Page 1: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 2: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 3: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 4: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 5: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 6: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 7: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 8: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 9: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 10: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 11: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 12: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 13: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 14: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 15: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 16: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 17: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 18: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 19: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 20: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 21: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize
Page 22: · into web-based software-systems. invest into industry quickly. That a Couple of design patlems like the command-pattern e.g., are the means to about to realize

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