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Issue 4 December 2010




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SS easons Greetings! easons Greetings! It’s the first day after Christmas and

you’re probably trying to recover from all that good food you ate yesterday;

and just to think that in less than a week, you’ll do it all over again. Breathe!

Well, Joyful Noise is wrapping up it’s final issue on Evangelism. It is my prayer that you were able to gain some insight

into evangelizing and feel more confident about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with others. When you reflect on

God’s goodness and all that he has done for you, in spite of you, you can’t help but share it with others. Your testimony may

make the difference for someone — help them take the first step in wanting to learn more about the awesome God we serve.

The song "Go Tell It on the Mountain" has a direct correlation to evangelizing — telling people about Christ. It is an

African-American spiritual compiled by John W. Work dating back to at least 1865 that has been sung and recorded by

many gospel and secular performers. It is considered a Christmas carol because its original lyric celebrates the Nativity

of Jesus: "Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere; go tell it on the mountain, that Jesus Christ is born."

Peace & Blessings!

Lá Shawn Sandifer Editor

The true goal of evangelism

The true goal of evangelism is to produce more and better worshipers. Speaking to the church in Rome, the apostle Paul

could not be more definite about this issue. Christ died 'so that the Gentiles may glorify God for his mercy' (Romans 15:8-9).

Later on he says, '[I am] a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles with the priestly duty of proclaiming the gospel of God,

so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit' (v. 16). The biblical goal of

evangelism is to produce worshipers, not just to save souls from the fires of hell or to enlist more recruits.

– Sally Morganthaler in Worship Evangelism

With Lifted Hands With Lifted Hands


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Evangelism and Eschatology

A lthough it is not typically seen as evangelism, the first time humanity is sought for

the purpose of bringing them to God is in Genesis 3 where God called to Adam and asked,

―Where are you?‖ What you discover is that something in Adam, after eating the forbidden

fruit, made him not want the presence of God. By Genesis 3:12, the discussion moves from

Adam’s failure in eating the forbidden fruit, to God’s failure in not seeing the faultiness in Eve

as a gift. As Genesis 3 progress you discover in a discussion that God has with the serpent, that God has a plan that will

rectify what happened in Eden. When you examine the whole scripture, you discover that the gist of God’s plan is to

build a genetic highway from Eve to Mary that will result in the birth of Jesus Christ. It is Jesus’ death, burial and resur-

rection that are tantamount to rectifying what happened in Eden; and Jesus’ experience at Calvary and His exit from

Joseph of Arimathaea’s tomb is the sine qua non of evangelism.

Beginning with Genesis 3 and the promise of God to rectify Adam and Eve’s fall; another powerful element is revealed

as part of the plan of God, ―eschatology.‖ From Genesis 3 and onward, there is the continual unfolding of the ―drama of

redemption.‖ The drama is God’s determination that Jesus will be born, die and rise from among the dead. Then there is

the opposing forces that are determined that Jesus will not be born, nor rise from the dead. Book after book, event after

event, character after character, the drama of redemption is chronologically building to the future-end of God’s plan; and

that is what is meant by ―eschatology.‖ In fact, the entire bible from Genesis 3 to the close of human history, as we know

it, within the Book of Revelation is eschatological.

What is the point intended by God in tying his plan of redemption to eschatology? The point is that the human race

has a window of opportunity from the time God promised to rectify the human race to the time He closes down human

history with the second coming of Jesus Christ. Therefore, evangelism is of a time critical nature. The Church should

take evangelism seriously. All church leaders should filter whatever matters of leadership that are their responsibility

through the thought of what part does that leadership play in the evangelism of the world.

Shepherd’s Share

Pastor John L. Byrd

1. I brought good news to the shepherds of the field that would bring joy to all


2. I was sent to by my Father to preach the kingdom of GOD to other cities and

began preaching in Galilee.

3. I foretold the good news of a child to come who would sit upon the throne of

King David and of the increase of His government where peace will exist forever.

4. I was dispatched by the great I AM to retrieve and lead HIS people from the pagan King, to a land of agricultural

abundance. I was instructed to perform signs and wonders to convey that deliverance was at hand.

By Rev. Terrance Perkins

Answers from Issues 2-3:

Acts 17:16-34 / 2 Peter 2:5 / Jeremiah / John the Baptist ~ John 1:20-23 3

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New Saints – New in Christ, Recommitments and Baptisms


Please join New Members Class that runs continuously.

Subjects covered includes:

1. Salvation

2. Faith

3. Prayer

4. Repentance

5. Christian Growth Sundays at 9 AM in Room 106

Matthew 28:19-20

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of

the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always,

to the very end of the age.”

Jan Adams

Larry Apata

Crystal Burdine

Carolyn Butler

Semaj Croswell

Tony Freeman

Tiffany Henderson

Lorraine Kelly

Brooke Lincoln

Ashley Madison

Howard Madison

Trina Madison

Jessica Meadors

Cameron Mitchell

Deshada McCaster

Alexis McCowan

Brandon McDaniels

Eddie McKay

Tiggen Sandifer

Chelsea Shaw

Jaylon Smith

Kevin Truss

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Q: What does this ministry of service mean to you?

A. To me, the Usher Ministry means a consistent level of dedication, service and love to those that we as ministry members come in contact with.

Q: What are the objectives for the Usher Ministry?

A. The objective of the ministry is to serve as doorkeepers of the church, sacrificially and as God has called. Q: Pastor often references our Church to being warm and friendly, as the first point of contact for visitors, how do you project that reality?

A. This reality is projected by a smiling face, an open hand and offering a sense of family and friends to everyone that walks in the door.

Q: What’s new for the Usher Ministry in 2011?

A. The level of structure for 2011 will be unlike any other year. We have a Training Team established within the Usher Ministry who is dedicated to order and accountability.

Q: When do you all practice?

A. The Usher Ministry meets every Third Saturday at 10 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. We also have a mandatory meeting once every quarter. The Youth Ushers meet every Third Sunday at 9 a.m. in the sanctuary.

Q: What are the requirements to serve in this ministry?

A. The Usher Ministry requires commitment and desire to serve. Q: Who should someone speak with if they are interested in joining this Usher Ministry?

A. Anyone interested can speak to an officer of the ministry, LaJean Grossett, Carol Carr, Connie Hollins, Carolyn Brown or any current Usher Ministry member.

In theIn the SpotlightSpotlight


LaJean GrossettLaJean Grossett

Usher Ministry

By TaShuna Nixon

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High School Literacy: A Quick Stats Fact Sheet By David Rutenberg, National High School Center at AIR From helping to achieve economic well-being

to constructing a sense of self, literacy plays a

central role in how people interact with each

other and with the world around them (Phelps,

2005). The importance of being literate has only

increased over the decades and stands to become

even more important in the future. Fifty years

ago, an abundance of manufacturing and other

well-paying jobs for those with low levels of

literacy allowed them to maintain a middle-class

lifestyle (Biancarosa & Snow, 2004). However,

the American economy has seen the flight of

these low-skilled and well-paying jobs to other

countries, with a simultaneous growth of service

sector jobs requiring high levels of literacy from

employees (National Center on Education and the Economy, 2007). These jobs require employees to integrate new

Information with the old, critique opinions, understand context, and synthesize new ideas – all high-order thinking

skills facilitated by being fully literate. Unfortunately, the American high school is failing large proportions of its

students, leaving them ill-equipped to compete in this new economy, as the following statistics illustrate:

Unacceptable numbers of high school students do not read proficiently

Over the last 15 years, 15 million students have graduated from high school reading at below the basic level

(Bottoms, 2004).

The percentage of high school seniors performing at or above the basic level in reading on the National Assessment

of Educational Progress (NAEP) decreased from 80% in 1992 to 73% in 2005 (NCES, 2007)

Over the same period, the percentage of high school seniors performing at or above the proficient level decreased

from 40% to 35% (NCES, 2007).

About 70% of high school students need some form of remediation; the most common problem is that students

cannot comprehend the words they read—not that they cannot read them (Biancarosa & Snow, 2004).

Scores declined on each of NAEP’s three ―reading contexts‖ between 1992 and 2005. There was a 2-point decline in

reading for information, a 6-point decline in reading to perform a task, and a 12-point decline in reading for literary

experience over this period (NCES, 2007).


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Student literacy problems often start in high school

Between 1992 and 2005, NAEP 4th-grade reading scores held steady, 8th-grade reading scores rose from 260 to

262, and 12th-grade reading scores declined 6 points from 292 in 1992 to 286 in 2005 (NCES, 2007).

Based on the results of assessments designed by ACT, Inc., fewer students are ready for college-level reading by the

time they graduate from high school than would be expected given their performance levels in the 8th and 10th

grades, suggesting that a drop off occurs in college-ready literacy between the 8th and 12th grades (ACT, 2006).

NAEP trend results between 1971 and 2004 show that average reading scores among 9-year-old students were the

highest they have ever been, while scores for 17-year-old students had dropped since 1992 (Perie, Moran, & Lutkus,


Literacy instruction is often not available in high school

Two reasons for poor literacy performance in high school are that reading and writing are rarely taught as separate

subjects beyond 8th grade, and content teachers do not feel that they need to include reading strategy instruction

in their course curricula (Heller & Greenleaf, 2007). Of the 49 states with reading standards, 28 states fully define

grade-level standards only through the 8th grade (ACT, 2006).

A 2002 survey of content methods textbooks (i.e. teachers instructional guides) —including three each in mathe-

matics, social studies, and science—found that content textbooks offer few specific strategies for teachers to use to

help their students understand and actively engage the content material through reading, with no suggestions for

struggling readers. This omission is of particular concern since students of high school age are expected to read to

learn content material, and it is assumed that they learned to read prior to high school (Draper, 2002).

Deliberate literacy instruction in high school offers some potentially promising outcomes. For example, a literacy-

in-content program for ethnically diverse 9th-grade students in a San Francisco high school, that incorporated note

taking, paraphrasing, vocabulary, writing, and instruction in text structures, resulted in large gains in reading

comprehension scores on standardized tests (Greenleaf, Schoenbach, Cziko, & Mueller, 2001). Another recent

study suggests that certain supplemental reading programs

offered in high school to students who are reading two to five

years below grade level can have a significant impact on their

reading levels after only one year of the programs (Kemple et

al., 2008).

1 For more information on and definitions of NAEP achievement levels visit the National Center for Education Statistics Web site at for reading test information and

nationsreportcard/writing/achieveall.asp#grade12 for writing test information.

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Question: What do you get when The Holy Spirit merges with group of spiritually-submissive women who have come

together seeking a word from God?

Answer: You get Jubilee’s 2010 Women’s Retreat: Women Under Construction!

Two days of prayer, fellowship, panel discussions, physical activities, more prayer, and work-shops all topped-off

with a dynamic message from guest speaker, Sis. Vanessa Hendrickson. Every woman left with a renewed spirit.

Hats off to the Women’s Retreat Committee for excellence in organizing and creating a true construction zone atmos-


I was truly impressed with the giftedness of the panelists and workshop facilitators (our own Jubilee members, what

a wealth of talent right in our midst). They shared their strengths and weaknesses using personal life experiences to

show us how to become more effective witnesses for Christ. It was a fellowship of the right women, at the right

place, at the right time causing a ripple of interaction that touched and changed hearts.

Being a member of Jubilee for just over a year, I was blessed and honored when asked to be the Mistress of Ceremo-

nies for this year’s retreat. The one-two punch of attending Discipleship Class and the Women’s Retreat has helped

reveal areas in my life that prevent me from being the woman God desires me to be … I am a work in progress,

currently under construction at the hands of the Master Builder.

Women of Worth By Villian Robinson

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T he Wise Men are revered to this day for having the wisdom to seek Jesus. How did those Wise Men know to

where to seek Jesus? Biblical literacy! When Herod asked them where the Messiah would be born, they quoted

Micah 5:2, giving him the answer: Bethlehem.

If you and I will be wise men today, then we must seek after the Lord. Here are a few qualities displayed by the wise men

from the eastern lands that we should consider.

They didn't let their culture, or backgrounds get in the way of seeking the King! The Magi were Gentiles.

They worshiped the newborn King. These great men of learning willingly bowed down before Jesus.

They listened to God. After they saw Jesus they had a dream in which God told them not to return to Herod,

so they went home a different way (Mat. 2:12).

But then what did the chief priests and scribes do? Wouldn’t you expect that they would drop whatever they were doing

and run to meet their Messiah? After all, they were the religious leaders of the day, the Messiah’s birth had to be big news.

But they did nothing. Why didn’t the religious leaders join the wise men in worshiping Jesus? Is it possible their religious

activities so filled their lives that they didn’t have room for worship of the Messiah? Could their mind be so occupied with

their traditions and customs that they missed celebrating the birth of the King of Kings?

Be wise this Christmas and listen. Spend time specifically listening to God by praying and reading His Word, by retreating

from the commercialism of the season and finding a quiet place to hear. Recall the greatest gift of all and remember to

worship Him.

In other words, join the ranks of the Wise Men this Christmas.

By Sylvester Mathis

Wise Men

Get ready for Epiphany

Many Christian denominations celebrate Epiphany each year on or near January 6. ―Epiphany,‖ which means ―showing

forth,‖ celebrates the visit of the magi, or wise men, to the baby Jesus. These men, also known as kings, saw the star that

led them to Bethlehem.

The fact that these wise men were Gentiles, not Jews, teaches us an important theological lesson:

Their search for the Savior shows that Jesus came for all people.

Men of Standard


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JBC Ministers

Pastor John L. Bryd Reverend D’Ricco Day

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“The Word Became Flesh” Children’s Annual Christmas Musical

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“With God I Can…” Sanctuary Choir Fall Concert


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A ll Christians must take seriously our responsibility to ―learn the ABCs‖

— learn ―About the Bible in Church.‖ Unless we read it, study it, learn what’s in it

and feel comfortable with it in our hands and on our tongues, we cannot truly

love the Word of God. Instead, we’re intimidated by it, afraid of it, shocked by

it or simply remain ignorant of it.

Let us all be renewed in a faith that has been enriched by the gift of Scripture so we may end our

worship by saying: “We were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also

our own lives” (1 Thessalonians 2:8, NASB).

– The NewsletterNewsletter


The Bible: Books & Parts

The Bible — This book of books is the world’s all-time best seller and the world’s most translated book. The Bible consists

of 66 books; 39 of these are found in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.

The books of the Old Testament may be divided into four parts:

Law (5 books)

History (12 books)

Wisdom Literature (5 books)

Prophets (17 books)

The books Genesis through Deuteronomy contain God's law to His old covenant people, the Israelites. (The early begin-

nings of mankind are also recorded in Genesis.) Joshua through Esther tells the history of the Jewish nation. Job through

Song of Solomon contain inspired instructions relative to man's daily problems; hence, wisdom literature. Isaiah through

Malachi contains prophecies of the future regarding the Jewish people, the Gentile nations, and the coming Messiah. The

prophets are a wonderful proof of the Bible's inspiration!

The 27 books of the New Testament may also be divided into four parts:

Biography (4 books)

History (1 book)

Letters (21 books)

Prophecy (1 book)

Matthew through John are four gospels telling of Christ's life, His mission and sufferings. These inspired biographies tell

us just about everything we know concerning Jesus' life and teachings. Acts is the history of the early church. This book

tells us how people become Christians and how the church of Christ was begun, organized, and spread. Romans through

Jude are letters to Christians giving instructions on how to live and serve God. Revelation, the New Testament book of

prophecy, tells of events which John said "must shortly come to pass." In Revelation, we see the triumph of God's people

over every evil, even Satan himself!

Bible Basics: – Part I

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The fun starts with looking up the ingredients, which can be found in the NRSV

version of the Bible. You won't find a verse that says, 'five eggs, separated,' so all

of the ingredients are listed in the baking instructions.


3/4 cups of Psalm 55:21

1-1/2 cups of Jeremiah 6:20

5 Isaiah 10:14

3 cups of 1 Kings 4:22

3 tsp. of 1 Corinthians 5:6

3/4 tsp. of Leviticus 2:13

1 tsp. each of 2 Chronicles 9:9

1 tsp. of Exodus 30:23

1/2 cup of Judges 4:19

3/4 cup of Numbers 17:8

3/4 cup of Nahum 3:12

3/4 cup of 1 Samuel 30:12


Cream butter with sugar. Beat in egg yolks one at a time. Sift flour, baking powder, salt, cloves, nutmeg, allspice and

cinnamon. Blend into creamed mixture alternately with milk. Beat egg whites until stiff; fold into batter. Fold in chopped

almonds, figs, raisins. Pour into greased and floured pan. Bake at 325 degrees for 70 minutes or until knife comes out clean.

– The NewsletterNewsletter

Holiday Scripture Cake

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Brand New

I am the new year. I am an unspoiled page in your book of time.

I am your next chance at the art of living. I am your opportunity to practice what you have learned about life during the last

12 months.

All you sought and didn’t find is hidden in me, waiting for you to search it but with more determination. All the good you

tried for and didn’t achieve is mine to grant when you have fewer conflicting desires.

All you dreamed but didn’t dare to do, all you hoped but did not will, all the faith you claimed but did not have — these

slumber lightly, waiting to be awakened by the touch of a strong purpose.

I am your opportunity to renew your allegiance to him who said, “See, I am making all things new” (Revelation 21:5, NRSV).

– Author unknown

What the New Year Offers A fresh start in the totality of our life.

A chance to do good things for others, especially older members of our family.

An opportunity to plan better for the future, including the use of our time, talent and possessions.

A challenge to read helpful books about living according to God’s plan.

A chance to better control stress and anxiety in body and spirit.

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A New Year Wish

May the New Year bring us:

Enough happiness to keep us sweet;

Enough trials to keep us strong;

Enough hope to keep us lively;

Enough sorrows to keep us dependent upon God;

Enough failure to keep us humble;

Enough success to keep us eager;

Enough friends to give us comfort;

Enough wealth to meet our needs;

Enough enthusiasm to keep us looking forward;

Enough faith to overcome despair;

And enough determination to use every day

and situation somehow for good.

Six New Year Resolutions

1. Forget the past and honor God more.

2. Live for Christ in the world.

3. Trust God with a strong faith.

4. Remain faithful to my church.

5. Witness to the lost.

6. Cultivate the talents God has given me for His glory.

A Prayer For Perspective A prayer written for use during the Jewish New Year (September 30-October 1) is pertinent for Christians, too:

Eternal God! Grant us gratitude enough to look backward and be thankful;

courage enough to look forward and be hopeful;

faith enough to look upward and be humble;

kindness enough to look outward and be helpful. Amen. – The NewsletterNewsletter

Managing Editor Lá Shawn Sandifer

Co-Editors Tara Lawrence

TaShuna Nixon

Column Contributions Pastor John L. Byrd

Tara Lawrence

Sylvester Mathis

TaShuna Nixon

Reverend Terrance Perkins

Lá Shawn Sandifer

4th Quarter Contributor Villian Robinson

Photography Otha Graham

Art Johnson

Lá Shawn Sandifer

Design/Layout Lá Shawn Sandifer

Joyful Noise

Next Time

2011’s Theme

“The Parable of the Soils” Hardened Soil

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660 Royce Road

Bolingbrook, IL 60440

630.983.1200 Main 630.983.7414 Fax

Email: [email protected] John L. Byrd, Senior Pastor


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