Page 1: IRWIOIDS Sate And€¦ · GRAHAM, N. C., Oct 21 1020 - \ 1?-\u25a0 " Poßtoffice Hoil*. Offlo open 7.00 a. m. toT.OUp. m. \ Aw \u25a0 $ R. N. COOK. Portmaster. TTTTTTTTT/..TITTTTTTTTTTTTTT

GRAHAM, N. C., Oct 21 1020

- \ 1 ? -\u25a0 " 1Poßtoffice Hoil*.

Offlo open 7.00 a. m. toT.OUp. m. \

Aw \u25a0 $ R. N. COOK. Portmaster.


\u2666 i \u2666+ LOCAL NEWS. +

+ \u2666« « « « « \u25a0 « « -\u25a0 -« « - « i » t t |, .t. ft if iL IAA\u25bcTTII*TTTTTTTTT TT"FTTTTTTTTT

?lt has been almost as warm assummer time for several days.

?A son came Monday to brightenthe days of Mr. and Mrs. GladdisFoster, Congratulations.

?Greensboro had fine weatherfor her Fair last week and Raleigh isbeing treated just as well this week.

?Let us remind ? you that TheGleatier needs what you owe on sub-scription. You may have forgotten.

?The registration books closeSaturday. It is learned that most

* of the women around Ghrahafai haveregistered.

?Mia. R. C. Hunter's daughter,Mrs. J. DeWitt Foust of Greens-boro, has been carried to St. Leo'sHospital for treatment.

?Mrs. Mary Settle Sharpe, Re-publican candidate for Supt. of Pub-lic xlnatruction, will speak at thecourt house Saturday night.

?Albright Avenue* has beenwidened ana a concrete sidewalk isbeing put down along the southside. The other side already has aconcrete walk. ,

?Oswald Stuart of the southernpart of the county, chadded withmaking liquor, was arrested Mondayby U. S. Deputy Marshal ,C. F.Roane of Greensboro.

-.-Mrs. Grant Estelow left Mon-day for the University of Pa, Hos-pital, Philadelphia, for an operation.


Her daughter, Miss Lenora, and herphysician, Dr. J. N. Taylor, accom-panied her., ?There have 1 been two good days

*for the Raleigh Fair and there ispromise of more, notwithstandingthe prediction that there would bei^in? just because "they are having a

big Fair at the capital city.,

a \u25a0

At the Presbyterian Church- «?

Rev. Edward N. Caldwell willpreach at the Presbyterian churchSunday, October 24th, at 11 a.m.

Sis theme willbe: "Locusts of Indercision.," and at 7 o'clock, "A Har-vest Love Story."

From 90 to 71.It is learned that a few days .hgo

fourteen women in one communityregistered whose ages ranged from71 to 90 ->ears. This sounds like aFairy tale, but the truth is vouchedfor by reliable people..

Tacky Party.The Sons and Daughters ofLiber-

ty will give a "tacky party" Satur-day, 23rd inst., at 8 p. m at thelodge room in the Patterson building.A prize will be given to the one whois dressed the tackiest.

The Last Day.

Next Saturday, 23rd inst., is thelast day on which you can registerfor the election to be held on Nov.2nd. If you want to vote and arenot registered, see that your name

goes on the registration book not

later than Saturday.

Hallowe'en l4rty.On Saturday evening, October

30th, beginning at 6 o'clock, therewillbe given a Hallowe'en Partv inthe, old Graham Trust Co. build-ing next to the "Movie Show."Everybody is invited io come andbring their friends and family andhave a "big time Oysters, friedand stewed, chicken salad, hot rolls,sandwiches, coffee and candy, willbe on sale. Come take supperwith us. Let the witches tell yourfortune! Get the hallowe'en spirit!The party will be given under theauspices of the Philathea Class of'the Graham Christian church.Everybody come!

Col. Ike Meekins of ElizabethCity wants to be Republican can-didate for Governor in 1924. Hehas formulated a platform.

TOWN TAX£S?The tax booksfor 1920 are in my hands. Promptpayment requested.

8., R. Trolihoib,Tax Collector.

Fords for Sale.1 new Ford With starter. -

1 new Ford without starter.11917 model?price rightApply to

Sanaet Furniture Co.,Phone 026 Burlington, N,C.

++++++++++++++++ l fn 111 »\u2666+

* +

»\u25a0< \u25a0« i n*< i \u2666 m \u2666\u2666\u26664*

Miss Emzpa Harden spent Sunday

Miss Annie Ben Long spent Sun-day in Stotesville.

Mr. L. E. Klutz of Greensborospent Sunday here.

Mr. Stcry spent the week-end at R*pTingham.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. N. Cook spentyesterday in High Point.

Miss Ada Denny left Saturday forHigh Point to visit relatives.

Mess. Hal Fairell and John Phil-lips spent Sunday in Durham.

Mr. J. D. Lee left for Raleigh yes-terday to attend the State Fair.

Mr. H. L. Cranford of Greensborowas here Sunday visiting friend?.

Mr. Junius H. Harden spent fromThursday -tillMonday in New Tork

T>n business.- Mr. John Scott, now living inGreensboro, spent the week-end ui

his home here.1

Miss Lizzie Pipkard, at work inGreensboro, spent the week-end at

here.Mrs. J. J. Barefoot left Monday

tor Raleigh to visit iriends and at-tend the Fair.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hendersonspent Sunday in Randolph countywith relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Meadows re-turned Tuesday night from a visit tofriends in Charlotte.

Mrs. M. C. Hoover of Raleigh iBspending the week here at the homeof Dr. J. J. Barefoot.

Mrs. J. Mel. Thompson of Mebpnevisited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Scott, Saturday.

Mr. James Freeman, in school atthe University, spent Sunday here atthe home of his aunt, Mrs. Folger.

Mesdames Mcßride Holt and WillE. White attended the Preßbyterialat Concord the latter part of" lastweek:

Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Robertson ofGreensboro spent last Sunday after-noon here at the home of Mr. andMrs. J. L. Scott, Jr. V

Miss Sallie Mackie of Dobson, ar-rived here the latter part of lastweek to spend some time with, hercousin, Mies Annie Folger.

Dr. Graham Harden went toChapel 'fiill Saturday to see the foot-ball game between the Universitiesof North and South Carolina.

Mra. Don E. Scott and little MissJean Gray, who have bean spendingsometime with Mrs. Scott's -parentsin Winston-Salem, returned Satur-day.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. L. Holmesand daughter, Mis" Maxine, andMisses Conley Albright,and JessiePhillips spent last Saturday inGreensboro.


Mr. and Mrs. Chss.,, W. Causeyand children of Greensboro spentlast Sunday here at the home of Mrs.Causey's parents, Mr. and Mra. J.L. Scott, Jr.

Cs|>t. F. C. Robbins of Lexingtonspent lest Saturday and Sunday withhis sister, Mrs. T. O. Foust, nearhere. Prof. T. R. Foust of Greens-boro, son of Mrs. Foust, accompaniedhim.

Mess. Edgar Long of Graham, R.VGriffinand W. 8. Vestal on Gra-ham-SwepsonviUe road and J. G.Braxton of South Alamance repre-sented Alamance at the Farmers'Unioh meeting at Concord last week.

Mr. and Mra. E. P. MoClure andson, Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. WillieA.McAdsms, Maj. and Mrs. J.J Hen-derson, and Mr. E. D. Scott went toRaleigh this morning to attend theState Fair. Mr. Dewey Farrell wentyesterday.

Toneis not' that whichdepends upon alco-

\ holic but upon tonic*a nutrient virtues.


is the purest kind ofnutriment and helpsgJb the system keepRpf up withthe wearUjt and tear uponipir strength.

: IRWIOIDSk (Tablets or Grannie)

E£L INDIGESTIONT«k« dry on ton«u« or

I with hot or cold water.

QUICKPrtoe, M-50-75/



1 *IIIIIIIIIIIIIM|n' !|a a 'Mapa"""»^' Tipck For Hire. >

Let us do your hauling of everykind, moving, etc. Have a newtruck. Terme reasonable.

BRADBHAW & FULLER.Phone 65(». Graham, N. C.

' Sale ol Land Under/Mortgage.

i '

[ Under and by Virtue of the' power of side contained in a cer-*

1 tain mortgage deed?froni J. L.1 Keck and wife, Katie Keek,to H. N. Albright, registered in

| the officeof the Register of Deeds| for Alamance county in Book of| Mortgage Deeds No. 45, page

350, default having been made inthe payment of the4ndebtednesasecured thereby, the undersign-ed, as administrator of ths saidH. N. Albright, now deceased,

( will, onMONDAY, NOV. 22, 1920,

at 12 o'clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Graham. N. C.,offer for sale at public auctionto the highest bidder for cash,certain parcels or tracts of landlying add being in Alamancecounty," State aforesaid, in Bur-lington township, and describedand defined as follows, to-wit:

Adjoining the lands of W. H.Conkiin, G. A. Clendenin, heirsof Dr. T. 0. Lutterloh, dee'd,and beginning at an iron bar or

rock, corner with said Conkiinand Lutterloh's heirs, runningthence N Cf.E 109 feet to awhite Qint rock, cofner with

t said Conkiin: thence NB3 2-3 WI<JP> feet to an iron pipe, cornerwith said Clendenin; thence S

deg W 146J feet to an iron. pipe, corner with said Lutter-

( loh's hers; thence NBO deg E! 139 feet to the beginning, con-i taiuing forty one-htfbdredths

(40-100) of an acre, more or less.Adjoining the lands of R. M.

\ Stockard (now George Clen-[ denin), R. M. Thompson, and a

' cartway eight feet wide, bound-' ed as follows: Beginning at a

stake 8 feet of J. W. Holt's line;; running thence S 122 feet to R.

M. Btockard (now Geo. Clen-I denin) line; thence EB7 feet to

[ R. N. Thompson's corner: thence. N 122 feet to a cartway; thence

l WB7 feet to the beginning,j containing one-fourth (1-4) of

> an acre, more or less.This 21st day of Oct., 1920.

D. A. ALBRIGHT,Adm'r of H. N. Albright.

Receiver's Sale of Per*sonal Property.

Under an Order of the Su-perior Court made in the mat-ter of Florence B. MacConnellvs. The MacConnell ElectricalSupply & Construction Com-pany, the undersigned Receiverwill, onSATURDAY, OCT. 30,1920,

at 10 o'clock a- m., in the storeroom occupied by the MacCon-nell Electrical Supply & Con-struction Company, in the Cityof Burlington. North Carolina,sell all the personal property be-

r longing to the said Electrical" Supply Company.

Among Baid property is thefollowing;

Electric Sewing Machine,Vacuum Cleaner, Electric Iron,Urns, Percolators, Lamps, Elec-tric Fans, Insulator, Bells,Bulbs, Switches, and other elec-trical implements, machines, fix-tures', etc.; also one Wall Case,one Typewriter, and other officesupplies and fixtures.

The entire stock of goods in-cluded in this stile willinventoryapproximately $1,800.00.

An inventory of these goodsmay be seen at the office of thePiedmont TrusrCompany, withW.» J. Graham, Receiver, or atthe office of John J. Henderson,Graham, N, C.

Terms of Sale: CASH.This 30th day of Sept., 1920.

W, J. GRAHAM,Receiver,

Jobs J. Henderson, Att'y.

'\u25a0 k. ... 1 ~ ' -. ' .. - 4/\u25a0>. ~ »

Among the Sick ' yCapt. Jan. N.' Williamson, who

has not be u very . well lor sun emonths and who suffered A Blightstroke of paralysi* a few weeks ago,is now able to rider out.

Mr. L. Banks Holt is still confinedto his Lome. There is very littlechange in his condition.

Mr. Ben N. Turner has been sicknearly six weeks. He spent 10 or12 days in. a hospital and returnedhome, and since then he has not beenable to take up his work-in ThoGleaner office, of which he is theForeman. < V

Mr. Ralph Hendrrson, who hasbeen sick ior several days, was car-ried to Asheville yesterday for ex-amination and treatment.

Leg of Member of Field ArtilleryBroken.While passing through Mraham

Inst Saturday afternoon PrivateCrouley fell from a gun carriage andb«fori» he could get out of the Wayauoil'»r carriage, close behind theone he was riding on, ran over hisanli If arid broke b« th bones. Dr. J.J. Itarefortt. rendered first aid, con-wyeo him to Itainey Hospital wherethe broken bones were i-et, and aday on two later he was sent to theJwse lKifnit i| at Camp Bragg, Pay-etteville.< The young a mem-ber the 20th Field Artillery,which had been to the Winstou-Salexi F.iii ami was on its way to theState Fair..

"TOWW TAXES.?'flie tax booksfor an* in my hands. Promptpayment requested.

» .B. R. Tholinoer, *

Tax Collector.

"NOTICE!All persons are hereby forbidden

to hunt, fish, or trap on the farmknown as the "OldLong Homestead."



TreacheroiiH, DangerouaCnlonel.

Calomel salivates! It'a mercury.Calomel acts like dynmiti on a

sluggish liver. When calf>m-'I co nesinto contact with sour b K- .t crash-es into it causing cramp:ng ananausea.

If you feel bilious, halach', con-stipated and all knocks! o it. last

fo to your drugggi-it and ,g*t aottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. for

a iew cents, which it a h\r,ni33s,vegetabl? substitute for danjirdVcalomel. Take a spo >n'-t! aha i f

it doesn't start yojr liver andstraighten yoi up I>etter h'n nistcalomel ami without yo.isick, you Just go back nn'l "j-tmoney.

I< you take calomel to-day you IIbe sick at\d nauseated t imirr;besides, it mav salivatj to i, wh'ieif you take Dodson's Liver Toneyou will wake up feelin? great, fullof ambition and ready for wi-k orplay. It's harmless, pleasant anasafe to give to children; they likeit.

o \u25a0 \u25a0*

Big Benshould be in every

farmer's homeYou men who live on the turn

,have got to be heavy workers.And if you are heavy worker*you require heavy sleep and lotsof it.

For heavy sleep is heavy work'sreaction and it's not always easyfor the heavy sleeper to get upwithout help.

That's where Big Ben comesIn. He makes it easy everymorning.

Big Ben is a truth-telling andreliable alarm clock. .

He gets you op, be never fails.

Ypu're always up on the dot ifhe's in the sleeping room.

See him in my window neat timeyon come to town. Hear himgreet you Good Morning. He iswall worth meeting, indeed.

Z.T.HADLEIJeweler mad Optician

eftAHAM, N.C.

! TOWN TAXES.?The tax book.! Tor 15)20 are in my hands. Prompt'i payment lvguesreri.


ioct2Uf Tax Collector.

Commlssoner's Re-Saleof Land.

Under an order of the SuperiorCourt, made in a Special Proceed-ing entitled, "Mrs. W. L. Ramley,AMiniiiistratix of \V. L. Rumley,deceased, Ex Parte, 1" the under-signed Commisioner will sell aspublic auction at the conrt housedoor in Graham, on

FRIDAY, NOV. 12, 1920,.it 12 o'clock, noon, the followingreal property, to-wlt:. Tract 3?Beginning at a Btakeon the mountain, Henderson Coblecorner,and running thernce £ 31.35chs to pointers, corner of lot No.6; thence N 9 chs to pointers;thence N 70 deg E 4.76 chs to astake ou the Graham road; thencewith said road 16 chs to a sassafrasou the west side of the said road;thence S 54 deg 46 chs to thebeginning, apd containing 41.60acres, more or lew.

Terms of Sale: One-third eaahy6ne-third In three months, andbalanoe in six ponths. .

This is a re-sale of this tract,and bidding on said tract is tocommence at $813.25. ' Sale sub-ject to the confirmation of Court.

This the lSth day of Oct., 1920.JOHN J. HENDERSON,

Commissioner.?Mrs. W. L. Rumley. AdmVx.

Sate of Personal PropertyAnd Residence Lot!

Saturday, Nov. 6th, J 920, 2 p. m.

As administrator j)f the estate of Jesse M.Bradshaw, dec'd, at his late residence in Graham, iat the time and on the date above mentioned, Iwillsell for CASH, at public outcry to the high-est bidder, a Jot. of Household and Kitchen Fur-niture, a good Set of Carpenter's Tools, PaperHanger's Outfit, and a good Five PassengerAutomobile.

At same time I will off for sale, on terms,a very desirable residence lot on .North Main St.,next to J. B. Montgomery's; the bid, however, ,

1subject to rejection by the owners of the lot.

. JAMES E. "BLACK,Adm'r of Jesse M.' Bradshaw.

This Oct. 12, 1920.? I,

=__ =_ a_ :__ =_ =_s_=Sßa=-lIBB^ 5_ =SBa= -IIBB^

The Facts of the Telephone , jSituation in North Carolina

My 4. Epps Brown, Preeldsnt.


Investment, Expense, RevenueThe mi I>l6 «u the best year in the history of thia Company. Hi* Company earned daitog Stat yeer

more In the SUM of North Carolina thin ever before, or atoce. 1 M'

The following figuree .peek for the**elv«s: »

4Statement .of Investment, Revenue and Expenses, State of North Carolina. «

1916 ' I*l7 ins IMS »

Investment - $!.*",1M40 IMIMIUI U.58U14.11 |U»l.ttUf

Gross Revenae M6.7M.W 1,011,717.05 1.100.W4.M t4MjMU9Eft>enaea 780.6 M.70


874,998.29 I;OSS.TTOJS

N«t Revenue 161.215.90' 147,718.76 76,2*444 14SJMJS

Per cent of net earnings to Investment? 6.01 4.M US < lit t -jjfflL*

" ; ? ' -. '

Contrast that with the *er cent of profit figures represent the original toat of theearned in your business! actual physical property of the Company. »

This Company has never earned a profit «<** ** the Pab »c "J*0?* Cmzx3^,^*.l.Bal rata of interest to the "Peases Incurred In operating that

State ot Norti' no ~

excess earnings during the past. Thsee fig- g more and nothing less.

ures show the actual operations to this StaU._

This property Is worth more than the ft* ,4

The investment shown is all physical prop- «re representing its original coat. To icpao , &Xjgerty, and is what it. originally cost the Com- dnce this property today would coat attlMspany. There la not one dollar tor franchise, than 10S per emit more than It ortgtoaOy"going value"' or-any so-called Intangible coat , \u25a0property. Ifthe Company's net earnings wws isna J

There ls-no question of stocks or bopds or nrad hy today's value of the property, (hay. I m

\ capitalisation of any kind Involved. These would not exceed S per cent'

A v " » IS4

The next advertisement will give the facts aa to the quality at the service. I


! - " ???? | JJ




f Coed taste in dress must find its first expression*


' in the proper corset ?in the harmony ofbeautiful \j lines and right proportions. |

» CORSETS Tare designed to accent the natural charm of every l\|. \ I fiE I " jifwjEltype offjgure. Whatever your corset needs, there I|\

.j |nj\| /|L fjH

are manjr models created in accordance with the \i f.unchanging principles of beauty and good taste i t Trthat will assure you graceful lines and faultless \\j UUMproportions with that unconsciousness ofrestraint \ J

i that can only result from the healthful support \ fY|H jl\ I Ji of a perfectly fitting corset,, + | L | I I /II

r Our thorough understanding of modern corsetry 1 / vf?makes certain your compete satisfaction. I I IZ

The Fair Department Store,* ik armpit to tie ankle.

Graham, N. C. S'ljs.

# ?? ? i&i. - ..'i

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