
July 2016



The Intensification Framework

Question of the Month?

Lakeshore Road Update

Burlington Canal Lift Bridge

Driver Training Schools

Heather Hills Drive Update

Forterra Quarry

IKEA is Celebrating 25 Years

Traffic Challenges

Aldershot GO Parking

Aldershot Fire Hall

Fire Ban for Burlington

Moves Under the Stars

Community Events

Dear Friends

A committee of Burlington City Council has endorsed policy directions to guide the growth of the City over the next twenty-five years. Fundamental to these directions is the principle of intensification. The report says that “intensification is to be “BOLD” not incremental. The growth and intensification will be accommodated in four key areas; downtown, along major transit routes (like Plains Road) at transportation areas (like the Aldershot GO Station) and in employment zones. The report refers to these areas as “The Intensification Framework”. These areas are “expected to accommodate the majority of the city’s intensification and forecasted growth to 2031 and beyond.” These areas are to become “compact, transit supportive, pedestrian friendly neighbourhoods”.

In a companion document, it is proposed that specific plans be prepared, over the next three years, to stimulate significant mixed use development around all the GO Stations. This, in conjunction with the Metrolinx plan to improve GO service. The hope is, that by directing the majority of the City’s future growth to areas outlined in the “Intensification Framework”, existing established low density neighbourhoods may be protected from significant development and instead change “gently” over time. All these policy directions are part of the overall Official Plan review and remain subject to community input over the next few months. They should not however come as a surprise to Aldershot residents as I have been speaking to the subject of intensification for many years. NOTE: During the committee debate I noted that the draft maps suggest that the “Intensification Framework” includes the south side of Plains Road from Clearview to Filmandale. As you may know there has been an ongoing debate over whether this area should be upgraded from its existing two-storey height limit. Staff responded that “yes, we are looking for increased development in this area”, although this remains subject to further detailed discussion.

QUESTION OF THE MONTH When are flags lowered to half mast at City Hall? Flags are lowered at City Hall to mark the death of any current City employee. Our flag protocol is outlined at:


Lakeshore Road Update Major construction has started on Lakeshore Road from Maple Avenue to the Skyway Wastewater Treatment Plant and will continue until November. The work involves widening the road to three lanes (including a turning lane), new on-road bike lanes, curbs, sidewalks and a signaled intersection at the hospital entrance. Burlington Beach remains open during the construction but obviously there are some parking challenges as on-street parking will not be available during the construction. The Joseph Brant Museum will close for the next 8 weeks during the construction.

Burlington Canal Lift Bridge Sidewalk Closures You may be aware that an unfortunate accident occurred on the lift bridge. This may delay the repairs that are currently taking place. Prior to the accident, we were advised that pedestrian and cycling access in and around the bridge will be restricted from 7 am to 5 pm in July due to the ongoing project to replace the bridge control systems.

Specifically: • From July 4 to 15, access to the east (lakeside) part of the Waterfront Trail will be closed. • From July 18 to 29, access to the west (bayside) part of the Waterfront Trail will be closed • From July 18 to 29, the west (bayside) bridge sidewalk will be closed.

Halton McMaster Family Health Centre Update The Halton McMaster Family Health Centre on Lakeshore Road, near the hospital, continues to grow. Eight new family medicine residents will start work there this month. For 2016, the Centre’s Residency Program will see 60% of its graduating residents remaining here in Halton to work. This has always been a primary goal of the Centre. These McMaster graduates are not only staying in the region to practice medicine, but also remain connected to the Residency Program. Many are now faculty members, providing teaching and training to new groups of residents.


Driver Training Schools There have been complaints from residents on streets north of the QEW and east of Brant (Ward 3), that driver training schools are repeatedly using the same local roads for teaching purposes. As a result, City Council has directed staff to consider options to discourage the constant use of the same streets by these private schools. Staff are expected to report back in the fall and may consider implementing a new by-law prohibiting such activity. Historically, we have had a similar problem in south Tyandaga, although the number of complaints have diminished in recent years. Since the Drive Test Centre is located in the Power Centre, I remain somewhat concerned that any restriction on the use of streets east of Brant will simply put more pressure on residential streets in Tyandaga. I will keep you advised.

Heather Hills Drive Update When will the City complete the resurfacing of this Tyandaga street? Currently, the plan is to mill the road asphalt in early August and pave immediately afterwards in mid-August. This work would be preceded with any repairs to sidewalks and curbs that have been already identified.

Beaufort Reservoir and Pumping Station The Region of Halton has awarded the contract for the new reservoir and pumping station to Kenaidan Contracting of Mississauga at a cost of $12.2 million. Additional related water main work will bring the total project cost to $13.4 million. Construction will begin soon and run until the end of the year. The majority of the new reservoir will be buried in the slope of the adjacent hillside. The roof and sides of the reservoir will be covered with a layer of topsoil and sod to blend the silhouette of the structure with the local environment.

The current reservoir and pumping station were constructed in 1974 and now need to be replaced to meet the growing needs of the City. You may recall that the Region hosted a public meeting about this project in the fall of last year.

Forterra Quarry I have received a number of calls from residents on Westhaven Drive asking for confirmation that the trees behind their homes will be maintained when Forterra begins work at its new quarry. This picture was provided by Forterra and clearly indicates that the tree buffer will be maintained between the houses and the quarry operations. The width of the tree buffer varies. It is widest in the south.

Ron…We’re proud of you! Congratulations to Tyandaga resident Ron Foxcroft. On August 2, Ron will be awarded the U.S. based National Association of Sports Officials “Golden Whistle” award for lifetime achievement in officiating. This is the highest honour a sports official can receive in North America. Ron is the Founder and CEO of Fox 40.


IKEA is Celebrating One of Aldershot’s biggest businesses is planning a celebration of its 25 years in our community. IKEA opened its store on Plains Road in 1991 with hundreds of shoppers lined up to get in. This year’s anniversary will be marked by a party in the parking lot. To celebrate this event IKEA will plant a Swedish tree and unveil a commemorative stone. The party runs from 11 am to 4 pm on Sunday, July 24 with the official ceremony at 2 pm. IKEA has been a great partner in Aldershot with major contributions to the Business Improvement Area, local charities and Tree Canada plantings.

Sarcoa Restaurant & Bar You have probably heard the news that the Sarcoa Restaurant & Bar on the Hamilton waterfront intends to again broadcast music on its outside patio. In the past, this music has been too loud and created a problem for Aldershot residents on the north shore of the Bay. If the noise becomes a problem again, the number to call is 905-546-4925. This will connect you to Hamilton bylaw enforcement.

Kings Road School Traffic Challenges The City has been brought into a discussion about the safety of children walking to and from Kings Road School, after a petition was posted at a nearby intersection. Consequently, the City’s

Transportation staff are investigating a number of issues including: speeding along Greenwood Drive, the need for an all-way stop at the intersection of Greenwood and Sunset, a variety of challenges related to the intersections of Sunset/Cedar and Sunset/Marley, the possible need to restore crossing guard services at King and Greenwood and even whether parking should be restricted along the pedestrian pathway on Sunset during school hours. I will advise you as soon as I know the results of this traffic analysis.

More Traffic Calming As a result of inquiries from residents the City’s traffic experts have been looking at Kingswood Place in east Aldershot. Studies recently conducted show that many drivers are using Kingswood as a “cut through” to reach the north bound lanes on King Road and avoid the traffic light at King and Plains. Speeding has also been identified as an issue. (Note: there are no pedestrian sidewalks on Kingwood to protect walkers.) As a result of all this, the City is proposing to introduce three speed bumps on Kingswood in the near future. A public information meeting will be planned soon to show the plan to the public.

Status of Aldershot GO Parking Lot This parking lot is maxed out and I have received complaints about illegal parking nearby streets. Upon inquiring with the Province I was advised that Metrolinx is planning to build “roughly” 900 new parking spots directly west of the station’s current south parking lot. Design is underway now but actual construction may not start until 2017, subject to a variety of approvals. In the meantime, parking staff are monitoring the area.

Aldershot Fire Hall In a major report to City Council, the Fire Department outlines some of its plans for improved service in the next few years. Among the plans is the expectation that Aldershot’s fire hall (known as Station #3) will be relocated and replaced. According to the report: “The fire chief will work with the City’s realty manager to identify new sites that will improve response time performance”. The Aldershot station was built in 1959 and, despite upgrading, is now at the point where it needs complete replacement.

Marking Our History I hope you have noticed the latest “wrap-around” on Plains Road. It’s on the south side of Plains at Howard Road, in front of the Drewlo Apartment Buildings. The wrap-around covers a utility box with historic photographs from west Aldershot. This is part of a program supported by the Aldershot Community Honour Roll and aims at celebrating Aldershot’s history while improving the look of our main street. Other wrap-arounds may be seen at Shadeland, King and Francis Roads. Special thanks to David Craig for his

photos and art work.

Boater Safety on Burlington Bay The Hamilton Police Service Marine Unit and the Hamilton Port Authority have issued a reminder to recreational boaters concerning large commercial vessels. About 600 big ships enter Burlington Bay every year. Local boaters must be careful around these huge ships. The message is “keep out of the way of commercial vessels. You do not want to be where you cannot be seen by the captain operating the vessel and never pass between a tug and its tow.


Fire Ban for Burlington The Burlington Fire Department has issued a fire ban, effective immediately, prohibiting all outside fires in Burlington, including open air burning, controlled brush burning and recreational burning. Open air burning, including fire pits and chimineas, poses a risk to nearby combustible materials such as sheds, decks and landscape materials, which can increase the risk of fires. Residents are being reminded to be cautious when using outdoor candles and other backyard items that may produce heat or flame. For more information about open air burning and safety tips visit

COMMUNITY EVENTS Movies Under the Stars July 14 Movies Under the Stars, 9 pm – Aldershot Park Feature movie will be “Kung Fu Panda 3” Bring your lawn chair or blanket

Art Gallery Comes to Aldershot The Art Gallery of Burlington “Roadshow” is scheduled to visit the LaSalle Retirement Home on Plains Road this month. The display will be open to the public. The event is Thursday, July 21 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Various items will be in display. Previous roadshows have featured a Bateman and a vase painted by Picasso. Warbirds Event The Burlington Radio Control Modelers will present their annual “Warbirds Over The Bay” flying demonstration on the weekend of July 23 and 24. The event will be held at the model airfield at Bayview Park on King Road. This is a great event for the whole family. It will run on Saturday from 9 am to 3 pm and Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm. Joseph Brant Day This popular annual festival will, once again, be held at LaSalle Park in Aldershot, Monday, August 1, 11 am to 4 pm. Come celebrate our history and share in the fun! Mercedes 5K Road Race VR PRO will host this new event on the North Service Road between Waterdown Road and King Road (north to Bayview Park) on Sunday, August 7 starting at 9:30 and lasting until noon am Free Flags! Bay Gardens/Bayview Cemetery, 1010 Botanical Dr. in Aldershot is offering to replace your tattered old Canadian flag. This free flag exchange program is available to anyone. “Simply bring your old or worn Canadian flag to the funeral home and they will replace it with a new 18” x 36” flag”. Royal Bank Clean-up Congratulations and thanks to the employees of the Royal Bank in Aldershot for their recent “Blue Water Project” at the LaSalle Park Marina. The clean-up is part of the bank’s commitment to preserve and protect shorelines along fresh water areas.

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