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g]kfn ;/sf/ @)&#.&.!@ df :jLs[t ;+3Lo dfldnf tyf :yfgLo ljsf; dGqfno

;LdfIf]q ljsf; sfo{qmd l;+xb/af/, sf7df8f}+

lhNnfdf OlGhlgo/, ;j-OlGhlgo/ / sfof{no tyf n]vf ;xfos ;]jf s/f/df lng] ;DaGwL k|lqmof / sfo{tflnsf

-cf=j= @)&#÷)&$ sf] ah]6 clVtof/Lsf] yk lgb]{zgdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd _

1= 5gf}6 ;ldlt M

lhNnfdf OlGhlgo/, ;j-OlGhlgo/ / sfof{no tyf n]vf ;xfos ;]jf s/f/df lng] ;DaGwL sfo{sf nflu b]xfosf] 5gf}6 ;ldtL u7g u/L o; ;ldltn] tof/ kf/]sf] of]Uotfqmd l;kmfl/; adf]lhd lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] sfof{no -lhlj;_ n] ;Demf}tf u/L sfddf nufpg' kg]{5 M

s= k|d'v lhNnf O{lGhlgo/ — ;+of]hs

v= of]hgf clws[t tyf k|zf;lso clws[t, lhlj; — ;b:o ;lrj u= :yfgLo ljsf; clwsf/Ln] tf]s]sf] ljifout sfof{nosf] clws[t k|ltlglw— ;b:o

k'gZr M pQm ;ldltdf s'g} clws[t l/Qm /x]df jf cfjZoStf cg'?k :yfgLo ljsf; clwsf/Ln] pko"Qm :t/sf] clws[t tf]Sg' kg]{5 .

2= sfo{ cjlwMlhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] sfof{non] jflif{s sfo{qmddf Joj:yf eP adf]lhd

OlGhlgo/, ;a–OlGhlgo/ / sfof{no tyf n]vf ;xfos ! -Ps_ jif{sf] nflu s/f/ ug]{ / sfo{qmd / ah]6sf] lg/Gt/tf ePdf lghsf] sfo{;Dkfbg d"Nof+sg cg';f/ dGqfnoaf6 :jLs[t ePdf ;fna;fnL Dofb yk x'g ;Sg] . obL s;}n] s/f/ cGt u/]df of]Uotfqmd cg';f/sf] cGo JolQmnfO{ ! -Ps_ jif{ leq ;]jf s/f/df lng ;lsg]5 . s/f/ z"? u/L sDtLdf ^ dlxgf sfo{ u/] kZrft s/f/ ;]jf cGt ug{ rfx]df sDtLdf # -tLg_ dlxgf cufj} lnlvt ?kdf lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] sfof{nodf lgj]bg lbg ;Sg]5 / lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] sfof{non] cfjZos Joj:yfkg z'? ug'{kg]{5 .

3= Go"gtd of]UotfM s= OlGhlgo/M

g]kfn ;/sf/jf6 dfGotf k|fKt ljZjljBfnojf6 Civil Engneering df :gfts ptL0f{.

g]kfnL gful/s .

@! jif{ pd]/ k'/f eO{ $) jif{ ggf3]sf] x'g''kg]{ . 2

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g]kfn OlGhlgol/+u sfplG;ndf btf{ eO{ k|df0fkq k|fKt u/]sf] .

cGo k|rlnt sfg'gåf/f cof]Uo gePsf] .

cg'ej lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] sfof{non] tf]s] adf]lhd .

v= ;a–OlGhlgo/

dfGotf k|fKt z}lIfs lgsfoaf6 l8Knf]df Og l;len OlGhlgol/+u ptL0f{ .

g]kfnL gful/s .

!* jif{ pd]/ k'/f eO{ $) jif{ ggf3]sf] x'g''kg]{ .

cGo k|rlnt sfg'gåf/f cof]Uo gePsf] .

cg'ej lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] sfof{non] tf]s] adf]lhd .

u= sfof{no tyf n]vf ;xfos

dfGotfk|fKt z}lIfs lgsfoaf6 k|jL0ftf k|df0fkq tx ptL0f{ .

g]kfnL gful/s .

!* jif{ pd]/ k'/f eO{ $) jif{ ggf3]sf] x'g''kg]{ .

cGo k|rlnt sfg'gåf/f cof]Uo gePsf] .

cg'ej lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] sfof{non] tf]s] adf]lhd .

4= sfo{ ljj/0fM tLg j6} kbx?sf] sfo{ ljj/0f qmdzM cg';'rL !, @ / # df ;+nUg 5 .

5= kfl/>lds / b}lgs e|d0f eQfM

s= kfl/>ldsM g]kfn ;/sf/sf] ;/xsf] kbsf] z'? :s]n .

v= b}lgs e|d0f eQfM g]kfn ;/sf/sf] e|d0f vr{ lgodfjnL adf]lhd .

6= k/LIf0f k4lt M 5gf}6 lnlvt k/LIff / cGt/jftf{ dfWodaf6 x'g]5 . k/LIffsf ;DaGwdf b]xfosf ljlwx? cjnDag ul/g]5M

lgj]bg lbPsf dWo] of]Uotf k'u]sf pDd]bjf/sf] 5gf}6 (short-listing) u/L lghnfO{ k/LIffdf ;dfj]z ug]{ .

lnlvt k/LIffsf] c+sef/ &) / cGtjf{tf{sf] c+sef/ #) u/L hDdf !)) k'0f{f+s /x]sf] 5 .

lnlvt k/LIffsf] k|Zgkqdf j:t'ut k|Zg -Multiple Choice_ %) -krf;_ j6f x'g] / ;do $% ldg]6sf] x'g]5 .


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lnlvt k/LIffsf] plt0f{ c+s $) k|ltzt sfod ug]{ / plt0f{ c+s k|fKt ug]{nfO{ dfq cGtjf{tfdf ;xefuL u/fpg] .

cGtjf{tf{sf] qmddf z}lIfs of]Uotf tyf cg'ejnfO{ ;d]t lglZrt k|ltzt c+sef/ lbg] .

7= kf7\oqmd ;DjGwdf M– OlGhlgo/sf] kf7oqmd cg';"rL –$, ;a–OlGhlgo/sf] kf7oqmd cg;'rL –% / sfof{no tyf n]vf ;xfossf] cg';"rL –^ df ;+nUg 5 .

8= k|Zgkq ;DjGwdf M–nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf] k|lqmof adf]lhd lnlvt k/LIffsf] k|Zgkq sDtLdf tLg ;]6 tof/ ug]{ . k|Zgkq # hgf lj1jf6 lnO{ cWoIfn] clGtd ?k lbg] .

9= pQ/k''l:tsf k/LIf0f ;DaGwdfM pQ/k'l:tsf k/LIf0f pko'Qm lj1jf6 u/fpg] . h;sf] clGtd d"Nof+sg 5gf}6 ;ldltaf6 ;d]t ug]{ .

10= cGt/jftf{ ;DjGwdfM cGt/jftf{ kbk"lt{ ;ldltsf] ;a} ;b:ox? / Pshgf lj1jf6 x'g]5 .

cGtjf{tf{ :yn lnlvt k/LIffsf] glthf k|sfzg x'Fbf hfgsf/L u/fpg] .

11= ;"rgf k|sfzg Ms/f/ ;]jfsf nflu nflu sDtLdf !% lbg] Dofb lbO{ /fli6«o :t/sf] klqsfdf / lhlj;sf] j]j;fO6 tyf ;"rgfkf6Ldf k|sfzg ug]{ . lj:t[t ?kdf b]xfosf ljifox? ;"rgfdf pNn]v u/L lhlj;sf] Website df /fVg] . sfo{-ljj/0f (Terms of Reference) kfl/>lds / ;]jf zt{ of]Uotf / cg'ej g]kfnL gful/stfsf] k|df0fkq

lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7oqmd

cGtjf{tf ljlw

lnlvt / cGtjf{tf{sf] c+sef/ hf]8L of]Uotfqmd l;kmfl/;

glthf k|sfzgsf] tl/sf / ;Dks{ ljlw

b/vf:t kmf/fd


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12= b/vf:t b:t'/M nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf] b/vf:t b:t'/ b/df tf]s] adf]lhd x'g]5 .

13= k/LIf0f s]Gb|M lnlvt tyf cGtjf{tfsf] k/LIff lhNnf ;b/d'sfddf lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf]

sfof{non] tf]s]sf] :yfg .

14= b/vf:tdf ;+nUg ug'{kg]{M lgj]bg ;fy pDd]bjf/sf] JolQmut ljj/0f, z}lIfs of]Uotfsf] k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk, g]kfnL gful/stfsf] k|df0fkqsf] k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk, cg'ejsf] k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk tyf g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë sfplG;ndf btf{ ePsf] k|dfl0ft . k]z ul/g] ;a} k|ltlnlksf] k5f8L pDd]bjf/ :jo+n] x:tfIf/ u/L k|dfl0ft ug]{ .

15= lj:t[t ljj/0f j]j;fO6df /fVg]M ;"rgf / o; k|lqmofdf pNn]lvt cfjZos ljj/0f tyf pDd]bjf/n] k]z ug]{ b/vf:t kmf/fd lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] Website jf6 8fpgnf]8 ug{ ;lsg] u/L ;f]xL kmf/d e/L j'emfpg] Joj:yf ug]{ .

16= b/vf:t btf{M b/vf:t kmf/fd ;+nUg cg';"rL-* adf]lhd lhlj;sf] j]j;fO6af6 8fpgnf]8 u/L ;f]xL kmf/fd e/L lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] sfof{nodf b/vf:t lbg] clGtd ldltsf] lbgsf] @M)) ah] leq j'emfpg] .

17= sfo{tflnsf M

sfo{tflnsf b]xfo adf]lhd ug]{M

ljj/0f ;do s}lkmot 1= /fli6«o:t/sf] klqsfdf ;"rgf

k|sfzg ug]{ -!% lbgsf] Dofb lbO{_ @)&# d+l;/ # leq ;"rgfsf] gd'gf

cg';"rL-& df ;+nUg 5 .

2= b/vf:t a'emfpg] clGtd ldlt ;"rgf k|sfzg ePsf] !% lbg leq

3= lnlvt k/LIff ;f]x|f} lbg

4= lnlvt k/LIffsf] glthf c7f/f}+ lbg

5= cGtjf{tf aL;f} lbg leq

6= of]Uotfqmd k|sfzg / l;kmfl/; -glthf_

cGtjftf{ ;lsPsf] lbg

7= ;]jf s/f/ ;+emf}tf glthf k|sfzg ePsf] ldltn] & lbg leq . Dofb leq ;+emf}tf u/L sfo{ z'? gu/]df of]Uotfqmdfg';f/sf] csf]{ JolQm;Fu * cf}+ lbg kZrft ;+emf}tf x'g] u/L ;fj{hlgs ;"rgfdf pNn]v ug]{ .

;+emf}tfsf] gd'gf cg';"rL-( df ;+nUg 5 .


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OlGhlgo/-Engineer_ sf] sfo{ If]qut zt{ (Terms of Reference)

lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] dftxtdf /xL sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog ug]{ ;Gbe{df OlGhlgo/sf] k|d'v sfo{–lhDd]jf/L b]xfosf sfox{¿df ;lxhs/0f ug]{ x'g]5 / cfˆgf sfd sf/jfxLdf k|ToIf ?kdf lh=lj=;=sf] k|d'vk|lt k|lt pQ/bfoL eO{ sfdsfh ug{'kg]{5M

sfo{qmdsf] lhNnfut jflif{s sfo{qmd tyf ah]6 tof/ ug]{ .

jflif{s cg'udg tyf d"Nof+sg sfo{of]hgf tof/ ug]{ .

sfo{qmdsf] lhNnfut Project Funding Matrixljj/0f tof/ ug]{ .

ufpF kl/ifb / gu/ kl/ifb\af6 :jLs[t cfof]hgfx?sf] ;j]{, l8hfO{g tyf Oli6d]6 tof/ ug]{ .

sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog ug{' eGbf cuf8L pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ cled"lvs/0f ug]{ .

;~rflnt cfof]hgfx?sf] lgoldt cg'udg, lg/LIf0f u/L k|ltj]bg k]z ug]{ .

cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ qmddf :yfgLo :t/df b]vfkg]{ ljjfb tyf ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfg ug{ ;xhLs/0f ug]{ .

sfo{qmd ;~rfng ePsf cfˆgf] lhNnf cGtu{tsf uf=lj=;= / g=kf= sf] jflif{s vl/b of]hgf tof/ ug]{ / ;f] cg'?k vl/b Joj:yfkg ug]{ Joj:yf ldnfpg] .

dfl;s, rf}dfl;s, cw{–jflif{s tyf jflif{s k|ult ljj/0f tof/ u/L sfo{qmd ;dGjo OsfO{df k]z ug]{ .

cfˆgf] lhNnf cGtu{t sfo{qmd ;~rfng ePsf uf=lj=;= / g=kf= af6 ;Dkflbt sfo{x?sf] cg'udg u/L df}h'bf sfol{\jlw Pj+ sfg"gL k|fjwfgsf] kfngf / u'0f:t/ ;'lglZrt ug]{ .

sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog ;dGjo ;ldltnfO{ k|fljlws tyf Joj:yfksLo ;xof]u pknJw u/fpg] .

cfkm"n] ;Dkfbg u/]sf sfo{x?sf] dfl;s/rf}dfl;s/cw{jflif{s/jflif{s k|ult ljj/0f :yfgLo ljsf; clwsf/L dfkm{t dGqfnodf k7fpg] .

lh=lj=;=, gu/kflnsf jf uf=lj=;= nfO{ cfjZostf cg';f/ k|fljlws ;xof]u pknJw u/fpg] .

lh=lj=;= n] lgb]{zg lbPsf cGo sfo{x? ug]{ .


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;a–OlGhlgo/ -Sub-Engineer_ sf] sfo{ If]qut zt{ -Terms of Reference_

;LdfIf]q ljsf; sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog ug{ lh=lj=; sf] dftxtdf /xL :yfgLo ljsf; clwsf/Ln] tf]s] adf]lhdsf] If]qdf vl6O{ ;DalGwt :yfgLo lgsfosf] dftxtdf /xL

OlGhlgo/sf] ;fdfGo lgb]{zg adf]lhd ;a–OlGhlgo/sf] sfo{-lhDd]jf/L lgDgfg';f/ x'g]5 M

lhNnf ljsf; ;ldlt÷gu/kflnsf÷ufpF ljsf; ;ldltdf k|fKt ah]6 tof/L ug{ ;xof]u ug]{ .

lhNnf ljsf; ;ldlt÷gu/kflnsf÷ufpF ljsf; ;ldltsf] project funding matrix ljj/0f tof/ kfg]{ .

:jLs[t cfof]hgfx?sf] ;j]{ l8hfO{g tyf O{li6d]6 ljj/0f tof/ ug{ ;xof]u ug]{ .

;+rflnt cfof]hgfx?sf] u'0f:t/Lo sfof{Gjog ug]{ u/fpg] . ;~rfnLt cfof]hgfx?sf] lgoldt cg'udg, lg/LIf0f u/L ;dod} k|ltj]bg k]z

ug]{ . cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ qmddf :yflgo:t/df b]vf kg]{ ljjfb tyf ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfg

ug{ ;xlhs/0f ug]{ . sfo{qmd ;~rfng ePsf uf=lj=;=÷gu/kflnsfsf] jflif{s vl/b of]hgf tof/L / ;f]

cg'?k vl/b Joj:yfkg ug{ ;xof]u ug]{ . dfl;s, rf}dfl;s, cw{ jflif{s tyf jflif{s k|ult ljj/0f tof/ u/L ;dod} k]z ug]{ . gu/kflnsf÷ufpF ljsf; ;ldlt cGt{ut sfo{qmd ;~rfng ePsf] sfo{x?sf] cg'udg

u/L df}h'bf sfo{ljlw P+j sfg'gL k|fjwfgsf] kfngf / u'0f:t/ ;'lglZrt ug]{ . lhNnf sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog ;dGjo ;ldltnfO{ k|fljlws ;xof]u ug]{ tyf jflif{s

k|ult uf=lj=;÷gu/kflnsf dfkm{t OlGhlgo/ ;dIf k]z ug]{ . lhNnf ljsf; ;ldlt tyf vl6Psf] gu/kflnsf÷ufpF ljsf; ;ldltn] lgb]{zg lbPsf

cGo sfo{x? ug]{ .


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sfof{no tyf n]vf ;xfos sf] sfo{ If]qut zt{ -Terms of Reference_

;LdfIf]q ljsf; sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog ug{ lh=lj=; sf] dftxtdf /xL :yfgLo ljsf; clwsf/Ln] tf]s] adf]lhdsf] OlGhlgo/sf] ;fdfGo lgb]{zg adf]lhd sfof{no tyf n]vf

;xfossf] sfo{-lhDd]jf/L lgDgfg';f/ x'g]5 M

1. ;LdfIf]q ljsf; sfo{qmdsf]] jflif{s ah]6 tyf sfo{qmdsf] d:of}bf lgwf{/Lt 9fFrf adf]lhd d:of}bf ug]{ .

2. sfof{nodf k|fKt x'g] kqx? btf{ tyf rnfgL ug]{ . 3. sfof{nodf k|fKt kq, lgj]bg Pj+ cGo cfjZos sfuhftx? l;nl;n]jf/ /fVg] /

kmfOlnª ug]{ . 4. rnfgL ePsf kqx? x'nfs Pj+ cGo lgsfodf k7fpg] Joj:yf ug]{ . 5. sfo{qmd ;Djå s]Gb|, lhNnf tyf :yfgLo txsf] ;+rf/ ljj/0f -6]lnkmf]g g+,

df]afOn g+, Od]n, kmofS; cflb_ cBfjlws u/L /fVg] / ;j} sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ ljt/0f ug]{ .

6. uflj; / gu/kflnsfaf6 k|fKt x'g] sfo{qmdx? :jLs[t ah]6sf] ;Ldfdf /x]÷g/x]sf] x]/L k]z ug]{ .

7. :jLs[t dfu kmf/fd tyf vl/b cfb]zadf]lhd lhG;L clen]vx? cBfjlws ug]{ / ;'/lIft /fVg]

8. sfo{qmdx¿sf] nflu ah]6 k|jfx ;'lglZrt ug]{ . 9. k|rlnt cfly{s k|zf;g P]g, lgod cg';f/ pknJw ;fwg / >f]tsf] :ki6

clen]v /fVg] . 10. k|rflnt sfg"g adf]lhd cfDbfgL tyf vr{sf] ljj/0f cBfjlws u/L /fVg] . 11. /sd lgsf;f lng] . 12. cfof]hgf n]vf lx;fa -Project Account_ tof/ u/L k]z ug]{ . 13. tfn's lgsfodf k7fpg] kg]{ k|ult k|ltj]bgx? k7fpgs ;dod} k]z ug]{ /

:jLs[t ePadf]lhd ;+k|]if0f ug]{ . 14. tf]s cfb]z eP cg';f/ kq tof/ ug]{ . 15. tf]lsP adf]lhd cGo sfo{x? ug]{ .


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;LdfIf]q ljsf; sfo{qmd lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

lhNnf tx

kb M l;len OlGhlgo/ z}lIfs of]Uotf M l;len OlGhlgo/ :gfts tx ptL0f{ . 1. Structure Analysis and Design 15%

1.1 Stresses and strains; theory of torsion and flexure; moment of inertia 1.2 Analysis of beams and frames: Bending moment, shear force and deflection of beams

and frames: determinate structure - Energy methods; three hinged systems, indeterminate structures- slope deflection method and moment distribution method; use of influence line diagrams for simple beams, unit load method

1.3 Reinforced concrete structures: Difference between working stress and limit state philosophy, analysis of RC beams and slabs in bending, shear, deflection, bond and end anchorage, Design of axially loaded columns; isolated and combined footings, introduction to pre-stressed concrete

1.4 Steel and timber structures: Standard and built-up sections: Design of riveted, bolted and welded connections, design of simple elements such as ties, struts, axially loaded and eccentric columns, column bases, Design principles on timber beams and columns

2. Construction Materials 10% 2.1 Properties of building materials: physical, chemical, constituents, thermal etc. 2.2 Stones-characteristics and requirements of stones as a building materials 2.3Ceramic

materials: ceramic tiles, Mosaic Tile, brick types and testing etc. 2.4 Cementing materials: types and properties of lime and cement; cement mortar


2.5 Metals: Steel; types and properties; Alloys 2.6 Timber and wood: timber trees in Nepal, types and properties of wood 2.7 Miscellaneous materials: Asphaltic materials (Asphalt, Bitumen and Tar); paints and

varnishes; polymers 2.8 Soil properties and its parameters

3. Concrete Technology 7%

3.1 Constituents and properties of concrete (physical and chemical) 3.2 Water cement ratio 3.3 Grade and strength of concrete, concrete mix design, testing of concrete 3.4 Mixing, transportation pouring and curing of concrete 3.5 Admixtures 3.6 High strength concrete 3.7 Pre-stressed concrete technology

4. Construction Management



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4.1 Construction scheduling and planning: network techniques (CPM, PERT) and bar

charts 4.2 Contractual procedure and management: types of contract, tender and tender notice,

preparation of bidding (tender) document, contractors pre-qualification, evaluation of tenders and selection of contractor, contract acceptance, condition of contract; quotation and direct order, classifications of contractors; dispute resolution; muster roll

4.3 Material management: procurement procedures and materials handling 4.4 Cost control and quality control 4.5 Project maintenance 4.6 Occupational health and safety 4.7 Project monitoring and evaluation 4.8 Quality assurance plan 4.9 Variation, alteration and omissions

5. Estimating and Costing Valuation and Specification 10%

5.1 Types of estimates and their specific uses 5.2 Methods of calculating quantities 5.3 Key components of estimating norms and rate analysis 5.4 Preparation of bill of quantities 5.5 Purpose, types and importance of specification 5.6 Purpose, principles and methods of valuation

6. Drawing Techniques 10%

6.1 Drawing sheet composition and its essential components 6.2 Suitable scales, site plans, preliminary drawings, working drawings etc 6.3 Theory of projection drawing: perspective, orthographic and axonometric projection;

first and third angle projection 6.4 Drafting tools and equipments 6.5 Drafting conventions and symbols 6.6 Topographic, electrical, plumbing and structural drawings 6.7 Techniques of free hand drawing

7. Engineering Survey 8%

7.1 Introduction and basic principles 7.2 Linear measurements: techniques; chain, tape, ranging rods and arrows;

representation of measurement and common scales; sources of errors; effect of slope and slope correction; correction for chain and tape measurements; Abney level and clinometers

7.3 Compass and plane table surveying: bearings; types of compass; problems and sources of errors of compass survey; principles and methods of plane tabling

7.4 Leveling and contouring: Principle of leveling; temporary and permanent adjustment of level; bench marks; booking methods and their reductions; longitudinal and cross sectioning; reciprocal leveling; trigonometric leveling; contour interval and characteristics of contours; methods of contouring

7.5 Theodolite traversing: need of traverse and its significance; computation of coordinates; adjustment of closed traverse; closing errors

7.6 Uses of Total Station and Electronic Distance Measuring Instruments


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8. Engineering Economics 8%

8.1 Benefit cost analysis, cost classification, sensitivity analysis, internal rate of return, time value of money; economic equilibrium, demand, supply and production, net present value, financial and economic evaluation

9. Professional Practices 5% 9.1 Ethics and professionalism: code of conduct and guidelines for professional

engineering practices 9.2 Nepal Engineering Council Act, 2055 and regulations, 2056 9.3 Relation with clients, contractor and fellow professionals 9.4 Public procurement practices for works, goods and services and its importance.

10. Monitoring and Evaluation 15%

10.1 Concept of Monitoring and Evaluation 10.2 Indicator of Monitoring and Evaluation / 10.3 Concept and Application of Logical Framework 10.4 Method of Evaluation (Desk Monitoring, Third Party Monitoring, etc.) 10.5 Monitoring and Evaluation report, analysis and feedback as per National Planning Commission Guidelines. 10.6 Impact Evaluation 10.7 Government's Budget Planning and Budget Decision Process 10.8 Local Self-Governance Act and Regulation 10.9 Border Area Development Operation Guideline, 2072 (with amendments) 10.10 Web Based Reporting System (WBRS) of Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local



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;LdfIf]q ljsf; sfo{qmd lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

lhNnf tx

kb M l;len ;j—Ol~hlgo/ z}lIfs of]Uotf M l8Knf]df Og l;len OlGhlgol/Ë ptL0f{ .

1. Surveying 1.1 General 1.1.1 Classifications 1.1.2 Principle of surveying 1.1.3 Selection of suitable method 1.1.4 Scales, plans and maps 1.1.5 Entry into survey field books and level books 1.2 Levelling 1.2.1 Methods of levelling 1.2.2 Levelling instruments and accessories 1.2.3 Principles of levelling 1.3 Plane Tabling 1.3.1 Equipments required 1.3.2 Methods of palne tabling 1.3.3 Two and three point problems 1.4 Theodolite and Traverse surveying 1.4.1 Basic difference between different theodolites 1.4.2 Temporary adjustments of theodolites 1.4.3 Fundamental lines and desired relations 1.4.4 Tacheometry: stadia method 1.4.5 Trigonometrical levelling 1.4.6 Checks in closed traverse 1.5 Contouring 1.5.1 Characteristics of contour lines 1.5.2 Method of locating contours 1.5.3 Contour plotting 1.6 Setting Out 1.6.1 Small buildings 1.6.2 Simple curves

2. Construction Materials 2.1 Stone 2.1.1 Formation and availability of stones in Nepal 2.1.2 Methods of laying and construction with various stones 2.2 Cement 2.2.1 Different cements: Ingredients, properties and manufacture 2.2.2 Storage and transport 2.2.3 Admixtures 2.3.1 Brick: type, manufacture, laying, bonds


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2.4 Paints and Varnishes 2.4.1 Type and selection 2.4.2 Preparation techniques 2.4.3 Use 2.5 Bitumen 2.5.1 Type 2.5.2 Selection 2.5.3 Use

3. Mechanics of Materials and Structures 3.1 Mechanics of Materials 3.1.1 Internal effects of loading 3.1.2 Ultimate strength and working stress of materials 3.2 Mechanics of Beams 3.2.1 Relation between shear force and bending moment 3.2.2 Thrust, shear and bending moment diagrams for statically determinate beams under various types of loading 3.3 Simple Strut Theory

4. Hydraulics 4.1 General 4.1.1 Properties of fluid: mass, weight, specific weight, density, specific volume, specific gravity, viscosity 4.1.2 Pressure and Pascal's law 4.2 Hydro-Kinematics and Hydro-Dynamics 4.2.1 Energy of flowing liquid: elevation energy, Kinetic energy, potential energy, internal energy 4.3 Measurement of Discharge 4.3.1 Weirs and notches 4.3.2 Discharge formulas 4.4 Flows 4.4.1Characteristics of pipe flow and open channel flow

5. Soil Mechanics 5.1 General 5.1.1 Soil types and classification 5.1.2 Three phase system of soil 5.1.3 Unit Weight of soil mass: bulk density, saturated density, submerged density and dry density 5.1.4 Interrelationship between specific gravity, void ratio, porosity, degree of saturation,

percentage of air voids air content and density index 5.2 Soil Water Relation 5.2.1 Terzaghi's principle of effective stress 5.2.2 Darcy's law 5.2.3 Factors affecting permeability 5.3 Compaction of soil 5.3.1 Factors affecting soil compaction 5.3.2 Optimum moisture content 5.3.3 Relation between dry density and moisture content 5.4 Shear Strength of Soils 5.4.1 Mohr-Coulomb failure theory


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5.4.2 Cohesion and angle of internal friction 5.5 Earth Pressures 5.5.1 Active and passive earth pressures 5.5.2 Lateral earth pressure theory 5.5.3 Rankine's earth pressure theory 5.6 Foundation Engineering 5.6.1 Terzaghi's general bearing capacity formulas and their application

6. Structural Design 6.1 R.C. Sections in Bending 6.1.1 Under reinforced, over reinforced and balanced sections 6.1.2 Analysis of single and double reinforced rectangular sections 6.2 Shear and Bond for R.C. Sections 6.2.1 Shear resistance of a R.C. section 6.2.2 Types of Shear reinforcement and their design 6.2.3 Determination of anchorage length 6.3 Axially Loaded R.C. Columns 6.3.1 Short and long columns 6.3.2 Design of a rectangular column section 6.4 Design and Drafting of R.C. Structures 6.4.1 Singly and doubly reinforced rectangular beams 6.4.2 Simple one-way and two-way slabs 6.4.3 Axially loaded short and long columns

7. Building Construction Technology 7.1 Foundations 7.1.1 Subsoil exploration 7.1.2 Type and suitability of different foundations: Shallow, deep 7.1.4 Design of simple brick or stone masonry foundations 7.2 Walls 7.2.1 Type of walls and their functions 7.2.2 Choosing wall thickness, Height to length relation 7.2.3 Use of scaffolding 7.3 Damp Proofing 7.3.1 Source of Dampness 7.3.2 Remedial measures to pr-went dampness 7.4 Concrete Technology 7.4.1 Constituents of cement concrete 7.4.2 Grading of aggregates 7.4.3 Concrete mixes 7.4.4 Water cement ratio 7.4.5 Factors affecting strength of concrete 7.4.6 Form work 7.4.7 Curing 7.5 Wood work 7.5.1 Frame and shutters of door and window 7.5.2 Timber construction of upper floors 7.5.3 Design and construction of stairs 7.6 Flooring and Finishing


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7.6.1 Floor finishes : brick, concrete, flagstone 7.6.2 Plastering

8. Water Supply and Sanitation Engineering 8.1 General 8.1.1 Objectives of water supply system 8.1.2 Source of water and its selection: gravity and artisan springs, shallow and deep wells; infiltration galleries. 8.2 Gravity Water Supply System 8.2.1Design period 8.2.2 Determination of daily water demand 8.2.3 Determination of storage tank capacity 8.2.4 Selection of pipe 8.2.5 Pipe line design and hydraulic grade line 8.3 Design of Sewer 8.3.1 Quantity of sanitary sewage 8.3.2 Maximum, Minimum and self cleaning velocity 8.4 Excreta Disposal and Unsewered Area 8.4.1 Pit latrine 8.4.2 Design of septic tank

9. Irrigation Engineering 9.1 General 9.1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of irrigation 9.2 Water Requirement 9.2.1 Crop season and principal crops 9.2.2 Base period 9.3 Flow irrigation Canals 9.3.1 Canal losses and their minimization 9.3.2 Maximum and minimum velocities 9.3.3 Design of irrigation canal section based on manning's formula 9.3.4 Need and location of spillways 9.3.5 Head works for small canals

10. Highway Engineering 10.1 General 10.1.1 Introduction to transportation systems 10.1.2 Historic development of roads 10.1.3 Classification of road in Nepal 10.1.4 Basic requirements of road alignment 10.2Geometric Design 10.2.1 Basic design control and criteria for design 10.2.2 Elements of cross section, typical cross-section for all roads in filling and cutting 10.2.3 Camber 10.2.4 Determination of radius of horizontal curves 10.2.5 Superlevation 10.2.6 Sight distances 10.2.7 Gradient


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10.2.8 Use of Nepal Road Standard,2027(First Revision 2045) and subsequent revision in road design 10.3Drainage System 10.3.1 Importance of drainage system and requirements of a good drainage system 10.4 Road Pavement 10.4.1 Pavement structure and its components: subgrade, sub-base, base and surface courses 10.5 Road Machineries 10.5.1 Earth moving and compacting machines 10.6Road Construction Technology 10.7 Bridge 10.7.1 T-beam bride 10.7.2 Timber bridges 10.8Road Maintenance and Repair 10.8.1 Type of maintenance Works 10.9 Tracks and Trails

11. Estimating and Costing 11.1 General 11.1.1 Main items of work 11.1.2 Units of measurement and payment of various items of work and material 11.1.3 Standard estimate formats of government offices 11.2 Rate Analysis 11.2.1 Basic general knowledge on the use of rate analysis norms prepared by Ministry of Works and Transport and the district rates prescribed by district development committee 11.3 Specifications 11.3.1 Interpretation of specifications 11.4 Valuation 11.4.1 Methods of valuation 11.4.2 Basic general knowledge of standard formats used by commercial banks and NIDC for


12. Construction Management 12.1 Organization 12.1.1 Need for organization 12.1.2 Responsibilities of a civil overseer 12.1.3 Relation between Owner, Contractor and Engineer 12.2 Site Management 12.2.1 Preparation of site plan 12.2.2 Organizing labor 12.2.3 Measures to improve labor efficiency 12.2.4 Accident prevention 12.3 Contract Procedure 12.3.1 Contracts 12.3.2 Departmental works and day-work 12.3.3 Types of contracts 12.3.4 Tender and tender notice 12.3.5 Earnest money and security deposit


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12.3.6 Preparation before inviting tender 12.3.7 Agreement 12.3.8 Conditions of contract 12.3.9 Construction supervision 12.4 Accounts 12.4.1 Administrative approval and technical sanction 12.4.2 Familiarity with standard account keeping formats used in governmental organizations 12.4.3 Muster roll 12.4.4 Completion report 12.5 Planning and Control 12.5.1 Construction schedule 12.5.2 Equipment and materials schedule 12.5.3 Construction stages and operations 12.5.4 Bar chart

13. Airport Engineering 13.1 General 13.1.1 Introduction to Air Transport System 13.1.2 Historic development of Airports in Nepal 13.1.3 Classification of Airports 13.1.4 Airport terminologies 13.2 Design 13.2.1 Basic design control and criteria for design 13.2.2 General items contained in ANNEX 14 (ICAO Publication) 13.2.3 Planning of Airport and its elements 13.2.4 Terminal Building and Control Tower 13.2.5 Drainage System 13.2.6 Geometric design, pavement structure and its component 13.2.7 Basic knowledge of Heliport and Hangers 13.3 Airport Maintenance 13.3.1 Types of maintenance 13.3.2 Methods of maintenance

14. Monitoring and Evulation 10% 14.1 Concept of Monitoring and Evaluation 14.2 Indicator of Monitoring and Evaluation 14.3 Monitoring and Evaulation report, analysis and feedback 14.4 Impact Evaluation 14.5 Govenment's Budget Planning and Budget Decision Process 14.6 Local Self-Governande Act and Regulation 14.7 Border Area Development Program Operation Guideline, 2072 (with amendments)


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;LdfIf]q ljsf; sfo{qmd lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

lhNnf tx

kb M sfof{no tyf n]vf ;xfos -;xfos kfFrf} ;/x_sf] kf7\oqmd

z}lIfs of]Uotf M dfGotf k|fKt z}lIfs ;+:Yffaf6 k|lj0ftf k|df0fkq tx jf ;f] ;/x pQL0f{

s= sfof{no Joj:yfkg / n]vf k|0ffnL

btf{, rnfgL, kmfOlnª, kl~hs/0f

;+u7g, kb;f]kfg, clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg ;DjGwL hfgsf/L

sfof{no / sfof{no Joj:yfkgsf] cjwf/0ff / dxTj

clen]v Joj:yfkgsf] kl/ro, p2]Zo, cfjZostf / dxTj

sfof{nodf ;+rf/sf] dxTj, k|sf/, dfWod

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v= n]vf k|0ffnL / /fh:j k|zf;g

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g]kfn ;/sf/sf] bf]xf]/f] ;|]:tf / k|0ffnL ;DjGwL hfgsf/L

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u= ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfx

cy{ / dxTj

;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfx ug]{ tl/sf÷ dfWodx?

;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfxdf ;]jf k|bfossf] e"ldsf / ;]jfu|fxLsf] clwsf/ tyf bfloTj .

pkef]Qmf ;ldltsf] u7g, ;+rfng / Joj:yfkg ;DjGwL hfgsf/L

of]hgf th'{df, sfof{Gjog, cg'udg d"Nof+sg / /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]uaf6 lgwf{l/t 9fFrf adf]lhdsf] k|ult ljj/0f ;DjGwL hfgsf/L

3= ;+ljwfg, P]g lgod, sfo{ljlw

g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg

lghfdlt ;]jf P]g,@)$( / lgodfjnL,@)$( sf] cfr/0f / cg''zf;g ;DjGwL Joj:yfx?

v/Lb P]g, @)^# tyf :yfgLo lgsfo -cfly{s k|zf;g_ lgodfjnL, @)^$

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;LdfIf]q ljsf; sfo{qmd ;+rfng sfo{ljlw, @)&@ -;+zf]wg ;lxt_


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g]kfn ;/sf/

;+3Lo dfldnf tyf :yfgLo ljsf; dGqfno

==========================lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] sfo{no O{lGhlgo/÷;a—O{lGhlgo/÷sfof{no tyf n]vf ;xfos

b/vf:t kmf/fd -s_ k/fdz{bftfsf] j}olQms gfd y/ -b]jgful/sdf_

-c+u|]hL 7"nf] cIf/df_

lnË M

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ldlt M

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afa'sf] gfd, y/ M hGd ldlt M -lj=;+= df_-O{l:j ;g\df_

afh]sf] gfd, y/ M xfnsf] pd]/ M jif{ dlxgf

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b]lv ;Dd

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pDd]bjf/sf] NofKr] ;xL5fk bfofF afofF

pDd]bjf/sf] b:tvt ldlt M

sfo{qmdsf] sd{rf/Ln] eg]{

/l;b÷ef}r/ g+= M /f]n g+= M

b/vf:t c:jLs[t eP ;f] sf] sf/0f M

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b/vf:t :jLs[t÷c:jLs[t ug]{sf] b:tvt

ldlt M

b|i6Jo M b/vf:t;fy ;"rgfdf pNn]lvt nufot lgDglnlvt sfuhftx? clgjfo{ ?kdf pDd]bjf/ cfkm}n] k|dfl0ft u/L k]z ug'{ kg]{5 . -!_ g]kfnL gful/stfsf] k|df0fkqsf] k|ltlnlk, -@_ ;dsIftf / ;Da4 cfjZos kg]{df ;f] sf] k|ltlnlk,

-#_ lj1fkg ePsf] kbsf] nflu tf]lsPsf] Go"gtd z}lIfs of]Uotfsf] k|df0fkq / rfl/lqs k|df0fkqsf] k|ltlnlk -tflnd / cg'ej cfjZos kg]{df ;f] ;d]tsf] k|ltlnlk_

xfn;fn} lvr]sf]

kf;kf]6{ ;fOhsf] k'/} d'vfs[lt b]lvg] kmf]6f] oxfF 6f:g] / kmf]6f] /kmf/fddf kg]{

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pDd]bjf/n] kfng ug'{kg]{ lgodx? M— != k/LIff lbg cfpFbf clgjfo{ ?kdf k|j]zkq Nofpg' kg]{5 . k|j]zkq ljgf k/LIffdf

a:g kfOg] 5}g . @= k/LIff xndf df]afOn kmf]g Nofpg kfOg] 5}g . #= lnlvt k/LIffsf] glthf k|sflzt ePkl5 cGtjf{tf{ x'g] lbgdf klg k|j]zkq Nofpg'

clgjfo{ 5 . $= k/LIff z'? x'g' eGbf #) ldg]6 cufl8 306Låf/f ;"rgf u/]kl5 k/LIff xndf k|j]z

ug{ lbOg]5 . %= k/LIff xndf k|j]z u/] kl5 lstfa, sfkL, sfuh, lr6 cflb cfkm" ;fy /fVg' x'+b}g . ^= k/LIff xndf pDd]bjf/n] k/LIffsf] dof{bf ljk/Lt s'g} sfd u/]df s]Gb|fWoIfn]

k/LIffxnaf6 lgisfzg u/L t'?Gt sfg"g adf]lhdsf] sf/afxL ug]{5 / To;/L lgisfzg ul/Psf] pDd]bjf/sf] ;f] lj1fkgsf] k/LIff :jtM /2 ePsf] dflgg] 5 .

&= la/fdL ePsf] pDd]bjf/n] k/LIff xndf k|j]z u/L k/LIff lbg] qmddf lghnfO{ s]xL ePdf sfo{fno hjfkmb]xL x'g] 5}g .

*= pDd]bjf/n]] k/LIff lbPsf] lbgdf xflh/ clgjfo{ ?kn] ug'{ kg]{5 . (= lh=lj=;=sfo{nosf];"rgfåf/f lgwf{/0f u/]sf] sfo{qmd cg';f/ k/LIff ;~rfng x'g]5 . !)= k/LIffdf Sofns'n]6/ k|of]u ug{ kfOg]5}g . !!= s'g} pDd]bjf/n] k|Zgkqdf /xsf] c:ki6tfsf] ;DaGwdf ;f]Wg' kbf{ klg

k/LIffdf;lDdlnt cGo pDd]bjf/x?nfO{ jfwf gkg]{ u/L lg/LIfsnfO{ ;f]Wg' kg]{5 .

xfn;fn} lvr]sf] kf;kf]6{ ;fOhsf] k'/} d'vfs[lt b]lvg] kmf]6f] oxfF 6f:g] / kmf]6f] / kmf/fddf kg]{ u/L pDd]bjf/n] b:tvt ug]{

g]kfn ;/sf/ ;+3Lo dfldnf tyf :yfgLo

ljsf; dGqfno lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] sfof{no,====================


k/LIffyL{n] eg]{ M 5_ pDd]bjf/sf] gfd, y/ M

b:tvt M

sfof{nosf] sd{rf/Ln] eg]{ M– o; dGqfnoaf6 lnOg] pQm kbsf] k/LIffdf tkfO{nfO{ lgDg s]Gb|af6 ;lDdlnt x'g cg'dlt lbOPsf] 5 . lj1fkgdf tf]lsPsf] zt{ gk'u]sf] 7x/ ePdf h'g;'s} ca:yfdf klg of] cg'dlt /2 x'g]5 . k/LIff s]Gb| M /f]n gDa/ M


-clws[tsf] b:tvt_

pDd]bjf/n] kfng ug'{kg]{ lgodx? M— != k/LIff lbg cfpFbf clgjfo{ ?kdf k|j]zkq Nofpg' kg]{5 . k|j]zkq ljgf k/LIffdf

a:g kfOg] 5}g . @= k/LIff xndf df]afOn kmf]g Nofpg kfOg] 5}g . #= lnlvt k/LIffsf] glthf k|sflzt ePkl5 cGtjf{tf{ x'g] lbgdf klg k|j]zkq Nofpg'

clgjfo{ 5 . $= k/LIff z'? x'g' eGbf #) ldg]6 cufl8 306Låf/f ;"rgf u/]kl5 k/LIff xndf k|j]z

ug{ lbOg]5 . %= k/LIff xndf k|j]z u/] kl5 lstfa, sfkL, sfuh, lr6 cflb cfkm" ;fy /fVg' x'+b}g . ^= k/LIff xndf pDd]bjf/n] k/LIffsf] dof{bf ljk/Lt s'g} sfd u/]df s]Gb|fWoIfn]

k/LIffxnaf6 lgisfzg u/L t'?Gt sfg"g adf]lhdsf] sf/afxL ug]{5 / To;/L lgisfzg ul/Psf] pDd]bjf/sf] ;f] lj1fkgsf] k/LIff :jtM /2 ePsf] dflgg] 5 .

&= la/fdL ePsf] pDd]bjf/n] k/LIff xndf k|j]z u/L k/LIff lbg] qmddf lghnfO{ s]xL ePdf sfo{fno hjfkmb]xL x'g] 5}g .

*= pDd]bjf/n]] k/LIff lbPsf] lbgdf xflh/ clgjfo{ ?kn] ug'{ kg]{5 . (= lh=lj=;=sfo{nosf] ;"rgfåf/f lgwf{/0f u/]sf] sfo{qmd cg';f/ k/LIff ;~rfng x'g]5 . !)= k/LIffdf Sofns'n]6/ k|of]u ug{ kfOg]5}g . !!= s'g} pDd]bjf/n] k|Zgkqdf /xsf] c:ki6tfsf] ;DaGwdf ;f]Wg' kbf{ klg

k/LIffdf;lDdlnt cGo pDd]bjf/x?nfO{ jfwf gkg]{ u/L lg/LIfsnfO{ ;f]Wg' kg]{5 .

xfn;fn} lvr]sf] kf;kf]6{ ;fOhsf] k'/} d'vfs[lt b]lvg] kmf]6f] oxfF 6f:g] / kmf]6f] / kmf/fddf kg]{ u/L pDd]bjf/n] b:tvt ug]{

g]kfn ;/sf/ ;+3Lo dfldnf tyf :yfgLo

ljsf; dGqfno lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] sfof{no,====================


k/LIffyL{n] eg]{ M 5_ pDd]bjf/sf] gfd, y/ M

b:tvt M

sfof{nosf] sd{rf/Ln] eg]{ M– o; dGqfnoaf6 lnOg] pQm kbsf] k/LIffdf tkfO{nfO{ lgDg s]Gb|af6 ;lDdlnt x'g cg'dlt lbOPsf] 5 . lj1fkgdf tf]lsPsf] zt{ gk'u]sf] 7x/ ePdf h'g;'s} ca:yfdf klg of] cg'dlt /2 x'g]5 . k/LIff s]Gb| M /f]n gDa/ M { ================================

-clws[tsf] b:tvt_


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cg';"rL - ( ;;;]] ]jjjfff sss///fff/// ;;;++ +eeemmmfff }} } ++ +tttfff

lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] sfof{no, =============================== sf] ;LdfIf]q ljsf; sfo{qmd -o;kl5 klxnf] kIf elgPsf]_

/ =======================lhNnf, =========================gu/kflnsf/ufpF ljsf; ;ldlt j8f g+= ===== a:g] >L ============================================================ -o;kl5 bf]>f] kIf elgPsf]_ sf aLr ;LdfIf]q ljsf; sfo{qmdsf]

OlGhlgo//;j-OlGhlgo//sfof{no tyf n]vf ;xfossf] sfdsfh ug{ u/fpg ldlt @)&#÷=======÷====== sf] lg0f{o cg';f/ b]xfosf zt{sf] clwgdf /lx bf]>f] kIfn] klxnf] kIfnfO{ ;]jf pknAw u/fpg dGh'/ ePsfn] of] ;]jf s/f/sf] ;+emf}tf u/L Ps÷Ps k|lt cfk;df a'lem lnof}+ lbof}+ M 1= sfdsfh ;DaGwdf M bf];|f] kIfn] sfof{non] tf]s]sf] ;dodf pkl:yt eO{ cfkm'nfO{ tf]lsPsf] ;+nUg sfo{ ljj/0f

cg';f/sf] sfo{ ug'{ kg]{5 / cfjZostfg';f/ yk sfd ug'kg]{5 . 2= sfd ug'{ kg]{ :yfg M–===============================================================================================. 3= ;]jf s/f/df sfd u/] afkt kfFpg] kfl/>lds M k|To]s dlxgf Joltt ePkl5, klxnf] kIfn] bf]>f] kIfnfO{ dfl;s ?kdf

g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k|rlnt z'? tna :s]n cg';f/ kfl/>lds pknAw u/fpg]5 . 4= cfr/0fsf] kfngfM bf]>f] kIfn] lghfdlt ;]jf ;DaGwL k|rlnt sfg"gdf Aoa:yf ePsf cfr/0f tyf cg'zf;g ;DaGwL

Joj:yfx? kfngf ug'{ kg]{5 . 5= ljbfM bf];|f] kIfnfO{ ;fa{hlgs labf afx]s cGo s'g} klg lsl;dsf] labf pknAw x'g] 5}g . ;fy} sfof{nosf] nflu

cfjZos k/]sf] v08df labfsf] lbgdf klg ;]jf pknAw u/fpg' kg]{5 . o;/L ;fj{hlgs labfsf] lbgdf sfof{nodf sfd nfuP afkt dfl;s s/f/ /sdsf] bfdf;fxLn] /sd bf]>f] kIfnfO{ lbO{g]5 .

6= sfof{no ;DklQsf] ;'/IffM ;]jf s/f/df sfd ug]{ AolQmn] sfof{nosf] rn crn ;DklQsf] gf]S;fgL jf lxgfldgf u/]df ;f] sf] Ifltk"lt{ jf xfgL gf]S;fgLsf] lauf] bf]>f] kIfn] klxnf] kIfnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .

7= uf]KotfM bf];|f] kIfn] sfof{nosf] sfuhkq, lhG;L ;fdfg Pj+ uf]Ko s'/f jf sfuhft s'g} cglws[t JolQm jf b]znfO{ pknAw u/fPsf] k|dfl0ft ePdf bf];|f] kIfnfO{ s/f/ ;]jfaf6 x6fO{ ;f]af6 ePsf] xfgL gf]S;fgLsf] Iltk"lt{ bf]>f] kIfaf6 e/fO{g]5 / sfnf] ;"rLdf ;d]t /flvg]5 .

8= s/f/ cjlwM of] s/f/ @)&#.========.==========b]lv nfu' eO{ @)&=============== d;fGt;Ddsf] nflu x'g]5 . 9= sfo{;Dkfbg d"Nof+sgM klxnf] kIf -lhlj;_ n] bf];|f] kIfsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg d"Nof+sg ug]{ / ;f] d"Nof+sg ubf{ ;fnj;fnL

lg/Gt/tf lbg pko'Qm b]lvPdf lhlj; k|d'vn] dGqfnodf /x]sf] s]Gb|Lo cfof]hgf sfof{nodf l;kmfl/; ug]{ / dGqfnoaf6 ePsf] d"Nof+sg k/LIf0fsf cfwf/df ;xdlt k|fKt ePdf dfq ;fnj;fnL s/f/nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg ;lsg]5 .

10= kfl/>lds s¤L / s/f/ ;]jfsf] zt{sf] cGToM bf]>f] kIfn] klxnf] kIfnfO{ # lbg eGbf a9L pQm ;]jf pknAw gu/fPdf, ;Gtf]ifhgs ;]jf lbg g;s]df cg'kl:yt /x]sf] calwsf] kfl/>lds bfdf;flxn] s¤f ul/g]5 / ;f] eGbf a9L ;]jf gu/]df :jtM of] ;+emf}tf klxnf] kIfn] /4 u/L csf]{ Aoa:yf ug{ /f]lsg] 5}g . bf]>f] kIfn] zfl//Ls ?kdf c:j:y eO{ jf cGo s'g} sf/0fn] ;]jf lbg c;dy{ ePdf jf AolQmsf] sfd ;Gtf]ifhgs gePdf jf cfr/0f ;DaGwL s'/fx? a/fa/ pNn3+g u/]df bf]>f] kIf;+usf] ;+emf}tf /4 ug{ ;Sg]5 / lghsf] ;¤f klxnf] kIfn] ;dfg Ifdtf / of]Uotf ePsf] csf]{ JolQm s/f/df /flv sfd nufpg afwf kg]{ 5}g .

11= bfjL gk'Ug]M bf]>f] kIfn] ;]jf s/f/df sfd u/]s} cfwf/df kl5 s'g} klg kbdf c:yfoL jf :yfoL lgo'QmL x'gfsf nflu bfaL ug{ kfp+g] 5}g/ug]{ 5}g .

12= k|rlnt sfg"g nfu" x'g]M o; ;+emf}tfdf pNn]v gePsf] s'/f k|rlnt g]kfn sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 / o; s/f/ ;+emf}tfsf] kl/kfngf gePdf k|rlnt vl/b ;DaGwL sfg"gdf vl/b ;+emf}tf pNn3+g ePdf k|fKt x'g] pkrf/x? o; ;+emf}tfdf :jtM ;dfa]z ePsf] dfgL sfg"gL k|lqmof cuf8L a9fO{g]5 .

lhlj;sf] tkm{af6 M bf];|f] kIf -;]jf lbg] JolQm_M x:tfIf/ M x:tfIf/ M

gfd M gfd M

kb M 7]ufgf M

sfof{nosf] 5fk

;fIfLM b:tvtM

gfd M kb M n]vf clws[t/n]vfkfn


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