
Is The IPhone Really The Best Cell Phone Money Can Buy?

Just read this article so you can unlock the magic in your new iPhone.

If you own an iPhone, getting lost is a thing of the past. The integrated map and gps function

allow you to use your wireless service to pinpoint where you are, and where you are going.

You can find directions home or explore new regions you never considered before.

When using Safari, making phone calls is as easy as just one tap on the screen. For

example, you may want to find a local dry cleaner. When you locate the phone number of the

cleaners, you don't need to switch over to the phone component of your iPhone. Just tap on

their number and you'll be connected to your desired business immediately.

Create your very own shortcuts and add to your own dictionary with the iPhone. When you

use diction, the device will understand how you speak. It is also possible to put in new

phrases and shortcuts. When you type words and phrases the keyboard autocorrects what

you have typed.

Incoming messages are previewed on the iPhone lock screen by default. You may find this

handy or annoying. If you are one that does not like that feature, you will be happy to learn

that you can stop that feature from continuing. Simply go to the Notifications section of your

settings menu and choose messages. The facility you wish to disable is known as "Show


Always upgrade your OS to the most recent version. Apple iPhones have now almost

become as intricate as computers, so there exists sporadic patches to repair functionality

issues, bugs and security holes. Updating your OS regularly will help ensure the safety of

your personal information.

Is the process of loading the camera app slowing down your photography and hampering

your shutterbug skills? If so, check this tip out. While you have the screen locked, quickly

touch Home button two times. You should see a small camera icon near the bottom of the

screen. Touch this camera icon and you will be able to use your iPhone as a camera right


If you need a quick calculation done, make fast use of your iPhone's calculator function,

which can be found under the utilities section. When holding the phone upright it is a regular

calculator, but by tilting it sideways you will get a scientific calculator.

There may be times when you are using the iPhone and a notification interrupts you what

you are doing. It might be more important to wrap up your current project than to check out

the notice. Notifications can be removed in an instant. To do this, swipe the notification away

with your finger when it appears on your screen.

Here's a handy little hint when you're on your iPhone and you've reached the bottom of a

long web page. There is not need to do that! Touching the top bar shown on the screen (the

clock area) brings you back to the page's beginning. This works for other long screens (like

iTunes lists) too.

You should now know more features you can access with your iPhone. An iPhone can make

your life easier in a number of different ways. For a lot more thorough information How To

Choose The Right IPad For Your Business, IPad Secrets To Help You Get The Most From

Your Device, How To Choose The Right IPad For Your Business

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