Page 1: Investigation Guide: Paris, 1919

Name: __________________________

World History, 10th Grade, Term 1

Investigation: Paris 1919 Twentieth Century History Pp 12--17

1. Make a list of the 6 problems for the winners (pg 12). You will use this list to study later (so write neatly)







2. What did Woodrow Wilson think the League of Nations could do?

3. What is “self-determination”? How is it different from Imperialism?

4. What are “reparations”? Explain why reparations were important to Britain and France, but not the US.

5. Read the summary of the Fourteen Points: write down the points that specifically defend Self-determination

6. Look at Source D: Why is Woodrow Wilson confident that Britain and France will have to agree with the US at

the end of the War?

7. Look at Source F: How does Lloyd George explain his “support” of the League of Nations?

8. Clemenceau: Make a list of 5 things the French people wanted revenge for against Germany.






9. Name the parts of Germany that Clemenceau wanted Germany to lose. Why these parts?

10. Look at Source J and K: What is the biggest fear in France after WWI? Is the fear justified?

11. What was the chief concern of Lloyd George in the Paris Peace Settlement?

12. Name 2 reasons that Lloyd George did not want Germany to treatedtoo harshly.

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