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Primary Newsletter | Issue 07| 30 November 2012

The International School of The HagueP. O. Box 520472505 CA The HagueWijndaelerduin 12554 BX The Hague [email protected]

Primary SchoolTelephone +31 (0)70 338 4567Fax +31 (0)70 328 2049Email [email protected]

This Issue is made byVerona Schroder [email protected] contact for Newsletter items

In this issue

3 Dear ISH News Readers,

4 Mother Tongue News

5-6 Primary News

7 Dates for your Diary

8-9 Photographs

10-11 Parent Info

*Cover photo taken by Christel van Meeuwen


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Dear Parents,

What an eventful two weeks we have had. I arrived at school on the morning of Tuesday 27th to !nd the school in a terrible mess and my o"ce in total disarray. Rommel Piet had paid us a visit and it took some time to make the school look respectable again. Thank goodness that the other Zwarte Piets who visited left many delicious treats for everyone, to compensate for all the clearing up that needed to be done.

Congratulations to Year 6 who performed a fantastic dance assembly today and although I was unable to attend the actual event I was lucky enough to watch them during rehearsal. I am sure all the parents who attended were amazed by the fantastic dances that the children choreographed all by themselves. On Monday, 19th a woodwind quartet visited Year 2 and 3 in their music lessons which was a wonderful experience for all involved. The Dutch reading competition was held last week with entries from both Primary and Secondary. After an excellent competition Fizza Iqbal in Year 6 was declared the winner. Thanks to Kina Stellema for all her e#orts in organising the event and of course congratulations to Fizza for winning. There were many parents visiting Year 2 to help the children make puppets as the Exit Point from their IPC unit of work, thank you for all your support. As part of their IPC Unit children from Year 5 visited Gavangenpoort and I am pleased to say they all returned after enjoying a fascinating visit. Today I donned my apron and joined the Year 2 children and many parents at The Hungry Mind to make pepernoten as part of the Sinterklaas celebrations. Thank you to the Dutch teachers and all the parents who made this possible.

Four members of sta#, Sue Tee, Marlous Sanders, Kathy Carlier and Roswitha Kruijsse this week successfully completed a communication course at the HCO when they presented their !nal assignment on Wednesday, 28th November. Teachers new to the school this year have also been attending professional development on strategies to help teach English as an Additional Language. This was provided by trainers from within the school namely Sue Tee, Maria Vervoorn and Mindy McCracken. Nikki Welsh, Kevin Curiston, Rob Willis and Lara Rikers our teaching members of the MR and GMR along with parent members attended a very informative training session about their roles and responsibilities.

With December 5th almost upon us and the excitement growing daily I hope you have a relaxing weekend in preparation for the celebrations ahead.

Have an enjoyable weekend,

Kevin Rae - Primary Principal

Dear ISH News Readers,


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Primary Newsletter | Issue 07| 30 November 2012

Mother Tongue News

SAFETY FIRSTDear Parents, winter is fast approaching and with it comes darkness. Please make sure that your child’s bicycle has working lights and convey the importance of turning lights on

Dear Parents,I am often asked if a child should or could start reading in their Mother Tongue when they start reading in English, the school language. There is no one answer. Some specialists would advise learning to read in two languages simultaneously, others would recommend to do it sequentially. The strongest language to be introduced !rst and then, once the foundation of reading is strong, introduce the next language about a year or two later. This all depends on the level of the languages, if they are two mother tongues or one mother tongue and a second language at various levels. In short Krashen would say: “We learn to read by reading, by making sense of what we see on the page”. Therefore “It will be much easier to learn to read in a language we already understand.” “Generally learning to read in one language does not interfere with learning to read in a second language – rather the opposite. … it is preparing the ground for learning to read in another language” Colin Baker. Basically, reading skills are transferable from one language to the other even, two languages with di#erent scripts. “Learning to read starts the day a child is born. Listening and speaking is a necessary preparation for learning to read” Colin Baker. Therefore, your role as a parent is to prepare your child to reach the level of readiness by interacting with your child in his/her mother tongue. By having books (simple picture books, simple stories for bed time and so on) available at home, and to read and repeat their favourite stories/books they will start to recognise some words and to associate meaning and word forms. If you are unsure or would like to further discuss your family language situation, you are always welcome to contact me.

Mother Tongue After School-Reminder: No lessons on Wednesday, 5 December due to Sinterklaas celebration. Make up lesson for both Dutch groups on 13 February and 14 February. German Upper School on 14 February.

Kind regards,Pascale Hertay, Deputy Head


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Primary NewsDutch News We have an ISH Reading Out Loud – Winner!2013 is the Reading Out Loud Year - this event will held for the twentieth time. On Thursday, 22 November the ISH reading out loud Final took place in the Primary Library. After 3 weeks of class rounds the !nal was very exciting. We had 8 !nalists 4 students from year 7, Mikkeline, Fleur, Ella and Dominique and 4 students from year 6 Juliette, Aya, Fizza and Rachelle.

What do the students have to do for the reading out loud programme? The exercise is in two parts. During the !rst part the 8 !nalists sit in front of an audience, they give a brief introduction about the book they have chosen, including the title, the author, the main characters and the main story line and then read their selected bit of text out loud to the audience. All 8 !nalists read out loud trying their best to captivate the audience. After a short break the most di"cult part was still to come, the !nalists all had to read an unprepared part of a story chosen by the Dutch department. This year they had to read a part of “Ninkie, Stinkie Krukkenbus written by Leny Grootel.Ms. Halie, a Dutch teacher in secondary, one of last years !nalists, Femke, as well as special guest Ms Joy Davis, were the adjudicators. The !nalists surprised us with their fantastic reading skills they showed that afternoon. The jury had such a hard task, having to decide who would represent ISH at the next level.Fizza Iqbal (y6) was winner with Aya Oppenburg (y6) taking 2nd place and Rachelle Prins (y6) coming as 3rd.


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Primary Newsletter | Issue 07| 30 November 2012

Primary News

Please view our most excellent Podcasts:

Shoebox CharityDear Children and Parents,We call on you to support our shoebox charity to make a child at an orphanage in Romania very happy this Festive Season. This links to our Golden Rule - Be Kind and Helpful.

We would like to invite you to !ll a shoebox with toys, stationery and toiletries for a boy or girl aged between 4 and 12 years old. We regret, that no food or battery operated items can be donated. All items should be new and boxes must NOT be sealed. (This is due to Customs requirements.)

Boxes can be taken to the library every morning. Stichting Kennermerland will fetch the boxes on Friday, 15 December.

Stichting Kennemerland is sponsored by the KICI Foundation . It is the KICI Foundation who collect the clothing and shoes which you deposit in the green container in the sta# car park, and they are also a charity.

As in the past, your generous contributions are highly appreciated. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Kind regards,Cora [email protected]


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Dates for your Diary

Primary Choir Concert

Sinterklaas Visits ISH

Flexi Start - Students must be in by 9:15

Usborne Book Sale

End of Term - Students back on 08


All students back to school

December January

Please check our website for a complete calendar.CT Days are Compensation Days that Teaching Sta# are allowed to make use of during the school year, this in accordance with Dutch Labour Laws as stipulated by the CAO

Mr Frick

Ms Sanders

Mr Greenwood

Mr Curiston (PM)Ms Sanders

Ms Lapierre

CT Days



06 - 07









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Primary Newsletter | Issue 07| 30 November 2012



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Primary Newsletter | Issue 07| 30 November 2012

Parent Info

Have you noticed our Secondary students that are outside everyday helping our primary children get to school safely? They are out every morning proudly wearing their high visibility vests in all weather and all temperatures, they greet your children with friendly smiling faces. Please feel free to let them know you appreciate their e#orts.

Thank you, Ms Verona and Ms Lira

Dutch News

ONE DAY ONLY! DATE: Thursday 6th December 2012

TIME: 14.00 – 16.00 PLACE: ISH PLAZA

PS! Cash only!

ISH libraries will benefit from the sales!


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Parent InfoLooking for a small gift for the holidays? Handcrafted jewellery, hair clips and greeting cards will be on sale:

Tuesday, 4 December, 11.50 – 13.20 in front of the sta# room (ISH Secondary, A-side)

All pro!t of this Lacely sale goes to CARE Nederland, a charity that forms part of CARE International.


Re: Career Orientation for ISH students

Dear All,The Careers Department at ISH is again organising a Career Orientation Evening, where ISH students speak to ISH parents about their professions, on Tuesday 19 February, from 18.00 to 21.30.Students need to make important choices in subject package in school, and for academic or vocational Higher Education after school. Attending Open Days and Meeloopdagen at universities, reading up on course contents on o#er on various websites, going by careers tests results, talks with family, friends, and school counselors help them make these choices.

They also bene!t from hearing !rst-hand from job professionals. This is where you can help. Our ISH community includes many families with working members active in a wide range of professions. In other words, you are our best possible resource!

The format of the evening calls for three consecutive rounds of talks by parents, 45 minutes each, including Q & A, giving our students, ranging from Year 9 to Year 13, the opportunity to attend more than one option. You will be asked to give your (same) talk two or three times.Each 45-minute slot starts with your 20-minute talk or presentation, which can be as formal or informal as you like. Students will be interested in your motivation to choose the profession, the aspects of your course of study and/or training you have found most useful in your job, (if relevant) the various stages of professional development you have gone through to reach your current position, an outline of your practical, ‘daily routine’.We use classrooms holding a maximum of 20 students for each round, with brief breaks in between. Drinks and warm snacks are available. If you would like to participate in this event, please email the undersigned, stating full name, profession and availability on the day (2 or 3 sessions), before 17 December.Your input into the Career Orientation Evening would be greatly appreciated. We look forward to an informative and useful event for our students.Kind regards, Rick van VlietCommunity School Director, Careers Counselor, [email protected]


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