Page 1: Izbová teplota - Honeywell Home









50094158-005 A








užívateľský manuál

Uvedenie do prevádzky

Izbová teplota

Kontrola nastavenej teploty

Zmena nastavenej teploty

Zníženie teploty v noci

Hneď, ako uvediete Honeywell Round do prevádzky, objaví sa na obrazovke počas niekoľkých sekúnd nesledujúce informácie:

Termostat nepretržite meria izbovú teplotu v miestnosti kde sa nachádza a zobrazuje ju na displeji..

Na displeji sa zobrazuje aktuálna izbová teplota.

Nastavenú teplotu môžete skontrolovať tak, že otočíte otočné kolieskodoľava alebo doprava o jeden „klik“. Nastavená teplota začne blikať na displeji. Po piatich sekundách sa opäť objaví izbová teplota.

Upozornenie: Pri prvom uvedení do prevádzky je teplota nastavená na 17°C. Po výpadku prúdu sa aktivizuje vždy posledná nastavená teplota.

Na displeji sa zobrazuje aktuálna izbová teplota.

Ak chcete mať v izbe teplejšie alebo chladnejšie, môžete zmeniť nastavenie žiadanej teploty. Zmenu dosiahnete otočením kolieska termostatu. Pri každom „kliknutí“ doľava teplotuznížite o pol stupňa, a pri každom „kiknutí“ doprava teplotu o pol stupňa zvýšite.

Nastavená teplota bliká na displeji. Pri želanej teplote pustite otočné koliesko. Po piatich sekundách sa na displeji objaví opäť izbová teplota. Termostat upraví teplotu v izbe čo možno najpresnejšie na práve nastavenú teplotu.

V prípade neprítomnosti a v noci je najlepšie nastaviť termostat na nižšiu teplotu. Takto šetríte energiu.Vo všeobecnosti odporúčame zníženie maximálne o 5 °C. Na základe výkonu vykurovania a miery izolácie prestoru je možné znížiť teplotu aj o inú hodnotu.

Všetky segmenty Kód mikroprocesoru (tu je uvedený príklad)

jeden klik

chladnejšie teplejšie

nastavená teplota (bliká)

aktuálna teplota (tu je uvedený príklad)

Page 2: Izbová teplota - Honeywell Home

Vymeňte batérie

Symboly na displeji


Keď sa na obrazovke zobrazí symbol , musíte vymeniť batérie.Odstráňte kryt / otočné kolečko, vyberte termostat zo zadného krytu a vyberte vybité batérie. Vložte nové batérie a potom termostat umiestnite späť na uchytenie.

Pozor: Vybité batérie nevyhadzujte do komunálneho odpadu, ale odovzdajte ich ako špeciálny odpad.

After five seconds the current room temperature will be displayed once again. The thermostat will then try to maintain your set temperature as accurately as possible.

You can check your set temperature by turning the dial one ‘click’ to the left or right. The set temperature will flash up for a few seconds, before returning to display the room temperature again.

Setting your room temperatureYour current room temperature is shown in the display.

To set the temperature you want, just turn the dial right to increase and left to decrease. Each ‘click’ as the dial turns represents a 0.5º change.

User GuideSingle Zone Thermostat Y87RF

User GuideSingle Zone Thermostat Y87RF

Night-time temperature reductionOvernight, or if you are out, it is best to set the thermostat to a lower temperature, as it will save you energy. In general a reduction of 5°C is recommended, but this will depend on your heating system and the amount of insulation in your home.

Replacing the batteriesYour batteries should be replaced when the symbol is displayed.

To do this, separate the thermostat from the wiring plate and insert 2 new AA alkaline batteries in place of the empty ones. Then reattach the thermostat to the wiring plate.






Getting to know your display

Set Temperature Indicator

Means the figure on the screen is your set temperature, rather than your current room temerature.

Heating on

Means there is a requirement for some heating, so your boiler should either be on or cycling on/off.

Boiler Relay Connection

Means your thermostat is successfully connected to your Boiler Relay.

Internet Gateway Connection (optional)

Means your thermostat is successfully connected to your Internet Gateway.

Indikátor nastavovania teplotyZobrazí sa pri nastavovaní žiadanej teploty.

Požiadavka na teploV miestnosti je treba kúriť. Váš zdroj tepla (kotol) by sa mal v krátkej dobe zapnúť. Spojenie s reléovou jednotkouVáš termostat úspešne nadviazal spojenie s reléovou jednotkou na ovládanie zdroja tepla (kotla).

Spojenie s internetovou bránouVáš termostat úspešne nadviazal spojenie s internetovou bránou slúžiacou na diaľkový prenos údajov.

Slabé batérie

Termostatbez prúdu


Termostat jenefunkčný

Ak sa na displeji zobrazí indikátor slabých batérií, je potrebné vymeniť batérie. Pozri časť: Výmena batérií.

Pokiaľ je displej termostatu tmavý ztnamená to že napájanie termostatu zlyhalo. Skontrolujte, či bola odstránená ochranná fólia z batérií. Prípadne vymeňte batérie. Pozri časť: Výmena batérií.

Ak bliká tento infikátor, termostat stratil spojenie s reléovou jednotkou na ovládanie zdroja tepla (kotol). Skontrolujte napájanie reléovej jednotky alebo silu rádiového signálu. Pokiaľ to problém nevyrieši, kontaktujte svojho inštalatéra.

Tento symbol signalizuje že termostat je poškodený a už nepracuje nefunkčný správne. Termostat je potrebné vymeniť.

After five seconds the current room temperature will be displayed once again. The thermostat will then try to maintain your set temperature as accurately as possible.

You can check your set temperature by turning the dial one ‘click’ to the left or right. The set temperature will flash up for a few seconds, before returning to display the room temperature again.

Setting your room temperatureYour current room temperature is shown in the display.

To set the temperature you want, just turn the dial right to increase and left to decrease. Each ‘click’ as the dial turns represents a 0.5º change.

User GuideSingle Zone Thermostat Y87RF

User GuideSingle Zone Thermostat Y87RF

Night-time temperature reductionOvernight, or if you are out, it is best to set the thermostat to a lower temperature, as it will save you energy. In general a reduction of 5°C is recommended, but this will depend on your heating system and the amount of insulation in your home.

Replacing the batteriesYour batteries should be replaced when the symbol is displayed.

To do this, separate the thermostat from the wiring plate and insert 2 new AA alkaline batteries in place of the empty ones. Then reattach the thermostat to the wiring plate.






Getting to know your display

Set Temperature Indicator

Means the figure on the screen is your set temperature, rather than your current room temerature.

Heating on

Means there is a requirement for some heating, so your boiler should either be on or cycling on/off.

Boiler Relay Connection

Means your thermostat is successfully connected to your Boiler Relay.

Internet Gateway Connection (optional)

Means your thermostat is successfully connected to your Internet Gateway.

After five seconds the current room temperature will be displayed once again. The thermostat will then try to maintain your set temperature as accurately as possible.

You can check your set temperature by turning the dial one ‘click’ to the left or right. The set temperature will flash up for a few seconds, before returning to display the room temperature again.

Setting your room temperatureYour current room temperature is shown in the display.

To set the temperature you want, just turn the dial right to increase and left to decrease. Each ‘click’ as the dial turns represents a 0.5º change.

User GuideSingle Zone Thermostat Y87RF

User GuideSingle Zone Thermostat Y87RF

Night-time temperature reductionOvernight, or if you are out, it is best to set the thermostat to a lower temperature, as it will save you energy. In general a reduction of 5°C is recommended, but this will depend on your heating system and the amount of insulation in your home.

Replacing the batteriesYour batteries should be replaced when the symbol is displayed.

To do this, separate the thermostat from the wiring plate and insert 2 new AA alkaline batteries in place of the empty ones. Then reattach the thermostat to the wiring plate.






Getting to know your display

Set Temperature Indicator

Means the figure on the screen is your set temperature, rather than your current room temerature.

Heating on

Means there is a requirement for some heating, so your boiler should either be on or cycling on/off.

Boiler Relay Connection

Means your thermostat is successfully connected to your Boiler Relay.

Internet Gateway Connection (optional)

Means your thermostat is successfully connected to your Internet Gateway.

After five seconds the current room temperature will be displayed once again. The thermostat will then try to maintain your set temperature as accurately as possible.

You can check your set temperature by turning the dial one ‘click’ to the left or right. The set temperature will flash up for a few seconds, before returning to display the room temperature again.

Setting your room temperatureYour current room temperature is shown in the display.

To set the temperature you want, just turn the dial right to increase and left to decrease. Each ‘click’ as the dial turns represents a 0.5º change.

User GuideSingle Zone Thermostat Y87RF

User GuideSingle Zone Thermostat Y87RF

Night-time temperature reductionOvernight, or if you are out, it is best to set the thermostat to a lower temperature, as it will save you energy. In general a reduction of 5°C is recommended, but this will depend on your heating system and the amount of insulation in your home.

Replacing the batteriesYour batteries should be replaced when the symbol is displayed.

To do this, separate the thermostat from the wiring plate and insert 2 new AA alkaline batteries in place of the empty ones. Then reattach the thermostat to the wiring plate.






Getting to know your display

Set Temperature Indicator

Means the figure on the screen is your set temperature, rather than your current room temerature.

Heating on

Means there is a requirement for some heating, so your boiler should either be on or cycling on/off.

Boiler Relay Connection

Means your thermostat is successfully connected to your Boiler Relay.

Internet Gateway Connection (optional)

Means your thermostat is successfully connected to your Internet Gateway.

After five seconds the current room temperature will be displayed once again. The thermostat will then try to maintain your set temperature as accurately as possible.

You can check your set temperature by turning the dial one ‘click’ to the left or right. The set temperature will flash up for a few seconds, before returning to display the room temperature again.

Setting your room temperatureYour current room temperature is shown in the display.

To set the temperature you want, just turn the dial right to increase and left to decrease. Each ‘click’ as the dial turns represents a 0.5º change.

User GuideSingle Zone Thermostat Y87RF

User GuideSingle Zone Thermostat Y87RF

Night-time temperature reductionOvernight, or if you are out, it is best to set the thermostat to a lower temperature, as it will save you energy. In general a reduction of 5°C is recommended, but this will depend on your heating system and the amount of insulation in your home.

Replacing the batteriesYour batteries should be replaced when the symbol is displayed.

To do this, separate the thermostat from the wiring plate and insert 2 new AA alkaline batteries in place of the empty ones. Then reattach the thermostat to the wiring plate.






Getting to know your display

Set Temperature Indicator

Means the figure on the screen is your set temperature, rather than your current room temerature.

Heating on

Means there is a requirement for some heating, so your boiler should either be on or cycling on/off.

Boiler Relay Connection

Means your thermostat is successfully connected to your Boiler Relay.

Internet Gateway Connection (optional)

Means your thermostat is successfully connected to your Internet Gateway.


Low batteries

If you see this battery icon then you need to replace the batteries right away. See overleaf.

No power to the thermostat

If the thermostat screen is blank after initial installation, then check the protective tab has been removed from the batteries. Otherwise, try replacing the batteries.

RF communication error

If these icons are flashing, then there may be an issue with the signal from the Boiler Relay. First check there is mains power to the Boiler Relay. If this does not resolve the problem, consult your installer.

Defective thermostat

If this icon is displayed then the thermostat is no longer functioning and will need to be replaced.

4. After binding, the strength of the signal between the devices will appear on the thermostat for a few seconds. 1 equals the lowest strength and 5 the highest. Then the normal screen will be shown, including a symbol to confirm the Gateway and the thermostat are now connected.

5. Please refer to your Gateway instructions to learn how to create your online account and download our smartphone app.

2. Briefly touch the right-hand touch zone once again to send the binding signal. The and symbols will flash until binding is successful.

3. With good reception, the green LED on the Gateway will then light up to confirm successful binding.

Binding your thermostat to a RFG100 Internet GatewayIf you want to be able to operate your Single Zone Thermostat remotely or add scheduling then you will need to use the Honeywell RFG100 Internet Gateway (sold separately) and bind the thermostat to it.

To do this, please follow the full installation instructions in the RFG100 box, and at the relevant binding stage follow these steps to connect your thermostat:

1. Touch and hold the right-hand touch zone for about 10 seconds to activate the binding screen.


Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, ACS-ECC EMEA, Z.A. La Pièce 16, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland by its Authorised Representative Honeywell Inc.

Need help? For assistance with this product please visit:

Honeywell Control Systems Ltd.Skimped Hill Lane,BracknellBerkshireRG12 50094158-006 A

Note: if you have tried to bind but have persistent problems doing so, please visit the URL below for assistance:


Low batteries

If you see this battery icon then you need to replace the batteries right away. See overleaf.

No power to the thermostat

If the thermostat screen is blank after initial installation, then check the protective tab has been removed from the batteries. Otherwise, try replacing the batteries.

RF communication error

If these icons are flashing, then there may be an issue with the signal from the Boiler Relay. First check there is mains power to the Boiler Relay. If this does not resolve the problem, consult your installer.

Defective thermostat

If this icon is displayed then the thermostat is no longer functioning and will need to be replaced.

4. After binding, the strength of the signal between the devices will appear on the thermostat for a few seconds. 1 equals the lowest strength and 5 the highest. Then the normal screen will be shown, including a symbol to confirm the Gateway and the thermostat are now connected.

5. Please refer to your Gateway instructions to learn how to create your online account and download our smartphone app.

2. Briefly touch the right-hand touch zone once again to send the binding signal. The and symbols will flash until binding is successful.

3. With good reception, the green LED on the Gateway will then light up to confirm successful binding.

Binding your thermostat to a RFG100 Internet GatewayIf you want to be able to operate your Single Zone Thermostat remotely or add scheduling then you will need to use the Honeywell RFG100 Internet Gateway (sold separately) and bind the thermostat to it.

To do this, please follow the full installation instructions in the RFG100 box, and at the relevant binding stage follow these steps to connect your thermostat:

1. Touch and hold the right-hand touch zone for about 10 seconds to activate the binding screen.


Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, ACS-ECC EMEA, Z.A. La Pièce 16, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland by its Authorised Representative Honeywell Inc.

Need help? For assistance with this product please visit:

Honeywell Control Systems Ltd.Skimped Hill Lane,BracknellBerkshireRG12 50094158-006 A

Note: if you have tried to bind but have persistent problems doing so, please visit the URL below for assistance:


Low batteries

If you see this battery icon then you need to replace the batteries right away. See overleaf.

No power to the thermostat

If the thermostat screen is blank after initial installation, then check the protective tab has been removed from the batteries. Otherwise, try replacing the batteries.

RF communication error

If these icons are flashing, then there may be an issue with the signal from the Boiler Relay. First check there is mains power to the Boiler Relay. If this does not resolve the problem, consult your installer.

Defective thermostat

If this icon is displayed then the thermostat is no longer functioning and will need to be replaced.

4. After binding, the strength of the signal between the devices will appear on the thermostat for a few seconds. 1 equals the lowest strength and 5 the highest. Then the normal screen will be shown, including a symbol to confirm the Gateway and the thermostat are now connected.

5. Please refer to your Gateway instructions to learn how to create your online account and download our smartphone app.

2. Briefly touch the right-hand touch zone once again to send the binding signal. The and symbols will flash until binding is successful.

3. With good reception, the green LED on the Gateway will then light up to confirm successful binding.

Binding your thermostat to a RFG100 Internet GatewayIf you want to be able to operate your Single Zone Thermostat remotely or add scheduling then you will need to use the Honeywell RFG100 Internet Gateway (sold separately) and bind the thermostat to it.

To do this, please follow the full installation instructions in the RFG100 box, and at the relevant binding stage follow these steps to connect your thermostat:

1. Touch and hold the right-hand touch zone for about 10 seconds to activate the binding screen.


Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, ACS-ECC EMEA, Z.A. La Pièce 16, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland by its Authorised Representative Honeywell Inc.

Need help? For assistance with this product please visit:

Honeywell Control Systems Ltd.Skimped Hill Lane,BracknellBerkshireRG12 50094158-006 A

Note: if you have tried to bind but have persistent problems doing so, please visit the URL below for assistance:

Page 3: Izbová teplota - Honeywell Home

Spojenie Vášho termostatu s RFG100 internetovou bránouAk chcete ovládať Váš termostat Round na diaľku cez mobilné zariadenia, alebo chcete nastaviť časové programy, je nevyhnutné použiť Honeywell RFG100 internetovú bránu (predávaná zvlášť) a spárovať ju s termostatom. Pre spárovanie týchto dvoch zariadení postupujte podľa pokynov v návode na ištaláciu pre RFG100. Na príslušnom kroku párovania nasledujte tieto kroky pre pripojenie Vášho termostatu:

1. Stlačte a držte dotykovú zónu pod displejom vpravo po dobu 10 sekúnd pre aktivovanie párovacieho režimu.

2. Krátko stlačte dotykovú zónu pod displejom vpravo ešte raz pre vyslanie párovacieho signálu. Symboly a budú blikať pokiaľ nebude párovanie úspešne dokončené.

3. Ak je signál správne prijatý rozsvieti sa zelená LED dióda so symbolom na bráne, pre potvrdenie úspešného párovania.

4. Po spárovaní sa na niekoľko sekúnd na displeji termostatu zobrazí číslo zodpovedajúce sile signálu. 1 znamená slabý signál a 5 signál najsilnejší. Potom sa na displeji objaví izbová teplota a symbol pre potvrdenie spojenia medzi Internetovou bránou a termostatom.

5. Pokračujte podľa pokynov v návode na inštaláciu RFG100 Internetovej brány, kde sa dozviete ako si vytvoriť online účet a ako a kde stiahnuť aplikáciu do Vášho mobilného zariadenia.

Honeywell s.r.o.Mlynské Nivy 71 P.O.BOX 75 820 07 Bratislava

Tel. +421 2 322 622

Zmeny vyhradené. Vytlačené v Európe.50094157-005 A


Low batteries

If you see this battery icon then you need to replace the batteries right away. See overleaf.

No power to the thermostat

If the thermostat screen is blank after initial installation, then check the protective tab has been removed from the batteries. Otherwise, try replacing the batteries.

RF communication error

If these icons are flashing, then there may be an issue with the signal from the Boiler Relay. First check there is mains power to the Boiler Relay. If this does not resolve the problem, consult your installer.

Defective thermostat

If this icon is displayed then the thermostat is no longer functioning and will need to be replaced.

4. After binding, the strength of the signal between the devices will appear on the thermostat for a few seconds. 1 equals the lowest strength and 5 the highest. Then the normal screen will be shown, including a symbol to confirm the Gateway and the thermostat are now connected.

5. Please refer to your Gateway instructions to learn how to create your online account and download our smartphone app.

2. Briefly touch the right-hand touch zone once again to send the binding signal. The and symbols will flash until binding is successful.

3. With good reception, the green LED on the Gateway will then light up to confirm successful binding.

Binding your thermostat to a RFG100 Internet GatewayIf you want to be able to operate your Single Zone Thermostat remotely or add scheduling then you will need to use the Honeywell RFG100 Internet Gateway (sold separately) and bind the thermostat to it.

To do this, please follow the full installation instructions in the RFG100 box, and at the relevant binding stage follow these steps to connect your thermostat:

1. Touch and hold the right-hand touch zone for about 10 seconds to activate the binding screen.


Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, ACS-ECC EMEA, Z.A. La Pièce 16, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland by its Authorised Representative Honeywell Inc.

Need help? For assistance with this product please visit:

Honeywell Control Systems Ltd.Skimped Hill Lane,BracknellBerkshireRG12 50094158-006 A

Note: if you have tried to bind but have persistent problems doing so, please visit the URL below for assistance: Troubleshooting

Low batteries

If you see this battery icon then you need to replace the batteries right away. See overleaf.

No power to the thermostat

If the thermostat screen is blank after initial installation, then check the protective tab has been removed from the batteries. Otherwise, try replacing the batteries.

RF communication error

If these icons are flashing, then there may be an issue with the signal from the Boiler Relay. First check there is mains power to the Boiler Relay. If this does not resolve the problem, consult your installer.

Defective thermostat

If this icon is displayed then the thermostat is no longer functioning and will need to be replaced.

4. After binding, the strength of the signal between the devices will appear on the thermostat for a few seconds. 1 equals the lowest strength and 5 the highest. Then the normal screen will be shown, including a symbol to confirm the Gateway and the thermostat are now connected.

5. Please refer to your Gateway instructions to learn how to create your online account and download our smartphone app.

2. Briefly touch the right-hand touch zone once again to send the binding signal. The and symbols will flash until binding is successful.

3. With good reception, the green LED on the Gateway will then light up to confirm successful binding.

Binding your thermostat to a RFG100 Internet GatewayIf you want to be able to operate your Single Zone Thermostat remotely or add scheduling then you will need to use the Honeywell RFG100 Internet Gateway (sold separately) and bind the thermostat to it.

To do this, please follow the full installation instructions in the RFG100 box, and at the relevant binding stage follow these steps to connect your thermostat:

1. Touch and hold the right-hand touch zone for about 10 seconds to activate the binding screen.


Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, ACS-ECC EMEA, Z.A. La Pièce 16, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland by its Authorised Representative Honeywell Inc.

Need help? For assistance with this product please visit:

Honeywell Control Systems Ltd.Skimped Hill Lane,BracknellBerkshireRG12 50094158-006 A

Note: if you have tried to bind but have persistent problems doing so, please visit the URL below for assistance:


Low batteries

If you see this battery icon then you need to replace the batteries right away. See overleaf.

No power to the thermostat

If the thermostat screen is blank after initial installation, then check the protective tab has been removed from the batteries. Otherwise, try replacing the batteries.

RF communication error

If these icons are flashing, then there may be an issue with the signal from the Boiler Relay. First check there is mains power to the Boiler Relay. If this does not resolve the problem, consult your installer.

Defective thermostat

If this icon is displayed then the thermostat is no longer functioning and will need to be replaced.

4. After binding, the strength of the signal between the devices will appear on the thermostat for a few seconds. 1 equals the lowest strength and 5 the highest. Then the normal screen will be shown, including a symbol to confirm the Gateway and the thermostat are now connected.

5. Please refer to your Gateway instructions to learn how to create your online account and download our smartphone app.

2. Briefly touch the right-hand touch zone once again to send the binding signal. The and symbols will flash until binding is successful.

3. With good reception, the green LED on the Gateway will then light up to confirm successful binding.

Binding your thermostat to a RFG100 Internet GatewayIf you want to be able to operate your Single Zone Thermostat remotely or add scheduling then you will need to use the Honeywell RFG100 Internet Gateway (sold separately) and bind the thermostat to it.

To do this, please follow the full installation instructions in the RFG100 box, and at the relevant binding stage follow these steps to connect your thermostat:

1. Touch and hold the right-hand touch zone for about 10 seconds to activate the binding screen.


Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, ACS-ECC EMEA, Z.A. La Pièce 16, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland by its Authorised Representative Honeywell Inc.

Need help? For assistance with this product please visit:

Honeywell Control Systems Ltd.Skimped Hill Lane,BracknellBerkshireRG12 50094158-006 A

Note: if you have tried to bind but have persistent problems doing so, please visit the URL below for assistance:


Low batteries

If you see this battery icon then you need to replace the batteries right away. See overleaf.

No power to the thermostat

If the thermostat screen is blank after initial installation, then check the protective tab has been removed from the batteries. Otherwise, try replacing the batteries.

RF communication error

If these icons are flashing, then there may be an issue with the signal from the Boiler Relay. First check there is mains power to the Boiler Relay. If this does not resolve the problem, consult your installer.

Defective thermostat

If this icon is displayed then the thermostat is no longer functioning and will need to be replaced.

4. After binding, the strength of the signal between the devices will appear on the thermostat for a few seconds. 1 equals the lowest strength and 5 the highest. Then the normal screen will be shown, including a symbol to confirm the Gateway and the thermostat are now connected.

5. Please refer to your Gateway instructions to learn how to create your online account and download our smartphone app.

2. Briefly touch the right-hand touch zone once again to send the binding signal. The and symbols will flash until binding is successful.

3. With good reception, the green LED on the Gateway will then light up to confirm successful binding.

Binding your thermostat to a RFG100 Internet GatewayIf you want to be able to operate your Single Zone Thermostat remotely or add scheduling then you will need to use the Honeywell RFG100 Internet Gateway (sold separately) and bind the thermostat to it.

To do this, please follow the full installation instructions in the RFG100 box, and at the relevant binding stage follow these steps to connect your thermostat:

1. Touch and hold the right-hand touch zone for about 10 seconds to activate the binding screen.


Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, ACS-ECC EMEA, Z.A. La Pièce 16, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland by its Authorised Representative Honeywell Inc.

Need help? For assistance with this product please visit:

Honeywell Control Systems Ltd.Skimped Hill Lane,BracknellBerkshireRG12 50094158-006 A

Note: if you have tried to bind but have persistent problems doing so, please visit the URL below for assistance:


Low batteries

If you see this battery icon then you need to replace the batteries right away. See overleaf.

No power to the thermostat

If the thermostat screen is blank after initial installation, then check the protective tab has been removed from the batteries. Otherwise, try replacing the batteries.

RF communication error

If these icons are flashing, then there may be an issue with the signal from the Boiler Relay. First check there is mains power to the Boiler Relay. If this does not resolve the problem, consult your installer.

Defective thermostat

If this icon is displayed then the thermostat is no longer functioning and will need to be replaced.

4. After binding, the strength of the signal between the devices will appear on the thermostat for a few seconds. 1 equals the lowest strength and 5 the highest. Then the normal screen will be shown, including a symbol to confirm the Gateway and the thermostat are now connected.

5. Please refer to your Gateway instructions to learn how to create your online account and download our smartphone app.

2. Briefly touch the right-hand touch zone once again to send the binding signal. The and symbols will flash until binding is successful.

3. With good reception, the green LED on the Gateway will then light up to confirm successful binding.

Binding your thermostat to a RFG100 Internet GatewayIf you want to be able to operate your Single Zone Thermostat remotely or add scheduling then you will need to use the Honeywell RFG100 Internet Gateway (sold separately) and bind the thermostat to it.

To do this, please follow the full installation instructions in the RFG100 box, and at the relevant binding stage follow these steps to connect your thermostat:

1. Touch and hold the right-hand touch zone for about 10 seconds to activate the binding screen.


Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, ACS-ECC EMEA, Z.A. La Pièce 16, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland by its Authorised Representative Honeywell Inc.

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