
Weekend of September 20-21, 2014

Preacher: Pastor Danny Tutwiler

Readings: Isaiah 55:6-9; Philippians 1:12-14; 19-30 ; Matthew 20:1-16

Join us downstairs for a coffee fellowship before

Education Hour @ 9:30 am.


September 21, 2014

Katherine Abad

Nathan Ortiz

Owen William Hughes

Altar Flowers

Provided by Lou & Alice Beatus

In celebration of their

52nd Wedding Anniversary

C h u r c h N e w s & U p c o m i n g E v e n t s

Let the Knitting Begin! Wit-Knits, a knitting (and more!) group meet weekly on Thursdays from 9:30-11:00 am in Room 105. Our meetings

resume on September 25th. Contact Gerry Blank 630-898-2523 or Mona Miller 630-896-8627 for more information.

Save The Date! St. Paul Fall Re-Sale will be held in the school gym again this year. Friday October 24, 2014 & Saturday October 25th.

This is a great sale to raise funds for the school! If you are interested in selling please contact Kym Schmidt @ 630-699-

5325 If you’re interested in donating items the drop off box will be near the elevator in the Narthex after September 1st.

All proceeds will go to the school.

Fall Celebration - 20th Anniversary of Constitution Location

Join us in celebrating the 20th anniversary of our ministry at the Constitution location with the community. A full and

fun day is planned on Saturday, October 4th, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the parking lot of the new building at 55 S. Con-

stitution Drive! Family activities and crafts, fall treats, live bands and dancing -- all free! The entertainment on the

showmobile stage will be as diverse as our congregation -- our children singing, ministry booths, American Legion Post

84 presenting and retiring the colors, Don Phelps playing reveille and taps, Aurora Fire Department demo, Merry Heart

Clowns, Marachi Band Viva Tectalin, Square Dancing and demo, Swing Assembly band including David Kellen (swing

dancing and a variety of music), West High Madrigals, Collision Rock Band (with Adam Lathan), our Praise Team in-

cluding Jimmy O'Connell with special guest drummer Josh Duffy! And much more. Visit our website for an entertain-

ment schedule at There will also be a Prayer Place, a designated place of prayer in the new

building using the 7 dynamics of prayer during the day. It will be a fun day for the whole community. Please park at

the church if you are able, and bring lawn chairs. Remember to invite your friends and neighbors!

Lots of volunteers are needed for various things and looking for cookie bakers in particular. If you're able to help in

some way, please contact Linda Volz at [email protected] or 630-564-6771.

Prayer Place A Prayer Place is a place designated for prayer with different stations, employing the seven dynamics of prayer. Other

churches, including Lutheran churches, have had Prayer Places, some with amazing answer to prayer. Our Prayer Place

will be available and staffed in the new building from Monday, September 29 through October 3. An advance appoint-

ment is necessary in order to preserve the experience for everyone. Sign up for your appointment today on the sign up

board in the Atrium. Energize Your Prayer Life! The Prayer Place will also be open at our Fall Celebration.

Hesed House Servant Event on October 11th and 12th

Thank you, thank you! It just doesn't seem like enough to say to everyone who helps feed and care for the homeless in our ar-

ea. They are very grateful, and can't believe people would give of their money and time to them in their hour of need -- but we do as

Christ's hands and feet in the community. Our next servant event at Hesed House will be October 11 and 12. Volunteers, food and

monetary donations are needed. We will be grilling chicken for dinner, which they love and don't get often, so in addition to some

food donations, we will be accepting monetary donations to buy the chicken in bulk. Monetary donations may be turned into

the church office and labeled for Hesed House; checks may be made out to St. Paul Lutheran Church. If you are able to help in some

way, please sign up in the Ministry Opportunity book at the Welcome Center by October 5. For more info or questions, please con-

tact Sonja Meyer at [email protected] or 630-464-8210. God bless!

September 28th will start the 22nd year of the Men’s Breakfast Club The Men’s Breakfast schedule is listed below. Adult tickets are $7 and Children 12 and under are $4.

Mark your Calendars...

Sept 28th – Make a Wish Foundation

Oct 26th – Washington D C trip

Nov 30th – Open

Jan 25th – Wal-Camp

March 1st – Open

Mar 29th – Hesed House

Apr 5th – Easter Pancake and Sausage only – Free Will Donation

Apr 26th – God’s Gardeners

S c h o o l N e w s

Children ’s Ministry

Nursery Every Sunday Morning from 8 am to 12 pm. Babies and toddlers 0-3 years are invited to play in the church nursery while parents worship or attend classes. The

nursery staff are paid, trained and background checked to provide families with a safe and secure alternative each Sunday.

Thrivent Choice Program We are excited to announce that St. Paul Lutheran School has received over $11,000 through Thrivent Financial’s

Thrivent Choice Program during the past year. By directing Choice Dollars, eligible Thrivent members can recommend

which nonprofit organizations they feel should receive charitable grant funding from Thrivent. If you are an eligible

member, please consider St. Paul Lutheran School when directing your Choice Dollars. We plan to use Thrivent Choice

grant funding to enable us to fund scholarships above and beyond what is budgeted. To learn more about Thrivent

Choice and to find out if you are an eligible member, visit Or call Thrivent at 800-847-

4836, and say “Thrivent Choice” when prompted. Thank you for your support!

Curriculum Night is September 22nd from 7-9pm. Mark your calendars!!!

Coming soon! POWERHOUSE! Did you know that “Powerhouse” is the new name for Children’s Ministry at

Saint Paul? Change is awesome! For more information on any children’s ministry program contact Deaconess Brenna

Nunes at 312-952-6754 or [email protected]

MORE FOR YOU! Does your family use the Sunday morning Nursery, attend Children’s Church, plan to use day-

off camps or family respite days? Do you want to attend the new Sunday S’cool which starts September 7th?? These

fun events are all under the umbrella of Saint Paul Children’s Ministry now called Powerhouse. This year all children

must register to participate. Registration is easy. Simply sign up before or after church at the tablet on the Children’s

ministry table, or Email a request Deaconess Brenna and she will send you the link with instruction sheet.

POWERHOUSE - CAMP DAYS start in November – dates are posted on the POWERHOUSE bulletin

board outside of the sanctuary. All dates posted are included in the $25/yearly registration fee (per child). Register any-

time! Early registration has discounts!

POWERHOUSE Play S’cool: Preschool and Kindergarten children are invited to attend these classes

most Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30 am where kids play and celebrate the stories of love joy and peace from the

Bible. Build up your kids. Strengthen them for the future with Play S’cool each Sunday!

Register today and join in the fun!

POWERHOUSE Sunday S’cool: Children 1st to 3rd grade are invited to attend these classes most Sun-

day mornings from 9:30-10:30 am. Children watch a Holy Moly video, do a paper project which share stories of God’s

love, joy and peace. Build up your kids. Strengthen them for the future with Sunday S’cool each weekend! Register

POWERHOUSE Super S’cool: ‘Tweens (the 4th to 6th grade kids between children and teens) are invited to

attend these classes most Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:45am. Children watch a video, do a paper project and learn to

connect the Bible event of the week to other stories in the Bible. Participants will also connect these stories to their lives

and learn how to use them to benefit day to day happenings for themselves and their friends. Some gender-specific

small group time is included to help ‘tweens express their faith. Build up your kids. Strengthen them for the future with

Sunday S’cool each weekend! It’s so good participant leave wanting to return to the next week’s adventures. Minimal

take home work is included for parent and ‘tween connections and discovery. Register today and join in the fun!

Celebrate Recovery

Every Friday at St. Paul

6:00 - Dinner & Fellowship

7:00 - Worship/ Large Group

8:00 - Small Groups

9:00 - Dessert and Fellowship

(child care is available)

Celebrate Recovery —

Recovery cannot be accomplished by yourself. Actually, trying to do everything yourself is often what got you into trou-

ble in the first place! To be successful on your Road to Recovery you need God, your own commitment and the support

and encouragement of friends.

All of us have hurts, hang-ups, or habits that affect our entire family. Experience the freedom of those chains breaking

off. Contact Larry Miller at [email protected] for more details.

O u t r e a c h M i n i s t r y

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers care for people who are: Grieving, In a crisis, In need of long-term care, Dying,

Hospitalized, Divorcing, Experiencing losses as they age,

Going through a crisis of childbirth,

The family and friends of people in crisis.

Stephen Ministers:

Listen, Explore feelings, Pray, Share Christ’s Love,

Maintain confidentiality, Attend to the caregiving process

and leave the results to God.

For more information about Stephen Ministry, contact

Andy Hoffman at [email protected]

Celebrate Recovery child care ministry needs volunteers! We are looking for individuals who are able to commit to one Friday a month from 6 to 9 PM.

If you are interested in getting involved in this incredible and rewarding ministry, please contact Andy Hoffman:

[email protected] or Sara Comfort: [email protected].

The Sports Boosters are in need of volunteers to assist with hot lunches for school children on Fridays. If you are home during the day or have some flexibility in your work schedule, we could really use your help!

Please contact Suzette Brown at: [email protected] or 630-664-4265.

Lost and Found Lost During the big “clean up” a few weeks ago someone accidently took home a Cutco Hand Shovel that had a yellow-

orange handle on it. Please take a look to see if you brought it home by mistake and if so, return it to the church office.

Parish Nursing

If anyone has a healthcare need or

concern and I can be of assistance, please call me

at 896-3250 ext 608 or email me :

[email protected] God’s Blessings in your week!


Kitty Weber,

Parish Nurse

In Need of


If you might

have one you

are not using

any longer, please

contact Kitty Weber

Make Reservations Today!

Trip to Starved Rock Baby Boomers and Seniors

LIFE’S JOURNEY OCTOBER 7-9TH Lutheran Life Communities (Arlington Heights)

Breakout sessions on healthy aging and other mind, body and spirit topics. Most meals provid-

ed with reduced registration fee. So much fun! Beautiful fall scenery, hotel rooms will be

available… Hotel rooms are blocked and available through the Starved Rock Lodge at a re-

duced senior rate. If interested, contact Kitty (Parish Nurse) regarding discounts available!.

Kitty also has the brochures she can pass on to you...or pick one up in the parish nursing

corner at the end of the narthex. Keynote

Comfort Zones and Other Places You Shouldn’t Stay Too Long!

Kirk Farney, VP of Advancement/Alumni Relations, Wheaton College

Closing Address

Reimagining Our Witness: Speaking and Living with Difference

John and Monique Nunes, Valparaiso University

Breakout Sessions

Take 2-Life Reimagined!, Think You Can’t Pain? Yes You Can!, Parables in Pictures, Finding

Balance, Hope in the Midst of Struggle, Making a Difference; Sharing your Time, Talents and

Treasures, Live for the Journey and Enjoy the Trip!, Elder Fraud: How to Recognize it and

Avoid it, Just a Closer Walk with Thee, Your Legacy: Family, Church and Charity, Laugh Your

Way to a Healthier you!

Want to volunteer

in the ministry of

care? Contact Kitty

regarding ministry


When we bring

sunshine into

the lives of

others, we’re

warmed by it

ourselves. When

we spill a little happiness, it

splashes on us. Hope supersedes all

good intentions. Keep going by the

power of God’s grace. Dare to

believe that He has planned great-

er things right around the corner.

Barbara Johnson, Women of Faith

W e e k l y a t S t . Pa u l Bible Studies


Turbo Group, 9:30-10:30 am in the FLC. Contact Craig Mattes, Director of Group Life at [email protected]

Bible Study with Joe Thomas in Room 109 in the church office from 9:30-10:30 am.

High School Bible Study breaking for the Summer.

Adult Special Needs Bible Class starting September 14th.

Children’s Church for 3-10 years meets at 8 am, 9:30 am and 11 am. Themes relate to the Gospel Lesson of the day.

Sunday School, 9:30 am starting September 14th.


Living Lights Bible Class meets 9-11 am in the Meeting Center of the new building.

Contact: Wanda Horton at 630-947-4559.


Men’s Bible Study, 7-8 am in the Meeting Center of the new building.

Contact: Pastor Walt DeMoss at 630-896-3250 ext. 603.


Men’s Bible Study, 6:30-7:30 am in the conference room. Contact Michael Elliott at [email protected] for information. Staff Cord Group, 11:30 am at Mother’s.

Thursday Women’s Bible Study (September-May)

9:00-11 am at the new building in the Meeting Center. Call Danna Grant (630-466-9084) for information.



Wit-Knits, a knitting (and more!) group will be meeting weekly on Thursday’s from 9:30-11am. (September-May)

Contact Gerry Blank 630-898-2523 or Mona Miller 630-896-8627 for information. Starting September 25th.


Celebrate Recovery: 6 pm Meeting, Refreshments, Fellowship. Contact Larry Miller for more information at

[email protected]


St. Paul Contemporary Worship Team - Wednesdays, 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary.

Traditional Mixed Choir - Thursdays, 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary.

St. Paul Board of Directors

Jack Meyer (Chairman), Eric Gustafson (Secretary),

Louanne Heinisch, John Hendrickson, Ann West, Mel Wille

Did you know…that you can contribute to our congregation ONLINE??

It’s easy – simply visit our website at and click on the Qgiv icon. You can make one-time contribu-

tions or set up recurring ones. Perfect for insuring that your tithes and offerings for the Lord’s work continue even if you

can’t be here due to weather or travel. Questions? Contact Don Phelps [email protected].

Don’t Miss Out! Sign up today to receive email alerts and information from St. Paul.

Sign up on our website ( or text STPAULAURORA to 22828.

WiFi? Need WiFi access while on our campus? Free access is available to our members and guests:

Network: STP-GUEST Password: Luther123

New to St. Paul?

Guests: Thank you for joining us in worship.

Welcome Card: Please register your attendance on the beige card

available from an usher and place it in the offering plate.

This allows us to serve you as effectively as possible.

Thanks for letting us know that you are worshiping!

Families with Children: We welcome infants and small children up to age two.

Our staffed nursery is upstairs in the pre-school area and available during and between Sunday morning services.

Nursing Moms: Please come to the nursery when you

need a quiet and private space.


Holy Communion is a special meal instituted by Jesus Christ for committed and

confirmed Christians. Those planning to commune should ask themselves the

following questions and may also read the bible references which

explain the questions.

1. Do I believe I am a sinner and am I sorry for my sins?

(Romans 3:12; 1 John 1:8-9)

2. Do I believe that Jesus offers forgiveness for my sins?

(Romans 5:6-8; Colossians 2:13)

3. Do I believe that the body & blood of Christ are truly present in the Sacra-

ment? (1 Cor 10:16; 1 Cor 11:23-26)

4. Do I resolve grievances with my brothers and sisters in Christ before coming

to Holy Communion? (Matthew 5:23-24)

5. Do I desire and intend to walk more closely with my Lord and change my

sinful behavior, with the help of the Holy Spirit?

(Romans 6:11-12; 1 Peter 4:1-2, 1 Corinthians 15:34)

A very helpful exercise is to ask yourself the “Christian Questions & Answers” on

pp. 329-330 of the hymnal Lutheran Service Book (copy available from Pastor).

If you cannot answer ‘yes’ to the questions above, if you believe you need more

information, or if you are unsure if you share the faith proclaimed at St. Paul

Lutheran Church, please talk to the Pastor or an Elder before communing, since

participating without a proper understanding for Holy Communion is spiritually

unwise (1 Cor 11:28-29).

If you are physically unable to come forward for Communion, let an usher know

of your wish to be served in your seat. Please sit in an ‘aisle seat’ and

Communion will be brought to you.

For those who do not wish to receive alcohol, please note that the red wine in the

center of the tray is non-alcoholic. Children not yet communing are encouraged

to come forward and are asked to fold their hands across their chest to indicate that

they should not be served.

Weekly Attendance & Contributions:

September 13-14, 2014

Total Attendance: 479 Contributions: $15,575.20

85 S. Constitution Drive

Aurora, IL 60506


Telephone: 630-896-3250

Evening & Weekend

Urgent Pastoral Care:

630-896-3250 #4


[email protected]

Facebook: Twitter:

St. Paul Lutheran Church

Church Contacts

Rev. Danny Tutwiler,

Senior Pastor, x604

[email protected]

Rev. Angel Morales,

Assistant Pastor, x609

[email protected]

Rev. Walter DeMoss,

Assistant Pastor, x603

[email protected]

Don Phelps, Director of Operations/

Assimilation, x602

[email protected]

Craig Mattes,

Director of Group Life, x623

[email protected]

Worship Services


Traditional@ 5 pm


Traditional @ 8 am

Spanish @ 9:30 am

Contemporary @ 11 am

Sermon Notes

Title: “Authentic Community”

Text: John 13:34-35

1. Commenting on their experience in the church, some have said:

“In the church, I have experienced people at their very __________ . . . and

at their very ___________.”

“Being part of our congregation through the years has been a source of un

expected _____________. It has also been the source of harsh

________________ , disappointment and, at times, _______________.”

What has been your experience?

2. This morning we took note of what 16-29 year olds (the Millennial Generation)

think of the Christian Church in America. Which, if any, of these issues took you by


3. We reviewed another list from the general public (all ages) identifying issues which

discourage them from participating in the local Christian Congregation. Which, if

any, of these issues took you by surprise?

4. We listed various Bible passages which describe Jesus’ intention for our life together.

We then asked the question, is this our reality?

How do you answer that question: Yes No

If it is not, how would you react if someone called “foul” in your midst?

5. What is at stake if we fail to address these issues in our midst?

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