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Israel ButlerStudent ID: 000305107Marty DeWindt

[Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of

Video Journalism Training

471 University Parkway – Aiken, SC – 29801

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Table of Contents

Overview of Instructional Unit 3

Goal of Instruction 3

Target Population Overview 3

Materials Needed For Instruction 3

Goal Analysis 4

Task Analysis with Supporting Performance Objectives 4-6

Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Videography 7-8

Lesson 2: Using FlipCams & Uploading Footage into iMovie 8-9

Lesson 3: Editing Techniques Using iMovie & Final Cut Pro 9-10

Lesson 4: Scriptwriting and Editing to Scripts 10-11

Lesson 5: Group Activity 1 – “About Me” Presentations 11-12

Lesson 6: Operating a Professional Camcorder 12-13

Lesson 7: Group Activity 2 – Producing a News/Feature Story 14-15


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Overview of Instructional Unit

Communications majors at the University of South Carolina Aiken are not being offered enough hands-on courses that concentrate on video journalism. Due to this instance, program faculty are not thoroughly preparing students for possible broadcast or multimedia careers because of the shortage of courses that explore video production and editing.

Goal of Instruction

In order to assist students in the Communications program at USCA with the adequate technical skills to function in a broadcast journalism setting, instructors will be trained in news style video production and editing in order teach more courses that physically engage learners in video production. Faculty members will become familiar with modern high-definition video and audio recording devices, formats, and video editing software applications.

Target Population Overview

Four out of eleven Communications faculty members hold degrees in journalism and instruct courses that are part of the entry-level knowledge and skills. The other seven professors hold degrees in mass communications, and teach speech and nonverbal communication courses. The time span in which faculty members earned their communications degrees will have a great impact on their training in video journalism. The earliest degree was earned in 1970 with the latest being earned in 2010. Faculty members who may have professional or academic experience in multimedia production may be faced with the challenge of training students on late model high-definition equipment with more advanced video formats.

Materials Needed For Instruction

The Visual Story: Creating the Visual Structure of Film, TV and Digital Media by Bruce Block

HD FlipCams (Available through USC Aiken Communications Department) HD Sony XDCAM Professional Camcorders (Available through USC Aiken

Communications Department) Professional Audio Equipment (Ruth Patrick Science & Education Center) Tripods (Available in the USC Aiken Communications Department) iMac computers (Available in the Communications work lab) Studio for Recording Reporter Tracks (Available in Ruth Patrick Science &

Education Center Final Cut Pro (Installed on iMac Computers) iMac computers (Available in the Communications work lab)


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Goal Analysis

The USCA Communications faculty will learn how to operate the same equipment and software applications most broadcast organizations use in their professional settings. This training will also provide faculty with a common instructional area that transcends the educational boundaries in each professor’s degree of concentration and year of completion. By building upon the journalism and mass communications knowledge and skills these instructors possess, they will be able to better engage students in hands-on video production and video editing.

Task Analysis with Supporting Performance Objectives

Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Videography

1.1. How videos are framed, focused, and recorded1.2. How different sounds are used in television news and digital media

Performance Objective 1: Learners will become familiar with the above fundamentals of videography in order to lead instruction in courses concentrated upon video journalism. This introductory knowledge will assist instructors who have little to no experience in film, television, or digital media production. Once learners are familiar with each fundamental videography technique and have applied their knowledge to different news examples, assessment will be conducted through a posttest that will be administered through BlackBoard.

Lesson 2: Using FlipCams & Uploading Footage into iMovie

2.1. How to operate basic video recording devices2.2. How to upload recorded footage into iMovie

Performance Objective 2: Learners will learn how to operate a basic HD FlipCam through by recording shots, utilizing its zoom feature, and properly mounting the camera onto a tripod for more stable shots. Once everything has been recorded, the footage will be uploaded for future editing in iMovie. After all footage is captured and uploaded into iMovie, the instructor will observe the recorded video through the program to ensure that there are three styles of shots (wide, medium, and tight) and that a tripod was utilized in the recording process.

Lesson 3: Editing Techniques Using iMovie & Final Cut Pro

3.1. How to edit video in iMovie & Final Cut Pro3.2. How to add transitions, text, and export video


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3.3. How to upload videos to YouTube

Performance Objective 3: Learners will learn how to edit their video captured in Lesson 2 using iMovie. The learner group will learn techniques such as video sequencing, text overlay, audio editing, adding transitions, and exporting files for different mediums (YouTube, Vimeo, DVD, Mac OS, Windows OS, etc.). Both 30-second video sequences will be reviewed by the instructor via the YouTube links to assess that text overlays, audio editing, video transitions, and the file extension requirements are met. The instructor will also access both the iMovie and Final Cut Pro saved files to make sure editing was performed in both programs.

Lesson 4: Scriptwriting and Editing to Scripts

4.1. How to write a script for television4.2. How to distinguish between voiceovers (VO) and voiceover/sound

on tape (VOSOT)4.3. How to edit video and interview sound as (VO) and (VOSOT)

Performance Objective 4: The learner group will record video of another department, student organization, or building on campus and write a brief 20-second description to be recorded in the studio located in the Ruth Patrick Science & Education Center. A brief interview will be conducted with a student, staff, or faculty member about their chosen video topic. Both videos will be examined by the instructor to make sure that the interviews are properly framed according to the Rule of Thirds, video is captured on a tripod and include wide, medium, and tight shots, the editing matches the scriptwriting, and the sound from the interview is fits within the allotted time and flows with the written script.

Lesson 5: Group Activity 1 – “About Me” Presentations

5.1. How to produce a feature style story5.2. How to write scripts including sound from interviews5.3. How to edit video to a script

Performance Objective 5: Learners will produce one-minute video presentations in pairs about each other. Skills such as framing for interviews, capturing different styles of shots with tripods (wide, medium, and tight), scriptwriting, and video editing will be assessed through this unit of instruction. Both videos from the paired groups will be examined by the instructor to make sure that the interviews are properly framed according to the Rule of Thirds, video is captured


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on a tripod and include wide, medium, and tight shots, and that the editing matches the scriptwriting.

Lesson 6: Operating a Professional Camcorder

6.1. How to operate a professional camcorder6.2. How to white balance video6.3. How to manipulate focus reel for depth of focus look6.4. How to upload footage from SXS memory card into Final Cut Pro

Performance Objective 6: Learners will learn how to operate a professional HD SONY XDCAM by recording shots, utilizing its zoom feature, learning to use the iris, practicing with the focus reel, setting up the audio equipment for interviews, white balancing images for proper coloring, when to use lights, and properly mounting the camera onto a tripod for more stable shots. All footage recorded will be uploaded into Final Cut Pro. After all footage is captured and uploaded into Final Cut Pro, the instructor will observe the recorded video through the program to ensure that all advanced camera and shooting techniques were used and that a tripod was utilized in the recording process.

Lesson 7: Group Activity 2 – Producing a News/Feature Story

7.1. How to use professional camcorder for video production7.2. How to produce a news/feature style story7.3. How to include interview sound with written script7.4. How to use advanced shooting techniques in production

Performance Objective 7: Learners will be paired up and will be responsible for producing a one and a half minute (1:30) news story about department or campus news or a feature story on a student, athlete, staff or faculty member on campus. Skills such as framing for interviews, capturing different styles of shots with the tripod (wide, medium, and tight), white balancing, focus manipulation, properly using audio equipment, scriptwriting, and video editing will be assessed through this unit of instruction. Videos from the paired groups will be examined by the instructor to make sure that the interviews are properly framed and focused according to the Rule of Thirds and depth of focus principle, the video is properly white balanced and captured on a tripod using wide, medium, and tight shots, the audio equipment was used effectively, and that the editing matches the scriptwriting.


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Lesson Plans

Title: LESSON 1: Fundamentals of Videography

Lesson Overview: This lesson will cover several fundamentals of videography such as the Rule

of Thirds when framing interviewees, styles of shots (wide, medium, and tight), depth of focus, white balancing, types of sound (natural [NAT] and sound on tape [SOT]), and lighting techniques.

Materials Needed:

The Visual Story: Creating the Visual Structure of Film, TV and Digital Media by Bruce Block

Lesson Objectives:Learners will become familiar with the above fundamentals of videography

in order to lead instruction in courses concentrated upon video journalism. This introductory knowledge will assist instructors who have little to no experience in film, television, or digital media production.

Time: 2 Hours

Step 1: Pre-instructional activities: Learners will observe a short news story via the web. The average news story is anywhere from one minute and 30 seconds to two minutes. After watching the segment, learners will describe what they noticed about framing of the interviews, the use of sound, the styles of shots, and whether or not lighting was used. All areas of videography will be referenced in the text The Visual Story: Creating the Visual Structure of Film, TV and Digital Media.

Step 2: Content Presentation: The delivery of instruction will rely heavily on PowerPoint presentations to serve as visual aids to describe each key point of videography. News stories from local and national outlets will also be used as examples to reinforce instruction.

Step 3: Learner Participation: After the delivery of information is conveyed to the target audience, learners will then observe and analyze snippets of news special assignments to ensure their thinking is correct. Examples of videos with flaws such as improper framing, incorrect color balancing, audio difficulties, and out of focus images will be observed in order for learners to recognize when these fundamentals of videography are not applied properly.


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Step 4: Assessment: Once learners are familiar with each fundamental videography technique and have applied their knowledge to different news examples, assessment will be conducted through a posttest that will be administered through BlackBoard.

Step 5: Follow-through activities: The transfer of this new information will occur once learners engage in the other areas of instruction that will involve operating simple and advanced camcorders, setting up interviews, and producing short videos. In order to successfully complete requirements of the other lessons, learners must retain the fundamental knowledge of videography.

Assessment Exam

1. What are the three styles of shots?2. When is the Rule of Thirds applied in videography?3. What audio terms distinguish between a reporter’s voice and sound from

an interviewee?4. What does the term depth of focus refer to in videography?5. What is natural or NAT sound and when is it used in a story?6. What are the dimensions for standard definition video? High definition?7. How do camera operators correct discolored video before recording?8. What do the acronyms VO and SOT stand for in television news?9. What kind of shot is used to follow a moving object?10. What is the name of the video used to cover narration in a news story?

This exam will be made available via BlackBoard. Learners must score 80% in order be considered competent with video journalism fundamentals.

Title: LESSON 2: Using FlipCams & Uploading Footage into iMovie

Lesson Overview: This area of instruction will engage learners in hands-on activities with HD

FlipCams and uploading footage into iMovie.

Materials Needed:

HD FlipCams (Available through USC Aiken Communications Department) iMac computers (Available in the Communications work lab) Tripods (Available in the USC Aiken Communications Department) iMovie (Installed on iMac Computers)

Lesson Objectives:Learners will learn how to operate a basic HD FlipCam through by recording

shots, utilizing its zoom feature, and properly mounting the camera onto a tripod for


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more stable shots. Once everything has been recorded, the footage will be uploaded for future editing in iMovie.

Time: 1 ½ Hours

Step 1: Pre-instructional activities: Individual HD FlipCams along with its instructional booklet will be issued to Communications faculty undergoing the training. The learner group will have the opportunity to either read the instructions or explore the device’s functionalities by powering it on.

Step 2: Content Presentation: The instructor will deliver instruction using his or her own device for demonstration along with a PowerPoint presentation that will coincide with the instructor’s directions.

Step 3: Learner Participation: Learners will engage in hands-on activities by recording wide, medium, and tight shots around campus using the FlipCam’s zoom feature. Stable shots will be captured using tripods available through the department. Once all footage is recorded, learners will upload their footage into iMovie for future editing using the device’s built-in USB connection.

Step 4: Assessment: After all footage is captured and uploaded into iMovie, the instructor will observe the recorded video through the program to ensure that there are three styles of shots (wide, medium, and tight) and that a tripod was utilized in the recording process.

Step 5: Follow-through activities: With these newly acquired skills, the learner group will be able to apply these basic video skills in recognizing the styles of shots and working with the iMovie editing software in the next area of instruction: Lesson 3: Editing Techniques Using iMovie & Final Cut Pro.

Title: LESSON 3: Editing Techniques Using iMovie & Final Cut Pro

Lesson Overview: This area of instruction will familiarize learners with editing video sequences

using iMovie & Final Cut Pro.

Materials Needed:

iMac computers (Available in the Communications work lab) iMovie (Installed on iMac Computers) Final Cut Pro (Installed on iMac Computers)

Lesson Objectives:Learners will learn how to edit their video captured in Lesson 2 using iMovie.

The learner group will learn techniques such as video sequencing, text overlay,


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audio editing, adding transitions, and exporting files for different mediums (YouTube, Vimeo, DVD, Mac OS, Windows OS, etc.).

Time: 2 Hours

Step 1: Pre-instructional activities: The instructor will allow the learner group time to explore iMovie and Final Cut Pro’s interface prior to instruction. Learners will practice adding the video they uploaded into iMovie onto the timeline sequence for editing.

Step 2: Content Presentation: The instructor will guide the lesson using the digital projector connected to his or her. This will provide learners with a visual step-by-step process as the instructor pinpoints the software’s functions.

Step 3: Learner Participation: Learners will edit 30-second video sequences in iMovie. The learner must use text overlays, audio and video transitions, and must export the video in a format (.mov) that can be uploaded to YouTube. Another 30-second video sequence will be edited in Final Cut Pro using the same techniques, exported in the appropriate format, and then uploaded to YouTube. Learners will include iMovie Edit and Final Cut Pro Edit in the description to show that they are familiar with video editing across both interfaces.

Step 4: Assessment: Both 30-second video sequences will be reviewed by the instructor via the YouTube links to assess that text overlays, audio editing, video transitions, and the file extension requirements are met. The instructor will also access both the iMovie and Final Cut Pro saved files to make sure editing was performed in both programs.

Step 5: Follow-through activities: Once basic knowledge of editing in iMovie and Final Cut Pro is acquired, the learner group will be able to reinforce this new skill in the next lesson: Lesson 4: Scriptwriting and Editing to Scripts.

Title: LESSON 4: Scriptwriting and Editing to Scripts

Lesson Overview: The learner group will record video of another department, student

organization, or building on campus and write a brief 20-second description to be recorded in the studio located in the Ruth Patrick Science & Education Center. A brief interview will be conducted with a student, staff, or faculty member about their chosen video topic.

Materials Needed:

HD FlipCams (Available through USC Aiken Communications Department) Tripods (Available in the USC Aiken Communications Department)


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iMac computers (Available in the Communications work lab) Studio for Recording Reporter Tracks (Available in Ruth Patrick Science &

Education Center) iMovie (Installed on iMac Computers) Final Cut Pro (Installed on iMac Computers)

Lesson Objectives:Learners will produce two different videos known as a voiceover (VO) and a

voiceover/sound on tape (VOSOT) about a department, student organization, or campus building. The voiceover (vo) will have a 25-second script and the voiceover/sound on tape (VOSOT) will have a 45-second script that will include no more than 15 seconds worth of interview sound. Skills such as framing for interviews, capturing different styles of shots with tripods (wide, medium, and tight), scriptwriting, and video editing will be assessed through this unit of instruction.

Time: 3 Hours

Step 1: Pre-instructional activities: The instructor will describe what a voiceover and voiceover/sound on tape refers to in television news media.

Step 2: Content Presentation: The learner group will observe several examples of a voiceover and voiceover/sound on tape via local and national media outlets on the web. Learners will examine how the script is written and presented, the video was edited, and how the interview sound was incorporated.

Step 3: Learner Participation: Learners will decide which topic their VO and VOSOT will cover around campus. They will conduct their short interview with a student, staff or faculty member, gather the necessary footage, write two scripts for a VO and a VOSOT, and edit all video on either iMovie or Final Cut Pro.

Step 4: Assessment: Both videos will be examined by the instructor to make sure that the interviews are properly framed according to the Rule of Thirds, video is captured on a tripod and include wide, medium, and tight shots, the editing matches the scriptwriting, and the sound from the interview is fits within the allotted time and flows with the written script.

Step 5: Follow-through activities: After completing the following lesson, the learner groups should be more familiar with video production, scriptwriting, using interview sound, and editing. The learners will be able to carry on this knowledge into the next unit of instruction: Lesson 5: Group Activity 1 – “About Me” Presentations.

Title: LESSON 5: Group Activity 1 – “About Me” Presentations


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Lesson Overview: The learner group will work in pairs to produce one and a half minute (1:30)

profiles about their partner’s career, hobbies, and goals in the Communications program.

Materials Needed:

HD FlipCams (Available through USC Aiken Communications Department) Tripods (Available in the USC Aiken Communications Department) iMac computers (Available in the Communications work lab) Studio for Recording Reporter Tracks (Available in Ruth Patrick Science &

Education Center) iMovie (Installed on iMac Computers) Final Cut Pro (Installed on iMac Computers)

Lesson Objectives:Learners will produce one-minute video presentations in pairs about each

other. Skills such as framing for interviews, capturing different styles of shots with tripods (wide, medium, and tight), scriptwriting, and video editing will be assessed through this unit of instruction.

Time: 3 Hours

Step 1: Pre-instructional activities: Learners will be paired up at random for their “About Me” presentations. The instructor will inform the groups about the criteria these videos should include: information about each other career, goals in the Communications program, and interesting hobbies or other personal characteristics. Along with the recorded interviews between paired groups, the instructor will inform learners that additional b-roll footage is required for the videos.

Step 2: Content Presentation: The instructor will provide learners with only one example to aid them with the “About Me” videos. Learners will watch a video produced by an alumnus Communications major entitled “Real Life at USC Aiken – Israel Butler” on YouTube. This visual aid will help guide learners with the production and sequence of their videos.

Step 3: Learner Participation: The paired groups will treat this assignment like a simulated news report. They will conduct their interviews anywhere on campus that they see fit, gather the necessary footage, write a script with the appropriate sound bites from the interview, and edit all video on either iMovie or Final Cut Pro.

Step 4: Assessment: Both videos from the paired groups will be examined by the instructor to make sure that the interviews are properly framed according to the


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Rule of Thirds, video is captured on a tripod and include wide, medium, and tight shots, and that the editing matches the scriptwriting.

Step 5: Follow-through activities: After completing the following lesson, the learner groups should be more familiar with video production and editing. The learners will be able to carry on this knowledge into the next unit of instruction: Lesson 6: Operating a Professional Camcorder.

Title: LESSON 6: Operating a Professional Camcorder

Lesson Overview: This area of instruction will engage learners in hands-on activities with HD

FlipCams and uploading footage into iMovie.

Materials Needed:

HD Sony XDCAM Professional Camcorders (Available through USC Aiken Communications Department)

Professional Audio Equipment (Ruth Patrick Science & Education Center) Tripods (Available in the USC Aiken Communications Department) iMac computers (Available in the Communications work lab) Final Cut Pro (Installed on iMac Computers)

Lesson Objectives:Learners will learn how to operate a professional HD SONY XDCAM by

recording shots, utilizing its zoom feature, learning to use the iris, practicing with the focus reel, setting up the audio equipment for interviews, white balancing images for proper coloring, when to use lights, and properly mounting the camera onto a tripod for more stable shots. All footage recorded will be uploaded into Final Cut Pro.

Time: 2 Hours

Step 1: Pre-instructional activities: Individual HD Sony XDCAMs along with its instructional booklet will be issued to Communications faculty undergoing the training. The learner group will have the opportunity to either read the instructions or explore the device’s functionalities by powering it on.

Step 2: Content Presentation: The instructor will deliver instruction using his or her own device for demonstration along with a PowerPoint presentation that will coincide with the instructor’s directions.

Step 3: Learner Participation: Learners will engage in hands-on activities by recording wide, medium, and tight shots, capturing video close-ups using depth of


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focus, use the iris reel to show lighting transitions, properly white balance video images, and operate the zoom swivel. Stable shots will be captured using tripods available through the department. Once all footage is recorded, learners will upload their footage into Final Cut Pro via the Sony XDCAM’s SXS Memory Card.

Step 4: Assessment: After all footage is captured and uploaded into Final Cut Pro, the instructor will observe the recorded video through the program to ensure that all advanced camera and shooting techniques were used and that a tripod was utilized in the recording process.

Step 5: Follow-through activities: After completing the following lesson, the learner groups should be more familiar with operating professional video and audio equipment. The learners will be able to carry on this knowledge into the final unit of instruction: Lesson 7: Group Activity 2 – Producing a News/Feature Story.

Title: LESSON 7: Group Activity 2 – Producing a News/Feature Story

Lesson Overview: The learner group will work in pairs to produce one and a half minute (1:30)

news story about department or campus news or a feature story on a student, athlete, staff or faculty member on campus.

Materials Needed:

HD Sony XDCAM Professional Camcorders (Available through USC Aiken Communications Department)

Professional Audio Equipment (Ruth Patrick Science & Education Center) Tripods (Available in the USC Aiken Communications Department) iMac computers (Available in the Communications work lab) Studio for Recording Reporter Tracks (Available in Ruth Patrick Science &

Education Center Final Cut Pro (Installed on iMac Computers)

Lesson Objectives:

Learners will be paired up and will be responsible for producing a one and a half minute (1:30) news story about department or campus news or a feature story on a student, athlete, staff or faculty member on campus. Skills such as framing for interviews, capturing different styles of shots with the tripod (wide, medium, and tight), white balancing, focus manipulation, properly using audio equipment, scriptwriting, and video editing will be assessed through this unit of instruction.

Time: 3 Hours


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Step 1: Pre-instructional activities: Learners will be paired up at random for their news/feature stories. Along with the recorded interviews, the instructor will inform learners that additional b-roll footage is required for the videos. The videos cannot exceed a minute and 30-seconds (1:30).

Step 2: Content Presentation: The instructor will provide learners with a news and feature story from a local or national television news outlet via the web. Learners will observe how the use of sound, video sequencing, scriptwriting, and editing to a script was used in the examples.

Step 3: Learner Participation: The paired groups will treat this assignment like a simulated news report. They will conduct their interviews anywhere on campus that they see fit, gather the necessary footage, write a script with the appropriate sound bites from the interview, and edit all video on Final Cut Pro.

Step 4: Assessment: Videos from the paired groups will be examined by the instructor to make sure that the interviews are properly framed and focused according to the Rule of Thirds and depth of focus principle, the video is properly white balanced and captured on a tripod using wide, medium, and tight shots, the audio equipment was used effectively, and that the editing matches the scriptwriting.

Step 5: Follow-through activities: After completing the following lesson, the learner groups should be more familiar with video production, basic and advanced camera operations, scriptwriting, and video editing.


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