



Pathologist, Office of Cereal Investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture


While it is not the purpose of this paper to deal with all phases of the Helminthosporium disease of wheat, it seems advisable at this time to summarize the general situation concerning the disease. The chief purpose of this paper is to present the results of field observations and preliminary experiments bearing on the influence of soil temperature and soil moisture on certain phases of seedling infection in spring and winter wheat and, to a limited extent, in spring barley.

When the writer began the investigation of the take-all and the rosette diseases of wheat it became evident that these diseases were in many cases intimately associated with the Helminthosporium disease and also with other wheat diseases which were likewise obscure. This necessitated a study of certain phases of the Helminthosporium disease in order that the other maladies might be properly interpreted.

Although the Helminthosporium disease of wheat had attracted little attention among plant pathologists prior to the discovery of the rosette disease of wheat in Madison County, 111., in 1919 (ji),8it was known to occur in several of the spring-wheat States and, to a limited extent, in the winter-wheat area. While little had been published in connection with the Helminthosporium disease, cereal pathologists in the spring- wheat belt and adjacent areas were fairly familiar with its general symp- toms and characteristics.

Beckwith (1) and Bolley (2) were the first to show that wheat plants may be attacked by a Helminthosporium and that this organism is associated with poor wheat yields in the spring-wheat area. E. C. Johnson (6) was the first to demonstrate the pathogenicity of Helmin- thosporium on wheat seedlings. While he called the species with which he worked Helminthosporium gramineum Rabh., it is evident from the behavior of his fungus in inoculation experiments that, in reality, he was working with H. sativum P. K. and B.

1 Accepted for publication May 2, 1923. The greenhouse and laboratory studies reported in this paper were carried on cooperatively between the Office of Cereal Investigations, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, Madison, Wis. The field studies were conducted near Granite City, 111., in cooperation with the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station in connection with the investigations of the rosette disease of wheat.

2 The writer wishes to express his appreciation to Prof. L. R. Jones and Dr. A. G. Johnson for the many suggestions concerning the work herein reported, and to Mr. R. W. Leukel for assistance in conducting the greenhouse experiments.

3 Reference is made by number (italic) to "Literature cited," p. 217.

Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. XXVI, No. 5 Washington. D. C Nov. 3, 1923 agb Key No. G-333

60376—23 1 (l95)


196 Journal of Agricultural Research vol. xxvi, No. s

Soon after the discovery of the rosette disease (u) near Granite City, HI., and in Indiana, it was found by the writer and others that Helmin- thosporium satvmim P. K. and B. was associated with it in its later stages. While this association was rather consistent in many cases, it seemed somewhat doubtful to the writer and to certain other workers if Helminthosporium was to be looked upon as the primary cause of rosette, although it was recognized that rosette might possibly be an unusual manifestation of the Helminthosporium disease (9) brought about by some environmental condition, or due to some unfamiliar strain of the organism. Although Stevens {14, 15) claims to have proved that the rosette disease (called footrot by him) (zj, 14, 13) is caused directly by Helminthosporium, it has been pointed out by the writer (9,1/) that positive proof of this causative relation is lacking. As to the ability of Helminthosporium to produce a definite, unmistakable disease in wheat, there is no doubt, as is shown in Plates 1, 2, 3, and 4, but as to its ability to produce the symptoms of wheat rosette, as the latter malady is now interpreted, there is a question.

On a basis of field observations and isolations made from material collected by the writer and others, it is evident that the Helminthosporium disease of wheat occurs to a greater or less extent throughout the wheat- growing regions of this country (JO).

In some cases the disease occurs in combination with other wheat diseases, as is the case in the district around Granite City, 111., and in certain of the fields affected by take-all and footrot in Kansas. In other cases Helminthosporium sativum seems to be the chief or only parasite involved.

In certain localities and under certain conditions the Helminthosporium disease causes considerable damage to the wheat crop. This is evidenced by the conclusions of Bolley (3) and Stakman (J^) concerning Helmin- thosporium in North Dakota and Minnesota, respectively, and of Hungerford (5) concerning the situation in the vicinity of Rexburg, Idaho, in 1921¿

While more than one species of Helminthosporium may be involved in the disease, the bulk of evidence now in hand, as pointed out by the writer (10), indicates that a single species (H. sativum) is the one chiefly involved. This organism apparently does not have as fixed a mor- phology as many fungi, and this is especially true in regard to conidia. Experiments which will be discussed fully in a later paper show that the same single-spore isolation, when submitted to different conditions as to substratum, temperature, etc., may produce spore forms which are so widely different as to suggest different species to persons not acquaint- ed with the situation. As to the possibility of different physiological strains within this species nothing definite can be said at this time.

The studies on the symptoms of the Helminthosporium disease as published by Stakman (12) and by the writer (j.r) show that under favorable conditions H. sativum is capable of attacking all parts of the wheat plant from the roots to the head. It is evident, however, that under certain conditions infection does not take place, or takes place only in a mild form, even when the organism is present in the soil.

Soon after the writer became interested in the Helminthosporium disease, it was realized that the disease does not attack the wheat plant with the same degree of severity in all localities or during the different periods of development of the plant in a given locality. As pointed out earlier in a brief note (JO), these observations led to the


Nov. 3,1923 Helminthosporium Disease of Wheat 197

belief that climatic factors and weather conditions probably exerted some influence on the development of the disease. Accordingly, labora- tory and field experiments were planned whereby data on these influences might be obtained. Since H. sativum attacks all parts of the plant it is obvious that the different types of injury should be studied more or less independently. In view of this fact it was decided to make the pre- liminary studies on those injuries which are confined to the subterranean parts of the plant, and on the development of these injuries as influenced by soil temperature and soil moisture.



All of these studies were carried out in the department of plant pathology, University of Wisconsin. The soil-temperature apparatus used was essentially the same, except for some modification, as that described by Jones (7).

The wheat seedlings were grown in metal pots 8 inches in diameter and 9K inches deep, placed in tanks of water held at the desired tem- peratures. The water line came from % to 1 inch above the soil line in the pots. Previous experiments with potatoes in connection with the soil-temperature studies on potato scab by Jones, McKinney, and Fellows {8), and also preliminary experiments with wheat plants, showed that there was no need for drainage in the metal pots, and, therefore, no special drainage apparatus was used.


Experimental Methods

The various temperatures were maintained by electric heaters placed on the bottoms of the tanks in contact with the water, and by means of cold running water supplied from the local mains in winter and from a refrigeration coil in summer. The high temperatures were con- trolled by electric thermostats which opened and closed the heater circuits by means of relays. These regulated to within an average of %0 to ¿4° C, above and below the stated temperature. The low tem- peratures were regulated by carefully adjusting the inflow of cold water or by a controlled electric heater which operated against a stream of cold water having an inflow slightly greater than that required to hold the proper temperature in the soil. All temperatures were regulated and recorded on a basis of the temperature of the soil 1 inch below the surface and iK inches from the walls of the pots.

All plants were watered on a basis of weight with tap water frequently enough to insure a nearly constant soil moisture throughout an experi- ment. At the high temperatures pots were watered daily or oftener, depending upon the weather, while at lower temperatures the watering was less frequent. Different methods have been used, but in this work it seemed that the application of water directly to the surface of the soil was best when watering was done frequently. In all the experiments, the plants in a given soil-temperature series were subjected to the same air temperatures, which ranged from approximately 180 to 24o C, accord- ing to the season. The differences in host response and the development of disease were due, therefore, primarily to differences in soil temperature.

All soil used in the soil-temperature studies consisted of a fertile loam obtained from a wood lot. Although this soil had never been cropped it


198 Journal of Agricultural Research vol. xxvi, NO. $

was infested with Helminthosporium sativum, which develops on many of the wild grasses. This necessitated sterilizing the soil by the pressure- steam method for varying periods, depending on the pressure used. Four hours at 1-pound pressure or less and one hour at 10 to 15 pounds gave satisfactory results. This soil after sterilization had a moisture- holding capacity of 67 per cent. Two varieties of wheat, Marquis (spring) and Harvest Queen (winter), and Hannchen and Hanna varieties of spring barley were used in these experiments. All seed was surface sterilized with a solution of mercuric chlorid and water (1:1,000) for 10 minutes and thoroughly rinsed in sterile water before sowing. It was very difficult to obtain seed free from Helminthosporium infection and, as surface sterilization is not effective in controlling this infection, such seed had to be guarded against. One sample of Harvest Queen seed from the uplands of Madisun County, III., was for the most part free * from infection, and this was used in much of the work. A small amount of Marquis seed, kindly supplied by G. H. Dungan, of the Illinois Agri- cultural Experiment Station, also proved to be practically free from infection, and the same was true of the seed of Hannchen and Hanna barley from the Aberdeen (Idaho) plots of Dr. H. V. Harlan, of the Office of Cereal Investigations, United States Department of Agriculture.

The organisms used in the inoculations consisted of three single-spore strains of Helminthosporium sativum. The first, designated No. 51a, was isolated by the writer in May, 1920, from the crown of a Harvest Queen wheat plant, in the advanced stages of the rosette disease, growing near Granite City, 111. The second, designated No. 350, was isolated by the writer in April, 1921, from an infected barley kernel obtained from a lot of seed grown in the vicinity of La Fayette, Ind. The third, designated No. 392, was isolated by Dr. R. W. Webb in the spring of 1921 from the same type of plant and from the same source as culture 51a.

These strains were cultured on potato-glucose agar in Petri dishes. The spores were scraped from the surface of the medium and put into water. These spore suspensions were then used to inoculate the seed or the soil before sowing.

In the case of seed inoculation, a given volume of spore suspension was placed in a test tube, such volume being just enough to moisten the number of seeds to be sown in a single pot. The suspension was care- fully measured by means of a pipette so as to insure uniformity of inocu- lation and then put into as many test tubes as there were pots to be inoculated. This measuring procedure was followed at the beginning of the inoculating operation. The seeds were previously counted out in definite numbers for each pot. At the time of sowing a particular pot, the seed was poured into the test tube of inoculum, well shaken, and emptied into a Petri dish, the small excess of suspension was drained off, and the seeds were quickly planted by means of forceps. Seeds were not introduced into the inoculum until just before planting. All seed was sown 1.5 inches deep.

Owing to the fact that the spores of Helminthosporium sativum do not germinate to any extent in large quantities of water, no bad effects come from preparing all of the suspensions at the beginning of the sowing operations. The writer has had a spore suspension of this organism in the laboratory from April to November, 1921, with practically no germina- tion. Sowings of these spores were made on potato-glucose agar from time to time, and good germination took place until the latter part of the period, when the viability of the spores seemed to go down rapidly.


Nov 3,1933 Helminthosporium Disease of Wheat 199

Soil inoculations were made by sprinkling or spraying a spore sus- pension over all the soil used in a complete series. This soil afterwards was thoroughly mixed and put in the pots before the seeds were sown. This method insured uniformity of the inoculum throughout all the pots in a series. In all cases the control or uninoculated pots were sown be- fore working with the inoculum for the inoculated pots.

In all of the experiments, only enough inoculum was used to produce a moderate amount of infection on the underground parts. This was done in order that the temperature influence might be determined more accurately. In no case was there sufficient inoculum to produce a marked killing of the plants. In the soil-temperature studies on. potato scab (8) it was found that heavy inoculation tended to produce undue flattening of the temperature and disease curve, and this same condition seems to hold with the Helminthosporium disease. The exact temperature optimum tends to be obscured when" an excess of organism is present.

In determining the comparative influences of the several soil tempera- tures in any one series the amount of disease produced was taken as a basis. As pointed out in the work with potato scab (<?), it is not adequate to use alone either the number of infected individuals or the degree of infection as the sole index for the amount of disease.

In the case of the data from the greenhouse experiments the extent of disease is expressed as an infection rating, which represents the per- centage of the total number of plants which were infected and also the degree of infection.

In recording the extent of disease, the plants were separated into five classes according to the degree of infection, and each plant was given a numerical rating, as shown in Table I.

TABI^E I.—Classes, degrees of infection, and numerical ratings used in rating diseased and healthy wheat

Class. Degree of infection on the underground parts. Numerical

None Very slight. Slight Moderate... Abundant..

0. 00

•75 1. 00 2. 00 3.00

The classes are described as follows: (1) No signs of infection, as evi- denced by the absence of any lesions on the underground parts; (2) very slight infection, as evidenced by small lesions on the coleoptile; (3) slight infection, as evidenced by small lesions on the coleoptile or sheaths in ex- cess of (2) ; (4) moderate infection, as evidenced by the partial or almost complete rotting of the coleoptile, with a few lesions on lower leaf sheaths or roots ; (5) abundant infection, as evidenced by a complete rotting of the coleoptile and numerous lesions on the subcrown intemode4, lower leaf sheaths or roots.

In most of the experiments herein cited relatively slight root infection occurred. Whether this is due to a difference in resistance between the

4 The term subcrown intemode is here used to apply to the elongated structure of the wheat plant which, under certain conditions, develops between the germinated seed and the crown. In wheat and barley this •tructure is covered by the coleoptile.


"200 Journal of Agricultural Research vol. xxvi, NO. 5

roots and the other underground parts or to some other factor is not known. Further study is being made to determine this point.

After each plant in a given series had been given a numerical rating, the final infection rating for the plants grown at a given temperature was arrived at by adding together all the numerical ratings, dividing this sum by the total number of inoculated plants involved multiplied by three. This result was then multiplied by 100, thus putting the infection rating on a percentage basis.

Sum of all numerical ratings X 100 f . Total number of inoculated plants X 3 "~ *>'

This result is then the comparative infection rating for the given tem- perature, since three times the total number of plants (3 being the highest numerical rating) represents the highest possibility for disease under the conditions of the experiment. The results from all plants grown at all the temperatures in a given series are compared on a basis of factors derived according to the above method for each separate temperature.

In cases where some Helminthosporium infection occurred in the con- trols, the number of such infected plants was deducted proportionally from the total number of inoculated plants before determining the disease factor in the inoculated series. Usually the uninoculated control plants were free from infection, but it was found to be very difficult to prevent all contamination, because of the fact that H. sativum sporulates so freely.


HOST DEVELOPMENT.—While the experiments cited were designed pri- marily to yield data concerning the development of the disease, it has been possible also to obtain information concerning the influence of soil temperature on the host plant.

As shown by Dickson (4) and other workers, the host plants react to soil temperature in many respects. In the case of the time required for the seed to germinate and emerge from the soil, this study shows that the higher temperatures, from 24o to 34.5o C, speed up this process in wheat and barley. At 28o emergence takes place in about three days, with 32 o, 34.5 o, and also 24o, coming on in about four days. At soil temperatures of 20o, 16o, 12o, and 8°, emergence takes place at intervals of about 5.5, 7.5, 10, and 16 days, respectively, from the date ofplanting.

Considerable influence of temperature on the development of the plants after emergence also was found. During the periods of the ex- periments it was discovered that the greatest development in stature and dry weight of plants took place at temperatures of from 200 to 24o C. This temperature range forms the rather broad crest of a curve which descends gradually toward the higher and lower temperatures.

At 8° C. germination was slow, but a fairly high percentage of seeds germinated. The percentage of germination seemed to be highest at 120, 16°, and 20o. Owing to the slow development of plants and the slight extent of disease at 8° this soil temperature was not used after the second experiment with Marquis wheat. It was found that very few plants developed at soil temperatures above 35o, and this temperature proved impracticable for the disease experiments. Even at 34.5 o there was poor germination and the plants did not thrive.

It was found that a temperature of 20o C. tends to produce the greatest number of tillers in wheat. In 57 days the production of tillers per plant


Nov. s, 1923 Helminthosporium Disease of Wheat 201

at 20o averaged 6.2, while at the extreme soil temperatures only two tillers per plant were formed. At temperatures between 20o C and both higher and lower extremes a gradual decrease in number of tillers was noted.

Under certain conditions with wheat the soil temperature seems to influence the ultimate position of the crown and permanent root system with respect to the seed and soil surface. At high temperatures the crown tends to be developed near the surface of the ground, or, in other words, a long subcoronal intemode is formed; whereas, at low soil temperatures, the crown tends to form low or at the seed. Intergrading relations of these structures develop at the intervening temperatures. Just how important soil temperature is in connection with this modifi- cation is not known. It seems apparent, however, that other factors may, under certain conditions, completely obscure the temperature in- fluence, for the writer has occasionally observed plants in well-controlled temperature experiments which did not conform to the above observa- tion. Certain varieties also do not seem to respond in this way.

/# 20 24 20 rfMñ?/&iri//?£S /Ai £)£-&?££■& C

FIG. I.—Graph showing summaries of Helminthosporium sativum infection ratings on underground parts oí wheat and barley seedlings grown in soil at different temperatures, as shown in Tables II, III, and IV, and average diameters in mm., in five experiments, of mycelial colonies of the same parasite grown m artificial culture at various temperatures.

The lower temperatures (160 to 20o C.) tend to favor the development of the roots as compared with the tops. The optimum temperature for root development of barley and wheat on a basis of dry weight seems to be about 6° lower than that for top development during the periods of the recorded experiments. Dickson (4) considers that the optimum soil temperatures for the various host responses recorded is about 40 higher for Marquis wheat than for Turkey. While there is a slight indication in this research that this relation holds between Marquis and Harvest Queen, the evidence is not sufficiently striking to warrant a definite statement at this time.

DISEASE DEVELOPMENT.—The results of disease development at the several soil temperatures are tabulated in Tables II, III, and IV. The average data from all the experiments are tabulated at the end of each of these tables and are shown graphically in figure 1. From the several tabulations it will be noted that while there has been a slight shifting of the optimum soil temperature for disease occurrence in the several experiments, this shifting has been within rather restricted limits.


202 Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. XXVI, No. s

TABLE II.—Effects of soil temperatures on the infection of Marquis (spring) wheat seedlings with Helminthosporium sativum, Culture 51a, at Madison, Wis., in IQ20-21

Experiment 1. Experiment 2. Experiment 3.

Artificially inoculated soil. Started Nov. 24, 1920; ended Jan. 20, 1921. Soil moisture 37.3 per cent of moisture-holding capacity.

Artificially inoculated soil. Started Feb. 7, 1921; ended Feb. 23, Mar. 12 and 18, 1921. Soil moisture 44.4 per cent of moisture-holding capacity.

Artificially inoculated seed. Started Mar. 3, 1921; ended Mar. 21, 1921. Soil moisture 43.2 per cent of moisture-hold- ing capacity.

Average soil tem-


Number of plants.

Infection rating.

Average soil tem-


i Number of plants.

Infection rating.

Average soil tem-


Number of plants.

1 Infection rating.

•c. 8

12 16 20 24 28


1 40 41

37 33 25 22


1-3 21. 1 63.0

73- 7 68.0 69. 6


1 ag I Î>I2

ció C20 c24

c28 ;32 c35

72 72

73 78 79 71 27 27

24. 6 61. O 40.8

52.3 76.3 82.1 87.6 88.8

16 20

24 28



103 IOO

92 90 70



75-4 87.7 95-5 79.8 58.0

Experiment 4. Experiment 5- Summary.«*

Artificiallyinoculated seed. Started Nov. 19,1921; ended Dec. 17,1921. Soil moisture 59.7 per cent of moisture-holding capacity.

Naturally infected loam soil. Started Nov. 19, 1921; ended Dec. 17, 1921. Soil moisture 59- 7 per cent of moisture-hold- ing capacity.

Average amount of infection at each soil temperature in five experiments with Marquis (spring) wheat.

Average soil tempera-


Number of plants.

Infection rating.

Average soil tem- peratures.

Number of plants.

Infection rating.

Average soil tem-


Average number plants

per# experi- ment.

Infection rating.

•c. 12 16 20

24 28




74 63 i 67 44 67 41

17. I !

33-3 46.9 64.7 I 94.2

83-4 86.7

0C. 12 16 20

24 28



98 94 74 86

? 45

79 25. 2 36.2 60. 9 64. O

75-2 73-3

8 1 12 16 20

24 28


34- 5-35- 0

56.O 73-2 76. 2 69.6 69.8 59-6 48.4 41.7

1-3 15-4 38.9 56.9

77-4 76.7

a Ended Mar. 18. i> Ended Mar. 12. c Ended Feb. 23. d This summary does not include the 8° or 12* temperature data from experiment 2, since these are for

older plants.


Nov. 3, 1923 Helminthosporium Disease of Wheat 203

TABLE 111.—Effects of soil temperatures on the infection of Harvest Queen {winter) wheat seedlings with Helminthosporium sativum cultures No. 51a and jÇ2t at Madison y Wis.y in IÇ2I and IQ22

Experiment 1. Experiment 2. Experiment 3A. Experiment 3B.

Artificially inoculated soil (culture 51a). Started Feb. 7, 1921; ended Feb. 33, Mar. 12 and 18, 1921. Soil moisture 44.4 per cent of moisture-holding capacity.

Artificially inoculated Seed inoculated with a

water suspension of This experiment was

carried on at the same seed (culture 51a). culture 51a containing time and in the same Started Mar. 3, 1921; 105,200 conidia per cc; manner as experiment ended Mar. 21, 1921. started Apr. 3, 1921; 3A except that the Soil moisture 43.2 per ended Apr. 27, 1921. seeds were inoculated cent of moisture-hold- Soil moisture 33.5 per in a water suspension ing capacity. cent of moisture- containing 6,57s co-

holding capacity. nidia per cc.

Average soil tem- Num-

ber of Infec- tion

Average soil tem- Num-

ber of Infec- tion

Average soil tem- Num-

ber of Infec- tion

Average soil tem-

Num- ber of

Infec- tion pera-

tures. plants. rating. pera- tures. plants. rating. pera-

tures. pla nts. rating. pera- tures.

plants. rating.

0C. eC. eC. 0C. 0 8 94 24.7 16 117 5-5 12 104 7.2 12 ¿58 i 0.6 h I2 84 36.6 20 117 31.2 l6 118 12.2 l6 118 15.2 C16 103 21. O 24 109 75-2 20 118 46.8 20 116 22. 7 c 20 94 31-5 28 112 73-8 24 d55 43.O 24 116 41. 6 C24 97 31.0 32 114 69. 0 28 "S 7O.7 28 118 46.O C28 88 48.6 34-5 98 41.1 32 IOI 79.2 32 109 48.6 c32 78 74-9 34-5 d79 67.9 34-5 105 33-9 c35 70 54-7

Experiment 4. Experiment 5. Experiment 6. Summary./

1 Consolidated tempera-

Artifically inoculated ture data from com- 1 bined soil tempera- l ture and moisture se-

ries. Moisture data given in Table VII. Artificially inoculat- ed seed (culture 392). Started May 4, 1922;

Artificially inoculated seed (culture 51a). soil (culture 392). Average amount of infection Started Apr. 29, 1921; Started May 20. 1922, a t each soil temperature ended May 21, 1921. ended June 2, 1922. ii 1 the six experiments Soil moisture 32.8 per Soil moisture 52.2 per with Harvest Queen (win- cent of moisture-hold- ing capacity.

cent of moisture-hold- ing capacity.

ter) wheat seedlings.

ended May 26, 1922.

Aver- Aver- Aver- age soil

tem- pera-

Num- Infec- age soil

tem- pera-

Num- Infec- age soil tem- pera-

Num- Infec- A verage Num- Infec- ber of tion ber of tion ber of tion •sc il tem- ber of tion

plants. rating. plants. rating. plants. rating. pe ratures. plants. rating.

tures. tures. tures.

•c. 0C. 0C. •c. 12 99 O. O 12 167 16.5 12 117 6.2 12 109 5-3 l6 99 .8 l6 17s 19.5 1 16 121 14.5 ie > 121 10.8 20 56 13-2 20 170 55-3 20 117 17.0 2C > 112 27.3 24 32 48.5 24 167 71.7 24 117 29.8 2A \ 99 47.O 28 48 47-9 28 167 81.2 28 117 53.6 2Î \ 109 55-2 32 24 26.3 32 174 54-S 32 IOI 79-3 32 100 5S*ï 34.5 59 9.6 34-5 156 8.7 34-5 c55 64. 0 M ̂ 5-35 88 28.6

o Ended Mar. 18. * Ended Mar. 12. c Ended Feb. 23. d Stand reduced by mice. « Plants in one pot lost during experiment on account of leak in pot. / This summary does not include the 8° or 120 temperature data from experiment 1, since these are for

older plants.


204 Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. XXVI, No. s

TABLE IV.—Effects of soil temperatures on the infection of Hannchen and Hanna barley seedlings with Helminthosporium sativum cultures 51a and 350, at Madison, Wis., in 1921

Experiment 1. Experiment 2. Experiment 3. Summary. *

Artificially inoculated soil (culture 51a). Hannchen barley seed used. Started Feb. 7, 1921 ; ended Feb. 23, Mar. 12 and 18, 1921. Soil moisture 44.4 per cent of moisture-hold- ing capacity.

Artificially inoculated Hanna barley seed, culture 51a used. Started Mar. 3, 1921; ended Mar. 21, 1921. Soil moisture 43.2 per cent of moisture- holding capacity.

Artificially inoculated Hanna barley seed, culture 350 used. Started Apr. 29, 1921; ended May 21, 1921. Soil moisture 32.8 per cent of moisture- holding capacity.

Average amount of infec- tion at each soil tempera- ture in three experi- ments with Hannchen and Hanna barley seed- lings.

Aver- age soil

tem- pera- tures.

Num- ber of


Infec- tion


Aver- age soil

tem- pera- tures.

Num- ber of


Infec- tion


Aver- age soil

tem- pare- tures.

Num- ber of


Infec- tion


Average soil tem- peratures.

Num- ber of


Ú nfec- tion


•c. b12

c 16 c 20

C24 C28 C32 c35

90 89 94 93 92

83 51


24.4 38.2

36.I 44.2 46.4 55.6 54.8 41. 6

0C. 16 20 24 28

32 34.5

no 77


91 88 55

20. 6

34-3 44.6 72.3 53-0 30.0

0C. 12 l6 20 24 28



37 28

13 14 6

33-O 49.O 69. 0 63.O 82.0

83.3 16.6

0C. 12 l6 20

24 28

32 34. 5-35

47 74 69 74 62

51 22

33-O 35-2 49- I 51-3 69.9 63.6 29.4

o Ended Mar. 18. * Ended Mar. 12. c Ended Feb. 23. à Number of seedlings reduced due to ravages of mice. « This summary does not include the 8° or the 120 temperature data from experiment :

are for older plants. since these

While the results of these experiments show that the Helminthosporium disease can develop at all of the soil temperatures employed, they also indicate that the disease is not favored by either relatively high or rela- tively low temperatures. From the curves shown in figure i it is strik- ingly evident that rather high soil temperatures (28o to 32o C.) favor the development of the disease on the underground parts of the plants during the early period of their development. Although the exact explanation of this result can not be given at this time, it should be noted that the disease temperature optimum is above that for the best development of the host plants and also above that for the best vegetative growth of the parasite in pure culture, as is shown in figure 1. This relation suggests that the relatively high temperature requirements for the best develop- ment of the parasite (24o to 28o) together with the probable weakening of the hosts (host optimum 20o to 24o) at such temperatures partially ex- plain the high optima (28o to 32o) for the development of the disease. It should also be noted that the optimum temperature is apparently 40

higher in the case of Harvest Queen wheat than in the case of Marquis wheat or the barleys. The same tendency is suggested in the data published by Dickson (4) on the Fusarium seedling blight of wheat, except that he reports lower optima. The explanation of these relations may be tied up with differences in varietal susceptibility or with a num- ber of other unanalyzed factors.


Nov. 3.1923 Helminthosporium Disease of Wheat 205

In the results from experiment 2 in Table II, experiment 1 in Table III, and experiment 1 in Table IV, it will be noted that the plants grown at 8° and 120 C. were not removed at the same time as those grown at the higher temperatures. They were removed at later dates for the purpose of getting some idea of the influence of time on the develop- ment of the disease. The data recorded in the above table show that time is an important factor, as evidenced by the sharp rise in the disease curve at 8° and 120, in contrast with the depression of the curves at the low temperature end of the experiments, where plants grown at all temperatures are removed and examined at the same time. These results are in line with natural expectations.

In experiments 3A and 3B with Harvest Queen wheat 105,000 and 6>575 conidia of the parasite, respectively, per cc. of water were used to inoculate the seed before sowing. The results of this experiment show clearly that the amount of inoculum greatly influences the disease de- velopment. In this experiment the greatest amount of disease occurred where the greatest number of conidia were used.

It will be noted in figure 1 that the disease curve for Marquis wheat is considerably higher than those for Harvest Queen wheat and barley, except below 160 C. for barley. This relation is explained for the present on the basis of varietal susceptibility. In all of the work done by the writer to date, Marquis wheat has shown higher susceptibility than barley or the other varieties of wheat used. The indications are that the varieties of barley used develop a greater amount of Helmintho- sporium infection at low soil temperatures than is the case with wheat; and Marquis (spring) wheat seems to show the same tendency as compared with Harvest Queen (winter) wheat. While these relations seem to be tied up with specific and varietal differences, such a general explanation falls far short of completely satisfying the many questions which come to the mind of the experimenter. It is hoped that more satisfactory ex- planations for some of these results may develop from research now under way.


Experimental Methods

As far as known, all of the controlled soil temperature studies on plant disease development thus far have had to do with "constant'' tempera- tures. While such temperatures are a means of obtaining very valuable data which may be analyzed readily, it is recognized that under no circum- stances in nature is the plant or the disease-producing organism submitted to a constant soil temperature for any length of time. Naturally this may lead some to inquire as to the actual value of constant temperature results as an aid in interpreting the reaction of disease to variable tempera- tures under field conditions. We are inclined to assume that the average daily soil temperature over a given period will produce practically the same results as a constant soil temperature equivalent to the mean for such a variable. In the case of potato scab this conception seems to hold, as is evidenced by the field experiment and observations on soil temperature cited by Jones, McKinney, and Fellows (#)'; but, as far as known, no controlled experiment has been carried out to determine this point. In view of this fact, it was decided to devise a simple, controlled experiment to determine the relation of variable and constant soil tem- peratures in connection with the Helminthosporium disease.


2o6 Journal of Agricultural Research vol. xxvi, NO. 5

Obviously, when variable temperatures are worked with, an infinite number of combinations may be employed. In this experiment it seemed wise to employ the simplest combination possible which would enable a comparison to be made between the disease-producing influence of controlled variable soil temperatures and the influence of a constant soil temperature equivalent to the mean of the variable. It was decided, therefore, to alternate the soil temperature as uniformly as possible between 140 and 30o C. once every 12 hours; that is, the soil was to reach the maximum of 30o during the afternoon (between 1 and 2 o'clock) and to reach the minimum of 140, 12 hours later (between 1 and 2 a. m.).

These temperatures were selected because they represent a reasonable soil fluctuation under field conditions, and because they lie on one side of the apex of the disease curve established by the "constant'' soil temperature experiments with Harvest Queen wheat, as shown in figure 1. The particular time interval used was selected, not only on account of the fact that it conformed nearly to the condition in nature but because it divided the time between the upper and lower tempera- ture range into equal intervals.

Three additional series were operated at constant temperatures of 140, 22o (mean of 140 and 30o C), and 300, in conjunction with the alternating (140 to 30o) series.

The methods of conducting this experiment were the same as those used throughout the constant temperature series. One tank was devoted to each temperature and five pots were used in each tank, four of which contained the inoculated plants and one the uninoculated control plants. Harvest Queen wheat seed, Helminthosporium culture 392, and steri- lized loam soil containing 33 per cent of moisture, water free basis, were used.

Soil temperatures in the constant series were controlled as described for the previous constant temperature experiments. In the case of the alternating temperature series control was obtained by means of a soil thermograph which was remodeled to serve both as a recording thermo- graph and a thermostat. By means of adjustable platinum points fixed to the inking arm and to the lever staff which is used to hold the inking arm away from the drum while changing records, it was possible to operate an electric spring switch and a water valve when the minimum or maximum temperatures were reached.

For this experiment an electric heater was obtained which raised the temperature of the water from 140 to 300 C. in approximately 12 hours. In addition, a flow of cold water was passed through a swivel valve which was so regulated that it delivered sufficient water to lower the tank water temperature from 30o to 140 in approximately 12 hours. The heater and valve were then operated by an electric current controlled by the adjustable platinum contacts, set at 140 and 30o, on the record- ing soil thermograph. The control apparatus required setting after each operation.

Owing to the slight irregularity in the water supply and to imperfec- tions in the control apparatus there were some slight variations in the soil temperature curves shown in figure 2, but in the main these curves seem fairly satisfactory and should justify consideration of the disease data obtained therefrom.


JNov. 3, 1923 Helminthosporium Disease of Wheat 207

1 j.'! 3 Ii


FIG. 2.—Soil thermograph records made during the experiment on alternating soil temperatures.


208 Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. XXVI, No. 5


Table V summarizes the results obtained in this experiment. From these data it will be seen that there was practically no difference between the amount of infection produced in the series held at 22o C. and that which was alternated between 140 and 30o. While there was a slight difference, it will be noted that the results of the seed inoculation series tend to neutralize those of the soil inoculation series; and in addition to this the variations are easily within the limits of experimental error.

TABLE V.—Comparisons between the amounts of Helminthosporium infections on Harvest Queen wheat seedlings grown in soil held at constant temperatures of 14°, 22°, and 30o C. and those on similar seedlings grown in soil at temperatures alternating daily between 14e and 30o

Soil temperature.

Seed inoculation.

Number of plants.

Infection rating.

Soil inoculation.

Number of plants.

Infection rating.

0C. 14 constant 22 constant 14 to 30 alternating.... 30 constant

108 105 108 86

9.4 19. 6 20. o 75-o

109 104 109 84

ii-3 25.1 24. 2 85.0

While the results of this experiment show that plants grown at the mean temperature suffered practically the same degree of infection as those grown at the alternating temperatures, it should not be under- stood that this concept necessarily can be applied to all the possible combinations of time and temperature which might be arranged in ex- periments on this disease or on other diseases. The results of the constant tenjperature experiments cited herein show that time is an important factor in disease development; and, undoubtedly, prolonged periods of favorable temperatures do tend to produce more disease than short periods of such temperatures. |g

Doubtless the relative position of the maximum and minimum tem- peratures selected on the disease curve established by the constant tem- perature experiment will influence results materially. It would seem probable that the results obtained in the alternating temperature experi- ment can hardly be expected to hold except when the maximum and minimum temperatures lie on the same side of the apex or optimum point of the disease curve established by constant temperature experiments. In view of the results of many physico-chemical experiments it does not seem reasonable to believe that the results above set forth would have been obtained if, for instance, the maximum and minimum temperatures had been selected in such a way as to include between them the apex or optimum of the constant-temperature disease curve. Further study is planned in connection with the various phases of the problems thus suggested.

In his study on Fusarium blight, Dickson (4) reports that a short exposure to high temperatures during the germination period unbalanced the wheat seedling and thus made it susceptible to the parasite. The writer has not noted this relation in connection with the Helminthospo-


Nov. Helminthosporium Disease of Wheat 209

rium disease, even in connection with the alternating soil temperature experiment cited above, but doubtless the relation of such high tem- perature to the previous and following temperatures to which the plant is submitted has some bearing on this point.


Three greenhouse experiments have been conducted in connection with the soil-moisture studies. In the case of experiments 1 and 2 all of the plants were grown at the same greenhouse temperature (150 to 25o C.) during the experiments. In the case of experiment 3, the moisture study was combined with the fifth soil-temperature experiment with Harvest Queen wheat.


The methods used in these experiments were the same as those employed in the soil-temperature experiments. In all cases disinfected seed was inoculated with a water suspension of conidia just before sowing. Seeding was not done until the soil moistures had been carefully adjusted on a basis of the usual soil-moisture tests.

During the period of experiment the pots were weighed daily and moisture adjustments made as needed. No difficulty was experienced in adjusting the middle and higher moistures, but there was some diffi- culty in adjusting the lower ones on account of uneven moisture dis- tribution. This adjustment was facilitated, however, by applying water often around the edge of the soil next to the pot wall and by keeping a light dust mulch on the surface.

In experiments 1 and 2, metal pots 5 inches in diameter and 9.5 inches deep were used; in experiment 3, metal pots 8 inches in diameter and 9.5 inches deep were used.

TABLE VI.—Results of experiments on the relation of soil moisture to the infection of Marquis and Harvest Queen wheat seedlings by Helminthosporium sativum when artificially inoculated seed was sown in a sandy loam soil having a moisture-holding capacity of 36 per cent, at Madison, Wis., in IQ22

Experiment [. Experiment 2.

Marquis seed sown, culture 51a used. Harvest Queen seed sown, culture Experiment started J an. 5, 1922; 392 used. Experiment started ended Jan. 30, 1922. Feb. 28, 1922; ended April 12, 1922.

Percentage Percentage of moisture- Number Infection of moisture- Number Infection

holding of plants. rating. holding of plants. rating. capacity. capacity.

22. 2 O O 27.7 80 0.8

33-3 168 22. 6 33-3 80 13.0 44-4 173 29. 1 44.4 80 18.3 55-5 163 50-4 55-5 75 26. 5 66.6 151 64.3 66.6 69 30.5 77-7 126 48.2 77-7 13 31.2


2IO Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. XXVI, No. 5

TABLE VII.—Results of an experiment with Harvest Queen wheat, combining a study of soil moisture and soil temperature (fifth series), in loam soil having a moisture-holding capacity of 67 per cent, using culture 3Q2 on seed sown May 4, IQ22, experiment ending May 26, IÇ22, at Madison, Wis.


Soil moisture, on basis of moisture-holding capacity.

Soil tempera-

37.3 per cent. 46.2 per cent. 55.2 per cent. 62.6 per cent.

Number Infection Number Infection Number Infection Number Infection oí plants. rating. of plants. rating. of plants. rating. of plants. rating.

0C. 12 59 8.3 59 16.8 53 14-3 55 18.6 l6 60 18.5 57 32.8 60 IO. O 58 15.6 20 S3 32-3 60 53-7 55 66.6 55 45-6 24 58 20.4 57 60.6 51 73.8 59 80.7 28 60 35-4 53 74.8 58 82.7 56 86.3 32 S» 9.8 56 8-9 59 32.2 59 42.3 34.5 54 8.0 58 7-3 53 15-0 45 3-7


Tables VI and VII and figures 3 and 4 give the results of the soil moisture experiments. In general all of the data thus far obtained indicate that relatively high soil moistures favor the Helminthosporium

disease of wheat. It is 7¿7i 1 1 » 1 1 of interest to note the

joint influence of soil temperature and mois- ture in experiment 3 as shown in Table VII and figures 4 and 5. In fig- ure 5 it will be noted that the temperature optimum for disease development remained constant at all the soil moistures. Reference to figure 4, however, will show that the soil moisture optima were shifted when the soil temperature was changed, the higher temperatures enabling

the highest moistures to produce the maximum quantity of disease. The results indicate that the moisture optimum tends to drop in percentage as the soil temperature lowers. The irregularities in the low moisture curve in figure 5 and those in the 120 and 34.5o C. curves in figure 4 are not con- sidered significant, since these curves represent the unfavorable extremes of the factors under study. Slight irregularities in other factors un- doubtedly register themselves in a more pronounced manner when unfa- vorable soil moistures and temperatures are maintained, thus making it difficult to get the true expression of the influences of these two latter factors.

JS3 44.4 5$$ <5S<? PfffCEHTAGZ 0/=- MO/STV/?£ //O10/A/G cAP/ic/ry OP so/L


FIG. 3.—Graph showing the amounts of Helminthosporium infection on the subterranean parts of wheat seedlings grown at different soil moistures with other factors as uniform as possible, in experi- ments 1 and 2. Tabular results are given in Table VI.


Nov. 3, 1923 Helminthosporium Disease of Wheat 211

462 55.2 P£/fC£//r^O£ Of MO/STV/ÏE- HOIÛ/A/G CAPAC/Ty


FIG. 4.—Graph showing the amount of Helmintho- sporium infection on the subterranean parts of Har- vest Queen wheat seedlings grown at different soil moistures when the soil temperatures were varied simultaneously. Note the rather consistent influence of temperature on the shifting of the moisture op- tima. Tabular results are given in Table VII.

Owing to the limited data available at this time, it is not possible to analyze the results of experiment 3 with complete satisfaction. However, the present evidence seems to in- dicate that soil temperature may be a more influential factor than soil moisture in connection with the development of the phases of the Helminthosporium disease under discussion.


All of the field studies have been made with soil naturally in- fested with Helminthosporium sativum. The plots were located on uniform gumbo soil in the American Bottoms of the Missis- sippi River near Granite City, 111., just across from St. Louis, Mo.

In order to get some idea of the influence of temperature on the Helminthosporium disease, two series of sowings of winter wheat were made at intervals during the autumns of 1920 and 1921. Each sowing consisted of a plot the width of an ordinary grain drill (54 inches) sown across the infested land. In 1920 these plots were 2 rods long and in 1921 they were

5 rods long. In 1920 Early May and Harvest Queen varieties were used and in 1921 Turkey and Harvest Queen were used. The dates of sow- ing are given in Tables VIII and IX.

Owing to the distance of the field plots from the laboratory at Madi- son, Wis., and to diffi- culties in connection with getting some one to obtain accurate soil temperature and mois- ture records, it has been necessary to take the air temperature and precipitation data from the reports of the United States Weather Bureau at St. Louis, Mo. While

these records do not represent the exact temperature and moisture conditions on the experimental plots, they approximate the general

60376—23 2

/2 /5 20 24 28 32 34.5 SO/L T£MP£RArV/?ES /N 0£G/i££S CENT/GftAPE

FIG. 5.—Graph showing the amount of Helminthosporium infection on the subterranean parts of Harvest Queen wheat seedlings grown at different soil temperatures and soil moistures. Same data as shown in figure 4, but plotted against soil temperatures instead of soil moistures. Note that varying the soil moisture did not cause the temperature optimum to shift in any case. Tabular results are given in Table VII.


212 Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. XXVI, No. $

trend of these factors very closely, and it is felt that they can be used safely as a basis for comparison.

TABI^E VIII.—Amount of autumnal infection by Helminthosporium on the under- ground parts of Early May and Harvest Queen wheats sown on different dates in a naturally infested field at Granite City, III., in içso


Early May Do Do

Harvest Queen # Do


Sowing dates.

Sept. 2i Oct. 4 Oct. ii Sept. 2i Oct. 4 Oct. II

Approxi- Approxi- mate mate mean total

tempera- rainfall in ture inches

during during growing growing period in period in

fall. fall.

0P. 61.9 2.84 59-4 2.72 57.6 2. 72 61.9 2.84 59-4 2. 72 57.6 2.72

Fall data.

Date of observation.


Percent- age of tiller


64.7 26.3 18.5 61. 7

45-1 10. 9

Spring data.a

Date of observation.

Percent- age of tiller


May 13 91.05 88.00 74.24 No data taken on

Harvest Queen on account of complications from rosette disease.

0 These data arc based on determinations which were very kindly made by Dr. R. W. Webb of the Office of Cereal Investigations.

TABLE IX.—Amount of autumnal infection by Helminthosporium sativum in Turkey and Harvest Queen wheats sown on different dates in a naturally infested field at Granite City, III., in IQ2I

Variety. Date sown. Date re- moved.

Ap- proxi- mate mean tem- pera- ture

during fall

growing period.

Ap- proxi- mate mean

rainfall during

fall growing period.

Age of plants in days

from seed- ing.

Per- centage

of plants

in- fected.

Degree of infec- tion.

Turkey Do Do Do Do Do

Harvest Queen DO.. ....: Do Do Do Do

Sept. 20 Oct. 1 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 27 Nov. 11 Sept. 20 Oct. 1 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 27 Nov. 11

Oct. 17 Oct. 26 Nov. 8 Nov. 17 Nov. 21 Dec. 12 Oct. 17 Oct. 26 Nov. 8 Nov. 17 Nov. 21 Dec. 12

0F. 63.6 59-9 57.8 54.0 49.8 44.3 63.6 59-9 57.8 54-o 49.8 44-3

Inches. 3-46 .70 •97

I.23 4.91 4.86 3-46 .70

•97 1.23

4.91 4.86

27 25 27 29

25 31 27

25 27 29

25 31

93.10 18. 20 11. 10 13.40 19. 20 6.74

64.50 19.70 5-30

11. 70 14.50 3-70

Abundant. Slight. Very slight.

Do. Trace.

Do. Abundant. Slight. Very slight.

Do. Trace.


In all of the field experiments the amount of disease is expressed on the basis of the percentage of the number of plants infected on the under- ground parts, chiefly the sheaths, culms, and subcrown intemodes. No account of the severity of the infection of individual plants was taken in arriving at this percentage.


Nov. 3, 1923 Helminthosporium Disease of Wheat 213



1 I I ! r




In 1920 the autumnal data on all the plantings were taken on November 12. Percentages were based on all the plants growing in 5 linear feet of drill row in each plot. These 5 linear feet consisted of five i-foot sections, four of which were taken 1 foot from the ends of the two drill rows adja- cent to the outside drill rows, and the fifth from the center row of each plot.

Reference to Table VIII will show that early seeding tends to increase the amount of Helminthosporium infection on the underground parts of wheat plants. These results are in line with those obtained in the con- trolled soil temperature and soil moisture experiments, as the earlier field sowings were submitted to higher temperatures and moistures than the later sowings.

It is of interest to note the results obtained the following spring on these same sowings of Early May wheat. On May 13 counts were made in the same manner as in the autumn, and while the per- centages of infection had in- creased considerably over those recorded in November it is noted that the general relationship between the sow- ings was tie same as in the fall—that is, the early sow- ings still showed the greatest amounts of infection. This indicates that the influence of the date of fall sowing on the disease may extend con- siderably into the spring growing season. These data also indicate that the amounts of infection in the late sowings tend to catch up with those in the early sowings as the season ad- vances.

Spring data on the Helminthosporium disease were not taken on the Harvest Queen plots, owing to complications from the rosette disease, which attacks this variety but does not affect Early May wheat.

Undoubtedly the time factor played a considerable part in the results of this experiment, but it seems rather doubtful if this wholly accounts for the differences in the amount of disease in the different sowings. In order to eliminate the time element as far as possible from the field experi- ments, another method for taking data was adopted in the 1921 field experiments. Instead of making the disease determinations for all the plots at the same time, they were made as nearly as possible at a given time after the date of sowing of each plot. Three linear yards of plants were collected from each plot, 1 yard from near each end and 1 yard from the center of the middle drill rows.

All data obtained in this experiment are shown in Table IX. From these results and the curves shown in figure 6 it is evident that

the amount of disease tends to be greater when high temperatures and relatively high moistures prevail.

\ \ \

\ \ \ \

\\ ^

N^ V¿*!2:~ 'Z-rZcíf* N-N. m v ^sv

seprzo oc?:/ ocz/2 ûcr./9 SOW/A/6 ÛATZS

OCr.27 AfWJj

FIG. 6.—Graph showing the influence of date of seeding in autumn on Helminthosporium infection of the subterra- nean parts of Harvest Queen and Turkey wheat plants grown in the field. Tabular data are given in Table IX.


214 Journal of Agricultural Research vol. xxvi, NO. S

It will be noted that the high rainfall during the growth periods of the later sowings in 1921 tended to raise the disease curves, but in the case of the last sowing it would seem that the decided drop in tempera- ture had more influence on the disease than the marked rise in the soil moisture, since the disease curve went down at this time.

While it was not possible under the prevailing conditions to obtain the data on the several plots at exactly the same interval after seeding, this was done at intervals sufficiently close, as shown in Table IX, practically to eliminate the time element, except possibly in the case of the seedings made on October 19 and November 11. In these cases, however, the increased time period should have increased infection, but it did not seem to influence the results seriously.

In general, the results from the field experiments are in line with those obtained in the constant temperature experiments conducted in the greenhouse. This seems to strengthen the idea that the results of the latter experiments are a safe index to the soil temperature influence on the phases of the Helminthosporium disease under consideration.


While the foregoing results are considered as preliminary in nature, it seems evident that soil temperature and soil moisture are important factors in connection with the development of the Helminthosporium disease on the subterranean parts of spring and winter wheat and spring barley. Whether or not these are the most important environmental factors can not be determined from the data at hand. In this con- nection it is of especial interest to note that Hungerford (5) has observed severe Helminthosporium injury to wheat plants in Idaho only in the dry-land regions; and it is of further interest to note that he considers the trouble to be favored by a cold, wet spring followed by hot, dry weather. Obviously, these observations involved many variable factors, the relative importance of which is not known at this time.

Other factors than temperature and moisture undoubtedly influenced the development of the Helminthosporium disease. This conclusion is supported by the fact that there has been some shifting in the tem- perature optima of the several controlled experiments presented in this work. Dickson (4) has noted that light exerted an influence on his soil temperature experiments with the Fusarium blight of wheat, and it may be that there was such an influence on the writer's results with the Helminthosporium disease. As yet, however, too little evidence is in hand to warrant a direct statement on this point.

By way of comparison it is of interest to note the differences in response between the Fusarium and Helminthosporium seedling diseases on wheat. Results obtained by Dickson (4) in his study of Fusarium blight show that Turkey wheat (winter) is attacked, on the average, more vig- orously at 28o C, whereas the writer's results with the Helminthosporium disease show that Harvest Queen (winter) wheat is attacked, on the average, more severely at 32 o. In the case of Marquis wheat the results are the more striking in that Dickson's average data show a bimodal curve with the optimum at 20o, whereas the same variety shows a much higher temperature optimum (28o) for the Helminthosporium disease with no indication of bimodal tendency in the average data. A few of the writer's experiments with the Helminthosporium disease have shown a very


Nov. 3,19*3 Helminthosporium Disease of Wheat 215

slight bimodal tendency, but this phenomenon has been discounted on the basis of experimental error and because the temperature optimum for the Helminthosporium disease probably is not a decidedly critical point, but a rather limited range.

As Dickson gives only averages of a number of experiments, it can not be determined whether he is dealing with an actual or an apparent bimodal condition in Marquis wheat. It would seem that the interpretation of a double apex in a curve which represents the average results of a number of individual experiments must be considered from at least two angles: (1) As the possible expression of shifting optima in the several experi- ments making up the average, and (2) as the expression of a true bimodal reaction. In the second case we would, and in the first case we would not, expect to find the bimodal character showing up in the individual experi- ments. Therefore, an analysis of the data from the individual experi- ments would seem necessary to interpret any bimodal tendencies. It would seem, therefore, that Dickson's average data may represent only a shifting optimum.

While the data herein presented indicate that the date of seeding in- fluences the severity of the Helminthosporium disease in winter wheat, positive recommendations concerning a general seeding practice can not be offered until field sowings have been made with spring wheat and bar- ley, and until more work has been done on the susceptibility of the plants under different conditions and at different stages in their development. This seems especially true when it is considered that spring wheat and barley develop during a period of rising temperatures, whereas winter wheat is first subjected to a period of descending temperatures, then to low temperatures fairly continuously, and later to rising temperatures. Obviously, it is not safe to apply the results of field experiments with winter wheat to spring wheat or barley by recommending early planting of the latter two cereals, but it does seem safe to assume that the late planting of winter wheat, when other more important factprs are not affected adversely, will tend to reduce the amount of Helminthosporium injury to the underground parts. Proper soil drainage also should aid in reducing the disease.


(1) Helminthosporium sativum P. K. and B. is a vigorous parasite, under certain conditions, on all parts of wheat and barley plants.

(2) H: sativum has been claimed by certain workers to be the direct cause of the rosette disease of wheat (sometimes called f00trot and take-all), but as yet there is no positive proof of this causal relation.

(3) In certain districts, especially in the spring wheat belt, the Helmin- thosporium disease is at times very severe.

(4) Controlled greenhouse experiments and field experiments were made to study the influence of soil temperatures and soil moistures on the infection of the subterranean parts of winter and spring wheat and barley plants.

(5) In these studies fourteen constant soil temperature experiments and one controlled alternating soil temperature experiment were con- ducted in the Wisconsin soil-temperature tanks. Three soil-moisture experiments were made in the greenhouse, one of which was conducted in conjunction with a soil-temperature series.


216 Journal of A gricultural Research vol. xxvi, NO. S

(6) Two field experiments were conducted in naturally infested soil located in the American Bottoms of the Mississippi River near Granite City, 111., opposite St. Louis, Mo.

(7) The results of all the experiments show that the Helminthosporium disease as it occurs on the underground parts of wheat and barley is influenced by soil temperature and soil moisture.

(8) The disease developed at all temperatures used between the extremes of 8° and 35o C, but infection was greatly reduced toward the extremes.

(9) The optimum soil temperature for the disease on Marquis (spring) wheat and on Hanna and Hannchen (spring) barleys was found to be 28o C. For Harvest Queen (winter) wheat the optimum was 32o C.

(10) There was some shifting in the optima of the several experiments, but it was limited to the high temperatures. This shifting is explained on a basis of other factors than moisture which were not uniformly controlled throughout all of the experiments. A control of such uncer- tain factors will make possible a more accurate determination of the temperature optima in future experiments.

(11) The disease seems to attack barley more freely than wheat at temperatures below 160 C.

(12) In all experiments Marquis wheat has shown the highest sus- ceptibility to the disease.

(13) An experiment was conducted to determine the influence of controlled alternating soil temperatures on the disease in comparison with a constant temperature equivalent to the mean of the alternating series.

(14) Essentially the same amount of disease developed at the soil temperatures which alternated between 140 and 30o C. every 12 hours as developed at the constant mean temperature of 22o.

(15) These results are preliminary and represent but one simple com- bination of time and temperatures, and, therefore, should not be given too wide an application. However, they do indicate that the constant temperature method probably gives a fair index to the influence of soil temperatures under field conditions.

(16) Two soil-moisture experiments conducted in the greenhouse show that high soil moistures favor the disease. A third moisture experiment combined with a soil-temperature series also shows that high soil moisture is more favorable to the disease at temperatures of 24o C. and above.

(17) The results of this combined soil moisture and temperature experi- ment indicate that the temperature optimum is not altered by changes in soil moisture, whereas changes in soil temperature do seem to cause a. rather regular shifting in the soil moisture optimum. The temperatures at and above 24o C. favor a high moisture optimum, while temperatures below 24o C. seem to favor low moisture optima.

(18) Two field experiments show that there is a direct correlation between soil temperature and soil moisture and the development of the disease. Early-sown winter wheat is more severely affected by the disease than late-sown winter wheat. These results are in direct line with the controlled experiments conducted in the soil temperature tanks since early sowings are subjected to higher soil temperatures than are the late sowings.


Nov. 3.1923 Helminthosporium Disease of Wheat 217




n. s., v. 32, p. 529-541. {3)

1913. WHEAT. N. Dak. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 107, 94 p., 45 fig. {4) DICKSON, James G.



In U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Indus., Plant Disease Survey Bui. Sup. 21, p. 196.


BARLEY PLANTS. In Jour. Agr. Research, v. 1, p. 475-490, pi. 42-43. Literature cited, p. 487-489.


DISEASE IN PLANTS. In Trans. Wis. Acad. Sei., Arts and Letters, v. 20, p. 433-459» P1- 33-37-


Exp. Sta. Research Bui. 53, 35 p., 9 fig.. 5 pi. Literature cited, p. 34-35-


(Abstract.) In Phytopathology, v. 11, p. 37.




In Jour. Agr. Research, v. 23, p. 771-800, 2 fig., 8 pi. Literature cited, p. 799-800.


Sta. Bui. 191, 18 p., 5 pi. {13) STEVENS, F. L.

1919. FOOT-ROT DISEASE OF WHEAT—^HISTORICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC. In 111. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bui., v. 13, art. 9, p. 259-286, illus.

{14) 1920. FOOT-ROT OF WHEAT. In Science, n. s., v. 51, p. 517-518.


THE MORPHOLOGY OF HELMINTHOSPORIUM AND ON THE OCCURRENCE OF SALTATION IN THE GENUS. In 111. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bul., v. 14, art. 5, p. 77-185, illus. Literature cited, p. 171-178.



Marquis wheat seedlings, healthy and artificially infected with Helminthosporium sativum. The healthy seedling at left was grown from disinfected seed sown in sterilized soil. The other six are of the same age and were grown from the same lot of disinfected seed but were sown in sterilized soil inoculated at sowing time with conidia of H. sativum grown in artificial culture (culture 51a). They show various types of primary infection.



Helminthosponum Disease of Wheat, Plate I

Journal of Agricultural Research Wasmngton.D, C.


Helminthosporium Disease of Wheat PLATE 2

Journal of Agricultural Research Washington, D. C.



Marquis wheat seedlings, healthy and artificially infected with Helminthosporium sativum.

A—Healthy plants from 115 disinfected kernels sown in steam-sterilized, unin- oculated soil.

B.—Infected plants, same age as A,, from 115 disinfected kernels sown in part of the same lot of soil inoculated at sowing time with a water suspension of conidia of H. sativum grown in pure culture (culture 51a) isolated from wheat.



Basal portions of Karly May wheat plants infected with Helminthosporium sativum. A.—Discoloration of bases of nearly mature plants grown in Helminthosporium-

infested soil in the field, characteristic of attacks of H. sativum, B.—Discolored lesions on the bases of culms shown in A, the leaf sheaths having

been removed. These are typical of basal discolorations caused by H. sativum.


Helminthosporium Disease of Wheat PLATE 3

Journal of Agricultural Research Washington, D. C.


Helminthosporium Disease of Wheat PLATE 4

Journal of Agricultural Research Washington, D. C.



Portions of Harvest Queen wheat leaves infected with Helminthosporium sativum. These leaf lesions with killed, bleached centers and dark brown margins are typical of secondary infections by H. sativum. X 2.

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