  • 8/7/2019 interview with light master


    The Interview

    March 8, 2002

    First Email from Trinity:

    3/7/02 7:29 pm

    Hello IM Trinity, N.... says to answer your questions about what happened

    to me, but so much has happened to me in a spiritual import its hard tobegin. I probably could write a book, so if you have questions I don't

    really mind answering whatever you wish to ask....We are One....Trinity

    Editor (in an Email back to Trinity): N.... mentioned you had a

    transforming experience that changed your life. I would be very interested

    in hearing of your experience and how it affected you afterwards.

    3/8/02 8:16 pm

    I'v only told a handful of people my story and i'v never typed it all, so

    get ready. As it is you probably won't get but half of the st ory ..I don't

    type that fast...Trinity

    3/8/02 8:44 pm

    Love and Light... Here ya go...... Where to begin..Iv had a driving hunger

    all my life to KNOW everything That has to do with spirituality...Why

    things work in life as they do. Iv known there has alwa ys been something

    more then just what we can see and hear.

    So IM the kinda guy who has done Yoga all my life, Studied as many

    religions as I could,(quickly moving away from what didn't "feel " right)

    Absorbing as much as I could of what did resonate with me and moving on...

    My job enables me to be outside working with animals and being mainly left

    alone to do my job. I was working while doing what i call a walking

    meditation......Let me back up a little, I had been having a repetitivedream (found out lat er that i had this dream many times,and it wasn't a

    dream). In the dream i was at what i call a rest stop ,like a small snack

    stand, (can still see it like it was last night it was 7 to 8 years ago)The

    outside was a intense bright white, the inside was jus t a simple snack

    stand with the usual board on the wall over the counter and a screen door

    between outside and in, By the way everything was in color if that matters.

    Outside were these two beings..They looked like two semi -older people, man

    and a woman. They were wearing sunglasses (found out later this had great

    significance) They looked like they just stepped out of an R.V....K now

    back to work ..I couldn't stop thinking of this dream, it ate at me so bad

    , just couldn't stop thinking of those two people and this place.

    I started thinking about what, i was thinking about while dreaming .

    Started thinking about how i felt while i was at this snack stand .. Then i

    went into my heart and duplicated how i felt while dreaming of this place

    ............ Then i t happened ...Everything exploded in my head , a very

    loud humming was going through my head, There were people shouting at me

    (at this time the inside of my head was roaring with noises). Thoughts and

    concepts were flying at me so fast, it was like trying to organize

    groceries in bags that are just flying at you till you look up and its an

    octopus with 8 arms throwing them to you.

    I later learned to organize all this. I looked down at my hand and arm and

    i was glowing literally glowing about 10 to 12 inches away from my body

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    (blue/white/gold were the most prominent colors). I was definitely at a

    loss as to what to do, Then a voice i n my head very loud shouted at me,

    call your teacher ( iv had a very close friend and spiritual teacher since

    i was about 19 but i hadn't seen her in many years, and had just within the

    last few months started talking to her again) So i dropped all the too ls in

    my hand and went home (i live on the property where i work) And called my

    teacher .. It took her about a minute to feel what had happened to me ..

    All i can say is i thank GOD for her, My mind then and many times laterprobably would have imploded if it wasn't for her loving guidance...

    During this time i was instructed in many things, how to use crystals more

    effectively, How to "go into the molecular structure of things", Was shown

    many wondrous things, was taken to different Realms. I could feel a

    perfection within my self of all, I could think of a question and the

    answer was just there. I was told and could feel my self connected to

    universal consciousness, Even connected to the consciousness of GOD,

    (thought i was going to swallow my heart it ca me up into my throat so fast)

    Many other things too.. All this happened within the space of about a

    little more than a month

    Then THEY started asking me how i wanted to transcend, If i wanted to

    assist and help here on our planet or to transcend at once. I told THEM I

    wanted to be of service to other humans on this planet.. So everythingstarted changing, I started going through different changes than I already

    had, I started being infused with energy in intense amounts.

    My state of mind was also changing , I started waking in the morning with my

    mind in many different states, I called it being in a dimensional mind set,

    sometimes it was 6th dimension and lower sometimes it was others. That

    lasted for about a year till I started getting stable with the diff erent

    energies that were given to me. At first it felt like someone trying to

    shove a piano into my Third eye, Then slowly I started getting used to it


    Its been a slow climb since then, Hard too, To have been fused with the

    perfection of spirit and t o give it up (even temporarily). Now its a slow

    climb back up a different way, to alter my physical structure from itscarbon based molecular structure to a crystalline based molecular

    structure....Now They still come to me when IM not preoccupied with

    physical life, Usually in the morning when IM working out and in the

    evening THEY come to me and still teach me wondrous things, and THEY still

    take me to different places, (light cities , star gates, Space ships) Many

    things about me were revealed to me. Now IM given huge amounts of energy in

    different configurations. Left out so much... We are One ....Trinity


    Hello Trinity. I am just totally blown away (to use a colloquial phrase) to

    read your story. I think it can help many people. If you wish to continue,

    let's correspond a bit and slowly expand on this for the benefit of others.

    Can you elaborate on a few points?

    (From this point on answers are grouped by topic and not necessarily in

    strict time sequence)

    Question: Do you think you were basi cally an average person or did you

    always feel you were different from others?

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    3/11 6:46 pm

    Always felt out of place.odd..Even through childhood, was a loner, till

    high school, Flower children ...Everybody was cosmic..Always wanted to know

    about spiritual matters .. I was totally curious from the time I could read

    ..devoured books on ESP and ghosts etc. Was told later when THEY could talk

    to me, that I was created by insemination from Pleiadian stock into my


    Never ever wanted to be normal......We are One ...Trinity

    3/11 8:38 pm

    Wanted ONLY this all my life ..Waited and knew some day i would

    know....Wanted this so bad i can't even explain how bad i craved to know

    God. ......Trin

    Q. Do you maintain any special diet -- that is are you and have you always

    been vegetarian -- before, after the "incident"?

    3/11 6:58 pm

    I Stopped eating red meat early in my life because at the time it was

    fashionable and noticed it was making me ill in the morning. So I stopped

    eating read meat and Pork. Ate only chicken, turkey and fish..Lots of beans.. Then when it happened THEY strongly guided me toward an even purer diet

    and a more healthy exercise program for cleaner purer physical structure.

    IM also becoming very sensitive to any toxins like chemica ls in pre

    packaged foods. So IM now eating less chicken, more fish and fresh fruits

    and vegetables. My shifting body is becoming ultra -sensitive.....We are


    3/11 8:35 pm

    Also take alot of powered herbs in a morning shake after i work out e very

    day..Sprilinia etc....Trin

    Q. Are you married, closely associated with other people or are you a


    3/11 7:05 pm

    Yes I have a family, wife, children, boy 9 girl 5...( Wife thinks people

    will think IM nuts, Actually many do, and my kids know me as the daddy that

    talks to the Angels)

    Know many people, not really introverted anymore ..i understand so much

    more now....But we live a quiet life ...Trinity

    Q. Who are THEY? What does your intuition tell you about these beings?

    3/11 7:45 pm

    THEY are a very wide variety of light beings in various forms..Met space

    beings, Pleiadians and other races ...Have met Melchizedeks as well, many

    different beings too numerous to count. Have different teams working with

    me through different periods of my life, have a few personal guides that

    seem to be semi permanent as well as a Guardian Sephiroth.....

    It's a hard question about my intuition..I gather so many feelings and

    senses from them .and so much happens that is just undescribable in words.

    all are pure in their intent.. I can feel a sense of "being in THEM " so i

    know how THEY think/feel .. I'd have to say my "self" has become so

    universal that its become just "knowing"..Trinity

  • 8/7/2019 interview with light master


    Q. Can you talk about a few of the things you were shown, or realms t hat

    you visited? Do any particularly vivid experiences come to mind?

    3/11 7:58 pm

    Where do ya want me to start...just about every night i keep notes on a

    journal about my adventures (was suggested by THEM to me when it firststarted to write it down).What s odd to me is i can go back to any page and

    start reading it (chicken scratching, and quick scribbles, its hard to

    write some times, when the energy's hitting me , hard to think sometimes

    too) Its so vivid that its like it was last night...

    Some nights are much more fun ...Most nights i get energy work through my

    body, Some nights THEY talk to me...Some nights i get to travel to

    different places ...And my favorite nights are ones that THEY talk to me, i

    travel and THEY teach me FUN stuff.....Sooooo..What kind of a story you

    want ..Travel?.....We are One........Trinity

    At this point Trinity sent me an email from a prior message board post....

    3/11 8:22 pm

    .My Guardian Sephiroth came to me last night as she has been now for about

    a week, Those Blue white glowing eyes smiling at me. Her energy feels like

    when you are just about to cry out in a tearfeltlove ,Like your heart is

    ready to break because you love so much. Thats how Her energy feels (crude

    description but I learned long ago human words don't near ly convey what

    spiritual is like) She has been Teaching me things, talking to me about

    stuff for the last week. Well, last night I asked if she would take me some

    where..."YES" She said..The next thing I knew IM being pulled with her

    flying along. I can se e we are approaching a Planet with LOTS of activity

    all around it ..Ships of all different kinds coming and going lights

    flashing, threads of light coming off the planet. Small beams blinking on

    then off... Lots happening. We flew in closer to the planet t ill we were

    over it. This is even busier... glowing tubes every where strings of lightwith lighted beads .. Balls of light hanging suspended .. Lots of other

    light beings flying around (personally I don't know how they don't crash

    into each other).. VERY VERY complex looking .... Still we flew around,

    under and through all this... Watching shiny metal balls as we whisk by,

    then she takes me in closer and we land next to a pool of some kind. She

    automatically steps into the water with me and wades across. I ts depth is

    about up to our neck. The fluid feels light like water but is syrupy, Hard

    to describe this, light like water but thick like syrup. Any way, as we

    reach the other side she "lets go of me" Some attachment to her I have, she

    lets it go. She reach es the other side and steps through some pillars and

    floats over to a railing and turns around and looks at me and sweeps her

    arm over the railing ...Out before me is a very spectacular city of light

    and crystal for as far as I can see. Tiny glowing lights EVERYWHERE.. Then

    the inside of my head explodes with energy and its really hard to focus.

    (my vibration still can't maintain efficient control yet. soon ... very

    soon). I take in as much as I can stand, then I return with her to do more

    Classroom stuff.... We are One....L/L...Trinity

    Q. Can crystals benefit people in some important way, or is meditation or

    some other path just as effective? If crystals can help, how do people use

    them effectively?

    3/11 8:32 pm

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    Everything and anything that helps ..What everresonates .. Crystals are

    important because of the alteration of our physical structure, from carbon

    base to crystal based structures.. Our blood, is merely liquid crystal

    (teachings from THEM). Basically our physical structures are light

    transmuting machines. There's a WHOLE lot more complexity to it but

    basically crystals can assist in our transmutation..We are One


    Q. You said: "Now its a slow climb back up a different way, to alter my

    physical structure from it carbon based molecular structure to a

    crystalline based molecular structure...."

    Since we are all carbon based on this planet, what does the crystalline

    structure refer to? Is this at a more subtle level than matter as we think

    of it. Crystals are hard and shatter so I don't u nderstand how your body

    could become crystalline.

    3/12 12:44 pm

    The ascension process that's happening to many right now is a DNA

    alteration. The basic structure of our bodies are changing into a crystal

    base, from the carbon base.. Not all crystals are h ard, the aether around

    you is actually a type of syrupy crystal form. Your blood in your body is atype of liquid Crystal. The basic carbon base form is limited in its

    acceptance of the higher spiritual energies. The crystal base form can

    stand up to the h igher forces of spirit and the radiation of the higher

    realms.. How is it changing?..I have watched my molecular structure

    changing very slowly, How THEY are actually accomplishing this IM not sure,

    just have been shown the changing happening .....We are O ne ...Trinity

    Q. Earlier you said: "Now They still come to me when IM not preoccupied

    with physical life, Usually in the morning when IM working out"

    Working out? As in exercising?

    3/12 12:51 pmYes, I run about a mile a day and Do weight work and exer cises..I get up

    usually about 4:30 Run, work out. Do 20 mins Tie Chi come home and get my

    kids breakfast ready at 6:30..Do this 6 days a week. Been doing this for

    quite a few years now....Trin

    3/12 1:10 pm

    and in the evening THEY come to me and still teac h me wondrous things, and

    THEY still take me to different places, (light cities, star gates, Space


    Q. Do you see them with your physical eyes? While you are awake? Do you

    only go to places while asleep or do you go into a sort of deep meditation?

    3/12 1:10 pm

    Have seen both .. Mostly have been THEM coming to me inside my head. I

    close my eyes and can see THEM standing there, and open my eyes and can

    FEEL THEM standing there in front of me (when the being has the

    capabilities of bridging two dimensions). I have seen my share of physical

    appearances though, but THEY don't like to do this, THEY need special

    permission, and energy in the area has to be in a special configuration. So

    basically its a big waste of energy just to appear to make me believe that

    its real and I don't need it anymore. (We have talked about this before).

    THEY have better ways to keep me from doubting its really happening. I'll

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    tell you one physical appearance that I liked , (it looked neat) Have you

    ever seen the movie Poltergeist? The part where the guy's wa tching the

    video camera of the stairs and the wispy tendril like being swirls down the

    stairs (all the way up to the part where she turns into a face)....I've

    seen this ..had a very bright white misty -like with the tendrils swirling

    around ..Saw this come across the room. Swirl up to me and stop in front of

    my face and talk to me.. But this is just one of many notes in my


    Q. You said: "Many things about me were revealed to me. Now IM given huge

    amounts of energy in different configurati ons." Is this energy to bring

    about changes in your being? Or do you pass it along in turn to others?

    3/12 1:26 pm

    Both ..First .. The energy that comes in is always increasing in amounts

    and vibratory rate is always rising, so its causing changes in my p hysical

    structure in this way as well as the quickening shift. Was also told that

    one of my primary uses right now is to be a conduit for the energy that

    passes through me. In working with the energy as i do, I transmute the

    energy into a more usable form for this planet and its inhabitants. So

    basically IM taking higher form energy and transmuting it into an easier

    form for all to use. I see this as a byproduct of my work, THEY thinks itsmore important. Maybe because I don't see its distribution as easily as

    THEY do, I see and feel other things we do together more clearly....Trinity

    Q. You said: "I was working while doing what i call a walking meditation"

    Since I work I have to find a time to meditate. Even harder is finding a

    place to meditate. I used to go for walks and find a place to sit, put on

    sunglasses (so as not to be too obvious) and meditate. Once I am in the

    state of mind, I found I could get up and walk and still continue the

    meditation. But this is very difficult and there are lots of distr actions.

    I can only do this once I have attained a deep state sitting still first.

    3/12 1:44 pmOnce you reach a certain place, you just "click" into a silent stillness.

    No thoughts. Nothing...The other is to concentrate on God and nothing else

    or spirit.. Trinity

    Q.When you were talking about your original experience with THEM, you said:

    "Outside were these two beings..They looked like two semi -older people, man

    and a woman. They were wearing sunglasses (found out later this had great


    What was the significance of the sunglasses?

    3/12 6:51 pm

    Later on when other beings would come to me THEY would also have sunglasses

    on. I thought it was crazy ... Till one day I was sitting next to one of

    these beings talking to it, I asked "What's with t he glasses? He turned to

    me and slowly slid them off while looking at me. What I was looking at was

    fantastic but what I was now feeling was terrifying beyond belief, I was

    now feeling the full intensity of his spirit and this was no small thing,

    it scared me just about to death. I was now looking at two smoldering blue

    white stars burning with raw intensity looking at me. He, as slowly as he

    had taken them off, slid his glasses back on ....Now THEY don't use them,

    Iv gotten used to their eyes..

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    Iv learned since then that These, are the angels class of the beings iv met

    ...The light blue eyes are younger angels, (dark yellow gold are older

    angels) and the reason for the twin stars for eyes is because THEY have

    never had physical eyes where other beings I ha ve met have had eyes. THEY

    say they did it so as not to frighten me too soon. ....We are One


    Q. You said: "Then THEY started asking me how i wanted to transcend, If i

    wanted to assist and help here on our planet or to transcend at once. I

    told THEM I wanted to be of service to other humans on this planet"

    Can you talk about your work. Is it a type of educational process such as

    raising the consciousness of people ar ound you or something more specific?

    3/12 7:40 pm

    The obvious is my interaction with others and the energy i spread around

    Whether it be through every day in the store, to the ripples of golden

    light i can release when doing energy work with THEM. I do wh atever THEY

    ask of me, anything from doing a little bit of grid work to working with

    spiritual devices with THEM in other realms.

    I have been asked to be at meetings to opening of new temples..I havehelped escorted souls that have recently passed through the portals of

    death to the first Mansion world..I have helped with a souls ascension

    process that are still on this world struggling....Trinity

    Q. As I read your messages, I wondered whether you generally tell people of

    our inner experiences

    3/13 5:26 pm

    I don't tell too many people about my experiences, The ones I do tell

    usually have some kind of spiritual background.

    Q. When you open up to people, do they tend to believe you, or just humoryou and think you are a crack pot. Or again do you keep mo st of these

    happenings to yourself.

    3/13 5:26 pm

    The people that have no real spiritual knowledge, that I have told pretty

    much don't believe me, So iv learned to not say too much ,(unless IM guided

    to do so).

    My wife isn't really into spirituality either but when she met me she knew

    what i was and what my friends were like.. She has interest, And she

    listens to my adventures but she's very skeptical.My kids love it


    Q. Do the beings you work with ask you not to talk about things, or do they

    encourage you to tell others?

    3/13 5:36 pm

    They really don't say either way. But I know that THEY feel some things are

    not to be talked about with some people. It can cause great disharmony in

    the world around them. THEY have showed me how to reach out an d sense

    things around some people so iv seen this disharmony happen. I can "feel"

    When some things are "right" to talk about and some things just don't feel

    right. Its what THEY think is wise to be shared i do so but mostly, I just

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    don't say much unless it s some enlightening lesson that would benefit

    people in some profound way....We are One ......Trinity

    Q. Last night as I was thinking - I wondered if you had ever read the Alice

    Bailey books

    3/13 5:46 pmI have her books here next to me on the shelf...

    Q.The same goes with H.P. Blavatsky and her masters - ever read The Secret

    Doctrine or Isis Unveiled?

    3/13 5:46 pm

    Have her books too...You have to understand that at the time these books

    were written that peoples concepts and understandings in the worl d at that

    time were far different than now. There wasn't a lot of knowledge of this

    at that time so descriptions were geared toward this period...Every writer

    or psychic no matter what, puts a little bit of their own personality in

    what they write or say. The better the psychic the more pure spirit that

    comes through....Trinity

    Q. You said: "I was created by insemination from Pleiadian stock into my


    So far this is the only statement you have made that I found somewhat

    unbelievable. My view of thi s universe is that this planet is one of the

    few (or only) planet, at least in this galaxy that harbors organic human

    life forms like ours. I do believe that there are other lokas, planets,

    whatever you want to call them that serve as worlds (environments, regions)

    for spirits on given levels. I'm sure there are more advanced worlds than

    ours that have more highly spiritualized beings living on them - but not

    what we could consider to be human life forms. Ours is that rare jewel in

    the universe where a prec ise combination of the five elements (fire, earth,

    air, water, ether) exist in a very rare combination that allows organiclife forms such as ours to evolve and flourish. My belief has been that

    this is extremely rare. I wonder if maybe we are the first pl anet to evolve

    this kind of carbon based higher life forms and maybe it is our destiny to

    one day populate other planets similar to earth, just as the stories of our

    collective consciousness present to us in science fiction and movies such

    as Star Trek.

    I am sure that Pleiades is some kind of highly evolved center. I have long

    felt an attraction to this beautiful constellation and often look for it in

    the night sky. It is mentioned a lot in mythic literature, and esoteric

    astrology texts I have read mentio n energy coming from this constellation

    as being channeled through planets in our solar system. I would expect very

    evolved beings to live there, maybe without even physical bodies - light

    bodies, or a more formless spirit. So how could they have bodies si milar

    enough to ours that DNA from them would mesh with DNA from us to allow a

    conception? Mind you I am discussing this in the most detached unemotional

    manner that I can and I don't mean to offend you in any way. I just want to

    clarify or probe this stat ement. Could it be that your spirit is from the

    Pleiades and that you took birth in an Earth body provided by your mother?

    Is there any resemblance between yourself and your father that leads you to

    believe that he is your actual biological father? I wonde r if your spirit

    guides said one thing but your human mind stepped it down into this thought

    of insemination. It is common that when people grasp a higher concept, they

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    sometimes put a spin on it that makes it familiar to them but thus reducing

    the purity of the original truth or idea. Can your elaborate on this?

    The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

    3/13 5:51 pm

    I had trouble believing this one too, until i had other psychic's tell itto me as well as THEM..Alot of the light beings i have dealings with are

    space born as well as family to me....Trinity

    Q. Do you understand from your guides that this will be your last earth

    life? I assume you do believe in reincarnation. Unless of course you are

    requested to be r eborn to assist in the evolution of others like many

    others have done before.

    3/13 5:55 pm

    Yes, I believe in reincarnation. As far as has been revealed to me, I don't

    think i will be going through the portals of Death...Trinity

    Q.From our point of view, not to have this heavy clay body and to be ableto float through the universe and send and receive light messages would be

    liberation compared to our earth life.

    3/13 6:04 pm

    Even before we had all this influx of higher vibration of energy coming in

    to our sphere. We still had a very unique opportunity to be able to

    accelerate our spirituality to a higher form ....Trinity

    Q. A lot of the terms you use are not familiar to me.

    Space beings - are these inhabitants of another world. Solid like us? Do

    they use technology or move around in more miraculous type ways.

    MelchizedeksDon't know what this refers to.

    Your Guardian Sephiroth? Is that a name or a class of beings.

    3/13/02 6:17 pm

    Space beings.Born on other planets besides ours.Beings from other planets

    with higher rate of vibration. Their physical structure is solid but they

    have abilities to live in a higher rate of vibration allowing them access

    to higher worlds and realms. They use a higher form of technology..They do

    travel in space ships.

    Melchizedeks - Can be found in any spiritual book even the Bible..

    Guardian Sephiroth is a guardian angel....

    We are One Trinity

    Q. What was the most spiritualized place you have been to where things were

    not like buildings built using materials as on this planet but as if they

    were made of light or a mind substance? Have you ever been to such a place?

    3/13 6:40 pm

    This is hard to answer, I have been to many such places... Been to

    buildings that were made of Crystal as well as many other substances. Mo st

    of the structures iv come across are made of a substance that's a cross

    between concrete/plastic and light..Iv looked at these blocks closely, they

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    are gritty, but not rough, and inside it seems to be lit, like lights

    running through it or something. Ju st one of the building substanceiv come


    Iv been to places where the beings live in a liquid space (not water) Where

    your thoughts are liquid flowing away from you. We are getting into the "i

    can't really describe this in physical semantics" realm now ...Lots of

    things just aren't describable even if i wanted to...Trinity

    Q. N... mentioned to me that your friends (THEY) told you that your

    contacts with me would be in some way significant. Was there any detail in


    3/13 6:48 pm

    Yes our meeting will cause conceptual understanding in a universal sense..

    You will and are, already thinking of things differently......Many will

    through you ...Trinity

    Q. Yes, Trinity I am starting to see things differently but in the past I

    have had a certain set of blinders. When people start talking of things

    that I think are out there, I just sort of tune out and think: "OK. that'sout of my experience and I know nothing about it and don't know whether to

    believe it or not so I'm just not going to deal with it".

    3/13 7:03 pm

    Don't take this wrong ..But iv been into spirituality and being with THEM

    for so long it doesn't matter to me if people believe me anymore or not. IM

    perfectly happy being with THEM, And if along the way i can assist others

    and be of service, im content.. Everything i could ever want i already


    Q. I think I just have never been exposed to a lot of things where I knew

    someone first hand that I had credibility in. So, maybe this work (with

    you) is part of my process of removing t hose blinders.

    Does your insight tell you this process is going on with me?

    3/14 6:31 pm

    The only thing THEY have said about you is you believe too much in the

    negative aspect of spirituality....THEY suggested I use the term spirit

    instead of THEM ... TH EY said it gives you suspicious fears of negativity

    with the connotation of THEM.....We are One.....Trinity

    Q. Did you ever look into SathyaSai Baba? Many people say he is a major

    Avatar - equivalent to Rama or Krishna of the past. In fact the predicted

    Kalki Avatar even spoken of in the book of revelations. According to Sai

    Baba, a huge number of people will be taken to liberation over the next

    century or so and after that, the door will be shut for a while. I remember

    reading this once in one of his boo ks - SathyaSai Speaks. Do your guides

    talk of this at all?

    3/13 7:54 pm

    THEY speak of many changes taking place on our planet, (all eyes of all the

    universes are on our planet) many beings being raised up ...I have seen

    places that are waiting to be inha bited....Trinity

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    Q.From your experience of seeing things from the inside out, can you

    describe what kinds of things or activities that Average people should do

    to become more spiritual?

    What about more advanced people that are somewhat spiritual but sti ll very

    much earthbound?

    3/14 6:38 pm

    What do you think about all the time ...God..or ...Television.....

    What Spirit feels like to put names to it....

    Is your mind/heart/body still and divine or full of chatter and confusion..

    Thats a start..........We are One ....Trinity

    Q.What is one of the best ways to accelerate the evolution of the people on

    our planet as a whole?

    In other words, what can we do, people who want to help with this process?

    3/14 6:44 pmI pray for that answer every day ..You find out, we will both know.....I

    just do what THEY ask of me......Trinity

    Q.Trin. If you get a chance this weekend could you write about some other

    trip or visit with your Beings?

    3/15 7:40 pm

    Yello/Gold or blue around the edges with w hite in the center?..These are

    angel class beings (never had eyes)...Just one of almost a hundred

    different beings iv met over the years...Last night was taken to a place in

    the "Garden." I go to the garden all the time, But i needed an escort to

    this area, She was a beautiful light being (not angel class, she had eyes)I had been wanting to go to a part of the "Garden" called the Luminescent

    area..Anyway flowers of light that are a little bit of half physical and a

    little spirit ....But I was never allowed to go into this area, I don't

    know why, don't know why THEY decided to take me in but She did.

    She took my hand and pulled me into this part iv never been to. Some

    flowers glowed like different colored puff balls of light..Some looked like

    light threads running through the leaves...Others had multicolored strings

    going through the petals of the flowers... Some were a misty kind that

    shimmer in and out of the here. After that came back did other

    things........ ...We are One ..................Trinity

    3/15 7:59 Ill find another in my journal and send it to you after I hen

    peck out whatever travel I pick...I'll explain something...I see visions

    that THEY put in my head, Sometime its symbols of what's happening to me or

    what THEY are physically doing to me.. . Sometimes its THEM taking me to

    places ... Sometimes the inside of my head is just so intense I can't even

    close my eyes...Iv had times for days I couldn't close my eyes only to

    sleep. go to sleep quickly.... Sometimes I close my eyes and I have no idea

    what in the heck IM looking at, pictures so wild and abstract I just can't

    recognize what it could be ... Iv seen planets from space with technical

    advancements you wouldn't believe, with space ships coming and going ...

    Maybe ill send you the story of The New Jerusalem Star Gate And Innix in

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    the Environment and weather control (I call it the map room). He's an

    Alien, He looks like a cross between an ant and a praying mantis and he has

    the sweetest biggest loving heart (wasn't even that strange to get a big

    hug from mandible arms).. Every time i go to see him he feels so loving and

    good going home to tell your Mom about something, loving, accepting


    Q. Do people generally have a guardian assigned? What is their job or what

    are they attempting to do with their "charge".

    3/18 6:03 pm

    When you reach a certain stage in your quest for illumination you are

    assigned a guardian....Why? With me its getting into trouble ...THEY once

    forbid me from entering a certain area because in THEIR wor ds "To much

    potential for metaphysical mischief"...THEY act as guides and


    Q.You mentioned Sephiroth is your guardian.

    3/18 6:05 pm

    Not her name, class of being...Out of all the beings iv met only a handfulhave left their names ..Found many reasons for that later....Trinity

    Q. Are there others here with special chromosomes like you that are also

    working with these orders of beings just as you are?

    3/18 6:13 pm

    To tell you the truth Iv felt my alien background was unique but the

    quickening process isn't...

    Its odd you asked iv been having visions of me standing there and one by

    one smiling people "Link up next to me... very powerful people "hooking up"

    In a line, Felt iv known these people already, It makes me feel really good

    when this vision happens..This is a very strong vision,iv had manytimes......Trinity

    Q. Do they look for other people with normal DNA but spiritual receptivity

    to work with consciously like you a re or is this an extreme rarity?

    3/18 6:17 pm

    THEY don't tell me ..You have to understand something ...THEY don't give me

    long conversations very often, most of the time its THEM standing there,

    quietly waiting for me to "get some" lesson THEY are trying to get me to

    think about...We are One ......Trinity

    Q. Sai Baba's mother tells that she was going to the well for water when

    she saw a light coming toward her and enter her being. She passed out.

    Later she found she was with child. Was there any such incident involved in

    your conception?

    3/18 6:19

    Don't know. Parents been dead for a while ...My mom always stated the most

    beautiful thing she saw, was a ball lightning...I wonder....Trinity

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    Q. Trinity, is the Urantia book an authentic source book of information on

    other worlds and realms? I know it contains lots of ideas that would help

    us be better spiritually but is the information in it real and worth

    studying? Do you know anything about this? I think it was R.... that

    mentioned it to me.

    3/18 6:27

    Yes, The Urantia book is a factual accounting of the inner universe. Itsthe only book that THEY seem to not dispute. Its seems to be a very

    accurate map for places i travel ....This information is very real ..if

    anything else it greatly assisted in projecting me forward on my spiritual


    Q. You said: "THEY speak of many changes taking place on our planet,( all

    eyes of all the universes are on our planet) man y beings being raised up

    ...I have seen places that are waiting to be inhabited"

    Are you considering each galaxy as a separate universe? There are clusters

    of galaxies and billions, trillions of galaxies make up what our scientists

    call the universe. Are there multiple of these universes or do you use a

    different term.

    3/18 6:31 Ogres are like onions ....You mean they stink ..No No

    No...LAYERS.......The universe is layered within ...You know,....ya got to

    get in to get out?..Stacked on top kinda th e Tree of life

    ....(actually stacked in)....Trinity

    Q. So are we the outer layer (of the Universe)? How do you get from one

    layer to another or is that not something that human types can do.

    3/25 7:57 pm

    Not really the outer layer but for now its the be st mental concept to

    use...The easiest is to accelerate your vibrational rate in your physical

    structure, but this doesn't take into account many other things. You also

    need to be of a divine personality...Your mind must be insulated enough totake the intensity of this state also..(Voice of experience here) Or it can

    blow your mind apart and leave you a veg..... If your asking me personally,

    It depends on the different type of energy im given for each night as to

    where i have access to ...I also can join i nto one of THEIR

    consciousnesses, and piggy back ride, Then see what THEY see, go where THEY

    go... We are One.......Trinity

    Q. I have always had the suspicion that black holes were the realms wherein

    the gods lived. There is supposedly a very immense black hole that anchors

    each galaxy and of course there are lots of smaller black holes from large

    suns that collapsed into very dense states that created black holes. It

    seems like the perfect place where there might be beautiful spheres of

    light, perfected realms hidden away from peering telescopes where the gods

    and higher beings could reside. Do your Friends ever mention this?

    3/18 6:44 pm

    Here ill explain something. Please forgive me if you already know

    this....If you accelerated your physical structu re till the rate of spin

    patterning speeds up to an incredible rate, you would disappear out of this

    sphere and would be standing in another if not many at the same time -

    peering out....Same with all the universes one of the ways of distinction

    between the different galaxies is vibration and gravity..

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    Black holes are passage points....

    Q. Who can use these passage points. Are they passage points to different

    layers of the universe, different regions of the universe? Different


    3/25 7:34 pm

    To tell you the truth, I never asked, and IM usually so busy doing other

    things, i wasn't curious about that....Trinity

    Q. When you communicate with THEM, do you actually verbalize out loud or is

    it more of an exchange of ideas at the spiritual level. Do they understand

    and speak in English if you want to talk that way?

    3/18 6:55 pm

    I have communicated with so many, THEY all do it different between beings

    ....Iv had THEM shouting in the front of my mind in a loud voice...Iv had

    THEM speaking soft and gent le in the center of my mind..Iv had THEM fill my

    mind with pictures to get some idea...But i know when THEY do speak to me

    there's more to their communication than just words ....I do know there aremany different languages in the spiritual realms ...I onc e asked THEM to

    speak some to me ...I got this sing song kinda talking and singing funny

    words and I could sense, feel, see pictures, and feel emotions all at the

    same time.....We are One ...Trinity.

    Q. If we've been assigned a guardian, is it an advanta ge to be aware of it

    and try to communicate with him/her.

    3/18 6:59 pm

    From the Urantia book it speaks of a Spirit Adjuster .. Better to try to

    communicate with it, It can give you the most assistance on your path

    .....In Egyptology its called the "Ki"...Trinity

    Q.Enlightened masters, Sages, Saints, etc report being able to view the

    universal Self and all it's contents, in other words being able to know the

    state of an individual's thoughts, aspirations, current state, etc.

    Do you ever get into this state with other people or can you at will?

    3/18 7:08 pm

    I have been for extended periods of time in and out of states of Total

    "knowing" where ALL is known to me and all consciousnessess are in

    me...(Why i sign off with We are One)..Where I AM all things .....I can't

    yet turn it on and off at will...In this state i can look at someone, and

    see far off, all that is them, and all that will be in them, All that is

    before them, and all that is behind them....We are One .......Trinity

    Q. In a past message you said: "Maybe ill send you the story of The New

    Jerusalem Star Gate AndInnix in the Environment and weather control (I call

    it the map room)." Can you send this story?

    3/18 8:10 pm


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    ...This star gate is located off the coast of Portlan d and Washington About

    a couple miles out Floating about a quarter mile off the ocean..You fly up

    to the white stairs and pillars land on the stairs ...The stairs are wide

    and go from one side of the building to the other...(favorite spot of mine

    to sit and watch beings "pop" out of wherever they are coming from to the

    here/now and fly up the steps). At the front door are two men always

    stationed standing at the edges of the door...Never knew really why they

    are here. The only interplay iv had with them was one time i was out sidesitting on the steps watching the beings coming and going and one came and

    tapped me on the shoulder and motioned for me to come inside, I did and

    there was some meeting going on..Don't know what we did but i was

    involved...Any way glued up the steps through the door and across the room

    there's a big half cycle desk with a raised set of levels behind it..stairs

    to the left and right...Walk behind the desk up the platforms to the right

    then through the door. That's the weather and en vironment room. Inside is a

    big raised circle in the center, with railing around it with breaks in

    it...Innix is always in this room ..he controls it ...When he turns it on

    the raised platform from the floor to the ceiling lights up with a specific

    place in space (you can request special areas to look at but i don't know

    what to ask for so i let Innix pick)

    All the planets, stars and every thing else in that area exactly ...You can

    reach into this and pick a planet with your mind and it will tell you allkinds of information about its environment.. Other information too..

    Out the door of the map room to the left up the stairs to the top level and

    the cat walk around the three beams of the Star gate .. One really big one

    in the center and two smaller ones o n either side....I was shown early the

    identity signature of this place so i can find it by my self ...I can come

    here in an instant...We are One .......Trinity

    Q. Trinity, you mentioned once that you helped assist someone with their

    passage from earth l ife (after death) to an intermediate state. Have you

    done this more than once? What can you say about these after death states,

    lokas, regions or whatever they are?

    3/25 7:29 pm

    I assisted in the 911 attack...Many confused souls....I went into the void

    and helped reluctant people to pass through, many did not want to pass

    because they didn't want to leave others back on the planet .....THEY said

    i was better able to do this because i had a human vibrational feel so

    souls wouldn't be panicked ...Was a ver y difficult time....Trinity

    Q. When a mass of people die suddenly like that (as in the 911 attack), are

    they aware of one another on the other side or is each in his own psychic

    realm or space? Do they realize they have died?

    3/26 5:18 pm

    The severed souls do not Sense each other in the void..And usually you

    aren't self thrusted into the void. Only under a trauma situation will this

    be happening. What is supposed to happen is you slowly drift off from

    physical consciousness into an unconsci ous state (under special

    circumstances Some souls have been conscious here) Beings are there in

    attendance and transport is called, Your physical -less soul is locked into

    transport and you are taken to the first Mansion world for resurrection and

    registration..When you are resurrected there are MANY beings all around

    you, In fact the planets full of different types of beings , but you don't

    view different types, till later. Most of the souls i encountered knew they

    had died ....We are One .....Trinity

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    Q. In a previous message you said: "From the Urantia book it speaks of a

    Spirit Adjuster .. Better to try to communicate with it, It can give you

    the most assistance on your path .....In Egyptology its called the 'Ki' "

    How do you invoke or communicate with t his Spirit Adjuster?

    3/25 7:22 pm

    Stillness .....and when ITS ready, you will hear Its answer to your

    questions and Plea's ...We are One ......Trinity

    Q. You said: "I have been for extended periods of time in and out of states

    of Total "knowing" where ALL is known to me and all consciousnessess are in

    me...(Why i sign off with We are One)..Where I AM all things .....I can't

    yet turn it on and off at will...In this state i can look at someone, and

    see far off, all that is them, and all that will be in th em, All that is

    before them, and all that is behind them"

    Is it a goal to be more and more in that state of total unity, total


    3/25 7:18 pm

    It is the perfection of God as man. It is total fusion with spirit..It is a

    feeling of bliss and euphoria like nothing you have ever felt..It is total

    knowing.......We are One .......Trinity

    Q. Hello Trinity. How are you? I was most astounded when I read your last

    batch of transmissions.

    I am curious, did you spend a lot of your time studying the Urantia book. I

    remember it as huge as it would take several years to read and study. Was

    this your major source book of information?

    3/25/02 8:18 pm

    I have spent many years reading Urantia, But iv also read MANY books on

    spirituality as IM sure you have.....Al l of my dealings with THEM seem best

    to be described in human terms by this books descriptions.....But THEIR

    latest teachings to me are on how words and naming something, seem to

    coincide here...It lowers its vibration. Just using your mind to envision

    an identification of a name, wastes thought...When THEY first started

    coming to me I would always ask "who are you" THEIR reply was always "feel

    us, sense us" "know our energy signature, not a name" So now when I want to

    find a specific light being i "feel" h ow THEY "feel" and I can find THEM.

    Same for my destinations ... .We are One ......Trinity

    Q. You must have been a mature spirit with many lives behind you to have

    reached this place. Have you ever seen any of your past lives?

    3/26 5:27 pm

    I Have seen little pieces of my past lives ...Been a doctor in the 1800s

    Was a Nights Templar, and a brown robed monk....Just little views in my

    visions ...But it doesn't seem to be important to THEM or me


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    Q. Hello Trinity.

    R... (A fellow Lightworker) mentioned a city underneath Crater Lake. Whatkind of beings inhabit the place? Can you describe the city?

    3/27/02 8:26 pm

    The city was built by a race of beings that are water breathers. They were

    brought by Space brothers from another plane t for an experiment with our

    world that didn't work out..... I see them in the shallows of Crater Lake

    ...The City I haven't really seen to much of it, not one I really have

    access to, so I haven't actually walked around the city to tell you much

    about it. I have seen it from far off, Its a city that glows with tiny

    waving colored lights all over it. like I said I haven't seen much of it.

    Learned more of the energy of Crater Lake. Still learning about this

    place....Its real function is for transport off pla net to direct passage to

    certain planets in the inner universe. We are One......Trinity

    Q. I wonder what our scientists would say or think if they found remnants

    of a city at the bottom of this very deep lake. Maybe the old city is

    buried under sediment so they wouldn't see it. I think I remember hearing

    about somebody sending a submersible camera down to the bottom of the lake

    a few years back.

    Crater Lake Overlook

    3/28/02 5:00 pm

    They have explored it a lot ...I know that there are springs and caves that

    feed Crater Lake from below on the bottom...It gives the people who live

    down there passage to other waters around our planet..When you were there

    at Crater Lake did you notice the consistency of the rock? Crater Lake isunique because its a giant cry stal bowl that has meteorite magnetics fused

    into it. I have felt a room that is partly cover over now down in the

    basement of the Crater Lake Lodge that was used by the spiritual Groups of

    that era and of that time. It was held in great secret by these gr oups...

    Would love to go into the basement to try to find it...THEY told me that

    The one and only Madam Blavatsky walked in that lodge..Im sure she was

    there to do work in the basement room..It was somehow set up to be open at

    night to give full view of th e lake while they were working ..How this was

    done without others knowing i don't know... Maybe the groups owned the

    Lodge at the time...We are One....Trinity

    Q. I know H.P.B. (Helena Blavatsky) was in America (NY I think when she

    founded the T.S. (Theos ophical Society). I seem to recall that she went

    West but don't remember for sure. I read her Biog (When Daylight Comes).

    When I was there I noticed that the rocks looked like your typical basalt

    you find around volcanos. I understand the lake was formed when the caldera

    collapsed inward. The basalt probably does have a crystalline structure if

    you examine under a microscope. I never went to the Lodge. Didn't know

    about the lore of it.

    I did a search on information about Crater Lake and found some interes ting

    Indian mythology.

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    As one Klamath individual noted, Crater Lake was a particularly dangerous

    site for the spirit quest. (1) Gaining a vision of the supernatural beingsresiding in the lake was a major goal of that quest (Spencer 1952b:222).

    The seeker would often swim at night, underwater, to encounter the spirits

    lurking in the depths (Spier 1930:98).

    Leslie Spier commented regarding the father o f one of his consultants,

    "having lost a child, he went swimming in Crater lake; before evening he

    had become a shaman" (Spier 1930:96).

    The quest for such spirits required courage and resolution:

    He must not be frightened even if he sees something movi ng under the water.prays before diving, "I want to be a shaman. Give me power. Catch me. I

    need the power." (Spier 1930:96)

    An elderly Klamath woman recounted in the late 1940s her experience of

    seeing a spirit being on the lake:

    When I was young, I we nt up to Crater Lake with a woman I knew. She tied my

    eyes and led my horse. ... Then she said, "Untie your eyes," and I nearly

    fell off the horse. I saw a man standing on the water far away, just like

    in the Bible. He scared me so, I don't know who that w as, but I like to

    think of that man now. (Spencer 1952b:222)

    In other Klamath (Indian) accounts the floor of the lake contains a

    mythical world:

    People were stolen and taken down into Crater lake by beings there. Some

    say they have found no water in the lake. Instead there were rocks as big

    as trees and deep tunnels in the bottom. There are animals, snakes, and a

    sort of people who live at (or in) the ocean. (Spier 1930:98)



    3/28/02 7:21 pm

    "she said, "Untie your eyes," and I nearly fell off the horse. I saw a man

    standing on the water far away, just like in the Bible. He scared me so, I

    don't know who that was, but I like to think of that man now."

    The man they saw was in transit to or from the inner universe...This was

    really interesting Thank you....We are One.......Trinity

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    Q. You said: "That era and that time" - do you know how long ago that was?

    3/28 7:32 pm

    No sorry i don't, just know that Spir itual societies have used the energy

    from the lake and would meet and do rituals or such there.... Trin

    Q. You said: "The people who live down there". I understood that you said

    it was a failed experiment. Are there still beings living under the waters?

    Are they organic living life forms like us or spirit bodies?

    3/28 7:40 pm

    They still live there..They were a race of water breathers that were

    brought from another planet with their permission.. We are One


    3/28 7:41 pm

    (Yes...) Organic lif e forms

    Q. What prevents you from going there on a nite trip?

    3/28 7:50 pm

    Boring, like hanging out in a bus station .. And the people under the water

    wish to be left alone....Trinity

    Q. Trin, I think I asked you this once before but it must have slipped

    past. I do have about a three inch long quartz crystal. Is there any

    procedure I can use with this in the awakening of the ajnacenter? I don'tknow how to use crystals. Any help, advice or web site reference would be

    appreciated. Thanks much.

    4/1 7:20 pm

    K. First..have you previously charged this crystal? I will go on the

    assumption that its brand new. Clean this crystal. Put it into a bag with

    sea salt for a few days, this can also be done wi th herbs,Lavender,

    rosemary, etc. But this also infuses the crystal with their energy, but it

    does clean the stone..leave it there for as long as you can, a week or

    month...then bring it out in the full moon light ..use the moons energy

    through you and you r Chakra system to generate energy through your hands to

    the heart of the stone, the nucleus...Feel the energy pass into the stone

    singing its song through your nervous system, humming inside you. You have

    now attuned to the stone are now in harmony with its frequency.

    To have the crystal assist in the open within your self, you must state

    your intent to program the crystal to this use. From here on is your own

    personal journey with your own guides.. Your progression of adjustment of

    personality and spiritual balance within soul and spirit ... Live the life

    of spirit , when you just let go and say "i don't really care how high I

    am, I just want to be " Then it happens.... When you let go ...We

    are One.......Trinity

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    Q. No access to ocean wate r here. You wouldn't happen to live by the beach

    would you? If so, I could mail (the crystal) to you for charging.

    4/2 7:38 pm

    Sea salt can be bought at most health food stores ... I will gladly charge

    it for you but it would then be attuned to me and not you...and would

    change the prospective usage.... We are One........Trin

    Q. Is there anything you recommend for developing the third eye and being

    able to travel?

    4/1/02 7:24 pm

    Focus and concentration on this point ...but don't limit yourself - your

    whole system (all your Glands Chakras and kundalini) all work in a fine

    perfection of balance within a WHOLE system TOGETHER.. Your body has MANY

    chakras from your finger tips to your eyes and mouth (thats a bizarre

    feeling when that one goes off )...Trin

    ".....being able to travel?"

    This would be highly Unlikely, your frequency and talents, within your

    whole balance of energies within you, would be highly unique to a specificability....You...Being -you....Trin

    Q. You said: "thats a bizarre feeling when that one (mouth chakra) goes

    off" That sounds like an interesting story. Mouth chakra? I know in Yoga

    they talk about many smaller chakras - I think they refer to them as


    4/2/02 7:46 pm

    Yes, its very odd when your mouth chakra goes off ...Feels like a fire hose

    is placed in your mouth, but instead of a blast of water its a stream of

    energy, It floods in your mouth.. But that's not really as odd as your

    Taste buds, tingled and kept shifting very strong tastes from chalky tosweet to something else entirely.. Today my chakras in my ears went off

    thats another odd one... Trinity

    Q. Do you have any recent vivid experiences you can pass along? A place?A


    4/2 8:02 pm

    Last night THEY specifically came to get me and said "come with us" i say

    this because THEY really don't do it like this that often and when THEY do

    its very important.. Was taken into space to see a conjunction of 9 planets

    .. And to tell you the tru th I was going to post this but I can't figure

    out what it means ... Iv got 2 pages THEY gave me on this but I still don't

    understand its purpose ...There are 5 planets in a curve and 3 more along

    the same curve but inside the 5 other planets .. Then in th e center is a

    moon that sits at the top so this whole thing looks like a tear drop with

    the moon at the point .. this moon is connected to some vortex of energy

    ...all this is controlled by higher beings Metatron, Michael, Ariel and

    more, I think there's 1 2 ... THEY all came to visit but I didn't really

    note who was there...When you have 12 beings consciousness of their caliber

    around you, you're a little too busy to take a roll call...Was never told

    what this all means just was shown

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    ....I know all these planets are interconnected by energy lines between all

    the planets together, Criss cross's till it points out the moon....We are

    One .......Trinity

    Q. Was this a far away solar system or distant galaxy?

    4/3 5:28 pmTo tell you the truth i was trying really hard to tell where i was but

    couldn't, just could feel the intensity of what THEY were trying to show

    me... was so real just floating there looking at those planets with shadows

    across them.. All aligned.... We are One .......Trinity

    Q. You triggered a memory of something I wanted to ask you. Is there a

    special energy, or force, or consciousness associated with the Pleiades

    constellation? Have They ever taken you there? As I recall there are seven

    suns about the same size and brightness in a sort o f cluster. Do they have

    some significant association with our planet and its evolution?

    4/3 5:23 pm

    There is an "energy signature 'that is unique to their race....

    "Have They ever taken you there?" Probably but i was never specifically

    told i was there..

    "Do they have some significant association with our planet and its


    The Pleiadians have pledged their support to the Galactic Federation to

    assist our planet...We are One .......Trinity

    Q. I think a terrible inheritance is being lost becaus e you don't document

    your trips beyond your notebook - which I'm guessing would only mean

    something to you. Would it be possible to write a little each day, or a

    couple times a week at least so that these images / experiences aren'tlost?

    4/3 5:39 pm

    You sound like Rain (another Lightworker)...To tell you the truth iv been

    going through body shifts. It has to do with my light bodies ..But it means

    that iv been too off balance and have been too busy trying to adjust to the

    changing forces running throug h me to travel, I can't get a good grasp on

    its location , (and THEY keep warning me IM not able to travel, I try to

    anyway, usually with poor results) ... So travel has been sporadic the last

    week or so ...But i was told balance and transition are in comp letion


    Q. Can you email the two pages they left with you on this?

    4/3 5:40 pm

    You couldn't read my scribbles and pictures....Trin

    Q. Trinity have you read many of the Beacon articles on the

    web site. There is one a month going back a few years. I have been reading

    them. Do you feel they are authentic channellings from Angelic beings? The

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    Group of 9. They seem to refle ct a lot of the things you have been talking


    4/4 6:27 pm

    Yes, I have read Beacons of Light newsletter..Lots from Spirit Web ...Have

    read from a lot of these sites ...Most are true articles, Just ask your

    self while you are reading a story "does thi s help me or teach me or tell

    me something i don't already know? Or is this just (as i call it) "filler".You have to find what resonates with you personally... I don't read as

    avidly as I did, Reading articles and books don't seem to be important to

    me anymore, THEY have given me more reality than any book can...But i do

    keep up ..I watch the message boards and look for signs ...We are


    Q. Trinity, are these magnetic grids related to your statement below?

    From a Beacon article:

    "The magnetic master of this family of Light known to you as Kryon has been

    working with the hearts of humankind and with the magnetic grids of the

    Earth to position them for this exact event. These grids are now in place

    and the next step is up to you."

    From a prior message board post by you:I can see an overlapping of a new grid laid over the top of the old grid.

    THEY said its because THEY needed an increased capacitance for the new

    incoming energies. THEY said the old system of 2 -3 lines wasn't enough. I

    asked is it 2 or 3 lines in the old system, THEY said its actually a 2 line

    system but the third was expanded onto it, now it doesn't hold the amount

    of energy needed. The new system is 3 more lines blended into the old. This

    is why i'v been denied access off the planet for the last coupla days.....

    4/4 6:42 pm

    Yes ....New implementation of expanded forces.....Trin

    Q. You were once describing some of the things you do. You said: "I have

    been asked to be at meetings to opening of new temples.."

    Does this mean new temples built by churches (like LDS temples, or other

    religious buildings) or is this some kind of temple on the other side -

    such as a light temple or place of energy?

    4/5 5:03 pm

    When new Jerusalem star gate went online I was asked to attend.. I'll

    explain... THEY came to me and said THEY would take me to a new place, So i

    went with THEM to a building that looked kinda like a Greek temple with the

    columns in the front and steps leading up to the door, I stopped at the

    steps and looked back we were ov er the ocean about coupla hundred feet and

    i could feel shore behind me, I'd say about a mile out from shore..The

    stone on the steps and the walls are different from some of the other

    planets iv been to, This was more like white marble than the usual light ed

    stone I usually see...At the door always stands two large men on either

    side .. I wont say guards just door men, and these men pretty much just

    stand there and don't talk to anyone (at least iv never seen them talk to

    anyone). THEY took me inside and pr etty much just let me go ... THEY left

    me to my own exploration, (the purpose was to give me an identify energy

    signature to return on). So I looked around and returned to me... Started

    to travel there on my own, went there a lot, I really like to sit on t he

    steps and watch the air around the door and watch beings pop in and out of

    space to appear, and to fly up to the steps..

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    Well one time i was going to go to The New Jerusalem gate when THEY came to

    me before i could leave and said there was restrictions on transference

    (popping in and out), THEY said that there were a lot of beings and that i

    couldn't "pop in side" so went there and came out, outside, and flew up to

    the steps and sat down (i had been doing this alot by now, still like to do

    it) anyway as IM sitting there one of the door men walks up to me and

    doesn't say a word but takes me by the arm and leads me inside ... The

    place is packed with beings ... he leaves me in the crowd. All these beingsare looking toward someone in the front speaking (Co uldn't understand him)

    noticed beings looking at me then looking away after I hear "He's shifting"

    Then every one starts to hum or sing .. At first I didn't know what to do

    but I joined in on this harmonic song with them, It changed pitch a little

    and then ended and it was all over.. I could hear a really loud humming ..

    I kinda moved with the crowd and found my self on kind of a catwalk looking

    at one really big beam of energy going straight up .. And to the left and

    the right were two smaller beams

    ...This was my invitation to the opening of this Star gate.. ... We are One


    P.S. Been told not to fly or pass through the beams....

    Q. Where was the first place They ever took you to? Can you describe thefeeling and experience you had then?

    4/5 5:05 PM

    Have to think on this ..Can't remember what was first ...Trinity

    Q. OK, well it doesn't matter what was first. But do you remember the

    sensation the first time they took you somewhere?

    4/5 5:44 pm

    You have to understand something, When it fir st started to happen to me, I

    could barely control what was happening, let alone try to think and pay

    attention to sensations. I was understandably awed most of the time but it

    takes intense concentration the whole time all this is happening, It stilldoes, but IM better at my control now and can pay better attention...The

    sensation is roaring energy going through me.......We are One


    Q. Is most of your work done while the body is sleeping?

    4/5 5:20

    Wide awake ....Energy runs through me all day and at the time i decide to

    do light work (whenever i can).. I go to my "place" and start... I state my

    intent ..give thanks to Father , and work from there .. If things feel

    alright ill start right away (almost always it is) By now the energy

    through me has increased to the point where i can just barely think or

    concentrate, Its pretty much roaring through me by now... Then i stabilize

    and balance all systems , Hopefully by then everything has smoothed out ...

    Then clear all thoughts and it starts... Trinity

    Q. Do you remember your dreams at night? Are they vivid like being awake

    while sleeping or are they just ordinary dream states with no special


    4/5 5:33 pm

    I don't really have dreams anymore ...

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    "Are they vivid like being awake whi le sleeping or are they just ordinary

    dream states with no special significance?"

    When I am allowed to remember what transpired during sleep, its usually me,

    with a group of light beings discussing some significant event that needs

    addressing. But this ha s only happened a coupla times...I was Told by THEM

    that because I do work in sleep mode now, I don't need to let my ego,intellect and subconsciousness rule my sleep, so i don't really dream

    anymore... We are One....... Trinity

    4/5 5:49 pm

    Actually the first time now that i think about it THEY were just there all

    of a sudden in my head with the roaring energy ..later i learned to focus

    and control it at certain times... And the First beings that came to me

    were space brothers, Pleiadians and of course my own spirit adjuster,

    speaking to me in my head..

    ( shouting more like it)......Trinity

    Q. I get the feeling some of these places are pretty crowded with beings

    coming and going. Are there places you go to that are quiet, peaceful, nottoo many other beings around?

    4/5 6:02 pm

    When i first started traveling, I noticed most of the time that there were

    very few beings around, I asked why and was told that "i don't have proper

    control of the forces in me and that im still unsure about my journeys" ,

    So as not to trigger an unwanted sensation, Fear, etc, THEY kept most

    beings back .I would walk around a city and i would see a few people

    looking at me odd and hurrying on...Now its not like that, im used to all

    the feelings/energies coming off the light beings around me...

    The garden usually has only a few beings there ( was asked to attend some

    function there too but i had no idea what it was about, A union of 2 beings

    i think ). Trinity

    Q. Then is most of the work you do transmitting some kind of spiritual


    4/5 6:12 pm

    Most of the work i do is this, yes ..but i have been asked to do other

    things.. I see a whole lot of visions, some i can see what they are, some i

    don't have a clue what im looking at ...Trinity

    Q. What effect does this energy have o n people or the earth? What is it's


    4/5 6:20 pm

    THEY tell me that the energy I transmute is of great importance, That it

    reaches many...Interesting to note, Iv been in stores and been "going off"

    with tremendous amounts of energy coming off me, a nd no one around me seems

    to notice, But this might be because IM producing a very high vibration of

    energy and these people might not be sensitive enough to sense it or feel

    it. But then for a while i would walk into a store and everyone would look

    at me, Atat the same time, and just look away like they didn't have a clue

    why they were drawn to look. Was very unnerving at first (learned to

    control this too).....Trinity

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    Q. Can you do energy work in 5 or 15 minute chunks or do you need a good

    solid amount of time for the work?

    4/5 6:34 pm

    This is harder to answer. The energy travels through me all day but the

    intense stuff is only when IM working (MOST OF THE TIME). I can usuallywork until my body gets too tired and this varies from night to night. Some

    nights could go all night, some only a few hours. What I do and where I go

    depends on the Frequency of the energy IM working with that night. Some

    nights the energy is congruent to travel to the garden. some nights the

    energy is very high and I can go to so meplace higher ... Some nights i

    can't travel at all and all i do is work with the energies through my body

    (usually this is teaching or training, with THEM instructing). Some nights

    all im given is visions. So every night is different.. And about one nigh t

    every 2 weeks to a month i get a night of nothing, Some times these nights

    are rest.. Some, my body will be sore, and THEY won't do anything ...We are

    One .......Trinity

    Q. Did They ever mention why they chose you? Was it because of your

    Pleiadean genes? If so, does that means they were patiently waiting for youto reach a certain stage of development to begin working?

    4/8 8:43 pm

    Yes i was an experiment, (Pleiadean genes) that THEY were waiting to grow

    into fruition ..Iv been shown visions of times wh en THEY have tried To

    raise my consciousness through my life and seen how close i came....We are


    Q. When I was a kid, my brother used to go to the library and checked out

    all kinds of books about UFOs - which to me is a symptom of the inner

    person trying to expand the thinking of the personality - or a sort of

    inner spiritual urge expressed in a munda ne way. I remember reading a

    couple books by one George Adamski. He wrote of very beautiful spacetravelers from the planet Venus that he met when they landed their flying

    saucer near Los Angeles. They wore shoes that left sacred symbols and

    drawings in the dust on the ground. I read these and believed them. But

    later as I grew up and studied science and there were more space probes and

    research, it came out that the surface of Venus was very hot and could not

    support our type life forms. I realized I'd bee n taken in.

    4/8 8:49 pm

    No not OUR TYPE OF LIFE FORM...Maybe another though.......Trin

    Q. Several times when I've gone into deep meditation states I've tried to

    contact you. Have you ever felt the pressure?

    4/9 4:17 pm

    Don't feel bad, MY (physical) te acher tries to send messages to me and I

    don't hear them either and she is a VERY powerful being..Iv asked THEM

    about this, THEY said that because iv use my sensitivity to sense other

    realms so much more than that one, I just don't have the sensitivity to

    hear it yet...We are One .......Trinity

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    Q. When you say she is a VERY powerful being. Do you mean in terms of her

    psychic ability or some other way?

    4/12 6:02 pm

    Her advanced psychic abilities.... Trin

    Q. Last night I was wondering how much (proportio n of your time) you get tospend in Unity consciousness versus being busy with distributing energy or

    visiting or traveling with your Friends. I mean is the Unity experience a

    rarity or do you get to get into this state frequently?

    4/9 4:43 pm

    Total Consciousness or to be in total knowing is a semi rare state, It has

    to do with the amount of energy flowing through me, type, and amount IM

    allowed to retain. But I have been in this state many times, Matter of fact

    was there last three days, Last coupla night s have been great...Iv been

    going through very intense shifts, and when monumental changes happen like

    this, its THEM standing quietly next to me waiting to see how the new

    change will effect me. (restricted travel during these periods).

    Traveling doesn't happen as much as id like to, because it doesn't teach me

    really what I need to learn. Its fun but not of great benefit to ouruniversal evolution.

    Classroom teaching is usually the most important thing. Like THEM sending

    energy through a different input point on my body and teaching me to work

    it in different ways.. Or Will turn on energy in me and teach me to sense

    this energy in different ways...As an example... There are Hundreds of ways

    to feel Soft in energy.. Or to sense subtle lay ers in the forces coming

    through me.....Trin

    Q. Have they ever taken you to any of the orbs in our own solar system to

    see the psychic beings there?

    4/9 4:45 pmNope....Trinity

    Q. How many years ago was it that you had your breakthrough? I am guessing

    you are in your mid thirties by the age of your kids.

    4/9 2:09 pm

    Summer, Seven years ago....And im in my mid 40s.....We are One


    Q. Don't know if you know much about SathyaSai Baba. He is supposed to be

    the most important Avatar our plan et has had on it. He was asked once if

    the human life form was unique or if there were other planets with similar

    life forms. His response was that we are absolutely unique throughout the

    universe. Are we the first planet to evolve this particular organic human

    form? Is this why our planet is getting so much attention. Have They talked

    about this topic?

    4/9 5:38 pm

    Yes ,THEY have spoke of this.... All eyes of the universe of universes are

    on our planet.. We are shifting in a very new way ...We are forming a very

    new type of light being...And yes iv heard of SathyaSai Baba.... My teacher

    has spoke of him before...We are One......Trinity

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    Q. You said: "The Pleiadians have pledged their support to the Galactic

    Federation to assist our planet"

    So it sounds as if there is a sort of Universal government, or hierarchy of


    Are these angelic type beings or more like our ascended masters gone on to

    higher realms of service?

    4/9 5:44 pm

    Yes there is a universal government that is the physical interaction within

    the spiritual realm... My space brothers and sisters are ascended masters

    in their own form that have accelerated to higher service......We are One


    Q. The term Grey's is often used to refer to aliens among us that developed

    a technological culture without the accompanying development of the heart

    center and higher emotions. Have you had any confirmation that this is more

    than a myth. Do Grey's really exist on this planet (present or past tense).

    I mean confirmation not from your readi ngs but from comments by theSephiroth's or others you've communicated with?

    4/10 5:16 pm

    Grays do exist, They are the assistants to higher beings ...They make the

    Donuts (as in doing the manual tasks) .....Trin

    4/10 5:17 pm

    But iv never had any contact with Grays ..Trin

    Q. You said: "My space brothers and sisters are ascended masters in their

    own form that have accelerated to higher service" Did they matriculate from

    our planet or some other system or is there a Deva (Angelic) ev olution thatparallels that of humans?

    4/10 5:27 pm

    From another system ... But you must understand all beings from all systems

    all go through the same type of evolution. They all wind up on the system's

    capital worlds (some worlds are made to accommodate all beings whether they

    are air breathers, water breathers, or whatever they require ... All are

    under One God and one working system of Government on the other


    Q. Are the so called Indigo children spirits that evolved using human forms

    or are they from a different evolution than us?

    4/10 5:05 pm

    There are many different views on the Indigo Children, mine is ...

    The indigo children are of our planets evolution, They are just born with

    all the Ascension Changes already installed in them. They are the wise

    children that are altering our world slowly to bring about our planets

    shift into a predestined higher path...Trinity

    Q. Is it a common thing that souls from regions outside our own planet

    incarnate here or is this unusual? I always use d to think that most souls

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    on this planet evolved upward through the different life states (mineral,

    plant, animal, human).

    4/10 5:13 pm

    Its not unusual and its not a huge amount, but it does happen quite a lot.

    It has to do with a souls evolution... What s most interesting is that a

    Spirit Adjuster is always placed on a different planet to be fused with a

    different type of being. .. If that being fails , then the Spirit Adjustermoves on to another planet to gain a different perspective in a different

    being...A spirit adjuster doesn't work on the same planet each time...We

    are One.......Trinity

    Q. Is there a special significance to your spiritual name Trinity? What to

    you is the meaning of Trinity?

    4/10 1:45 pm

    As for where The name Trinity came from. I ts one of those "Meant to be

    Things" It started when I was about 19 and a friend of mine and I were

    making up nicknames for each other and other people..We hit upon Trinity

    for me and it was like a light went off for both of us, we both agreed that

    that was the perfect name for me. Then when i started to play on thecomputer i needed a name and i thought for sure my old Trinity would be

    taken by someone else ....IT WASN'T i was amazed (not about much anymore),

    So i now am what iv been all my life ...Trinity

    P.S. Then theres the understanding the triads of spirituality... ..Or as

    Hermes puts it.."One in essence,but three in aspect. In the Trinity is

    hidden the wisdom of the whole world"......

    4/10 4:51 pm

    Here is where I last traveledto..Was taken to a pla net that was covered by

    many little water ways like canals ... Found myself sitting in a type of

    gondola type of car looking at the planet way below me. It seemed like a

    normal type of ride, except that there weren't any type of wires orsupports anywhere, the car traveled on some predestined track but it was

    unseen, was shown how it worked, there is a track of sorts that exists in

    another dimension. The car has the ability to "read" this track from here.

    I could see other cars far off, and there were peopl e sitting in the car

    with me but i took no notice of them, or they took no notice of me..

    Been seeing pictures and visions of things again that i have no idea what

    it is im looking at ...My harmonic vibration is rising again..We are One


    Q. When I think of traveling, I think of it in human terms. You start

    moving, see scenery along the way, then you arrive. I am getting the

    impression that sometimes your consciousness just winds up somewhere else

    so that you don't have any intervening sens ation of having traveled, you're

    just suddenly There! Do you experience both modes of travel - one being

    there instantaneously and the other, seeing the scenery along the way as

    you travel?

    4/11 2:00 pm

    Exactly.. Most times Im just there!, with THEM, But there have been times

    where THEY have actually came and got me to take me some where, with the

    scenery going by ...Trin

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    Q. Another possibility, maybe you are tuning in to the consciousness state

    of another being so that you think "you" are there but real ly you are just

    temporarily merged in another being's state of awareness.

    4/11 5:50 pm

    This happens alotalso ,But i know the difference. I know when im in another

    being, Its really very easy to tell the difference.. I can sense THEIRthoughts and impulse' s. Interesting side line here, always wondered how

    THEY can keep me from accessing all of THEM, THEY have some way of letting

    me piggyback with THEM but keep me from reading all of THEM. Block off

    parts of THEM from me....We are One .......Trinity

    4/10 5:33 pm

    Kundalini's running hard ...been that way for a coupla weeks now...Not just

    my chakras and intermittent Kundalini, constant now... .intense...Trin

    Q. Did your kundalini activate at the same time as you began seeing things

    internally or was that a later development.

    4/10 7:37 pm

    My kundalini activated in the beginning, and stayed actively "on" for about

    a year, Then other Systems started to be activated and DNA restructuring

    had started. Seeds were activated, Chakras became of supreme focus of


    From there my kundalini was intermittent .... Then about 3 years ago it

    started again very intensely...It took 3 days to break through my head till

    then it was..climbing up my spine slowly then it would smack the top of my

    head, Then again ... and again ... randomly through the day.. and your

    right those three days were not fun... Trinity

    Q. I understand kundalini can be painful if your body is not pure enoughwhen it activates.

    4/10 7:40 pm

    Has caused some discomfort.....Reminded me of something they told me in the

    beginning "It doesn't hurt its just uncomfortable ...THEY were right it

    doesn't hurt but it is mighty uncomfortable...We are One .......Trinity

    Q. Here is something I have often puzzled over. Our destiny is often said

    to be to merge back into our source. RamanaMaharshi among others has said

    that once merged we lose individual will, and ego so there is no

    independent will or identity to

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