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Introduction to Computing (Lab)

Windows 7 Basics

Part - 2

Following topics will be covered today.

Working with Files Printing Basics Connecting to a Printer Selecting a Printer in Windows 7 Using the Sound Recorder Keyboard Shortcuts for the Photo Gallery Snipping Tool CD Writing Wizard

Working with Files

Working with files is an important part of managing documents in Windows 7.

Selecting Multiple Files Copying Files Moving Files Renaming Files Deleting Files Working with the Recycle Bin

Selecting Multiple Files

Windows 7 allows you to complete actions on multiple files simultaneously. Instead of selecting files by dragging the mouse, use the following two options to improve selection accuracy.

Selecting Contiguous Files

1. Select the first file in the series2. Press and hold [Shift]

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3. Select the last file in the seriesThe serial files are selected.

4. Release [Shift]

Selecting Non-Contiguous Files

1. Select the first file in the series2. Press and hold [Ctrl]3. Select the individual files you want to include4. After you have made all your selections, release [Ctrl]

Copying, Moving, Renaming, and Deleting Files

Copying files is useful when making backup copies of a file. Backup copies should be stored on a different disk or drive than the original file. This ensures the backup copy will be retained if problems occur on the disk or folder where the original is saved.

1. On the Taskbar, right click START » select ExploreWindows Explorer opens.

2. Navigate to and select the file you want to copy, move, rename, or delete

3. On the Command bar, from the Organize menu , select your choice.The specified action will be performed on the file.

Printing Basics

Most of the time after creating a document or presentation you will need to print it. Depending on the application you are using, there are several ways you can print. For example, in Microsoft PowerPoint you can print out Note Pages, Slides, or Handouts. This document discusses printing in Windows 7.

Preparing the Printer Printing Changing, Adding, or Deleting a Printer Selecting the Default Printer

Preparing the Printer

Following these steps will help prevent printing problems:

1. Check the label on the computer to verify its printer location2. Before you print, check the printer to see if the Ready light is on

If the Ready light is off, check the printer for paper jams, and check the display on the

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printer.NOTE: The display on the printer should say Ready if the printer is working properly.


The following are basic instructions for printing within Windows 7.

Before you print, always prepare the printer.

1. The following instructions are written generically for Windows 7.1. Open the document you want to print

2. In a Microsoft Office program, from the OFFICE button » select PrintIn other programs, from the File menu » select Print...HINT: If the File menu is not visible, press [Alt]The Print dialog box appears.

3. From the Name pull-down list, select the desired printerNOTE: If the correct printer does not appear, refer to Connecting to a Printer.

4. If necessary, make any other adjustments to the dialog box  

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5. Click OK.The document prints to the selected printer.

Changing, Adding, or Deleting a Printer

When you select the Print option from an application such as Microsoft Word, the Print dialog box will display the default printer. These instructions will guide you through changing the printer, adding a new printer, or deleting a printer.

Changing the Printer before Printing

Use this option if the Print dialog box is already open, and you need to print to a different printer.

1. From the Printer pull-down list, select a different printerNOTE: If the desired printer is not listed, follow the instructions for adding a new printer.

2. Click OK.Your document will now print to your selected printer.

Adding a New Non-Network Printer

If your computer is not connected to a network, you will want to add a local printer. USB printers are automatically detected and installed by Windows 7. For all other local printers, follow these instructions.

1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel The Control Panel pane appears.

2. Click Devices and Printers group, The Printers pane appears.

3. On the Command bar, click ADD A PRINTERThe Add Printer wizard appears.

4. Select Add a local printer 5. Verify that Use an existing port is selected6. From the corresponding pull-down list, select the appropriate port 7. Click NEXT8. From the Manufacturer scroll box, select the manufacturer of your printer

The Printers list updates.9. From the Printers scroll box, select your printer model 10. Click NEXT11. Verify the Printer name 12. If you would like this to be your default printer, select Set as the default printer.

The option is selected if an checkmark appears before it. 13. Click NEXT

Installation begins.14. OPTIONAL: To test the printer setup, click PRINT A TEST PAGE

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15. Click FINISHThe printer has been added.

Connecting to a Network Printer

If you work in a network environment, you will want to connect to one or more printers. The Add Printer Wizard makes this process easy to do.

NOTE: These instructions assume that you know the network name of the printer you wish to add.

1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel. The Control Panel pane appears.

2. Click Devices and Printers.The Printers pane appears.

3. On the Command bar, click ADD A PRINTERThe Add Printer wizard appears.

4. Select Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printerThe Printers pane refreshes.

5. From the Select a printer scroll box, select the desired printerORIf you printer is not listed,

a. Click THE PRINTER THAT I WANT ISN'T LISTEDb. Select Select a shared printer by name

c. In the corresponding text box, type the name of the printer (e.g., Click NEXT.

The printer installation begins.You may be prompted to install the printer drivers, an action which requires administrative credentials.

7. If you would like this to be your default printer, select Set as the default printer.The option is selected if a checkmark appears before it.

8. Click NEXT9. OPTIONAL: To test the printer setup, click PRINT A TEST PAGE 10. Click FINISH.

The printer has been added.

Deleting a Printer

1. From the Start menu » select Control PanelThe Control Panel menu appears.

2. Click Devices and Printers.The Printers menu appears.

3. Select the printer to delete

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4. On the Command bar, click DELETE THIS PRINTER.A confirmation dialog box appears.

5. Click YESThe printer is removed...

6. Close the Printers and Control Panel dialog boxes

Selecting the Default Printer

When you print, documents will automatically be sent to the default printer. Below are the steps to selecting a default printer.

1. From the Start menu » select Control PanelThe Control Panel menu appears.

2. Click Devices and Printers. The Printers menu appears.

3. Select your desired printer

4. Right click Printer, and click on SET AS DEFAULT A check mark appears on the default printer.

5. Close the Printers and Control Panel dialog boxes

Using the Sound Recorder

You can use the Sound Recorder to record and save audio files on your computer. This program allows you to record simple audio, such as voice samples or sound effects, but does not have playback, editing, or mixing capabilities. To access a program with these features see Audacity.

Sound Recorder streamlines the recording process. Use the following steps to easily record and save audio files as a windows media audio (WMA) file.

1. From the Start menu , select All Programs » Accessories » Sound RecorderThe Sound Recorder window appears.

2. To record audio, click START RECORDING

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3. To stop recording, click STOP RECORDINGThe Save As dialog box appears.

4. To continue recording audio, a. Click CANCEL.

You will return to the Sound Recorder to continue recording.

b. Click RESUME RECORDING5. To save your recording,

a. In the File name text box, type a name for the recorded soundb. Click BROWSE FOLDERSc. Navigate to and select a save location

d. Click SAVENOTE: The file will be saved as a windows media audio (WMA) file.

Keyboard Shortcuts for the Photo Viewer

Though you may navigate Windows 7 with your mouse, 7 provides many keyboard combinations as an alternative. The following document provides various keyboard combinations exclusive to Windows 7 Photo Viewer.

HINT: To access the Photo Viewer, right click an image and select Preview.

Action Press

Print the open image [Ctrl] + [P]

Rotate an image clockwise [Ctrl] + [.]

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Rotate an image counterclockwise [Ctrl] + [,]

Move to the next image [Left arrow]

Move to the previous image [Right arrow]

Zoom in [Ctrl] + [+]

Zoom out [Ctrl] + [-]

Snipping Tool

Capturing Images Labeling Snips Snipping Tool Options

Capturing Images

Windows 7 provides a program for capturing images on your computer screen. This program is the Snipping Tool which provides different ways to capture images depending on your needs.

For more information on the Snipping Tool, refer to Snipping Tool Options or Labeling Snips.

Accessing the Snipping Tool Capturing Images

o Free-Form Snip o Rectangular Snip o Window Snip o Full-Screen Snip

Accessing the Snipping Tool

The Snipping Tool application is available from the Start menu, in Accessories.

1. On the Taskbar, click START » select All Programs » Accessories » Snipping Tool

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The screen fades slightly and the Snipping Tool opens.

Capturing Images

The Snipping Tool provides four ways to capture images: Free-Form Snip, Rectangular Snip, Window Snip, or Full-screen Snip. Before choosing which option to use, consider the image you want to capture. Selecting the right snip for your image will make using the Snipping Tool quicker and easier.

Capturing Images: Free-Form Snip

The Free-Form Snip provides a pen with which you create the borders of your snip with the precision of your mouse. This snipping option allows for abstract shapes and nonlinear images

1. Access the Snipping Tool

2. From the New Snip pull-down menu , select Free-Form SnipYour cursor changes to the shape of a scissors.

3. Click and drag the mouse along the border of your image4. When finished, release the mouse button

The image is captured and the Snipping Tool dialog box refreshes to display its editing screen.

5. To recapture the image,

a. Click NEW SNIP

b. Repeat steps 3-46. OPTIONAL: Mark or highlight the captured image

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7. To save the image,

a. Click SAVE SNIPThe Save As dialog box appears.

b. In the File name text box, type a name for your imagec. In the Save as type text box, select the desired file typed. Navigate to the desired save locatione. Click SAVE

The image is saved.

Capturing Images: Rectangular Snip

The Rectangular Snip allows users to capture images in the shape of various rectangles.

1. Access the Snipping Tool

2. From the New Snip pull-down menu , select Rectangular SnipYour cursor changes to crosshairs.

3. Click and drag the mouse to select your image4. When finished, release the mouse button

The image is captured and the Snipping Tool dialog box refreshes to display its editing screen.

5. To recapture,

a. Click NEW SNIP

b. Repeat steps 3-46. OPTIONAL: Mark or highlight the captured image

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7. To save the image,

a. Click SAVE SNIPThe Save As dialog box appears.

b. In the File name text box, type a name for your imagec. In the Save as type text box, select the desired file typed. Navigate to the desired save locatione. Click SAVE

The image is saved.

Capturing Images: Window Snip

A Window Snip allows you to capture all the contents of a single window.

1. Be sure the window you want to capture appears in full on the screen2. Access the Snipping Tool

3. From the New Snip pull-down menu , select Window Snip.4. Move your mouse over the desired window

A border surrounds the window.5. Click the window

The image is captured and the Snipping Tool dialog box refreshes to display its editing screen.

6. To recapture,

a. Click NEW SNIP

b. Repeat steps 4-57. OPTIONAL: Mark or highlight the captured image8. To save the image,

a. Click SAVE SNIPThe Save As dialog box appears.

b. In the File name text box, type a name for your imagec. In the Save as type text box, select the desired file typed. Navigate to the desired save locatione. Click SAVE

The image is saved.

Capturing Images: Full-Screen Snip

The Full-screen Snip captures everything that appears on your monitor.

1. Prepare your screen for the capture2. Access the Snipping Tool

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3. From the New Snip pull-down menu , select Full-screen SnipThe image is captured and the Snipping Tool dialog box refreshes to display its editing screen.

4. OPTIONAL: Mark or highlight the captured image5. To save the image,

a. Click SAVE SNIPThe Save As dialog box appears.

b. In the File name text box, type a name for your imagec. In the Save as type text box, select the desired file typed. Navigate to the desired save locatione. Click SAVE

The image is saved.

CD Writing Wizard

Storing Files on a CD: Overview Making a CD Copy

Storing Files on a CD: Overview

The Compact Disc (CD) drives found on many computers on campus can be used to write files to CDs as a way of archiving and sharing information with others. Computers equipped with a

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CD writer have a type of drive called a CD-RW (Compact Disc, Rewritable) or a DVD-RW (Digital Video Disc, Rewritable). 

A blank CD can hold about 750 MB of information. This makes CDs an ideal medium to use for backing up important documents or even an entire H: drive. CD-RW discs and CD-R discs can hold about the same amount of information.

Storing Files on a CD

Windows 7 allows you to make duplicate copies of a CD. This is useful when you need to share a large amount of files (e.g., photo albums) with members of a group. If these files are stored on a CD, it could be duplicated so each group member has a copy of the necessary files.

Writing Files to a CD

Windows 7 makes it very simple to burn files onto a disc. You can copy and paste the files into the File list, or use Windows 7's Burn function.

Writing Files to a CD: Burn Option

Windows 7 Explorer has a built in Burn action that can be used to easily burn files or the contents of entire folders onto a CD or DVD.

HINT: If you have files from multiple folders to burn, it is recommended that you create a new folder on your C: drive or Desktop and copy all of the desired files into that folder for burning purposes. This centralizes your files and makes it easier to make sure you copy all the desired files.

1. Insert a blank CD-R or CD-RW into the CD driveThe AutoPlay dialog box appears.

2. Click CLOSEThe AutoPlay dialog box closes.

3. On the Taskbar, right click START » select ExploreWindows Explorer opens.

4. Navigate to the folder or files you want to burn5. OPTIONAL: If you want only a few files from the folder, select those files individually6. On the Toolbar, click BURN

The Copying dialog box appears.The file(s) are copied to the CD.

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NOTE: When the CD is done being burned, you can remove the disc.

Writing Files to a CD: Copy & Paste Option

In Windows 7, you can also burn a CD by simply copying the files and then pasting them into the blank CD. The following directions assume you already have the desired files on your hard drive.

1. Insert a blank CD-R or CD-RW into the CD driveThe AutoPlay dialog box appears.

2. Click CLOSEThe AutoPlay dialog box closes.

3. On the Taskbar, right click START » select ExploreWindows Explorer opens.

4. Navigate to the folder or files you want to burn5. OPTIONAL: If you want only a few files from the folder, select those files individually6. Press [Ctrl] + [C]

The selected files are copied to the Clipboard.7. In the Folders/Drives list, navigate to the CD drive8. Press [Ctrl] + [V]

The Copying dialog box appears.The file(s) are copied to the CD.NOTE: When the CD is done being burned, you can remove the disc.

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Writing Files to a CD: Drag & Drop Option

Another way to copy files onto a CD, once they have been copied to the hard drive, is to simply drag and drop the desired files into the File list for the blank CD.

1. Insert a blank CD-R or CD-RW into the CD drive2. If the AutoPlay window appears, select Open folder to view files: using Windows

ExplorerIf the Explorer window appears, continue with step 3If neither the AutoPlay window or Windows Explorer appears, on the Taskbar, right click

START » select ExploreWindows Explorer opens.

3. Navigate to the folder or files you want to burn4. OPTIONAL: If you want only a few select from the folder, select those files individually.5. Click and hold the mouse on the highlighted files6. Drag the files to the open CD drive Files list7. Release the mouse button

The Copying dialog box appears.The file(s) are copied to the CD.NOTE: When the CD is done being burned, you can remove the disc.

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