Page 1: ISSUE 59 - HKU SPACEREV)2016_Issue-… · Shawn Campbell (Frickr), and Jesse Orrico ( 跨進理想專業 Get a foot in the door of your dream profession 港大附屬學院






通訊 NEWSLETTER 2016 第五十九期 ISSUE 59

Over the past decade, the College h a s b e e n o f f e r i n g d i v e r s i f i e d pathways of study for high school graduates and has earned wide recognition in the field of education with its high-quality programmes and for nurturing a large number of young people.

附屬學院成立超過 15 年,為同學開拓多元升學途徑。憑著優質的課程,學院在教育界的聲譽卓著,桃李滿天下。

HKU SPACE Community College offers multiple pathways of study


飛躍理想 人生路港大附屬學院開拓多方位升學途徑

航空業搖籃與仁川機場航空學院簽訂教育合作備忘錄Flying higher MOU signing ceremony with Incheon Airport Aviation Academy

開拓視野體育及康樂課程英國遊學團2016 Extending sporting horizonsSport and Recreation Programme UK Study Tour 2016

翱翔進修無限空間《增值空間開放日 2016》Explore without boundaries Open SPACE 2016

我要高飛年度音樂會FameAnnual School Concert: FAME – Haydn & Schumann



Page 2: ISSUE 59 - HKU SPACEREV)2016_Issue-… · Shawn Campbell (Frickr), and Jesse Orrico ( 跨進理想專業 Get a foot in the door of your dream profession 港大附屬學院


學院網址 College website


薪火相傳 附屬學院開辦以來,已培育逾萬名畢業生,他們在各自的專業領域中發光發熱,不少校友都發揮各自的專長回饋社會。學院助理講師趙錦鴻擁有亮麗的履歷,但在中學時他亦曾失手,直至在學院得到當時的恩師啟蒙,明白到求學不只求分數,更重要的是瞭解做學問之道。因此他希望秉承恩師的信念,回到學院作育英才。

共融校園 學院是社會的縮影,匯集不同文化背景的同學。過去有不同國藉的同學到學院進修。就以Khan Jessah Ma. Josefa Ramirez 同學為例,她本為巴基斯坦及菲律賓混血兒,八歲移民到香港就學。雖然本身不諳廣東話,但無礙她的校園生活。今年更獲選為年度音樂劇 Carmen的女主角,她稱成為女主角有助增強其自信,也是她其中一個畢生難忘的回憶。

HKU SPACE Community College offers multiple pathways of study



實戰學習 項目為本的教學理念,可讓同學在實戰中學習。集各學科之大成,融匯貫通去面對學習及職場上的各種挑戰。早前,工商管理副學士及商業學高級文憑的同學組隊參加「 ACCA 商業策劃大比拼2015」,擊敗 176 隊對手,勇奪全場總冠軍及「 最具創意隊伍獎」。同時,文學副學士( 語言及人文學科)主修韓語及韓國文化的同學,亦獲韓國政府及漢陽大學資助到韓國交流實踐所學。

Page 3: ISSUE 59 - HKU SPACEREV)2016_Issue-… · Shawn Campbell (Frickr), and Jesse Orrico ( 跨進理想專業 Get a foot in the door of your dream profession 港大附屬學院


Giving back College’s graduates are now contributing to their alma mater with their expertise. One example is Mr Kenneth K. H. Chiu, College Lecturer of the College. With every-thing but success in his secondary school studies, Mr Chiu continued with his studies at the College. He eventually realised that study was not just about passing or failing but lifelong commitment to learning. Today, Mr Chiu is playing a key teaching role in nurturing new talents at our College.

A college for all With students from different backgrounds and nationalities, the College is a true reflection of Hong Kong society. Khan Jessah Ma. Josefa Ramirez is a good example. She came to Hong Kong when she was just eight years old. The daughter of Pakistani and Filipino parents, she was unable to speak Cantonese. However, she didn’t lose confidence in her studies. With determination and hard work, she progressed academically and in her holistic development. This year, she was selected as the leading role in the musical “Carmen” in the annual concert of HKU SPACE. She said that playing the lead was an unforgettable moment in her life that boosted her confidence.

A winning formula The College’s project-based education philosophy can help students to learn from practical training; consolidating knowledge from different disciplines and achieving mastery through a comprehensive approach. Recently, students of the Associate of Business Administration and the Higher Diploma in Bus iness tr iumphed over 176 teams of competitors to clinch the Champion of “Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants (ACCA) Business Planning Competition 2015” and “The Most Creative Team Award”. Students of the Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities (Korean Studies) were sponsored by the Korean government and Hanyang University to go on an exchange visit to Korea.

Page 4: ISSUE 59 - HKU SPACEREV)2016_Issue-… · Shawn Campbell (Frickr), and Jesse Orrico ( 跨進理想專業 Get a foot in the door of your dream profession 港大附屬學院



商業學高級文憑 ( 市場學及管理 ) 的游俊雄於去年獲得三間大學垂青,取得學位課程取錄通知書。他形容,兩年的學院生活可以說是人生的轉捩點。他在學院除了學習到學科的專業知識,更從學院活動中掌握了各項軟技巧如領導才能、團體精神、溝通及待人處事技巧等。他感謝學院講師的教誨和悉心指導,並寄語同學們繼續努力,追求夢想:

「 各位師弟妹,『 搏盡無悔』,大學見!」

根據學院 2015 年升學統計,副學士及高級文憑畢業生 / 學生的總升學率分別為 82% 及 66%。而 67% 升讀教資會資助學士學位課程的畢業生/ 學生獲全球排名首 100 位學府取錄,包括港大、中大、科大及城大。除本地升學外,同學亦可透過學院的「 國際學位直通車」計劃取得大學學位入場券,升讀海外大學。

Dear schoolmates, see you at University!

Last year, Wal lace Yau completed h is Higher Diploma in Business (Marketing and Management) and received conditional offers for degree programmes from three universities. He said that the two years at the College were the turning point of his life.

In addition to the professional knowledge he gained in different subjects, he also acquired various sof t ski l ls, including leadership skills, team spirit, communication skills and vital interpersonal skil ls. He appreciated the teaching and guidance of the College lecturers. He would like to convey the following message to encourage the current students to pursue their dreams, “Dear schoolmates, save no efforts, leave no regrets, and see you at university!”

According to the College’s articulation data for 2015, the percentages of associate degree and higher diploma graduates/students who took up further studies were 82% and 66% respectively.

67% of the graduates/students who progressed to UGC-funded degree programmes were admitted to universities among the World’s Top 100, which included The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and City University of Hong Kong. In addition to local study, students will be considered for direct admission into overseas degree programmes through the College’s “Through-train Pre-enrolment Scheme”.


Page 5: ISSUE 59 - HKU SPACEREV)2016_Issue-… · Shawn Campbell (Frickr), and Jesse Orrico ( 跨進理想專業 Get a foot in the door of your dream profession 港大附屬學院

05Get a foot in the door of your dream profession


近年香港人口急速老化,對公私營醫護需求越來越大,市場對醫療及健康保險相關行業人才需求亦有持續增長之勢,特別是能有效處理病人轉介或醫療事故( 如醫保索償)等支援人員的需求更為熱熾。可是傳統主流醫護課程缺乏社會科學、財務規劃以至商業法律等訓練。有見及此,港大附屬學院將推出全新醫護與健保行政高級文憑課程,協助有志投入相關行業的同學跨進理想專業。

新開辦的「 醫護與健保行政高級文憑」,提供多元基礎課程,結合健康科學、社會科學、財務規劃以至商業法律等專業知識,以增加同學在相關行業的競爭力。此外,學院更會為同學安排 192 小時的實習,包括到醫護組織或保險公司參與行政或後勤工作,以求學以致用,順利與職場接軌。

課程其中兩科(「 商業法( 保險專業)」和「 保險」)內容更與保險中介人資格考試 (IIQE) 之第一和第三部份相若。學院鼓勵並協助安排有興趣的同學報考,讓他們在進入職場前取得專業資格,增強職場競爭力。

As Hong Kong’s population is rapidly aging, demand for healthcare services is also increasing. As a result, demand for talents, especially those with effective skills in handling referred patients, medical issues and medical insurance claims, is particularly high. However, traditional mainstream healthcare programmes do not offer sufficient training in areas such as social sciences, financial planning and commercial law. To meet the market needs, HKU SPACE Community College will introduce a Higher Diploma in Healthcare and Health Plan Administration in the coming academic year. The new programme will offer diversified courses encompassing health science, social sciences, financial planning and commercial law with an aim to strengthen students’ competitiveness for future career in the related fields.

Students will receive 192 hours of internship training, including administrative skills and knowledge in logistics in medical institutions or insurance companies. They will learn how to apply their knowledge in real practical settings.

Contents of the two modules (“Commercial Law (Insurance Profession)” and “Insurance”) in the programme are similar to Part I and Part III of the Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examination (IIQE). The School encourages interested students to attend the qualifying examination to obtain professional recognition and further sharpen their competitive edge before entering the job market.

相關網址 Relevant website

Image courtesy of Ken Teegardin (Flickr), Shawn Campbell (Frickr), and Jesse Orrico (

跨進理想專業 Get a foot in the door

of your dream profession

港大附屬學院全新醫護與健保行政高級文憑課程HKU SPACE Community College launches Higher Diploma in Healthcare and Health Plan Administration

Page 6: ISSUE 59 - HKU SPACEREV)2016_Issue-… · Shawn Campbell (Frickr), and Jesse Orrico ( 跨進理想專業 Get a foot in the door of your dream profession 港大附屬學院

航空業搖籃Flying Higher06

航空業搖籃Flying Higher

25 名航空學高級文憑同學於 5 月 23 日至 25 日參加了仁川機場航空學院( IAAA)的機場營運專業培訓計劃。

期間,學院與 IAAA 簽署教育合作備忘錄,以加強兩個機構之間的教育合作,目的是培養學院的航空學高級文憑學生成為新一代全球航空專才。

通過此備忘錄,同學不僅有機會接受由擁有專業資格的導師教授豐富航運知識,還有機會於仁川機場禁區進行實地考察以拓寬國際視野。此外,同學對親身體驗韓國文化也讚不絕口。就讀 2 年級的陳同學說︰「 得到仁川航空專業人員的耐心教導,我獲得了很多關於航空領域的信息,而我對當地的文化,亦加深不少認識。總括而言,參加了這個交流團令我獲益良多,使我變得更成熟。」


25 students of the Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies part icipated in the professional training programme of the airport operation at the Incheon Airport Aviation Academy (IAAA) in Seoul, Korea from 23rd to 25th May.

During the visit, HKU SPACE and IAAA have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to s t reng then the educa t iona l cooperation between the two institutions and help to develop the next-generation of global aviation specialists at HKU SPACE.

The MOU, outlines cooperation in professional aviation training programmes provided by the academy to enrich students’ aviation knowledge, and field trips to the Incheon airport restr icted areas to broaden the students’ horizons to an international level.

On the visit to Incheon, students also gained an appreciation of Korean culture. Ivan Chan, one of the Year 2 participants said, “I not only gained a lot of information regarding the aviation field from the detailed instruction from the professional Incheon airport tutor, I was also impressed by the Korean culture. It’s great to know that I am making a difference and becoming a more sophisticated person for the future.”

The MOU is the first step in a long-term cooperation between HKU SPACE and IAAA. We believe that more and more students will benefit by participating in the professional training programmes offered by Incheon Airport Aviation Academy in the future.


教育合作備忘錄MOU signing ceremony

with Incheon Airport Aviation Academy

Page 7: ISSUE 59 - HKU SPACEREV)2016_Issue-… · Shawn Campbell (Frickr), and Jesse Orrico ( 跨進理想專業 Get a foot in the door of your dream profession 港大附屬學院

開拓視野Extending sporting horizons 07

開拓視野Extending Sporting Horizons


11 名體育及康樂管理高級文憑學生及兩名體育管理 ( 榮譽 ) 理學士學生,在學院安排下,參加了一系列精彩活動,探索英國熱情的體育文化及教育。

同學參觀了多個著名的體育設施,如位於英女王伊利沙伯二世奧林匹克公園內,曾舉辦倫敦奧運和多場世界大賽的室內單車場館;泳池、BMX 單車場。學生兼有機會參觀著名的紐卡素及阿仙奴球會,大開眼界。



The School recently organised a Sport and Recreation Programme Study Tour to the UK. During the nine-day trip, students travelled to Newcastle, York and London, and widened their sporting perspective through visits to various world-class sport facilities and tasted university life at the University of Northumbria at Newcastle, UK.

11 students of the Higher Diploma in Sport and Recreation Management programme and two students of the Bachelor of Science (Honours) Sport Management programme participated in a series of exciting activities to explore the UK’s enthusiastic sports culture and education.

Our students visited several famous sport venues, including the indoor velodrome, swimming pools, and the BMX venue at the Queen Elizabeth II Olympic Park, which hosted the London Olympics and countless world championships. They also visited Emirates Stadium which is the home ground of Premier League team, Arsenal Football Club.

Our students had an amazing experience watching a Premier League soccer match between Newcastle United and Manchester

United and were thrilled to feel the intense competition up close. They had a good chance to observe how a big event is organised. This was followed by a special professional tour when students observed how a world class sport facility is maintained shortly after a big event to prepare for another major event. The students also took a walk around London’s famous Hyde Park, Tower of London and London Eye to get a better feel of the leisure and cultural atmosphere of London.

Dur ing the i r v i s i t to the Un ive rs i t y o f Northumbria at Newcastle, in addition to attending lectures given by the university’s academic staff on sport and recreation, the students also visited the university’s excellent sports facilities.


Sport and RecreationProgramme

UK Study Tour 2016

Page 8: ISSUE 59 - HKU SPACEREV)2016_Issue-… · Shawn Campbell (Frickr), and Jesse Orrico ( 跨進理想專業 Get a foot in the door of your dream profession 港大附屬學院

學院網址 School website

學院自 1956 年起成立至今,與多所海外知名學府連結,為本地社會引進海外進修課程,以發展更多元的優質教育。早前,學院院長李經文教授及學院常務副院長( 學務)祁樂彬博士,走訪多間位於英國的合作院校,建立更緊密的溝通渠道,持續拓展合作關係。



新網頁設計,讓您可以透過「 興趣」及「 課程」兩大方向,去尋找學院開辦的全日制及兼讀制課程;

「 認識學院」則可帶領您透越過去瞭解學院的緣起及六十年來的發展歷程;「 內地課程」及「 國際課程」則讓大家瞭解內地課程的發展,以及學院與全球超過 30 間享負盛名的學府合辦課程。

網站同時備有手機版本,讓您可以隨時隨地與學院保持「 聯絡」。

Since it first started in 1956, the School has cooperated with numerous renowned overseas universities to introduce overseas study programmes to the community with the aim of offering high-quality, diversified education to all sectors of society.

Recently, Professor Wil l iam K. M. Lee, Director of the School and Dr John A. Cribbin, Deputy Director (Academic Services) visited a number of universities in the UK that HKU SPACE cooperate with, to bui ld closer communication channels and help develop an even-more cooperative relationship.

As part of our ongoing commitment to keeping abreast of your needs and evolving online technology and user behaviour, we have launched a completely new website, with a more contemporary look, easier functions and more accessible information.

The new site offers multiple pathways to access information more easily on our part-time and full-time programmes in relation to your specific interests and study modes. Visitors can also discover comprehensive information on our history and milestones over

During the two-week tour, Professor Lee and Dr Cribbin met with the management of various partner schools in the UK to understand in detail how they introduced programmes in line with the changing social environment and the characteristics of such programmes. Both parties also exchanged their views on continuing education and their expectations on future cooperation to help forge closer and more effective ties.

In the future, the School will continue to develop its international network of universities to offer more study choices to aspiring local students.


全新網頁 全新體驗您的學習新起點

Building closer international cooperation

Richer content, easier search, better user experience

School new website is your gateway to learning

the past six decades together with details of our development in China and collaboration with reputable international partners.

At HKU SPACE we are dedicated to providing you with a total learning-centred experience based around your needs. A mobile version is available so you can connect with us at anytime from anywhere.

08 焦點Spotlight

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學院網址 College website


成立當日,校友會更邀請到臨床針灸學文憑的畢業生主講四場講座,包括「 從西醫角度探討香港的針灸學」、「 馬匹的針灸治療」、「 針灸──天賜的禮物:香港的針灸義工服務」及「 針灸與痛」,深入探討針灸於各方面的應用。


陳教授指出,博雅教育將在明德再定義。學院課程涵蓋兩年的核心課程 ( 是文理兼備的 ),學生可於第二學年底選擇主修科目。學院將整合及重塑現有主修課程,納入於博雅教育導向的文學士及社會科學學士。學院架構小而精,學生總人數會維持於 800 至 1,000,強調與課程有關的課外活動、國際體驗、研討課程、讀與寫、跨學科學習、互動及緊密的師生關係。

The combination of Chinese and Western medicine has become a prevailing trend in modern medical practice, and thus the School’s Division of Chinese Medicine is now offering acupuncture courses to healthcare practitioners. Chinese acupuncture is now widely used by Western practitioners, physiotherapists and veterinarians. The School has now established the Clinical Acupuncture Alumni Society and had the honour of inviting Dr Ko Wing-man, Secretary for Food and Health, as the officiating guest at the inauguration ceremony.

On the date of establishment, the Society invited clinical acupuncture diploma graduates to present four seminars, including “Looking into Hong Kong’s Acupuncture Field from a Western Medical Perspective”, “Acupuncture Therapy for Horses”, “Acupuncture-A Heavenly Gift: Acupuncture Volunteer Services in Hong Kong” and “Acupuncture and Pain”, which shed insight on the wide-ranging applications of acupuncture.

Centennial College is an independent, self-funded college established by The University of Hong Kong. Professor Edward Chen, Council Chairman designate of the College, and President Professor William K. M. Lee, held a news conference recently to introduce the latest developments at the College.

Professor Chen pointed out that a liberal arts education will be redefined at Centennial College. The College programmes cover a two-year core curriculum (embracing liberal arts and sciences) after which the students can select their major subjects. Existing majors have been consolidated and reconstructed into B.A. and B.Soc.Sc. programmes with liberal arts-oriented majors. The College will maintain a relatively small student body of 800 to 1,000 students, allowing it to emphasise intra-curricular, out-of-class activities, international exposure, seminar courses, reading and writing, trans-disciplinary, interactions, and closer teacher-student relationships.



Establishing the HKU SPACE Clinical Acupuncture

Alumni Society

Liberal Arts Education Reaching new heights at

Centennial College


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10 翱翔進修無限空間Explore without boundaries

《 增值空間開放日 2016》是學院每年的重頭活動,以拉近學院與大眾的距離,今年學院亦舉辦了一系列免費專題講座、現場示範及最新課程資訊,為您打開 360 度無界限的增值空間!

本年的重點講座為「 大師對談 - 當代社會的深層次矛盾」岑逸飛先生與李偉才博士與您探討現今社會矛盾,探討刻下社會出現的種種現象,當日在場人士都熱烈參與發表意見。


由附屬學院校長兼著名地質學家陳龍生教授及亞洲寶石學院院長莫偉基先生主講的《 寶石翡翠坊》,以輕鬆淺白的手法,帶領公眾人士認識礦物,天然水晶及玉器,並講解寶石玉器的加工過程。現場更提供免費寶石測試,不少參加者都自攜寶石踴躍交流。


今年的開放日更別開生面,加入了多項互動元素,包括「 養生茶水坊」與參加者分享中醫養生之道;而虛擬實境體驗、Facebook Like & Share 及爆谷免費派發環節亦大受歡迎,為整個活動增添不少歡樂氣氛。

活動重溫 Event recap

翱翔進修無限空間Explore without boundaries

《 增值空間開放日 2016》Open SPACE 2016

Page 11: ISSUE 59 - HKU SPACEREV)2016_Issue-… · Shawn Campbell (Frickr), and Jesse Orrico ( 跨進理想專業 Get a foot in the door of your dream profession 港大附屬學院


Open SPACE 2016 is an annual highlight event in the School year which aims to bring the School closer to the general public. This year, as part of the open day, the School also organised a series of free talks, live demonstrations and course updates to unfold a 360-degree borderless space for further study!

The keynote talk drew overwhelming response from the audience when Mr Shum Yat-fei and Dr Eddy Lee discussed prevailing social conflicts and various social phenomena in current society.

The talks and live demonstrations were mainly categorised under the themes of Languages, Professions, Hot Picks, Arts & Culture, the Golden Generation, and Life & Health.

A Gems & Jade Corner hosted by Professor L. S. Chan, Principal of the HKU SPACE Community College and a renowned geologist, and Mr Dominic Mok Wai-kei, Principal of the Asian Gemmological Institute & Laboratory Limited, helped the public to understand more about minerals, natural crystals and jade, and the processing of gems and jade, in a relaxed and easy going atmosphere. Free gem testing was provided on site and many participants brought along their gems to share for discussion.

A new series of programmes for the Golden Generation was also launched. Since the programmes are not targetted at offering degrees and all tutors are professionals with wide knowledge and broad life experience, students can freely explore the essence of the subjects with their tutors and classmates.

This year’s event also took a novel approach by incorporating several interactive elements, including a “Health-Enhancing Beverage Workshop” which offered health tips from Chinese medicine, a virtual reality experience, a Facebook Like & Share booth, and free popcorn. They all received an enthusiastic response which added colour to the whole event.

Page 12: ISSUE 59 - HKU SPACEREV)2016_Issue-… · Shawn Campbell (Frickr), and Jesse Orrico ( 跨進理想專業 Get a foot in the door of your dream profession 港大附屬學院

第五十九期 學院通訊編輯委員會 ISSUE 59HKU SPACE Newsletter Editorial Board

總編輯 Editor-in-Chief 祁樂彬 Dr John Cribbin 委員 Members莫綺媚 Susanna Mok

朱麗儀 Emily Chu 設計師 Designer余惠君 Iris Yu

地址 Address香港薄扶林道香港大學徐展堂樓三樓3/F, T.T. Tsui BuildingThe University of Hong KongPokfulam Road, Hong Kong

電郵 [email protected]

電話 Tel2975 5680

傳真 Fax2546 3538

香港大學專業進修學院乃非牟利擔保有限公司HKU SPACE is a non-profit making University company limited by guarantee




The School’s annual concert which this year was titled “FAME – Haydn & Schumann” took the audience on a spectacular musical journey across the centuries transported by the lovely melodies of Haydn, Schumann and Broadway musicals.

The wonder ful expedi t ion star ted with a Haydn trumpet concerto from the 18th century performed by Mr Ng King-chuen, one of Hong Kong’s most celebrated trumpeters. The audience were then swept into the 20th century with Broadway hits from “The Phantom of the Opera” and “Les Misérables” performed by baritone Totti Li and soprano Kylis Hung, before travelling back in time again to relish a 19th century Schumann piano concerto played by the gifted young pianist Anson Tang. This year’s concert was accompanied by the Hong Kong Strings directed by Professor Chan Wing-wah, Head of the Centre for Creative and Performing Arts.

The evening was brought to a rousing conclusion with the highlight of the concert, an abridged version of the hit musical “Fame” – an inspiring story of young high school students stretching their creative wings and soaring to new heights – performed by the students of the HKU SPACE Community College and directed by Michelle Li of Rooftop Productions.

學院年度音樂會以 FAME – Haydn & Schumann為題,帶領觀眾於海頓─舒曼─百老匯音樂劇等悅耳旋律間隨意遊走 。

這場奇妙音樂之旅由香港著名小號演奏家吳景銓先生演奏 18 世紀海頓的小號協奏曲揭開序幕,在明快悠揚音樂的餘韻下,觀眾會被帶到 20 世紀,細味由學院學生男中音李東耀、女高音孔惠佳 演繹百老匯名曲 The Phantom of the Opera 及Les Misérables;再由天才年輕鋼琴家鄧卓謙演繹舒曼的鋼琴協奏曲。音樂會獲香港弦樂團伴奏,並由學院創意及表演藝術中心總監陳永華教授 擔任指揮。

壓軸項目為著名音樂劇「 我要高飛」(Fame) 節錄版,由香港大學附屬學院同學演出,天台製作的李婉晶小姐執導。劇中講述年輕的高中學生如何憑創意,最後展翅高飛。

Annual School Concert

活動重溫 Event recap



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