Page 1: INTRODUCTION TO HEALING - My Health Yoga Online · channelled energy that allows to heal, grow, and restore. In other words the magic is in you – you do the healing. Singing bowls


Page 2: INTRODUCTION TO HEALING - My Health Yoga Online · channelled energy that allows to heal, grow, and restore. In other words the magic is in you – you do the healing. Singing bowls



“Healing is a spontaneous event that comes about through a kind of grace. It can happen anytime, and in any place. It may or may not happen in the context of a healing session. It may come about simply with a smile from a stranger, the breeze blowing through the trees, the song of a bird — some reminder of our connectedness and wholeness — the beauty of Life just as it is at this moment for us. Healing can happen on many different levels. Sometimes our healing is not what we expect. We need to be open to the gifts which life is always ready to give us. It may be that a physical problem heals, but it may also stay awhile to teach us something. Sometimes a health challenge is a doorway to a deeper healing, a cry from deep within for attention to some part of us that has been unloved and feels separated from the Whole. Regardless of whether our focus in healing is on the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level, all levels are invariably touched by the process, and none can be separated out from the rest.” — Mary Maddux The Merriam-Webster dictionary gives the following definitions of healing: 1. to make sound or whole 2. to restore to health 3. to cause (an undesirable condition) to be overcome 4. to restore to original purity or integrity 5. to return to a sound state

Although it is clear from these definitions that the word “healing” can be used in very broad ways, it most often refers to healing of the physical body, as in the healing of a disease or injury. It is also frequently used to indicate healing of mental, psychological, and emotional conditions. For those who practice Yoga and spirituality, “to make sound or whole” would have to include the spiritual dimension of life, as well. HEALING WITH YIN YOGA

Yin Yoga is perhaps one of the forms of Yoga that provide the best opportunities to explore healing avenues added to the already healing nature of the practice. Yin Yoga Asana have a strong impact and effect on the Meridian energy system, the physical and metaphysical body as well as our state of mind, all these can be further benefited by the wide range of healing tools and rituals that can be performed on the student or on ourselves during a Yin Yoga class. The passive nature of Yin Yoga provide the much needed time for relaxation, introspection and soul nourishment that many ancient healing practices and natural systems need in order to work. In this course we’ll show a few of the most powerful yet simple healing techniques and tools that can be used in a Yin Yoga class.

Page 3: INTRODUCTION TO HEALING - My Health Yoga Online · channelled energy that allows to heal, grow, and restore. In other words the magic is in you – you do the healing. Singing bowls


SOUND HEALING What is sound?

Everything that moves vibrates, from the smallest molecule to the Universe itself. As long as it is vibrating, it is making some kind of sound. We may not perceive the sound, as it may be below or above the threshold of our hearing. The human ear can hear sound vibrations between 20 and 20,000Hz (cycles per second), although we also perceive sound by skin and bone conduction, ingesting and consuming it with the whole body. Many cultures and religions revere sound so deeply as to believe it called the Universe into being. For the Hindus, all was dark and quiet in the Universe, until the first movement in the Universe created the sound "AUM." It is the mother tone, containing the frequencies of all other sounds. Scientific studies show that sound can produce changes in the autonomic, immune, endocrine and neuropeptide systems. Every atom, molecule, cell, gland, and organ of the human body absorbs and emits sound. The entire body also has a vibrational frequency unique to each individual.

What is music?

Music is organized sound. Virtually all cultures have used the powers of music therapeutically. For several hundred years, the role of music became one of entertainment. Only recently has the use of sound and music reappeared as a valuable healing mode in our western culture. The goal of music therapy is to reduce stress and pain, promote deep relaxation, develop self-awareness and creativity, improve learning, and clarify personal values.

What is sound healing?

When an organ or body part is healthy, it creates a natural resonant frequency in harmony with the rest of the body. When the vibration of a part of the body is out of harmony, we have dis-ease. With dis-ease, a different sound pattern is established in the affected part of the body. When sound is projected into the dis-eased area, correct harmonic patterns are restored. There are many methods of healing with sound. Mantras and chants have been used for thousands of years. Many acoustic instruments are used in a variety of ways to effect change. The human voice is perhaps one of the most powerful musical instruments. Fabien Maman, in his book, The Role of Music in the Twenty-First Century gives dramatic accounts of the effects of sound on cancer cells, using various acoustic instruments and notes, as well as the human voice. He has incorporated the use of sound, colour and movement in his work, addressing the subtle bodies, where dis-ease is created.

The law of vibration applied in modern science.

MRI is a cutting edge imaging technique used in modern medicine around the world. MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and its goal is to provide an image of the resonance or vibration of the atoms that compose our tissues, organs and systems. This machine enhances the vibration of said particles so it’s strong enough for the machine to detect and interpret as colours or shades of grey. When we look at the MRI images we understand that different shades of grey represent particles vibrating at different frequencies. Thanks to this

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technology we can detect how healthy tissue has different shading than unhealthy one. This is because healthy tissue vibrates at a different frequency than unhealthy one. It is theorised that if we were able to bring back the unhealthy tissue to its normal vibrational frequency the tissue would heal. When we understand that sound healing can harmonise with the rest of the Universe in a healing pattern or wave we learn that we can aid the healing journey of a person not only at a spiritual level but at a physical level as well as we reactivate and empower the body’s self healing mechanisms.

Singing Bowls

What are crystal bowls?

Crystal bowls are made from 99.992% pure crushed quartz and heated to about 4000 degrees in a centrifugal mold. They are available in clear or frosted bowls in a variety of sizes, ranging from 6 to 24 inches in diameter. The bowls emit a powerful, pure resonance. The larger bowls are much more reverberant, with the tone lingering longer, simply because of the size and amount of crystal. The clear bowls, somewhat more expensive, are more readily available in smaller sizes. The size of the bowl does not necessarily determine its note, although the larger bowls sound lower octaves and notes. Each bowl is tested with digital technology to identify its sound. One can have a sense of which tone feels most congruent with individual needs or desires. The notes C, D, E, F, G, A, B correspond with our energy centres or chakras. Some bowls harmonize with other bowls, and when both are played simultaneously, the effect is quite powerful.

How to use crystal bowls?

We can cleanse the bowl using the same methods used for clearing other crystals (described below). Using the bowls in combination with voice or other instruments is powerful and very effective. Rubber-ball mallets or wands are used to sound the bowls. The effect of each is different and a matter of personal choice. We should strike the outside of the bowl, in an upright position, giving about half the length of the wand to the bowl surface near the top rim, then follow the

sound around the bowl with the wand or mallet, enhancing the duration and loudness of the tone. Each practitioner has a unique style of sounding the bowls. Some will move the wand or mallet clockwise for specific intentions, while others prefer a counter-clockwise motion, or a combination.

Singing bowls produce a particularly pure, beautiful and nearly perfect tone. They sound uniquely beautiful to our ears and seem to elicit one of the best responses of any sound instrument. Just as a violin has the power to stir certain emotions, singing bowls speak to our hearts and souls. They are the ideal vibrational tool for all applications relating to health and wellbeing, from meditation practice to medical recovery. However singing bowls themselves are not magic. What they do is

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very special but the real magic is in the user. The bowl produces an amazing vibration but what the person using it do is even more special as is the user’s channelled energy that allows to heal, grow, and restore. In other words the magic is in you – you do the healing.

Singing bowls for Yin Yoga

Singing bowls resonance and sound can induce a deeper meditative state during a Yin Yoga class. You can play with your desired type and size of singing bowl while your students delve into postures they’ll hold for a few minutes. If you wish to hear singing bowls resonate during you own class but you are unable to play them as you hold your own posture, you can always purchase a singing bowl CD many of which are readily available online and contain powerful singing bowls tunes recorded from one or more

bowls singing in unison. If you are working with few students you may even have time to sit nearby each one of them and play your singing bowl and move it around his/her body as it resonates which will allow your student to not only hear the sound but also feel it through the skin which is very therapeutic.

Sound Healing for the Chakras

The music we choose is usually an important choice we need to make when preparing for a Yoga class, as music will add a character and a tone to it. In a Yin yoga setting, when we want to activate or focus on a particular chakra we can use the chart below as a reference as to what kind of music to incorporate. You do not need to know how to play an instrument, as there is a wide selection of music already attuned to different vibrations, pitches and rhythms from which you can choose. If you want to address all chakras during your class you can create a playlist that gradually moves through the below examples of music. Feel free to use your intuition and experience when choosing music for your class, as the music you like is usually the one that resonates to a frequency close to your own. The power of music is so strong that some music can make us feel strong, inspired, confident, and conversely some other tunes can cause feelings of sadness, vulnerability and fear. This is the true power of sound as a healing tool that can affect our own frequencies by just listening to it.

Also note that you do not need to have music or singing bowls resonating or anything at all playing in the background as silence is, as per the chart below, associated with the highest chakra (Crown). Even silence has a vibration of it’s own and focusing in “the sound of silence” can bring us closer to the Universe in some particular situations. The following is a chart that represents sounds and frequencies associated with the 7 chakras:

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Sound Healing for the 7 Chakras

Chakra Keynote Musical Instrument

Vocal Chant Music Ideas

1 st Chakra:


C Deep and low drums, bassoon, primitive drum rolls

LAM This chant enables security, prosperity and belonging, clearing any blocked energy.

Tribal Music African Drum Beats Didgeridoo Sounds

2 nd Chakra:


D Electric guitar, marimbas, saxophone, and other rhythm instruments.

VAM This chant will open you up to others, give you the courage to express yourself and to embrace change

Middle Eastern Music Belly Dance Soundtracks Latin American Music Flamenco Guitar

3 rd Chakra:

Solar Plexus

E Cello, violin, piano, oboe, and guitar.

RAM This chant will increase your ability to stand up for yourself, control negative impulses, and exercise greater self-control.

Classical Asian music. Indian and Asian Strings Music that creates a feeling of strength. (Martial Arts Music, Movie Soundtracks)

4 th Chakra:


F Harp, flute, violin, and piano.

YAM Chant Yam to heal both the physical heart and the spiritual (emotional) heart center and open yourself up to unconditional love and compassion.

Piano Music Celtic Songs and Lullabies, Acoustic Guitar Covers Baroque Music

5 th Chakra:


G The human voice, flute, and other woodwinds.

HAM This chant will open your throat chakra so that your communication energy can flow strongly.

Anything you can sing or Chant to. Songs with meaningful and powerful lyrics. Celtic flute or vocal Solos

6 th Chakra:

Third Eye

A Higher electronic instruments, synthesizers. Four part harmony vocals

AUM This chant will break loose the constraints that you have imposed upon yourself by not allowing yourself to listen to your inner wisdom and using that wisdom to chart the best course for a life of purpose and passion.

Choral Music Classical Music Relaxation Music New Age Music

7 th Chakra:


B Organ, electronic synthesizer, sounds, and silence

Om or AH Ah is the sound of releasing and letting go and Om is the sound that connects us to the Universe. You may also practice in silence or internally chant Om or Ah in your mind.

New Age Music and Sounds Silence

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CLEANSING THE SPACE Energy and vibration flow all around and through us. We emanate energy

and we take on energy form many sources. Our physical, mental, emotional and metaphysical being is the sum of all energies that we carry within us at a given time. Albert Einstein with his famous equation e = mc2 helped establish the fact that energy in the Universe can’t be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed. Thus the energy that existed at the beginning of time is the same energy that we have today and that will be around at the end of time. The shape and form that energy takes is what makes things interesting. We are energy beings just as much as everything else in the Universe. We however as living and sentient beings are able to perceive, feel and appreciate energy and Universal causality. As Carl Sagan said, “we are a way for the cosmos to know itself”.

Yin Yoga works on the Yin aspect of the Universe but it’s just as important as the Yang quality of it. Yin cannot exist without Yang. Most things in the Universe come in pairs, and we can see this everywhere around us. We couldn't have modern technology without acknowledging and mastering positive and negative charges for electricity to work. Quantum physics and modern chemistry understand that there are positive protons and negative electrons in every atom. We have positive and negative numbers, there is cold and hot, left and right, big and small, male and female, etc. One is not more important as the other as one cannot be explained or even exist without its counterpart. Yin and Yang describe the light and dark aspects of the Universe and reality. And they seek balance for the Universe to exist.

In our human experience we are also under the influence of Yin and Yang forces. And we need both to be in balance (homeostasis) to be healthy and happy. In fact, it is when we have gone too far on either direction that dis-ease manifest. Health and wellbeing can only exist in between the extremes of deficiency and excess which are both detrimental for homeostasis. If we go and nurture the Yin side of things too much we’ll be lacking Yang and sooner or later we’ll suffer, and vice versa. In our modern western world, society has a dominance of the Yang side of energy and Universal vibration. This manifests as the consequences of too much Yang we see around, eg. stress related illness, anxiety, depression, obesity, cancer, diabetes, suicide, etc. As such, it is imperative that we start paying attention to the Yin side of nature and nurture it in order to achieve true wellbeing and energetic balance.

Even the world of Yoga in the West is vastly dominated by Yang styles, flows and postures. In reality a lotus handstand is as beautiful and nourishing as lying down in Savasana, however in the West we tend to favour postures that are striking, strong and physically challenging. Strong and dynamic flows and Yoga styles are great and necessary for wellbeing as long as it is not the only form of Yoga we practice. This is why it is a great idea to enhance as much as possible your Yin yoga practice with healing tools and rituals as you and your students are probably in need of expanding your consciousness and energy towards Yin.

As mentioned before, we radiate and absorb energy around us. For this reason when we enter a new place we can sometimes feel this new energy in the environment. We can also feel this energetic interaction when we are around other people. When we “read people” we often are evaluating the energetic frequency of the other person through our 3rd eye. When we have “good chemistry” with someone it means our frequencies are close, or they potentiate each other, or both. We humans can be good actors and “wear masks” depending on the situation, however it is almost impossible to mask your own energy and vibration. Animals do not “wear

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masks” nor have deep hidden motives and agendas. They are pure, innocent and joyful beings and thus exude clean and pure healing energy, and this is why Yoga with pets (eg. Doga) is becoming increasingly popular in the West. Although we don’t cover Yoga with animals in this module feel free to allow your furry friends to join you in your Yoga practice as they will enhance it’s healing quality and they can make it quite interesting every time.

A Yoga studio is generally a place where white energy lives, however since Yoga also tends to trigger many emotional and energetic releases, added to the fact that there may be healing sessions going on as well from time to time in the same space, this released energy can linger around. The energy we release during a breakthrough or a healing session can be very dense and of low frequency. For this reason it’s a good idea to clear the space before your Yin practice to ensure that the energy you absorb is of a healing high frequency and leave space to release any low frequency excess energy you may be carrying.

There are several techniques, methods and rituals to cleanse an area of unwanted energy, which sometimes different people refer to as dark energy, demons, lost souls, dark spells etc. Cleansing rituals have existed for millennia and still today are performed routinely by most cultures around the world. In this workshop we’ll cover a few cleansing methods that are simple and can be performed before, during and after a Yin Yoga class. It’s worth mentioning that sound can have a space cleansing effect too, particularly the resonance of crystal and metallic singing bowls and Om chants and mantras.

White Sage White Sage or Sacred Sage (Salvia apiana) is a plant native to high desert ecosystems, and grows prevalently in California. For hundreds of years, white sage has been considered a sacred, cleansing, purifying, and protective plant. The leaves of the plant are a whitish-green, and if you rub the fresh leaves between your thumb and forefinger, a refreshing, cleansing scent is released. Native Americans started the tradition of using Sacred Sage to ward off evils spirits and negative energies, and white sage has been used in ceremonies to seek blessings of health and prosperity, banish spirits, and encourage protection. Sacred sage can amplify any clearing and protective techniques that you are already using. As

a plant, and a living being, sage also has a spirit. The spirit of sage is dedicated to offering protection, blessings, and clearing.

How can you work with white sage?

Most people choose to burn it. Sage Smudging is a ritual where the leaves of the Sage plant are burned, and the smoke is directed into and onto areas that are in need of clearing and protection. The idea is that as the leaves are burned, and you speak express your gratitude for it's assistance, the spirit of the sage plant releases it's energy of protection and clearing into the space or onto the object that needs clearing. As the smoke moves through the room or over a surface, the smoke attaches itself to any heavy, negative energy that is within the space, object or being.

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As the smoke clears, the spirit of White Sage carries with it the negative energy that was once attached, back up to the Spiritual Light. This heavy energy then becomes released, so that it may regenerate into something positive. You can perform this smudging ritual on anything or anyone that needs a clearing (if it is a living being, remember to ask permission) including your students in your Yin Yoga class. You can also use White Sage to help you clear your studio, your home, your properties and even yourself. White sage can assist you in releasing energies and thought forms from yourself or another that no longer serves you. You can ask Sage to assist you in cleansing unknown energies from a stone, or an object that you received as a gift.

As you smudge repeat: “I release all energies that no longer serve me to be released from me and this space and into the divine light. You no longer have nor hold power here. Loving and peaceful energy is welcome and invited in now. This is my sacred space, and anything that no longer serves me is released with this sacred smoke.”

A word of caution when burning White Sage as it may trigger your smoke detector. Whilst you only need to burn but the edge of the Sage stick, it will produce a considerable amount of smoke, make sure this is ok in the area where you work and the people you work with. If this is not possible you can consider using White Sage aromatherapy instead (see section below). Normally a White Sage stick can last you a few months if used sparingly. Make sure you use a heatproof bowl to put the sage in after it has been ignited and to collect the ashes as it burns.

MISTS AND SPRAYS Space clearing spray and mists are becoming increasingly popular as they are easy

to use, powerful, versatile and inexpensive. You can nowadays easily find a wide variety of space clearing mists usually made with essential oils, crystals, herbal tinctures and extracts, and even homeopathic remedies. They usually come with a mantra or purpose written on them that is associated with the ingredients and methods of use. You can have a different array of them ready to use at your studio to clear different kinds of energies and also to set different intentions and

“themes” to your class if needed. Unlike burning White Sage or incenses this ones do not rely on burning anything so they are safe to use almost anywhere, anytime. You can spray around the area where your Yin class will take place right before it and also around the area where students are during the class if your intuition guides you to clear the exact space where a particular student may be having a big release or breakthrough.

Page 10: INTRODUCTION TO HEALING - My Health Yoga Online · channelled energy that allows to heal, grow, and restore. In other words the magic is in you – you do the healing. Singing bowls


ESSENTIAL OILS “Props” for the mind and soul in Yin Yoga.

Yin Yoga encourages the usage of props during the class to ensure that postures can be held for an extended period of time without injuring ourselves. Props such as pillows, bolsters, blankets etc, allow a better experience for the physical body during the pose. Essential oils and other healing tools discussed in this workshop can be considered as props for the mind and the metaphysical body as they will enhance and protect the experience created by the Yin Asana.

Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. Essential oils have been used throughout history in many cultures for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits. They have traditionally been distilled from plants that have been harvested by experienced growers from around the world for ideal extract composition and efficacy. Essential oils contain the true essence of the plant it was derived from and historically they were the base for perfumes. Essential oils are highly concentrated and a little goes a long way, as they are extremely concentrated and potent. Most essential oils should be diluted before use and are not intended for internal use.

Yin Yoga and essential oils harmonize perfectly with each other. The aroma travels immediately into the part of the brain that houses memory and emotions. Here the scent is processed, releasing neurochemicals that can be relaxing, stimulating or sedative, depending on the essential oil being used. When we apply the oils topically to specific pulse points: wrists, behind the ears, the third eye, etc. we can also experience the effects on many other levels such as hormonal, digestive, lymphatic, etc.

3 Useful Essential Oils for Yoga Lavender oil is extracted mostly from the flowers of the lavender plant, primarily through steam distillation. The flowers of lavender are fragrant in nature and have been used for making potpourri for centuries. Traditionally, lavender essential oil has also been used in making perfumes. The oil is very useful in aromatherapy and many aromatic preparations and combinations are made using lavender oil. It soothes the nervous system, assists sleep,

relaxation, pain relief and inflammation. It also aids respiratory disorders (including throat infections, flu, cough, cold, asthma, sinus congestion, bronchitis, whooping cough, laryngitis, and tonsillitis. Its colour indicates a strong affinity with the 2 higher chakras (3rd Eye and Crown) Citronella is a grass that mainly grows in some Asian countries and some islands of

the South Pacific. It has a rich, crisp lemony aroma and thus bears the name Citronella. This oil fights depression and gives relief from anxiety, sadness, and negative feelings. It induces a fresh, happy feeling and hope. It relieves spasms of the muscles, respiratory system and nervous system. It also helps to cure menstrual spasms and gives relief from symptoms such as cramps and coughs. This oil makes the body feel lighter, keeps the

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skin healthy and also reduces fever. Its green colour indicates a strong affinity with the heart chakra. White Sage. As explained above, White Sage has very strong spiritual and energy

cleansing properties. It is among the oils with highest resonating frequency. It’s colour White resonates with the crown chakra and as such is a formidable tool for cleansing areas and mental, emotional and spiritual blockages. When burning of white sage is not possible you can consider using white sage essential oil.

How to use: An effective way to use essential oils in a Yin Yoga class is to put 10 drops of

the oil of your choice in a diffuser and let it burn through the duration of the class. This can be done beforehand so the aroma is already present at the beginning of the session. New kinds of diffusers now work on batteries, electricity and even USB ports which makes them incredibly versatile and handy. You can also apply 1 drop on the skin around acupressure points or areas with pain and discomfort. Never take oils orally. INCENSES

Incenses have been used for millennia as have always been known to have a “magical” property, which separates them from essential oils. Burning them increases their resonance and as such their ability to clear denser vibrations is stronger. Incense utilizes our sense of smell to help align the Yogi and the area in which it is burned with a desired mood and energy. Some common uses for incense include: spell work and rituals to help raise energy, adjust the energy of the area, and/or

aid the practitioner in achieving trance. In meditation incense is burned to help the Yogi achieve states of clarity, focus, and calm. Incense is often used as an aid to achieve astral projection and lucid dreaming. Historically has been used in cleansings and exorcisms to purify or sanctify an area.

Incense can also help us connect into the ideas and energies it is associated with. There are literally thousands of types of incense out there, some of which are only slight variations of each other. Nowadays you can purchase incenses almost anywhere from temples and sanctuaries to supermarkets. The source, manufacturing processes and chemical composition will determine the energetic quality of the incense.

A few incenses useful in a Yin Yoga class.

It’s important to note that the smoke and aroma produced by incense may not resonate with everyone in your class, as such they are a rather personal choice and more obscure incenses may only be appropriate for specific personal situations. The following are a few incenses that have been traditionally used in Yoga settings and

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have good reputation among teachers and students. Make sure no one is bothered by incense and other healing tools is important in a Yin Yoga class.

Pine incense It’s traditionally used to attracting prosperity, purifying ritual areas and new homes, and helping "stay the course" during difficult times. Pine incense wards off evil influences, increase fertility, promote a vigorous old age, and cleanses a space of negativity and ward off illness. Meditate with Pine can help alleviate dark moods. It is also a good choice when we suffer from guilt, and when we have a hard time being satisfied with our achievements.

Nag Champa: Nag Champa it’s a blend, which consists mostly of Sandalwood and good general-purpose incense for spiritual matters. This includes acts like meditation and seeking spiritual enlightenment or evolution. Sandalwood is fire and water associative along with being seen as the divine wood, and it’s also a good incense to use to purify or sanctify an area.

Jasmine: Jasmine is both night and love associative. Although Jasmine is associated with love, it is not associated with sex or sex appeal, although it is associated with beauty. This is where Jasmine starts to differentiate itself from Rose. In love spells, where Rose tends to utilize the entire spectrum of romance, Jasmine is more concerned with the mental and emotional connections, additionally Jasmine can bring forth our inner-beauty and self-confidence. This also makes Jasmine a very good incense for intentions which are meant to promote friendship (Great for partner Yoga classes).

Frankincense: Frankincense promotes calm and peace. It’s commonly used to relieve stress and anxiety. However it is also useful in ending conflicts and arguments, re-establishing a friendship that has ended due to conflicts (as opposed to neglect), bringing peace and resolution to enemies, and bringing peace and resolution to warring factions. It also alleviates the tension of a tense situation. In all instances, the purpose of frankincense is to end any conflict or tension and bring about a state of peace and calm. Because of its nature frankincense is often used as both general incense for religious rituals and as an aid for meditation.

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CRYSTALS What are crystals?

Crystals are fossilized water, formed when water combines with an element under certain conditions of pressure, temperature and energy. As a crystal, the element is able to express itself as a more unified and ordered being. Silica sand, combined with water becomes quartz crystal. Quartz crystals have many physical properties. They amplify, transform, store, focus, and transfer energy. We see the results in microphones, radio and television equipment, timepieces, laser tools, and computers to name a few. Our bodies, too, are crystalline in structure. When working with crystals, there may be profound effects on the organs, tissues, and cells,

as well as the circulatory, endocrine, and metabolic systems. Thoughts are energy forms. When thought energy interacts with a crystal, those thoughts are changed to more harmonic forms, which change brainwave frequencies, showing possible alterations in consciousness. Thus, the power of positive intention or affirmation combined with the use of crystals provides remarkable healing results.

Crystals act as both an energy filter as they absorb and trap denser, low frequencies often related to dis-ease and dark states of being. They also have the property to absorb excess radio and electromagnetic frequencies. In modern world we are surrounded by a sea of electromagnetic waves in the form of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, satellite communications, mobile phone frequencies (3G, 4G), etc. None of that existed just a few decades ago so our bodies have a hard time adjusting to the sudden rise of electromagnetic waves going through us 24 hours a day. While no clear scientific evidence to support that this causes physical illness has been generally accepted, there has been several connections between this phenomenon and the rise in depression, anxiety, and chronic degenerative diseases common in the West. It may be impossible to escape completely from these radiations if we are to remain in the civilised world, however this is where crystals once again can help. Crystals can absorb excess radiation from its surroundings, for this reason it’s a good idea to keep them near your computer, your sleeping area and your Yoga studio. Many people carry them on their bodies as jewellery for protection and healing.

Crystals used during a healing session can absorb excess energy of low frequencies and can catalyse the amplitude or high level frequency energies so there is a double benefit to using them. Different crystals and stones have different properties. A common way to use them is going by their colour, as they will resonate better with the associated chakras. However crystals that are mixes of colours can have interesting effects on chakras as they can affect 2 or more at the same time depending on the colour combination.

In a Yin class you can keep a crystal or stone in your hand as you do your postures, you can also put it on your chest/belly/forehead, etc when you lie down, or just keep it near your mat. A powerful technique is to gather 7 stones one for each chakra and align them alongside your mat when you do your practice.

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Cleansing your crystals and stones.

Just like a sponge, crystals and stones can soak up so much energy before becoming full and less effective. Larger stones and crystals have a greater capacity to clear and enhance energy however they can be very expensive.

A good practice for a healer is to every so often, perhaps once a month, cleanse our crystals and stones especially if they are used on a daily basis. We should aim to keep them physically clean, as in free from dust and dirt, as this interferes with the energy they work with. This can be simply achieved by using water and a basic cleaning agent like a neutral pH soap if needed. Sea or lake water works much better than chlorinated city water. To cleanse them from stale energy a couple techniques are suggested. One is to expose them to the full moon all through the night preferably on a clear sky and leaving the crystals and stones outdoors so as to not have anything in between the moon and the crystals (such as windows and walls). Sunlight have a similar effect however the strong intensity of the sun radiation can cause the crystals to release low

frequencies at a slower rate thus making the cleansing process less effective. The best sequence is to leave your crystals/stones/gems/pendulums etc, exposed to the full moon to cleanse them then expose them to sunlight the following day to recharge them. They’ll be good as new within a 24 hours period. The recent planetary activity and alignment of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus makes for an amazing opportunity to supercharge your crystals.

If full moon is not immediately available you can smudge your crystals with White Sage, sweet grass or incense such as frankincense to cleanse them. Eventually doing the Moon/Sun cycle anyway is advised. Also, exposing your crystals to heavy rain particularly during a thunderstorm will cleanse and recharge them as well. If you have access to a waterfall you can leave your crystals in the running water for a few hours as well. Exposing to falling fresh snow overnight where possible works as well.

Finally, a large crystal can clean smaller ones. Large quartz crystal cluster work very well for this purpose. This will clear negative energies and re-energise smaller crystals. Remember your large crystal will eventually need cleansing and recharging too.

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Crystals and Chakras

The following are a few suggestions of crystals and stones you can use to work on a particular chakra during your healing Yin Yoga class.

Crown (white/Violet)

Clear Quartz is a stone of manifestation that energizes and activates the energy centres within the body. It helps the wearer to think clearly, allowing them to focus and become clear about their dreams and desires. Assisting with spiritual development, Clear Quartz assists in removing blockages in the body so that energy can flow smoothly.

Selenite is the ideal crystal for all types of energy clearing. It has the ability to clear, protect and shield your energy body as well as clearing the energy of your other

crystals and home. It quickly unblocks any stagnant or negative energy to create a smooth flow of positive energy. Selenite crystals magnify the energy of any other gemstone that is placed upon it, making it perfect for reactivating and recharging your jewellery and other healing crystals. It has also been recently used in holistic medicine treatments for physical healing, including cancer treatment and tumour


Indigo/Purple Third Eye

Amethyst is a natural stress reliever that encourages inner strength and brings wealth and a strong business sense to its wearer. It is a crystal of spiritual growth and protection. It brings clarity of the mind to their owner and helps you to become more in tune with your feelings so that you get to know yourself on a much deeper level. Amethyst crystals repel negative energy and attract positive energy, making them a wonderful protection stone for home. They have one of the strongest powers to rid your home of any negative influence.

Blue / Throat chakra

Azurite is often referred to as the “Stone of the Heavens,” as it aids in the pursuit of the heavenly self. It is believed to awaken psychic abilities, helping you to recognize intuition and spiritual guidance. It calms and relieves mental stress, helping you to clear your mind and dissolve any blocked energy. Native Americans valued it as a sacred stone for communication with Indian Spirit Guides. The Mayans are also said to have used it for sacred and mystical communication.

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Blue lace agate is a wonderful stone for activating and healing the Throat Chakra. It enhances verbal communication and expression, while promoting the acceptance of your emotions. It is a very supportive stone that calms your nerves, bringing a sense of peacefulness. Blue Lace Agate is an especially helpful stone for those who may be feeling depressed or worried. It can also be used to relieve insomnia and ease tension headaches.

Lapiz Lazuli is a stone that has existed since the beginning of time. It is a gemstone of total awareness that connects the wearer to a higher truth. Lapis Lazuli helps to foster verbal expression, opening and balancing the Throat Chakra. It provides wisdom and connects you to your spiritual guardians, shielding you from negative energy and returning any negative vibrations back to their source.

Green / Heart chakra

Aquamarine clears the mind, balances emotions and strengthens personal power. In ancient times, seamen carried this stone to protect them against the dangers of the sea. It also provided them with courage. Aquamarine connects with the Heart Chakra, helping you to realize your innermost truth and promoting self-expression.

Chrysoprase opens and activates the Heart Chakra, allowing for a strong flow of

energy to the heart. By sending divine energies into this chakra, it infuses you with universal love and helps you love from the heart. Chrysoprase is a stone of grace and compassion that promotes optimism, joy and contentment. It encourages acceptance of yourself by banishing feelings of superiority or inferiority from within.

Jade is considered a powerful lucky charm. It is a stone that can help you attain your goals and dreams, allowing you to see past self-imposed limitations and manifest your dreams into the physical world. Jade promotes courage, compassion, generosity and longevity, helping you lead a richer more fulfilling life. It is a gemstone of much history, as it has been part of Asian history for centuries.

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Malachite is a stone of transformation. It assists in clearing and cleansing all the chakras. It is an overall healing stone that stimulates and balances the heart and throat chakras. Malachite facilitates the release of negative experiences so once can heal and regain hope. It is very inspiring, purifying and compassionate and attracts love by opening the heart.

Yellow / Solar plexus.

Citrine is a stone of light and happiness. It does not hold any negative energy and therefore rarely needs to be cleansed. It brings clarity to those who wear it and helps to manifest anything you want to bring into your life. It activates your imagination, bringing more creative visions to a clearer mind and a more positive outlook in life. Powered by the Sun, Citrine warms, cleanses and energizes the body, energizing and strengthening the solar plexus.

Tiger’s Eye helps to rebalance the body on all levels, encouraging optimism and trust in the future. It brings brightness and light into all situations and shines insight onto all problems. Tiger’s Eye brings good luck, abundance and prosperity to its wearer. In many ancient civilizations, it was used as a talisman against bad luck and curses. Tiger’s Eye is a must have in any home for healing.

Orange / Sacral chakra

Sunstone is known for its powerful connection to the light and the power of the sun. It brings light to all situations and is said to give you the power to “shine,” promoting a sunny and positive attitude. Sunstone has a bright and joyful energy that increases vitality and lightens dark moods. It helps to empower those who feel abandoned by others, encouraging motivation and positive action.

Amber is a powerful healer and cleanser of the body, mind and spirit. It also cleanses the environment. Amber draws disease from the body, healing and renewing the nervous system and balancing the right and left parts of the brain. It absorbs pain and negative energy, helping to alleviate stress. Amber clears depression, stimulates the intellect and promotes self-confidence and creative self-expression. It encourages decision-making, spontaneity and brings wisdom, balance and patience. Amber strengthens the mucus membranes and alleviates joint problems.

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Red / Base chakra

Carnelian is a powerful Base Chakra Stone. It increases personal power and physical energy, bringing you courage, compassion and a boost in creativity.

Wearing or carrying Carnelian enhances vitality and will, providing you with the confidence needed to approach new projects and dreams. It is a wonderful stone to wear on a job interview, as it brings good luck and opportunity, awakening your hidden talents within. In ancient times, Egyptians buried their loved ones with Carnelian as it was thought to protect their loved ones in their journey to the afterlife and calm their fears about rebirth.

Red Garnet is a protective energy stone, which is especially known for protection from evil, during travel, nightmares, and from wounds. Garnet has been used to release bad karma, which can be considered a form of protection in this life. Garnet is said to be a stone of protecting against and success with lawsuits. As a root chakra stone, garnet said to be excellent for manifestation. It is used to ground one's dreams in reality, bringing abundance, prosperity, and realization of those dreams. Square cut garnets are reputed to be especially good tools for business success. All garnets are used to assist on an energetic level with success in one's career in part by building one's self-confidence, inspiration, and creativity. It can also make clear what is one's life purpose.

Powerful stones not directly associated with one particular chakra:

Rose Quartz is the stone not directly associated with one particular chakra, however is one of the most powerful stones whose colour is the result of a combination making it a versatile tool when dealing with more than one chakra. This stone is associated with unconditional love. Love of the self, love of family, love of friends and romantic love. The soothing energy of Rose Quartz fosters empathy, reconciliation and forgiveness of others, lowering stress and tension of the heart. It can clear out anger, jealously and resentment towards others, allowing the healing of heart issues caused by holding onto these negative emotions.

Obsidian is a natural volcanic glass formed from molten lava that has cooled very rapidly. It is a grounding stone that provides an instant connection from the Root Chakra deep into the core of the Earth. Obsidian helps to clean and remove negative energies and assists in releasing emotions that cause negative energy such as anger, fear, jealousy and greed.

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The grandparents of Angel cards were oracle cards, said to have their origins with gypsies. Oracles cards would have symbolic pictures with precise meanings. As unsure as we are where oracle cards originated we do know that in the nineteenth century France oracle cards became very popular. One cartomancer, Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand, dazzled the rich and powerful with her skill with oracle cards. The deck created in her name became the most popular set of oracles cards, remaining so to this day.

Entire volumes could be written about the history, lore, usage and power of oracle and angel cards as well as Tarot cards. However in practice there is very little you need to know to start enjoying the benefits from using them. Angel cards work as a translation tool between the messages from the Universe/our Angels/Ancestors/our higher Self, and assist the communication between us. They are of particular benefit and significance when we need to find again our sense of purpose and direction. It will help with our awareness and understandings of the environment surrounding us as well as with finding

our purpose and fate.

When our intuition is heightened and we allow time for introspection and meditation such as in a Yin Yoga class, the messages become very clear and straightforward. Yin Yoga provides an amazing opportunity to commune with the higher realms as it gives us time and freedom to explore inwards and upwards.

Depending on the type of decks, you’ll find the cards have a full mantra, sentence, a word or sometimes an image alone on them. There is no right or wrong deck of cards for you. The best course of action is to look for a shop where you can play with a few decks from different authors and see which one catches your attention. Remember when we like something is because it resonates to a similar frequency we do. So feel free to get the first deck that catches your attention maybe simply because you like the colours, or the images, or the box design. Odds are there are messages for you already there. Most decks have a small booklet that will give you further information about the cards and ways to use them. From single card readings to full spreads, which can require a bit more practice to master.

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For Yin Yoga purposes, a single card can do wonders. Before you start your class go into Sukhasana, close your eyes and as you start activating your Pranayama work, shuffle the cards and set an intention for your practice, alternatively you can ask a question and visualize it. Pick one card and take a close look at it for 1 minute, feel free to read any additional information in the booklet about it if available. Notice the colours, shapes, words and figures. Keep this card facing up on the top of your mat and allow everything you noticed from the card to linger in your mind passively while you do your Yin postures. As Yin Yoga postures work on your meridians, connective tissue, chakras, surrender, and inner awareness, you may start channel and decode information about the card you selected and how it relates to your question or your particular situation. If you are more versed in cards you can do a full reading before or after your Yin class.

Remember there this is nothing more a guide with useful tips, facts and suggestions. It Is up to you how you go about your healing journey and your Yin Yoga practice. There is no right or wrong. Feel free to play and explore all the different healing avenues presented in this workshop and don’t hesitate to explore with new ones you resonate with.


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