
Jennifer Juan’s

ScrapbookEnter at your own risk.

Who Am I?I am a Sexy Nomad.

I am sexy because…I am fearless.

I am sexy because…I am confident.

I am sexy because…I am magnetic.

Nomad?It’s not just different places I like trying out, I am open to all kinds of experiences as well.

Nomad?I consider life as a journey… one long happy vacation.

But,I believe there is also wisdom in knowing and being exactly where you are.

As a Sexy nomad,I always find sunshine even when the sky is overcast.

My sunshine is my family who is very supportive of me.

My sunshine is the gift of free education all throughout these years.

My sunshine is my enterprising outlook even at a young age.



My sunshine is learning the value of money and becoming one of the fabulous women I know!

As a fabulous woman,I enjoy the finer things in life by getting the best value for my money.

C’est la vie!This is the life!

But like everyone else,I am also just like any other regular girl.

Is a Sexy Nomad also plain and ordinary?

No. But I do thrive on routine.

Weekdaysare dedicated to serious and meaningful work.

Weekendsare devoted to fun and worthwhile activities.

This is probably whypeople see me as a walking contradiction.

Walking contradiction?Sexy Nomad is a homebody and a traveler.

Walking contradiction?Sexy Nomad is flirty and naïve.

Walking contradiction?Sexy Nomad loves healthy food but gorges on chocolates, chips and cookies.

Walking contradiction?Sexy Nomad is a loner but loves to party!

Walking contradiction?Sexy Nomad is deep yet shallow.

Walking contradiction?Sexy Nomad is serious and carefree!

I am THE Sexy Nomad.I go wherever and whenever the wind blows me.

Who am I?This is me.

I am THE Sexy Nomadand there are many like me who wander and lust for more.

‘Til My Next

Scrapbook Entry…

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