
IVENSG •NEWS.Vol. t, No. 29 PLAINFIELD, N. J.. SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1884. Price Two Centa.

Special Sale

Fine ClothingFOR


Tremendous daughter!PRICES WAy DOWN !



Fancy Cashmeres*


Whip Cords,Diagonals,




—Ladias of North PUinfloldralUx ianiales at tb* Children'sbin* of Dixciti'* lot

—The BoUl SatlMrwwod is now full, bar-g g

mosfc wUl be 1 urnlsfasd for the en joymentthe guert. and their friend* this eTeninE.

ll take place at tL ' H

o'clock Monday alto]



- Mohairs,

Linen Coats,2 ] * •

and Dusters.


50o and OP WARDS

irgest ud Bet Issortmtnt




A T • *

taendoiisly LOW PRICES.



[Established House

S. C. Lilienstern,\ *HE lEADDffl FLAUTFEELD


[Merchant Tailori«EKTS' FURNISHER,

NO. 7

IE. Front Streetf OPPOSITE


I Lying's Hall, the second at fuoro'clock and tba third at eight in the evening.

—Mr. G. Fraaee insists tbat Us Blaioeogatt banner Is not a thine of MM past.

hat restored it to Its former podtion, andmaintain there, 1M says, wi tid or


—Tba meeting or the Coaacil thisi examine tbe charges against Policeman

Krfly will, be ota private nature. ~those directty interested and tba reportw*will be allowed to attend.

—Yesterday morning Guells Engine Co..No, 1, presented tlieir driver, Mr. GeorgeKlckert, with a uandatmto new uniform,•listing of can, coat, vat and lautts. Mr. J.A. Moot*, tbe foreman o( the company,the presentation speech.

—Tbe Trinity Rflfornwl and Pint Presby-terian ckarehea win wonbtp together duringthis month and tbe next. Tbe Rav. Mr.Raymond will have charge UM first month,and tbe voroing service* will be held iu I h#Trinity Church and tbe evening servicestba Fu-rt Pnibyuriaa The Bar. IKeiL'lwm will take charge during Augurt,and tbe morning services will be held inFirst Presbyterian Church and tbe eveningservices iu the Trinity. The vacation "each of tba pastors for a Month will tbe provided far.

Ynterdar momfug a trial m made, sep-arately, of several uf the engine companies,and in tbe afternoon of the. whoU depart-

At tU nwrniDg Wai Engine Co.. St.. 2, »i, giveu hjgual latt thoir boiue, ou Front

•tree*, and located on tba well at the corner

\ Engine Co., No. 1. left their houseon SecODd sin-flt, and caooeedod fn gettingwiler from Uw wall at the confer of Fifthstreet and Park aveuue. in four minute, and

t tbe afternoon trial a general alarm wa*oded, tbe understanding being Jhat tbe

entire department should go to tha ParkHouse. The place was reached in the ^Hon-ing order: HUM Ko. I, 3 min., 30 sec; AlertH.*e aud Engine No. 1, 3 min., 80 sec.. Hookand Ladder, 3 min., 45 sec.; Engine No. 3,and Hose, 4 min.; Bnglne Mo, 8, and Hoau,min.. 3D sec. Tbe differences in dbtauoeand ID tlie weights ol the engines made any

«ir distinction unpoadbla. They all •• r iL

The effect ol the afternoon turuout wasgive the cftr oOciala and deuums generallyan exhibition of the efflcieucy of the depart'incut. To thi* end UM exhibition mwsatisfactory. Major Maxsoa, CouuciMarsh, and othei-* witnessaa, from tbeof tbe Park House, the arrival ol the various

y•tood that this wa> (Imply ao esbibitiou, thereport a m followad tbe bogna alarm, toefbet that thenThi* helped IUirougedttK

a fire in toe Park House.ill tUs large multitude <•t», all gotug In the <

direction. Everybody seemed writ pleaaed.

Includingtbe Cruet Baud and the Reform Club Chor-

Wtended the celebration at BoundBrook yesterday. The oration of»a» delivered by tlie Her. Dr. Lewis, of tbeSeventh Day Baptist Church of tub city.

of the PiainfcW people did not Ilka thecharging of twenty-live odnta adnusdon tothe Hall where tbe exercises, occur™!, eveithough it did include a plate ofBound Brook waa, however, thewakened up, and turned oat strong, nowittotandl-ig tbe twenty-art cent bnafiieas.

I U M IVilllanw, of Kew York City, b vUlt-

Mr. Frederick Conde, of Brooklyn, form-erly of thai city, It amending a few days with

rieadabera.Mr. Trnemaii Moffatt. Jr., of PhlauWlphia,•psuding a few day* with hi.

iia city. Hia tatkN- UchtotBaldwin Locomotiv* Work*.

Xiai Eartena Mack of Laanbarrr Ob, k rlaH-ig at™. C H. Sehermarbora of Fifth

•i lai l fc • • Ik* AwieT—t.

On Thorriay evening about eigiit o'clock.John Horrfc and John Thouipmi, MnployeMof the Potter Frew Work., atarMd to take abath at Staiiar bridge, a w^l-know,, ipwaboaC a tnlle oat ef towa on Btwiy Brook.The water here in place* reacaea a depth often feet and more. Norri. had not been inbathing la i

die place before, and a

«gsi«t coming in ua-Snd him a shallow apor. Tbaea•mall boyi in bathing at the

time, and Thompson bearing aotue (planningnear Um thought they were engaged in nookfrolic B* aoon diacoverad, however, that it

' H e immediately went

Thompson by the' arm, aud together thojwent down the Ant titae. Thoinp»ou freedhinualf aud triad to get aitMper hoid wbaathey came to toe turfaor, but ba waa nnabl*to do ao, this Unje being clutched by the lag,and tba pair went down the e»eund UmtiThompMHi again freed himself. Aa UMdrowning man waa going down tbe UOrdtime, Thorn peon etltad him by the hair, butthe hair waa too abort, and the man want

the boya who were there to get a rail from •fence near by, and with this be endeavored

FM the body out, bin tbe water was too

Plalnfield. began the night previous wl*nUM boahiaM straeta m thrmiffod with.; ahappy-go-lucky crowd, eager for anything

I not oaring moch of what natiire tbe "aij^-lgf waa. Front atreet waa in parta nnolymlnatnil hj nhliwai l«nt*i m Firecrackan•• Ht eg in bonobM fa tba atreeta, aodk-

what to the terror ot drtmre of Aiitiah

g * meeting, under tbe anipicea «f«*• n r l n u Umperanoe organintionc of thecity, although advertised for ten o'clock a.

of tbe exerciaNt.R. PertiM prwided. Tb»

Memorial Day cboma of young girb, uuderdirection of Mr. Edward Tnaworta and Mm

, ware present, aiw! MtUvened the

TbflBer. FVtb-r Rogm. of SCRoman Caibolic Cnnrefa, Kew Bniwwfek,who is about w*vtatj-*ix yean of age andstill bale and liearty and dearly betarvd byfan parWi, one of tbs oldeu in J* - " — -inbend* to celebrate Ii i* Oftieth im the ptieatbood, about the eud ol next Sep-tember. Patber R^era -iiitbii iecUon of theoriginally amhractuR Sew Bmnewiek, plainfield, Boand Bro.,tt Baritan, rVlb Amboy.SuatbAmboj, Metuchen and iVoodbrHge.We understand tint Bight K=r. M. J. O'Far-rell, Bithopof Trentou, prior to his depar-ture to Ro. [«, in April, ,fi*it after conaecratiun. tiesired it to be dietisK-tly BDdersMod tdat be woabt return intime to celebrate tUa event, 'coudderad ona-of the moat interwatins to Catholic* In thi.section ot New Jersey.. Thd oleneal (rieiidiof Dr. Roger* ant making preparations to

1 a tbe t n n t one of mere than ordinary

opening prayer was made by Felixof H'twell Division, Sons of Temperance. —City Clerk a B. Lwnard rail tba bc l sra - , Tbe picnic for tbe benefit of St.tion of Independence, aud Judge SalhiuiHarper deUvared tbe oration ot to* day.recitation ot "Tbe American Flag" wa*gi*<

Drug Store,Formerly Voorhees',

21 W. Front St,Plainfield, N. J.

i emme to town, but well acquainted with the mlepa to be taken

PUiufldd, who iu company with a numberot others imroeJiatwIyAfter mucb diTiug tba body waa found and

b H V b i Ug y

brought to abore by Henry Voabi, UNorth PlainlelJ b Tbe bodyn


In the water about an boor. Coronerher, of SomarvtUe, was notified, and UM bod'

first taken to Uw man's boarding place,aud then removed to A. M. Runyon & Sou'i

_ Bark avenue. Tbe coronerViewing tbe remain. dacHed that death waa

accidental drowning, aid that .Inquest wai not necessary.

-is waa an Englishman, abctweuty-aeven year* of age, and bad beenIhis country bat about a year and a lialf.He batoiiged to tin If sTgamatton SocietyEngineers, who will Iiava charge of hfc fun-aral Ii will 'and tlie body wili'i* barfed i s theDay Baptist

A very pretty and interesting sight wastbe starting point of tba bicycien Ou ttieirebineas uuiteru parade on Thursday evening,from tbe corner of 8j wu th atrMt and Broadway. In tbe iiiiiiofuvjrtng; preparatory tothe start, several riders came to " 'through tbe way warduess of their rigand in strong language, bit the dost, demol-

Tbere were a double doain who wbaeled oftaround the Crescentbogle, inclnding une tricycle,

ih l di

t the ,ouiid of UM

:bat the bail bad paaaed throuiii the underlip aud shoulder of one of lui horMa The

nous iuppcs.-d to hava fired the shot w e ntbe bcidse. Tney have not been kleutifled.

Th« ahooting WM probably entirely acei-deiitnl, but men camletaneM should bi se-verely dealt with.

_ at nine o'clock a Unablaineand Logan banner was Hong u

and plarad -'Marcnlug liirougu Georgia,'•Ball to the Chief," and other popular cam

paign tonga, A number of persons warpresent, but notpeecheewereinade, althoughouohumorou* old gmtJemau, not wiahinj; tbe

ocratB to be forgotten, called for threei for Andraw Jaokdon. The money to

aaonw WM qoleUy ratoed by a

It may some what tooths ths roflUd feelingsI those wbo waited at (be ball .grounds in

vain yesterday afternoon Tor tbe opof the Hudson*, of Sew York, whoplay with toe Crescents, to know, that tbeloriner dab waited a* tba station in HawTork for three trains for tha

(dear, as it was raining tbereattlw time. TheCrseoanni this afternoon play UM ElisabethAthletics again, on the hitter club's grounds.The Athletic, yerterday played tbe Leas, end

Tb* following telegram i: « p ; t n . feManlay:

by a Joins. Bpaeabes war* al«> made byMaiwu, John H. Franca, Pre-idwit

of tbe Reform Club, and Thomas Hlcharda*Ol Brooklyn.

Tbe Park House nauageineiit hatf arraugedfor an eveuiug en to-tun u»nt for the IwneOtot UM guests, but aa the majority

uned to aotne fntare date.At tbe Hotel Jletberwood a display of fea|

works WM given from d;U to S;«, tolluwing

Icr. The parlor affair was entiretycredit upon theTbe entartaii

singing, and a serin* <views. Dancing followed. .

amber of Plalnfleldara were prastnt.About <lx or asvss hundred paople gmlh-

erad on tbe Uaion Club bouseBroadway last evening, to witaBfinest displays of nre-work* givicinity in years. A few minor pieces go off oo account of the dampness ofair, but the exhibition, which lasted an hoar

jy satisfactorily, as awhole. Tbe small boy n t on hand here,

Uw aodtenoB dilug the Intervals. Following tbe display.Which was saiil to bave cort »75, refrcah-meuta were served in the club home. Daac-iag wblled away tba remaining hour, i t thewuiua;.

About sixteon mint* , , of the ReformC lub, of this dty, togatfaer with thrae uuifa*of tbe Womau't Oirtatian TemperanceUnion visited Rah way yesterday afternoon

new ball of the Reform Club uf that place..Barters are fitted op with a recap-reading room and bmineai roo

vera BMde by Prwidout French,4H> Fiainneid d a b , President Chrk, of theIlisabetb Club, and Prank Dodge, of tbeKainneU Club. A floe collatioo waa far-nished tbe visitors, by tbe IPOBUD^ Chria"tfaii Tempdrsnc ~Heforia Club acbtmdred atrong. An exhibition of firework*

I, which owfng to a mishap oc-curred all at once.

During tbe day tbe beer man anpplied freeher. Tbe ladle* of the Woman's Christiaii

Tbniperanee Uuioti, in torn, furnished ioedlemonade aud aaudwiches tree. It waa staleditiat orer one thousand persons partook ofbe lemonade and sandwiebes.

Thursday evenini; about [BiliJ o'clock Mr.lagaroan; of Nurtu Pteluflald, was o

_:riviug in a surrey wagm, in Grave ktre.when Uw bone took fright at the notae froBagine Co., Mo. i, whieb was at work on tbebridge, and attempted to run away.Hagninan }*ilU<l hard on the rebis to c

aanimal wben the bit broke, let ring tbelie slip back on the boras1! neck WIM

altoontrui of him was K4L Toe hone started-a break neck pace down tba bill to the

.table, wben Mr. Prank Cook Jumpedward and caught the animal by tha istopping hi* breathing, a id sit ing Mr. Hag-aaiau fnxn what evryboly consideredwould have baea a aenooa acctleut.

Last Monday aftamoon a picnic was givenbfMn. Mary Jane Plaids, to the Society ofFriends, to tbe cnildran of tb* First DayMbbol of the Friends' Meeting House on

* street, In the lawn adjiiuinc her rest--. at which tuere war* over IDS children

who were afforded Itbroofh tbe lady's kind attautioo,

a supplied with lee cream, and otherdelicacies, Mrs. Field bearing all we expense.Tba matter, Quaker- like, ha* been kept varyqntot, but some of bar friends reel tost suchloTaig-kiDdocss sbonld not pas* unnoticed.

_Jd»JolyfeCallaban, Mrs. MaggieP-rs^na, Mra. A. W.Cadwell. Mrs H. C. Balti>Wer, E. J.

R l M L i i

owell, Mra C. ttaotb, W. E.«Ja*. John Treat, Joatph

Warn ii, IQs* Mary A.Wbeu o»U*d for, please say adrarUaed.

E. B. Popa, P. M.

Cliurcb, which was t have at

CrrrHoTn,—H W Harbarger, Laaca*Pa.; AIe> J Harberger, Lancaster, Pa.Owde, BrooUyn, Sew,York j W F Elgld«,Oavtty, R t ; Sami B hyau, Gmm-kh.COUP.; GLWalwotth, Carlisle. Pa.; MayBanks, JTewark, >'. J.; Sami MaimingNew York; Spmngataui, New Turk,Anaoo Fioea, BmardsviUe, N. J.; PrankKliart, SomerrUle, N. J.; M>> KiUyO'Bri™, Barhun; i l k Nellie CVBrfeo,Hariem; Wm HnbbarJ, BnSalo; 8 BWiicox, BeaderUle. Cynn.

Ai-MioHoriL-^p Mclreruey, BrooklyiCna- H L.THUI, City; S C Harrii, NewTurk; J Suaw, Brook .yu; D A Place, NewTork;8 Hta. Boserille; C Lyftn, Roaevilk-;L M Johnson, Samerville; H C JOBNew Tork; Mi» L Dally, Somerville; Mi«K DaUy, Somerville- John Clark, Uorri^town; Mia Belle Connor, Horrfstown; HB Scott. City; MU E 3 BoatiuJeney City; M E LorelJ, New York;HaUie Menu, New Turk; Frauk H Moore;Nsw fork; Kia< l^ioi« Storm, Haw 1



KJ bar, far >. AddrosG



Tbe Plainfield Transportation,: Clay MiningMANUFACTURING COMPANY.Cll ipply ID E D W A R D C. S i n.- Real EffUe Ilrokfr, Xo. .} and »| uppotuc depot, PUiD<Qd, K J.

LAWN PARTY,Under the LaspMxs of the


Park Avenue Church,

i t* str.i.~ ' !5T** oa "" — "Sj

Park Hoiise Grounds10.

'. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN.) Possetsion in the Fall, y> to fio dava



[side Ave. near Broadway,

-.JI «*a jf, opp«iu 'Dcpoi', pTiiMkld. N. J.



U . FtiWIIaaa, K. J.

U iMt IU TniBS.Faisni Jy Riding a Specialty.


jwnmded wiih the utmost\ l^care. Busioess condiict-' a |

tti under the imme-iliaie supervi-

sion of thePropri-

BUTLER,The originator of 5 cent Ice CreamSoda Water, desires local) especialattention to his

5 Cent GINGER ALE,Equal to the finest Imported.

BUTLER£s selling "Bolles Bros.*' Extracts foe

the Handkerchief, equal to any ,! of American Manufacture,

at *5 cts per ounce.ALL ODORS. .

WHY!Buy "Extracts" reduced with al-cohol, or any of the ordinarycolognes put up in one ounce bot-tles, retailing for 25 cents, whenycfa can get the above GENUINEEXTRACTS, all odors, at

BUTLERS,for only 25 cents per ounce bottle, j

BUTLER'S.Aromatic Tooth Wash for cleaningand preserving the teeth. Imparts

a fragrance to the breath that itrare and delightful. It preventsall tartar- ami disco k> rat ions

and completely arrests theprogress of decay, at thesame time whitening

such parts as mayhave*already be- !come affected.

Price 25 cts. per Bottle, j

Butler's Drug Store.



Caluan bark and not AlkaMtalConbinod with the |.fn, ho+

l-h»te of iron in bfed ti

HOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION!Y«a Can put up ill kind* of frail. without

beat, retaining the natural fresh ap-pearance and taste iritb tints:

trouble Mjtvl expca&e vnth tbepreparation now for sale

at BaiWs Drugstore.CaU and se« K-ne

fnrit put up ihis«=asoVwith the

Butler'sG. A. BUTLER,


Formerly Yoorhees’,

21IV. Front St, Plainfield, N. J.


Tremendous {Slaughter! PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECIPES '^Bounded villi ihe utm

<d Mulct the inunn. «ioo of the


BUTLER, Fancy Cashmeres* Cheviots,

Corkscrews, Whip Cords,


The originator ol 5 cent lee Cream Soda Water, desires to call especial attention to his 5 Cent BISGER ALE.

Equal to thtf finest Imported.


•Extracts" reduced with al- , or any of the ordinary ncs put up in one ounce bot- etaifing lor 25 cents, when an get the above GENUINE UTRAORDUIARY BARGAINS IS .ilapacas,

Mohair8, Linen Coats,

and Dusters.

for only 25 cents per ounce bottle. OatOcm. Apply

BUTLER’S Parties desibik to subscribe TO THK


The Plainfield Transportation, Clay Mining


WHITE VESTS Aromatic Tooth Wash for cleaning and preserving the teeth. Imparts a fragrance to the breath that is rare and delight!nl. It prevents all tartar and discolorations and completely arrests the progress of decay, at the Mine time whitening such parts as may havtf"already be- come affected.

50o and UPWARDS

Price 25 cts. per Bottle, ■Ml 0.1, .1

Butler 's Drug Store. Lawn party,


Traneodoaslj LOW PRICES. TOOK PEOPLE’S ASSOOITWI, Park Arenue Church,

Park House Grounds Thursday, July 10.


FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Pom fine in the Fell. *> to 60 daw. LARGE TWO STORY Established House

FRENCH ROOF HOUSE Hillside Aie. near Broadvay,






HO. 7

IE. IJront Street OPPOSITE

[ Park Avenue


Second street.


fcftt gamingSATURDAY. JULY ft, 1884.

*k* Only Daily FMMT 1B

X. W. HOKKISOH, PixiutHsu,

i St. Pladnfleld, N. J

JIM/ nbariftim $

m+*!f#f*' t* T


riring In as large nnmb>-n as_ There a n now in in* dtr

about en •Iol.>cat«« anJ about AW win-puUera.Tbe hotel* have begun to snow xlgni ofactivity, tba Palmer houas betita; the enterof action. AttbePataerwSlib. tbe bead-qnartan ot thirty-one of the thirtr-eljtht

- "w territorka, the national ram..many ball and of tbo leadingcsndkUtea. All Jibe political

. ay wffl t .eatbering of the form thu>

iriciit tn afford n w tbe atoatin:ervir»*V data upon which to base poottlv.•talrweat. as to the relative strength ot thtcan ltdate*. The fact most apparent 4s thatif the alight** Indication ahoakl be received

tiou U imcticalty unlteS for Cleveland,though tbrse or foar have expressed d "preferaaca* (or BoyanL Nebranka,nally for Tiblen, U •imlnrsT drifting. N"»-adais ia tbe M M . boat. Sew Hami-him.favors Uw strongest ticket. New Yore ha*been tbe' subject of the strongest figuringand tin; estimates naturally vary a goOfl deaas tlie flgurer may be a pro-Clevrtana or ananti-CWelaud man. One given Clevelandthirty-five, and tha anti-Cleveland wing, in-cluding those for Flower and Bayard, amthose unplwlgnl oruni-oniniitte.1 to anybodythirtv-iwv™. Bigur K. Apgar ears: "land baa two-third, of the Wew York •Oon, and that manna, of coarse, that 1liavo tbs delegation solid, aa it WM decidedthat it should vote as a unit. I know wha1 have Just said to be a fact There 'doabt of it ia mj mind whatever.''

. , ,. a - -. •„


lyinr Power o»*rtax«>d.!Uhaml*er»- Journal. ]

A mutUhxle of loflunns injurious tohealth qxing into actlve exiitnce with tbe

• ana fb* growth

choku Of tha Hew York delegation, if tthave a choice, will be the choire ofTM—provided that choice is Cfcve-

If It utartild appear that Flower orBayani ordi<lato upop ^

n". tba other ftntna will not gireh i t i l t th ill

pretty generally - be tbe

Tb» earth, ah-. lira, andhamanitj, aod«.Uy bringing

long lived ID tbe comfortablebelief that Mother Earth, was tbe greatpurifier. The re vers., is, ft •seme, nearerthe truth. Years after tbe germs of infec-tion hava been consigned ttrthe ground theyhave been disinterred, and found to be nota whit diminished in virulence.

able respectability, are objecta of legitimatesuspicion! Fire, too, has a dreary catalogueof l i u to answer for. It not only rota us oftbe oxygen, of which thoee of us who live intowns lave so scanty a supply, but it givesas in exchange unonimraod carbon in quan-tities which nil tbe air with smut. In smokealone it furnishes as with food for reflection—and digestion—and probably will continue

Again, water Is the most insidious enemyOf alL Tbe most iodiapMsable of the ele-ments-it is credited with doing tbe greatest

* barm. In league with unnatural substances,it baa developed sucfi an affinity for noxiousmatter that tt appears that nothing short ofboiling can pomibly enable us to drink itwith any security.

Tbs air, too. Is anything but true to thttrust committed to bar charge. We havelong conliJiaitly believed in b.r goo I w ilLOnr aewera, drains, and chimneys discharge

: tfcalr. pestilent exhalations Into the air; butinstead of carrying lbs* away into space,

' as them only to bestow them upon

It bs not a little difficult to sna how we areto continue to rapport the burden of drlliisdexistence, • • * We baveoeruinly muchyet to lean In sanitary science. The oldttworica am owt by one bring exploded, andIt will no longer do for us to poison the airws braatbe, undur tbe pleasing impnaekmthat iu ptinfyin« properUo* are inexbausti-Ue. Civilization has made soch strides that•be has sQCceeded in overturning tbe equi-librium of nature. The equilibrium most be

[Now York Sun.]T o look at that clothespin," said the

dealer, "you'd scarcely believe that tbe man-ufacturer conld make and sell twelve of 'emfor a cent, and nave a profit of more than 30pat cent at that, would your

-Well,™ Koiiomd tba dealer, -they whittle'am oat at the rats or eighty a minute. Abeech or maple log, a loot in diameter andtan feet Ung, will whittle up into 12,000clothespins. That lug wont oust more than*5L Tbe clothespins they cut out of it wtUbs worth toa.40. It will take themboor, and a half W ran that log into olopin*, which •, __ten hour* a day they gat away with four Ionand have on hand **,(& clothespins, worth•383.00. Now the lumber for •best pins "only cost *tf or so. If that was all th*

n with a cloth«*piu factory might

that ML.-II I- _ _general ex)*cUtioa is that it will I* foundthat Cleveland has tba N»w Turk, dalega-

| Uon.It is «id to be part of Uw plan agreed upon

j by Butler and John Kelly to let the Cleve-land men talk tbsBMlvws tired. Kavetthe-len the t inning of the Tammany warriorsanil tbe Bay State Bntler guards Is awaitedwith tile greatest interest. When th«y doget hero ft is claimed the roar which will eonp will drown all that remains nf the CW.>land talk. But It mint be nl.1 that his *9WTork supporters white s.lmittiiijt the necc*.•lity ot th.- talk, express trrtainty that theother State delegations, will find tbe Empire

iti' delegates who are for Cleveland nu-irous enough to show that he b tbe choke

_ tb«- Democratic party. This much shownthey think the otlier state, will be ready tocome hi and ratify di-spitc tke ortfXMitf nn.

I Li announced that tbe caocusof tbe N>wT *fc .lele^ifti m wfll not be held to-nightAi> » (!• oily number of the New Tork .1-1-egiteaara not eKpected'to reach the city i\-(ore next week It mar be taken- as reason-ably • erUin that tbe meeting of the delega-tion will not occur until after their arrival.*Tb# McDonald men have brightened up

wou'erfully on the receipt of intelligencetli ir ii- iii-y Wattwiwn. of LnuLiville. willirr ve and open McDonald beodqu:irten>.This in tlie Ant off.-r of aid from outsideIndiana which the McDonald.1 men have received. and Its has been to cheer themgreatly. They claim to have positive in-

i formation that CJ.iv. Hoadly is a candidate1 for .nyiMrSg in si^ht; atol that be will corns

to Chicago with an organised following. Asriiuriimit Is In the same [msition tbe effectwill be to hnpplenly divide the Uhk> delega-tion, and tne Me Donald iteqoenn that many Ohiotheir «indidate.

Mr. Frank fiord, of Ohio, is here. Hscays be hu come for no other purpow than) OK hh influence to secure, the adoption ofplatform which would demand tbe reform

if the tariff. "We mutt tak. no doubtful•toad," said Mr. HiirJ. "on this question.The party mutt ntand by it. record and de-elare for a tariff to collect revenue, but r

bow they word it as long as the principledearly inundated. Tbe Illinois platform iizootl enough for me, and I have no doubtthat ti.e eonvenlion "ill bravely f*o» tbaIssue and voice the dominant sentiment ofth,- |ii j . Tb- only state* that are apt tohave PmtiUonists an tha committee onresolution., will be Rhode bland, Vermont.West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania andOhio." and 1 hope tbe protective tariff menwill bring in a minority report, and take thethe w w of the convention, upon tbe ques-

of the party

.* .« war. The Wii -n i wlenU' special

,. , 'ii< . railroad carrying aboattftynp-', tt-nbrtlna of kMdimt J.iuma> and the

' ' «'"1! Fr.s^™Xnto"Uspe*ir™igt>tr of tbei -yal FIIIWT hi which they wer 'i. N Major Paagborn and Mr.

., -wlentof «ctpgrapb<.r>I M . and Ohio, r, r . „

unM iutermt is mojtffwted in tbepected arrivals! the Tammany Hall andCounty Democracy follower-, numbering inall about T.SIM men. Thn advance guards ofeach wing of the party are nowon tbe groundand are unriug thi-ir preference with greatsenl. Frubably one of the bast iafornaedptditiciaiu tram New York state now here wAlderman Tourney, luleprudent Democrat.The gentleman, in tbe interview with a rep-resentative of tbe United Press, gave It aabis opinion (Uat while Clevolan

ill Mm alia, tt would not go far miiiili to se-cure tbe neceeiary two-thirds vote. Vbenasked for bis opinion BS to tbe final result oftbe convention, Mr. Tourney said: "At theprnvnt time tt a aluioxt iiaiwsaible to makea prediction with any degree of certaiiIibovldsay, however, that it now itjCleveland against the flekl.'1

Mr. Tourney explained this by saying ICleveland is the only man np to tba preatime who has any number of pledges.

Many sey that tbe convention will surelynominate the old ticket and take auntil Tildeu respoiulx. Should thisbs followed and Tilden declines, them wouldlikoly be a lung snd exciting seMion.

Beoator Bayard's headquarters willestablnl.f.1 in the ladies' unliiiafj' in UwOrand Pacific, tbe same occupied by tneBlaine lenders.

Tb> tabor brganiiatians of tliii cityagain in soaion last night arranging theButler (JuuKauttration, which is to take plan*to-night. It is now claimed that Uiora willbe from 1S,U» to «O.tNjp men in line.

To Organise While Kit BoBOBTOK, July S.-The Democratic dele-

gntes f nun MussachuUtttts, Uaitw end NewHampshire, left lor Chicago by special tram

r. M. tast evening. A party of one bun-visitors went on the same train. The

delegation will organize en route. As nearlyas can be ascertained the Maine1 and NewHampshire deiagate* are for Cleveland first

~ yard a good second. Tbe Maidelegates are for Butler, with

second cboica. They will decide upon a planof action alter reaching Chicago. Uen.Hotter and a faw personal friends left forChicago at 8:90 A.K. As tbe delegate train

ut of tbe depot the crowd gave three>r tba Burton delegation, followed

by three cheers fur Butler.

ALBANY. K. Y., July 5. —eon. Butler ar-rived on tlw 2-.V3 train from Boston. A large

^hT^uslasni'wastlnboilnded. Kingingcheers were given, and tbe crowd pressedaround a^ho sUpped from tbe train. He wasaccompanied by Mr. John Rooney, his pri-rate secretary, Uen. Hoger A. fry or and a.lumber uf other frienb. He w*u lunched,and the enthusiastic crowd then pressed

u.l and calltxl for a speech. SteppingIB ttJCforni of tbe car, the general said:ulfuieii, I thank you for this kind re-

ception. The time for talking Is over; thetuiiu for action u at band." Tbe crowdagain cheered Lustily, and the general tookbuseatintbe dining-room —after lelt tbe staUoo.

or Grant ft Ward profit*. Bm then tfcoaalop must be sawed up by four different

One separate, tbe log Into

gang of saw. which chop them Into clothee-pta lengths. These IsngUw a n carried by aswift^norukF belt to a machine that salsa.tbem. MM tbem la a lath* that gives themftabrabapelnthe twinkling ot an eye, and

to a saw that moves backward sod forward

cnews out tbe dot aha*, the wasb-wonantfcorea down over tbs clothes on tba line, andthe clothespin is ready, all but kiln drying

Tb* latter li dona In a revolving ironeyllnf *r tbe same at', r ••tints are deaoed.AUtba» ptoce—aa coat noney, aad whentbs roanulacturar COTOM to pot op bb) goodslor sal. ha finds out that his proOt on the49.0UU pins, hi. day's work, 1* only about•Ml V i p v r<k»*n,oraMfle

o tot A cants a doan. or «32 a thousand. *

Chicago Herald: A Washington lawyer•MMUMftrtfedanoldlawstaiin (ore in th*DMriot of Columbia, which provides thatany man wtao blaspheme* tbe nams of th.Ahnigbty 9od by using profane languageshall b* braadaJ aa tbs tonga, witk a notIron. Tba law was mated about IK*. Ithas never bssu repealed, "li it was* so-«MMBV MM tna lawyer, "the branding iroa«*dU b* kapi to wMstaaj* m**

Haw YORK, Jnly i — A special fromChicago to Too Herald says: -The A Is bunadefamation was originally for Tiblen and willbe now, but it stands: Cleveland, 18; Fluid,I The Arkanmu delegation ai a whole Isnot strenuous for auybody, bot is prepare!to take any uoa> the convention may pre-icribe. wfaetbK- it be labeUed Cleveland.Bayard. M.-Donabl or Thnrman. Two, bow-sver, are still stock on Tilden. Californiawas originally for Tiltlen, .iecldedly a«ainrtField and for Thurman as a»cond choice.Colorado, though uninstructed, it sytdown

Cleveland. Cbnnectloat waa originally__ TUden, bat is reported a. leaning to

Cleveland, Dataware, of coune, is forBayard, a« an ab» New Jersey and Mary-Is.ii. Florida ii solid for Cleveland.Georgia will oome up Hyoiinnlly for Cleve-land, but really, it is believed, for Tildeu.The majority of tbe Illinois delegation maybe Met dowti for Tilden if be will run, other*-win for CbmthvuL Indiana to for'herfavorite son, Joe McDonald. Tbe delegate.,

is Iwlfaved.wfll support him loyally if tfamany chance for Us -~r*rr^iT. and will

. me to Chicago with the expectation thatH.-ndrfc-k* will plan him httcr* tb* conven-tion. But there CM be no gainsaying tbefact that Hendrick* is sent in order that hemay reap tbe usufruct, H any tbero be, ofthe sentiment in favor of the old ticket, andbe on band to respond to any demand that

a. having . ' " ? " ,• a scnotcv o< twnw ui HI. ia.e «ue% BOW nsimsthe wkola -Lateen. XaMtacky to for Hafavorite MB, CariMa, and Louisiana knowsuoonebat Tild-n. Main, is for Clevelandby resolution of tn state convention.

Tbe MtairlBwrn dalBgatioa, beaded by«n btasatf, is, of conrie. lor Butler, at least* one ballot. After that it i* —ITI 11 illow she tHhfiMi wttl act. At premat theyAim to be a solid Bu"«r Ijody. but at Iwitiree-fourthsof tbem My they a n nadacidaap to bow they wUI act whan tha eonreationM fjdriy under war. MlchbjM a n , ah

genral tookr, wtiioh soon

O r for Cfcleac*.w T o u , Julyi—A delegation of the

County btiDocracy, with tbeir frknda, nun-

: of gum. muiar-. ..'heer*,. delegation will Wave ,

Haw York Central this morning, andwill sin twanty-tfarse palace ~

a dismal failure.boxes and stalls were crowded, and manylotable peoplu wore among their occupant*

but tbe pit end tbe gallery were almostempty. M. Klcbedin'a French version of tlu.tragedy, ilivided into nine acts, ia tediousand illogical iu its sequences: and the stageoaaagenwt m so eacraUa that tba tab-eanx with which ail the acta end ware fre

auoutly biaMd. Mile. Benuardt'* costuuving of tbs part of Lady Macbeth was a mar-vel of historical accuracy, but was more

t j than cnosftu. Her acting .waspowerful, bac ynwoaaanly, aad thera washardly a suggestkin of that famtnlaity, cor-

." 1 and overwhelmed by ambition,which ha> been bold by English writers tobs tba keynote of lady Macbeth'* cbarac-

•calper., the pruAts bain* divided. GeneralManager CkappaU eKunalaa that at least#10,OWJ worth of paasas have bean isswd aadsold In scalpers, tbs road, losing so much

m e i b . AttaK not being tba only roadW h i p t a d i the cfcargU art


„ with tbe •and k«t hi. riBht

BattJa of AntMam. His left. - a l s o ~rtly incapacitated by

.Bother wound. He has been janitor of the•stetortkeiMBtfaar yean and bear, an « -

_ . mTlnesday waa re-t day, aad VanGnomon coll*ted from some of the tenantssT the sate ttlO, which be pail In at hla«m-iloyerHoan. Later In the day. after the

iare,aa is am*

nit tradippeopU, whS~««t up their good, byhednmbTaitrr. which to located in the rearrfthewlUr. A fflght of tame strpal

thA eeHar, l a lb . rear of whtrh I

lamb waiter in the-rear of the cellar.Everything seemed to be in food order, andTK- Janitor went forward to extinguish thegbt. A»hfa ling.-™ torched tte tap hew-figure with upraised arm spring ont frot

_>» reoBM of Uh. dumb waiter. Before tbeteultor could stop the involuntary iimtion ot

fln tb» light w a s x t i u i h e d

, _ _: »yenoe pepper fat Van D aCttorins a bowi of pain tbe janitor oksedwith this second assailant, and as be did «

d h h l f l f i

tbouted for help, but none came. Duringtbe straggle between the second assailantmd Van Dneraen. the man with tbe sandclub rifled the janitor1* pockets. A fewjnds later the Janitor, braised and exhniuted,waa thrown heavily to the ground. H*itrovetu draw down the necond robber withhim, but the tatter's collar gavn way.

partially stunned. The . _. . B thetr way qoickty to tne froui:

door of the cellar."Be careful. Jim," Van Duerson heard one

whisper to the other, probably w|lh a view•ting hia confederate from betray

. — «n of excitement as the isroed Intothe surest. Tbe next minute tbe two

eWifb bilnded eyn anrt bruised body tbeJanitor staggered out into tbe street. "-• > met a iittle girl, whom he told tt

doctor, and a young mas named CurrieUDonuhne coming np at tha tin*.-, ~Duer*m was aeninteil to hi« apapartmeuitbe Ofth floor ot Ho. ISO West Twentiethntre«l. Dr. Albert H. UUk\ of So. l->\V«t Twentieth stnvt, soon arrived an Ifound tin- Janitor suffering from great painin his I'yiit and from cuucusaioii of the brain.He wUI be confined to his bed for some days.

Tbe police were notiOejl and DetectivePrice was dt-tailed to work np the case. Ihas so far been unable to obtain any clewthe thieves. Van Duanen describe, the miwith the raised club as being about tbero-lfam heiglit.aiul says the other w*s some-what taller and was clean shaven. He fearsthat he woulk not be ante to Identify therobbers, as but little amid be seen in the dimightof the cellar. It is believed that tbe

robbers surmised that it was rent day and.ay in wait for the Janitor.

Mr. John KlcboUam, one of tbe owners ofEne flnta, callod upon Van Duenen andnb-•nlved him from all blame. He commendedJim for his bravery and said that no

utalnod of boldins him In anyWi' for the i ii' HI r.'v.


America by Prai-.iuik place with appropriateTbe statue was presented by M. DeLMSeps,who, in tbe course of his addreat, said thatFrance had always been doasly allied toAmerica, and in the gift of thk work of artdesired to show her friemlshlp for tbe grand

ayPanama , ning tbe status on behalf of tbe United U M ,said that President Arthur had charged himto thank France and convey tbe awnrancethat the statue will always be regarded asth. symbol of endortag friendship betweentbe two great Republics. The weather waisplendid, and tbe attendance very Urge.The straetfl and building* in the vicinity

profusely decorated with flags and tbaAmerican and Frenoh anthems were beard•verywhere. Among those present wen- tbararluu* foreign embassies, senator*, deputies

and cabinet ministers The aheence ofPremier Perry on account of Uftieas, WHSmuch regretted

, July ft —Capt Alvin BHall, of tbe brig Carri* Bwtha, of Purtland,M., which bas arrived here from Bath

experience ,irstmck by a,

l away 7At

give** thrilling account of hissea on June 'ifi. ' The brig w uterrincg»iU^rri.

. Hall then badifeboat launched and let it fall aidrKh a small line. Tbe crew of the

' It and seven or eight: and cart off. A few mil.

a mail rushed oat of tbe cabin ofou t tbe cabin of tbsiiade frantic signs to his com.• baok, but their boat wu us-Capt Hair, crew woriMd for

—T — - - . . . —— i . UMia, in j» IIV

pnare.1 to have lost his head and kept .ng directly for the Crri. Berthor, i

Umotm, July S.-The Times, referring tobl between France and China, • „ :

ons wherewith tha contwt C-"and Prance threatrn the trad,E U 1 d G


.sr•aaedbyboth bowes.Tbe 'house agreed Co all tat twenty-tnre.r tin senate amandmenbi to tbe grneralHJciencybilL Amoog the aeoat- -klHioa.

, jwhich involve anpoint on which the tworelates d r i f

districts.8till another point of difference; I> tbe m-

of the foroe of pension clerks preparwl

siderabl. of tbe postal . . - ,December. Tbe bill for Uw relief of IVH-lUm HcOarrahan was imlefinitery post*poned. A bill was pasted to ertablish abureaa ef navigation ia taa treasury depart-meat, under • i isiaahsa • nf aavigatson.

The conf ereacp comai (ttes hi charge of the

mill isi iiiiiiirim - - i I I ir — • * —appropriating OSO.OOO for th. Hicaraguaawaterway project, anon tbe entire bilLrefueedtoatrne to that feature of the bill,and the senate conferees at ' 'with other mombers of theprrssi'ig thoir decision onThey also rrqueated that they be allowed tillthis morning to make their report.

Diplomatic Nominations.A8Ht\(STOw. July 5. — i De prpaident

In the following diplomatic nominations tothe senate:

John A. Kaaaon, of Iowa, to bs ministerGermany. \

Alpbonso TafVof Ohio, to be ministertnala. 'Lrwis Ricbmond, o f Rhode Island, to be

ifnistor reml^nt to Portugal.Samuel H M. fiyera, to be consul geiKral

tRome.R. D. William*, to be consul general i

(He Adjonrninrnt «f rongrPMABnrraton, July H—It seems to be toler-

ably certain that congress will close its pres-ent season by noon On Monday, Tbe lait oftbe regular appropriation bills having beenpassad by tbe sanate, all of tbe atnoluteiyneewnry work of congress remaining ufl" " 1 is now in the bands of conference


lie L»m of Lift- Larger than Wasat Fir. i Km I ma ted.

MDKCRT. MO. , July 5. —Tr* lht of drownednd mrioufily in the Grand River bridge d'

aster is Increasing aa the work of clearingaway tha wreck prognpawes. It to now iwti-

~ id that twelve men were drowned and asy more injured. Tbe portion of tbe

bridge which gave way repreaents tbe centerI, and waa about ISO feet long and 40above the water. The itmt'ture is what

is called falee work. The cana. of tbe aeri-dent baa not been fully established. Tli-

ctnefT was backing the train on the bridged was checkina; Ita f-ptvil in order 'ff crrm

Mfely, and the wholr- bain was brought al-most to a standstill in the center of tb*structure. Whan extra steam waa paShe frail bridge began to totter and soonsank under the bain's weight The enf-laaw that nothing oould be done to prevent a" Her and hegan enundlng the whistle.

..__b was continued noMl tbe engine strucktbe water. But for thin alarm not a singleoccupant of the eight cars would have ~

days peat Mr Crocker,New Tork, has been rtoppins at a hotelOteego lake. Yesterday he was noticedwalking about tb* grounds for an hour ormore with a preoccupied air, and Rat on thahotel plans for some time, buried in deepthought Re ate nothing at n xm and thenwas an air of snppre«ed excitement abouthim when be ordered a none and carriagelater In the day. He drove to the take and"' ' g i small boat pot off from land. He

observed from the dtore to fasten asmall anchor to his feet and then spring intotbe water.

Boats were instantly put off after tbe un-fortunate man. but be did not rise again tothe surface. Tbe spot wherejt h. body lias ia

W AnimiTOX, July S.—Capt. E*di say*ha. not sold hta .Lip nulw.y scheme to t™De Leawps peopb>. Of th- Nicaragua pro-ject m the consular bill a. says: -I tbmk it- ' great Job, and one which k aboat to ta-

re thi< country tn the expenditure of.ymlUlon.of dollars. It*, ipbui to buy•no™fon of Grant an! his awciate down•e with tb. anderrtanding that they shall

. . . the cocoearion renewed in «-w they sellt to tht. govenuncnt. The rJVl.UUO a«ked to» paid to thsm i* but a drop in Uw bucket

beside what will be wanted after tbe irovern-ment is committed to the matter. The de-mand than will l» for millions, backed wltbthe argument that since the government has-ut hundreds of thousand* into it. It mnat

iJ million, to a«v. what ha. already goo,

C « . r « l . , i h l l d r , . From V l « .NEWARK. July &—An active onspaign to

j be begun by the child labor burrau ofHew Jar-say. Tbe met relating to the selling

-*—-ettos to miners, th* compahory ed-act, and the new Uw that w-nt into

affect yesterday relating ID pool playing by— 18 years an, tt b premised, to

p ys to play pool a n Ua bio tof WO for each violation of the Uw.

TosKnrro, July R.—A flrebroksont inth*•Mas of the Mansion home at Port F«rry,

_nd In three kours every bnaiMsi eetsUish-ment in the heart of tne village was »

- - dng ruin. Not cm mercantile estab-nt was Wft KM even a paper of pinsimrli—sil ia tbe village, Tha flr»front tbe ptac* of startiae tn evwy

Mt—north to Corrigan's stores, ..j.ssreefc! thane* east to Waterslreet,

and two blocks south and weet, taking taMary street and Perrj- street, the bitter onboth (ides. On Queen street it croMed toBbs north akte, taking HcGawt temporaryhotel, buiR CM tba ruins of the Ore ot Novem-ber last, sweeping west to John 'street andnouth to north rtreeb Wben day dawnednot a wall was left standing in tbe arestraversed by tbe Ore. It is unpoBJble atthat time tn artimate the IOSSM, though tiwrera pal at not less than HflO.ooa All 0»corporation donnnenn were destroyed. Ta>

— amount of tba

Mi fa sis hour*was tbs d'-partnH-nt railed to dUferent lo-caUtlw, and each time the Ore was causedby laiiiln—HUM with firecracker*. In themidst of a wiping crowd on Beat Geneae*street a Or* occurred, and tbe number oftoad and ibwienuia: raports caused a panicaad brought out the Hretbe* and a aolicosqaad. Tb* four-Mray baiMbw of Stinard.tbe confectioner and dealer in firework*.was besieged for a few minutes with a coo-tinauu. flrc of roHceta. Booian candlw andotber pyrotechnic*. Tbe wbolc houw «-••soon flam™, and despite the efforts of thr

itsTbe proprietor and an assistant and tbrte

ladv clerks escaped whan.the nrs broke lotthrough the rear extto. Mrs. Ryan s wthree little girls in the store wero not so /«-.tnnstt>, but were rnacMd by PolicenaFlynn. The otber little girls from n-h--.nitb»y were aeparattid in the confusion «•«,

->d. They were slightly burnedconveyed home. Mr. Jukn

Horton. of The Journal, reacned Mr.. Mm.dock and daughter from tha second storyThsy were alightly burned. Another lairMr. Horton readied was almost suifixMt-iIt U atatod by Mr. Stinarrl that a nre-cracker thrown Ulto a large sidewalk dkpb*Of fireworks caused the flre. The \-r~ -iwho threw it isknQwnand will beprosecolal.

t VaveraBtll, Has*.ITJ, Mam., July &—The iiui) I-

I g i of Taylor, Ooodirlb A Co., kunber sndcoal dealers on Main afreet, Bradfonl, Ma-,.wer» bomvd. Half an acre of ground iraaburned over. Seven Boston and Maiuafreight can loaded witt.- lumber were nlvconsumed. Tbe cause ot tbe fire was lir -crackers. Low, 1(0,000; fully insured. JofuD Levitt, Clerk of Hook and Ladcier o >m-pony No. 1, was thrown under tbs wheeU ufha track and to badly injured that be dial


Ita BUsjtleat, Jnly 5.—So deaths from cholersoccurral at Marmiillts. There «-r-

twelve daaths at Toulon yesterday.Tbe prefect of police makes the official aa

mmwnuM that there are nocaaeioC .•:;.:-era In this city. M. Rochard, admiralty in-spMtor, resflirms Ilia belief that thedinMwas not introduced into France by any tr an- "tort returning with troops from tbe eA-t.

TOULOW, July 5.-—It is thoujrat th.t thedisease has now reached it* highest point itwOl probably continue, with leavened effect.during the hot weatbar. Dr. Koch, a inett>ar of the German cholera committee, and

bead of Hie cholera commission, who hatoffered his servicea to the French government

ascertain the character of the epidemic,* arrived bare. Dr. Bowl, a naval phy-

sician, died yesterday.

t Benhamb

QaX.TOpatbh say

B h WasningMn cuautf.of the }wbW

o t y . Ueb'f ije-alcation was discovered by his allowing sLraft drawn upon tbe court boose fund tu

go to protent. Investigatloo disciosed thsact that every dollar of the .-nun boun

fund, amountuig to about •ifi.OOcl. has g<n»wldt «3,«M) of the school fund. W w Uamount is not known, but it is thought ib*delinquency will reach nearly »B0,<W). Tbs

.Tbe Tel,. - —A dispatch from Cairo

Telegram say* that bitten have teenreceived there from Khartoum stating tin:tba flam was captured during the latter

1 of May without difficulty. Then "i-naasacre. Most of the Europeans turned•smmedan. Amnng those who did notGun. Gordao, whu to quite anfe, lud sl-

owed tbe freedom of tbe mahdi's camp-Tbe mahdi hlmwU is at Ehartoum. Ti",,~uropBai« an. well treated.

Tb* governor of Duogola'i treachery anow ondoobted.


or** in w»United State, during the but six months.

Tbe son of Comntianoner Hulbert. Nor-wich, CL, waa drowned by the capskitu of

' [tea,,n party ot American wbeeunen. nurul«*-

_ 100, will meet at Niagara Falls July »or a two weak*' trip.The plumbers' lockoat has been declaredan end by a esrflinnmit on aune beii* sa

the Fia

tie vote of i» to VThe firm of C1 inton B. Weadon ft C •.

sankers ami broken, Providence. R.L,bsnnad# an assignment- liriJUtfcs, «I0,wa

Wnham H. Piodar, a ticket agant on tte3txth avvutt* *lev»ted railroad. Haw York.waa arrested for sailing coantufait tiokea.

Tbe factory and boUdiaji of the Ren**Rubber company, Beaton, Maw, wal J«*troye.1 by Ore Thursday tnorniag. 1M(000,000.

M«J. Btev»nsoD,of tb* Mexican Centralwflmad, contradicte th* tteaiiainl that UMaws in Mexico would compsl the railro** jj> fann their lines. J.l, a.-DVf>V uri p rUn* -rv *< totrta® In — Ut». »toV ■ np«1<.l TWi in nun la IV HIT. Star Tone. Jnl; S-I. tn T«»IW>

SawS^-nS: TT-unr-n. wnn oc u«rn> « u» nvntr

aKM M> V—V •—<-. b . uwnnlk Or-oM, kk thu >«. rf«U4imlita U1u> Ik Tt . - M<ikkbbM.Viallnnk I allallannnqlnipn-Cbnknl -r an j M&, bat atop MM and 43 jnat. nWnUaa Oau ®l— Cl.nd.ail Ipnanad datiaw tka war abb tka It Iklrtr Orp. M tkaalHknlaat nta«. la- York VuiMaMa. and M hit >

litnlkittapdlldd Ifc-TtCk bnt IkanjM o( W. dra>»d Ifirlab d^nalMa Wn Ik TV Jvtar and tin tMUaatat ankiiallj Tarrnwooddaaj rftfctkMakJuka Van Dawam Ha btall.

M r*i**t« a


inUtw,TuinMi7 Ml and <4 tb» UUu ^rattdeaMsl candidate*. All to# pniitiral .TS

Win the throag gravitate, r tW far— Uw farbMl hkft»tt*lMl)07«nalte«a» SS

M.Misissr.iirrrMdrid«i — »v,.-* v- tort K should voted* a onto - - rf lb* flats WO, -Uch V she paid in at hto «• _ to the day, artar tka • had rimed, h* received Cram otb*. naTnlyA-Tbe train# arrivtog in

rntfUaOwnwyl TV W.MMdtaa —Vt— aMadkakttd. opbt to Maktoattoad- ' 1 Hill ovar tka fcwaaa alt uadapatk nka aaat ap Wnlr r»da b, nTaam abal dnr nj- kCtob adto. MM h Mad la Ita inr lapnlab apnk Matlj ^tto a^toMMaw latoOn baril yard. ^

• riH>n‘ra.«fc~'S " “ - w*“ nbaa aad Mr. CVrV V., 1M bath boat and raar daaaa nan opaa r — n - tad ton I- — V«-b« ilbri, tad* "V P<n|d.nanU.«.d lanb -Mb. I. IV Mr ot tka calkr. to hs in good nnW, and

NOXIOUS MANUFACTURES. ‘ Hsri«b. of Ifcdiu- 'Tort .Wt-BMion. if 1 j am-a to have a choir*. wOl fee tka cfeofc • Ike Jth—rataridad that choir* ta Claw


1 Bayard or tad«*d aay otkr manfe ih. _ ittrfau upon whom the 3tew York driegatinu 1 can a*rt«v the other atetea will not give to 1 fetal their cordial support, a> they will do •Ur Keu—lly shaald O—lead be ■ moss o« in we are erm—tawign. ih., d-.-k-u- ,j_ ____ -r |_ AS Ik* dHMjA *lmilT «®U*T- gun—1 expratatioa to that tt will ba found TW. **rt^ ..?*•. ** tliat Cleveland baa aha Hew Turk, daiega- "a1”1** «triua*a auu», aad modern “* *■ *“ “£* II to aakl to h» part of fee plan egroed npoa ■ by Batter and Juha Kelly to let the Cleve- yriflw. Tba revw*. i* I tka troth. Years after tke ^^a=W2^'rdh.,£

ba the coming uf the Tammany warrior* >n l the Bay Htate Battor (aanto to awaited with the KToateto intrreA Whea timy do pet Nmr l« U claimed the roar which will go ap will dr»>w* all that reoorfne nf the CVri*. t be mbl that hie ll >*r

■amaiiee, II appears. In eptte of tbair veoer able rmpectabillty, aro ob>cta of legitimate —tHnsI PW, too, baa a dreary oatalogae of alas to answer for. ll not only rofea ns of tba oxygen, of which tbooa of oa who lira la •owoe have eoamnty a anpply. bnt tt glvaa

state .totogatoa who are for t leveUnl menm* enough to show that ba to the choir* of tb" Dwwwratlc party. Hito inwh shown they think the ottos --

a wfesofe Ittl tka air v •Wy *


jf^S^ Tha most iadbpaaaabto of tka Hi ably • ertala that the meetiag of lha<U4oga- 1 U»n will not tear onttl after thatr arrival *Tbe McDonald turn hare bright-mad ap to credited with doiag tba great** wo i.-awfully .» the snrefpt ot inU-Ufgetvn • tongue with oanntaral whatanoaa. that Hr nry Watteram. of LoolevOle. wfll It baa developed such an affinity for noxious vr re and open McDonald be*.lqu,r >r* nmUsr that It appears that nothing short of TbJ- to tlw Beet olT -r of atoi from .mtnU.. bofltag oa. pondbiy

Onr aewors, draiaa, aad thing bat trtw to the greatly. They etaln. to have pc b*r charge. We have formattna that Oov, Boadly to a fo** a.M>tHulg li sight! dnd the

to ounttaue to support tba bantoo of otvitoeed •atoteece. • • • W. have certaialy mock yet to toara In sanitary eewnea Tba old thocrlee arsons by ono botag , U will no k»ger do tarns to bin Civilisation I:

» Chicago with an nrganlwd following.

Mr. Frank Hurd, of Ohio, is brew He ays be has conn for no other |«rpose than o me bto influence to mtw the adoption of We not tako an doubt'd ■ta»i.’ *ail Mr. Hurd, •’on this qumtion. The party most stand by Its record aad de- clare for a tariff to colla* revenuo, but not

ttok pa-y lb-only state, that are ape to have PratstloatoU on the committee on leanlutimn will to Rhode Island, Varmont. West Virginia. Virginia, Pennsylvania aad ■"* wn «■ man- nm * irginis, v irgima, rennsyivaaia aad tootosrer oooU make aad aeU twelve of ton Ohio,' and 1 hone the protective tariff me. r a oent, and have a prod of more than 40 will bring In * minority report, aad take the rami, at that, would yoar ton oat at the rate of eight» a nilnata A beech or maple log, a foot hi diameter end too feet tone, will whittle op Into 1*000 to worth «0&«1 It wOl take boon and a half torna that log lata slot toe Nan which to whittling eul 4.8U0 aa hear. At

of the «

w. bat it ataiulu: LVMaaa. U: fUd,

uto.t.k'lS ”“*■ “ ** cw™ta^- * War. pruOu H.a Ikaa Ikoaa


BaraM, H DMI iuTta™ 'ZZ J£t—Hr "'<* T»6«. Mkti, vU rwd and «c* Tbonoau aa scoal Adia. igh mrinstrocted. ie set down

i vat the slot Mat Uewtowonm e down over ths rtochas cei the Una, and • is ready, all bnt kiln drying The latter la done |a • rev*stag ayllm'er tba same as eahtage are *■ All tom* prat seres oc* money, and when the manufacturer oonq to pat op bto good, far sale to dads out that hi. prehtonthe dAtoUptaa hledayto wort, to only about

Cbtaago Herald. A Wmkiagton Uwyer taww ot Cotwabta. * “ ,ra “ ““

I sot down orfenally — • »«aa lag to Cleveland Delaware, of raueea. Ie for Bayard, aa as* also Hew Jersey and Mary- laaL Florida to eutal for ; really, tt to battered, for TUdoa. The ma>irity of the Olka

favuritoeon, Jto MrDonaM. The delegate., it ie tottered. wBl mppovt him * ie tottered. wB rapport him loyally if there a«y chance for hto washes tin, and will come to Chicago with Iks axpsrtatfan that Hsndrkks will plam him tofWe Ike mnven- tlou. Rut tb— eaa to no gainsaying ike fact to* Hendricks ie aent la order that he may reap the amftwet. If any there, to. of tka aeotinwot ta favor of the old tick*, aad toon hand to respond to any rSm^Zi

pectwd arrival wf the Tammany Hall Comity Demo—ry folio— numbering to all abuat 1.*» men. The advance gu*de of •art wiag * tke pmty are aowawthegr IIli*,l*n2Sjy*,mL^'usTtoe* Into

Miuwrartii^ptka invuUmti *> flag— the gas light wae sad the next taetant be was a poo the left temple with a mad Hob, At tad Pram, gave dr-reload's *n panne po^gwr to Van Dmrma'a tarn, a howl of pain the Vtiming a hoed of peto too Jon* with this second aetolleat, and aa red another handful of pepper in hto A Asms ttruggU earned. The,

’ mid: “At the

nvily stand to the only man op to the who baa any number ot pledges. *a»»y eay that the convention will nominate the oM ticket and take a

b* tallowed and rUdea dediims. there woold bkaly be a lung *»d exciting eemim Hroator Bayaid'a bmApmrtwfe will be

C tfe* tatter-* oollar gave way. Van i lay partially stunned. The two made ttodr way qoirkly to too froni door of the rwOar. Be careful. Jim." Van Do—oa ton taper to the other, pndmbly with a preventing his confederate from be tog aay toga of

1AU00 to Orfsslas While Bs Man BouTiar, July A—The Drmorrattc dele- frusu Aiamarhntmtte. Mains mad Hew gates frusu Mamachntmtte, Mains aad Xew Hampeliiie. Uft ior Chioagb by special Into A party uf

Ho. 1* West Twentieth •treat. Dr. Albert H. Little, of Ho. IV* West Twentieth «nel, suon arrivs.1 found tbs janitor suffering from gnat pain tb* ua* train. Tba > notified and Detorttm

ith Dayasd a good himjtk delegates are for Butler, with no er

Pries wae drtallwl h* "wurk op tbs case. H lias ao Car been uuabto to obtain an> clew I tba thieves. Van Duanea Awrrftm th. mi

ot action after reaching Chicagu. ttaw. Hotter and a few personal left far Chicago at SSU a. u. Aa to* delegate tratu ■soval out of to* depot the crowd gave three

with the raised club as being about tnaltam he-.ght.and an to* other wfla l He dear* Mortify tha light* toe cellar. It !

X Boston. A large > met him at the depot. s unbounded. Ringing around a^hs stepp-d from the train. H noa—pantofl by Mr. John Roooey, his pri- vate eecrotory, Gen. Roger A. Pryor and Dumber of ettow ntasets. He w*s luucha on tb* p^tform of the car. th* gen—1 mid ‘Htantu-mra, 1 thank you for this kind vo- oepiioa. Tka Urn for talking ta over; ~ tone tar artless ta at ham!'' Tba cm again cheered lustily, and th* geo—i took after ton the a

Hew Tom, July A—A dslsgattan of the County Democracy, with toeir frirmts. nom- beriag pgrofeM ria toe W* Mbart raff road at a .Mn. Ike Tamatany detags Him will have the Hew Yurt Cento* tola morale, aad

3 of the port of Lady Macbeth wae of historic* accuracy, bat *a ttataeaquv than grmcafttL Her mcti,_ _ pojvertal. Lot easnmealy, aad tttare was hardly a suggmUmi uf that fswUaiatoy, cor- rupted aad overwhelmed by ■■bttton. i told by Engine W ’ of Lady Macbeth’s I by Hhakmpmse.

drt«ka.b* rtoice of lw*m of the th* whole etgktamL tavuritaaom Ckritata. no one bnt Tlktaa. Maine to tarCtoeetoml d by Baa btaaeif. ta. of coarm. for Botl for owe ImlkA Aftorttai It ta nndeNitad how toe datagnnu wtU act. Atpsnimr they Haim to be a solid Bo-w body, bmt *

C«AOO. July A far many yuan eearMary to toe geaar* man- ager of toe Chicago and Atom rmOmnd. ha* ont a .unaptoary which is alleged to have an toted b*w*ea Vrhippto aad H. W. Boyd, a Chicago pkyrisiaa. wbweby tbu tatbsr could to ba sold to hied. Gen—1 * Chappell wttawtae th* at Ua* worth of paaaea have been toeaad aad

•• •

ley in wait fur the janitor. Mr. John Htahotaob. on* of the own the flats, called open Van Daenea andab- mlvwl him frosn *1 blame Ha onman

THE BTATUE PRESENTED, tymbnl of Bndartag rrteadaklp

America by France < l by M. DvL—r,-.

1 to* girt of toil wort of art her frtaotahlp for Urn grand m. America, he mid. had already nobiy responded by favoring th* Panama raaaL Mtatatar Morton. In arfept- ingtlvs statoe cn behalf of the United Htatoa. that Prueide* Arthur had charged hip. nnk France and convey tke amuraace will glwnys ba recorded aa tka symbol of endoi Republic* The weather was eptandU. and the attondance very Urge. The street, and buOdinge In tke vicinity

The ainenee of

_ _ ent of kta oxperleoc'a sea oa Jane 3A Th* brig waa tarark by . teeriflo gale aad bar aaOe carried *>st A TV oy» nalM to Iwt lUr luU hut M — —mi—l C-pt IU1I U_ Ml hk IUMU UuooM ul IM II MU Ml, •StMlIlM XV mi at tV dtabWI

BMCMtiU CM*. H*ir.ow- woriud (or OM» u Vor to m IV rnM. V, V .o pkmluhmMUiVilV W Mnr- Sv«; (or tv Onh BortVr. uai •UHW.MfeM si,"

ag fa ttto etoita. m*


HMiVta. nH* *• — toddm of toe Manttoa hettoe * I\jrt Perry, aad la three home every bmtaan stoaNkh to* haart of to* vOlagr wM

V V pottuil U IV rtiu*- Tt. V TV v-t-y—711.”m*V,I u IV riv. Ito Otto umVM V tto WcVrfrj, to, tto Mto* ut - - j ■w •“ J2: StoMto-torV to Corrtfmn'a . -V* mrolr. M b_ J W.toa <*• — . Wm F** “ - V* *V 1*“ V**** ~* **fWT< M tiro Motto tons oto -tot. 1 -uu. to^rtoto (V e» «SHnj toJ «V toiMtol hn, M to told to*, taking ta

•acta. Another pot* of dMfamce ta to* «*th Ada. fakbig McOawk tamp—ry hoflsl. heatrattartti of the fa* * Hoeem hm la*, sweeping we* to John at—« and aogto to Horto etreeh When day <tawn*

haeeeeed by the flra. It ta Imposed*- U “ '■ tone tn rati mate th* loaera. toougta ttar s part * not leas than AMO.OOa AU fa • of tka tcram of pension ckrks prepared

CX-- toX b,M

on U>e entire taOL The

Prtming t They also . was totally destroy*, togrtta-r «

Faure. of Iowa, to be nrintatsr to r> Taft,*of Ohio, to he minister to

through the rear exit*. Mra Ryan ear ■ little girts In the More w— n.4 ao fa Ie, bat wee* reread by Poll—* Flynn. The other little girls from -We ThT

t^RMDC* ^ **”*• *° ^ CODTi *“er*1 R. D. William*, fa be ecus* gvner* at John M Franc*, of Haw Trak. fa ba rata-

elightly bam* conveyed bona. Mr. Job Horton of The Journal, nwruad Mr. Mer- dnek and daaghtm- from tha anmnl story They — slightly burned. Anothr ladr Mr Ffurtoa two* wm alma* mffacatal It U stated by Mr. Htfaanl ILal a ftr* cracker thrown into a large display of firvworks ran* the fire. Th# |*r»a who threw it ta known and wOl be |WD*—tM. Ttae Adjaamasent af Coagreaa. WaMHotok, July A—It es. «ne fa be toler- ably certain that congram wfll Horn Its ant snfeoo by sea on Monday. The la* of

wd ta now in the hands of oonfarenor a ap this anflntabad basin— by this, GRAND RIVER BRIDGE DISASTER. The Lsn nf Ufa Larger than Waa at rtrw« Batlnsated. MnxnT. Mo.. J*y A—Tke ltat of drowned and seriously in the Grand River bridge die- away the wreck progiemra. bridge which gave way represents th* rantar spnn. aad wae about 130 feet long aad 40 frat above the water. Tb* structure ta what Is railed falm work. The ranm of the acri has not bran, fully astatiliahert. Th* engineer was backing ttae train on the bridge and waa check fag Re speed la order t? cram safety, and tke whole train was brought ai- • to a standstill la tke center of Un tlf* Iron bridge began fa fatter and eank under the train's weight. The engineer mw that nothing could be done to prevent a which was centinoed until the engine struck “ water. But for fata alarm not a tangle spaat of the eight rare would hare been

SUMMER QUEST’S SUICIDE. 1 an Aaeharta Ml- Lag and Leap*

Bnaxow Kranroa, Jnly A—For aev—J day# pa* Mr. Crocker, who registered from Hew Tort, has hem. stnpfdng at a hotel near Otaegu lake. YssW-rday he was noticed walking abort the grounds for aa hurt or more wtah a praooenpfal air, aad mt on tka hotel ptesaa for earns time, buried fa deep thought. Heart nothing at aro and to— ■ an air of . a the day. He drove fa the lake anaall boat pat off from land, beerved from to* shore to faaCsa a email anchor fa his fa* aad than faring into

• fan 1 again

Cape fa WarngoToit. Jnly A-CApk Fade eay* ha has not arid hie tadp railway eehams to to* De I*mrpe paopta. Of the Klcaragn. pro- >ct h. the coneaUr MU ha aay*: "I think It Is a great job. and on* which ta about to in- volve tote country ta tke expemUiure of ““ dteta Itflta a plaa to bay at mri hie aaaoriate down Ml f—Ti«nl TV OU.0M MVd to V ptald to ttaon b tat • drop In tv lacVt VVotat -flltaaoM ton.r tta, r—. ‘ h, IV nottor. TV V |—t—It of I tpnetatant Vo 1 Into It. It tv — olftot, r—

U V Venn V tV . Boa Jour. TV net lotto® to tV toIUa® IV raavVtoS Wot MtotV, to ^ol plojtn, <T Ln— Mr.-TV Tlv tootim v ^ ?!?“ 1‘. T*T* •*-■ *■»*» tV Orooblo tabotan tVtm tolnta^. ** n* U’ atlcocod. Rotooo k~i-r. too ^MtottoTto-Wta toXS. C •—“V^toptarpto to VU.lo.ta. tX^sSXXX^XLrSrtaX MtaUtaUe.taw.

DartOta. ina A—A haavy e parttoo of this city U* evealag, earoaf. 1 henera and Mowing dm tram aad

■amamniA, Mae*., July h-VTh- uulU- In fa of Taylor. Goodwfa A Co., famber ■ oa Main stteet. Bradfotri. Mb*. • 1. Half an acre of ground •> ~ “ 30 ami Mam mber ware atao • Ore wae fir* f lasored. Jote tJ&ax A that he did Ik* track and to badly tajgfed tttn he dita


PAM«. Jnly A-Ho have ocrurrwl at Maieeilko. Tb— -m twelve daatln at Toulon yraterday Tha prefect of police makra the odh-ial »= era In this city. M. RorbanL admiral It 1 apootor, reaffirms his belief that the dm* was nut Introduced Into France by an^trai

Tocum. Jnly A—It ta thought that tta dieiees hae now reached Its Mgkrai print k wfll probably ooeDme. with learned rifr*. Dr. Koch, a iwa

’aehlngvm ooafy- ant of the pufeUr to the county. Usb*sde- * by hto allowing • mrt boom fund ta fart tort every dollar of the foial. amounting to abort H«Wl. has gnns Wito Of to* srtodl fond. Ths wbris —„ N mot known, but tt ie thought Iks

■ hartearn Captured. Edirnox. JnlyA-A dtapatoh from Cairo to TV. Tatogrsm mys that letter* hav* bera remivad tk— from Khartoum elating th*

{ thorn who did aw Gen. Uontea. whole«mtte 1 *d tke fkeedum of tto raakdTs .ea| Tha mahdi hlmasif to at Khartoum. Tt uroprans ere well treated. Th* governor of Dangoia’e treachery 1 Th# governor « aow undoubted. CONDENSED NEWS

Wirt. CL. WH drowned by to* capsixiag<* An party of Amarirnti wheelmen, nambw lag 100, will ms* at Htagara Falls July U tor at wu weeks' trip.

of to* Aaatatonand Atlantir 3nation ta to* senate fa pom the FW Prttar un over to* praafctauf» re* teUadhyattavortof MtoXT Tk* Arm of Clinto* R. Weadoo A Co. teak— and brokore. PWnddenc*. R. L.rtw nadannn Igw 1* I taillrtM,

Tka factory aad baOdfafa of tto Rrwri 5S!» eu sto.ib > «< is. tab. o»to|

sss.fxxrsx—^ -


Slew Yoaic, Jnlr l - T t a Fourth of M ydrbratkn by tta T k m u r (Debtor - a . at

. a. 8. Cak «ai' M «H> a m i of tbwA Urge mnbaref b M « fracn dkv

_ui»bed D * m n > « r » -nad, ammcI w iafaff llialllaailHllllll ' from O.^TFIMMI. «•». Hoadlj. oC Otrfo; Cuogn^ Reagan, of IVna; Oor. Pattawm,

—-a;Go». Ofk*. of

eneend all along the UM. Rain« th«

^ t iu tbe op*rm bomo aSnory of U» wldlar. who

* P — " **—"*my ot U* Republic.l . Woodfonl M<U

^ i ^ WM famdettl to tfc. Ti-Uini poatufZ o n U Army of U» Republic at MowS L G.^.etevelaii.ln.apo.dadtoth."IkiBKUof He* Tort."

• DmJf In ifc-rn • . '

d v . u i d t h . F" ."lYMtdeat Arthur,

jd withTbetwoflrat

.. l*tali 4 L ..t Berlin hwMMt «•«< -*ppOy -rotdad.

WWlbc to»itt.>lhoe€npi*w ««• *I H receivpl *ith chea

dnnk the Rnisefs heaJthIn U» evening tbe American, daroted

to Sreworks and •<—'"g

In Wanhlnxion.

a7 Jaly 4. waa celebrated ben.•any quiet manoar. AD tf

pratk«M«ftar UMMi«.t *t»nt U» day iu the

iiKioiu hoal»yBnga»«d In c o iUb lhat have JMM aad ware betastbe d. rtng boon 0* the HMfam.

NDOS. July S-— TheI. of July <!ld Bot dtatmb A s ordinary• s o( London, but there

l t H I lnt i iHI' alUDtsworthy and «i>.yat.le


Kiw Yornc. July 5.—Dt*pab-h«that the Fourth waa w y gtmer* UyUuvuRhoot tbe ooom&T- Tbare were UMnual number of raaaahlea. but few molted

At Chicago—Chicago, 8: Phikulalphla, 1.' AtlMrtrit—New York, 4-, Do«n>tt, i

At Buff«io-B,»too 3, Buffalo 0.A I^uisVille—Brooklyn. 4; Loniiraie, 5At (.•iiH-iunatJ—AlhtKio. 3: Cincinnati,At Toledo—ToJwJo, 10; Waabfngtan, 0.At St. Louii — KetTopolltan, 17; 8

IflMt lad IS; .

(heny 4.U t>velanj—Clendand 4, Providence •it Wi^hiiirffjn—SattuiiaU IS; SC Loan,it Baltiraure—BatUmure Uoiov, \i; B

Ten Kj-cke Win. fka B*M.JEW Y O U , Jaly 5.-Only a ibodcrate

Point when tbe ainsl* acull fgatta nML Detpite tbe bad weather tbet good aim. The fllM oocturt »uti-tall botrti OTBT a mile ami srt. Thii WM w«t by C'barln Ray, K.

Firker coming in avoond. Tba atngle •mil' 1 m» tlwu foUowsd. Tba antria* were

rge W. Lee. of New Tork : Jan*. Tenha, of feekskiU; Jamea Riley, of I

tug.; Fnd H. Flattted, of Boabon," rge "i ,s - 1. <>f New York The distance

ed WM tares mile* aad the pura(SO. Ten gycke >«i earily bj- a lenstb and• bail. Lxe waa eeoond and Flatted '

gth andOHt±

iii«om.vx. July 3,—Walter 8haw,39T«w>

fcap, who rwtded it.Nu.ii70 FUlton atmC,"led ndcida iii a moat determined

The young man hae been,1 for MHU? time, and u nitijeot tos. Uliile ralferfng from a never*ix'uredtworerolvera, atwl iJaciiijul one tooach oT his Kiuph* di#

weapons lthta l

BWedDuHuruiaond to tk» (ity boapltaL™ phj >i,-uin in cnarge prooouncW hii iujo-

**re BVcr «r the t l l t i l ( i tmr .Knr Tou. July 0.—Sadford Earl and


" fdr anot..Tuning, who* Kurt propoaed to

¥> '<* aoothw pitoaer of beer. He aaknlto "U* I'H- th« HKMMJ. Hbe resiled that bo

d dnnk enoogb. Kari aatd that it ebxI not givt-him tba mater ae woskl ah>ut*?"• H«pHa large

t the pletol la Wmfi to c iuiptoebmUet upB-ard, but ii

e raacbed bi. braia. lie wa

Ice CreamSoda Water!

All FlavorsFIVE CENTS.


PHARMACY,Under Van D m n t e r Hall.

Having greatiy increased ouracilities we ask attention to thesuperior quality of our Soda Waterwhich cannot be excelled, and toto the new flavors we have intro-duced.

Ginger Ale o i Draught.Equal to any imported.

HANDKERCHffiF EXTRACTS,20 Gents per Ounce.

We guarantee these extracts to bebetter than any sold for 25 centsand' have all the favorite odors.

Over 1000 Bottles Sold by m

in the last Two Years.

Why Pay 50cf°R

Antifermentine,The Great Fruit Preserver,

When Yon Can Buy ItFor 38c a Box


Miller's 20 c Cora Cure.A positive and painless cure fot


6 BOTTLES FOB, $1.00. \


n perfectly fine powder, for the

eeth, and nicely perfumed.

Oc Per Ounce. 25c Per Bottle*

Please ask for a free sample. ',

descriptions.n this department we give ourcrsonal and especial attention,ius insuring reliability andiromptness, at greatly reduced



No Combination

HIGH shall continue to favor out

customers with all goods

at POPULAR prices.

MilleriWiberley10 E. Front Street,


gee Crcts got**.

COMPTON'SIce Cream Garden.

J6 West Front Street.


HOME-HADE BREAD,If Yon Want the Best.

Is Noted for Being Fresh, and

the Largest Variety in

the city.


Fine Chocolates.L. L. COMPTON.

QIXON'S ICE CREAM.Plainficld Garden aad Depot,

35 Front Street.New York Depots 9» Re»tturants,

289 Blacker St, 140 6th Ave,Harlem Depot 9» Reaturaat,

104 West 125th SL,Newark, N..J. Depot % • Re»tauraoL

676Broad StDIXON'S ICE CREAM E* aude (mo ih« Fioei.

tuliir of O t u n Cuaur •nd IVlt«irt Cmnty•rani, .hipped D i m , »nd [> Fbvond with ttw

At Dixon's Ice Cream Garden

Frozen Lemonade, Water Ices

Banana Ice Cream, Ice Cream anc

Cake at 20 cents, and Strawberries

and Cream at 20 cents.

For Church Festivals,Ice Cream Parties,

Sunday School Festivals,Strawberry Festivals,

andSociety Gatherings.

Dixon's Ice Cream Garden,TENT, 40X80 FEET,

Accommodating 100 Persons.

The Coolest Plica In Summr to Get a•r-\ GOOD


William Claassen's,5 WBSTFROirr STREET.


ICE CREAM SALOON.French and American

Ice Cream and Water Ices.

Freeh Styles for - ,

Punch Glace.

A Large Variety of

IndlTldul Ice Cream Imitations.

Ice Cream* Excursions. Festivals. Churches, Fain,

etc., at Reduced MOM. .

24 North Ave.,Plainfield, M. J.

Telephone, Tfo. 30. 6-19-ia


fee Cream Garden,

Manufacturer, Wholesale andKetaii Dealer in


Water Ices> L t FLAVORS.

• , riiliuMi fotinto, Fkaks, Pwtta

Mr. Tier hu *nc boUiac (•dHtw. nkm f 1'*

Refreshments at alt Hours.

Mountain View Farm,B U S H1DG& MOUNTAIN.

Charming Summer Retreat.


Millinery and Dress-Making.

FORD'& STILESFuneral Directors

WILLIAM H. O U B ,Architect.

XAYLOR $ SMALLER,Carpenters and Builders,

p i i w a *


PIANOS AND ORGANS,, Tuned and Repaired by



T. E. Morgans,Books, Stationery,. Music.



Boot and Shoe Dealer.

LOT Prices, at No. 1 Front Street,


Fruits and Vegetables in Season.

37 Front Street.

I. S. MELBOURNE,Jifason and Builder,


B«sU(CM-7( Part Ave. F.O.Boiiit.

A Specialty 'in Mu Jobbing u d


Fancy Goods, Hosiery, etc

XTni-niMt Pi t tnM.;, and Bumping material lor talk.

Eocene A. Laine,''THE HAIR CUTTER/'29 West Front Street, Pkinfield.

phaviUE, HBir-CultinK. Srmin pooins. etc-, in firsd»at«yle .

Hot and Cold Water Baths, SB Cents Each.

a paid Is thild«n'»hair-cattini

A. n. BAJW,24 ^Vest Front Street.

Pianos for Sale and to Let


: Office, No. 45 West Front Street,P b i ^ l d N J

uul. FnrnHure. rtt.. Morel P O.


Xindling Wood for Ont Dollar.

kt-Gtnrc D.w.n'i Kindliag ffnod


MILLINERY GOODS,At KB*. T. 3. a i u m , !





F. K. K1NSMAS. *CO..

CITY MILLS,Somerset Street,

Near Front, Plainfield, N.J


Merchant Millers,

New ProcessPastry and


am) RMUI D™Irn in

,.3(CE Bnada of


Flour and Indian MeaLHominy, Oat-meal, |

Wheat and Rye Bran.All kinds of Feed fur Horses,

Cattle and Poultry.

BALEO HAY AND STRAW.Corn, Oats, Wheat, Buckwheat, Bar-

ley, Wheat and Rye Bran, CornMeal, Screenings, Cracked

Corn, Bone Meal, OilCake Meal, Ground

Oyster Shelis,Cracked



CARNEY BROS.,No. 11 Somerset Street.

T I N N E R S ,


Stoves Stored 1 Stored Stored /

our Oil SIUVH. Sdtimhin* new. ' <iu FiningAKAP •> (ood wort CMB he doDt,

Sanitary Plumbing.Rebrence, our wort Iii PlaiuQeld.


7>7 Cts. Double Roll.


40 Cts. Double Roll.AT

Albnrtns Swali's,Vail Paper, Borders, Paint*,

Varnish. Slats, Brushes, etc.

j No. 3 North Avenue,

Laxative fine.HOTiPlTEIT IEDIC1M:


Vegetable Wine

• Made from the frciti Of the species of

Rosaceae Aiygdaleae,

Specific forCostiveness.

t is the only preparation in themarket which will take tbe placeof many unpleasant purgatives,and yet for its regulating effectsupon the too often dreaded plague,Constipation, it has no equal. Wewill subject this Wine to tbeAnalysis of any Physician or Chem-ist for its purity and harmless-qualities.

Laxative Wine

Quart Bottles,

• A T

50 Cts. a Bottle,And is sold by all Druggists.



E. C. MULFORDReal Estate Broker

andFire insurance.

Office 35 and 37,0pp. R. R. Station,

Plainfield, N. J.

TbeKoitb America lnsBruceGo.ofP.ilL,

Pbfflnii AssuranwCo., of London.


Office Hours, 7 a. ra. 106:30p.m.

The Reform Club of PkalaflaUrealised ca«a c«tributi.»iB sctout to par for andJ»carB y u . »o tOo pr

foriwH-iy kno*u ai U» Second BaCtiurct, corner f B d rtand Caatral amifOda bri

ral amine, Udabring lika*l*e



TfcMnod wort already •coompllabed bytbe Batons Club, under tk* a p n r « n »•mil* of Divine ProridMXM tad tb* ttm.Er*alar wort awaitinc n H n fttoftu. ow-tainly commeod it to tbe favorable cooftd-tration and anpf>ort of prsrr friend *f hn-

Tbe pacuniary demand* mad* apoa th*pobllefer Tarioo. Umdable obJwc^MMa*

OB A t part o» the Clmburther Aid, bat raltiiny M JM

Domtto™ to O»extent ot Indirtdaal abiHty andwiH to UMukAitty ftoafT'Bd and a*Aw*wl-edjrsd by tkw nflean of Uu-Club, ot attb«-DMndNrariaiExBentJTe or Sabacripcitm Con-


Somerset Street, Rear Front, Plainfield, NJ.

FRENCH-BROS. Merchant Millers,

' Ice Cream Garden, ' 2b West Front Street.

All Flavors



Funeral Directors EVER-READY prepared Flour and Indian Meal,

Hominy, Oat-meal, Wheat and Rye Bran. All kind* of Feed for Horses, Cattle and Poultry. BALED HAY AND STRAW. Com, Oat*, Wheat, Buckwh eat. Bat- ley, Wheat and Rye Bran. Com Meal, Screenings, Cracked Com, Bone Meal. Oil Cake Meal. Ground Oyster Shelia, Cracked Bone,


II Yon Want the Bear < COMPTON S' CANDY

Is Noted for Being Fresh, arid the Largest Variety in

the city. BUY COMPTON’S

Fine Chocolates. L. L. COMPTON.

Ros&ce&e Amygdalae. TV* Wto. wflt b. Immd A MOST't>M.lC IOCS DRAUGHT, nd ihrat •

Specific for Costiveness.

WILLIAM H. L’LUM, Architect. AND

NAYLOR 4- SMALLEY, Carpenters and Builders, It is the only preparation in the market which will take the place ol many unpleasant purgatives, and yet for its regulating effects upon the too often dreaded plague.

PHARMACY\ DIXON’S ICE CREAM. ^ PtaiansM Garda, and Depot,

35 Front Street New Totk Depots Restaurants,

289 Bleeder St, 140 6th Ate, Harlem Depot W Reetenreat.

104 Tot 129th St, Newark, N. J. Depet Sm Reeteeraal.

675 Broad St

Under Yu Deventer Bel. PIANOS AND ORGANS, Tuned and Repaired by


will subject this Wine to the Analysis of any Physician or Chem- ist for its purity and harmless Having greatly increased our facilities we ask attention to the superior quality of ourSoda Water, which cannot be excelled, and to to the new flavors we have intro- duced.


Tit Met nm u Sumir to Cet a GOOD SHAVE AND HAIR CUT Laxative Wine

HANDKEROB EXTRACTS, • 20 Cents per Ounce.

We guarantee these extracts to be better than any sold for 25 cents, and have all the favorite odors. Over 1000 Bottle* Sold by u*

in the lost Two Tears.

Quart Bottles, T. E. Morgan, Books, Stationer}'.. CHURCH Festivals restaurants AMD FAMILIES SUPPLIES!. Music.

At Dixon's Ice Cream Garden, Frozen Lemonade, Water Ices, Banana Ice Cream, Ice Cream and Cake at 20 cents, and Strawberries and Cream at 20 cents. For Church Festivals, Ice Cream Parties,

Sunday School Festivals, Strawberry Festivals,

and Society Gatherings.

Diiofl’s Ice Cram Girdo, TENT, 4OX6O FEET,

Accommodating 100 Persons. -

50 Cts. a Bottle? NEWS DEALER.

B. R. FORCE. Boot and Shoe Dealer.



Fruits and Vegetables in Season. E. C. MULFORD Real Estate Broker

and Fire Insurance.


When Yon Can Buy It

For 38c a Box

1. S. MELBOURNE, Mason and Builder,

PLAINFIELD, X. J_ Resldeice—7f Put Ate. P. 0. Box 198.

EDVARD RA1METTI, kneetem. •*.. ptfctfy pM Stores Stored t Stored Stored /

’(W^Piuhv"!! j Sanitary Plumbing. nmiUT* rHEnn ur muiwia RW.rmr*. our wort In PhlalWkL


Office SB and 37, 0pp. R. R. i Plainfield, N. J.

MRS. A. B. WARNER, 1-2 WEST FRONT BT.j PLAINFIELD. Fancy Goode, Hosiery, etc. U. A...1 kf Ik. Fienrh .nd Amnion

lee Cream and Water lee*.


MILLER’S BM ud CoH filar Bilks, U Cuts Kick.

Ice Cream lor Escsnloes. F~iIt.1v Ch.nkw, Palm. SAPONACEOUS DENTIFRICE

in perfectly fine powder, for the teeth, and nicely perfumed. i 10c Per Ounce. 25c Per Bottle.

Please ask for a free sample. 24 North Ave.,

Plainfield, N. J.


GOLD PAPER, 70 Cts. Double Boll.

FLAT PAPER, 40 Cts. Double Roll,

Ice Cream Garden, U-PUw.-^-J-. PM--A -i Manufacturer. Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in

Kindling Wood for One Dollar. jg-y-Ey—’■t-— No Combination


Water Ices



F. E. KINSMAN. 10 E. Front Street,



.IS;; |« :-I j « ;; 1*09

Xtwilk for Plainficld 6 <a, J

Aneiwr Lndicc F. * A. M. Meets aecood 1foonh Tucatb>r*>t '* E. From.


ST. U.MrNpy-Libenyo,,SiJ.ih;Rtv. P. E. Smy.h,VHIor. Snvia. ..n Suadair al |6 3ti »nd ic 301m.Siind.)- Khuol at 11 < m.MJ, , , , . , ^

ST. Jo»im'«—Ri. T I O'HMIOO, m o r . Ser.• Ijnand 10 jo« ca and ,vcr» Sanday II

• Sunday Kbool a l i p a . ' *PLYMOUTH BRFTKREH-

. 6 E Fnmi .1. at u

Tuwimj (nil 1 lull 1m 11 llilwilua ' 1 (Mw ofTanl|wi«'ii bible) «Corie*l— And won the ark. gr»ndf«, with lfo*li and the

Grandpa (fatdJgnaatlD —"So, drl ear-tmtalr notf.

Twnniy—Than bow is it you

Ubtmrl*n <* U» a « prtaOc library in O » »lu>L H* .aid ha kad ao«M to ttta ettj u>boy 30,000, hooka,

1 ot Cotton I f i l i a l. ___ijrldB« lo IMS, u d» IK thia CTOMTJ. Taking

to 1 ocato out bar* mraalf aMar awkfla,or tb-ra i* no UM trying lo make a UTIOH 1B

Kew York or Now Etuland any fora.Tbore1. no CTrt^aty about U» b a n n w u d

ttaad. InoW 1cor- jot Into a bank be had . mx,boottle, boi it h o t aw an j n o

[Lowell Oomier.]M J HMBKhttMtla ndwal m ' l m i are

iiig to tlw tsactwn' mortliig M Madlaon,it . rlnrins their vacatiun. Tlw rule i» far

hmi to Ale • n«aitio«al radgnarion beforeh l tliey noe& not hrailimte to accept

iarrutga to wbicb they may

alBaii » nervoiu lad? to an Austin lady atbdK boius dte wa* inking • rail, "Are

yon not afraid that «iuhe of your uhlMrennil fall Into that daCern In TOOT yard:"

l no." was tb- iwrnjilacoiit r^ply: "any-that'll not the cistern we get uur drinkater from."

•tdam. Than'a thJa majBxnd, ttoarai axpaw.**board and tailor talli o

a amall fortune ba-M d l h M W to b.WOlato buy, therv'ipay and kard men t(

t by tba time every.thing U r*ady ther- nwy be •5,000 or tlO.UOOtn*«ted In tbe tia«inaa» -

"I bad a bank omm, a Ma; ona down eaat,that wood m* in »IX,9S0, and wban I cot into

- » i t h i b

•urplDiaitd dppoaltaWh.11 I Cot in I

Inaolrnit, and if I badba Unas I woald har.

found out « 1 M » the mooey want to. Amonth after I paid tbe place a Tint, to*caahier ntraad up mlaring, and them m agreat aamation o w DM of ttw

tbank yoa for

tii.lit'" *"It helped .rery much platued.

"It helped me woDderfnlly."•How many bottle* did y«> ran itn

ry to taker •"Ob, I didn't take any of it. My ijk one bottle, MKI I am hi* ao]e heir."

S o n U i i h o n i Hair.[P«ck'» Sun. 1

John Armttoad, ot Adrtao, Mich., batcalf that ww b m without any hair on ILbody. A bairkaa calf it a very nfee thing to

ow to callerm; but when winter come dmiatead nsdi that he wiri' rtript aad as otter op him from (r tthat it had b

hate to keep rt warm.

UK H I M «. a H*rsl Aaeati,[New York Ban.]

In order ti> impart dipiltj to the town at, 111., fort? of tba nterchanu havea phdp '

FIRST RKFOKMED CHURCHSvrcicct «the Wimi Minion

H & o'doca. Suadkr School al 9

h BemhardfB Ian-? lor Wamint toplay the Bute it not accountwi for, but it •probabi* tbat mbe ftad. « tmaOy M t m U u oInUteflwIa,

Fall River Advance: If bnare k anjthiaamadder than a *** ben it U a womaa whoHWtMk an buor in naaUy optnlai ft eaaytriowluiiklng billet doux aort ol a letter to her B t w --faand only to ttud that it !• « bill trotn bar


Uoto w> another p a d

nly trouble wax tbati d f

f the Uggm data. Mow,, tb*the oaanlar took an on-

ntaga nm Ha w U on tba iiMide,be bad me thing cleaned ow before I

got there at all. Tuat'a whatbuaines very rtaky down putknow at wtoat uituate yoa uwy ran again.*

it tbeM emptv bnDtt. WUtadu what we call Uwn I


Tbe Lorgnt and BeM Selected Slock of

FINE SECARS,Tobaccos, Pipes and Smokers' Articles

The Trade Supplied i t tbe Lowest Rates.

Sole Agent for the Celebrated

"BLACK PRINCE,"Plum and Wast India Segars.




spwnrsShoe Store,

23 West Front St.

Special attention is called to>ur Ladies Common Senseihoe at $2.50. Every pairwarranted.

EXTRA!We take pleasure in making tl

announcement, to tJ*te citizens ofPlainfield and vicinity, that wfchave just received ft full lineone of the.BEST and MOSTliable brands of'

BLACK SILKSiported. It is of the well-kiv

__ mufacture that was formerly intported by A. T. Stewart & Coand sold in tlieir retail departmenfor many years, and has stood ttmost trying test and proved its uiquestionable excellence to thoisands who have worn it and catestify of its real worth and beaut;

It is still retailed by the succe*sors of the old Stewart house, an<•yf a special arrangement with thiImporting Department we are «abled to offer it- at precisely thfcsame figures aa their retail depart

mentf viz;

Black SilkNo. 2006 at $1.50No. 2007 at 1.7;No. 2008 at 2.00No. 2009 at 2.25

Edsall's.They are by far the handsomes;oods we have ever handled, antlosses* the most intrinsic value

and the fact that we can sell goodwhich have had such an experi-ence as these at exactly the samprices as one of the largest an*nost popular houses in New

York ought to be a sufficient inlucement for Ladies to give Homerade the preference.


SilkKDSALL'Stesides the above mentioned silks

have lower prices as follows:

Blk. Silk at $1,00.Bit Sift at 51,25.

Blk, Silk at $1.40.A JOB LOT


EDSALL'S.Je invite a careful

of theseinspection

BUCK SILKS.lie price is guaranteed to be as

LOW as any New York House,id the texture and finish of the

jgoods cannot be excelled. AH ofH fdepartments are full of sea-

•onable goods a d hLOWER.

and the prices wereR

NOTICE.emember to the extent of the

foods -we keep, you can do just asell in price and quality to pur.lase here and thereby encourage


BO. I_' VAN EMBURGH,Manager.


Jotters' Prices.V « Iw™ °« an* -bo. t aw » i * ' f

INDIGO DYE BLUE FLAHNEL,th Htm be told. To aunre ailc, the?

marked rto«n toIht uabtirfot

Price $7.50.


Corkscrew Suits," A I X WpOt,'*—a<* CWtal W«n»-

At $12.Bptcial Bargains in

iHS ail BWS' JOB."

Boston Clothing Store34 Park Avmue.

H.S. BARNES,17 and 19 Front Street East,

Plainfield, K J.18 SELLING






FURNITURE POLISH.Aild, in short, everything in his

line, at Xew York pricesand also gives a rebate

ot 5 per cent forcash.


L M. FRENCH,Carriage Manufacturer,

No. 18 Somerset St.



Carriages.ALL STYLES.







One of the mostHealthful, Comfortabieand Accessible InlandSummer Resorts in theCountry.

V. Woodruff,


CITY HOTEL,Cons Park 1 rait ail Stem Strut,

Plainfleld, N. J.

: Accoidr

moan i n F*J


^ HOUSE. :

Put h d ^ o n s of ElOtt Stmt,

Plainnold, N. J.

\ Favorite Summer Resort.


Club House,


SOMERSET HOUSE.Cor. Somerset and Emily Sis.,

KoRb PlainfieU.JOIJH XV. Hushes, Prop.

Flaw clan StaWw and sfceda Mtadtcd..

Headquarters for


New EnglandBREAD,

And a]! Varieties of Fust-Claw

(aid, Pies, Pastry, Bread, etc."•**••* br^«B* • « **• aadnaii at A. Winuck,


-15 West Front Street,

!T England Brud a Specialty.





IMesalt Trait lade a Sptciiltj.F.nuKawiU M (be propoaj t* n ^ oair PEI*

•prin, Wait, ]«.Or«*ta nanvad u John Wal.ei'. Buktry, •!» at

u Wan Front Simt, or P.a Baa S4t, wfti berim

h>n>ha>Mo( Axbot Vioa, Hnmr Spnct, " •

Tb«f at* al— pwpawJ w aapa*t Haaoaa » «**"-itb Sftoad H w a . Qoarrr Sun*. M tU -v-**•ka»'

Grading and Contracting


fletoWood (ieigjfc. Price $7.50.

One of the most Healthful. Comfortable and Accessible Inland Sommer Remits in the Count ry BLACK SILKS Corkscrew Suits, -.txwpo*t_iaeUsw^

At $12. manufacture that was former!)' im- ported by A. T. Stewart & Co, and sold in their retail department for many years, and has stood the most trying test and proved its u*“ questionable excellence to thou- sands who have worn it and ca*

CITY HOTEL, by a special arrangement with the Importing Department we axe CD. SWBSfe'BSSiQj Plainfield, N. J.

17 iBd 19 Froot Street M, Plainfield, N. J.

Me. 2006 at $1.50 Mo. 2007 at 1.75 Mo. 2008 at 2.00 No. 2009 at 2.25




FURNITURE POLISH. AmL in short, everything in his line, at New York price* and al»o give* a rebate of 5 per cent for caih. CALL AND SEE HIM.


Plainfield, N. J,

Favorite Summer Resort. PROSPECT HOUSE AND

Club House, L. M. FRENCH,

Carriage Manufacturer, No. 18 Somerset St.









SOMERSET HOUSE. Car. Somerset and Emily Sts., sainau. John W. Hughes, Prop. bDSALL’S Joseph A. Patterson,

mom sntfr. ruuancio. a. j. Besides the above mentioned silks we have lower prices as follows: FINE SEGARS, Tobaccos, Pipes ud Santos' iitlete

IN THe STATS. Blk. Silk at $1.00. Bit Silk at $1.85.

Blk. Silk it $1.40. A JOB LOT


EDSALL’S. We invite a careful inspection of these

The Trade Supplied it Un Lnest Rites. LAWS HOTEL, ICOATIOXAL..

FOR THE Repairing in all its branches - AT SHORT NOTICE.

FARMER'S HOTEL Headquarters for VOEHL’S

New England


JACOB BLDOf, FBOFBIETDR. SJP1S. sse- The price is guaranteed to be as LOW as any New York House, and the texture and finish of the goods cannot be excelled. All of our departments are full of sea- sonable goods and the prices were

never LOWER.


SIMPSON & CO., VMmU Trad* Mi 1 Spdiltj. NOTICE.

Remember to the extent of the goods we keep, you can do just as well in price and quality to pur. chase here and thereby encourage

-15 West Front Street, 'naa^MTKrtSM:- Nbv Eigiud Bread 1 Specialty. FIRST REFORMED CHURCH

Seely EdsalL GSO. VAN EM8URGH.


Top Related