

[subject option 1]9 complimentary interviews with the world’s top personal growth & spirituality experts

[subject option 2]Get closed-door footage of the biggest personal growth event of 2015

[subject option 3]you’re going to LOVE this, I know you are.

[subject option 4]David Wolfe, John Assaraf & Nassim Haramein want a word with you...

[subject option 5]World’s top personal growth experts reveal what’s working TODAY

[body]Hi [NAME],

Starting Sunday June 7th, our friends at Project:Yourself are giving away 8 exclusive daily interviews with some of the world’s greatest experts in personal growth, neuroscience, ancient healing and spirituality.

Go here to access these interviews (100% complimentary)

I strongly suggest you take advantage of this - you’re getting a TON of powerful (and free) training, tools, ideas and wisdom for overcoming your obstacles and limiting beliefs…

And awakening your highest human potential.

Here are the experts who’ll be training you:

1. John Assaraf, Brain Researcher, Serial Entrepreneur and star of The SecretJohn will share his remarkable discoveries in the field of neuroscience, and simple ways you can work with your brain to be more creative, intuitive, empathic and abundant.

2. David Wolfe, Health, Eco, Nutrition and Natural Beauty ExpertLiving up to his reputation as the Indiana Jones of superfoods, David will reveal the foods you should be eating (and avoiding at all costs) to nourish, heal and protect your body.

3. Bill Harris, Director of Centerpointe Research InstituteBill, inventor of the world-famous Holosync meditation technology, will give you today’s best mind tools and ‘hacks’ for boosting your mind power, creativity, intuition and self-awareness.

4. Nassim Haramein, Physicist and Director of The Resonance ProjectDive into the mind-blowing world of physics, matter and energy with the legendary Nassim Haramein, as he reveals how to harness the building blocks of reality to elevate your life.

5. Pedram Shojai, Physician, Eastern Wellness expert and Founder of Well.orgCombining his decades of experience in Eastern and Western wellness, Pedram will equip you with refreshingly holistic tools and practices for elevating your mind, body and spirit.

6. Trupti Gokani M.D., Neurologist & Ayurvedic PhysicianDiscover Trupti’s fascinating world of mind ‘hacks’ and natural remedies for health and wellbeing - without drugs, surgery, or detrimental side effects.

7. Niraj Naik, Former Pharmacist turned Brain Researcher and Sound HealerLearn the fascinating story of a pharmacist who healed himself of a chronic illness not with medication, but with meditation and brainwave entrainment technology.

8. Kathleen Whalen, Vedic Astrologer, Biochemist and Oriental Medicine ExpertJoin Kathleen as she reveals how to harness ancient practices linking astrology, neuroscience and the laws of the Universe, so you can start aligning your life with cosmic rhythm.

Quick, the daily series starts soon:

RSVP here now to claim your free spot.



[subject option 1]9 complimentary interviews with the world’s top personal growth & spirituality experts

[subject option 2]Get closed-door footage of the biggest personal growth event of 2015

[subject option 3]you’re going to LOVE this, I know you are.

[subject option 4]David Wolfe, John Assaraf & Nassim Haramein want a word with you...

[subject option 5]World’s top personal growth experts reveal what’s working TODAY

[body]Hi [NAME],

If at this moment you’re looking to overcome a certain personal challenge or achieve a BIG goal, you’re going to be seriously interested in listening to this...

A few days ago, our friends at Project:Yourself hosted one of this year’s biggest online events in personal growth.

What happened was, they brought together some of the world’s top experts in personal growth, neuroscience, ancient healing and spirituality to reveal today’s most effective tools and wisdom for peak performance of the mind, body and spirit.

For a full 9 hours, these experts trained a group of attendees on a first-of-its-kind online Livecast… or a virtual retreat if you prefer.

As you can imagine - this 9 hours was packed with life-changing ideas, tools, techniques and wisdom!

At first, Project:Yourself had no intentions of launching a replay… but due to overwhelming demand they’ve decided to release the footage from this session at a rate of one expert interview per day…

Starting Sunday June 7th (and it’s 100% complimentary!)

Here’s the full list of free daily speakers you’ll get when you join this experience:

1. John Assaraf, Brain Researcher, Serial Entrepreneur and star of The SecretJohn will share his remarkable discoveries in the field of neuroscience, and simple ways you can work with your brain to be more creative, intuitive, empathic and abundant.

2. David Wolfe, Health, Eco, Nutrition and Natural Beauty ExpertLiving up to his reputation as the Indiana Jones of superfoods, David will reveal the foods you should be eating (and avoiding at all costs) to nourish, heal and protect your body.

3. Bill Harris, Director of Centerpointe Research InstituteBill, inventor of the world-famous Holosync meditation technology, will give you today’s best mind tools and ‘hacks’ for boosting your mind power, creativity, intuition and self-awareness.

4. Nassim Haramein, Physicist and Director of The Resonance Project

Dive into the mind-blowing world of physics, matter and energy with the legendary Nassim Haramein, as he reveals how to harness the building blocks of reality to elevate your life.

5. Pedram Shojai, Physician, Eastern Wellness expert and Founder of Well.orgCombining his decades of experience in Eastern and Western wellness, Pedram will equip you with refreshingly holistic tools and practices for elevating your mind, body and spirit.

6. Trupti Gokani M.D., Neurologist & Ayurvedic PhysicianDiscover Trupti’s fascinating world of mind ‘hacks’ and natural remedies for health and wellbeing - without drugs, surgery, or detrimental side effects.

7. Niraj Naik, Former Pharmacist turned Brain Researcher and Sound HealerLearn the fascinating story of a pharmacist who healed himself of a chronic illness not with medication, but with meditation and brainwave entrainment technology.

8. Kathleen Whalen, Vedic Astrologer, Biochemist and Oriental Medicine ExpertJoin Kathleen as she reveals how to harness ancient practices linking astrology, neuroscience and the laws of the Universe, so you can start aligning your life with cosmic rhythm.

This is a fantastic chance to catch some of the world’s top experts from one of this year’s biggest events.

They’re starting very soon, so quick:

RSVP here now to claim your free spot.



[subject option 1]Eastern Wellness + Western Science = __________?

[subject option 2]This man could revolutionize the healthcare system

[subject option 3]Do you know what’s really keeping you sick?

[subject option 4]If you or a loved one needs healing, you must see this

[body]Earlier this week, my friends at Project:Yourself pulled off something incredible.

They brought together 8 of the world’s greatest minds in personal growth, neuroscience, wellbeing and spirituality…

And held back-to-back, no-holds-barred online training sessions with them for an invited community of guests - including The Secret star John Assaraf… nutritionist David Wolfe… physicist Nassim Haramein… and so many more.

The result? 9+ hours of pure CONTENT for the mind, body and spirit.

Today and for the next 8 days, Project:Yourself starts releasing footage of these groundbreaking sessions to [INSERT COMMUNITY NAME], one session at a time:

And I STRONGLY recommend you check them out (100% complimentary)

Your trainer for today is Pedram Shojai: Acupuncture Physician, Eastern Wellness Expert and Founder of

Pedram is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the union between ancient Eastern wellness and modern Western medicine.

And in today’s training video he'll show you some of his most powerful holistic tools and practices you can use right NOW to heal, elevate your health and regain your vitality in today’s chaotic world.

(Hint: it’s got nothing to do with pills or surgery.)

Watch now and discover Pedram Shojai’s remarkable ancient practices and tools for regaining your holistic wellbeing.

This complementary information could save your life or a loved one’s.

Watch ASAP and look out for the next video tomorrow.



[subject option 1]Meet the DJ who uses ~sounds~ to heal illness

[subject option 2]Are there *sounds* that can heal you?

[subject option 3]When this DJ’s doctor failed him, he turned to sounds

[subject option 4]You’ll never guess how this man healed himself

[body]If you or a loved one is in need of healing, this video from our friends at Project:Yourself could spark a genuine turning point in your life...

Meet Niraj Naik:

Niraj is a DJ and former pharmacist who once suffered from a chronic illness known as ulcerative colitis.

For years this illness left him with extreme pain.

His doctor’s advice did nothing.

All the medication (including the medication he prescribed to himself!) did nothing.

And when he was finally faced with the terrifying prospect of getting his intestines removed...

He decided to look outside the box - and create specific SOUNDS with the power to heal.

Today Niraj is completely healed, and even helps others do what he did.

You’ll be stunned at how he did it (and the space-age science behind it all):

Watch this video and discover how to use the power of sounds to heal.



[subject option 1]Neurologist reveals THE simplest daily habit for optimal health

[subject option 2]How to switch on your body’s {natural} healing mechanism

[subject option 3]Neurology + Ayurveda = _______?

[subject option 4]Your illness doesn’t want you to see this

[body]Why choose between Eastern and Western healing:

When you can have the best of both?

Dr. Trupti Gokani is both a board-certified Neurologist and an Ayurvedic physician...

And in a recent interview with our friends at Project:Yourself, she revealed a fascinating host of scientifically valid mind ‘hacks’ and natural remedies for health and wellbeing...

Without drugs, surgery, or detrimental side effects.

I understand how important your health and vitality are to you - that’s why I strongly recommend that you:

Watch this interview footage and start APPLYING this wisdom (and please share with your loved ones).


P.S. Towards the end of the video, look out for Dr. Trupti’s no. 1 quick fix for dramatically improving your health TODAY (the answer will surprise you).

Watch now and start fortifying your single greatest asset - your health and wellbeing.


[subject option 1]How to harness physics, matter and energy to elevate your life

[subject option 2]Could this be the world’s most awakened scientist since Carl Sagan?

[subject option 3]Do not watch (unless you’re ready for a massive mind shift)

[subject option 4]

Exclusive interview with the brilliant Nassim Haramein


Nassim Haramein is one of my favorite celebrity scientists.

Every time he takes the stage, something just tells you:

“I’ve got to listen to this man.”

What I like most is how he takes weighty subjects like quantum physics, matter and energy…

And makes them not only understandable - but relevant to our daily lives.

If that sounds intriguing to you… you’ll love this exclusive video interview with Nassim from my friends at Project:Yourself:

Watch it here.

The wisdom you discover in this video will revolutionize your understanding of what it means to be human… your true place in the Universe… and how to harmonize yourself with the forces of nature to live a more fulfilling, joyful and abundant life.



[subject option 1]How to enter a state of ‘Super Awareness’

[subject option 2]Do this to optimize your brain

[subject option 3]

A mind-blowing interview with Bill Harris (video)

[subject option 4]Into the mind of the man who revolutionized meditation

[body]Hi [NAME],

If you meditate, you’ve probably heard of Bill Harris.

He’s the Director of the Centerpointe Research Institute, and the inventor of Holosync:

A world-famous sound technology that dives deep into your mind, and makes achieving deep meditation as easy as pressing a button.

Our friends at Project:Yourself recently caught up with Bill for an interview - and from one mind power enthusiast to another…

This video could transform how you work with your mind!

In it he reveals:

* How to activate a state of ‘Super Awareness’ in yourself - where you gain far greater control of your emotions, thoughts and habits, so you can manifest the reality you truly want.

* The REAL reason you’re sabotaging yourself - why a certain part of your brain forces you to do destructive things like eat unhealthy food, skip exercise and procrastinate (and how to train it to STOP holding you back).

* The 4 ‘inner ingredients’ for reinventing your reality - discover how to spark 4 powerful mind shifts in yourself, allowing you to replace your limiting beliefs with limitless personal power.

* And much more.


Watch Bill’s interview here while it’s still up.

… and remember to take notes.



[subject option 1]How to become a Human Manifesting Magnet

[subject option 2]New findings in neuroscience reveal what we’re *really* capable of

[subject option 3]Law of Attraction Luminary John Assaraf’s latest interview

[subject option 4]Watch this if you’re looking for an ANSWER (to anything)

[body]If you want unquestionable proof that the Law of Attraction is a science...

Look no further than John Assaraf.

John is one of the godfathers of the modern personal growth and spirituality movement.

He starred in The Secret.

He’s the founder of various companies that help millions of people.

And most recently, he’s been diving DEEP into the world of neuroscience and how to ‘tweak’ our brains to unlock our peak potential.

John recently shared his latest, most astonishing findings in a video interview with our friends at Project:Yourself.

The level of actionable wisdom you’ll find here is extraordinary - especially if you’re struggling with a personal challenge, or there’s a high-reaching goal you could use some backup with:

Watch it now and start APPLYING this wisdom for an immediate boost to your mind power and manifesting magnetism.

From manifesting and the Law of Attraction, to meditation and peak performance, this one’s packed with countless tools and a-ha moments.



[subject option 1]Do you believe your destiny is written in the stars?

[subject option 2]How to align your daily life with Cosmic Rhythm

[subject option 3]Astrology, neuroscience & the laws of the Universe

[subject option 4]Contrarian professional stargazer reveals surprising truth about astrology

[body]Did you know that President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy based many of their big (and small) decisions on astrology?

Even the legendary financier J.P Morgan once said,

“Millionaires don’t need astrology, billionaires do.”

Facts like that - and many inexplicable ‘coincidences’ throughout my life - have left me wondering if there’s more to astrology than what you see in your daily newspaper.

Turns out there is - and it’s cold, hard science:

Watch this video of Vedic Astrologer and Biochemist Kathleen Whalen present a fascinating take on REAL astrology - and how to use it to elevate your life.

In this interview with our friends at Project:Yourself, Kathleen - a much sought-after expert - reveals the little-known difference between *tabloid* astrology and *authentic ancient astrology*...

And how to use it to align your daily life with cosmic rhythm - so you can avoid needless danger and suffering.

According to Kathleen, one of the most useful functions of astrology is to understand your own emotions, motivations and quirks...

And to make better plans for important life events like holidays, launches, surgeries, meetings, dates, etc.

(She’ll even show you the surprising way astrology is connected to neuroscience.)

If that sounds like something you could benefit from…


Watch this fascinating interview now and take notes!



[subject option 1]The Indiana Jones of superfoods reveals 3 foods that may save your life

[subject option 2]A mushroom that makes your immune system smarter???

[subject option 3]Ancient Egyptians called this “the elixir of immortality” (you can find it in the supermarket)

[subject option 4]How your food is quietly poisoning you, according to David Wolfe

[body]If you’d like to know how to heal, energize and protect your body with incredible superfoods like:

* A mushroom that makes your immune system smarter over time…

* A plant the ancient Egyptians called “the elixir of immortality” (that you can find in your local supermarket)...

* And even a super healthy, nutrient-packed version of a common snack billions of people enjoy daily…

… then watch this video with nutrition & healthy visionary David Wolfe; and prepare to make a trip to the grocery store.

(WARNING: you may also get an uncontrollable urge discard half of what’s in your refrigerator once David starts showing you the biggest DANGER in the Standard American Diet…)

This information could save your life or a loved one’s, watch it while it’s still available:


Watch David Wolfe show you how to treat your body right with the healing and energizing power of ancient superfoods.



[subject option 1]How to squeeze a genuine a-ha moment from your mind

[subject option 2]The single best way to overcome a bad habit

[subject option 3]How do you move beyond a tragic past experience?

[subject option 4]How two professionals used ancient wisdom to skyrocket their careers

[body][NAME], are you open to the possibility that every personal challenge you’re facing right NOW…

Could be solved by ancient wisdom?

From meditation to chakra cleansing to ancient manifesting symbols… the timeless practices you’ll find in this video from my friends Amish & Dr. Puja Shah at Project:Yourself may just spark a turning point for you:

Click here to discover how to harness ancient wisdom to live a more successful, abundant, purposeful and healthy life.

In this video you will:

* Meet a forex trader and a computer scientist who used the power of meditation and ancient symbols to elevate their careers and personal lives...

* Discover an ancient practice for moving beyond tragic past experiences, and moving forwards with your life with positive energy and momentum….

* Learn a time-tested mind ‘hack’ for manifesting a continuous stream of profound realizations (a.k.a. a-ha! moments), as easily as flicking on a light switch...

* Get a surprisingly powerful ‘subconscious reprogramming’ method for discarding your bad habits like procrastination and snacking… and replacing them with habits that serve you…

* And much more.

The answers you seek may be in this video - open your mind and watch it now.


P.S. Project:Yourself has just announced what they call “the best deal we’ll ever make” on their bestselling home training course, packed with ancient tools and conscious practices for better living… so if you like what you see, now’s the time to get it:

Watch this video, then click on the link to the right of the page to learn more about the Project:Yourself home training course.

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