
The road to 980Mbps eVLBIThe road to 980Mbps eVLBI

Harro Verkouter

Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe

How to get involved ...How to get involved ...

eVLBI demo at APAN conference 27/28 Aug 2007, in Xi'An

want to include Shanghai LP up but poor TCP/IP performance (2Mbps) lossy + out-of-order reception

investigate possibility of UDP transport suffers from those too

both TCP and UDP based on IP-datagrams

no retransmits/ramp-up/etc (no feedback!)

hacking Mark5A.chacking Mark5A.c

Haystack codebase does TCP reliably

should do UDP but didn't looked like coding was stopped halfway

reasonably easy to get it going revealed coding and UDP issues

race conditions lack of feedback packetloss

<blocksize> bytes

<n> blocks

Mk5 I/O board

while (1) {wait( n_empty>0 );


}Read thread


Write thread

while (1) {

wait( n_filled>0 );



circular buffer in MEM (shared memory + semaphores 'n_empty' and 'n_filled')

indicates settable parametervia net_protocol= ...command

First UDP tests ...First UDP tests ...

unstable datatransfer to Sh LAN worked fine

10% loss at low datarate (≤256Mbps) not quite correlatable :(

packets never get “on the wire” sender doesn't know or care (no feedback!)

overwrites own sendbuffer

1Gbps standard “microbursts” not all equipment can handle this

Ratecontrol/packet spacing ...Ratecontrol/packet spacing ...

known that it was necessary Simon Casey and Richard H. Jones

APAN demo nearing (5 days to go) ... needed to get something, soon!

tried to be smart computing packet spacing t based on

datagramsize + linkrate need few s (MTU 1500, 1Gbps 12s)


sending packetssending packets




didn't work at all! Linux 2.4 ...

is not a RealTime OS (...) sleeps() quantized in units of 10ms

threads (==processes) scheduled @ 100Hz

now what?! how to synchronize sender? suddenly realized we have a near perfect

synchronous device ... the formatter + Mk5 I/O board


remember the inter-thread circular buffer? n_empty + n_filled = n_total

now imagine ... n_total = 1

buffer degenerates into a mutex ... which means the block is either

filled from the I/O board synchronously at current bitrate!

or sent to the network


worked amazingly well APAN demo @256Mbps

also solution for Ar 1Gbps NIC 155Mbps ATM

n_total = 2 blocksize = 1500 bytes

got 64Mbps (previously, with TCP, couldn't do eVLBI)

only good for datarates up to ~256Mbps


sending packets!sending packets!

Bad (how we began):

Ideal (couldn't get this to work):

With formatter sync:

Demo ok, UDP looks promising, but!Demo ok, UDP looks promising, but!

we had a bigger problem UDP transfer could not be restarted required killing + restarting Mark5A not suitable for operations

spent few weeks on the issue kept on getting (weird) streamstor failures

DMA errors, memorylock error, ...

made no progress at all

A new beginning?A new beginning?

write testprogram to investigate streamstor behaviour disk2net UDP multithreaded different thread synchronization

queue + condition variable

could not recreate streamstor failures transfers could be started/stopped at will

jive5a jive5a

extending the testprogram want to do in2net rather than disk2net

need to program the Mark5 I/O board mostly copied from Haystack's Mark5A

fairly easy to get it to work primary use eVLBI

needed net2out as well

Early october 2007Early october 2007

jive5a first used for eVLBI want to take it further

512Mbps still not operational switch 'collapsed' (PaulJIVE solved this)

(1) receiving end has to deal with packet loss out-of-order reception

(2) sending end has to space packets as evenly as possible

(1) need protocol for this ...(1) need protocol for this ...

sender + receiver agree on datagramsize added command for this

64bit sequence number in each datagram suffices to

detect + fix out-of-order reception detect + fix loss can do statistics

(2) Spacing the packets(2) Spacing the packets

sleep()'ing between packets not an option

whatever the solution prefer something portable if possible

good enough = good enough for(volatile int i=0; i<ipd; ++i);

does the job surprisingly well ...

gave us reliable 512Mbps allows per n-coreCPU/link finetuning

512? Check! Next stop: 1024512? Check! Next stop: 1024

1000BaseX links effectively ~980Mbps of userdata (UDP)

need to trow away a bit of data simplest approach

do not send a datagram every once in a while implement packet-drop-rate

if 0, drop every 1 in pdr packet too simplistic

correlator had problems staying in sync

1024 (the pdr version) – Dec 20071024 (the pdr version) – Dec 2007

smartened up the sender find headers in datastream on-the-fly

do not drop packet if it contains header drops packet at earliest convenience

worked! correlator stayed in sync with pdr~20 (5%)

does add CPU usage cannot do 1024 on 1CPU/PIII system anyway 2 core/cpu Mk5's can do this

Drawback of dropping randomly Drawback of dropping randomly

dropping not correlated between senders total loss of visibilities ~ twice the amount of

loss per station on the order of 10% ...

start thinking of dropping coherently dropping the same channel at each station

but that requires lot of extra CPU power needed at least 2 CPUs to begin with anyway

1024 by means of channeldropping?1024 by means of channeldropping?

not for the weak at heart ... specify 64bit bitmask

ones for the tracks you want to keep jive5a builds

list of shifts + masks to fill 'holes' in the mask generate c-source for (de)compressionfn invokes compiler to generate object file dynamically loads that back into itself

SRC: 00000000 01110110 01110110 01110110 01110110 01110110

DST: 01110110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

SRC: 01110110 01110110 01110110 01110110 01110110 01110110

DST: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

SRC: 00000000 01010100 01110110 01110110 01110110 01110110

DST: 11111110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

SRC: 00000000 01110110 01110110 01110110 01110110 01110110 00100010DST: 01110110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

SRC: 00000000 01010100 01110110 01110110 01110110 01110110 00000100DST: 11111110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

SRC: 00000000 01010000 01110110 01110110 01110110 01110110 DST: 11111111 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

SRC: 00000000 01010000 01110110 01110110 01110110 01110110 DST: 11111111 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

SRC: 00000000 01010000 00000000 01110110 01110110 01110110 DST: 11111111 01110110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

SRC: 00000000 01010000 00000000 01110110 01110110 01110110 00010000 DST: 11111111 01110110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

SRC: 00000000 01000000 00000000 01110110 01110110 01110110 DST: 11111111 11110110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

SRC: 00000000 01000000 00000000 01110110 01110110 01110110 01000000 DST: 11111111 11110110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

SRC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 01110110 01110110 01110110 DST: 11111111 11111110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

channel dropping resultschannel dropping results

Concept proven to work! requires extra, CPU intensive, thread 3 core/CPU system at minimum

correlates fine @512Mbps dropping 2x 2bits (out of 32) 11111111 11111111 01011111 01011111

at 1024Mbps correlator couldn't sync CPU and network keeping up Just Fine under investigation

Thank you for your patience!

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