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Joyful Noise

ISSUE 2 May 2008

A s the apostle Paul writes to the church of Ephesus from prison, we can see in chapter six that his

attention is drawn toward the roman soldiers. As I began reading these passages one of the first things that came to mind was, how did Paul relate righteousness to the breastplate and not the helmet or the shield? Why not the helmet or shield of righteousness or why not gird your loins with it?

Righteousness is described as holy and upright living according to God‘s standard. Since righteousness is a moral concept that references God‘s character, our righteousness is defined in terms of who God is. Righteous living in the context of human relationships promotes peace toward one another. Right-eous living in the context of our relationship with God is when we are obedient to His will. Know this; since the fall of man, we have been inherently unrighteous. We cannot be righteous in the sight of God on our on merit (Isaiah 64:6). God‘s righteousness has to be imputed or transferred. The cross of Christ takes care of that issue. God sees us as right-eous when we by faith identify ourselves with His Son. So why then is the breastplate and not the helmet or shield made out of right-eousness? Because it‘s a matter of the heart! Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it flows the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). The heart is the center of all human personality, from it flows every emotion: love and hate, joy and sorrow, courage and fear. Pride also flows from the heart. It alone does more damage to the body (physical and spiritual) than any other

emotion. The heart can think (Esther 6:6), understand (Job 38:36), imagine (Jeremiah 9:24), remember (Deuteronomy 4:9), and speak to itself (Deuteronomy 7:17). Decision-making, purpose, intention and will are all activities of the heart. Therefore put on (denotes a sense of urgency) the breastplate of righteousness or integrity that you may be able to stand against the wiles of your enemy (Ephesians 6:11) and be not afraid or dismayed at how great your enemy may seem to be, for this battle is not yours, it’s the Lord’s (2 Chronicles 20:15)! When my kids were small, they would lay their head on my chest. Then their little heads would pop up and with a big smile they would say, ―I can hear your heart.‖ Does God get that same reaction when He listens to our hearts? (1 Samuel 16:7) If not, it could be we‘re not wearing our


ALZHEIMER’S Myth: Only older people get Alzheimer’s. Reality: Alzheimer’s can strike people in their 30s, 40s and 50s. Of the 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s, some 500,000 people under age 65 have Alzheimer’s or a related dementia. P10

KIDS OF THE KINGDOM Stewardship is very dear to my heart and plays a major role in my life as far as being obedient to God’s word. P5

MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT Regularly showing and telling your partner how much you value him or her is affirming and empowering. P5

MORTGAGE MADNESS The industry buzzword SUB-PRIME loans have created mass hysteria and forced homeowners into higher mortgage payments creating a strain on already stretched finances. P6








By Reverend Albert Mankins

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T he ministry is always looking for areas to improve

and we felt a good place to start was to hear from

you, our readers. Late last year, we passed out

questionnaire cards soliciting your thoughts about Joyful Noise.

Some of the questions included: (1) Have you received all four

issues of the newsletter? (2) Do you find the content of the

newsletter interesting and uplifting? (3) Have you shared the

newsletter with others outside of Jubilee? We also asked for

your comments and suggestions. Every card that we received

back was read and thank you for your candid feedback. We

have already started implementing changes that we feel will enhance the newsletter and con-

tinue to make it an enjoyable reading experience for you. A lot of prayer, planning and prepara-

tion go into developing every issue and it's important that we put our best effort forward in

keeping our readers engaged.

You have already seen one of the biggest changes, which is the design makeover. Another

change is our very own self-proclaimed "Hype Man for Jesus," Reverend Albert Mankins,

who has joined the newsletter ministry staff as a column contributor. Every quarter, Reverend

Mankins will address the newsletter's theme from his perspective. He is truly a man after

God's heart and brings a sincere, humble spirit to Joyful Noise and we couldn't be more

pleased. Welcome aboard, Reverend … Hype Man! Let the Lord use you.

The battle continues saints! The Breastplate of Righteousness is another essential part

of the spiritual Armor of God that enables us to defend ourselves against the devil‘s tricks.

The devil will try us on every hand; reminding us of past mistakes and sins. Telling us we

are unworthy of God‘s love, grace and mercy. The breastplate of righteousness is our covering

and defense against the devil. If the Spirit of Christ dwells in us, then God receives

us as His son or daughter no matter what the enemy says. Know who you are in

Christ Jesus and continue to armor up for the battle.

In His Will,

Lá Shawn Sandifer


With Lifted Hands

New Saints (January–March)

Christopher Agyare Issiah Albea Delores Alexander Felicia Apprey Stephanie Bond Cynthia Bonds Atia Carter Geraldine Cubie

La'Tosha Curtis Tiffany Dean Brandon Dial Darren Dial, Jr. Monica Dial Ryan Dial JaMar Foster JaShon Foster

Jayla Foster Stacy Green Jensen Harden Walter Harden Kenneth Harrington Alex Holmes Clarence Hopson Karren Thompson

Carlos Hunt Carlos Hunt, Jr. James Jones Jazmin Maghett Justin Maghett Leslie Maghett Michael Maghett Alice McClay

Ariel McClay Jaylan McConico Michelle McConico Noah McConico Raymond McConico, Sr. Raymond McConico, Jr. Kaitland McDonald Ayoka Mitchell


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Spiritual Warfare

W hat‘s important for the understanding of the Ephesians

term ―breastplate of righteousness‖ is a picture of a

1st century armor of a Roman soldier. The Roman

soldier‘s ―breastplate‖ covered the body from the neck to the thighs,

and consisted of two parts, one covering the front and the other the back.

It was made of rings, or in the form of scales, or of plates, so fastened

together that they would be flexible, and yet guard the body from a sword,

spear, or arrow. It was often formed of plates of brass, laid one upon

another, like the scales of a fish.

The multiple layers of the breastplate defended the vital parts of the body; and the idea here may be that the

integrity of life, and righteousness of character, is as necessary to defend us from the assaults of Satan, as the

coat of armor was to preserve the vital organs from the arrows of an enemy. It was the integrity of Job, and,

in a higher sense, of the Redeemer himself, that saved him from the temptations of the devil. It is as true now

that no one can successfully meet the power of temptation unless he/she has a ―righteous‖ perspective;

as a soldier could not defend himself against a foe without a sufficient coat of armor, especially one that would

protect his/her vital organs. An absence of integrity will leave a person exposed to the assaults of the enemy;

just as a solider would be whose coat of armor was defective, or some part of the ―breastplate‖ was missing.

The king of Israel was smitten by an arrow sent from a bow, drawn at a venture, "between the joints of his

harness" or the breastplate (margin), 1 Kings 22:34; and many individuals who think that he/she has on the

"Christian" armor is smitten in the same manner. There is some defect of character;

some want of integrity; or some point that is unguarded and that will be sure to be the

point of attack by the enemy. It‘s like David who was tempted to commit the enormous

crimes that stain his memory, and Peter‘s denial of his Lord. Judas‘

seemingly total lack of spiritual integrity resulted in his total demise; in

a single point, many a minister of the gospel has been assaulted and has

fallen. I need to add here, that we need a righteousness which God alone can give;

the righteousness of God and Savior, appropriated to us at the point of our salvation which drafts us in to

God‘s army and begins our readiness as a soldier to take the next step in armoring-up to protect us from the

arrows of the enemy which could deeply wound our lives and Christian walk.

Pastor John L. Byrd

(Part 2 of 3)

A great portion of my article quotes heavily from Barnes Notes on the New Testament: Kregel Publications; 1962

Shepherd’s Share

“An absence of

integrity will leave

a person exposed

to the assaults of

the enemy …”

New Saints (January–March)

Charles Mitchell DeChira Mitchell Cameron Mitchell Lauren Mitchell Ciara Moss Antoine Patterson Ingrid Patterson Jayla Patterson

Antuan Patterson Mikayla Plant Erika Pumphrey Tamia Purnell Rodney Qualls Lisa Qualls Ryan Qualls Rodney Qualls, Jr.

Clarke Reed Jordan Reed Collin Reed Kobe Reed Donell Robinson Daphne Robinson Anita Thomas Lowell Thompson

Karren Thompson Leah Thompson Layla Thompson Christian Thurman Arista Thurman III


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Women of Worth By Jody Mankins

Proper Attire

I am inclined to believe that most women like to dress in their very best; Anne Klein, Donna Karan,

Ellen Tracy and the list goes on. But, as we dress daily what are we really putting on? Are we taking

on the attributes of these designers? Some of us might be what my great grandmother would call

―cleaner than the board of health,‖ dressed in the finest of clothing, the nicest shoes and the best jewelry.

However, are we fully clothed? Ephesians 6:14 states ―Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth,

having put on the breastplate of righteousness.”

The breastplate is a piece of armor worn in battle as a protective covering that covers the heart.

Righteousness means just judgment or acting in accord with divine or moral law; free from guilt or sin, it‘s living according to God‘s

standard. God‘s standard is a matter of the heart. Your heart matters more than anything else in all creation.

Typically, women did not go out to the battlefield to fight, but make no mistake about it we do have battles to fight, battles within

our marriages, on our jobs, within our families and within our hearts. As we prepare for battle, we should be mindful of who our

enemy is, whom our battle is against, what his abilities, strengths and his tactics.

The Lord our God in all his goodness has provided us with all that we need to defeat the enemy, Satan. God said, ―to put on,‖ that

means to clothe yourself with his spiritual power and righteousness (his standards). When we clothe ourselves, we put on Jesus Christ and

he becomes like a garment, he is always with you. The revelation of being in Christ changes our concept of who we are. It is in Christ

where His personality is united with our personality and we take on a new personality. We become a new person with a new attitude, new

behaviors, new likes, and dislikes. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (2

Corinthians 5:17). God desires that our heart becomes one with His heart. God knows that our heart is the center of who we are. This is

the first commandment “you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with your entire mind, and with all your strength.” The

second one is found in Mark 12: 30-31 “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” There is no other commandment greater than these. As we

clothe ourselves in Jesus Christ, know that the battle has already been won. When we face battles, allow your heart (Jesus) to guide and

direct you; be strong in the Lord. Simply clothe yourself in Jesus Christ and live by the standards that he has set for each one of us.

I t has been an eventful time for the mortgage industry, and it's easy to see why many consumers could be confused, wondering what the developments mean for their own finances. As a result, they are asking their brokers, lenders and friends in the industry questions they have never

asked before. A common query these days is simply: "Are you still out there financing loans?"

The mortgage industry is madness right now thanks to a number of mortgage lenders filing bankruptcy and a few merging with other lending institutions in recent months. All of this has changed the structure of lending practices; stricter lending guidelines and, changes in programs and products have left home-

owners and prospective buyers in a quandary.

The industry buzzword SUB-PRIME loans have created mass hysteria and forced homeowners into higher mortgage payments creating a strain on already stretched finances. The other buzzword FORECLOSURES, they are at an all time high and leave lasting effects that will take years to recover from.

The best defense you have concerning your home is to become an informed consumer. For homeowners who are not in the market to sell, I would suggest doing an evaluation of your property, find out where your interest rate is now and if it‘s an adjustable rate when will it adjust and what can be done to prevent financial hardships of an adjustable rate increase. Depending on your rate, now might be a good time to refinance to get a lower fixed rate instead of another adjustable rate. A Free Market Analysis is a great idea to see what your home is worth now compared to a few years ago and do not be surprised that the value may have gone down with the number of foreclosures.

If you are looking to purchase a home, now is a good time. Sellers are eager sell properties and often offer incentives to encourage the buyer. For those with challenged credit I would suggest an aggressive plan to help restore your credit. Pay off small debts as soon as possible.

Do no carry card debt month to month. Establish a budget and stick to it!

Mortgage Madness By Tracey Nixon


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different because I was important in the life of a child.

Mathew 18:5 says "And whoever welcomes a little child like this

in my name welcomes me." God gives us our children and then

asks us to give them back to Him. Children are the hands

by which we take hold of heaven. And he said: ―I tell you the

truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never

enter the kingdom of heaven," Matthew 18:3. I encourage all the

saints to come out and visit children church as well as pray

to the Lord to see if serving here is God‘s will for your life.

Remember what is learned in the cradle lasts till the grave.

"Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children,

and their children to the next generation," Joel 1:3. Thanks be to

God Almighty, my Lord and Savior, that I have grown so

much spiritually because of my discipleship in the children‘s

ministry. The children have taught me just as much as I

have ministered the Gospel to them.


Kids of the Kingdom By Dianne E. Vann

By Dr. Hank & Juliet Allen

Marriage Enrichment — Celebrate Your Partner!

“You will be a crown of beauty in the Lord’s hand, a royal jewel in the hand of your God.” (Isaiah 62:3)

D o you see your partner as a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord? Do you see your partner as a precious jewel in

your eyes? God likes romance! If you marriage is dull and miserable, worn down by the daily grind, it‘s time for a

change! You can have a better, more fulfilling marriage. God designed marriage to be an enriching experience, where

both husband and wife are nourished. Regularly showing and telling your partner how much you value him or her is affirming and

empowering. As you celebrate your partner, you will surely strengthen the fabric of your marriage.

Eight ways you can celebrate your partner include:

1. Treasure your partner with gifts

2. Send unexpected love notes and e-mails

3. Use music to serenade and express your love

4. Plan surprises: a movie, meal, foot rub, back rub, etc.

5. Express gratitude for your partner with a standing ovation — list all the reasons

you love him/her

6. Spend special moments together: take a walk or plan a romantic getaway

7. Praise your partner publicly; never use put downs

8. Make birthdays/anniversary a time to reflect on God‘s goodness

Begin today to celebrate your husband or wife. Build your partner up with loving words and thoughtful actions, and you will pave

the way for deeper intimacy and enhanced martial harmony.


T he most essential

organ in the human

body is the heart. An

active living heart is the essential

reason why all human beings are

able to live. The breastplate

(medically speaking "the ribcage")

is known as the protection of the

heart, which enables humans to sustain life. In the spiritual realm,

God has supplied us with this protection by so graciously grant-

ing Christians the "Breastplate of Righteousness," as one element

of the spiritual armor. With this, we are able to claim Christ‘s

righteousness to cover our sins and to give us right standing with

Him. It is such a tremendous honor as well as a privilege to serve

as a member of the children‘s ministry.

Stewardship is very dear to my heart and plays a major role in

my life as far as being obedient to God‘s word. A hundred years

from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort

of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove. The world may be

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HER Story By Joyce M. Byrd

T he Breastplate of Righteousness is a part of spiritual weaponry used in battle. According to

Ephesians 6:13 NKJ, “we must put on the full armor of God, so that when the evil day comes, you may

be able to stand your ground….” What exactly does this mean?‖ In comparing the Breastplate of

Righteousness to a Roman soldier‘s breastplate, the footnotes in the Mac Arthur Study Bible describe ―the

breastplate of righteousness‖ as: a piece of leather or heavy material covering the soldier‘s torso, protecting

the vital organs.‖ Ryrie study bible footnotes explain ―the breastplate of righteousness‖ from a spiritual point:

―righteousness practiced by the believer to protect the chest and heart from Satan.

Both writers are stating that we must be right before God and in doing what is right, we guard who we are in

our relationship to God, keeping our spiritual integrity. The difficulty comes when trying to create a practical

picture in our everyday lives. With all the challenges of our times, it appears difficult to arm ourselves with the

breastplate of righteousness. This made me think of Hannah … a woman of biblical times who was armed with

the breastplate of righteousness.

Just imagine being a woman in Hannah‘s time; where having an abundance of children brought you favor. You are childless and you

have to contend with the other wife (Peninnah), who has sons and daughters. Hannah‘s husband tried to assure her that he loved her

more than ten sons by giving her double portions of the worship meal as a way to encourage her. It didn‘t work, Hannah wanted a child.

Imagine when Peninnah became aware that Hannah was receiving special treatment, she would taunt her with statements like, ―I hear

congratulations are in order. I see you are eating for two. Oops! My bad; I forgot, you can‘t have babies. You‘re just greedy.‖ I Samuel

1:6b, 7 ZNIV says ―her rival kept provoking her in order to irritate her,‖ and she continued year after year provoking her to tears. In

reading I Samuel you can feel Hannah‘s pain, and to think, she really could have gone Peter on her, (Peter cursed when he was asked

if he knew Jesus) Mark 14:71, yet she didn‘t; she went to the temple and prayed.

Hannah prayed and she continued to pray. She was praying so much in her heart that she began to move her lips while speaking to

the Lord. The priest thought she was drunk. He asked her, ―How long will you keep getting drunk,‖ I Samuel 1:10-14 NIV. Now if ever

there was a time to tell your priest off, and leave the temple (church) this was the time. Why couldn‘t he ask if she was talking or singing

to herself, why did she have to be drunk? Hannah maintained her integrity, armed herself with ―the breastplate of righteousness and said

―I am a woman who is deeply troubled. I have not been drinking…I was pouring out my soul to the Lord. Eli answered, Go in peace,

and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked.‖ I Samuel 1:15-17. What better picture to show of a woman armed with ‗the

breastplate of righteousness‖?

JBC Events – Photo Highlights By Claire Foster

Christian Education Ministry –

Black History Program … “Voices of Hope”

F ebruary is the designated month for black history celebration. One month, however,

not enough to celebrate our heritage. Therefore, we wanted to bring an inspirational

message that would remind us of many of the virtues made and carried our ancestors.

Virtues that helped them find hope and eternal truths. Hopefully, ―Voice of Hope — Timeless

Expressions of Faith from African Americans,‖ a dramatization of African Americans focused

on the Pre-Civil War era brought an appropriate depiction of the voices of African women and

men. We presented this dramatization through

powerful songs, quotations, poems and excerpts built on

the pillars of courage, faith, hope, unity, comfort … our

need for Christ and freedom and future glory. We hope

that through these words, truth was instilled in the souls

and encouraging words spoken for us to keep the faith

and motivated all in some way to transform lives to make

a difference for God.


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Music Ministry Anniversary Concert … “Holy Spirit Move”


An excerpt from a thank you letter sent by one of our special guests …

The Phenomenal Praise Dance Ministry

―We would like to express to you again our sincere

thanks and gratitude to you and your church family

for your great hospitality and genuine love that was

shown to our praise dance team during our visit a

few weeks ago. We came expecting to minister to

you through dance, but God being who He is knew

that the ministers needed ministering to. Our friends,

through your singing, music, personal testimonies

and words of encouragement, you have given us a

mountain top experience that we have yet to come

down from...‖

Eternally Grateful,

Lonnie King, Sponsor & The Phenomenal Praise

Dance Ministry

Black History Program … “Voices of Hope” – Cont’d.

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By Ta Shuna Nixon

In The Spotlight …

Disciples of God

Tell us about yourself I was born in Marianna, Arkansas and raised on the Southside of Chicago. I have been married for 26 years and am the mother of five wonderful children and six beautiful grandchildren.

Hobbies In my spare time, I exercise, read and love to spend time with my grandchildren.

Ministry I currently serve on the usher board and missions ministry. My greatest joy in ministry is serving others. I love to help others.

What do you do to enhance your spiritual growth? The first thing I do is pick up my cross daily and follow Christ‘s example. I read God‘s inspired word everyday and pray cont inuously throughout the day.

The Greatest influence in my spiritual development

My Grandmother. She kept us involved in church. She helped me to establish a firm foundation in Christ. I also had the joy of going through Discipleship a few years ago and my life has never been the same.

How has your relationship with Christ affected your family?

It has helped them to increase their faith. I see positive changes in my family and how they relate to each other and to me. I am so encouraged in my faith as I see them growing in wisdom and in their faith. My acts of faith and obedience have sparked curiosity in my family. They want to know more about the journey we are on and I am so grateful to God for such a time as this.

Who or What led you to Jubilee?

Shirley Martin. She has always been a soldier for Christ. She invited me to attend New Hope many years ago and the rest is history. I ultimately know that it was by God‘s design that I went there and Shirley was the vehicle God used to make it happen.

Favorite Scripture and words of encouragement

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Love is the greatest gift that we can give to others. Ladies have approached me and said Jean when I grow up I want to be just like you, I tell them it‘s not about me, it‘s all about God. I thank God continuously for the gift of love that He has given me through His Son Jesus Christ. This allows me to shower love on others. I am so grateful and so blessed!

Jean Goodar


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Tell us about yourself I was born and raised on the west side of Chicago. I am the youngest of five children. My wife Jessie and I have been married for 31 years and we have one son, Wellington Jr. Hobbies In my spare time, I dabble a LITTLE bit in the kitchen. I also enjoy spending time with my family. I am a family-oriented person. What do you do to enhance your spiritual growth To continue to fortify my spiritual growth, I spend time in the word everyday. I pray everyday. I make an effort to consult with God on everything I do. The Greatest influence in my spiritual development My parents. They brought us up in the church. I gave my life to Christ at an early age 11 or 12, because they set the example before us. My father was the superintendent of Sunday school, later a Deacon and then a Pastor. I remember when I was in the military and was not able to make it to church; I really did miss the worship with believers. It was ingrained in me at a young age so it is the rule and not the exception to the rule! How has your relationship with Christ affected your family? It has helped them establish a solid foundation on which to build their faith. We enjoy and look forward to our worship time together. What do you think about the role of the Black Man in the Church? We are so blessed here at Jubilee with men who love the Lord without fear or shame. We have men who use their talents in service to glorify God. There is always room and opportunity for us to enhance our faith. As heads of households, we are responsible for our families overall well being, spiritual; social; physical and so on. We must be the examples for our young men. As men of Jubilee we need to encourage one another in and outside of the church. Words of Encouragement to our readers Keep trusting in the Lord. Our walk must remain consistent. Be content with God‘s will for our lives. God always wants the best for us. We must learn to trust God in all areas of our lives. Saying we trust is one thing but acting in faith is something completely different. My favorite scripture is Romans 10:9-10. That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

In The Spotlight …

Disciples of God

Deacon Wellington Gibson


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Bible Study

Stages of Alzheimer’s

Experts have documented common patterns of symptom progression that

occur in many individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and developed several

methods of “staging” based on these patterns.

Staging systems provide useful frames of reference for understanding how the disease may unfold and for making plans. However,

it is important to note that not everyone will experience the same symptoms or progress at the same rate. People with

Alzheimer’s die an average of four to six years after diagnosis, but the duration of the disease can vary from three to 20 years.

1. Early stage

Becomes confused and get lost easily

Avoids new and unfamiliar situations

Has delayed reactions and slowed learning ability

Begins speaking more slowly

Difficulty handling money and paying bills

2. Middle stage

Problems recognizing close friends and family

Wandering in afternoon and night, this is called sun downing

Has trouble dressing

Gets upset easily and can be hostile

Delusions and paranoia

Needs full-time supervision

10 Million U.S. baby boomers will develop Alzheimer’s disease.

In 2007, caregivers (primarily family) provided 8.4 billion hours of unpaid care.

About one-third of family caregivers have symptoms of depression.

Alzheimer’s Association, (2008)

Bible Quiz: Search the scriptures for the answers Answers

1. Who saw a burning bush in the wilderness that didn‘t burn up? Exodus 3:1-2

2. Who wrote the book of Jude? Jude 1:1

3. Who wrote the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:1

4. How many books are in the bible? Table of Contents

5. When Jesus healed the 10 lepers, how many returned to thank Him? Luke 17:15

6. Who was the woman who let spies down the wall of Jericho with a red cord? Joshua 2:1-18

7. What happened to Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego? Daniel 3:7-26

8. Who was Jesus‘ earthly father? Matthew 1:18-25

9. Which disciple was a doctor? Colossians 4:14

10. Who went with Moses to talk to Pharaoh? Exodus 4:14-16

A brain with advanced Alzheimer’s

A brain without Alzheimer’s

3. Late stage

Can no longer remember how to bathe, eat, dress,

or go to bathroom independently

Loses the ability to chew and swallow

Trouble balancing or walking, may fall frequently

Cannot communicate using words

Loses bowel or bladder control

**Due to space, most severe symptoms are listed under each stage

Body Talk By Tara Lawrence


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Gospel FLAVA

Tye Tribbett & GA

Stand Out

Ricky Dillard & New Generation

7th Episode: Live in Toronto [LIVE]

June 8

Family & Friends Day

June 15

Father‘s Day

CE Promotion Sunday

July 21-25


August 9

Missions Back-to-School Fair / 10 AM–2PM

August 23

Praise Dance Recital / 6 PM

September 26-27

Women‘s Retreat

Brotherhood Meetings

Every 3rd Saturday monthly @ 8 AM

Usher Meeting

Managing Editor

Lá Shawn Sandifer


Ta Shuna Nixon, Tara Lawrence

Column Contributions

Reverend Albert Mankins, Lá Shawn Sandifer,

Pastor John L. Byrd, Joyce Byrd,

Tara Lawrence, TaShuna Nixon

2nd Quarter Contributors

Jody Mankins, Diann Vann

Dr. Hank Allen & Juliet Allen

Tracey Nixon

Administrative Assistant

Renelle Johnson


Art Johnson

Design / Layout

Lá Shawn Sandifer

Newsletter Staff

Note Worthy 11

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Next Time … Belt of Truth & The Gospel Shoes

inside next issue:

660 Royce Road

Bolingbrook, IL 60440

630.983.1200 Main 630.983.7414 Fax

Email: [email protected] John L. Byrd, Senior Pastor

• Family & Friends Day


• Graduate’s Challenge • JBC Events –

Photo Highlights

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