Page 1: José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central ...€¦ · Global Governance and Rules for the Post-2015 Era, edited with José Antonio Alonso, London and New York: Bloomsbury

José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) Publications


5. Publications

a. Books

International Policy Rules and Inequality, editor, New York: Columbia University Press, forthcoming 2019.

The Future of National Development Banks, edited with Stephany Griffith-Jones, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.

The World Economy Through the Lens of the United Nations, edited with Anis Chowdhury and Diana Alarcón, New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.

The Welfare State Revisted, edited with Joseph Stiglitz, New York: Columbia University Press, 2018.

Resetting the International Monetary (Non)System, Oxford and Helsinki: Oxford University Press and UNU-WIDER, 2017 (forthcoming in Spanish and Mandarin in 2019).

Global Goverance and Development, edited volume, New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. In Spanish: Gobernanza global y desarrollo, editor, Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI and CEPAL, 2015.

Too Little, Too Late: The Quest to Resolve Sovereign Debt Crises, edited with Martin Guzman and Joseph E. Stiglitz, New York: Columbia University Press, 2016.

América Latina frente a las cambiantes condiciones de su desarrollo, (with Natalie Gómez Arteaga), Colección Cuadernos FLACSO-SEGIB No. 2, October 2016.

La banca central colombiana en una década de expansión (with Jonathan Malagón González and Juan Sebastián Betancur), Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2016.

Global Governance and Rules for the Post-2015 Era, edited with José Antonio Alonso, London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.

Historia Económica de Colombia, editor, revised and updated edition, Bogotá: Fondo de Cultura Económica and Fedesarrollo, 2015.

Café, industria y macroeconomía: Ensayos de historia económica colombiana, Bogotá: Fondo de Cultura Económica and Banco de la República, 2015.

Una historia del sistema financiero colombiano, Bogotá: Asociación Bancaria de Colombia, 2015.

Bases para un nuevo modelo de desarrollo con igualdad de género (with Cecilia López Montaño, Corina Rodríguez Enríquez y Nohra Rey de Marulanda), Bogotá: Centro Internacional de Pensamiento Social y Económico (CISOE) and UNWomen, 2015.

Capital Account Liberalization in China: The Need for a Balance Approach, edited with Kevin Gallagher, Ming Zhang and Yu Yongding, Boston: Pardee Center, Boston University, 2014

América Latina: su arquitectura financiera, rquitectura financiera, Cátedra Maestro Ricardo Torres Gaitán, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2014.

La crisis latinoameriCátedra Maestro Ricardo Torres Gaitán, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2014.

Page 2: José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central ...€¦ · Global Governance and Rules for the Post-2015 Era, edited with José Antonio Alonso, London and New York: Bloomsbury

José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) Publications


La crisis latinoamericana de la deuda desde la perspectiva histórica, with Barbara Stallings, Inés Bustillo, Helvia Velloso and Roberto Frenkel, Santiago: ECLAC, CAF and Deutsche Zisammenarbeit, 2014.

The Economic Development of Latin America since Independence (with Luis Bértola), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012.

In Spanish, El desarrollo económico de América Latina desde la independencia, Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2013; reprinted in 2016. In Portuguese, O Desenvolvimento Econômico da América Latina desde a Independência, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Campus and Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social, 2015. Forthcoming in Chinese in 2017.

Development Cooperation in Times of Crisis, edited with José Antonio Alonso, New York, Columbia University Press, 2012.

In Spanish: Cooperación para el desarrollo en tiempos de crisis, Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2011.

Regulating Global Capital Flows for Long-Run Development, edited with Kevin Gallagher and Stephany Griffith-Jones, Boston: Pardee Center, Boston University, 2012.

Oxford Handbook of Latin American Economics, edited with Jaime Ros, New York, Oxford University Press, 2011.

Hacia una política industrial de nueva generación para Colombia (with Astrid Martínez), Bogotá, Coalición para la Promoción de la Industria Colombia, 2011.

Overcoming Developing Country Debt Crises, edited with Barry Herman and Shari Spiegel, New York, Oxford University Press, 2010.

Time for a Visible Hand: Lessons from the 2008 World Financial Crisis, edited with Stephany Griffith-Jones and Joseph E. Stiglitz, New York, Oxford University Press, 2010.

Growth and Policy in Developing Countries: A Structuralist Approach, with Lance Taylor and Codrina Rada, New York, Columbia University Press, 2009.

Uneven Economic Development, edited with Robert Vos, Himayatnagar, London and Penang: Orient Longman, Zed Books and Third World Network, 2008.

Capital Market Liberalization and Development, edited with Joseph E. Stiglitz, New York: Oxford University Press, New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.

Ageing and Development, coordinated with Robert Vos and Ana Luiza Cortez, Himayatnagar, London and Penang: Orient Longman, Zed Books and Third World Network, 2008.

International Finance and Development coordinated with Jan Kregel and Stephany Griffith-Jones, Himayatnagar, London and Penang: Orient Longman, Zed Books and Third World Network, 2007.

Growth Divergences: Explaining Differences in Economic Performance edited with Jomo K. S. and Robert Vos, Himayatnagar, London and Penang: Orient Longman, Zed Books and Third World Network, 2007.

Towards Full and Decent Employment, edited with Jomo K. S., Himayatnagar, London and Penang: Orient Longman, Zed Books and Third World Network, 2007.

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José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) Publications


Policy Matters: Economic and Social Policies to Sustain Equitable Development, edited with Jomo K. S. and Sarbuland Khan, Himayatnagar, London and Penang: Orient Longman, Zed Books and Third World Network, 2007.

Historia Económica de Colombia, editor, Revised and updated edition, Bogotá: Editorial Planeta, 2007.

Stability with Growth: Macroeconomics, Liberalization and Development, with Joseph E. Stiglitz, Shari Spiegel, Ricardo Ffrench-Davis and Deepak Nayyar, New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Regional Financial Cooperation, editor, Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution and ECLAC, 2006. In Spanish: Cooperación Financiera Regional, Libros de la CEPAL No. 91, Santiago, Chile: ECLAC, 2006.

Beyond Reforms: Structural Dynamics and Macroeconomic Vulnerability, editor, Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, ECLAC and World Bank, 2005.

In Spanish: Más allá de las reformas: Dinámica estructural y vulnerabilidad macroeconómica (ed.), Bogotá: ECLAC, World Bank and Alfaomega, 2005.

Gobernabilidad e integración financiera: Ámbito global y regional, edited with Andras Uthoff, Santiago, Chile: ECLAC, 2004.

Reconstruir el futuro: Globalización, desarrollo y democracia en América Latina, Bogotá: Grupo Editoral Norma and ECLAC, 2004.

Entre las reformas y el conflicto: Economía y política en Colombia, Bogotá: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2004.

América Latina y el Caribe en la era global, coordinated with Juan Martin, Bogotá: ECLAC and Alfaomega, 2004.

El desarrollo económico en los albores del siglo XXI, editor, Bogotá: ECLAC and Alfaomega, 2004.

Globalization and Development: A Latin American and Caribbean Perspective, coordinated with Juan Martin, Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, ECLAC and World Bank, 2003.

In Spanish: Globalización y desarrollo: Una reflexión desde América Latina y el Caribe, Bogotá: ECLAC, World Bank and Alfaomega, 2003.

Un futuro económico para Colombia, Bogotá: Alfaomega and Cambio, 2001.

The Export Age: The Latin American Economies in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, edited with Enrique Cárdenas and Rosemary Thorp, An Economic History of Twentieth Century Latin America, Volume One, Houndmills, Palgrave, 2000.

In Spanish: La era de las exportaciones latinoamericanas: de fines del siglo XIX a principios del siglo XX, México D.F.: Lecturas de El Trimestre Económico, No. 93, 2003.

Industrialisation and the State in Latin America: the Post War Years, edited with Enrique Cárdenas and Rosemary Thorp, An Economic History of Twentieth Century Latin America, Volume Three, Houndmills, Palgrave, 2000.

In Spanish: Industrialización y Estado en América Latina: La leyenda negra de la posguerra, México D.F.: Lecturas de El Trimestre Económico, No. 94, 2003.

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José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) Publications


Financial Globalization and the Emerging Economies, edited with Stefano Zamagni, Ricardo Ffrench-Davis and Carlo Pietrobelli, Libros de la CEPAL No. 55, Santiago, Chile: International Jacques Maritain Institute and ECLAC, 2000.

La reforma del sistema financiero internacional: un debate en marcha, Santiago, Chile: Fondo de Cultura Económica and ECLAC, 1999.

El giro de la política agropecuaria, with Santiago Perry, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo and Departamento Nacional de Planeación - FONADE, 1995.

Foreign Capital in Latin America, edited with Roberto Steiner, Boltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press and Inter-American Development Bank, 1994.

In Spanish: Los capitales extranjeros en las economías latinoamericanas, Bogotá: Inter-American Development Bank and FEDESARROLLO, 1994.

Gran Enciclopedia de Colombia, Tomo 8: Economía, Academic Director, Bogotá: Círculo de Lectores, 1994.

Inflación y estabilización en América Latina: Nuevos modelos estructuralistas, editor, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo-FEDESARROLLO, 1990.

Introducción a la macroeconomía colombiana, edited with Eduardo Lora, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo-FEDESARROLLO, 1st ed., 1989; 2nd ed., 1992; 3rd revised edition, edited with Eduardo Lora and Roberto Steiner, 1994.

El sector comercio en Colombia: estructura y comportamiento, edited with Eduardo Lora, Bogotá: FEDESARROLLO-FENALCO, 1988.

Economía postkeynesiana, editor, Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1988.

Colombia y la deuda externa: de la moratoria de los treintas a la encrucijada de los ochentas, with Eduardo Lora, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo-FEDESARROLLO, 1988.

Planes antinflacionarios recientes en la América Latina, editor, special issue of El Trimestre Económico, Mexico: September 1987.

Historia Económica de Colombia, editor, Bogotá: Siglo XXI-FEDESARROLLO, 1987; 2nd ed., 1988; 3rd ed., 1991; 4th ed., Bogotá: Tercer Mundo-FEDESARROLLO, 1994; 5th ed., Bogotá: Biblioteca Familiar, Presidencia de la República, 1997; revised and updated edition, Bogotá, Planeta Editorial, 2007.

Lecturas de economía cafetera, editor, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo-FEDESARROLLO, 1987.

¿Hacia un nuevo modelo de desarrollo? Un debate, edited with Eduardo Sarmiento, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo-FEDESARROLLO- Universidad de los Andes, 1987.

El problema laboral colombiano: Informes especiales de la Misión de Empleo, edited with Manuel Ramírez, Bogotá: Contraloría General de la República-DNP-SENA, 1987.

Colombia y la economía mundial, 1830-1910, Bogotá: Siglo XXI-FEDESARROLLO, 1984; reprinted in 1987, and by Tercer Mundo, COLCIENCIAS and FEDESAROLLLO in 1998; 2nd ed., Bogotá: Biblioteca Básica de Historia Económica de Colombia, 2013.

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José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) Publications


Crisis mundial, protección e industrialización: Ensayos de historia económica colombiana, with Santiago Montenegro, Bogotá: CEREC, 1984; 2nd ed., Bogotá: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2007.

La política económica en la encrucijada, editor, Bogotá: Banco de la República-CEDE, 1984.

Capital Accumulation and International Relations, Ph.D. Dissertation, Yale University, 1976.

b. Selected Official Reports, directed or co-directed

El campo colombiano: Un camino hacia el bienestar y la paz, Informe de la Misión para la Transformación del Campo, Bogotà: Departamento Nacional de Planeación, Detailed Report published in April 2016, Abridged Report in December 2015.

External Evaluation of the Independent Evaluation Office: Report of the Panel Convened by the IMF Executive Board, Chair, January 2013 (discussed by the IMF Board on March, 2013).

Nuestra Democracia, co-directed with Dante Caputo, Mexico, United Nations Development Programme, Organization of American States and Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2010.

La democracia de ciudadanía: Una agenda para la construcción de ciudadanía en América Latina, New York and Washington D.C., United Nations Development Program and Organization of American States, 2009.

World Economic and Social Survey 2007: Development in an Aging World, New York: United Nations, 2007.

Building Inclusive Financial Sectors for Development, New York: United Nations, 2006

World Economic and Social Survey 2006: Diverging Growth and Development, New York: United Nations, 2006.

World Economic and Social Survey 2005: Financing for Development, New York: Untied Nations, 2005.

The Inequality Predicament, New York: United Nations, 2005.

Report of the Meeting of the High Level Reflection Group Convened by the Rio Group, Brasilia: Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão e Instituto de Pesquisa de Relações Internacionais, 2005.

In Spanish: Informe de la reunión del Grupo de Expertos convocado por el Grupo de Rio, in Hileoisa Vilhena de Araujo (org.), O Grupo do Rio e a Globalização: Grupo de Reflexão de Alto Nível, in same publication. In Portuguese: Relatório da Reunião do Grupo de Peritos de Alto Nível Convocado pelo Grupo de Rio, in same publication.

World Economic and Social Survey 2004: International Migration, New York: United Nations, 2004.

A Decade of Social Development in Latin America, 1990-1999, Libros de la CEPAL No. 77, Santiago, Chile: ECLAC, 2004.

In Spanish: Una década de desarrollo social en América Latina, 1990-1999, Libros de la CEPAL No. 77, Santiago, Chile: ECLAC, 2004. In French: Une décennie de développement social en Amérique latine, 1990-1999, Libros de la CEPAL No. 77, Santiago, Chile: ECLAC, 2004.

Globalización y desarrollo, Santiago, Chile: ECLAC, 2002.

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José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) Publications


In English: Globalization and Development, Santiago, Chile: ECLAC, 2002. In portuguese: Globalizaçao e desenvolvimento, Santiago, Chile: ECLAC, 2002.

Una década de luces y sombras: América Latina y el Caribe en los años noventa, Bogotá: Colombia, ECLAC and Alfaomega, 2001.

In English: A Decade of Light and Shadow: Latin America and the Caribbean in the 1990s, Santiago, Chile: ECLAC, 2002. In French: Une décennie d´ombres et de lumières: L’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes dans les années 90, Santiago, Chile: ECLAC and Institut des hautes études de L’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes, Libros de la CEPAL No. 76, 2003.

Crecer con Estabilidad: el financiamiento del desarrollo en el nuevo contexto internacional, Bogotá: ECLAC and Alfaomega, 2001.

In English: Growth with Stability: Financing for Development in the New Internacional Context, Santiago, Chile: ECLAC, Libros de la CEPAL No. 67, 2002. In Portuguese: Crecer com Estabilidade: O financiamiento do desenvolvimento no novo contexto internacional, Rio de Janeiro: Editora Campus and ECLAC, 2002.

Equidad, Desarrollo y Ciudadanía, Bogotá: ECLAC and Alfaomega, 2000. In Portuguese: Eqüidade, desenvolvimento e cidadania, Rio de Janeiro: Editora Campus and ECLAC, 2002. In English: Equity, Development and Citizenship, Abridged edition, Santiago, Chile: ECLAC, Libros de la CEPAL No. 62, 2001.

La brecha de la equidad: una segunda evaluación, Santiago, Chile: ECLAC, 2000. In English: The Equity Gap: A Second Evaluation, Santiago, Chile: ECLAC, 2000.

Towards a New International Financial Architecture, Report of the Task Force of the Executive Committee of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations, January 21, 1999.

In Spanish: Hacia una Nueva Arquitectura Financiera Internacional, Informe del Grupo de Trabajo del Comité Ejecutivo de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales de las Naciones Unidas, January 21, 1999. Published also in Cooperación Sur, UNDP, June 1999. Electronic version is available in the UN website:

El pacto fiscal: fortalezas, debilidades, desafíos, Santiago, Chile: ECLAC, Libros de la CEPAL, No. 47,1998.

In English: The Fiscal Covenant: Strenghts, Weakness, Challanges, Santiago, Chile: ECLAC, 1998.

The International Financial Crisis: An ECLAC Perspective, Santiago de Chile: ECLAC, October 1998.

In Spanish: La crisis financiera internacional: una visión desde la CEPAL, Santiago, Chile, ECLAC, October, 1998.

Memoirs to Congress, 1997-1998, with Antonio J. Urdinola, Bogotá: Ministry of Finance, 1998.

Memoirs to Congress, 1997, Bogotá: Ministry of Finance, 1997.

Memoirs to Congress, 1996, Bogotá: Ministry of Finance, 1996.

Las Políticas de El Salto Social, Bogotá: National Planning Department, 1995.

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José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) Publications


El Salto Social, Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, 1994-1998, Bogotá: National Planning Department, 1995.

Memoirs to Congress, March 1993 - August 1994, Bogotá: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, 1994.

Memoirs to Congress, 1992-1993, Bogotá: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, 1993.

Nicaragua: The Transition from Economic Chaos toward Sustainable Growth, Stockholm: Swedish International Development Authority, 1989.

El problema laboral colombiano: diagnóstico, perspectivas y políticas, coordinated with Manuel Ramírez. Published as Document No. 10 of Economía Colombiana, Bogotá, Contraloría General de la República, August-September 1986.

c. Academic Papers


Latin America’s Structural Transformation patterns, in Justin Lin and Célestin Monga (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Structural Transformation, forthcoming.

Real Exchange Rates Policies for Economic Development (with Martin Guzman and Joseph Stiglitz), World Development, Vol. 110, October 2018, pp. 51-62.

Published previously as NBER Working Paper 23868, September 2017.

Manejos y resultados de la bonanza petrolera (with Juan David Torres), Economía Colombiana, No. 353, July-September 2018, pp. 80-121.

The Global Economy since the Second World War through the Lens of the United Nations, in José Antonio Ocampo, Anis Chowdhury and Diana Alarcón (eds.), The World Economy Through the Lens of the United Nations, New York: Oxford University Press, 2018, chapter 1, pp. 1-30.

From Reconstruction to the Postwar Boom, in José Antonio Ocampo, Anis Chowdhury and Diana Alarcón (eds.), The World Economy Through the Lens of the United Nations, New York: Oxford University Press, 2018, chapter 2, pp. 31-63.

Latin America’s Development Record and Challenges in Historical Perspective, in Ananya Ghosh Dastidar, Rajeev Malhotra and Vivek Suneja (eds.), Rethinking Globalisation for Development: Essays in Honour of Deepak Nayyar, Milton Park and New York: Routledge, 2018, chapter 15, pp. 305-323.

Desarrollo social: Avances asimétricos durante la última década (with Natalie Gómez-Arteaga), in Martín Puchet Anyul and Alicia Puyana Mutis (eds.), América Latina en la larga historia de la desigualdad, México: FLACSO, chapter II, pp. 37-68.

Social Protection Systems in Latin America: Toward Universalism and Redistribution (with Natalie Gómez-Arteaga), in José Antonio Ocampo and Joseph Stiglitz (eds.), The Welfare State Revisted, New York: Columbia University Press, 2018, chapter 10, pp. 230-257.


La política comercial agropecuaria colombiana en el contexto internacional, Coyuntura Económica, Vol. XLVII, Nos. 1 and 2, June-December 2017, pp. 49-95.

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José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) Publications


Latin America’s Development: A Short Historical Account, in Vladimir Popov and Piotr Dutkiewicz (eds.), Mapping a New World Order: The Rest Beyond the West, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2017, chapter 9.

La reforma de la corporación corporativa internacional: la perspectiva de la ICRICT, Nueva Sociedad, November-December 2017, pp. 90-103

Accountability for Development Cooperation (with Natalie Gómez-Arteaga), International Social Science Journal (Chinese Edition), Vol. 34, No. 4, December 2017, pp. 132-157.

Sistemas de protección social, redistribución y crecimiento económico en América Latina (with Natalie Gómez-Arteaga), Revista de la CEPAL, No. 122, August 2017.

In English: Social Protecion Systems, Redistribution and Growth in Latin America (with Natalie Gómez-Arteaga), CEPAL Review, No. 122, August 2017.

Macroeconomic Effects of Capital Account Regulations (with Bilge Erten), IMF Economic Review, Vol. 65, No. 2, June 2017, pp. 193-240 (preliminary version available at:

Colombia’s Macroeconomic Challenges at the End of the Super-cycle of Commodity Prices (with Jonathan Malagon and Carlos Alberto Ruiz), Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Volume 40, Issue 1, pp. 95-111.

In Spanish: Desafíos macroeconómicos de Colombia con el fin del superciclo de precios de productos básicos (with Jonathan Malagón and Carlos Alberto Ruiz), in Mario Damill, Oscar Dancourt and Roberto Frenkel (eds.), Dilemas de las políticas cambiaras y monetarias de América Latina, Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, pp. 185-219.

Commodity-Led Development in Latin America, International Development Policy, No. 9, 2017, pp. 51-76, Geneva: Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.

Reproduced in Gilles Carbonnier, Humberto Campodónico and Sergio Tezanos Vásquez (eds.), Alternative Pathways to Sustainable Develpoment: Lessons from Latin America, Leiden, Boston and Geneva: Brill Nijhoff and Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, 2017, chapter 4, pp. 51-76.

Reforming the Global Reserve System, in Atish R. Ghosh and Mahvash S. Qureshi (eds.), From Great Depression to Great Recession: The Elusive Quest for International Policy Cooperation, Washington D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 2017, chapter 14, pp. 193-204.

Exports and Economic Development in Colombia: A Regional Perspective, 1830-1929 (with Santiago Colmenares Guerra), in Sandra Kuntz-Ficker (ed.), The First Export Era Revisited: Reassessing its Contribution to Latin American Economies, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, chapter 6, pp. 191-231.

Latin America’s Mounting Development Challenges, in Esteban Pérez Caldentey and Matías Vernengo (eds.), Why Latin American Nations Fail: Development Strategies for the Twenty-First Century, Oakland: University of California Press, 2017, chapter 6, pp. 121-140.

Dynamic Efficiency: Structural Dynamics and Economic Growth in Developing Countries, in Akbar Noman and Joseph. E. Stiglitz (eds.), Efficiency, Finance, and Varieties of Industrial Policy, New York: Columbia Unviersty Press, 2017, chapter 3, pp.65-102.

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José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) Publications



A Brief History of Sovereign Debt Resolution and a Proposal for a Multilateral Instrument, in Martin Guzmán, José Antonio Ocampo and Joseph E. Stiglitz (eds.), Too Little, Too Late: The Quest to Resolve Sovereign Debt Crises, New York: Columbia University Press, chapter 10.

Global Economic and Social Governance and the United Nations System, in José Antonio Ocampo (ed.), Global Goverance and Development, New York: Oxford University Press, chapter 1, pp. 1-31.

In Spanish: La gobernanza económica y social y el sistema de las Naciones Unidas, in José Antonio Ocampo (ed.), Gobernabilidad Mundial y desarrollo, editor, Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI and CEPAL, chapter 1, pp. 31-70.

A Brief History of the International Monetary System since Bretton Woods, UNU-WIDER Discussion Paper 2016/97, September.

Global Macroeconomic Cooperation and the Exchange Rate System, UNU-WIDER Discussion Paper 2016/49, April.

Balance-of-Payments Dominance: Implications for Macroeconomic Policy, in Mario Damill, Martin Rapetti and Guillermo Rozenwurcel (eds), Macroeconomics and Development: Roberto Frenkel and the Economies of Latin America, New York: Columbia University Press, chapter 10, pp. 211-228.

Accountability in International Governance and the 2030 Development Agenda (with Natalie Gómez-Arteaga), Global Policy, March.

The Contribution of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda to Agenda 2030: Toward a new era of international cooperation, Perspective, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, New York.

In Spanish: Contribuciones de la Agenda de Acción de Addis Ababa a la Agenda 2030: Hacia una nueva era de cooperación internacional. Published also in Chinese.

Devising a Growth Strategy for Puerto Rico (with Deepak Lamba-Nieves and Sergio M. Marxuach), Policy Paper, Centro para una Nueva Economia (CNE), San Juan, June.

Una reflexión sobre la evolución de los debates económicos latinoamericanos, Pensamiento Iberoamericano, 3ª Época, No. 1, Madrid, Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB), pp. 36-44.

External Financing to Latin America: Are We in a New World?, Baker Institute Brief, Rice University, September 28, available at:

Social Protections Systems in Latin America: An Assessment (with Natalie Gómez-Arteaga), ESS Working Paper No 52, Geneva and Lima: International Labor Organization, Social Protection Department and Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. Sistemas de protección social en América Latina: Una evaluación, ESS Documento No. 52.


Performance and Challenges of the Colombian Economy, in Bruce Bagley and Jonathan D. Rosen (eds.), Colombia’s Political Economy at the Outset of the Twenty-First Century: From Uribe to Santos and Beyond, Landan (Maryland): Lexington Boods, chapter 1, pp. 3-31.

Colombian Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy over the Past Decade, with Jonathan Malagón, Comparative Economic Studies, 57(3), pp. 454-482.

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José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) Publications


Inclusión social y productiva de los habitantes rurales (with Natalie Gomez), in Equidad: Perspectivas para Colombia, FES 50 años, Cali: Fundación para la Educación Superior (FES), pp. 30-54.

Latin America’s Recent Economic Turmoil, Issues Brief, Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, October 13.

Uncertain Times: After a decade of social and economic progress, Latin America is facing challenging times, Finance and Development, September, pp. 6-11.

Global Macroeconomic and Financial Governace, in Robert Devlin, Oscar A. Echeverria and José Luis Machinea (eds.), Latin America in a New Era of Globalization: Essays in Honor of Enrique V. Iglesias, Alexandria: Alexandria Library Publishing House, chapter 2.

Reforming the Global Monetary Non-System, Discussion Paper 2015/146, UNU-WIDER, December.

Capital Account Liberalization and Management, Discussion Paper 2015/048, UNU-WIDER, May.

The Governance of the International Monetary Sytem, Discussion Paper 2015/046, UNU-WIDER, May.

Resolution of Balance of Payments Crises: Emergency Financing and Debt Workouts, Discussion Paper 2015/11, UNU-WIDER, May.

Emerging Economies and the Reform of the Global Monetary System, in José Maria Fanelli (ed.), Asymmetric Demography and the Global Economy: On Growth Opportunities and Macroeconomic Challenges in an Aging World, New York: Palgrave, chapter 5.

Reforming the International Monetary and Financial Architecture, in José Antonio Alonso and José Antonio Ocampo (eds.), Global Governance and Rules for the Post-2015 Era, London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, chapter 1. [Earlier versions were published as working papers by the United Nations’ Committee for Development Policy and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation].

Los retos del desarrollo latinoamericano a la luz de la historia, Cuadernos de Economía, Special Issue No. 66, pp. 479-506.

América Latina frente a la turbulencia económica mundial, in Alicia Bárcena and Antonio Prado (eds.), Neoestructuralimo y corrientes heterodoxas en América Latina y el Caribe a inicios del siglo XXI, Santiago, CEPAL, Libros de la CEPAL 132, chapter II, p. 83-99.


The Latin American Debt Crisis in Historical Perspective, in Joseph E. Stiglitz and Daniel Heymann (eds.), Life After Debt: The Origins and Resolutions of Debt Crises, International Economic Association Conference Volume 152, Houndmillis: Palgrave Macmillan, ch. 2.1, pp. 87-115.

In Spanish: La crisis latinoamericana de la deuda a la luz de la historia, in José Antonio Ocampo, Barbara Stallings, Inés Bustillo, Helvia Velloso and Roberto Frenkel, La crisis latinoamericana de la deuda desde la perspectiva histórica, Santiago: ECLAC, CAF and Deutsche Zisammenarbeit, 2014, ch. I, pp. 19-51.

The Provision of Global Liquidity: The Global Reserve System, Discussion Paper, 2014/141, UNU-WIDER, October.

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Latin America’s Mounting Economic Challenges, Issue Brief, Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, October.

Latin America’s Lessons from Capital Account liberalization (with Bilge Erten), in Kevin Gallagher, José Antonio Ocampo, Ming Zhang and Yu Yongding (eds.), Capital Account Liberalization in China: The Need for a Balance Approach,Boston: Pardee Center, Boston University, ch. 3., pp. 47-60.

La gobernanza macroeconómica y financiera global, in Robert Devlin, Oscar A. Echevarria and José Luis Machinea (eds.), América Latina en una era de globalización: Ensayos en honor a Enrique V. Iglesias, Alexandria Library Publishing House, ch. 2, pp. 73-99.

Latin America Structuralism and Production Development Strategies, in José M. Salazar-Xirinachs, Irmgard Nübler and Richard Kozul-Wright (eds.), Transforming Economies: Making Industrial Policy Work for Growth, Jobs and Development, Geneva: UNCTAD and ILO, ch. 1, pp. 41-63.

El tamaño del Estado y su impacto redistributivo en América Latina, with Jonathan Malagón, Coyuntura Económica, XLIV:1, June, pp. 15-76.

El FLAR y su papel en la arquitectura financiera regional e internacional, en Guillermo Perry (ed.), Construyendo un Fondo Latinoamericano de Reservas: Los 35 años del FLAR, Bogotá: FLAR, 153-172.

Global Governance for Financial Stability (with Stephany Griffith-Jones), in Dimitri B. Papadimitriou (ed.), Contributions to Economic Theory, Policy, Development, and Finance: Essays in Honor of Jan A. Kregel, Houndmills: Palgrave/Macmillan, ch. 13, pp. 273-295.

La gobernabilidad monetaria y financiera global, in Robert Devlin, Oscar Echeverría y José Luis Machinea (eds.), América Latina en una era de globalización: Ensayos en honor a Enrique Iglesias, Caracas: Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina (CAF), ch. 2, pp. 23-47.

Accountable and Effective Development Cooperation in a Post-2015 Era (with Natalie Gomez), Background Study for ECOSOC Development Cooperation Forum’s High-Level Symposium, held in Berlin in March, 2014.

Trade and Finance in Development Thinking, in Bruce Currie-Alder, Ravi Kanbur, David M. Malone and Rohinton Medhora (eds.), International Development: Ideas, Experience, and Prospects, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapter 17, pp. 295-310.

Capital Account Regulations: Role, Effectiveness and the IMF’s Institutional View (with Bilge Erten), in Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira, Jan Kregel and Leonardo Burlamaqui (eds.), Financial Stability and Growth: Perspectives on Financial Regulation and New Developmentalism, New York: Routledge, Chapter 2, pp. 26-41.


La crisis europea desde una perspectiva comparada, in Alfonso Novales Cinca and Ramón Casilda Béjar (coords.), Experiencias y enseñanzas de las crisis económicas: Europa y América Latina, Cursos de Verano 2013 de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces, pp. 15-23.

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La arquitectura monetaria y financiera a la luz de la crisis, in Views: Bienes públicos y gobernanza internacional, 1er Encuentro Internacional de Políticas de Desarrollo en un Mundo Global, Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces, Mujerex x Africa and Universidad Complutense, pp. 75-82

Building a Stable and Equitable Global Monetary System (with Bilge Erten), in José Antonio Alonso, Giovanni Andrea Cornia and Rob Vos (eds.), Alternative Development Strategies for the Post/2015 Era, New York: Bloomsbury, Chapter 9, pp. 253-286.

Published previously as UN-DESA Working Paper 118, August 2012.

Reforming the Global Reserve System, in Bretton Woods@70: Regaining Control of the International Monetary System, Vienna: Oesterreichische Nationlbank (Central Bank of Austria), Workshop Series No. 18, pp. 108-121.

Performance and Challenges of the Colombian Economy, Working Paper, Iniciativa para la Transparencia Financiera, October.

The Post-2015 UN Development Agenda, Briefing 11, Future United Nations Development System, Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies, CUNY, October.

International and Regional Cooperation for Dealing with Financial Crises, in Martin H. Wolfson and Gerald A. Epstein (eds.), The Handbook of the Political Economy of Financial Crises, New York, Oxford University Press, chapter 27, pp. 543-562.

The Macro- and Mesoeconomics of the Green Economy, in Eva Paus (ed.), Getting Development Right: Structural Transformation, Inclusion and Sustainability in the Post-Crisis Era, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, chapter 8, pp. 153-172.

In Spanish: La macro y la mesoeconomía de la economía verde, Bogotá, Fundación Friedrich Ebert en Colombia (FESCOL) y Foro Nacional Ambiental (FNA), en FNA, Análisis 3, mayo 2014.

Super Cycles of Commodity Prices since the Mid-Nineteenth Century (with Bilge Erten), World Development, Vol. 44, pp. 14-30.

Rethinking Global Economic and Social Governance, in Joseph E. Stiglitz and Mary Kaldor (eds.), The Quest for Security: Protection without Protectionism and the Challenge of Global Governance, New York: Columbia University Press, chapter 13, pp. 313-342.

A previous version was published in Journal of Globalization and Development, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2010, Article 6.

IMF´s New View on Capital Controls (with Kevin Gallagher), Economic and Political Weekly (India), Vol. XLVIII, No. 12, March 23, pp. 10-13.

Paradigmas cambiantes en el desarrollo económico de América Latina (with Jaime Ros), Revista de Trabajo (Argentina), Year 9, No. 11, pp. 17-36.

Hirschman, a industrialização e a teoría do desenvolvimento, Economia Ensaios (Brazil), 27:2, June, pp. 23-37.

Un diagnóstico y una propuesta de cooperación económica para la Comunidad Iberoamericana, en Adrián Bonilla and María Salvadora Ortiz (eds.), El papel político, económico, social y cultural de la comunidad Iberoamericana en un nuevo contexto mundial: Aportes de un debate en curso, San José: Secretaría General Iberoamericana, FLACSO and AECID, pp. 137-145.

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La arquitectura financiera mundial y regional a la luz de la crisis, Serie Macroeconomía para el Desarrollo No. 131, Santiago: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, March.

Seis décadas de debates económicos latinoamericanos, in José Antonio Ocampo et al., Reflexiones sobre las ciencias económicas, Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, pp. 55-96.

Economic Growth, Equity and Human Development in Latin America (with Juliana Vallejo), in Deepak Nayyar (ed.), Macroeconomics and Human Development, London, Routledge, chapter 6, pp. 107-133.

Published previously in Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, Vol. 13, No. 1, February 2012, pp. 107-133.


The Case for Regulating Cross-Border Capital Flows, in Olivier Blanchard, David Romer, Michael Spence and Joseph Stiglitz (eds.), In the Wake of the Crisis: Leading Economists Reassess Economic Policy, Cambridge, MIT Press, Chapter 16, pp. 145-149.

The Case For and Experience with Capital Account Regulations in Kevin Gallagher, Stephany Griffith-Jones and José Antonio Ocampo (eds.), Regulating Global Capital Flows for Long-Run Development, Boston: Pardee Center, Boston University, Chapter 1, pp. 13-21.

Los direitos especiais de saque e a reforma do sistema monetário internacional, in Marcos Antonio Macedo Cintra and Keiti da Rocha Gomes (eds.), As Transformações no Sistema Financiero Internacional, Brasilia, IPEA, Vol. 2, Chapter 15, pp. 573-604.

La reforma del sistema monetario internacional, Economia Exterior, No. 60, Spring 2012, pp. 7-20.

The Great Recession and the Developing World (with Stephany Griffith-Jones, Akbar Noman, Arianne Ortiz, Juliana Vallejo and Judith Tyson, in José Antonio Alonso and José Antonio Ocampo (eds.), Development Cooperation in Times of Crisis, New York, Columbia University Press, Chapter 2, pp. 17-81.

The International Financial Architecture Seen Through the Lens of the Crisis: Some Achievements and Numerous Challenges (with Stephany Griffith-Jones), in José Antonio Alonso and José Antonio Ocampo (eds.), Development Cooperation in Times of Crisis, New York, Columbia University Press, Chapter 3, pp. 82-141.

Latin America, in C. Fred Bergsten and C. Randall Hennings (eds.), Global Economics in Extraordinary Times: Essays in Hnor of John Williamson, Washington D.C., Peterson Institute of International Economics, Chapter 10, pp. 177-196.

How Well Has Latin America Fared During the Global Financial Crisis? In Michael Cohen (ed.), The Global Economic Crisis in Latin America: Impacts and Prospects, Milton Park, Routledge, Chapter 2, pp. 25-42.

The Development Implications of External Integration in Latin America, UNU/WIDER Working Paper 2012/48, May.

La historia y los retos del desarrollo latinoamericano, Keynote Statement on the 50th Anniversary of the Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES), Santiago: CEPAL, November 2012

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History and Challenges of Latin American Development, Keynote Statement on the 50th Anniversary of the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES)Santiago: ECLAC, August 2013.

Los efectos distributivos de la política fiscal en América Latina, with Jonathan Malagón, Pensamiento Iberoamericano, 2nd period, No. 10, pp. 71-100.

America Latina: El momento económico, in José Antonio Alonso (ed.), La empresa en tiempos de cambio: la RSC y los negocios inclusivos, Madrid, Fundación Carolina y Siglo XXI, Chapter 1, pp. 1-27.


Shifting Paradigmns in Latin American Economic Development (with Jaime Ros), in José Antonio Ocampo and Jaime Ros (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Latin American Economics, New York, Oxford University Press, Chapeter1.

A Reforma do Sistema Monetário Internacional, Revista Tempo do Mundo, Brasilia, IPEA, Vol. 3, No. 3, December, pp. 57-98.

Macroeconomía para el desarrollo: políticas anticíclicas y transformación productiva, Revista de la CEPAL, No. 104, August, pp. 7-35.

A shorter versión was published in Reflexiones sobre el desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe: Conferencias Magistrales 2011-2012, Santiago: CEPAL, 2013, pp. 13-41. In English: Macroeconomy for Development: Countercyclical Policies and Productive Sector Transformation, CEPAL Review, No. 104, August, pp. 7-35.

From the G-20 to a Global Economic Coordination Council (with Joseph E. Stiglitz), Journal of Globalization and Development, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Article 9.

La historia divergente de las economías grancolombianas, in Luis Bértola and Pablo Gerchunoff (eds.), Institucionalidad y desarrollo económico en América Latina, Santiago: CEPAL and AECID, Chapter VI, pp. 191-226. Available in:

Latin American Development after the Global Financial Crisis, in Nancy Birdsall and Francis Fukuyama (eds.), New Ideas on Development afther the Financial Crisis, Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, Chapter 6, pp. 133-157.

¿Cómo fue el desempeño de América Latina durante la crisis financiera global? Ensayos Económicos, Banco Central de la República Argentina, No. 61/62, January-June, pp. 7-33.

La gran recesión y el mundo en desarrollo (with Stephany Griffith-Jones, Akbar Noman, Ariane Ortiz, Juliana Vallejo and Judith Tyson), in José Antonio Alonso and José Antonio Ocampo (eds.), Cooperación para el desarrollo en tiempos de crisis, Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, Chapter 2.

La arquitectura financiera internacional a la luz de la crisis: algunos logros y numerosos desafíos (with Stephany Griffith-Jones), in José Antonio Alonso and José Antonio Ocampo (eds.), Cooperación para el desarrollo en tiempos de crisis, Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, Chapter 3.

Also published as a book by: Caracas, Consejo de Economia Nacional, 2012.

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The Macroeconomics of the Green Economy, in The Transition to a Green Economy: Benefits, Challenges and Risks from a Sustainable Development Perspective, Report by a Panel of Experts, New York: Division for Sustainable Development of UN-DESA, United Nations Environmental Program and UN Conference on Trade and Development.

The Transition to a Green Economy: Benefits, Challenges and Risks from a Sustainable Development Perspective, Summary of Background Papers, in The Transition to a Green Economy: Benefits, Challenges and Risks from a Sustainable Development Perspective, Report by a Panel of Experts, New York: Division for Sustainable Development of UN-DESA, United Nations Environmental Program and UN Conference on Trade and Development.

The Rationale for Sovereign Wealth Funds from a Development Perspective (with Stephany Griffith-Jones), in Patrick Bolton, Frederic Samama and Joseph E. Stiglitz (eds.), Sovereign Wealth Funds and Long-Term Investment, New York, Columbia University Press, pp. 60-66.

Reforming the International Monetary System, 14th WIDER Annual Lecture, Helsinki: United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER).

A Development-Friendly Reform of the International Financial Architecture, Politics and Society, 39:3, September, pp. 315-330.

Also in: Kate Macdonald, Shelley Marshal and Snajy Pinto (eds.), New Visions for Market Governance: Crisis and Renewal, Milton Park, Routledge, 2012, Chapter 3, pp. 28-42.

Reforming the International Monetary and Financial Architecture, in Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Joseph E. Stiglitz and the Paris Group, The G20 and Recovery and Beyond: An Agenda for Global Governance for the Twenty-First Century, Paris: Columbia University, LUISS and OFCE, February 2011, pp. 83-92.

The Unsettled Global Trade Architecture (with Martin Khor), Queries, Maganize of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), No. 01(4), pp. 68-88.

Global Economic Prospects and the Developing World, Global Policy, Vol. 1, Issue 2, January 2011, pp. 10-19.


El papel de Europa en la inversión extranjera directa hacia América Latina, CAF, Documentos especiales de coyuntura económica, 2010/01, December, available at:

How Well Has Latin American Fared During the Global Financial Crisis?, James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, November 29, available at: antonio ocampo

Un siglo de desarrollo pausado e inequitativo: La economía colombiana, 1910-2010”, in María Teresa Calderón e Isabela Restrepo (eds.), Colombia 1919-2010, Bogotá: Taurus, pp. 119 - 196

El sector externo de la economia colombiana en el siglo XIX, in Adolfo Meisel and María Teresa Ramírez (eds.), Economía colombiana del siglo XIX, Bogotá: Fondo de Cultura Económica and Banco de la República, 2010, Chapter 4, pp. 201-243.

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The G20 and Global Financial Governance, with Stephany Griffith-Jones, in Club de Madrid, The G20-s Role in the Post-Crisis World, 2010, pp. 47-52.

Building an SDR-Based Global Reserve System, Journal of Globalization and Development, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Article 14.

Special Drawing Rights and the Reform of the Global Reserve System, in Jomo Kwame Sudnaram (ed.), Reforming the International Financial System for Development, New York: Columbia University Press, 2010, Chapter 13, pp. 314-342.

Previously published by the Group of 24 in 2009, and as a G-24 Working Paper.

Reforming the Global Reserve System, in Stephany Griffith-Jones, José Antonio Ocampo and Joseph E. Stiglitz (eds.), Time for a Visible Hand: Lessons from the 2008 World Financial Crisis, New York, Oxford Universy Press, chapter 16, pp. 289-313.

La reforma del sistema monetario internacional, in Pensamiento Iberoamericano, No. 6, June 2010, pp. 211-232.

Building on the Counter-Cyclical Consensus: A Policy Agenda, with Stephany Griffith-Jones, Research Paper prepared for the Group of 24, available at:

The Terms of Trade for Commodities since the Mid-Nineteenth Century (with Mariángela Parra), Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History/Revista de Historia Económica, Vol. 28, Issue 1, March 2010, pp. 11-43.

Combating Pro-Cyclicality in the International Financial Architecture: Towards Development-Friendly Financial Governance (with Stephany Griffith-Jones), in Geoffrey R. D. Underhill, Jasper Blom and Daniel Mügge (eds.), Global Financial Integration Thirty Years On: From Reform to Crisis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, Chapter 15, pp. 270-286.

The United Nations and Global Finance, in Joachim Mueller and Karl P. Sauvant (eds.), Annual Review of United Nations Affairs 2009/2010, New York, Oxford University Press, 2010, Vol. I, pp. xxxi-xlv.

Why Should the Global Reserve System Be Reformed? FES Briefing Paper No. 1, January 2010, Dialogue on Globalization, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, New York,


Subregional Financial Cooperation: The South-American Experience, Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Vol. 32, No. 2, Winter 2009-10, pp. 249-268.

La crisis económica global: impacto e implicaciones para América Latina, Nueva Sociedad, No. 224, November-December 2009, pp. 48-66.

The Global Economic Crisis: Causes, Evolution and Crucial Policy Issues, Background Document prepared for the plenary meeting of Club de Madrid, November 2009. In Spanish: La crisis económica global: causas, evolución y temas claves de política.

Los derechos especiales de giro y el sistema mundial de reservas, in José Antonio Alonso, Santiago Fernández de Lis and Federico Steinberg (eds.), La reforma de la arquitectura financiera internacional, Madrid, Real Instituto Elcano, Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales, Fundación ICO and AFI, 2009, Chapter IV, pp. 99-123.

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Reprinted in Política Monetaria: ¿Qué hemos aprendido desde una perspectiva de largo plazo y de la presente crisis?, Bogotá: Fondo Latinoamericano de Reservas, March 2010, pp. 68-89.

La arquitectura financiera internacional: un debate en marcha, Paper presented in Foro de Biarritz, Quito, October 1-2.

Latin America and the Global Financial Crisis, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 33, No. 4, July 2009, pp. 703-724.

El impacto de la crisis económica global sobre América Latina, Background document prepared for the Club de Madrid, Latin America meeting held at the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Santiago, Chile, July 2009.

Comercio y crecimiento incluyente, Latin America Trade Network (LATN), Working Paper No. 106, June 2009.

El desafío del crecimiento con estabilidad en América Latina, in Felipe González (ed.), Iberoamérica 2020: Retos ante la crisis, Madrid: Siglo XXI and Fundación Carolina, 2009, pp. 89-102.

Why Should the Global Reserve System Be Reformed, in Finance and Common Good, Nos. 34-35, pp. 79-89.

A 7-Point Plan for Development-Friendly Reform, in Re-Defining the Global Economy, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Dialogue on Globalization, No. 42, April 2009, pp. 7-13.

Una propuesta de reforma financiera internacional, Economía Exterior, No. 48, Spring 2009, pp. 9-20.

The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Latin America, CEPAL Review, No. 97, April 2009, pp. 9-32 Impactos de la crisis financiera mundial sobre América Latina, Revista de la CEPAL, No. 97,

April 2009, pp. 9-32. Published in Chinese in the Journal of Latin American Studies, Institute of Latin American

Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, December 2009, pp. 61-74.

Las implicaciones de política económica de la inestabilidad financiera actual, Ensayos Económicos, Banco Central de la República Argentina, Nos. 53-54, January-June, pp. 191-215.

Sovereign Wealth Funds: A Developing Country Perspective, with Stephany Griffith-Jones, Revue d’Economie Financiere, Special Issue 2009, pp. 241-254.

In French: Les Fonds Souverains du point de vue des pays en development, Revue d’Economie Financiere, Numéro hors-série 2009, pp. 259-274.

The Financial Crisis and Its Impacts on Developing Countries, with Stephany Griffith-Jones, UNDP/International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth, Working Paper No. 53, April 2009.

Responding to the Financial Crisis: An Agenda for Global Action, with Amar Bhattacharya and Kemal Dervis, in Marc Uzan (ed.), Building an International Monetary and Financial System for the 21st Century: Agenda for Reform, eBook published by the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, 2009, pp. 29-41.

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Open-Economy Issues in Development, in Amitava Krishna Dutt and Jaime Ros (eds), International Handbook of Development Ecnomics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, Volume One, Chapter 18, pp. 252-265.

Managing Pro-Cyclical Capital Flows in Developing Countries, in Financial Globalization and Emerging Market Economies, Proceedings of an International Symposium Organized by the Bank of Thailand, Bangkok, 7-8 November 2008, pp. 111-146.

Capital Market Liberalization and Development (with Shari Spiegel and Joseph E. Stiglitz), in José Antonio Ocampo and Joseph E. Stiglitz (eds.), Capital Market Liberalization and Development, edited with Joseph E. Stiglitz, New York: Oxford University Press, 2008, chapter 1, pp. 1-47.

The Role of Preventive Capital Account Regulations (with Gabriel Palma), in José Antonio Ocampo and Joseph E. Stiglitz (eds.), Capital Market Liberalization and Development, edited with Joseph E. Stiglitz, New York: Oxford University Press, 2008, chapter 7, pp. 170-204.

A Broad View of Macroeconomic Stability, in Narcis Serra and Joseph E. Stiglitz (eds.), The Washington Consensus Reconsidered, New York: Oxford University Press, 2008, chapter 6, pp. 63-94. A prior version published as DESA Working Paper, No.1, United Nations, October 2005.

In Spanish: Una visión amplia de la estabilidad macroeconómica, Revista de Economía Política de Buenos Aires, Año 1, No. 1, March 2007. In Spanish: Una visión amplia de la estabilidad macroeconómica, Revista de economía política de Buenos Aires, Vol. I, No. 1, March 2007, pp. 7-30.

Policy Space and the Changing Paradigm in Conducting Macroeconomic Policies in Developing Countries (with Rob Vos), in New Financing Trends in Latin America: A Bumpy Road towards Stability, BIS Papers, No. 36, February 2008, Bank of International Settlements and Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta,

O colapso do sistema financeiro mundial, in Estudos Avançados, Instituto do Estudos Avançados, Universidade de São Paulo, No. 64, Spetember-December, 2008, pp. 206-210.

A Counter-cyclical Framework for a Development-friendly International Financial Architecture (with Stephany Griffith-Jones), in José María Fanelli (ed.), Macroeconomic Volatility, Institutions and Financial Architecture: The Developing World Experience, Houndmills: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2008.

Published also as DESA Working Paper, No. 39, United Nations, June 2007. A shorter version was published in German as “Ein antizyklischer Handlungsrahmen für eine entwicklungsfreundliche internationale Finanzarchitektur“, in Karin Küblböck and Cornelia Staritz (eds.), Asienkrise: Lektionien gelernt?, Hamburg: VSA-Verlang, 2008, pp. 74-88.

Compensatory Financing for Shocks: What Changes are Needed? (with Stephany Griffith-Jones), Paper Prepared for the United Nations Committee on Development Policy, April 2008.

La arquitectura financiera internacional: una reforma pendiente (with Stephany Griffith-Jones), in Claves de la Economía Mundial 2008, Madrid: Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior and Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales, 2008, pp. 16-23.

The Instability and Inequities of the Global Reserve System, International Journal of Political Economy, Nol. 36, No. 4, Winter 2007-8, pp. 71-96.

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Published also as DESA Working Paper, No. 59, November 2007.

Fondos soberanos de riqueza: perspectivas para los países en desarrollo (with Stephany Griffith-Jones), en CAF, Los Fondos soberanos de riqueza: Tendencias globales y casos de estudio, Documentos especiales de coyuntura económica, 2000/01, June, Available at:

El auge económico latinoamericano, in Revista de Ciencia Política, Universidad Católica de Chile, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 7-33.

Los paradigmas del desarrollo en la historia latinoamericana, in Oscar Altimir, Enrique V. Iglesias and José Luis Machinea (eds.), Hacia la revisión de los paradigmas del desarrollo en América Latina, Santiago: CEPAL and Secretaría General Iberoamericana, 2008, pp. 19-57.

La búsqueda de una nueva agenda de desarrollo para América Latina, in Rosa Conde and Alfonso Gamo (eds.), Iberoamérica ante el siglo XXI, Madrid: Fundación Carolina and Siglo XXI Editores, 2008, chapter 9.

Hirschman, la industrialización y la teoría del desarrollo, Desarrollo y Sociedad, Universidad de los Andes, Centro de Estudios sobre Desarrollo Económico, No. 62, June, pp. 41-61.

Las concepciones de la política social: universalismo versus focalización, in Nueva Sociedad, No. 215, May-June 2008, pp. 36-61.

Published in English as: Concepts of Social Policy: Universalism vs. Focalisation, in M. Zupi and E. Estruch Puertas (eds.), Challenges of Social Cohesion in Times of Crisis: Euro-Latin American Dialogue, Madrid: FIIAPP and Editorial Complutense, Chapter 3, pp. 151-169.

Back to Basics, Americas Quarterly, Vol 2, No. 2, Spring 2008, pp. 42-48.


The Macroeconomics of the Latin American Economic Boom, CEPAL Review, No. 93, December 2007. In Spanish: La macroeconomía de la bonanza económica latinoamericana, Revista de la CEPAL, No. 93, December 2007.

Explaining Growth Divergentes (with Jomo K.S. and Rob Vos), in José Antonio Ocampo, Jomo K. S. and Rob Vos (eds.), Growth Divergences: explaining differences in economic performance edited with, Himayatnagar, London and Penang: Orient Longman, Zed Books and Third World Network, 2007, chapter 1.

Explaining the Dual Divergence: The Role of External Shocks and Specialization Patterns, in José Antonio Ocampo, Jomo K. S. and Rob Vos (eds.), Growth Divergences: explaining differences in economic performance edited with, Himayatnagar, London and Penang: Orient Longman, Zed Books and Third World Network, 2007, chapter 4.

The Continuing Relevance of the Terms of Trade and Industrialization Debates (with Maria Angela Parra), in Esteban Pérez and Matías Vernengo (eds.), Ideas, Policies and Economic Development in the Americas, New York: Routledge Studies in Economic Development, 2007.

The Dual Divergence: Growth Successes and Collapses in the Developing World Since 1980 (with María Ángela Parra), in Ricardo Ffrench-Davis and José Luis Machinea (eds.), Economic Growth

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with Equity: Challenges for Latin America, Houndmills, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan and ECLAC, 2007, pp. 61-92. Published also as DESA Working Paper, No. 24, United Nations, June 2006.

La cooperación macroeconómica entre países en desarrollo, in II Conferencia Inernacional, Dirección de Estudios Económicos del FLAR, Bogotá, FLAR, December 2007.

Market, Social Cohesion and Democracy, in José Antonio Ocampo, Jomo K.S. and Sarbuland Khan (ed.), Policy Matters: Economic and Social Policies to Sustain Equitable Development, Himayatnagar, London and Penang: Orient Longman, Zed Books and Third World Network, 2007.

Published also as DESA Working Paper, No. 9, United Nations, February 2006. In Spanish: Mercado, cohesion social y democracia, in Améria Latina: la gobernabilidad amenazada, Memorias del Foro de Biarritz, La Paz, Plural Editores, 2008, pp. 15-43. In French: Marché, cohesion sociale et democratie, in América Latine: la gouvernance menacée, Memoires du Foro de Biarritz, pp. 15-37.

La economía mundial en 2006 y las perpectivas para 2007 (with Rob Vos), Anuario Internacional CIDOB, 2007 Edition, CIDOB Foundation, Barcelona.

Migración internacional y desarrollo, in Colombia nos Une: Memorias del II seminario sobre migración internacionalcolombiana y la conformación de comunidades transnacionales, Bogotá: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, 2007.


Overcoming Latin America’s growth frustrations: The macro and mesoeconomic links, in Ricardo Ffrench-Davis (ed.), Seeking Growth under Financial Volatility, New York: ECLAC and Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

In Spanish: Los caminos para superar las frustraciones del crecimiento de América Latina, in Ricardo Ffrench-Davis (ed.), Crecimiento esquivo y volatilitad financiera, Bogotá: ECLAC and Mayol Ediciones, 2005.

Latin America and the World Economy in the Long Twentieth Century, in Jomo K.S. (ed.), The Great Divergence: Hegemony, Uneven Development and Global Inequality, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2006.

In Spanish: La América Latina y la economía mundial en el largo siglo XX, El Trimestre Económico, Vol. LXXI(4), No. 284, October-December 2004.

Regional Financial Cooperation: Experiences and Challenges, in José Antonio Ocampo (ed.), Regional Financial Cooperation, Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution and ECLAC, 2006.

The Commodity Terms of Trade and Their Strategic Implication for Development (with María Angela Parra), in Jomo K.S. (ed.), Globalization Under Hegemony: The Changing World Economy, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2006.


The Quest for Dynamic Efficiency: Structural Dynamics and Economic Growth in Developing Countries, in José Antonio Ocampo (ed.), Beyond Reforms: Structural Dynamics and Macroeconomic Vulnerability, Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, ECLAC and World Bank, 2005.

In Spanish: La búsqueda de la eficiencia dinámica: dinámica estructural y crecimiento económico en los países en dearrollo, in José Antonio Ocampo (ed.), Más allá de las

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reformas: Dinámica estructural y vulnerabilidad macroeconómica (ed.), Bogotá: ECLAC, World Bank and Alfaomega, 2005.

Beyond the Washington Consensus: What Do We Mean? Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Vol. 27, No. 2, Winter 2004-2005.

In Spanish as: Más allá del Consenso de Washington, Economía UNAM (7), January-April 2006; and as: Más allá del Consenso de Washington: una agenda de desarrollo para América Latina, Serie estudios y perspectivas, México: ECLAC, Serie Estudios y Perspectivas No. 26, January 2005.

Globalization, Development and Democracy, in Eric Hershbelg and Christy Thornton (eds.), The Development Imperative: Towards a People-Centered Approach, New York: Social Science Research Council, 2005,

and in Items and Issues, Social Science Research Council, Vol. 5, No. 3. Published in Spanish, with some changes, as: Globalización, desarrollo y democracia, in Hileoisa Vilhena de Araujo (org.), O Grupo do Rio e a Globalização: Grupo de Reflexão de Alto Nível, Brasilia: Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão e Instituto de Pesquisa de Relações Internacionais, 2005; and as: La globalización en sus dimensiones económica, social y política, in Revista de la Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública, Universidad de Antioquia, March 2006.

Three Principles for a Good Relationship between Economy and Democracy, Puente@Europa, Vol. III, No. 4 (new series), December 2005.

In Spanish: Tres principios para una Buena relación entre economía y democracia, Puente@Europa, Vol. III, No. 4 (nueva serie), Vol. III, Diciembre 2005.

Free Trade Agreements and Asymmetries: Proposals to Foster Gains from Trade, In Paolo Giordano, Francesco Lanzafame and Jörg Meyer-Stamer (eds.), Asymmetries in Regional Integration and Local Development, Washington D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank, 2005.

The Economy, Conflict and Governance in Colombia, in Andrés Solimano (ed.), Political Crises, Social Conflict and Economic Development: The Political Economy of the Andean Region, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2005.

¿Por qué fue tan severa la crisis económica de fines de los años noventa? Coyuntura Económica, Vol. XXXV, No. 2, Second Half 2005.


Lights and Shadows in Latin American Structural Reforms, in Gustavo Indart (ed.), Economic Reforms, Growth and Inequality in Latin America: Essays in Honor of Albert Berry, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004.

Latin America’s Growth and Equity Frustrations During Structural Reforms, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vo. 18, No. 2, Spring 2004.

Economía, conflicto y gobernabilidad en Colombia, Economía Colombiana (302), May-June 2004.

Economía y democracia, en La democracia en América Latina: Hacia una democracia de ciudadanas y ciudadanos, Buenos Aires: UNDP, 2004,

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Also published, with some changes, in Bernardo Kliksberg (ed.), La agenda pendiente de América Latina, Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica and Inter-American Development Bank, 2005.

Globalization and the Development Agenda, in Jan Joost Teunissen and Age Akkerman (eds.), Diversity in Development: Reconsidering the Washington Consensus, The Hague: FONDAD, 2004.

In Spanish: Globalización y desarrollo, in José Antonio Alonso and Carlos Garcimartín (eds.), Comercio y desigualdad internacional, Madrid: Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales and Libros de la Catarata, 2005.

Is there Progress Towards a Development-orientated Internacional Financial System? (with Stephany Griffith-Jones), IDS Bulletin, Vol. 35, No. 1, January 2004.

Asymmetries and Cooperation in the Free Trade Area of the Americas (with Inés Bustillo), in Antoni Estevadeordal et al. (eds.), Integrating the Americas: FTAA and Beyond, The David Rockefeller Center Series on Latin American Studies, Harvard University, 2004.

Published as a Working Paper in: Serie Informes y Estudios Especiales, No. 13, Santiago de Chile: ECLAC, May 2003. In Spanish: Asimetrías y cooperación en el Area de Libre Comercio de las Américas, Serie Informes y Estudios Especiales, No. 13, Santiago de Chile: ECLAC, May 2003.


Developing Countries’ Anti-Cyclical Policies in a Globalized World, in Amitava K. Dutt and Jaime Ros (eds.) Development Economics and Structuralist Macroeconomics: Essays in Honor of Lance Taylor. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003, Chapter 19, pp. 374-405.

Published as a working paper in: Serie Informes y Estudios Especiales, No. 4, ECLAC, June 2002; And a previous version in Serie Temas de Coyuntura, No. 13, ECLAC, Santiago, Chile, October 2000.

Capital Account and Counter-Cyclical Prudential Regulations in Developing Countries, in Ricardo Ffrench-Davis and Stephany Griffith-Jones (eds.), From Capital Surges to Drought: Seeking Stability for Emerging Markets, London: Palgrave/Macmillan and WIDER, 2003, pp. 217-244.

Published as a working paper in: WIDER Discussion Paper No. 2002/82, August 2002; and in Serie Informes y Estudios Especiales, No. 6, ECLAC, February 2003.

Counter-cyclical Prudential and Capital Account Regulations in Developing Countries (with María Luisa Chiappe), Stockholm: Expert Group on Development Issues (EGDI) Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Almqvist & Wiksell International, 2003.

What Progress on International Financial Reform? Why So Limited? (with Stephany Griffith-Jones), Stockholm: Expert Group on Development Issues (EGDI) Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Almqvist & Wiksell International, 2003.

International Asymmetries and the Design of the International Financial System, in Albert Berry and Gustavo Indart (eds.), Critical Issues in Financial Reform: A View from the South, Chapter 2, New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 2003.

Published as a working paper in: Serie Temas de Coyuntura No. 15, ECLAC, March 2001.

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Key Elements for a New International Financial Architecture, in Stephany Griffith-Jones, Ricardo Gottschalk and Jacques Cailloux (eds.), International Capital Flows in Calm and Turbulent Times, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2003.

Developing Countries and Global Financial Governance, in Stephany Griffith-Jones, Amar Battarcharya and Andreas Antoniou (eds.), Enhancing Private Capital Flows to Developing Countries, London: Commonwealth Secretariat, 2003.

In French: Les pays en développement et la gouvernance financière internationale, in Revue d’economie financiere No. 70, 1, Paris, 2003.

Development and the Global Order, in Ha-Joon Chang (ed.), Rethinking Development Economics, London: Anthem Press, 2003.

The Terms of Trade for Commodities in the Twentieth Century (with María Angela Parra), CEPAL Review, No. 79, April 2003.

In Spanish: Los términos de intercambio de los productos básicos en el siglo XX, Revista de la CEPAL, No. 79, April 2003.

Small Economies in the Face of Globalisation, William G. Demas Memorial Lecture Series, Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Wildey, St. Michael, Barbados, May 2003.

Colombia’s Experience with Reserve Requirements on Capital Inflows, CEPAL Review, No. 81, December 2003.

In Spanish: La experiencia colombiana con los encajes a los flujos de capital (with Camilo Ernesto Tovar), Revista de la CEPAL, No. 81, December.

Economic Development and Violence in Twentieth-Century Colombia (with María Angela Parra), Harvard Review of Latin America, vol. II, No. 3, Cambridge, MA., David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, Spring 2003.

The Mistaken Assumptions of the IMF, in The Crisis That Was Not Prevented: Lessons from Argentina, the IMF, and Globalisation, Jan Joost Teunissen and Age Akkerman (eds.), FONDAD, The Hague, 2003.

In Spanish as: Las lecciones de la crisis argentina, Economía Exterior, vol. XVII, No. 91, January/February 2003.

Las políticas económicas en América Latina y el Caribe 2002, in Anuario Elcano: América Latina 2002-03, Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano, 2003.

Reformar las reformas, Lecturas de Economía, No. 58, January-June 2003.

Gender Equality in Public Policies: The UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, in Gutiérrez, Martha (ed.), Macro-Economics: Making Gender Matter – Concepts, Policies and Institutional Change in Developing Countries, GTZ, New York: Palgrave, 2003.


Rethinking the Development Agenda, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 26, No. 3, May 2002.

In French: Repenser la Question du Développement, in Informations et Commentaires, Paris, December 2002.

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Structural Dynamics and Economic Development, in Valpy FitzGerald (ed.), Social Institutions and Economic Development: A Tribute to Kurt Martin, Chapter 4, Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2002.

Globalização e desenvolvimento, in Ana Célia Castro (Org.), Desenvolvimento em debate: novos rumos do desenvolvimento no mundo, Rio de Janeiro, BNDES, 2002.

Recasting the International Financial Agenda, in John Eatwell and Lance Taylor (eds.), International Capital Markets: Systems in Transition, New York: Oxford University Press, 2002;

and in International Capital Markets, Quarterly Review, vol. 21, No. 1, London, Commonwealth Secretariat, February 2001. Also published in G-24 Discussion Paper Series, No. 13, 2001. Presented also to the eight session of the Conference of Ministres of Finance of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Addis Ababa: ECA, November 2000.

Reforming the International Financial Architecture: Consensus and Divergence, in Deepak Nayyar (ed.), Governing Globalization: Issues and Institutions, UNU/WIDER, WIDER Studies in Development Economics, Oxford University Press, 2002;

Published as a working paper in Serie Temas de Coyuntura, No. 1, Santiago, Chile, ECLAC, April 1999.

The Role of Regional Institutions, in Jan Joost Teunissen (ed.), A Regional Approach to Financial Crisis Prevention: Lessons from Europe and Initiatives in Asia, Latin America and Africa, The Hague: FONDAD, 2002.

Colombia: Structural Change, Labour Market Adjustment and Income Distribution in the 1990s, with Fabio Sánchez and Camilo Ernesto Tovar, in Rob Vos, Lance Taylor and Ricardo Paes de Barros (eds.), Economic Liberalization, Distribution and Poverty: Latin America in the 1990s, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002.

Una nueva oportunidad para las relaciones económicas entre América Latina y la Unión Europea, in Claves de la Economía Mundial, Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales (ICEI), Spain, 2002.

Las lecciones de los años noventa, in Miguel Sebastián (ed.), Ensayos sobre Colombia y América Latina 2002: Libro en memoria de Nicolás Botero, Madrid: Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), 2002.

La educación en la actual inflexión del desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe, in Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, No. 30, September-December 2002.


Counter-Cyclical Policies in the Developing World, in Jan Joost Teunissen (ed.), New Challenges of Crisis Prevention: Addressing Economic Imbalances in the North and Boom-Bust Cycles in the South, The Hague: FONDAD, 2001.

A New Look at the Development Agenda, Santiago, CEPAL Review, No. 74, August 2001. In Spanish: Retomar la agenda del desarrollo, Revista de la CEPAL, No. 74, August 2001; also published in Cuadernos del CENDES, No. 46, año 18, Segunda época, Caracas, January-April 2001;

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in Reforma y Democracia, No. 22, Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo (CLAD), Caracas, 2002, February; in Fernando Solana (ed.), América Latina XXI: ¿Avanzará o retrocederá la pobreza?, México, D.F.: Parlamento Latinoamericano/Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2002;

and in Fernando López Castellano (ed.), Desarrollo: Crónica de un desafío permanente, Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2007.

The Globalization of Financial Volatility: Challenges for Emerging Economies (with Ricardo Ffrench-Davis), in Ricardo Ffrench-Davis (ed.), Financial Crises in “Successful” Emerging Economies, Washington, D. C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2001.

In Spanish: Globalización de la volatilidad financiera: desafíos para las economías emergentes, in Ricardo Ffrench-Davis (ed), Crisis Financieras en Países “Exitosos”, Santiago de Chile: ECLAC/McGraw-Hill, 2001.

The international financial architecture: towards the creation of a stable framework for financial and exchange markets (with Manuel Agosin), in Andrés Franco (ed.), Financing for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2001.

Las relaciones económicas entre América Latina y Europa (with María Angela Parra), in Andrzej Dembicz and Mariusz Malinowski (eds.), Relaciones y percepciones mutuas entre Europa y las Américas. A las puertas del siglo XXI: desafíos y expectativas, Universidad de Varsovia, Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CESLA), 2001; and in Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals, No. 54-55, November 2001.

América Latina: estrategias de desarrollo para el siglo XXI, Iberoamérica No. 3, Moscow, 2001.

Los retos del desarrollo latinoamericano y caribeño en los albores del siglo XXI, in Andrzej Dembicz y Dorota Olejniczak (eds.), Actas del 50 Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Varsovia: CESLA, 2001;

and in Nueva Agenda de América Latina, Información Comercial Española (ICE), Revista de Economía, No. 790, Madrid, February-March 2001.

Policies and institutions for sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean, in Mohan Munasinghe, Osvaldo Sunkel y Carlos de Miguel (eds.), The Sustainability of Long-term Growth, Centro de Análisis de Política Pública/The World Bank/International Society for Ecological Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, 2001.

In Spanish: Políticas e instituciones para el desarrollo sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe, Serie Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo, 18, Santiago de Chile, ECLAC, 1999.

Agricultura y desarrollo rural en América Latina, in María Beatriz de A. David (ed.), Desarrollo Rural en América Latina y el Caribe: ¿La Construcción de un Nuevo Modelo?, Bogotá: CEPAL/Alfaomega, 2001.

Past, present and future of regional integration, Integration and Trade, 5 (13), January-April 2001. In Spanish: Pasado, presente y futuro de la integración regional, in Desafíos y perspectivas del proceso de integración regional en la próxima década, Tomo III, Montevideo, Proyecto ALADI/OEA, 2001;

and in Integración y Comercio, 5 (13), January-April 2001.

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Raul Prebisch and the Development Agenda at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century, CEPAL Review, No. 75, December.

In Spanish: Raúl Prebisch y la Agenda del Desarrollo en los albores del siglo XXI, Revista de la CEPAL, No. 75, December.

La economía latinoamericana en el 2000, Revista ANDI, 168, January-February 2001.

Colombia: Structural Adjustment, Macroeconomics and Equity (with Camilo Ernesto Tovar), in Lance Taylor (ed.), External Liberalization, Economic Performance and Social Policy, New York: Oxford University Press, 2001

In Spanish: Cambio estructural, mercado laboral y distribución del ingreso: Colombia en la década de los noventa (with Fabio Sánchez and Camilo Ernesto Tovar), in Enrique Ganuza, Ricardo Paes de Barros, Lance Taylor and Rob Vos (eds.), Liberalización, desigualdad y pobreza: América Latina y el Caribe en los 90, Eudeba: Universidad de Buenos Aires/UNDP/ECLAC, Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires, 2001.


Facing volatility and concentration of capital flows (with Stephany Griffith-Jones), in Jan Joost Teunissen (ed.), Reforming the International Financial System: Crisis Prevention and Response, The Hague: FONDAD, 2000.

Essential elements of a relevant international financial reform, International Social Science Journal, 52 (166), December 2000.

Hacia una reforma financiera internacional: cinco temas esenciales, in Heraldo Muñoz (ed.), Globalización XXI: América Latina y los desafíos del nuevo milenio, Santiago, Chile, Aguilar Chilena de Ediciones, 2000;

in Nueva Sociedad, 168, Caracas, July-August 2000; in Hacia un sistema financiero internacional estable y predecible y su vinculación con el desarrollo social, Santiago, Chile, ECLAC, 2000; and in Serie Temas de Coyuntura No. 8, ECLAC, 2000. In French: Les grands axes d’une réforme financière internationale, Revue internationale des sciences sociales, 166, UNESCO/érès, Paris, December 2000.

Where do we Stand?, in José Antonio Ocampo, Stephano Zamagni, Ricardo Ffrench-Davis and Carlo Pietrobelli (eds.), Financial Globalization and the Emerging Economies, Libros de la CEPAL No. 55, (LC/G.2097–P), May 2000.

A Broad Agenda for International Financial Reform, in José Antonio Ocampo, Stephano Zamagni, Ricardo Ffrench-Davis and Carlo Pietrobelli (eds.), Financial Globalization and the Emerging Economies, Libros de la CEPAL No. 45, 2000.

Equidad, desarrollo y ciudadanía: una visión global, in Celia Barbato de Silva (coord.), Nuevas aproximaciones al concepto de desarrollo: desde la economía, la sociedad y la ética, Serie Desarrollo, Sociedad Internacional para el Desarrollo (SID) Capítulo Uruguay, Montevideo: INTAL/Ediciones Trilce, 2000.

La brecha de la equidad: la ampliación de las desigualdades, Realidad Económica, 172, May-June 2000.

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La reestructuración de los espacios nacionales, Serie Gestión Pública, No. 7, CEPAL/ILPES, 2000.

The development debate: beyond the Washington Consensus, International Social Science Journal, 166, Blackwell Publishers/UNESCO, December 2000.

América Latina: desafíos para el crecimiento económico (with Ricardo Ffrench-Davis), Foreign Affairs en español, special edition, México, December 2000.

Agricultura y desarrollo rural en América Latina: tendencias, estrategias, hipótesis, in Donald J. Brean and Manuel A. Glave Testino (eds.), Recursos naturales y desarrollo: un diálogo canadiense latinoamericano, Lima: Consorcio de Investigación Económica y Social/CIEPLAN, 2000.

Mercado laboral y distribución del ingreso en Colombia en los años noventa (with Fabio Sánchez and Camilo Ernesto Tovar), Revista de la CEPAL, No. 72, December 2000;

and in Coyuntura Económica, December 2000: published as a working paper as Cambio estructural y deterioro laboral: Colombia en la década de los noventa, Documento CEDE Nº 2000-06, May 2000.

Variable Monetary Regimes in a Preindustrial Economy: Colombia, 1850–1933, in Pablo Martín Aceña and Jaime Reis (eds.), Monetary Standards in the Periphery – Paper, Silver and Gold, 1854–1933, London: Macmillan, 2000.

Coffee and the Origins of Modern Economic Development in Colombia (with María Mercedes Botero), in José Antonio Ocampo, Enrique Cárdenas and Rosemary Thorp (eds.), The Export Age: The Latin American Economies in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries; An Economic History of Twentieth Century Latin America, Volumen 1, Palgrave Press and St. Martins, 2000.

Colombia in the Classical Era of “Inward-Looking Development, 1930-1974” (with Camilo Ernesto Tovar), in José Antonio Ocampo, Enrique Cárdenas and Rosemary Thorp (eds.), Industrialisation and the State in Latin America: the Post War Years; An Economic History of Twentieth Century Latin America, Volume 3, Palgrave Press and St. Martins, 2000.

Nuestra agenda, in La CEPAL en sus 50 años: Notas de un Seminario Conmemorativo, Santiago, Chile, Libros de la CEPAL No. 54, 2000.


International Financial Reform: The Broad Agenda, CEPAL Review, No. 69, December 1999. La reforma financiera internacional: una agenda ampliada, in Revista de la CEPAL, No. 69, December 1999;

in Estudios de Política Económica y Finanzas, 2 (4), August 1999; in Estudios de Política Económica y Finanzas, August 1999; in Controversias y Consensos, 5 (4), January 2001;

and in Claudio Maggi and Dirk Messner (eds.), Gobernanza Global. Una mirada desde América Latina. El rol de la región frente a la globalización y a los nuevos desafíos de la política global, Fundación Desarrollo y Paz, Caracas, Editorial Nueva Sociedad, 2002. In French: La réforme financière internationale: un programme plus vaste, Revista de la CEPAL, Sélection d’article publiés 1995-2204, June 2005.

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The Poorest Countries and the Emerging International Financial Architecture (with Stephany Griffith-Jones and Jacques Cailloux), Stockholm: Expert Group on Development Issues (EGDI), 1999.

Fortalezas, debilidades y desafíos del Pacto Fiscal, Reforma y Democracia, 13, February 1999.

La equidad y la política social en el desarrollo, in Consuelo Uribe Mallarino (ed.), Políticas y servicios sociales para el siglo XXI, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales, Departamento de Gestión Pública de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and Centro Editorial Javeriano, December 1999; and in Revista Javeriana Política y Sociedad, Tomo 133, Nº 658, Bogotá, September.

An Ongoing Structural Transformation: The Colombian Economy, 1986-1996, in Lance Taylor (ed.), After Neoliberalism, What Next for Latin America?, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1999.

The Economic and Social Strategy of the Samper Administration, 1994-1998, in Colleen M. Callahan and Frank R. Gunter (eds.), Colombia: An Opening Economy?, Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, vol. 84, Stamford, Connecticut, Lehigh University, JAI Press, Inc., 1999.

Price-Based Regulations on Capital Inflows: The Colombian Experience (with Camilo Ernesto Tovar), Serie Financiamiento del Desarrollo 87, ECLAC, October 1999.


El desafío de la transformación productiva con equidad, in Luciano Martins (ed.), Modelos e políticas de desenvolvimento, Rio de Janeiro: Inter-American Development Bank and BNDES, 1998.

Trade Liberalisation in Developing Economies: Modest Benefits but Problems with Productivity Growth, Macro Prices, and Income Distribution (with Lance Taylor), The Economic Journal, vol. 108, N 450, September 1998.

Beyond the Washington Consensus: A view from ECLAC, CEPAL Review, December 1998. In Spanish: Más allá del Consenso de Washington: una visión desde la CEPAL, Revista de la CEPAL, No. 66, December 1998;

and in Controversias y Consensos, 4 (3), January 2000.

Income Distribution, Poverty and Social Expenditure in Latin America, CEPAL Review, August 1998. In Spanish: Distribución del ingreso, pobreza y gasto social en América Latina y el Caribe,

Revista de la CEPAL, No. 65, August 1998.

A New Fiscal Covenant, Social Development Review, 2 (2), June 1998.

Pacto fiscal, gobiernos locales y descentralización en América Latina y el Caribe, Diálogo, N 24, OPI/LAC/UNESCO, México, July 1998.

Globalización y su impacto en las economías y el comercio, in Francisco Rojas Aravena (ed.), Globalización, América Latina y la diplomacia de cumbres, Santiagode Chile: FLACSO, 1998.

Políticas públicas y equidad de género, Macroeconomía, Género y Estado, Departamento Nacional de Planeación-BMZ-GTZ, Bogotá, TM Editores, October 1998.

La política económica durante la Administración Samper, Coyuntura Económica, December 1998.

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Macroeconomía, ajuste estructural y equidad en Colombia, 1978-1996 (with María José Pérez, Camilo Ernesto Tovar and Francisco Javier Lasso), in Enrique Ganuza, Lance Taylor and Samuel Morley (eds.), Política macroeconómica y pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe, IADB/ECLAC/UNDP, Madrid: Mundi-Prensa Libros, 1998;

in Fabio Sánchez Torres (ed.), La distribución del ingreso en Colombia: tendencias recientes y retos de la política pública, Departamento Nacional de Planeación/TM Editores, Bogotá, July 1998;

and in Coyuntura Social, No. 18, Bogotá, May 1998.


Capital Flows, Savings and Investment in Colombia, 1990-96, in Ricardo Ffrench-Davis and Helmut Reisen (eds.), Capital Flows and Investment Performance: Lessons from Latin America, Paris and Santiago de Chile: CEPAL/OCDE, 1998.

In Spanish: Flujos de capital, ahorro e inversión en Colombia, 1990-1996 (with Camilo Ernesto Tovar), in Ricardo Ffrench-Davis and Helmut Reisen (eds.), Flujos de capital e inversión productiva: lecciones para América Latina, Santiago de Chile: McGraw-Hill/CEPAL/OECD, 1997; and in Fabio Sánchez Torres (ed.), El ahorro en Colombia: evolución y comportamiento global y sectorial, TM Editores/Departamento Nacional de Planeación, July 1998.

Evaluación de la situación fiscal colombiana: réplica a los comentarios, Coyuntura Económica, September 1997.

Evaluación de la situación fiscal colombiana, Coyuntura Económica, June 1997.

Antecedentes y alcance de la emergencia económica, Debates de Coyuntura Económica, March 1997.

Los efectos de la devaluación nominal sobre la tasa de cambio real en Colombia (with Javier Gómez), in Santiago Montenegro (ed.), Los determinantes de la tasa de cambio real en Colombia, Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes-Facultad de Economía-CEDE, Debates N 1, 1997.

Una década de grandes transformaciones económicas, 1986-1995, in José Antonio Ocampo (ed.), Historia económica de Colombia, Bogotá: Biblioteca Familiar-Presidencia de la República, 1997;

in Nueva Historia de Colombia, Volumen VIII, Bogotá: Editorial Planeta, 1998; and in Ibero-Amerikanisches Archiv, Jahrgang 23, Heft 1-2, Berlín.

La Federación y el modelo cafetero colombiano, ejemplos sobresalientes en el mundo del café, in Diego Pizano Salazar and José Chalarca (eds.), Café, instituciones y desarrollo económico, Simposio conmemorativo de los 70 años de la Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia (1927-1997), Bogotá, November 1997.


Participación privada en la provisión de servicios sociales: el caso colombiano, Coyuntura Social, No. 14, Bogotá, Tercer Mundo Editores, May 1996.

El proceso colombiano de descentralización, Serie Política Fiscal No. 84, 1996, Santiago, Chile, ECLAC.

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Colombian Manufacturing Exports, 1967-1991 (with Leonardo Villar), in Gerald Helleiner (ed.), Manufacturing for export in the developing world: problems and possibilities, London: Routledge, 1995.

Cinco lustros de crecimiento económico, Coyuntura Económica, December 1995.

La estrategia económica y social del Plan de Desarrollo, in El Salto Social: Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 1994-1998, Bogotá: Presidencia de la República - Departamento Nacional de Planeación, 1995.

Also published with some modifications, under the title: "La estrategia económica de El Salto Social", in Eduardo Lora and Cristina Lanzetta (eds.), El Salto Social en discusión, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo-FEDESARROLLO-UNDP, 1995; and in Debates de Coyuntura Económica, No. 35, May 1995.


The Andean Group and Latin American Integration (with Pilar Esguerra), in Roberto Bouzas and Jaime Ros (eds.), Economic Integration in the Western Hemisphere, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1994.

Trade Policy and Industrialization in Colombia, 1967-1991, in Gerald Helleiner (ed.), Trade and Industrialization in Turbulent Times, New York: Routledge, 1994.

Situación actual y perspectivas del sector agropecuario, in Situación actual y perspectivas del sector agropecuario colombiano, Corporación Latinoamericana de Economía Internacional, Fundación Friedrich Ebert, Bogotá: CLADEI/FESCOL, 1994.

La transmisión interna del ciclo internacional del café, in Min-Agricultura 80 años, La Agricultura y las Políticas Sectoriales, Bogotá, Tercer Mundo-Banco Ganadero-Caja Agraria-VECOL, 1994.

Una breve historia cafetera de Colombia, 1850-1958 in Min-Agricultura 80 años, Transformaciones en la estructura agraria, Bogotá, Tercer Mundo - Banco Ganadero - Caja Agraria - VECOL, 1994.

Regímenes monetarios variables en una economía preindustrial: Colombia, 1850-1933, in Fabio Sánchez Torres (ed.), Ensayos de Historia monetaria y Bancaria de Colombia, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo-FEDESARROLLO-Asociación Bancaria de Colombia, 1994.

La formación de la economía moderna desde 1930, in Gran Enciclopedia de Colombia, Tomo 8, Bogotá: Circulo de Lectores, 1994.


Terms of Trade and Center-Periphery Relations, in Osvaldo Sunkel (ed.), Development rom Within: Toward a Neostructuralist Approach for Latin America, Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1993.

In Spanish: Los términos de intercambio y las relaciones centro-periferia, in Osvaldo Sunkel (ed), El desarrollo desde dentro: Un enfoque neoestructuralista para la América Latina, México: Lecturas de El Trimestre Económico, No. 71, 1991.

New Theories of International Trade and Trade Policy in Developing Countries, in Manuel R. Agosin and Diana Tussie (eds), Trade and Growth: New Dilemmas in Trade Policy, London: Macmillan, 1993.

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Colombia, in Lance Taylor (ed.), The Rocky Road to Reform: Income Distribution, Politics and Adjustment in the Developing World, Cambridge: MIT, Press, 1993.

La internacionalización de la economía colombiana, in Miguel Urrutia (ed.), Colombia: Integración a la Economía Mundial, Bogotá, Tercer Mundo-FEDESARROLLO.

Reproduced, with some changes, in Documentos CLADEI, No. 5, 1993 and under the title "La Apertura Económica Colombiana", in Gran Enciclopedia de Colombia, Tomo 8, Bogotá: Circulo de Lectores, 1994.

Fuentes de competitividad de las exportaciones industriales de Colombia (with Leonardo Villar), Coyuntura Económica, December 1993.

La crisis y la política de reactivación del sector agropecuario, Desarrollo y Sociedad, No. 32 September 1993; and in Debates de Coyuntura Económica, No. 30, October 1993.

Política agropecuaria y reactivación del sector, Revista Nacional de Agricultura, 902, primer trimestre, 1993.

Economía y Economía Política de la Reforma Comercial Colombiana, in ECLAC, Serie Reforma de Política Pública, No. 1, Santiago, Chile, April 1993.

El entorno económico: reforma del Estado y apertura económica, in Héctor Ochoa Díaz (ed.), Estudio para la negociación de la zona de libre comercio entre Colombia y Estados Unidos, Cali: ICESI, 1994; and in Publicaciones ICESI, No. 46, January-March 1993.


Reforming Trade Policies in Developing Countries, published as Chapter I of the Third Part of Trade and Development Report, 1992, Geneva, UNCTAD, 1992.

Developing Countries and the GATT Uruguay Round: A (Preliminary) Balance, in International Monetary and Financial Issues for the 1990s, Geneva and New York, UNCTAD, 1992.

Reforma del Estado y el desarrollo económico y social en Colombia, Análisis Político, No. 17, September-December 1992.

Partially reproduced in Edward J. Amadeo (ed.), Estabilización y reforma estructural en América Latina, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo-FEDESARROLLO, 1993, and in Camilo González Posso (ed.), El fin del neoliberalismo: El neoestructuralismo y modelos alternativos para el desarrollo económico y social, Bogotá: INDEPAZ, 1993.

Colombia y la integración con México, Coyuntura Económica, December 1992.

La propuesta gubernamental de reforma al régimen pensional: análisis y alternativas, No. 26, Debates de Coyuntura Económica, December 1992.

Concertación y política industrial: la experiencia colombiana a la luz de algunos casos internacionales de éxito (with María del Pilar Esguerra), in Concertación para el desarrollo en la apertura, Bogotá, ANALDEX, October 1992.

Prospects for Medium-Term Growth in Colombia, in Alvin Cohen and Frank R. Gunter (eds.), The Colombian Economy: Issues of Trade and Development, Boulder: Westview Press, 1992.

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In Spanish: Perspectivas de crecimiento de la economía colombiana, Coyuntura Económica, July 1992; and as "Perspectivas de crecimiento de la economía colombiana a mediano plazo", in La economía colombiana: Temas de comercio y desarrollo, Bogotá, Banco de la República, 1995.

Trayectoria y vicisitudes de la apertura económica colombiana (with Leonardo Villar), Pensamiento Iberoamericano, No. 21, Special issue, Madrid, January-June 1992.


Las nuevas teorías del comercio internacional y los países en vías de desarrollo, Pensamiento Iberoamericano, No. 20, July-December 1991.

Hiperinflaçao recorrente e estabilizaçao na Nicaragua, Pesquisa e Planejamento Economico, April 1991.

Collapse and (Incomplete) Stabilization of the Nicaraguan Economy, in Rudiger Dornbusch and Sebastián Edwards (eds.), The Macroeconomics of Populism in Latin America, Chicago: University of Chicago Press and National Bureau of Economic Research, 1991.

Perspectivas de la economía latinoamericana en la década de los noventas, Pensamiento Iberoamericano, No. 19, January-June 1991.

Determinantes y perspectivas del crecimiento económico en el mediano plazo, in Eduardo Lora (ed.), Apertura y crecimiento: el reto de los noventa, Bogotá, Tercer Mundo-FEDESARROLLO, 1991.

Foreign assistance and economic development in Colombia, in Uma Lele e Ijaz Nabi (eds.), Transitions in Development: The Role of Aid and Commercial Flows, San Francisco: International Center for Economic Growth, 1991.


La hiperinflación nicaragüense (with Lance Taylor), in José Pablo Arellano (ed.), La inflación rebelde en América Latina, Santiagode Chile: CIEPLAN-Hachette, 1990.

New Economic Thinking in Latin America, Journal of Latin American Studies, February 1990.

El impacto macroeconómico del control de importaciones, in Edward J. Amadeo, et al., Inflación y estabilización en América Latina: nuevos modelos estructuralistas, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo-FEDESARROLLO, 1990; and in Ensayos sobre Política Económica, No. 8, December 1985.

La apertura externa en perspectiva, in Florángela Gómez (ed.), Apertura económica y sistema financiero, Bogotá, Asociación Bancaria de Colombia, 1990.

Import Controls, Prices and Economic Activity in Colombia, Journal of Development Economics, April 1990.

In Spanish: Controles de las importaciones, precios y actividad económica en Colombia, in Edmar Bacha and Sebastián Edwards (eds.), Sector externo, políticas financieras y proceso de ajuste macroeconómico, Special issue of El Trimestre Económico, December 1990.

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Determinantes del ahorro en Colombia, 1970-1987 (with Catalina Crane y Stefano Farné), in Günther Held and Raquel Szalachman (eds.), Ahorro y asignación de recursos financieros: experiencias latinoamericanas, Buenos Aires: Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, 1990.

La coyuntura cafetera internacional en perspectiva (with Rosario Córdoba), Coyuntura Económica, March 1990.

The Transition from Primary Exports to Manufacturing Development in Colombia, in Magnus Blomstrom and Patricio Meller (eds.), Diverging Paths: Comparing a Century of Scandinavian and Latin American Economic Development, Washington, D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank-John Hopkins University Press, 1991.

In Spanish: La transición de una economía primario-exportadora al desarrollo industrial en Colombia, in Magnus Blomstrom and Patricio Meller (eds.), Trayectorias divergentes: Comparación de un siglo de desarrollo económico latinoamericano y escandinavo, Santiagode Chile: CIEPLAN-Hachette, 1990.

Comerciantes, artesanos y política económica en Colombia, 1830-1880, Boletín Cultural y Bibliográfico, Banco de la República, No. 22, 1990;

and in Germán Colmenares et al., Ensayos de historia económica de Colombia, Bogotá, Legis Editores-Academia Colombia de Ciencias Económicas, 1990.

El fracaso del primer acuerdo internacional del café en 1937, Credencial Historia, No. 2, February 1990.

¿Qué tan bajos están los precios del café? 170 años en perspectiva, Estrategia Económica y Financiera, December 1989-January 1990.


Ciclo cafetero y comportamiento macroeconómico en Colombia, 1940-1987, Coyuntura Económica, October-December 1989.

El proceso ahorro-inversión y sus determinantes en Colombia, in Carlos Caballero (ed.), Macroeconomía, mercado de capitales y negocio financiero, Bogotá: Asociación Bancaria de Colombia, 1989.

Savings, Investment and Growth: Colombia, in Economic and Social Progress in Latin America, 1989 Report.

In Spanish: Ahorro, inversión y crecimiento: Colombia (with Catalina Crane), in Progreso económico y social en América Latina, Informe 1989, Washington D.C., Inter-American Development Bank 1989.

El desarrollo económico, in Eduardo Lora and José Antonio Ocampo (eds.) Introducción a la Macroeconomía Colombiana, with Eduardo Lora (eds.), Bogotá: Tercer Mundo-FEDESARROLLO, 1989.

Colombia and the Latin American debt crisis, in Sebastián Edwards and Felipe Larrain (eds.), Adjustment and Recovery: Latin America's Prospects for Growth and Development, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989.

Efectos de la liberación y del control de importaciones sobre la industria manufacturera colombiana, 1976-1986, Coyuntura Económica, April 1989.

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Los orígenes de la industria cafetera, 1880-1929, in Nueva Historia de Colombia, Volumen V, Bogotá: Editorial Planeta, 1989.

La consolidación de la industria cafetera, 1929-1958, in Nueva Historia de Colombia, Volumen V, Bogotá: Editorial Planeta, 1989.


Los dilemas de la política comercial en América Latina, Coyuntura Económica, September 1988.

Tendencias y estructura del sector comercio (with Luz Marina Monroy and Fanny Kertzman) in Eduardo Lora and José Antonio Ocampo (eds.), El sector comercio en Colombia: estructura y comportamiento, Bogotá: FEDESARROLLO-FENALCO, 1988.

La deuda externa y el crecimiento económico a fines de los ochenta (with Eduardo Lora), Economía Colombiana, November-Dicember 1988;

and in José Antonio Ocampo and Eduardo Lora, Colombia y la deuda externa: de la moratoria de los treinta a la encrucijada de los ochentas, Bogotá, Tercer Mundo Editores-FEDESARROLLO, 1988.

Cuatro décadas de endeudamiento externo colombiano, in José Antonio Ocampo and Eduardo Lora, Colombia y la deuda externa, Bogotá, Tercer Mundo Editores-FEDESARROLLO, 1988.

Una nota sobre la relación entre financiamiento externo, ahorro e inversión, Ensayos sobre política económica, No. 13, June 1988.

Criterios para la renegociación del Contrato de Administración del Fondo Nacional del Café, Debates de Coyuntura Económica, No. 12, December 1988.


The Macroeconomic Effect of Import Controls: A Keynesian Analysis, in Pranab Bardhan, Jere Behrman and Albert Fishlow (eds.), International Trade, Investment, Macro Policies and History: Essays in memory of Carlos F. Díaz-Alejandro, Amsterdam: North Holland, 1987; and in Journal of Development Economics, October 1987.

Una evaluación comparativa de cuatro planes antiinflacionarios recientes, El Trimestre Económico, special issue, September 1987.

El régimen prestacional del sector privado, in José Antonio Ocampo and Manuel Ramírez Gómez (eds.), El problema laboral colombiano: informes especiales de la Misión de Empleo, Bogotá: Contraloría General de la República, 1987; and in Política laboral y empleo, Bogotá, Fundación Friedrich Naumann-Prodemocracia,


Una nota sobre tributación y uso de los recursos del sector cafetero, in José Antonio Ocampo (ed.), Lecturas de economía cafetera, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo Editores- FEDESARROLLO, 1987.

Los retos de la bonanza cafetera, in José Antonio Ocampo (ed.), Lecturas de economía cafetera, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo- FEDESARROLLO, 1987.

La Colombie face à la crise extérieure (with Eduardo Lora), in Problemes d'Amerique Latine, No. 84, 2o. Trimestre 1987;

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and in Jacques Adda (ed.), L'Amerique Latine Face a la Dette, 1982-1989, Paris : La Documentation Francaise, 1990.

La deuda externa y las posibilidades de crecimiento económico en Colombia (with Eduardo Lora), in José Antonio Ocampo and Eduardo Sarmiento Palacio (eds.), ¿Hacia un nuevo modelo de desarrollo?: un debate, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo Editores, 1987.

Crisis mundial y cambio estructural (1929-1945), in José Antonio Ocampo (ed.), Historia económica de Colombia, Bogotá: Siglo XXI- FEDESARROLLO, 1987.

La consolidación del capitalismo moderno (with Joaquín Bernal, Mauricio Avella and María Errázuriz), in José Antonio Ocampo (ed.), Historia económica de Colombia, Bogotá: Siglo XXI- FEDESARROLLO, 1987.


New Developments in Trade Theory and LDCs, Journal of Development Economics, June 1986.

Principales conclusiones y recomendaciones de la Misión de Empleo (with Manuel Ramírez Gómez), Economía Colombiana, Serie Documentos, 10, August-September 1986.

Empleo, desempleo e ingresos de la fuerza de trabajo universitaria, 1976-1985, in Crisis de la Educación Superior, Bogotá, FES, 1986; Lecturas de Economía, No. 21, September-December 1986; and in Lecturas sobre Empleo, Tomo I, Bogotá, SENALDE, 1986.

La política económica en el corto y el mediano plazo, Coyuntura Económica, December 1986.

Actividad económica y distribución del ingreso en Colombia (with Eduardo Lora), in Coyuntura Económica, October 1986.

Also published, with some changes, as Stabilization and Adjustment Policies and Programmes: Colombia (with Eduardo Lora), Country Study No. 6, Helsinki: WIDER, 1987. In Spanish: Estructura económica, política de ajuste y distribución del ingreso: la experiencia de los ochenta, in Eduardo Lora (ed.), Lecturas de macroeconomía colombiana, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo-FEDESARROLLO, 1988.

Política macroeconómica y distribución del ingreso en Colombia: 1980-1990 (with Eduardo Lora), Coyuntura Económica, October 1986.

Crisis and Economic Policies in Colombia, 1980-1985, in Rosemary Thorp and Laurence Whitehead (eds.), Latin American Debt and the Adjustment Crisis, London: Macmillan, 1987.

In Spanish: Crisis y política económica en Colombia, 1980-1985, in Rosemary Thorp and Laurence Whitehead (eds.), La crisis de la deuda en América Latina, Bogotá: Siglo XXI- FEDESARROLLO, 1986.

El camino del desarrollo (Historia económica de Cali), in Cali: 450 años, Cali, Grupo Amigos 80, 1986.


Problemas teóricos del proceso de ajuste, in Edgar Revéiz (ed.), Deuda externa latinoamericana y proceso de ajuste: experiencias y perspectivas, Bogotá: CEDE, 1985.

La comercialización externa de café colombiano (with José Leibovich), Coyuntura Económica, October 1985;

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in José Antonio Ocampo (ed.), Lecturas de economía cafetera, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo- FEDESARROLLO, 1987; and in Síntesis, No. 9, Madrid, Asociación de Investigación y Especialización sobre Temas Iberoamericanos (AIETI), September-December 1989.

Ahorro e inversión en Colombia (with Juan Luis Londoño and Leonardo Villar), Coyuntura Económica, June 1985; in Rogério L.F. Werneck (ed.), Ahorro e inversión en Latinoamérica, Bogotá: CIID, 1988;

and in Eduardo Lora (ed.), Lecturas de macroeconomía colombiana, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo-FEDESARROLLO, 1988.

Políticas de regulación de la oferta de café, Coyuntura Económica, June 1985; and in José Antonio Ocampo (ed.), Lecturas de economía cafetera, Bogotà, Tercer Mundo- FEDESARROLLO, 1987.

El sector externo: retrovisión y perspectivas, Lecturas de Economía, No. 17, May-August 1985.


Financial aspects of intra-regional trade in Latin America, in Altaf Gauhard (ed.), Regional Integration: The Latin American Experience, London: Third World Foundation, 1985;

and in Ciro Angarita and Peter Coffey (eds.), Europe and the Andean Countries: A Comparison of Economic Policies and Institutions, London: Pinter Publishers, 1988. In Spanish: El comercio intrarregional y el problema de pagos, Comercio Exterior (México), April 1984;

and in Coyuntura Económica, March 1984. In Chinese published in Revista América Latina (China), No. 3, 1984.

The Colombian Economy in the 1930s, in Rosemary Thorp (ed.), Latin America in the 1930s: The Role of the Periphery in World Crisis, London: Macmillan, 1984;

Reproduced in Rosemary Thorp (ed.), Latin America in the 1930s: The Role of the Periphery in World Crisis, Volume 2 of An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Latin America, Houndmills, Basingstok, Hampshire, UK.: Palgrave, 2000. In Spanish: La economía colombiana en la década de los treinta, in José Antonio Ocampo and Santiago Montenegro, Crisis mundial, protección e industrialización: ensayos de historia económica colombiana, Bogotá: CEREC, 1984; and in Rosemary Thorp (ed.), América Latina en los años treinta: El papel de la periferia en la crisis mundial, México D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1988.

Librecambio y proteccionismo en el siglo XIX, in José Antonio Ocampo and Santiago Montenegro Trujillo, Crisis mundial, protección e industrialización: ensayos de historia económica colombiana, Bogotá, Fondo Editorial CEREC, 1984.


Conceptos post-keynesianos en el análisis de la acumulación de capital, in Alain Barrère et al., Marx, Keynes y Schumpeter, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, 1983.

Precios internacionales, tipo de cambio e inflación: un enfoque estructuralista, Trimestre Económico, No.199, July-September 1983.

Esquema de un sistema de pagos para el Grupo Andino, Coyuntura Económica, June 1983.

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El sector externo y la política macroeconómica, Desarrollo y Sociedad, 10, January 1983; and in José Antonio Ocampo (ed.), Política económica en la encrucijada, Bogotá: Editorial Presencia, 1984.

Reforma de los impuestos departamentales y municipales (with Guillermo Perry), Economía Colombiana, Documento No. 2, November 1983.

En defensa de la continuidad del régimen cambiario, Coyuntura Económica, March 1983.

La reforma fiscal, 1982-1983 (with Guillermo Perry), Coyuntura Económica, March 1983.

El sector externo y la política macroeconómica, Desarrollo y Sociedad, No. 10, January 1983. Repubshised in Jesús Antonio Bejarano (ed.), Lecturas sobre Economía Colombiana, Bogotá, PROCULTURA, 1985; in Desarrollo y Sociedad, No. 10, January 1983.


De Keynes al análisis poskeynesiano, in Alberto Corchuelo (ed.) Nuevos Desarrollos de la Economía, Cali: Universidad del Valle/CIDSE, 1982; in Desarrollo y Sociedad, No. 9, September 1982;

and in José Antonio Ocampo (ed.), Economía poskeynesiana, México, DF: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1988.

Orígenes y problemas del monetarismo, Desarrollo y Sociedad, Cuaderno No. 2, April 1982.

Política económica bajo condiciones cambiantes del sector externo, Ensayos sobre política económica, No. 2, September 1982.

La recesión de 1981 y la situación laboral (with Nohra Rey de Marulanda), Desarrollo y Sociedad, Cuaderno No. 3, May 1982.

Evaluación del régimen de cesantías del sector privado (with Leonardo Villar), Desarrollo y Sociedad, Cuaderno No. 5, November 1982.

Metodología para calcular el efecto de la retroactividad de la cesantía (with Leonardo Villar), Documento CEDE No. 069, October 1982.

La crisis mundial de los años treinta en Colombia (with Santiago Montenegro), Desarrollo y Sociedad, No. 7, January 1982;

and in José Antonio Ocampo and Santiago Montenegro, Crisis mundial, protección e industrialización: ensayos de historia económica colombiana, Bogotá: CEREC, 1984.

Desarrollo exportador y desarrollo capitalista colombiano en el siglo XIX, Desarrollo y Sociedad, No. 8, May 1982.

Centralismo, descentralización y federalismo en la historia colombiana, in Revista Antioqueña de Economía, No. 5, First Quarter of 1982;

in José Antonio Ocampo and Santiago Montenegro, Crisis mundial, protección e industrialización: ensayos de historia económica colombiana, Bogotá: CEREC, 1984.

Producción agrícola y desarrollo agroexportador: un enfoque histórico, Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura, March 1982.

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José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) Publications



El mercado mundial del café y el surgimiento de Colombia como un país cafetero, Desarrollo y Sociedad, No. 5, January 1981.

in Portuguese: O mercado mundial do café e o surgimento da Colombia como un país cafeicultor, Revista Brasileira de Economía, 37:4, October-December 1983.

Export Growth and Capitalist Development in Colombia in the Nineteenth Century, in Paul Bairoch and Maurice Levy-Leboyer (eds.), Disparities in Economic Development since the Industrial Revolution, London: Macmillan, 1981.

El desarrollo económico en Cali en el siglo XX, in Alcaldía de Cali, Santiago de Cali: 450 años de historia, 1981;

and in José Antonio Ocampo and Santiago Montenegro Trujillo, Crisis mundial, protección e industrialización: ensayos de historia económica colombiana, Bogotá: Fondo Editorial CEREC, 1984.


Precios internacionales, tipo de cambio e inflación (with Mauricio Cabrera) in Mauricio Cabrera (ed.), Inflación y Política Económica, Bogotá: Asociación Bancaria de Colombia, 1980; and in Economía Colombiana, 130, January-February 1981.

La quina en la historia colombiana, Revista de Extensión Cultural, Universidad Nacional, Medellín, Nos. 9, 10, 1980-1.

Las exportaciones colombianas en el siglo XIX, Desarrollo y Sociedad, No. 4, July 1980.

Las importaciones colombianas en el siglo XIX, in Miguel Urrutia (ed.), Ensayos sobre Historia Económica Colombiana, Bogotá: FEDESARROLLO, 1980.


Bonanza cafetera y economía concertada, 1975-1977 (with Edgar Revéiz), Desarrollo y Sociedad, No. 2, July 1979;

and in Edgar Revéiz (ed.), La Cuestión cafetera: su impacto económico, social y político, Bogotá: CEDE, Ediciones Tercer Mundo, 1980.

Valor y precios de producción, Teoría y Práctica, No. 14, April 1979.

Desarrollo Exportador y desarrollo capitalista colombiano en el siglo XIX, Desarrollo y Sociedad, No. 1, January 1979.

d. Short Papers, Comments and Selected Unpublished papers:

Prólogo to Controversia actual sobre teoría y políticas económicas, Bogotá, Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Económicas y Ediciones Aurora, 2014.

Prólogo to Mauricio Cabrera Galvis, 10 años de revaluación, Bogotá, Oveja Negra, 2013.

Review of the Bachelet Report, International Social Security Review, Vol. 65, No. 4, 2012, pp. 107-111.

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José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) Publications


¿Qué se espera hoy de las finanzas?, in Circulo de Montevideo, Después de la globalización y la crisis ¿está claro el rumbo? Dudas y Certezas, Mexico: XVIII Reunión del Círculo de Montevideo, 2012, pp. 45-53.

Prólogo to Sonia Milena Jaimes Peñalosa, Familia, caña y banano: Las actividades empersariales de Rodrigo Holguín, Medellin, La Carreta Histórica, 2012.

My Blueprint for streaming the World Bank, Europe’s World, Autumn 2012, pp. 106-110.

Intervention in the Panel on “The Role of the Untied Nations, the Bretton Woods Institutions and the Group of 20 in Global Economic Governance”, in ECLAC and Minister of Foreign Relations of Chile, Regional Seminar on “The United Nations in Global Governance: A Latin American and CaribbeanPespective, Santiago, August 8-9, 2011.

Estructura financiera, una garantía nececesaria, in Círculo de Montevideo, Quince años después, un mundo en tránsito, Viena: XVI Reunión del Círculo de Montevideo, 2011, pp. 65-69.

The Case for Multiple Central Bank Objectives, in Commonwealth Finance Minister Reference Report 2011, Washington D.C., Henley Media Group and Commonwealth Secretariat.

Comment to Kemal Dervis and Karim Foda’s “Emerging Asia and Rebalancing of the World Economy”, in Kemal Dervis, Msahiro Kawai and Domenico Lombardi (eds.), Asia and Policymaking for the Global Economy, Washington and Tokyo, Brookings Institution Press and Asian Development Bank Institute, 2011.

Foreword to Ulrich Volz (ed.), Regional Integration, Economic Development and Global Governance,Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2011.

Introduction to Werner Puschra and Sara Burke (eds.), New Directions for International Financial and Monetary Policy: Reducing Inequality for Shared Societies, New York: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Club de Madrid and Center of Concern, September 2011.

The Reforms Do Not Go Far Enough to Jump-Start the Economy and Protect the Vulnerable, in Hard Talk Forum on “Will the Proposed Economic Reforms in Cuba Succeed?”, Americas Quarterly, Spring 2011.

The G-20 and Global Financial Governance (with Stephany Griffith-Jones), in The G-20’s Role in the Post-Crisis World, Seoul: FRIDE, Club de Madrid and MOFAT.

The Case for and Experiences of Regional Monetary Cooperation, in Ulrich Volz and Aldo Caliari (eds.), Regional and Global Liquidity Arrangements, Bonn: German Development Institute and Center of Concern, 2010, pp. 24-27.

Time for Capital Account Regulations, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLV, No. 46, November 13, 2009, pp.32-35.

The Global Economic Crisis: The Crucial Issues, Background paper prepared for the Parlamentary Conference on the Global Economic Crisis, organized by the Inter-Parlamentary Union, Geneva, May 7-8, 2009. In French: La crise economique mondiale: Questions cruciales.

Foreword to Kevin P. Gallagher and Daniel Chudnovsky (eds.), Rethinking Foreign Investment for Sustainable Development: Lessons from Latin America, London and New York: Anthem Press, 2009.

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José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) Publications


Can Multilateralism Tame Mercantilism, Comment, in Financial Globalization and Emerging Market Economies, Proceedings of an International Symposium Organized by the Bank of Thailand, Bangkok, 7-8 November 2008, pp. 172-176.

The End of the Latin American Boom, James A. Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, November 2008,

¿Qué sabemos de la articulación entre las políticas económicas y las sociales? Introducción, in Bernardo Kliksberg (ed.), Pensamiento social estratégico: Una nueva mirada a los desafíos sociales de América Latina, Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI Editores, PNUD y Agencia Española de Cooperación para el Desarrollo, 2008.

Introduction to David O’Connor and Mónica Kjöllerström (eds.), Industrial Development for the 21st Century, Himayatnagar and London: Orient Longman and Zed Book, 2008, pp. 1-4.

The Links between Economic and Social Policies: A Conceptual Framework, in Gerry Rodgers and Christiane Kuptsch (eds.), Pursuing Decent Work Goals: Priorities for Research, Geneva: International Institute for Labor Studies, 2008.

Juventud y cohesión social (with Isabel Ortiz), Revista Iberoamericana de Juventud, November 2007.

The Global Challenge of Inequality, IDS Bulletin, Vol. 38, No. 2, March 2007, and in Democracy and Development: Political, Economic, and Human Rights, Humanitarian Symposium Proceedings, Conrad H. Hilton Foundation, October 30, 2006.

Introduction to Industrial Development for the 21st Century: Sustainable Development Perspectives, New York: United Nations, 2007.

Some Reflections on the Links between Social Knowledge and Policy, Preface to Peter Utting (ed.), Reclaiming Development Agendas: Knowledge, Power and International Policy Making, New York: UNRISD and Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

Los desafíos del desarrollo con equidad en América Latina, in La cuestión Social, No.2, April-June 2006.

La globalización en sus dimensiones económica social y política, Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública, March 2006.

The Democratic Deficit of International Arrangements, in Jan Joost Teunissen and Age Akkerman (eds.), Protecting the Poor: Global Financial Institutions and the Vulnerability of Low-Income Countries, The Hague: FONDAD, 2005.

Colombia en el contexto regional, in Hacia una Economía Sostenible Conflicto y Posconflicto en Colombia, Bogotá: Fundación Agencia Colombia, 2003.

A Lost Half-Decade in Latin America, Third World Resurgence, January-February 2003.

Capital social y agenda del desarrollo, in Raúl Atria et al., Capital social y reducción de la pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe: en busca de un nuevo paradigma, Santiago, Chile, ECLAC, 2003.

The Role of Regional Institutions, en Jan Joost Teunissen (ed.), A Regional Approach to Financial Crisis Prevention: Lessons from Europe and Initiatives in Asia, Latin America and Africa, The Hague: FONDAD, 2003.

La Cumbre de Monterrey, Foreign Affairs en Español, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2002.

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José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) Publications


Fairer Societies: The Secret of Economic Growth, Socialist Affairs, Vol. 49, No. 4, London, 2002.

Retos de la integración a la economía global, Economía Exterior, No. 22, Fall 2002; and in Uruguay: opciones para su inserción en un mundo global, Proyecto Agenda Uruguay, Centro de Estudios Estratégicos 1815/PNUD/Universidad para la Paz, Montevideo, Ediciones de la Banda Oriental, 2002.

Preface, in El laberinto fiscal (by Mario Mejía Cardona), Bogotá: Escuela Superior de Administración Pública, 2002.

Preface, in La Moneda en Colombia (by Antonio Hernández Gamarra), Bogotá: Villegas Editores, 2001.

Colombia no es el desastre de América Latina, Interview, in Marcela Giraldo Samper, Crisis: Antecedentes, incertidumbres y salidas, Bogotá: Ediciones Aurora. 2000.

Economic Growth and Inflation in Colombia, in Antonio Jorge, Jorge Salazar-Carrillo y Bernardette West (eds.), Capital Markets, Growth, and Economic Policy in Latin America, Westport: Praeger, 2000.

The Ripple Effect and Lessons to be Learned from the Crisis, The Impact of Financial Crisis on Trade, Investment and Development: Regional Perspectives, High-level segment of the forty-fifth session of the Trade and Development Board, Third part, UNCTAD, Geneva, 22 October 1998.

The National Federation of coffee growers and the Colombian coffee model have been outstanding examples in the coffee world, in Diego Pizano Salazar and José Chalarca (eds.), Coffee, Institutions and Economic Development, Bogotá, Federación National de Cafeteros de Colombia, November 1997.

In Spanish: La Federación y el modelo cafetero colombiano, ejemplos sobresalientes en el mundo del café, en Diego Pizano Salazar and José Chalarca (eds.), Café, instituciones y desarrollo económico, Simposio conmemorativo de los 70 años de la Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia (1927-1997), Bogotá, Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia, November 1997.

Estabilización versus crecimiento económico, in Sistemas financieros en procesos de apertura, 1997, Comments in Foro de Clausura del XV Simposio sobre Mercados de Capitales, Asociación Bancaria y de Entidades Financieras de Colombia, Cali, 7 and 8 November 1996.

Foreword, in Las Américas: Integración económica en perspectiva, Bogotá, Departamento Nacional de Planeación y Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, 1996.

FEDESARROLLO y la vida académica, in Hernando Gómez Buendia (ed.), Economía y opinión, Bogotá: Tercer Mundo - COLCIENCIAS, 1995.

Introduction to: El Sector agropecuario en Colombia y el mundo: Presente y futuro, Bogotá, Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural, 1994.

La última lección, Palabras pronunciadas en la graduación del ICESI, Publicaciones ICESI, July-September 1993.

Una propuesta para la conversión de deuda pública externa en deuda interna, Coyuntura Económica, April 1992.

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José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) Publications


Preface to the Spanish edition of Paul Krugman, Inestabilidad de la tasa de cambio, Bogotá: Grupo Editorial Norma, 1991.

Política industrial e internacionalización (Comments to Carlos Alberto Garay’s intervention), Debates de Coyuntura Económica, No. 22, October 1991.

Propuestas complementarias para fortalecer la Iniciativa, in Iniciativa Bush: Una empresa para las Américas, Bogotá, Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá-Ministerio de Desarrollo-Universidad Javeriana, 1991.

¿Con qué instrumentos contamos para promover las exportaciones?, Progreso económico (Ministerio de Desarrollo), No. 1, June 1991.

Review of Carlos Diaz Alejandro’s, Trade, Development and the World Economy, Journal of International Economics, Vol. 29, pp. 392-396, 1990.

Perspectivas de la integración colombo-venezolana, Boletín Informativo, Cámara de Comercio e Integración Colombo-Venezolana, December 1990.

Elementos para una política anti-inflacionaria: Comment, Debates de Coyuntura Económica, No. 18, August 1990.

North-South Models and the Evolution of Global Interdependence (comments to Ronald Findlay), in Guillermo Calvo et al. (eds.) Debt, Stabilization and Development, London: Macmillan, 1989.

Intra-Regional Trade and Payments Agreements in Latin America, Report to Non-Aligned Movement, September 1988.

Los ensayos de desindexación en América Latina, in Ernesto Samper (ed.), La desupaquización de la economía colombiana, Bogotá: Oveja Negra, 1989.

Legislación laboral y seguridad social, in Sector informal y organización popular, Bogotá, Instituto de Estudios Liberales, 1988.

Control de cambios, devaluación y tasas de cambio reales: la experiencia latinoamericana (comments to Sebastián Edwards), in Colombia : 20 años del régimen de cambios y de comercio exterior, Bogotá, Banco de la República, 1987.

El financiamiento de la reforma agraria, in "Reforma agraria: elementos para el debate", Coyuntura Agropecuaria, Special addendum, No. 1, 1987.

Empleo en Bogotá (with Fanny Kertzman), Bogotá, Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá-Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, 1986.

La recesión y la política económica, in Eduardo Lora (ed.), La Política Económica y Social del Gobierno de Belisario Betancur, Cali: Corporación Editorial Universitaria de Colombia - Universidad del Valle, 1983.

Política monetaria, financiera y cambiaria de Colombia, 1970-1983, Bogotá, FEDESARROLLO, 1983.

Una visión keynesiana del déficit fiscal, in El Déficit Fiscal, Contraloría General de la República-FESCOL, 1982.

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José Antonio Ocampo Member of the board of the central bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) Publications


El Estado y la regulación del poder económico (Comment to Walter Hamm), in El Estado y el Desarrollo, Bogotá: CEDE, 1980.

Perspectivas Energéticas Mundiales y los Países en Desarrollo (comments to Adrian Lambertini), in Diego Otero and Edgar Revéiz, eds., Colombia y la Crisis Enérgetica, Bogotá: CEDE, 1980.

Las condiciones iniciales para el desarrollo: el café (comments to Miguel Urrutia) in Edgar Revéiz, ed., La Cuestion Cafetera, Bogotá: CEDE, 1980.

Notas sobre historia económica latinoamericana, 1929-1950 (Comment to Carlos Díaz-Alejandro), in Miguel Urrutia, ed., Ensayos sobre Historia Económica Colombiana, Bogotá: FEDESARROLLO, 1980.

Review of Manuel Moreno’s book Fraginals "El Ingenio" Second edition, Journal of Development Economics, June 1980.

Review of Mariano Arango’s book, "Café e Industria en Colombia, 1850-1930", Desarrollo y Sociedad, No. 2, July 1979.

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