  • 8/6/2019 International Real Estate for Investment and Retirement


    International Real Estate

    for Investment and Retirement

    A Primer and Guide

    to Top Resources for

    Investing in International Real Estate

    A Market Brief


    Steven Kim

    MintKit Investing

  • 8/6/2019 International Real Estate for Investment and Retirement



    An investor in international real estate has to consider a host of issues in selecting a

    property. To this end, the crucial factors span the gamut from global trends in real estate to

    local conditions in the target neighborhood.

    This article presents a lineup of large-scale trends in the marketplace as well as key issues

    for the investor. A second, and related, task is to lay out a palette of pointers for avoiding

    common mistakes. A third feature involves a review of the top resources for investing inthe property sector in far-flung countries.

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    Real Estate, Realty, International, Global, Markets, Investing, Retirement, Planning,

    Strategy, Trends, Housing, World, Demographics


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    The winds of globalization have swept up everything in their path, including the most local

    of all things: real estate. In a slew of hotspots round the world, the prime properties

    compete with similar offerings on distant shores.

    In the modern culture, a growing throng of globetrotters size up the projects in a particular

    country in relation to competing choices in remote locales. The cosmopolitan view has

    become the norm whether the wheelers and dealers focus on commercial properties such

    as office buildings, or residential units as in apartment blocks.

    For the lonesome individual acting on their own, an initial sally into the property market

    usually takes the form of a compact dwelling. The vehicle of choice is an apartment or a

    house of modest size.

    A Home as a Shelter and an Asset

    The groundswell of interest in foreign properties is a natural outgrowth of the demand for

    real estate back home. The reasons for buying a property range from sentimental appeal

    to financial payoff.

    To begin with, a lot of folks want to have a place to have and to hold. For this reason, its

    not surprising that myriads of souls opt to purchase rather than rent a property in spite of

    the additional load of paperwork and upkeep required.

    Given the size of the price tag, the dwelling comes to represent a huge investment for the

    homeowner. In fact, real estate represents the lions share of wealth for the global



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    Another reason for the popularity of real estate stems from the favorable treatment by the

    government for owning rather than renting a property. In many countries, the homeowner

    pays out less in taxes over the long run than the renter of a similar property.

    An additional lure springs from the appreciation of real estate over the long haul. As theaverage income of a nation rises over time, so does the accumulated wealth of the


    In general, the level of income grows in direct proportion to the size of the economy. Due

    to a buildup of savings, however, the accumulated wealth of the population tends to

    expand faster than the volume of economic output.

    As a result, the stockpile of assets builds up faster than the income level as well. In that

    case, a larger pool of savings can be funneled into the property market as time goes by.

    In a sense, a secondary function of real estate is to serve as a piggy bank of sorts. Given

    this backdrop, the value of the average property has a way of rising faster than the

    increase in income.

    These factors, along with the leverage provided by banks in the form of mortgages, lead to

    the accumulation of real assets over time. Due to the resulting run-up in property values, a

    lot of folks get the impression that investing in the housing market is an easy way to build

    up a nest egg.

    What most people dont realize, though, is that the ease of amassing wealth applies only

    to a personal abode. When a homeowner turns into a landlord, the situation is entirely


    Hazards of International Real Estate

    Renting out a property to a stranger is a business like any other. Actually, its worse than

    many other forms of enterprise.


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    Lets begin with a counterexample. A shopkeeper can freely eject a troublemaker who

    causes a ruckus, or makes use of the merchandise without buying the goods. In a similar

    way, the publisher of a magazine can refrain from sending out subsequent issues to

    anyone who refuses to pay the bill.

    By contrast, a landlord does not enjoy a comparable set of rights. In a raft of countries

    round the globe, the tenant is entitled to stay put even if they do not pay the rent for

    months or years on end.

    In many parts of Europe, for instance, it takes about 3 years to evict a freeloader by due

    process of law. And in some cases, a squatter can remain in place indefinitely; a legal

    straitjacket prevents the landlord from taking any action against the cadger.

    On top of these stumpers, a multitude of investors sow the seeds of their own downfall. A

    prime example lies in the eager beaver who plunges headlong into a foreign market

    without ever setting foot in the country, let alone checking out the property or its environs.

    Admittedly, a cavalier approach of this sort can work like a charm once in a great while. A

    case in point is a lucky punter who snaps up an apartment located abroad simply because

    it happens to be cheaper than dwellings of similar size on home ground. Then the gamer

    holds the property for a couple of years before unloading it on another heedless foreigner

    who has no idea how overpriced the unit is.

    In this woozy environment, its only a matter of time before the price tag reaches dreamy

    levels that are wholly out of whack with local conditions. Sooner or later, the market

    reaches a point of saturation and prospective buyers are hard to come by.

    As with all bubbles, the frothy buildup has to run out of steam at some point. At that stage,

    the market begins to sputter then implode. When the bash comes to an end, the witless

    punters left holding the bag end up losing their shirts.

    The moral of the story has several parts. Firstly, investing in real estate in any country is

    not the cakewalk that a lot of hucksters make it out to be.


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    Secondly, the ease of building wealth in the property market applies only to a personal

    homestead. By contrast, being a landlord is a completely different ball game loaded with

    headaches of all kinds.

    Thirdly, real estate on foreign soil comes with additional bogeys, some of which areobvious and others subtle. Amid the morass, a cavalier foray into the property market on

    foreign soil stands an excellent chance of turning into a fiasco.

    Fourthly, anyone who is serious about investing in global real estate has to do their

    homework with a great deal of diligence. For this purpose, the astute player consults

    multiple sources of information on a host of topics ranging from economic conditions and

    financial prospects to legal implications and logistical arrangements.

    On the cheery side, a wealth of information is available from a welter of resources on the

    information highway as well as physical space. A handy approach is to begin with a

    thorough search of useful hubs on the Internet. Armed with a modicum of basic knowledge

    gleaned from the world of bits, the quester is in a position to engage in thoughtful

    discussions with live experts in the realm of bricks.

    Moreover, a personal visit to the final list of candidate sites is a must. In fact, the adept

    investor looks over the locality at different times of the day and night under a variety of

    weather conditions.

    Depending on the venue, the climate could vary a great deal over the course of the year.

    In many cases, the locality will undergo a seasonal cycle ranging from summer to winter

    and back again. In other places, the main pattern might be a monsoon season followed by

    a dry spell. In still other cases, the weather may scarcely change at all during the entire


    To add to the muddle, the climate could exhibit a mixture of the foregoing modes. An

    example involves a mashup of hot and cold bouts in tandem with wet and dry spells.


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    Whatever the setting might be, the mindful investor should take pains to visit the locale

    under sundry conditions. During each trip, the prober ought to explore the target

    neighborhood on foot as well as traverse the larger environs by car.

    One purpose of the legwork is to experience the extremes of weather in person. A second,and related, goal is to picture the impact on the prospective tenants if the property were to

    be purchased then rented out.

    A third task is to study the changes in the tenor of everyday life. As an example, an entire

    town might be abuzz with activity and swamped by tourists in the heat of the summer. Yet

    the same locale could be deathly quiet with hardly a stir in the freeze of the winter.

    In a comparable way, a particular neighborhood or a given street could change complexion

    over the course of the year or even the span of a single day. For instance, a side street

    could be an oasis of tranquility in the daytime then turn into a madhouse of revelers

    hopping from bar to bar in the middle of the night.

    In these ways, the texture of a street or a town can vary over the course of the day, month

    or year. The same is true of a larger region or even an entire country.

    Misleading Information

    As in any other sphere of investment, the property market is laden with patchy and

    misleading data. As a result, the unwary investor could easily rush into a deal in which

    there is no meaningful chance of making a profit.

    A prime example of flaky information lies in the level of rental income expressed as a

    fraction of the purchase price. The crude data may paint a rosy picture of the market, but

    an investor would in practice be hard-pressed to match the putative figures.

    The rental yields published by market analysts have to be taken with a grain of salt. As an

    example, suppose that a property has recently sold for $100,000 while the monthly rent is

    reported as $500.


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    Based on the latter figure, the rental stream comes out to $6,000 on an annual basis. In

    that case, just about everyone will reckon the gross yield to be $6,000 divided by the

    purchase price of $100,000; that is, a rental rate of 6 percent a year. The folks who suffer

    from this delusion usually run the gamut from the market analyst and sales agent to thebusiness media and the investing public.

    In reality, though, the proclaimed figure of 6% is apt to be far too optimistic. All too often,

    the property will sit empty for several months out of the year, if not more. The bugbear of

    downtime is especially acute in connection with leisure properties such as ski chalets and

    seaside cabins.

    Going back to the previous example, suppose that a resort property stands empty for just

    6 months out of the year. In that case, the owner would end up with a gross intake

    amounting to an annual yield of 3 percent.

    To make matters worse, the owner will have to contend with a bunch of expenses as well.

    The payouts of this stripe include the burden of municipal levies and income taxes. Other

    cutouts range from the fee claimed by the property manager to the upkeep for routine

    maintenance on the unit.

    After taking into account the litter of payments, the luckless owner could easily end up with

    little or nothing in the way of profit. In fact, some investors end up putting fresh money

    year after year into a property that was supposed to produce a steady stream of rental


    Given this backdrop, the purchase of a government bond with a maturity date of 5 years or

    more could have made a lot more sense for the investor at the outset. In some cases,

    even a savings account at a commercial bank may turn out to be more lucrative.


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    Setup for the Global Investor

    On the road to investment, the first task is to gather a heap of background information on

    the marketplace. In this light, the relevant issues range from the big picture of the economy

    to the detailed portrait of the property at hand.

    An example of a macrolevel feature lies in the prospect for economic growth in the target

    country. Another sample is the affordability of housing in relation to local wages on


    Meanwhile an instance of a mid-level facet lies in the character of the district or the

    neighborhood. Another sample involves the plans of the local government for urbanrenewal throughout the locality.

    Digging deeper into the subject, a microlevel issue concerns the details of the investment

    project. A case in point is the condition of the property along with any warranties in place

    for the construction of a new-build, or the repairs made to an older unit. Another instance is

    the expected return on investment while taking into account the prospective rentals as well

    as likely expenses.

    A second type of requirement for the serious investor is the need to visit the country in

    person. In fact, the trekker ought to make the journey more than once in order to get a

    rounded sense of the country, the district, and the neighborhood. Without a broad-based

    perspective, its impossible in practice to figure out whether the prices in the area are

    reasonable compared to other places within the country as well as farther afield.

    A third issue involves the scope of change in the local market. As an example, the investor

    has to figure out whether the price level is in fact headed upward and if so, at what

    speed and how long the trend might last.

    Another sample lies in the envisioned impact of further development throughout the

    locality. For example, the erection of a shopping center might give a boost to property

    values in the neighborhood. Or, the mall could turn out to be an eyesore and a magnet for

    traffic jams that give the residents plenty of cause for grief.


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    A fourth factor involves the choice of a reputable agent who can help the investor with the

    logistic and bureaucratic matters involved in buying a property. The helper should also be

    a valuable source of information in sizing up the merits of alternative sites within the


    A competent agent should also have some informed opinions on large-scale trends within

    the domestic market, along with solid facts to back up the hunches. The same is true of

    the prospects downstream for other countries within the region.

    If the investor does not plan to rent out the unit on their own, then a property manager will

    have to be hired. The function of the local agent is to deal with prospective tenants as wellas handle sporadic tasks such as routine maintenance or emergency repairs.

    Depending on the scope of duties, the property manager will likely charge a fee in the

    neighborhood of 10 percent of the monthly rent. On a negative note, an agent might insist

    on a fixed fee for minding the property regardless of whether the unit happens to be

    occupied or not.

    The novice investor should avoid the millstone of a fixed fee. In other words, the property

    owner should deal only with an agent who agrees to take a modest cut of the proceeds

    whenever a tenant happens to turn in the rent.

    In many cases, a dwelling may stand empty for months on end or even for the bulk of the

    year. A veteran who owns dozens of properties of a similar stripe might be able to assess

    in advance the amount of downtime to be expected from a particular unit. For a rookie in

    the field, however, any projection of the revenue stream is apt to be iffy and amount to little

    more than sheer guesswork.

    There are different ways to search for a suitable agent to fill either of the two roles

    described above; namely, a purchasing aide or a property manager. One way to begin the

    quest is to visit online forums in which the bulk of the participants are foreigners residing

    within the target community.


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    On the downside, some of the remarks on the Web are sure to be biased and unjustified.

    On the other hand, the patient Netizen who sifts through scores of comments from

    different participants will note a number of themes and suggestions which crop up

    repeatedly. These ideas can then serve as launching pads for further investigation.

    In a similar way, a viable approach in the realm of rocks is to attend a social gathering of

    expats residing in the locality. A get-together of this stripe is apt to welcome a newcomer

    with open arms.

    A fifth task for the investor is to talk to their financial advisor as well as tax counselor. The

    crux of the agenda is to compare a number of alternative ways to buy a property and

    manage the investment.

    An example in this vein is the relative advantage of purchasing the property directly as a

    private individual versus owning the unit indirectly by way of a newborn company. The

    financial as well as legal implications will depend on a raft of factors ranging from the

    personal circumstances of the investor to the local regulations on rental properties.

    An example of the latter is the welter of tax burdens in the target jurisdiction. The pertinent

    factors span the gamut from property taxes and income brackets to capital gains and

    special exemptions.

    To add to the complexity, the investor must also grapple with a bunch of similar issues in

    their country of legal residence. In certain cases, the cosmopolitan player will also have to

    consider the impact on tax liabilities in their country of citizenship.

    As an example, a U.S. citizen is subject to income taxes on a worldwide basis even if they

    happen to live abroad on a permanent basis. For instance, the globalist who invests in an

    African country has to contend with American taxes even if they reside in Asia year after


    A sixth factor lies in the exit strategy. Before taking on a big responsibility, its a good idea

    to form some idea in advance of the way things should wrap up in due course. The precept


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    of advance planning is applicable not only to an investment project, but to a major

    undertaking in any area of life.

    In the case of real estate, the investor has to sort out a batch of terminal issues prior to the

    purchase of a property. Examples of this kind include the expected length of theinvestment horizon as well as the mode of disposal at the end of the holding period.

    To sum up, an investor in international real estate has to mull over a slew of topics in

    advance. The good news is that a wealth of background information is available for this

    purpose in the realm of bits as well as rocks.

    On the downside, though, a great deal of the content will only be applicable to smallgroups of users who happen to fall into narrow categories. An example of the latter is the

    band of investors who have already decided to purchase a seaside property within a

    particular country.

    On the upside, though, the resources dealing with broader issues can empower anyone

    whether newbie or oldster in the global marketplace. As an example, a list of the average

    cost of apartments across different countries is a valuable point of reference for the

    investor in picking out the most promising locales.


    This section presents a muster of handy resources for investing in international real estate.

    The nuggets profiled here can serve as springboards for further probing into specific

    countries and markets.

    Starting with the Basics

    In tackling any subject, its usually a good idea to begin at the beginning. A convenient

    point of departure is an introduction to the real estate market at the Wikipedia hub. A link to

    the primer is given at the end of this article.

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    The write-up at Wikipedia gets off to a slow start off by wallowing in lawyer-like talk. On the

    bright side, though, the rest of the survey is more readable. The primer also provides a set

    of pointers to additional resources dealing with basic information on kindred topics.

    Surveying the Market

    The Royal Institution ofChartered Surveyors ( RICS ) is an independent organization that

    regulates surveyors and other professionals in the property sector. The outfit drums up

    training standards for the benefit of its members even as it enforces codes of behavior in

    order to safeguard the public. Another mission of the organ is to provide advisory servicesto governments and companies.

    Although RICS is based in London, it has spawned offshoots round the world. The branch

    offices cover the gamut from the U.S., Australia and Hong Kong to Dubai, India and South

    Africa. The members of the organization are scattered across some 150 countries.

    The Web site maintained by RICS serves up a variety of trenchant reports and articles.

    Among these is a periodical dealing with a potpourri of observations on the state of the

    global property market.

    Realty across Diverse Countries

    The Global Property Guide is a gold mine of articles and statistics on scores of housing

    markets throughout the planet. In comparing the property sector across different countries,

    the Guide looks at the prices of large apartments in major cities.

    To be precise, the baseline for comparison is a dwelling of 120 square meters (about 1,292

    sq. feet) in each country. The advantage of this scheme is that it represents in some sense

    a mixture of the two main branches of the housing market. From the standpoint of size, the

    target property straddles the middle ground between a biggish apartment and a smallish


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    On the other hand, the investor has to keep in mind that this type of abode is not at all

    representative of the bulk of the housing stock in any country. More precisely, a dwelling of

    this sort appeals mainly to the minute population of upscale expats employed by

    international firms or foreign governments, who happen to be on temporary assignment inthe locality.

    By contrast, an independent expat is unlikely to pay for sumptuous quarters of such

    acreage even if they could afford it which they probably cant. This type of resident is

    exemplified by a freelance photographer or an English tutor.

    As for the local denizens, a young professional or a small family is apt to live in a compactapartmentof much smaller dimensions. Meanwhile a larger family will likely reside in a

    townhouse farther away from the center, or a free-standing house in the suburbs.

    The administrative office for the Guide happens to be located in Manila, Philippines. Even

    so, the location in Asia is not a reflection of a regional bias or a parochial bent.

    Rather, the outlook at the portal is fully global and multiplex. Moreover, the quality of

    analysis is exemplary within the patchy and jejune field of international real estate.

    Channel for Overseas Properties

    TheMoveChannel, based in London, maintains a sprawling list of residential as well as

    commercial units across the planet. The upside is the extensive lineup of properties for


    On the downside, the coverage for certain countries can be skimpy or nonexistent. Despite

    the limitations, though, the portal is a convenient point of departure for the investor who

    wants to get an overview of the offerings in the most popular markets round the world.

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    Band of Agents

    Assetz is a group of agencies dealing with real estate investments. The ensemble is based

    in Stockport, near central England.

    The motley crew offers a variety of services relating to the property market. An example in

    this vein is acting as an agent for the investor who wants to buy an apartment for personal

    use or rental income.

    Another offering of the group is a convoy of investment vehicles catering to the general

    public. The intake of capital is used to purchase properties for the purpose of rentalincome, followed by capital gains in due course. The outfit invests in a gaggle of countries

    ranging from Britain and the U.S. to Portugal and Cyprus.

    Painless Way to Rent out Properties

    In some countries, a dandy way to invest lies in a standoff scheme known as a leaseback

    program. In this type of arrangement, an investor buys a property then leases it to an

    operator that assumes responsibility for managing the property.

    The enticement for the owner is a guaranteed income each year. At the outset, the yield to

    the investor is wont to lie in the range of 3 to 5 percent a year of the purchase price of the


    The payout may increase slightly from one year to the next. The turnout depends on the

    particulars, such as the way in which the payments are indexed to the rate of inflation.

    The leaseback scheme is especially prevalent in France. In order to expand the pool of

    properties available for tourists and other types of visitors, the government offers a couple

    of carrots in the form of tax benefits to the investor. An example of this sort is a gradual

    reduction in the rate of capital gains payable upon the eventual sale of the property.

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    In the case of a holiday property such as a ski lodge or a seaside cabin, the owner may be

    able to book the property for a portion of the year for personal use. The amount of time set

    aside for the owner is offset by paring down the guaranteed income paid out by the

    property manager.

    The standard duration of a leaseback contract in France is a period of 9 to 11 years. At the

    end of the initial span, however, the property manager usually seeks to renew the contract

    for a second term.

    The investor enjoys three types of benefits from a leaseback scheme. First, the busywork

    entailed in renting and maintaining the unit is outsourced to the property manager. Second,

    the owner can receive a guaranteed income for a decade or two, in addition to the capitalgain at the end of the holding period. Thirdly, the government offers tax breaks such as the

    rebate of the value added tax which may amount to 19.6% of the purchase price of the


    Naturally, the leaseback scheme comes with a number of drawbacks as well. An exemplar

    is a hefty penalty borne by an owner who decides to terminate the contract prior to the

    date of expiration agreed upon at the outset.

    To a small extent, the leaseback concept has found its way to nearby countries such as

    Spain, Switzerland and Belgium. On the downside, though, the latter states have little to

    offer in the way of incentives such as tax breaks. As a result, the leasing scheme has not

    yet gained much headway outside its stronghold in France.

    On the other hand, a lot of policymakers round the world are eager to turn their countries

    into prime destinations for tourism. For this purpose, a leaseback program would be a

    simple and painless way to tap into a vast pool of foreign capital.

    A cornucopia of rental properties could go a long way toward luring a swarm of tourists.

    The cost of lodging is usually the single biggest expense for a nomad traveling abroad for

    vacation, business or study. A large inventory of modern dwellings offered at reasonable

    prices would lay the groundwork for a thriving industry catering to foreign visitors as well

    as domestic tourists.


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    A brief introduction to the leaseback concept is given in Wikipedia. A link to the write-up is

    given below under the section on Further Resources.

    American Homestead

    The National Association ofRealtors is a trade group based in North America. The

    members of the Association comprise more than a million brokers, societies and other

    organizations involved in the real estate industry.

    In any given district, city or region, the ensemble of property brokers often sharesinformation though an online platform called a Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Many of

    these portals adhere to the policies set by the Association.

    In spite of its expansive scope, however, the Association is not all-inclusive. In other

    words, a welter of private databases are maintained by independent agencies which do

    not belong to the trade group.

    Despite this limitation, the MLS is a handy way to cover a lot of ground by consulting a

    single source. For this reason, the portal and its entourage is a good place to begin the

    search for a suitable property in North America.

    Properties Abroad for Vacation and Retirement

    At the dawn of the millennium, one of the jumbo trends lies in the upswell of senior citizens

    that make up a growing share of the population. As the ranks of the oldsters continue to

    burgeon, their decisions on where to live and what to buy have a big impact on the

    economy in general and realty in particular.

    A newsletter named InternationalLivingcaters to the blooming segment of the population.

    The publication is grounded on the premise that current retirees as well as other mobile

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    folks can enjoy a better lifestyle at lower cost by moving out of costly locales such as North

    America and Northern Europe.

    The publishers maintain a Web site featuring a smorgasbord of piquant fare. A case in

    point is an annual survey of the quality of life in scores of countries round the world.

    As it turns out, the mature economies on the southern reaches of Europe often rank high

    in the beauty contest. The editors of the newsletter have a fondness for France and Italy,

    each of which is renowned for its cultural assets and relaxed lifestyles as well as

    exceptional standards of health care.

    In addition, Switzerland and a number of other countries in Europe usually place well in therankings. Further afield, the southern lands of Australia and New Zealand also hover near

    the top of the list.

    Another popular report from International Livingis an annual survey of the best spots as

    retirement havens. In sizing up the candidates, one of the main factors lies in the cost of


    The top slots are usually claimed by a cluster of countries in Latin America and farther

    south. In recent years, the winning names have ranged from Mexico and Panama to

    Ecuador and Uruguay. Within Europe, Italy and France are perennial favorites of the

    judges as retirement venues.

    On the whole, the tenor of the newsletter suggests that the main audience is located in

    North America and to a lesser extent in Western Europe. This perspective would explain,

    for instance, why the budding regions of southeastern Europe tend to get short shrift.

    Examples of this sort are found in Croatia and Montenegro. From a larger stance, the

    entire coastline along the eastern edge of the Adriatic Sea has been attracting a growing

    horde of vacationers from the Western world.


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    Within the European Union, another example of a hotspot lies in a string of seaside resorts

    along the eastern edge of Bulgaria. The story is similar for the ski slopes astride the

    mountains of western Romania.

    A bit further afield, the beaches and towns of Turkey have been climbing the charts asholiday destinations for Europeans. The same is true of the coastal resorts in Egypt.

    In due course, a sizable fraction of todays tourists will doubtless return to these familiar

    haunts when the time comes for them to pick out sunny and affordable places to retire. To

    some extent, the story is similar in other parts of northern Africa. A prime example is the

    emergence of Morocco as a mecca for European tourists.

    The upsurge of travel for vacation and retirement is a boon for the favored nations. Over

    the short term, the influx of foreigners and their wallets pumps up the level of income for

    the workers in the hospitality sector.

    Over the longer range, the growing cadre of tourists, retirees and other expats serves as a

    magnet for foreign companies based in the wealthy countries. The crew of outlanders

    moving into the sprouting markets runs the gamut from travel agents and budget airlines to

    commercial banks and shopping centers.

    As the years go by, the local staff employed by the international firms comes to acquire

    practical skills on the job through technical duties and managerial roles. The repertory of

    know-how comes in handy when the time comes for the natives to leave their employers

    and launch brand-new ventures of their own.

    The upgrowth of the economy at large is of course a secondary issue at best for the

    individual investor in a local property. The transformation merely serves as a backdrop for

    market forces whose direct impact on the property sector is a steady rise in the value of

    real estate.

    In other words, an increase in tourists and expats leads to an upsurge of demand in the

    housing market. For the international investor, the crux of the matter lies in the fact that the


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    incoming foreigners as well as the newly wealthy in the local economy have the means to

    pay top dollar for the most desirable properties.

    The macrolevel trend is a godsend for the investor with a cosmopolitan agenda. In addition

    to the joys of traveling to enticing locales, the owner of a choice property can look forwardto the financial gains spawned by the boom in real estate.

    Boons of Global Investing

    The fundamental mantra of real estate is location, location, location. In the era of

    worldwide markets, the age-old chant takes on a new meaning.

    In the olden days, the maxim was useful mainly on a local level. If an investor had already

    decided to buy a property in a particular town or district, then the specific site would be

    paramount if other things were equal. For this purpose, the issues to consider spanned the

    gamut from the texture of the neighborhood and the splendor of the view to the ease of

    access and the proximity to shopping.

    For the international investor, though, the world is their oyster. In that case, the physical

    site is only a small aspect of the slew of issues to ponder.

    Admittedly, the local venue is a vital factor. But how does the investor figure out what

    region or country to focus on, let alone which district or neighborhood?

    In dealing with a global market, the prospective buyer has to look at the big picture as well

    as the local scene. The relevant factors run the spectrum from demographic shifts and

    economic developments to lifestyle trends and market dynamics.

    The issues at hand are not simple, nor the decisions straightforward. Thats the bad news.

    The good news is that an investor who expands their horizons has a plethora of options. If

    one country or region does tickle their fancy for some reason or other, then there are

    plenty of others to choose from.


  • 8/6/2019 International Real Estate for Investment and Retirement


    For the serious investor, a hallmark of international real estate is the need which doubles

    up as the opportunity to visit foreign countries. Even if a prospective project ends up

    going nowhere, the spell of immersion in the local culture is sure to broaden the mind and

    nourish the soul.

    For this reason, there is no such thing as a wasted trip for the investor with a global

    agenda. Even a fruitless venture from a financial stance can turn out to be a bracing tonic

    for the whole person.

    World of Realty

    To wrap up, real estate has been the dominant form of wealth down through the ages. In

    the modern era, however, the upsurge of financial vehicles has posed a growing challenge

    the primacy of tangible properties. The assets of the virtual kind run the gamut from stocks

    and bonds to options and currencies.

    Despite the upheaval in the marketplace, though, the property sector still retains the top

    spot round the globe as the centerpiece of household assets. Moreover, real estate will

    continue to comprise a dominant form of wealth for individuals as well as organizations in

    the foreseeable future.

    On a negative note, the property market is rife with pitfalls both obvious and subtle. Worse

    yet, the hazards are greater still in grappling with investments on foreign soil.

    In order to ensure a solid chance of success, the earnest investor has to do their

    homework in depth. To this end, a trusty point of departure lies in a clutch of cogent

    resources on the information highway.

    In addition, the legwork in the sphere of dust includes treks to promising locales as well as

    huddles with live minds. The powwows with human experts have to cover a lot of ground,

    ranging from economic trends and market conditions to financial projections and tax



  • 8/6/2019 International Real Estate for Investment and Retirement


    On the upside, the best opportunities for growth lie in far-flung hotspots dotted round the

    planet. Moreover, the upsurge of the property market tends to go hand in hand with a

    groundswell of productive activity and economic development within the local district as

    well as the entire region.

    Given this backdrop, the influx of capital serves as an engine of prosperity to uplift the

    level of income as well as the standard of living in the local environs as well as farther

    afield. For the investor with a dollop of vision and pluck, the world of international real

    estate beckons with a medley of rewards from a personal standpoint as well as a societal


    Further Resources on the Web


    Global Property Guide.

    International Living.

    National Association of Realtors.

    Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).


    Wikipedia. Leaseback.

    Wikipedia. Real Estate.

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