
CSC Chennai Chapter Toastmasters

Issue VII, September 2014


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Who are We?

Find the Answers inside..

Measuring the World with Words

3 2

What do w

e Do?


CCCTM was the first corporate Toastmasters club of Tamil Nadu. Since its inception in 2006, CCCTM has been a President‟s Distinguished Club. We won The Smedley Award from inception in 2006, Beat the Clock Award for the period 2006-07, 2009-10 and 2013-14 and Talk up Toastmasters in 2013 and 2014. Recently, we were awarded the Golden Gavel plus Award (Highest recognition given to a club) during the closing ceremony of the Annual Conference of District 82, Ovation 2014 held in May 2014 at Goa, India. Our club has produced several DTMs and had been the home club for many Division and Area Governors. We meet on Tuesdays between 1 PM to 2.30 PM at Auditorium, CSC - MEPZ.

We are Toastmasters




“Wouldn‟t it be easier if the Maze Runner

had a Map?”

We are Toastmasters……………………..…….. 2

From the Editor‟s Desk.……………………....… 3

Presidential Note………….……………..……… 4

Know your Toastmasters…………………...….. 5

English is a Funny Language……..…………... 6

Pep-talk with Leadership………………….…. 7

The Sweet Taste of a Lie……….………….... 9

Sriram‟s Tongue Twisters…..………………. 10

A Thoughtful Candy Crush……….…………. 10

Life‟s Sweet Moments ………….……………. 11

Karthik goes Universal Disco..………………. 12

Jency‟s Candy and Crush……………………. 13

Toastmasters Myth……………………………. 13

Never Reject a Good Talent …………………. 14

What am I good at?....………………………… 14


Memoirs of CCCTM………………………….…18

See you Soon………………………………….. 24



Dear Toastmasters,

We thought a “Candy Crush” was needed in place to bring some color in everybody‟s lives. Most people have the game installed in their mobiles and take it with them on the go. So how do we relate it to our life. Solving puzzles and connecting the dots - Do all of us do that in our daily life? Getting life boosters in the game - Similar to the windows of opportunity we all get? Level of satisfaction you get when you complete a level - Same as the taste of victory when we accomplish things in our life? How is life a candy crush? A question of attention indeed. So we decided to launch our newsletter with the theme “CANDY CRUSH” – Life‟s sweet Candy moments and painful Crushing moments, a moment to think back into our past and get in touch with one‟s inner self. With the theme set in place, came the job of choosing a team. A team with an astonishing flair. I was able to bear the crown of the editor gracefully only because of my team which show cased top notch team work and an effort to bring out perfection. I would like to thank my team for their endeavor to make this edition a successful one. I would also like to thank the Ex-com of CSC Chennai Chapter Toastmasters for entrusting me with this opportunity. My thanks and appreciations also extend to everyone who sent their words of amazement in the form of articles to us. When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. And this is one such example. Have a happy reading. - Rohini Ravi, Editor - Journey, Issue VII

From the Editor’s Desk


The Editorial


Editor Rohini Ravi

Editing and

Graphic Design Venkatesh Balasubramani

Proof-Readers Guru Ragavan Ravindran

Veena Jhawar

Karthik Kidiyoor

Himabindu Venugopal

NavaneethaKrishnan Madavan

Anitha Pasala

Premnath Jaipal

Interviewer Sathya Jayaraman

Picture Courtesy CCCTM Public Relations

World Wide Web

President – The peak of leadership in the Executive Committee of a Toastmasters club. It took two and a half years of TM journey with 3 Executive Committee roles to mentally prepare myself in taking up this challenge.

The prime responsibility of a President, be it the President of a nation, an organization or a club is to put its people‟s welfare first. When that is accomplished, everything else is accomplished. But the challenge lies in adhering to this approach of leadership even in the most unfavorable situations.

CCCTM is always fortunate to have leaders who can ably handle situations like this and drive the club to success.

Over the last 2 years, our club had to face many odds and when people thought the mere survival of the club itself would be a question mark, it continued to emerge as an outstanding club with President Distinguished status (Highest Accolade given to the club by TI) and Golden Gavel Club (Highest recognition given by the TM District) year after year. And that is CSC Chennai Chapter Toastmasters for all of us.

The successful functioning of a club is not only limited to bagging such awards or accolades. There is a lot more to it. Every member of the club (a DTM or a newbie) should have a take away/learning from the meetings. With many senior/charter members leaving, the little hands in the club had to come together to give a mighty support to the club. It wasn‟t an easy journey. No nominations for prepared speeches, drop out in role-players, naïve evaluations, decreasing number of guests and craving for the senior TMs to turn up to the meetings in order to get the learning from them became a routine in the club.

And there struck the lightning… In everyone‟s life, there comes a point when we all shed our playfulness and transform into a responsible child to our parents looking at the odds they are facing. To reduce their burden and to say “I am there for you and you don‟t have to worry”. That is the moment that marks the birth of a leader within a family. Likewise, that time came for our club too. The young minds were all set to get their hands dirty. To learn and to teach on their own without the sophistication of the external push they were receiving till that point of time. From being hesitant to take a bigger meeting role to hosting a Club contest, the recent contests marked the birth of two great leaders in our club - TM Himabindu and TM Praveena Raghavendran. People like me and Veena took up the President and VPE roles which we were trying to escape from for a long time. I set my mind to see my Ex-Com role as a complete learning opportunity rather than running/servicing for the club as an Ex-Com member. And so did others.

We collectively started off trying to bring back the glory of CCCTM and to make each and every member feel valued of their time spent in TM. As a result of new ideas, change in the way we do PR and having themed meetings, prepared speeches nomination eventually shot up, young evaluators now sound experienced and josh of the club overall is on a high now.

Mesmerizing speeches, eagerness in taking leadership roles, doing things in innovative ways without losing the club‟s heritage has become a habit now for every member in our club. I am happy to see the next set of leaders coming up and I am sure this newsletter would be a standing proof for all that I have mentioned before.

Toastmasters – Truly a place „Where Leaders are made‟.

Wishing all the best to all my fellow TMs and Future TMs! Happy Reading

- Premnath Jaipal, President - CCCTM

Presidential Note


Know Your Toastmasters Praveena Raghavendran:

It all began just as a ceremonial walk when I attended my first Toastmasters meeting,

as my friends wanted me to accompany them. The moment I entered the hall; the

warm smiles, friendly environment, established professionalism, passionate people

who strive to spread positive attitude; everything held me up.

Through my journey with TM the plodding phase of my professional career took a

different direction. I got a platform where I can play around with my thoughts, try out

or experiment skills, this is the place where you have the liberty to do mistakes and

be assured that you will realize them by yourself.

I strongly believe, “Without art, crudeness of reality will make the world unbearable”.

Some people find beauty in painting, some in music and some in landscapes but

here in TM, I found the beauty in words. TM to me is like a teleporter which takes you

out of your regular mundane world to a fascinating and magical world filled with the

beauty of words.

Karthik Kidiyoor:

When people speak about their journey, it usually consists of ups and downs.

But my journey in Toastmasters so far has been a smooth upward curve, which

is still rising. My first Toastmasters session was more about observation rather

than participation. I found the people there to be very enthusiastic and

committed towards Toastmasters. I found it to be a place where people get to

learn and teach at the same time. I started at my own pace by slowly taking up

roles to improve listening skills. In later meetings I became a regular for

Impromptu speeches. It was followed by my First prepared speech. Initially

I anticipated it to be like any other speech clubs, but as time progressed I came

to know that variety of programs, speeches and contests are organized making

this club more remarkable.

Kishore Raveendiran:

It so happened that there was an introduction about Toastmasters on my first day at CSC. I was thrilled about the benefits that Toastmasters brought in to the lives of many people. I wanted to be a part of this revolution. I desperately wanted to attend one meeting at least. It was a pity on me that I always craved for a companion wherever I go and this Toastmasters meeting was no exception. I was discouraged every time by my friends whenever I approached for companionship. One final day, I decided to attend the Toastmasters meeting without any companionship. Thanks to my brother TM Dhilip who encouraged and motivated me to attend Toastmasters meeting. I usually do not get nervous when I speak on stage but this time it was different. I got a chance to participate in the table topics and gave my first impromptu speech. That feeling was entirely different. I could see lot of people of various ages and experience looking at me. That impromptu speech gave a vivid thought and from then I continued to come to Toastmasters meeting. I recognized my buddies as TM Rohini and TM Navaneeth who were diligently sitting and performing their roles. That is how Toastmasters embraced me.


Know Your Toastmasters Aarthi Senthil Arumugam: Here I was, inside CSC Chennai Chapter Toastmasters club to improve my

communication and leadership skills. After my first visit, I felt I was ready to face

my fear of public speaking. Many people list public speaking as their biggest fear.

The only way to overcome a fear is to face it. The only way to become better at

something is to do it. Toastmasters offers a friendly environment where people get

together and speak on topics that are important to them. That in turn helps them

gain confidence, make friends, and achieve their goal of mastering public speaking.

The Toastmasters agenda of prepared speeches, Table Topics and helpful feedback

gave me the environment and helped me to overcome my fear of public speaking

and has helped me grow far beyond my original goal of becoming a fearless



English is a Funny Language


PepTalk with Leadership

Interview with Mr. Kathirvelu Ramaswamy, Oracle COE Lead

Who's a leader?

The one who leads from the front and does more leadership and less of a

management work.

As a child, what did you aspire to become?

During my young age, I always thought of becoming a Management Consultant

What is the best thing happened in your life so far?

My son!

Who is that one person who inspired you most?

I was struggling in my career thinking which way to head. There was one guy whom I didn‟t like and I hated him to

the core on the personal relationship basis. But he had some fantastic skills which I learnt from him which actually

helped me a lot. If I am what today, I owe lot of things to him. I have told this openly to all my friends and he‟s one

among them.

What is that one incident you can never forget and one that you want to forget?

Which I can‟t forget – When someone cheated me to a magnitude in a way that I can‟t repay the loans.

Don‟t want to forget – The subsequent decision I made towards how I am going to come out of it. I made a quick

decision to wind up everything and move on in my life. Majority of people said “No”, but I made the decision and

went on with it. I still keep on saying That is my best decision in life. Definitely NOT my marriage !!!

What is the unique quality that you have and expect from others?

I think most of us react to things. We shouldn‟t. We should take a pause, take a step back and analyze that and

where the other person‟s issue is and look at the things. Let it be problems, issues, discussions or be it anything.

I think you will always have “N+1” views. We always look at only “N” number of views and we never take that “+1”.

There is another option and we should look at it. We failed to see the other side of the table. That is because we

don‟t take a pause when we react!

If you take a pause and think through it, you will definitely get a better solution. Specifically, the young generations

are missing that part. They are all very reactive and they stick to it without analyzing what it is. I urge them to take a

pause and analyze to get a better view of it. Normally, people refer this as “Diplomacy” and I have refined that word.

You spend more hours in office than @ home. True or False?




PepTalk with Leadership

PepTalk with Leadership contd.. Interview with Mr. Kathirvelu Ramaswamy, Oracle COE Lead

How do you spend your leisure time?

Playing with my kids

What is the social networking site you are addicted to?


Has your greatest fear or scary dream come true? If so please


Not scary, but recently…I always thought I will meet with an accident

and I met with an accident. It was on 5th May when I drove to Coimbatore with my family. From the time I started my

car in Chennai, I was thinking I will hit someone. When we almost reached Coimbatore, a car hit me from behind.

Fortunately nothing happened. I got down and told my wife that I was expecting that this will happen. She was

shocked and told that it‟s a negative mindset. I replied to her saying it‟s NOT a negative mindset and it‟s just a flash

that came.

I was wondering why that flash came and why me. I was very cautious and taking all care driving all the way to

Coimbatore and when you reach the destination you tend to get relaxed. So I relaxed a bit and banged. It had cost

me heavily. But it‟s okay… nothing happened.

One movie that is a must watch?

Godfather… I keep watching it. Whenever I feel I lack ideas, I watch this movie. I have the DVD of all the three parts,

but obviously the best one is the first part. There are lots of incidents which you can relate to the movie and take


Any wish that is NOT yet fulfilled?

I want to have a week of stress free life without even thinking about anything. I couldn‟t do it so far…for my own



- Bharani Raghavender

They say “Happiness Lies With Truth”

I say “When Happiness itself is lying then why not me?”.

Moments have arrived and lost, Lessons were learnt and yet I constantly hold on to my habit of lying. A condition when

you constantly lie to others. I begin my day by lying to myself that – I am the best. A lie that my sub-conscience never

believes but somehow I always convince it. Next on my “Lie-List” would be the people I meet.

Sometimes listening to those whom I am not interested to, tolerating those when they test my nerve and still act as if I

actually care about them, it‟s all a lie. Then I end my day thinking of all the people I deceived and sleep with a wicked

smile. Resembles a pretty cold blooded murder right??

One might question “Why Fake It when you can‟t Make It?” The truth is no matter what you say to yourself or the

people around you, things will remain the same. Why confront a person that you are not interested in the conversation

and hurt their feeling, when you can pretend (lie) that you actually care and strengthen your bond. All a lie does is put

a smile on your face and eases your life.

Agree or disagree it‟s not only me who does this, but we all do it. Lying is the sweet candy we give others and at times

give it to ourselves, to add some taste to our life.

This Candy Crushes The Saga of hurting people with the truth and makes you the of this quality.

So Ladies and Gentlemen, “Lie, Love and Live.”

The Sweet Taste Of A Lie

I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the

witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.

I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. And on a slitted sheet I sit. I slit a sheet,

a sheet I slit. The sheet I slit, that sheet was it.

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear , Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, Fuzzy Wuzzy wasnt very fuzzy .. was he ?

A tutor who tooted the flute, tried to tutor two tooters to toot.

Said the two to the tutor, 'Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?'

Sriram’s Tongue TWISTERS


A Thoughtful CANDY CRUSH - By Sooryaprakash

Till this point of my life I've always been happy, but haven't accomplished

many goals that I always wanted to achieve. When I analyzed the reasons

behind it, there had been many negative thought patterns that have been

pulling me down. Then from various sources, I inferred that it requires some

strategic positive thinking, as below, to drive the negatives away.

Disclaimer: The „you‟s used below may convey a sense of command. I used to say all these „you‟s to myself.

So I hope that the same might help you to get the exact sense in which I mean things here.

Rephrase mind voices.

Say, you say to yourself, “I always eat too much” or “I‟ll never lose weight.” Instead, try saying, “In the past, I‟ve

often ate too much. Now, I‟m getting better at how much I eat” and feel good about taking control of your thoughts,

you will definitely take some effort to do that. This might sound trivial but has a great effect. Trust me.

It's OK to mess it up.

Maybe you got nervous and feel embarrassed that you couldn't do well in a presentation. Remember, your boss,

co-workers, friends, family and favorite movie star have all had embarrassing moments and setbacks. Perfection is

a high goal; don‟t start or end there. Let “giving your best” be your ideal goal. Avoid focusing on what wasn‟t done

or should have been done differently. Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn how not to repeat it .

Don‟t force yourself!

Don‟t hold yourself to standards that you wouldn‟t expect others to meet. Pushing yourself for a head start

immediately after a failure is like punishing yourself. Give yourself some time to learn from failure and get ready for

the next run. Don‟t carry your past along for the ride; it gets heavy. Instead of saying “I Should have done “, say to

yourself “I know I can do it better “. Be kind to yourself and remind yourself of all your capabilities and positive

qualities. Trust me. You will feel the real bliss of seeing the real capable „you‟.

Be responsible for your feelings.

Just as you can‟t make other people happy, don‟t expect others to make you feel happy or good about yourself and

don‟t blame them if you feel guilty or bad about yourself. You are the creator of your feelings and you are the

decision maker. People may set stage for your emotions but they shouldn‟t be allowed to command your emotions.

What others think about you and say to you can only have as much effect as you allow it to have on you.

What‟s important is what you tell yourself.


Life’s Sweet Moments

- By Preethi

An eventful day it was, the clock struck 4 am and the baby started wriggling in his

sleep. He seemed thirsty; anticipating a sudden outburst of loud shriek on its way,

Seema quietly tiptoed towards the kitchen, filled his bottle with milk, quietly came

back and thrust it in his mouth.

Baby guzzled down the milk happily in his sleep unaware of his surroundings or happenings.

Seema was relieved and happy that a sudden calamity was overcome, before its onset as she had a long day

ahead, for she had to present an important Presentation to a Client which would decide the fate of her Company.

You might be wondering, why such a big hype about the whole stuff? Little Akrit who was just 2 months old was a

terror for his notorious howls, which kept the whole apartment awake, thus making him famous for it.

We have all heard people say kids bring joy and smile to everyone‟s face. Believe me, “No gain without pain”. There

is always an angel who is working to erase this illusion.

So to all those, who were able to relate to this, as part of their observations or hear say or who are yet to

experience, life's most beautiful candy crush will be the day a “Child is born“ the beautiful ,innocent smile that it

bestows upon its Parents, sends across thousands of meaningless messages - “Thank you, Why, Wow! for

bringing me into this world”. But the Joy, Bonding, Rejoicing or pain that it brings to those who are awaiting its

arrival patiently for the last 9 months is endless.

The achievements or success that you faced as part of your growing phases, be it your first day at school, First day

at College or the much awaited placements, First day to Office, your First love, or the chance to spearhead the

much awaited and heard of Project which all key persons were eyeing all these Candy Crush moments stand

baseless before the Sweet feeling of Holding one‟s own “Bundle of Joy”, which one has procreated it and even in

the whole universe there an enigma about its Genesis. Don‟t you think this is actually what a Crush moment is all

about? Life‟s Sweet Candy Moments and Painful Crushing Moments delivered by a Stork to a pair of beautiful


Let things go.

Don‟t hang on to painful memories and bad feelings, as That is a dangerous way to encourage negative thoughts and

bad moods. Your past can take control of your present and rob your future if you let it. Forgive yourself for your past

wrongs and move on (Forgiving doesn’t mean that you condone your wrongdoing; Remember, Wrong is Wrong) If you

have a hard time forgiving or forgetting, consider talking through your emotions with a good friend or counselor, but

dwelling on the matter will always kindle fight between your heart and brain which for the most would end up hurting

your liver. It‟s important to work through things, but you can‟t let the past determine your future.

Remember, Life is a candy that tastes sweet only at the present, dragging along the negativity of the past with you

may make it bitter, so crush all that and cherish the candy !!!!

A Thoughtful CANDY CRUSH contd..


Karthik goes ‘UNIVERSAL DISCO’

You are about to read a never-before seen view of the universe, read

on and be sure to imagine. The planet you are on is a giant disco ball,

rotating clockwise (Earth). This disco ball is in a place that has two

stories. This disco ball is on the first storey, whose ceiling is made of

glass so the disco ball can be seen from both floors.

The walls of the room are black. There is a big yellow spotlight in one

corner of the room that slowly moves up and down (Sun). There is

another spotlight in the opposite corner, but this one is white and has a

rotating filter to block some of the light out (Moon). This filter starts at

one end of the light, works its way across, and then works its way back

(Phases of the Moon). There are many spots on the walls of the room

that are just reflections off the disco ball (Stars). These spots seem to

form different patterns on the walls and move along with the disco ball,

but not always at the same rate (Constellations). There are two very

shy people in the room who sometimes leave the room. While they are

in the room they stand by the walls and always wink for some reason,

so all we can see of them is one of their eyes (Mercury & Venus).

There are three very weird people in the room that are always in the

middle of the room doing the Waltz. They do this somehow by

themselves and they too are always winking. They are sometimes on

the first floor and sometimes on the second floor (Mars, Jupiter, and

Saturn). There is also one guy dressed in a white polyester leisure suit,

gold chains and rings shaking to "Burn it to the Ground" (comet). It

seems as though everyone in the universe move to their own music.

He is in the room for a while; he makes his way across the room then

leaves, he must have got tired really quick! Or even when you can‟t

see him dancing, (must have forgot his gold chains) somehow he loses

a ring because we can see him fly across the sky (shooting star). Then

there are two people, one directly below the ball and one directly above

the ball, both dressed in silver lamay fabric, they make all

different colors that one can see (Northern/Southern Lights).

Occasionally some stupid guy stands in front of one of the spotlights

and blocks it out. He only does this until someone kicks him out and

someone always does (Eclipse). Finally there is one guy who stands in

the room and holds up a lighter so the band will continue to play. He

only does this when he thinks the band is going to stop and when they

start playing again he stops and vanishes from sight (Supernova).


Jency’s CANDY and CRUSH

Life is filled with Candy and Crush

Hearing is as sweet as Candy

Feelings bring Crush

Sharing means Candy

Caring leads to Crush

Friendship symbolizes Candy Moments

Love signifies Crushing Moments

Affection tastes as Candy

Attraction ends up in Crush

Getting drenched in Rain feels like Candy

Undergoing a pain leaves us a feel of Crush

Life starts with a Candy in hand

As I said above Life is filled with Candy moments and Crushing Moments. Candy always makes people to enjoy. Life

is like a wheel. Consider Candy as success and Crush as failure. Sometimes life gives us Candy and sometimes

Crush. When you get Candy share it and When you get Crushed accept it. Try to overcome your Crushing moments

to get a Candy.

Whatever happens Life has to go… Whether it is Candy or Crush…

Toastmasters Myth

Myth : I don't need Toastmasters because I have been giving

presentations for years.

Reality : ...and you are probably using the same techniques you started with

years ago. For experienced speakers, Toastmasters is a way to expand and

modernize your presentation style. You will get honest feedback about your style

and good suggestions for alternative techniques.


Never reject a good talent – Some crushing moments of Life - By Dhilip Prasanna

We all live in a technology era were people sleep daily and wake up

with the help of technology. The technology in which people are crazy

about is the mobile technology. In that the app called WhatsApp had

created a big impact on people.

The co-owner of whatsapp, Brian Acton applied for a job at Facebook

before. But his talent was not identified and he was rejected. But he did

not give up and focused on his potential and contributed more for the evolution of WhatsApp.

Facebook‟s rejection had cost it $19 billion in buying whatsapp. It was the biggest ever internet

deal. This Deal was bigger than any Microsoft, Google, Apple deal ever.

Always remember that we should recognize the good talent immediately

or else we need to regret later.

What am I Good at? - By Veena Jhawar

When I was scooped on this earth Innocence was wrapped all around my soul.

Doctor was in love with me, but I didn‟t give a damn to him. He was responsible for my birth so I

aimed to become one, but then I was too young and kept the aim aside.

In the course of my journey to live each and every moment to the fullest the obstacles were

doctors who wanted me to eradicate the heavy dosage of chocolates as I already had 6 teeth

filled with cement. Among which, one has undergone root canal treatment due to heavier

damage. I hated the doctors and decided not to be one.

Belief in God that I will be good at something in future has made me live-in peace.

“Kya baat hai kya baat hai kya baat hai”, words uttered by the priest when I sang lord Ganesha‟s

song in a temple had rung Jingle Dingle bells in my heart. I thought why not become a singer.

I grabbed all the opportunities where I can prove myself, but then the shows in TV sacred me.

People started talking about nodes, pitches and many technical terms which I haven‟t even

heard and never even bothered when I sung. This left me in vain.


So the thought was in soup, but again yummy yummy words have

given me hope.

That day when the alliance for my sister arrived home, we were all

set to impress them with many dishes. My Mom said “A husband‟s

love comes from his stomach. The more yummy food you serve him

the more love you get”.

I believed it. My sis was busy dressing herself and I had to sweat in

the kitchen. They arrived 2 hours late which was expected.

It started with a juice when they entered followed by sweets, savories

and then lunch which had so many dishes that there was no place in

the plate to serve anything else followed by ice-cream, drinks again

and last but not the least “beeda paan”.

All dishes were appreciated, then I thought why not choose this as a

career and start with going to some small cooking shows in TV

followed by “master chef” the popular cookery show in Star Plus.

I thought there is nothing wrong in having high aspirations as I was

sure I will be able to make it.

Unknown spices, unknown vegetables, lavishing garnishing styles.

Almost none of the ingredients used in the cookery shows were

familiar. So I left the dream behind and moved ahead.

Toastmasters helped me realize that I can speak in public.

So I wanted to become a teacher. But now at this point of time

I wanted to make sure my life is secured and continued with my

career in software field.

As I have quoted above I was good at many things but was not best

at one of them. Does this mean that I am worth nothing? May be

“NOT”. These are all candies of my life, things which I loved to be

good at. Today I might not be the best singer in front of thousands of

audience but I can still sing in front of a small group and feel

satisfied. I may not be a great cook but can still make my family

happy with my dishes. Few things which you posses can make you

happy all along your life. Be happy that you own them. Most of the

times in life we need not be “The Best” we can still be happy

being “Good” at many things.


What am I Good at? Contd..

Greetings from the Executive Committee


CSC Chennai Chapter Toastmasters!

The biggest challenge of a Corporate Toastmasters Club is that when a member leaves the company, he/she obviously leaves the club too. It is tough for any Corporate Club to handle this scenario. CSC Chennai Chapter Toastmasters was victimized to this scenario since the last term. Like the previous Ex-Coms, the club has carried the legacy of inducting lot many new members. In spite of a set of experienced members leaving the company, the club has witnessed many new talents coming in. We have tried our best not to abandon the club but show the abundance of members. The second aspect of maintaining a club with good standing is its visibility inside and outside the organization. As a result of propagating about the Toastmasters club to Campus Grads and Lateral Hires during their New Employee Orientation, we constantly see people who are new to Toastmasters walking in to our meetings. And, they continue to come. This shows the reach of our Toastmasters club within the organization. However, we did not want the reach to stop here. We wished to keep posted about the happenings of the club to the members who left the company too. Social Media being one of the powerful tools to propagate about anything from anywhere to anyone, we started making the best use of it. Flyers were created and posted in our Facebook page informing about the Theme, Date & Time and Venue of the weekly Toastmasters meetings. The District 82 Toastmasters (to which our club belongs to) fraternity is also regularly being informed about the happenings in our club.



By encouraging new thoughts and ideas like conducting Themed Meetings, organizing events like Prepared Speech Marathon and Debates once in a while, the club witnessed the strength shooting up. In the recent few meetings, the Themes were pretty outstanding. Few of the Themes were: „Mustafa Mustafa‟ (for Friendship Day Special Meeting), „Live-Love-Laugh‟, „Let Go‟ and „Teacher‟s Pride‟. This way, we are trying to avoid monotony in the meetings and facilitate the members to maintain their interest towards attending the meetings regularly.

With 3 more months to go, we have few more

aspirations. Hope we succeed in it!



Did you Know?

Our Facebook Page reached a new milestone before the Club did.

450 Likes and Counting...

Memoirs of CCCTM


(50 + (50 x 2) + (1000/4))th Meeting


Memoirs of CCCTM


(50 + (50 x 2) + (1000/4))th Meeting


Memoirs of CCCTM



Memoirs of CCCTM


Winners of club level contests

Winners of Evaluation contest From L-R, TM Guru - 3rd place, TM Partha -1st place,

TM Rohini - 2nd place.

Winners of humorous speech contest from L-R, TM Bharani - 2nd place,

TM Partha -1st place , TM Rohini -3rd place


Area Level Contest - 21st September 2014

Representatives from CSC Chennai Chapter Toastmasters at

Area Level Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest of Area B4 | Division B | District 82

Winners of the Area Level contests: TM Parthasarathy - 1st Winner of Humorous speech contest and 2nd place in the evaluation contest

TM Rohini - 1st place winner of evaluation contest.

Reach us out

LOCATION : CSC Chennai Chapter Toastmasters Floor II, CSC Auditorium, MEPZ, Tambaram Sanatorium, Chennai.

DAY : Every Tuesday TIME: 1.00 PM

CONTACT : Rohini Ravi, Vice-President : Membership (email:[email protected])

PHONE : +91- 917 634 5954 EXTN: 732205

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