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1. IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.In seventeenth century colonial America all of the following are true regarding womenexcept

[A] abusive husbands were punished. [B] women had no rights as individuals.

[C] a husband's power over his wife was not absolute.

[D] women were regarded as morally weaker than men. [E] women could not vote.

2. V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each ofthe followingquestions.Colonists in both the North and the South established differences in all of the followingareas except

[A] political systems.

[D] values.

[B] economies.

[E] allegiance to England.

[C] patterns of settlement.

3. IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.Transportation in colonial America was

[A] slow by any of the means available.

[B] so poor that no mail service was established until the 1800s.

[C] safer by road than by any other means.

[D] surprisingly fast for the time. [E] fast only on the waterways.

4. V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.The colony of Georgia was founded

[A] in the seventeenth century. [B] as a defensive buffer for South Carolina.

[C] by King George. [D] by a joint-stock company.

[E] by eight proprietors chosen by Charles ll.

5. IV. Single-Answ~r Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.One political principle that colonial Americans came to cherish above most others was

[A] one man, one vote. [B] restricting the right to vote to men only.

[C] the separation of powers. [D] self-taxation through representation.

[E] the property qualification for voting.

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6. V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.When Lord De La Warr took control of Jamestown in 1610, he

[A] re-established better relations with the Indians.

[B] imposed a harsh military regime on the colony.

[C] brought many Irish immigrants with him.

[D] halted the rapid population decline. [E] died within a few months of his arrival.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

7. Benjamin Franklin's plan for colonial home rule was rejected by the individual coloniesbecause

[A] it did not provide for the common defense.

[B] it did not seem to give enough independence to the colonies.

[C] they did not feel that they had been well represented at the Albany Congress.

[D] the British approved it.

[E] it placed too much power in the hands of local governments.

8. Chief Pontiac decided to try to drive the British out of the Ohio Valley because

[A] the British were weak as a result of the French and Indian War.

[B] the French government had promised to help.

[C] of the Proclamation of 1763. [D] the Indians were in a precarious position.

[E] the British had deliberately infected Indians with smallpox.

9. Colonial American taverns were all of the following except

[A] another cradle of democracy. [B] frequented mainly by the lower class.

[C] important in crystallizing public opinion.

[D] hotbeds of agitation for the Revolutionary movement.

[E] places providing amusements.

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IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

10. Most likely the first Americans were

[A] Portuguese sailors of Prince Henry the Navigator.

[B] people who crossed the land bridge from Eurasia to North America.

[C] Spanish explorers of the fifteenth century:

[D] Vikings from Scandinavia. [E] refugees from Africa.

V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

11. The biggest disrupter of Native American life was

[A] horses. [B] disease. [C] the formation of new tribes.

[D] loss of culture. [E] fire arms.

12. As a result of Sir Edmund Andros's rule,

[A] officials tried to enforce the Navigation Laws.

[B] the power oftown meetings was curbed. [C] smuggling was suppressed.

[D] taxes were levied without the consent of elected representatives. [E] all of these.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

13. During the seventeenth century, indentured servitude solved the labor problem in manyEnglish colonies for all of the following reasons except that

[A] the Indian population proved to be an unreliable work force because they died in suchlarge numbers.

[B] in some areas families formed too slowly.

[C] African slaves cost too much money.

[D] Spain had stopped sending slaves to its New World colonies.

[E] families procreated too slowly.

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IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

14. The expansion of New England society

[A] took place without the approval of the colonial legislature.

[B] was undertaken by lone-wolf farmers on their own initiative.

[C] was a rather haphazard process.

[D] led to little concern about the community as a whole.

[E] proceeded in an orderly fashion.

15. In contrast to the Chesapeake colonies, those in New England

[A] followed the land use pattern established by the local Indians.

[B] had a more diversified economy. [C] had a more ethnically mixed population.

[D] were more oriented toward the individual than toward community interests.

[E] expanded westward in a less orderly fashion.

16. V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.Arrange the following events in chronological order: the founding of (A) Georgia, (B) theCarolinas, (C) Virginia, (D) Maryland.

[A] C,D,B,A [B] B,D,C,A [C] A,C,B,D [D] C,B,A,D [E] D,C,B,A

17. IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.During a generation of peace following the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht, Britain provided itsAmerican colonies with

[A] stronger parliamentary direction.

[C] higher taxes passed by Parliament.

[E] all of these.

[B] a large military presence for protection.

[D] decades of salutary neglect.

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18. V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.Maryland's Act of Toleration

[A] abolished the death penalty.

[B] actually sanctioned less religious toleration than what previously existed.

[C] gave freedom only to Catholics.

[D] was issued by Lord Baltimore. [E] protected Jews and atheists.

19. IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.When the Scots-Irish established a new community, one of the first tasks they undertookwas to

[A] establish a court.

[C] institute a theocracy.

[B] make peace with local Indians.

[D] build a tavern. [E] erect a church.

V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

20. Some Africans became especially valuable as slaves in the Carolinas because they

[A] had experience working in dry, desertlike areas.

[B] were experienced in rice cultivation. [C] exhibited skill as soldiers.

[D] were skilled fishermen. [E] were knowledgeable regarding cotton production.

21. The early years at Jamestown were mainly characterized by

[A] economic prosperity. [B] constant fear of Spanish invasion.

[C] major technological advancement. [D] peace with the Native Americans.

[E] starvation, disease, and frequent Indian raids.

22. IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.The ideals that the colonists cherished as synonymouswith American life includedreverence for all of the following except

[A] opposition to slavery. [B] self-government. [C] religious tolerance.[D] individual liberty. [E] economic opportunity.

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23. V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.New England Confederation regarded Dutch New Netherland as

[A] a welcome friend. [B] a trading partner. [C] an enemy to be wiped out.

[D] the next victim of New Sweden. [E] an easy target for Indian raids.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

24. The French wanted to control Louisiana because they

[A] would then control the mouth of the Mississippi.

[B] liked its climate. [C] saw it as a dumping ground for undesirables.

[D] feared Dutch expansion into the territory. [E] wanted to keep the area unfortified.

25. In an effort to reach the Indies, Spain looked westward because

[A] Portugal controlled the African coast. [B] Muslims blocked the sea route.

[C] the Pope granted Spain the right to sail this route.

[D] the Moors had convinced them to do so. [E] all of these.

26. One outstanding feature common to all of the eventually rebellious colonies was their

[A] support of religious freedom. [B] economic organization.

[C] rapidly growing populations. [D] relatively equal wealth.

[E] similar social structures.

27. In the peace arrangements that ended the French and Indian War,

[A] France lost all its valuable sugar islands in the West Indies.

[B] Spain ceded all of Louisiana, including New Orleans, to Britain.

[C] England turned Florida over to Spain.

[D] the British got all of Canada except Nova Scotia.

[E] France surrendered all of its territorial claims to North America.

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IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

28. The immediate reason for Bacon's Rebellion was

[A] to halt the importation of African slaves.

[B] the wealthy planter class losing control of the colony.

[C] a shortage of indentured servants.

[D] Indian attacks on frontier settlements. [E] all ofthese.

V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

29. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) Reformation, (B) founding ofJamestown colony, (C) Restoration, (D) defeat of the Spanish Armada, (E) colony ofGeorgia founded.

[A] A, B, C, D, E

[D] C, A, D, B, E

[B] A, D, B, C, E

[E] E, D, A, C, B

[C] D, A, B, C, E

30. By 1750, all the southern plantation colonies

[A] provided tax support for the Church of England. [B] had few large cities.

[C] based their economies on the production of staple crops for export.

[D] practiced slavery. [E] all of these.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

31. Which of the following mountain ranges was probably created before the continentalseparation approximately 350 million years ago?

[A] the Coast Range

[D] the Sierra Nevada

[B] the Cascades

[E] the Rockies

[C] the Appalachians

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IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

32. The Half-Way Covenant

[A] brought an end to the Jeremiads of Puritan ministers.

[B] allowed full communion for all nonconverted members.

[C] admitted to baptism but not full membership the unconverted children of existingmembers.

[D] strengthened the distinction between the "elect" and all others.

[E] resulted in a decrease in church members.

V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each ofthe followingquestions.

33. New York and Pennsylvania were similar in that they both

[A] experienced slow population growth.

[B] were established by joint-stock companies.

[C] had ethnically mixed populations.

[D] were founded as religious refuges. [E] had poor soil.

34. At the outset, Lord Baltimore allowed some religious toleration in the Maryland colonybecause he

[A] wanted the colony's Jews to be able to practice their faith.

[B] was a committed atheist. [C] hoped to maintain a Catholic majority.

[D] hoped to secure freedom of worship for his fellow Catholics.

[E] was asked to do so by the king.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

35. Compared with indentured servants, African-American slaves were

[A] more likely to rebel.

[B] cheaper to buy and own. [C] a more manageable labor force.

[D] less expensive to buy but more expensive to keep. [E] less reliable workers.

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IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

36. The development of "three sister" farming on the southeast Atlantic seaboard

[A] ultimately failed to produce adequate amounts of food.

[B] was attributed to three young women of the Cherokee peoples.

[C] produced a rich diet that led to high population densities.

[D] enabled the Anasazis to prosper. [E] led to the dominance ofthe potato.

37. As a result of the rapid population growth in colonial America during the eighteenthcentury,

[A] the need for slave labor declined.

[B] a momentous shift occurred in the balance of power between the colonies and themother country.

[C] the colonists became more dependent on Britain for the goods that they needed tosurvrve.

[D] the British government was pleased that more workers would be available to fill anincreasing need for laborers in Britain.

[E] the British government granted greater autonomy to colonial governments.

38. V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.Cultural contributions the Dutch made to America include all of the following except

[A] soccer. [B] Santa Claus. [C] sauerkraut. [D] skating. [E] Easter eggs.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

39. As the seventeenth century wore on, regional differences arose, most notably

[A] slave labor.

[C] the breaking of the Atlanta economy.

[E] the use of indentured servants.

[B] the continuing rigidity of Puritanism.

[D] loyalty to England.

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IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

40. The 1759Battle of Quebec

[A] ranks as one of the most significant victories in British and American history.

[B] ended the war of French succession. [C] was a dramatic victory for the French.

[D] was a key turning point in Queen Anne's War.

[E] had little impact on the French and Indian War.

41. Urban development in the colonial South

[A] led to the construction of an excellent highway system.

[B] rivaled that of New England. [C] kept pace with the growth oflarge plantations.

[D] occurred without the development of a professional class.

[E] was slow to emerge.

42. When William Pitt became prime minister during the French and Indian War, he

[A] ordered a full-scale assault on the French West Indies.

[B] relied heavily on the older, more cautious generals in the British Army.

[C] remained popular with the wealthy but not the poor.

[D] ended Parliament's practice of reimbursing the colonies for their war-relatedexpenditures.

[E] focused his military strategy on the capture of French Canada.

43. In which ofthe following is the explorer mismatched with the area he explored?

[A] Cortes-Mexico [B] Columbus-Caribbean islands

[C] Pizarro-Peru [D] Coronado-New Mexico and Arizona

[E] Ponce de Leon-Mississippi River Valley

44. France had to give up its vision of a North American New France when

[A] its fishing industry faltered. [B] King Louis XIV died.

[C] farming proved to be unprofitable.

[D] it could not entice enough settlers to America.

[E] it was defeated by the British in 1713 and 1763.

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IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

45. After 1680, reliance on slave labor in colonial America rapidly increased because

[A] Americans rushed to cash in on slave trade.

[B] planters feared the growing number of landless freemen in the colonies.

[C] higher wages in England reduced the number of emigrating servants.

[D] the British Royal African company lost its monopoly on the slave trade in colonialAmerica.

[E] all of these.

46. The combination of Calvinism, soil, and climate in New England resulted in the peoplethere possessing which of the following qualities:

[A] energy. [B] self-reliance. [C] stubbornness.

[D] resourcefulness. [E] all of these.

V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each ofthe followingquestions.

47. The financial means for England's first permanent colonization in America were providedby

[A] a royal proprietor.

[D] the law of primogeniture.

[B] Queen Elizabeth II. [C] a joint-stock company.

[E] an expanding wool trade.

48. Roger Williams' beliefs included all of the following except

[A] denying the authority of the civil government to regulate religious matters.

[B] demanding oaths regarding religious beliefs.

[C] condemning the taking of Indian land without fair compensation.

[D] breaking away from the Church of England.

[E] challenging the legality of Massachusetts Bay's charter.

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49. IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each ofthe followingquestions.It was typical of colonial New England adults to

[A] be unable to read and write. [B] live alone.

[C] die before becoming grandparents. [D] marry early and have several children.

[E] arrive in New England unmarried.

50. V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.The cultivation of tobacco in Jamestown resulted in all of the following except

[A] soaring prosperity in the colony. [B] a great demand for controlled labor.

[C] the destruction of the soil. [D] diversification ofthe colony's economy.

[E] the broad-acred plantation system.

51. IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.In the seventeenth century, due to a high death rate families were both few and fragile in

[A] the Chesapeake colonies. [B] Florida.

[C] the middle colonies. [D] New England. [E] Georgia.

52. V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.Among the Puritans, it was understood that

[A] women could become religious leaders.

[B] clergymen would hold the most powerful political office.

[C] the purpose of government was to enforce God's laws.

[D] they would establish democratic government in America.

[E] all adult white male landowners could vote for political leaders.

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IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

53. The population ofthe thirteen American colonies was

[A] most ethnically mixed in New England. [B] about one-half non-English.

[C] about evenly divided among Anglo-Saxons, French, Scots-Irish, and Germans.

[D] perhaps the most diverse in the world, although it remained predominantly Anglo-Saxon.

[E] none of these.

54. Before the arrival of Columbus, most native peoples in North America

[A] were more advanced than those in South America.

[B] lived in small, scattered, and impermanent settlements.

[C] populated the greater part of the continent.

[D] lived in large communities. [E] relied on horses for transportation.

55. At the time of the European colonization of North America the number of Indian tribes wasestimated at approximately

[A] 200. [B] 100. [C] 50. [D] 1,000. [E] 500.

56. The major manufacturing enterprise in colonial America in the eighteenth century was

[A] making clothes. [B] arms and munitions production.

[C] rum distilling. [D] iron making. [E] lumbering.

57. The physical and social conditions of slavery were harshest in

[A] Pennsylvania. [B] Virginia. [C] Massachusetts.

[D] Maryland. [E] South Carolina.

58. The crop that became the staple of life in Mexico and South America was

[A] tobacco. [B] wheat. [C] beans. [D] potatoes. [E] corn.

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IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

59. Unlike the English colonies in America, in New France

[A] the population grew very rapidly.

[B] no valuable resources for exploitation existed.

[C] the colonists practiced religious toleration.

[D] the crown refused to promote the welfare of French colonization.

[E] there were no popularly elected assemblies.

v. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each ofthe followingquestions.

60. The physical growth of English New York was slowed because

[A] of the Indian threat. [B] of the monopolistic land policies ofthe aristocrats.

[C] the Dutch engaged in guerrilla warfare. [D] of an unhealthy climate.

[E] of the French threat.

61. The first English attempt at colonization was in

[A] Roanoke Island.

[D] Jamestown.

[B] Newfoundland.

[E] St. Augustine.

[C] Massachusetts Bay.

62. All of the following provided motives for English colonization except

[A] need for a place to exploit slave labor.

[B] unemployment. [C] desire for religious freedom.

[D] thirst for adventure. [E] desire for markets.

63. IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each ofthe followingquestions. .American colonists sought trade with countries other than Great Britain

[A] to make money to buy what they wanted in Britain.

[B] to help strengthen the French. [C] to anger Parliament.

[D] mainly to anger the king. [E] in order to gain their independence.

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64. V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.As a colony, Rhode Island became known for

[A] support of special privilege.

[B] unified religious beliefs. [C] never having secured a charter from Parliament.

[D] individualist and independent attitudes. [E] its poor treatment of Indians.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each ofthe followingquestions.

65. The New England economy depended heavily on

[A] slave labor. [B] fishing, shipbuilding, and commerce.

[D] the production of many staple crops. [E] all of these.

[C] tobacco.

66. For their labor in the colonies indentured servants received all of the following except

[A] a headright. [B] passage to America. [C] a few barrels of com.

[D] a suit of clothes. [E] at times a small parcel of land.

67. As slavery spread in the South,

[A] social differences within society narrowed.

[B] it also increased dramatically in New England.

[C] gaps in the social structure widened. [D] the great plantation owners worked less.

[E] planters tried to imitate the ways of English country gentlemen.

68. Which of the following was not a feature created in North America ten thousand years agowhen the glaciers retreated?

[A] the Great Salt Lake [B] a mineral-rich desert

[D] thousands of shallow depressions which formed lakes

[C] the Grand Canyon

[E] the Great Lakes

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.69. V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.The Dutch colony of New Netherland (later New York) was noted for

[A] tolerating Quakers from nearby Pennsylvania.

[B] its lack of enthusiasm for democratic practices.

[C] allowing only Dutch immigrants to settle there.

[D] its support of free speech. [E] all of these.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

70. Men in the more settled agricultural groups in North America performed all of the followingtasks except

[A] clearing fields for planting.

[C] hunting. [D] fishing.

[B] tending crops.

[E] gathering fuel.

71. By 1700, the most populous colony in English America was

[A] New York. [B] Massachusetts. [C] Virginia.

[D] Pennsylvania. [E] Maryland.

72. The Great Ice Age accounted for the origins of North America's human history because

[A] it exposed a land bridge connecting Eurasia with North America.

[B] it prevented the migration of dangerous animals from the Bering isthmus.

[C] the glacial withdrawal formed freshwater lakes that supported life.

[D] the glacial withdrawal allowed migration from South America.

[E] when it ended European migration to the west became possible.

73. V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.Unlike Separatists, .Puritans

[A] remained members of the Church of England.

[B] practiced passive resistance to oppression. [C] rejected belief in witchcraft.

[D] advocated strict separation of church and state. [E] were Calvinists.

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IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each ofthe followingquestions.

74. The person most often called the "first civilized American" was

[A] Benjamin Franklin. [B] Phillis Wheatley. [C] John Trurnball.

[D] John Winthrop. [E] Thomas Jefferson.

75. By the mid-1700s, the number of poor people in the American colonies

[A] became greater than in all of Europe. [B] was about one-third of the population.

[C] had begun to decline from seventeenth-century levels.

[D] had increased to the point of overpopulation.

[E] remained tiny compared with the number in England.

76. As a result of the French and Indian War, Great Britain

[A] became the dominant power in North America.

[B] gained control of Louisiana. [C] annexed the island of Cuba.

[D] gained exclusive control of the slave trade. [E] all of these.

77. V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.Economically, the colony of Pennsylvania

[A] got off to a very slow start.

[C] became profitable very quickly.

[E] received much help from New York.

[B] never prospered.

[D] had extensive plantations.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

78. The European explorers who followed Columbus to North America

[A] intended to found a new nation.

[B] continued to view themselves as Europeans.

[C] saw little difference in their lives in America and their lives in Europe.

[D] no longer saw themselves as subjects of European kings.

[E] did not consider America as the western rim of the European world.

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IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

79. Native American (Indian) civilization was least highly developed in

[A] Mexico. [B] Latin America. [C] Central America.

[D] Peru. [E] North America.

80. Of the following, the least important economic activity of colonial Americans was

[A] farming. [B] fishing. [C] commerce.

[D] slave trading. [E] manufacturing.

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