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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 71, 045001 (2005)

Interpreting doubly special relativity as a modified theory of measurement

Stefano Liberati,1,* Sebastiano Sonego,2,† and Matt Visser3,‡

1International School for Advanced Studies, Via Beirut 2-4, 34014 Trieste, Italy and INFN, Trieste, Italy2Universita di Udine, Via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy

3School of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington, P.O. Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand(Received 26 October 2004; published 1 February 2005)

*liberati@s†sebastiano‡matt.visser1We work i


In this article we develop a physical interpretation for the deformed (doubly) special relativity theories(DSRs), based on a modification of the theory of measurement in special relativity. We suggest that it isuseful to regard the DSRs as reflecting the manner in which quantum gravity effects induce Planck-suppressed distortions in the measurement of the ‘‘true’’ energy and momentum. This interpretationprovides a framework for the DSRs that is manifestly consistent, nontrivial, and in principle falsifiable.However, it does so at the cost of demoting such theories from the level of fundamental physics to the levelof phenomenological models—models that should in principle be derivable from whatever theory ofquantum gravity one ultimately chooses to adopt.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.71.045001 PACS numbers: 03.30.+p, 04.60.–m, 11.30.Cp


The search for observable effects of quantum gravity hasbeen one of the driving trends in recent years. Severalresults in the context of string theory [1], loop quantumgravity [2] and other candidate models [3] for quantumgravity have led researchers to focus mostly on modifica-tions of the dispersion relations for elementary particles,leading to deviations from standard Lorentz invariance.Generically these modified dispersion relations can becast in the form1

E2 � p2 �m2 � f�E; p;��; (1.1)

where � denotes the mass scale at which the quantumgravity corrections become appreciable. Normally, oneassumes that � is of order the Planck mass: ��MP �1:22� 1019 GeV. Most interestingly, it was shown thatseveral significant constraints can be put on the intensityof the Lorentz violating term f�E;p;�� using current ex-periments and observations [4].

An open issue is the interpretation of the origin of suchdeformed dispersion relations. There is an extensive litera-ture in which an explicit breakdown of Lorentz invariancehas been considered (see [5] and references therein).However, some authors have tried to see if a more con-servative generalization of the Lorentz transformationscould be found, in order to save the equivalence of inertialframes in special relativity [6–8]. In particular the DSRs(deformed or doubly special relativity theories) attempt to‘‘deform’’ special relativity in momentum space, by intro-ducing nonstandard ‘‘Lorentz transformations’’ that leavethe modified dispersion relations above invariant.

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Unfortunately, Lorentz invariance provides an extremelystrong and rigid framework for particle physics, and whileit is relatively easy to ‘‘break’’ Lorentz invariance, it ismuch more difficult to deform it without ‘‘breaking’’ it.This has led to considerable debate concerning the physicalstatus of DSRs, with a strong minority of authors arguingfor either the triviality [9] or internal inconsistency [10,11]of such theories.

In this paper we further investigate the DSR frameworkand propose an alternative interpretation that we think isboth logically consistent and nontrivial. After presenting,in the next section, a very concise review of the DSRproposal and its open problems we shall focus, inSec. III, on the momentum space DSR transformationsand their mathematical meaning. This will lead us tosuggest, in Sec. IV, a physical interpretation of DSR as anew theory of measurement which could stem from quan-tum gravity effects. In Sec. V we shall discuss how this newframework could be used to solve some of the problemspointed out by previous authors concerning the DSR pro-posal. Finally, Sec. VI contains a summary of the mainideas presented in the paper.


In this section we briefly outline the DSR framework andits open issues. This review is in no sense complete as morein-depth discussions are now available in several publishedarticles (see, e.g., [12] and references therein).

A. Deformed Lorentz algebra

Consider the Lorentz algebra of the generators of rota-tions, Li, and boosts, Bi:

�Li; Lj � i ijkLk; �Li; Bj � i ijkBk;

�Bi; Bj � i ijkLk(2.1)

(Latin indices i; j; . . . run from 1 to 3). Supplement this

-1 2005 The American Physical Society

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with the following commutators between the Lorentz gen-erators and those of translations in spacetime (the momen-tum operators P0 and Pi):

�Li; P0 � 0; �Li; Pj � i ijkPk; (2.2)

�Bi; P0 � if1


�Pi; (2.3)

�Bi; Pj � i��ijf2


�P0 � f3



�: (2.4)

Finally, assume

�Pi; Pj � 0: (2.5)

The commutation relations (2.3) and (2.4) are given interms of three unspecified, dimensionless structure func-tions f1, f2, and f3, and are sufficiently general to includeall known DSR proposals—the DSR1 [6], DSR2 [7], andDSR3 [8]. Furthermore, in all the DSRs considered to date,the dimensionless arguments of these functions are speci-alized to



�! fi



P3i�1 P



�; (2.6)

so that rotational symmetry is completely unaffected. Inorder that the � ! �1 limit reduce to ordinary specialrelativity we demand that, in that limit, f1 and f2 tend to 1,and that f3 tend to some finite value.

B. A note on terminology

The ‘‘internal’’ commutation relations (2.1) and (2.2),among the boosts and rotations are not altered in anyway—so the Lorentz subgroup is not changed at all.This underlies the claim that Lorentz invariance is not‘‘broken’’ in these theories. On the other hand, the DSRgroup acts on the momenta in a nontrivial manner—and ifwe choose to label ‘‘states’’ by the real eigenvalues2 p� ofthe momentum operators we see that the DSR group actsnontrivially on states even if it possesses the same numberof symmetry generators as the Lorentz group. This leads tothe nomenclature of a ‘‘deformed’’ Lorentz invariance.

On this terminology we feel that a brief comment is inorder. In fact adopting the above DSR conventions would,if carried to their logical conclusion, also force one todeclare that ‘‘spontaneous symmetry breaking’’ neverbreaks any symmetry—simply on the grounds that inspontaneous symmetry breaking the symmetry group isunaffected, while it is only the states (and, in particular,the vacuum) that then transform in a nontrivial way. WhileDSR does not appear to be an example of spontaneoussymmetry breaking (the uncertainty arising from the fact

2Greek indices from the middle of the alphabet, �; �; . . . ; runfrom 0 to 3.


that we do not have a precise field theoretic description ofhow to implement the DSR algebra), the basic logic isclear: Based on standard particle physics usage, theLorentz symmetry in DSR theories would be classed as‘‘broken’’, and not ‘‘deformed’’ (although one can usefullydisagree about whether the breaking is ‘‘soft’’, ‘‘hard’’,‘‘spontaneous’’, or ‘‘other’’).

C. Nonlinear representations of the Lorentz group

In all doubly special relativity theories, there is a claimthat the Lorentz group ‘‘acts nonlinearly on energy andmomentum’’. This amounts to the assertion that physicalenergy and momentum are nonlinear functions of a ficti-tious pseudomomentum one-form �, whose componentstransform linearly under the action of the Lorentz group[13]. Indeed such behavior is automatically guaranteed ifthe realization of the Lorentz group on the energy-momentum space is faithful, i.e., one-to-one [14]. If itwere not, then either (i) the same element of the Lorentzgroup would act in two different ways on energy andmomentum, or (ii) two different elements of the Lorentzgroup would act in the same way. In case (i), one wouldneed extra parameters, in addition to those characterisingboosts and rotations, in order to fully specify the trans-formation. (The Lorentz transformations would then be asubgroup of the full physical transformation group.) Thephysical meaning of these extra parameters would be,however, totally obscure. The possibility (ii) conflictswith the simple experimental fact that, at low energies,different elements of the Lorentz group are observed to actdifferently. Thus, if E is the ‘‘physical’’ energy and pi arethe components of ‘‘physical’’ three-momentum, we musthave

p� � F ���0; �1; �2; �3;��; (2.7)

where p0 E, and the variables �� transform linearlyunder the Lorentz group. For example, in DSR2, the spe-cific DSR model developed by Magueijo and Smolin [7]:

E ��0

1 �0=�; (2.8)

pi ��i

1 �0=�: (2.9)

It is easy to check that while � satisfies the usual dispersionrelation �2

0 �2 � �20 (�0 is the Casimir invariant), E

and pi satisfy a modified relation


2�E2 � 2�1�20E p2 � �2

0: (2.10)

In fact, as we said, doubly special relativity has beeninvented precisely in order to provide a theoretical back-ground to anomalous dispersion relations like the oneabove [6]. For a general theory based on Eq. (2.7), onecan write


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�� � G��E;p;��; (2.11)

with G � F1. Then, the modified dispersion relation is

���G��E;p;��G��E;p;�� � �20; (2.12)

where ��� is the metric tensor of Minkowski spacetime.

D. Open issues in DSR

If DSR is formulated as above—only in momentumspace—then as we shall soon see it is an incompletetheory. Moreover, since it is always possible to introducethe new variables ��, on which the Lorentz group acts in alinear manner, the only way that DSR can avoid triviality isif there is some physical way of distinguishing the pseu-doenergy �0 from the true-energy E, and the pseu-domomentum � from the true-momentum p—otherwiseDSR would be no more than a nonlinear choice of coor-dinates on momentum space.

In view of the standard relations E $ i h@t, p $ i hr(which will presumably be modified in some way in DSR)it is already clear that in order to physically distinguish thepseudoenergy from the true-energy E, and the pseudo-momentum � from the true-momentum p, one will need tohave some idea of how to relate momenta to position—at aminimum, one will need to develop some notion of DSR-spacetime.

In this endeavor there have been two distinct lines ofapproach, one presuming commutative spacetime coordi-nates, the other trying to relate the DSR feature in momen-tum space to a noncommutative position space. In bothcases several authors have pointed out major problems.In the case of commutative spacetime coordinates, someanalyses have led authors to question the non-triviality [9]or internal consistency [10,11] of DSR. On the other hand,noncommutative proposals [15] are not yet wellunderstood.

For these reasons we shall first focus on those problems,or ambiguities, which are well understood using purely themomentum space structure of DSR. In particular theseinclude (but this list is not meant to be exhaustive):

(i) T

he saturation problem (also known as the ‘‘soccerball problem’’): How can macroscopic objects,which experimentally certainly can and do havetrans-Planckian total energies, fit into a DSR frame-work that typically exhibits a maximum energy oforder the Planck energy [11]?

(ii) D

efinition of particle velocities: How are particlevelocities to be defined in DSR? Using phase ve-locity, group velocity, or something else [16]?

(iii) M

ultiplicity problem: Why are there so many dif-ferent realizations of DSRs?

While the last two problems can be interpreted as ambi-guities related to the incompleteness of the present theory,the first issue demonstrates a much more serious problem


with the multiple particle sector of the theory. In deal-ing with collisions or composite objects it is natural toadd linearly the pseudomomenta �� and then transformback to the DSR momenta p�, so that for N particles onegets

ptot � F



!: (2.13)

Reduced to the bone, the issue is here related to the factthat the nonlinear transformation F maps infinity to thePlanck scale (energy or momentum, depending on theparticular DSR proposal). So it would seem that DSRcannot describe objects with energies (momenta) largerthan the Planck scale. This prediction is already verydisturbing by itself, but lies also at the origin of otherunpleasant consequences of DSRs. For example, the inter-nal energy of a gas in the thermodynamical limit N ! �1is of order �. More generally, one cannot formulate statis-tical mechanics and thermodynamics, because the partitionfunction diverges [10].

To date the various solutions proposed for the satura-tion problem seem as problematic as the paradox itself.For example, it has been proposed [7] to replace (2.13)with

ptot � F N



!: (2.14)

As long as we choose F N in such a way that it saturates atN� instead of �, then we can indeed obtain a total energythat is extensive in the number of particles (so there is atleast a hope of beginning to set up thermodynamics), and atotal energy that can become arbitrarily large (so that wecan at least hope to accurately describe at least the kine-matics of planets, stars, and galaxies). The canonicalchoice at this stage is to set F N��;�� � F ��;N��. Thecrucial point here is that the resolution of the paradox isobtained at the very high price of replacing a single DSRalgebra with different DSR algebras acting on eachN-particle sector of the Fock space. Alternatively, onemight claim that it is too early to address the problembecause of the lack of a proper field theory (itself due tothe lack of a full comprehension of DSR in coordinatespace [17]), but somehow this is tantamount to ‘‘solving’’ aproblem with another problem.

Given the above open issues of DSR, we here wishto restart by looking at the subject from scratch. In thefollowing we develop an interpretation of the DSRs (interms of a modification of the theory of measurement inspecial relativity) which is internally consistent, mathe-matically and physically nontrivial, and falsifiable—threekey tests that any viable physical theory must pass. Thus byadopting this interpretation we can guarantee that we are


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asking (and hopefully answering) physically meaningfulquestions.


We want to start our investigation from what we knowfor sure as the defining properties of all of the DSR theoriesso far proposed, i.e., from the relations (2.7). Since the ��

transform linearly under the action of the Lorentz group,there is no difficulty in identifying them as the componentsof a one-form in Lorentzian coordinates. But what kind ofmathematical objects are the p�? If, by ‘‘action of theLorentz group’’, we simply mean a change of Lorentziancoordinates, then the p� cannot be scalars (because theyare affected by the coordinate transformation), nor can theybe tensor components of some kind (because they do nottransform linearly). As far as we know, no geometricalobject that has yet been defined in the mathematical litera-ture can be used to describe the p�. Of course, all thisdiscussion relies heavily on the use of an ordinary space-time manifold, which one might argue is not a legitimateconcept in the Planckian regime. However, with no space-time manifold (and hence no notion of tangent vectors,tensors, etcetera), the mathematical status of such objectsas p� becomes even more mysterious.

This point can be further clarified trying to rewriteEqs. (2.8) and (2.9) in an explicitly covariant form. Sincethe denominator 1 �0=� that appears in both equationscontains the pseudoenergy �0, there are only two ways inwhich these equations can be interpreted, given that �0 and�i are the components of a one-form:

(1) S

uppose that Eqs. (2.8) and (2.9) are valid in everyLorentzian chart. Then we can write

p� ���

1 ����0=�

; (3.1)

where ��� is the Kronecker symbol. But by doing

this one introduces the chart-dependent structure��0 , which would be regarded as meaningless in

ordinary differential geometry.

(2) I

3It is interesting to note that this case is not equivalent to theansatz considered in most of the papers on quantum gravityphenomenology [4]. In these works energy and momentum arecharacterized by modified dispersion relations like (1.1), but theycompose in the standard way (like �� does in our framework). Inthis sense they appear as hybrid models from the point of view ofthe situation envisaged by Eq. (3.2).

n contrast, suppose that Eqs. (2.8) and (2.9) arevalid only in one particular class of Lorentziancoordinates. Now we can rewrite them in a covariantform as

p� ���

1 ��u�=�

; (3.2)

where u� is a four-vector that, in the preferred classof coordinates, has components u0 � 1 and ui � 0.But while this option is perfectly sound from amathematical point of view, the use of the preferredvector u� unfortunately amounts to introducing a


preferred frame and an explicit breaking of Lorentzinvariance, which is in contrast with the whole spiritinspiring DSR theories.3

One way out of this dilemma (and in fact we suspect it isthe only mathematically sensible way out of this dilemma)is to reinterpret Eq. (3.2) without assuming that the four-velocity u� is a preferred vector in spacetime. Since themotivation for the anomalous dispersion relation (2.10) isultimately of a phenomenological character, one may in-terpret E and p as the energy and three-momentum mea-sured by a specific observer with four-velocity u�. Then, Eand the magnitude of the three-momentum are true scalarquantities, representing the outcomes of measurementsperformed by one particular specified observer, and soare unaffected by coordinate changes. But in which sense,then, can one say that they ‘‘transform nonlinearly underthe action of the Lorentz group?’’


The reformulation of E and p in terms of an explicitobserver-dependent four-velocity amounts, basically, tochanging the theory of measurement in special relativity.We now outline a modified theory of measurement inwhich DSRs can fit, and present a few speculations aboutthe possible physical origin of the differences with respectto the ordinary theory.

A. ‘‘Real’’ versus ‘‘measured’’ energy-momenta

Let us begin by recalling the important distinction be-tween coordinates (with no direct physical meaning, ingeneral) and a reference frame, which is a field of tetradsfe�� j� � 0; 1; 2; 3g such that

g ��e��e�� � ���; (4.1)

where now g�� is the metric tensor, ��� � ��� �

diag�1; 1; 1; 1�, and e�0 is a future-directed vector.(Warning: The indices �; �; . . . are standard tensor indices,associated with a choice of coordinates, while the indices�, �, . . . only label different vectors in the tetrad, and havenothing to do with any particular chart adopted.) Tworeference frames e�� and e�� are related by a Lorentz matrix��

�, so

e �� � ��

�e��: (4.2)

The use of a reference frame is crucial in order toextract, from the abstract tensors of any relativistic theory,scalar quantities that could be interpreted as measurement

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outcomes. In particular, in the usual theory of measurement[18], if a particle has four-momentum ��, its energy andi-th component of three-momentum, measured in the ref-erence frame fe�� g, are given by the expressions:

��; e� � ��e�0 ; (4.3)

�i��; e� � ��e�i : (4.4)

Equations (4.3) and (4.4) can be summarized into the singlerelation

����; e� � ��e��; (4.5)

under the identification �0 .It is important to realize that, while the �� are compo-

nents of a one-form in some chart, the �� are scalars—i.e., they are a set of four chart-independent numbers.However, they depend on the reference frame adopted. Ina new frame e�� , from the same one-form �� one obtainsfour different scalars ��, related to the �� as

�� � �� e�� � ����

�e�� � �����; (4.6)

which is a usual linear Lorentz transformation. In particu-lar, the �� are linear functions of the ��.

In a DSR context we now suggest reformulatingEq. (2.7) as

p� � F ����e�0 ; ��e

�1 ; ��e

�2 ; ��e

�3 ;��

� F ����e�� ;��; (4.7)

so that the ‘‘physically measured’’ energy and momentum,E and pi, become nonlinear functions of both the under-lying one-form �� and the reference frame specified bythe tetrad e�� . In particular, Eqs. (2.8) and (2.9) proposed byMagueijo and Smolin [7] are to be rewritten as

p� ���e


1 ��e�0 =�

; (4.8)

with E � p0, as usual. If the F � are nonlinear, then uponperforming a Lorentz transformation the p� are also non-linear functions of the p�. This defines a mathematicallyprecise and physically consistent sense in which the theoryis simultaneously Lorentz-invariant (and covariant), whilethe physical (measured) energy and momentum do nottransform linearly under a change of reference frame.

In summary, our proposal is that the one-form �� beinterpreted as the ‘‘real’’ energy-momentum, and the fourscalars p� as measured energy-momenta. The transforma-tion from one to the other additionally depends on thereference frame of the detector as encoded in the tetrade�� . That is,

p��F ����e�� ;��; ���g��e

�����G��p�;��; (4.9)

where in the last equality we have used the completenessrelation for the tetrad,


���e��e�� � g��: (4.10)

We further simplify this by defining

G ��p�; e;�� :� g��e���

��G��p�;��; (4.11)

so that

�� � G��p�; e;��: (4.12)

B. Physical origin of the modifications

Up to this point, we have only inquired as to whether theformalism of doubly special relativity can be made logi-cally and mathematically consistent, and we have refrainedfrom asking physical questions. In this section we specu-late about a possible physical basis for this new interpre-tation of the DSRs.

How should we understand the new theory of measure-ment expressed by Eq. (4.7)? For the sake of clarity, letus focus on a measurement of energy (similar considera-tions apply to measurements of momentum components).Setting the index � � 0 in Eq. (4.7) we find that, ingeneral, the measurement outcome for energy (i.e., E p0) differs from the one predicted by standard measure-ment theory (where we would obtain � ��e

�0 ). We

want to understand the origin of this discrepancy; namely,how is it that a measurement does not reveal directly thevalue , given by Eq. (4.3), but the more complicatedexpression given by Eq. (4.7)?

First of all, let us note that, in general, we can write

E � � f� ;��; (4.13)

where f is a function such that f� ;�1� � 0. The dis-crepancy between and E is thus due to the finiteness ofthe DSR scale �, which is usually taken to be the Planckscale, since we assume the DSRs arise through quantumgravity effects. In fact, based on the presumed existence ofa smooth limit as gravity is switched off, one might plau-sibly expect the dimensional parameter � to lead to arelation such as

E � �1� ~f� =��; (4.14)

where ~f�0� � 0. This expression has the benefit of repro-ducing the general form of the phenomenological modelsthat have been investigated in the literature.

From these remarks, it seems plausible to identify thephysical origin of the discrepancy between the usual andthe modified formulas for the measured energy in thequantum gravitational effects that take place wheneverone performs a measurement. If such effects were notpresent, the measurement outcome for a particle withfour-momentum � would be , as usual. However, theyare universal and nonscreenable, so they always modify themeasurement outcome into E: This is why the measure-ment theory has to be revised.


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In connection to this point, it is worth mentioning thatthere exists a consistent theme in the literature (see [19]and references therein), in which gravitational effects addto the standard quantum uncertainty, producing modifiedHeisenberg relations of the type

�x�p * h�1� !�p2=�2�; (4.15)

with ! a numerical coefficient of order one.4 Now, modi-fied uncertainty relations can be traced back, formally, tomodified commutators. And the DSR variables obey modi-fied commutation relations [20]. This appears to supportour claim about the phenomenological character of energyand momentum used in DSR—the variables E and p. Ifone were able to remove the additional uncertainty due togravity, one would end up with standard Heisenberg rela-tions, and standard commutation relations, for the variables and �. However, whether a concrete proposal along theselines is viable is of course a matter of debate, due to ourpresent lack of knowledge about the nature and effects ofgravity in the quantum regime.

Note that, within this interpretation, the ‘‘real’’ energy-momentum is �, while the p� are only measurement out-comes. However, an effective theory formulated in terms ofthe p� includes, in general, a violation of Lorentz invari-ance. This entails measurable physical consequences.Although quantum gravitational processes do not affect , they do affect E, hence, e.g., thresholds. More dramati-cally, since the �� � ��e

�� transform under the ordinary

linear Lorentz group, the symmetry implies that it is thesevariables that will obey conservation of four-momentum[13]. It then need not be the case that the measurementoutcomes p� satisfy conservation of energy and momen-tum, with the possibility of Planck-suppressed violations ofthese conservation laws now being a real concern. Indeed,in this framework it is logical to address questions aboutparticle reactions (e.g., thresholds) by imposing energy-momentum conservation on � and than expressing theresult in the measured variables p� (see, e.g., Ref. [21]for a concrete example of this procedure).


Regarding DSR as a new theory of measurement in theway we suggested, leads one to reevaluate its physicalconsequences. Here we sketch a few implications of thenewly proposed framework.

A. The saturation problem

Our working hypothesis (or more precisely, speculation)does not provide an automatic resolution to the saturationproblem of DSR. However it is clear from the overall idea(that differences in the measured energies and momenta are

4Analogous results follow from specific models for quantumgravity.


due to the quantum gravitational interaction) that no simpleprescription for the energy and momentum composition ofmacroscopic bodies applies. In the case of large numbers ofparticles, decoherence phenomena will take place5 and themeasurement of the mass of a classical object might not beaffected by graviton exchange with the balance used. Inthis sense, our proposal simply implies that it should beimpossible to find a coherent quantum system whose over-all mass is larger than the Planck mass.

Indeed, we note that the most extensive Bose-Einsteincondensates experimentally created to date contain about106 atoms [23], corresponding to a mass of about 108 GeV.If the DSRs in fact represent the correct way of do-ing quantum gravity phenomenology, and if our inter-pretation of the DSRs as a modified theory of measurementis the correct one, then the ‘‘saturation problem’’ may beviewed as predicting a maximum attainable mass for aBose-Einstein condensate, of order one Planck mass,corresponding to about 1017 Rb atoms. This is a ro-bust qualitative prediction of the DSR framework, whichis in principle testable (though technically challenging). Furthermore, since in this framework the limitationalluded to above is actually a limitation on the maximummass of a coherent quantum system we can (more boldlyand more speculatively) also tie this back to Penrose’sspeculations on the gravitationally-induced collapse ofthe wave-function [24]. While one cannot, given the cur-rent state of knowledge, guarantee that this is the way theuniverse actually works, the new interpretation of theDSRs provides both a consistent logical framework, anda physical reason to suspect that such effects may bepossible.

A more precise way of putting this is to realize that ameasurement of the energy-momentum of some compositeobject depends not only on the ‘‘true’’ energy-momentumand on the observer’s reference frame, but also on manydetails of the internal structure of the composite object, itsinteraction with the detector, and the internal constructionof the latter. Let us collectively denote these extra variablesas X, and so write:

p��F ����e�� ;�;X�; ���G��p�;e;�;X�: (5.1)

In particular, among the additional variables X one canplace:

(i) T



he total number N of elementary particles in thebody whose ‘‘physical’’ energy-momentum is to bemeasured. It is vitally important to note that in thecurrent context, where the nonlinear transform Frepresents a phenomenological description of themeasurement process, an N-dependence of thistype is much more physically reasonable than intheories where F is assumed to be ‘‘fundamental’’[13].

could even be caused by the gravitons themselves [22].

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(ii) T

he ‘‘renormalization scale’’ � typically usedwithin the particle physics community. This hasthe effect of giving a sensible physical meaningto the ‘‘running’’ of measured energy-momentumwith ‘‘renormalization scale’’.

(iii) T

he type of DSR (DSR1, DSR2, DSR3, ...?) ap-propriate to the particular detector. That is, as a by-product of this new interpretation, it is now clearwhy the fundamental principles of DSR theoriesallow so many apparently quite different DSR mod-els—at least three standard DSR implementationsare widespread in the literature. The multiplicity ofDSRs is simply a reflection of the fact that there aremany different classes of ‘‘detectors’’ one couldthink of building, all of which would be compatiblewith the basic framework of the DSR interpretationwe advocate in this article.

For a shorthand that retains the key aspects of the physics,we can discard other variables and simply write:

p� � F ����e�� ;�;N; �;DSR�;

�� � G��p�; e;�;N; �;DSR�:(5.2)

B. Conservation laws

Recall that in terms of the ‘‘true’’ energy-momenta � thetransformation laws are simple, while in terms of themeasured energy-momenta p� the transformation lawsare complicated. This is telling us that it is the ‘‘true’’energy-momenta � that are related to whatever underlyingsymmetries that via Noether’s theorem lead to conserva-tion laws. This observation, in one form or another, has ledto almost universal acceptance in the literature of the factthat conservation laws should be implemented in terms ofthe ‘‘true’’ energy-momenta �—the ‘‘Judes-Visser varia-bles’’ of [13].

Indeed in the ‘‘modified measurement’’ interpretation ofthe DSRs advocated in this article it is clear that there is nophysical need for the measured energy-momenta to satisfyconservation laws—and this natural lack of conservationlaws at high energies and momenta is a quite genericfeature of the DSRs. Equally well, the occurrence of non-standard dispersion relations is no longer ‘‘unusual’’ or‘‘peculiar’’, but must instead be seen as quite natural andin fact inevitable.

C. Einstein’s equations

While in the highly interacting quantum gravity regimethere will certainly be drastic modifications to the standardEinstein equations, there is observationally a wide range ofdistance and time scales in the solar system and beyondover which standard general relativity (and, in particular,the standard Einstein equations) works well. In this regimewe can meaningfully ask whether the gravitational field


couples to the ‘‘true’’ energy-momenta � or the measuredenergy-momenta p�?

Since the solar system contains many macroscopic ob-jects of super-Planckian mass, the Einstein equationswould seem to prefer to couple to energy-momentumvariables that do not suffer from any saturation problem.For instance, if we try to couple the gravitational field tomeasured energy-momenta p�, then the resulting metricwill depend not only on the source, but on the four velocity(and in fact the entire tetrad) of the observing apparatus(plus the particle content of the source, the resolution[‘‘renormalization scale’’] of the observer, and the internalstructure of the detector). Thus, in parallel with the fact thatthe energy-momenta satisfies the relations

p� � F ����e�� ;�;N; �;DSR�;

�� � G��p�; e;�;N; �;DSR�;(5.3)

we would now be forced to distinguish a ‘‘true’’ metric ���

from a measured metric g��, with relations of the form:

g�� � eF ������; e;�;N; �;DSR�;

��� � eG���g��; e;�;N; �;DSR�:(5.4)

But, in an application of reductio ad absurdum, this mea-sured metric depends not on the apparatus that is measur-ing the metric, but on the apparatus that is measuring thecomposite object that is used as the source for the Einsteinequations.

The only way out of this is to apply the Einstein equa-tions directly to the ‘‘true’’ metric with the ‘‘true’’ variablesas source. One could then independently introduce thenotion of a measured metric as in Eq. (5.4), but nowdepending on whatever apparatus is measuring the metric,and then interpret the ‘‘measured metric’’ g�� as a ‘‘run-ning metric’’ that depends on the observer’s motion and theresolution of his (metric-measuring) apparatus. Then, themeasured metric need not—and in general will not—satisfy the Einstein equations. But since in the DSR frame-work we know that deviations from standard physics mustbe both Planck-suppressed and macroscopically sup-pressed we expect

g �� � ����1�O� �=�;N�; (5.5)

so that any deviations from the metric expected on the basisof the usual Einstein equations should also be greatlysuppressed.

To (hopefully) clarify the situation a little further:Suppose someone tells you that at position x she hasmeasured the presence of a particle with four-momentump�. After making enquiries regarding the structure of theparticle detector, one would invert the nonlinear transformF to determine the ‘‘true’’ four-momentum ��. This canthen be inserted into the Einstein equation to determine the‘‘true’’ metric at some other point y. After making enqui-


Page 8: Interpreting doubly special relativity as a modified theory of measurement


ries regarding the structure of the metric detector placed at

y, one can apply the appropriate nonlinear transform eF(distinct from the previous one) to determine the measuredmetric at y.

In a similar vein one can now think of a parallel‘‘�-deformed phenomenology’’ that would apply to allbranches of physics—for instance there would be DSR-distorted electric and magnetic fields, etcetera. While cal-culating the specific form of these DSR distortions in anygiven situation would be quite horribly complicated, thepresent interpretation has the great virtue of being logicallyconsistent and allowing us to ask physically meaningfulquestions.


The key point to be taken from the present article is thatby viewing the DSRs as a modified theory of measurement,we can provide a mathematically precise, logically coher-ent, and physically nontrivial interpretation for the DSRs.The previous lack (apart from the considerations of [25]) ofany such coherent physical interpretation has seriouslyhampered developments in the field. Key features of the‘‘measurement’’ interpretation of the DSRs are:

(i) T

here does not seem to be any pressing need togo to noncommuting coordinates. At least for thetime being, ordinary differential geometry based onLorentzian manifolds seems quite sufficient as aframework.

(ii) C

onservation laws, and the Einstein equations,seem to preferentially couple to the ‘‘true’’energy-momenta, which transform linearly underthe Lorentz group.

(iii) M

easured energy and momenta do not only trans-form nonlinearly under the Lorentz group, but arenow quite naturally seen to obey nonstandard dis-


persion relations, to not satisfy standard conserva-tion laws, and to not directly act as sources for theEinstein equations.

(iv) T

he DSRs are now to be viewed as phenomeno-logical theories, that depend on the measurementapparatus. In a limited sense this may be viewed asa ‘‘demotion’’, but in another sense this new pointof view now guarantees that the existence of DSR-like effects is both natural and ubiquitous—as isquantum gravity itself.

(v) W

ith this new ‘‘measurement’’ interpretation therecan no longer be any doubt about the falsifiabilityof DSR effects and scientific status of specific DSRtheories, so there is a clear path to experimentallytesting the DSRs. Without the interpretation wehave argued for in this article, or something closelyrelated thereto, the DSRs run the very real risk ofamounting to physically empty mathematical ma-nipulations akin to the coordinate transformationsof general relativity.

In summary, we feel that the considerable confusion inthe current literature regarding the questions of consis-tency, triviality, and physical acceptability of the DSRs islargely the result of misinterpreting what the DSRs aretrying to say. Viewed as a modified theory of measurement,the DSRs make perfectly sensible statements about em-pirical reality that can (at least in principle) be tested in theusual scientific manner.


We are grateful to Daniel Grumiller for comments on themanuscript. S. L. would also like to thank Aurelio Grillofor valuable discussions. The research of Matt Visser wassupported by the Marsden fund administered by the RoyalSociety of New Zealand.

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