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interview tips


• Prepare for the interview, read your security training notes• Read up about the company, look at their website• Read material LA give you regarding the company and job description• Prepare questions to ask the employer (see separate sheet for ideas)• Leave yourself plenty of time to find the location and research your journey• Dress smartly in business attire (polish shoes, shave, avoid alcohol & smoking prior to the interview)• Take a folder containing all your documentation• Present yourself to reception, be polite to all staff• Give a firm handshake• Maintain good posture, sit up straight, keep eye contact• Be enthusiastic and confident, not too relaxed or arrogant• Be positive about the company and the job you are interviewing for• Explain how your skills will benefit the organisation• Use examples and past experiences to back up what you say• Explain your past successes


• Drink alcohol or smoke prior to the interview, this will create a bad impression and is guaranteed to be frowned upon by the interviewer• Attend the interview in casual dress or trainers, be sure to be smart!• Ask questions such as what is the sickness policy, this will give a bad impression• Forget to prepare good questions for the interview and prepare suitable answers to difficult questions• Talk down your previous companies, this will look bad on you

Possible Interview QuestionsWhat you could ask them:

• What will be my main responsibilities• Where does this position fit into the overall organisational structure• How do you see me fitting into the team• Who will I report to

• What specific projects/site will I be working on in the first 6 months • What is your commitment to training and development• What do you enjoy most about working for this company• When will you decide on the appointment• Have I done enough to ensure I have a second interview / got the job• What is the next step

What they may ask you:

• What skills do you think are important to be a good security officer• Why do you want to work as a security officer• Why do you want to work for this company• What key skills can you bring to this company• What are your strengths / weaknesses • Give me an example of you being a good team player

Key words for your answers:

• brilliant time keeping• reliable• great team player• good personality• flexible• hardworking• smart• customer focused• team player • honest • common sense

About the jobNo one in their right mind goes for an interview without fully understanding what the job is about! Of course a good interviewer will make sure they expand on what you already know and will give you further information (and you should ask if they do not) but you should endeavour to find out as much as possible before hand.

What do you need to find out?

- Daily duties• What will you be expected to do on a day to day basis?• Can you get an idea as to what an ‘average’ day would entail?

- Experience• What experience does the client require you to have?• Does it matter that you may be lacking skills in a certain area?

- Management• Who will you report to and what do they do?• How many other people are in the team?• How will you be managed – hands on? Hands off? Targets?• How will you be appraised?• Will you work in a team?• Will you be expected to supervise anyone? If so who? What do they do?

- Length of assignment• If the job is temp or contract – how long are you expected to commit for?• If it is temporary is there any potential for a permanent job?• Find out why they are recruiting – this is often a good sign as to how long they will need you

- Hours• Confirm what hours you will be expected to work• Is there any flexibility• Are you expected to work evenings/weekends?• Is it shift work?

- Salary• What will be your remuneration? Hourly or monthly?• Will you be paid overtime?

- Location• Where will you be based?• Will you be travelling between offices?• Will you need a car?• How do you get there? Nearest tube/bus stop

- Benefits• Remember that most tangible benefits will only be extended to permanent employees but it is worth finding out whether any of the benefits will be extended to temp workers.• What types of benefits could you be entitled to? Pension Holidays Subsidised canteen Gym membership Parking Private health Maternity policy Childcare Parental leave- Personality• What types of people work in the team/ at this organisation?

- Training and Progression• Will you get any training?• What are the prospects – if any?

How can you do this?

- Ask your consultant at Learn Assist

- Job specification• The job spec will usually outline most of the above – but if it does not then it is worth making a note of what you don’t know to ask at interview stage.

PREPARATIONMost people get nervous about interviews – don’t worry this is only natural. The best way to overcome nervousness is to be prepared. So once you have done your research above there are a few things you can do in advance to ensure the interview goes smoothly.

Know your CV

• Looking at and referring to your CV in an interview is NOT good practice. Make sure you know what information your CV contains• What do your prospective employers like about our CV?• Be able to expand on your CV – i.e be able to give more information than it contains.• Think of good/positive reasons for why you were selected for the post in the first place• What did you bring to each role? What did you learn?• Think of good reasons for why you have left each position – try to be as positive as possible – this is not to bad mouth your previous employers even if you had a really bad experience.


• Punctuality is the key – so find out where the interview is and how to get there• Use websites like,• Get the FULL address• Work out how long it is going to take for you to get there

Who are you going to meet

• Find out the names of all the people you are going to meet – remember you may well be expected to meet more than one person ie a panel interview• What are their positions?• Are they the people whom you would be reporting to? If so then this will give you a good idea of what to expect from management in the job.• How long have they been there?

Interview Structure

• What is the format of the interview? Formal? Informal?• Will you be expected to take a test?• How long will it be?

Interview process

• Is this the only interview?• When will decisions be made?• How many other people are the employers seeing?


• Prepare any questions that you want to have answered• You should certainly have at least one question prepared so that it looks as if you are interested and alert and that one question should NOT be how many days holiday do I get?!

Get an early night!

• Turning up to an interview with a hangover and/or tired is not good practice. The interviewer will spot this a mile away• You will also be more nervous if you are not in a good calm state.

THE INTERVIEWThe day of the interview has arrived – will all the preparation that you have done you should be feeling quite confident.


• Wear a suit• Make sure you are groomed and look smart• Check personal hygiene

Arrive on time

• General school of thought is that it is good to arrive 5 – 10 minutes before the interview – arriving too early is not as bad as arriving late but can be a bit annoying and could make the employer feel under pressure to see you before the scheduled time. This will ultimately mess up their own day and potentially change their mood.• Arriving punctually will give you time to relax and get a “feel” for the surroundings and type of organisation it is

Food and drink

• If offered a drink then go with water it is safer – coffee/tea require lots of effort and this doesn’t always go down well• No chewing gum


• There is a saying that most interviewers make their decision within the first few minutes of meeting someone – if this is true then you need to make sure that your introduction is EXCELLENT!• Firm handshake – no wimpy hands – combined with good eye contact• Smile! When you first meet someone a good broad, genuine smile goes a very long way• Stand up when greeting someone with a handshake• Speak in a clear, confident voice

Eye contact

• It is essential that you maintain eye contact with the interviewer throughout the interview• If there is more than one person in the interview – even if that other person is not asking questions make sure you direct your answers to BOTH people• Don’t overdo it – you will look and appear rather strange!

Answering questions

• Make sure you speak in a clear, confident manner• Don’t ramble – be to the point and concise and explain our answer carefully but don’t ramble on• If you don’t understand the question it s perfectly ok for you to ask to have it repeated• Don’t just give yes/no answers – expand on all your answers where possible but remember not to ramble on!• Be honest! Never lie in an interview• Sell yourself, your strengths and your abilities

Be attentive/Body language

• Make sure you show you are listening and are interested what the interviewing has to say even if you are not – so react to comments• Sit up straight and check your body language is not showing boredom/disinterest ect.

After the interview

- Thank you• Thank the interviewer for their time• Be positive• Nice firm handshake

- Interest

• If asked about your interest in a job always answer in the affirmative even if you are not – you can always turn it down later – it is difficult to convince someone you have changed your mind after the event

Remember if you prepare properly interviews need not be an ordeal and can very often turn out to be a pleasant learning experience! GOOD LUCK!

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