communicating; the activity of conveying information; "they could not act without official communication from Moscow"

    -a connection allowing access between persons or places; "how many lines of communication can there be among four people?"; "a secret passageway provided communication between the two rooms"

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