Page 1: International Footprint - Rotaract Club of Dombivli
Page 2: International Footprint - Rotaract Club of Dombivli


Warm Rotaract Greetings,

It gives us immense pleasure to be the project chairpersons of such a big initiatiue ….ve vould like to shov deep gratitude and respect to PDRR.RTR.AMIT SINGHAL ( RSA MDIO , President ) for giving us an opportunity to do a project in association with RSA MDIO and to the team as well for allways guiding us and supporting us throughout.

It is our President Rtr.Amit Lad who allways have motivated us and gave us freedom to take up new initiatives and challenges so thanks for his constant support and coordination and allways believing in us.

We vould also like to thank all the DRR’s vho gaue their ualuable time and support to us and for all there coordination’s thanks would be a small word just can say we have lots more to do in future this is just a start of hauing International Footmarks……!

We would also like to say that RSA MDIO Board Members you are just Rocking as a team and thanks for all your support and coordination’s.

Last but Never the Least would like to thank our Home club and ourRotaract District 3140 for all theirsupport, guidance and a helping hand whenever needed.


Rtr.Gaurav Singavi

Rtr.Vibhuti Tonti

Team International Service Directors,

Project Chairpersons – International Footprints,

Rotaract Club of Dombivli.

For any suggestions and feedbacks mail us at [email protected]

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Rotaract Club of Dombivli…..?

Rotaract club of Dombivli was chartered on 25th march 1973, and it is

one of the oldest community based club in rid 3140 running successfully

and continuously from last 42 years and doing various big projects not

only in rid 3140 but also outside and is a big name in Rotaract

fraternity doing hard core community service projects. Rotaract club of

Dombivli and its members are hard core believers in true service to

society and mankind and first of its kind of Rotaract club worldwide

who have started projects for animal service as well. The trendsetter

projects of club are Shrikant , Anti-rabies drive , Ranbhoomi ,

Caricature , Balak xatra , India’s unbound and manx more…… the club

has given many leaders to the district and is also actively participating

in many international service initiatives as well. More to say about the

club is that it is famous and also a household name in Dombivli and

nearby areas because of its work towards society.

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From The Rocking Dream Merchant President of Rotaract

Club Of Dombivli……

Warm Rotaract Greeting.

Firstly i would like to thanks Rotaract South Asia Multi District Information Organization( RSA MDIO ) for giving this opportunity of Initiating a Bulletin with all the District in Rotaract South Asia. Our one of the thrust area of the district is to have the International Footprints all over the globe and this initiative made us fulfill that thrust area.

This initiative along with RSA MDIO not only helped them to reach the maximum districts but also benefited us to go through the corner of the Asian Rotaract District and get connected with the District Rotaract Representatives.

It makes me proud that We as a Team have taken our step forward by taking this initiative of releasing the bulletin which increases the bonding and also have a mark of International Footprints all over Asia.

It Gives me immense pleasure as a president of Rotaract Club of Dombivli to share my thoughts and idea with the multiple District of Rotaract South Asia and take the moment forward known as ROTARACT.

I as a Proud President of R.I.D 3140 thanks to all the District Rotaract Representatives to support our initiatives and our Project Chairpersons & Rtr.Vibhuti for Coordinating with them and make it successf

All the very Best to the RSA MDIO President PDRR.Amit Singhal for the Rocking year coming ahead and Thank you for the great support for this initiative.

Thank you.


Rtr.AmiT R. LaD

President 2014-2015


R.I.D 3140

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Rotaract SouthAsia Multi District Information



ROTARACT SOUTH ASIA Multi District Information Organization (RSA MDIO) is a multi-district information organisation (MDIO) serving Rotaract clubs across South Asia. Rotaract clubs can be either community or college based and each Rotaract club is responsible for organizing their own programs. The programs range from a trek to the local hillocks, to eye check up camps, health camps, movie screenings for underprivileged kids, literacy programs, and awareness drives for traffic awareness, anti-dowry and energy conservation.

Rotaract clubs enable Rotaractors to address communitx needs, enhance member’s professional skills and promote international understanding through friendship, fellowship and service while having lots of fun and making new friends…

Clubs meet every week and feature speakers, discussions and visits to other clubs. Rotaractors also join together for service projects, social and cultural activities and leadership workshops.

Beyond the club level, Rotaractors can take the opportunity to attend conferences, to get involved in projects and to participate in training seminars on a local, national and international level.

Rotaract makes a real difference to the lives of our members and to the thousands of people our projects help.

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From the Passionate President of RSA MDIO ….

I am very thankful to Rotaract Club of Dombivili who took this

vonderful initiatiue to publish this “International Footprints”. I

congratulate Rtr.Varsha, Rtr. Gaurav and their team for

successful accomplishment of this task as it will bring all

districts much closer and each and every district will get

knowledge of other districts. I appreciate the efforts of all the

DRRs who participated in this bulletin as they have very hectic

schedule still they sent the data for this.

First of all, my heartiest congratulations and compliments to each and every outgoing Rotaract

officer for their successful tenure and my congratulations and best wishes to new teams.

This year as the president of Rotaract South Asia MDIO, I have four main tasks which have to be

accomplished with your cooperation. First, to bring all South Asian District on a single platform.

Second, to print Rotaract South Asia Directory which is in process. Third, to print RSA MDIO

Monthly bulletin and forth is to reach to each and every Rotaractor of South Asia. These tasks are

possible only with your support and cooperation.

The main motto of Rotaract is “To deuelop Professional and Leadership Skills in Youth”. So Rotaract

is the only movement which provides opportunity of Self-Realization and Self-Development to youth.

In present era, these two things are so much needed to bring revolution and it is seen over time that

revolution is always brought by youth. So my dream is to see 100% youth of world as Rotaractors.

My dear friends, there are three points which you should keep in mind. First, Work is Worship. Your

vork vill design xour identification. So don’t make ewcuses and perform according to xour abilities.

Second, Don’t think that onlx President and Secretary have responsibility and only they will work

during projects. Take the responsibility and show your talent. Third, whatever you do, do it for a

purpose. Don’t do anxthing vithout anx reason and there is no concept of bad-good activity. The

goodness or badness of any activity depends upon the reason and method to perform that activity. I

wish all the members of Rotaract a great year ahead.

Yours in Rotaract

PDRR Rtr.Amit Singhal


Rotaract South Asia MDIO

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From The Talented Secretary of RSA MDIO……

Warm Greetings from Rotaract South Asia MDIO.!!!

First of all, I would like to thank Rotaract Club of Dombivili, RID 3140 for this interesting and informative initiative in association with RSA MDIO. I wish the entire team, all the very best for the success of this project by achieving its very purpose to know more about the Rotaract districts associated with RSA MDIO and to promote the Benefits of this association. Kudos to Rtr.Varsha, & team for the impressive work towards this project. Success is not possible if there is no participation, I would like to thank all the District DRRs and their coordinator’s for ewtending their time and support tovards this project.

Now that New Year has started, I wish all the Rotaractors to have a wonderful journey of Rotaraction for the next one year. Always remember one thing that “Success occurs vhen Opportunitx meets Preparation” I urge all the Rotaract fraternity, to explore and experience the reality of being in this Rotarx vorld, that’s the vax one can enjoy and deliver the best this organization needs.

Always aim at something great and sometimes at the impossible. Remember the attempt will win many wars!

This Year, I as Secretary for RSA MDIO have a dream to connect all the districts of South Asia together on a single platform for better tomorrow. It can only be possible with a strong team work and co-operation from all the district leaders. I’m uerx sure bx the end of this xear RSA MDIO will reach each and every Rotaractors and serve its very purpose of being an informational Hub. We have a very interesting Annual plan for this year which will create lots of opportunities for every Rotaractors and Rotaract district to network and showcase their good work with the entire world.

It’s mx pleasure to be part of RSA MDIO Board, vhich giues me tremendous opportunitx to vork vith manx proued leaders of Rotaract South Asia. I’m uerx sure that I haue more take avax’s than my contribution. I’m also very determined to perform my role of Secretary by ensuring MDIO meetings are effectively organized and minuted, effectively maintain the records and maintaining a strong communication and correspondence between the board members.

In this moment, I would like to wish All the South Asian District Governors, DRRs, Rotary Club President-Secretary and Rotaract Clubs President-Secretary to have a wonderful year ahead. Looking forward for a great year of Rotaraction with a Brilliant team.

Together Everyone Accomplishes More!

Your’s in Rotaract,

Rtr.RajeshSubramanian Secretary – Rotaract South Asia MDIO

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From The Desk Of Membership Development Director Of


Dear Leaders

Greetings from Rotaract South Asia MDIO.!!!

Heartful of thanks to Rotaract Club of Dombivili from RID 3140 for taking a wonderful initiative to publish this “International Footprints” and I also congratulate Rtr.Varsha, Rtr. Gaurav and their team for leading a great project.I heartily wish this publication a grand success by connecting the whole Rotary family. I would like to take this opportunity in wishing all the Rotaractors for starting a wonderful Rota year 2014-15

According to statistics Highest number of Rotaractors from the world are from South Asia. There are more then 20+ District who are Part of Rotaract South Asia MDIO.This year as a Director Member ship development of Rotaract South Asia MDIO,our main aim is to connect with other districts of Rotaract South Asia who are not part of RSA MDIO and encouraging them to be part of the big family i.e.; RSA MDIO. So far we have got a very good response from the Districts who are not part of RSA MDIO and they have Expressed their wish to be part of RASMDIO by the End of this year .

Rotaract South Asia MDIO Appreciate Membership Extension and Retention program at the Zones,Districts,Clubs level and we should reach to the new level by the end of this year .I love Rotaraction and RSA MDIO is one of the best place to be in touch the Rotaractors not only in our country but also worldwide. True Leaders don’t create follovers...they create more leaders..!!

Just be the change..!! Wishing all the Rotaractors a happy and successful Rota year ahead.

Yours in Rotaract,

PDRR. Manjunath Gowda,

Director (Membership Development ) 2014-15


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From The Desk Of Director North RSA MDIO……..

We all know that Rotaract means Rotary in Action. But apart from it when I tried to define it according to my perception of this organisation, i found that it is more than that R=Responsible O=Opportunistic T=Talented A=Adorable R=Rational A=Ambitious C=Committed T=Thoughtful O=Objective R=Rare Thus a rotaract club is a group of responsible

youth committed to society, full of talent & ambition, who, with their creativity and positive attitude for adaptations and change, can make this world a better place to live.We therefore must have to understand that we ourselves have to initiate the change we wish to make. Stop using polythene bags, stop throwing rubbish here and there, stop wasting water, because only when we will stop these, we will be able to tell others the same. This year when we are supposed to work for lightening up Rotary, first let us lighten up our own selves. And for that RSA MDIO is trying really hard. Starting from day one of its foundation it is working for the upliftment of Rotaract as a whole in south Asia. It would be really nice if we, all districts of south Asia, come together on a single platform like this to interact with each other. That will help us to reach to people more effectively and to carry out our work in a more uniform and meaningful way. The best possible project for all of us together can be "TEACH" which is the need of time and next goal of Rotary in India. Lastly, i wish that the change which i have got through rotaract in me, and the way it has changed my life, be it you all too.Thank you so much all the initiators of 'International Footprints' for implementing such a wonderful idea and giving us a platform to share our thoughts. As a director of north zone this year, it would be my effort to bring all the districts as a member in RSA MDIO not for the sake of membership but for creating a much easier platform for a rotaractor for fellowship and development. Have a nice Rotaraction.... Dr. Praharsh Rajyaguru (BHMS | MD) IPDRR | RID 3060 Director - North 2014-15 | RSA MDIO

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From The Desk Of Talented Treasurer Of RSA MDIO……

Dear Rtr, Rotary Greetings!!!

It is my pleasure to send greetings to you. I am very thankful to Rotaract Club of Dombivili who took this vonderful initiatiue to publish this “International Footprints”. I vish that this publication vill connects you with your fellow Rotaractors and Rotarians and hope this publication will serve as a valuable source of information for all the Rotaractors. I congratulate Rtr.Varsha, Rtr. Gaurav and their team for successful accomplishment of this task as it will bring all districts much closer and each and every district will get knowledge of other districts. It will reflect the strength of Rotaract. I am sure that this will be effective for increased friendship, fellowship and communication in achieving the goals of Rotary Services

This is a great opportunity for you to prove yourself as a great leader. I hope you and your team members will leave no stone behind unturned to achieve your set of targets.

I hope your able leadership will give a new energy and hope to Rota activities. We will work together to serve humanity with our full potential and dedication.

Happy Rotaracting.

Wishing you all the best.

Yours in Rotaract.

Rtr. Anoop Gupta

Treasurer RSA MDIO 2014-15

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From the Desk of Director of RSA MDIO…..

Dear Rotaractor Friends, If we understand that we all are related to each other than most of the problems in the world would end. It is also equally important to note that activity done in part of the world always has impact on other countries i.e. one’s footprint creates impression and has impact on others as-well. The best example to illustrate this is Climate Change Crisis that we South Asian Nations are facing. Every country in South Asia are facing problem of Climate Change, may it be increase in sea level, or Glacier Lake Outburst Flood, Change in Weather Pattern, Reduction of Fresh Water Bodies or Melting of Snow in the Himalayas. Someone need to take the initiative to break the ice in-between the countries in the region so that we start being in communication and understand that we

need collaboration to solve this regional issues which is also Global Issue now. This will help us to understand that problem of one country is not just a problem of theirs but in-fact is global issue and requires global support to solve it.

This E-Bulletin in that essence is an ice-breaker for all of us to understand our ‘International Footprints’, vhich is being published vith an objectiue of bringing xouth of the region together, to be connected.

I accepted to be in RSA Board because I belieue that ‘Unitx is Strength’ and ve in our region have many common challenges and opportunities that we need to address together. We need to realize that we are the Youngest Region in the World today and our course of action determines Future of not just this Region but also World at large. All these issues can be addressed properly only through collaborative effort and resource mobilization. I believe that this group has that responsibility and also energy to be good advocate with regard to many regional issues and I am expecting the same and will do the same being appointed as Nepal Coordinator in RSA MDIO Board for this Year.


Rtr. Ashish Chaulagain

Director , RSA MDIO

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From the Desk of Chairman of Disease Prevention of RSA


Fellow Rotaractors, My personal vision is to promote fellowship through service to the society. All the clubs need to promote peace, good will and better

understanding so that the actual objective of Rotaract could be

fulfilled by us. Rotaractors should try to focus on Rotary’s various

thrust areas for the society, we all need to continue and involve in many sustainable community and flagship projects. As South East

Asia has given an assignment to end of illiteracy, in both clubs and

districts level we together must put our efforts jointly to work on it. Execute various innovative thoughts and ideas that how we can

improve the public image of Rotaract through our projects and

programmes. Now, we all the districts and clubs in south Asia should try to work on a same line, so that it will create a new zeal,

enthusiasm and bonding between every Rotaractors and also invite

other youths to join our movement and all together can start working on a better tomorrow.

As I have been appointed as the chairman of disease prevention by RSA MDIO Board I will try to give my

100% competence to justify it. I will create awareness among the Rotaract clubs and districts to specify some

dreadful and contagious diseases to aware the public mass and society in general. My work should be to intimate properly to the clubs about those diseases and what necessary precautions and measures could be

taken in time to overcome it for the public.

The areas that are covered under my avenue are disease prevention, health hygiene, sanitation, welfare of public and others. As per my knowledge in those areas of service, I will try to find out all the issues related to

those areas and will take some necessary steps and methods so that we can achieve our target for the service to

mankind and society. As a Rotaractor in general I will always try to implement my profession as a doctor to do the better service that I can for the development of down trodden and under privileged society.

After I received an invitation mail from the President RSA MDIO 2014-15, I then thought to be a part of the board because to keep my district and the clubs in our district to be in a loop with the activities of board.

Whatever we do the projects or service in our community and society in our district, we can directly inform to

others easily after only being a part of MDIO board. In the other hand, any information to RSA MDIO

officially from RI regarding projects or promoting Rotaract activities could be circulated to the clubs in my district easily by me. I really feel privileged and honoured to be a representative member of RSA MDIO board

on behalf of my district.

I just want to share with other Rotaractors globally that enjoy your youth with a responsibility for a noble

cause. That’s why explore youth and engage Rotaract by connecting and making a difference. I also want to

quote a line for all that we are privileged to be associated with one of the largest youth movement of the world. So, please find your place to use the best of Rotaract by making your life more colourful. Hence share

Rotaract globally and according to the theme of this year we must try our best to Light up Rotaract!!!

(Yours in Rotaract) Rtr. (Dr) Kumar Debashish Pradhan

Chairman of Disease Prevention – RSA MDIO, IPDRR, R.I.District: 3262

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From a Mastermind Mumbaikar (RID 3140)..

Drr.Rtr. Hemang Jakhia

Email Id :- [email protected]

Phone number:- +91-9819778994

District website ( if any ):-

Year theme of the district:- DREAM ON

We take great pleasure in introducing ourselves as Rotaract District Organisation, R.I.D 3140, with over 100 active clubs and over 4700 Rotaractors, R.I.D 3140 is the Largest Non-Political Youth Movement in Mumbai. We boast of over 8000 projects done each year, in various areas like, community service, professional development of our members and international service. We at Rotaract Mumbai believe that we are simply not just the Youth of Today, We are the ‘Responsible Youth.’

The thrust area of District 3140: ROCKING R - Rotary – Rotaract Unity: to create a unity in vision between Rotary and Rotaract bodies. O - Opportunities beyond Rotaract: to create opportunities for Rotaractors by way of job opportunities and entrepreneurship development. C - Child Education: to support the idea to 100% literacy and importance of education especially primary education. K - Kinetic Energy: to channeliye the kinetic energx of todax’s xouth in the right direction, truly holding up to our name i.e. The Responsible Youth. I - Creating International Footprints: to facilitate programs and exchanges in order to spread 3140′ s footprints in the Global Rotaract Arena. N - N’jox ROTARACT: in midst of all the service we need to make room for some fun, and keep n’joxing vhat ve do. G - Growth: growth in terms of scale, growth in terms of numbers, growth in terms of reach and growth in terms of impact.

Areas covered under district:

District 3140 covers the revenue districts of Mumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai, covering areas from CST to Badlapur, Bhiwandi to Shahpur, Churchgate to Dahanu and Navi Mumbai.

Best places for Sightseeing - The city Mumbai offers a diverse platter of tourist attractions, shopping malls and beaches ranging from the Gateway of India, Bombay Natural History Museum, Chor Bazaar, Chowpatty Beach, Juhu Beach, Crawford Market,

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Elephanta Caves, Film City, Essel World, Prithvi Theatre, Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Afghan Church, Haji Ali Dargah & many more.

Innovative Project

WRY – WORLD RESPONSIBLE YOUTH WEEK "A child without Education, is a bird without wings." The World Responsible Youth (WRY) Week is celebrated on the first weekend of every year. A day, where Rotaract District 3140 pledges to "Send India to School". Through a mass rally across the city of Mumbai and it's suburbs and a Dream Run, we spread awareness about the "Right to Education" that every child in the country has. We donate brand new school bags and stationary to the kids of the Gunde village and promise them a brighter future ahead. Last year, we completed 6 years of WRY and sent "3140" kids to school in 2014. 2015 promises a newer and bigger WRY with more awareness and an educated country. With over Five lakh people witnessing WRY every year, R.I.D 3140 has earned goodwill through this project across the city, for education alone can change the country for a better tomorrow.

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From the Beauty of Karachi & Pakistan (RID 3271)..

Drr.Rtr. Ayesha Tariq Allawala Email Id :- [email protected] Phone number :- +92-3343731910 District website :- NA Year theme of the district :- Light upRotary

The thrust area of your district –Karachi

Areas covered under your district – provinces: Sindh and Balochistan

Best places for Sightseeing in your district: Quaid e Azam Mausoleum, Mohen jo Daro, Makli Graveyard, Shah Jahan Mosque

Quaid-e-Ayam’s Mausoleum, Karachi:

The mausoleum was made to mark the final resting place of the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, better known as Quaid-e-Azam. Apart from Jinnah, his sister Fatima Jinnah, the first Prime Minister of the country, Liaquat Ali Khan, and a few others are also buried here. Within the boundary walls of the mausoleum, a museum also has been made where some of the belongings of Muhammad Ali Jinnah have been kept.

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Mohen Jo Daro, Larkana

It is an archaeological site which is supposed to have been built around 2600 BC and was one of the largest Indus Valley civilizations apart from being one of the earliest urban settlements across the world. The vast remains speak of intricate planning and high level of social organization with public baths and assembly halls.

Makli Graveyard, Thatta

The graveyard is located 98 km east of Karachi and is the burial place of thousands of local rulers, their families, saints and many other notable people.

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Shah Jahan Mosque, Thatta

This mosque was made in 1647 during the reign of the Mughal King Shah Jahan. The mosque is built with red bricks and blue coloured glaze tiles with 93 domes. The acoustics have been well taken care of - a person speaking on one end of the dome can be heard from the other end when the speech exceeds 100 decibels.

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From the Heart of hyderabad ( RID 3150)….

Drr.Rtr. Anirudh Gupta

Email Id :[email protected]

Phone number :- +91-9963261344

District website :-

Year theme of the district :- Light upRotary

We are glad to be part of an excellent initiative - "INTERNATIONAL FOOTPRINTS" A brief information about RID 3150 :- There are 63 clubs in the District which are sponsored by various Rotary clubs. The District comprises of 3 Regions namely Twin Cities ( Hyderabad and Secunderabad ) which come under Telangana and Guntur, Prakasham from Andhra Pradesh. Mission: "Fellowship through service" To enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist members in professional development, to address the physical and social needs of their community and facilitate building of better society across the world through a framework of friendship, support and service.

Innovative projects: 1. AURUM - A car treasure hunt for charity organized by Rotaract Club Of Hyderabad

East. AURUM is an annual treasure hunt, for charity, organized by the Rotaract Club of Hxderabad East.“Aurum” bx Rotaract Club of Hxderabad east – An event for yearlong Causes Every year, a city wide car treasure hunt , Aurum is organized to raise funds for community service and spread the word about our organization, so that people know that they can serve society through us. We also use this treasure hunt as a tool to promote social causes which may benefit from the exposure.

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With the coordination of Forest Department Of Andhra Pradesh , we were successfully able to promote greenery by giving away saplings to each participant and also a Cloth bag manufactured and sponsored by "REWHEEL". Club web site -

2. "Pragnya" - An inter schools competitions fair and Science fair organized by Rotaract club of in bhadra SARAPAKA

Thrust area of our district - Professional Development. Areas covered under RID 3150 - Telangana , Guntur and Prakasham districts from Andhra

Pradesh. Places worth seeing in our district: Ramoji film city , Charminar ,Golkonda fort , Birla

mandir ,Salar jung Museum ,Nehru Zoological Park , Shilparamam ,hitech city , Hussain sagar lake, chow moholla palace , Mecca masjid , Nagarjuna sagar dam , Amaravathi , mangalgiri,upplapadu nature conservation ,palair reservoir . We always encourage student exchange programs ,friendship programs and international programs as we see it as an opportunity to learn something new and to share our thoughts.

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From the Passionate Punekar (RID 3131)….

Drr.Rtr. Dr. Viraj Ketkar

Email Id :- [email protected]

Phone number :- +91-8087597332

District website :- NA

Year theme of the district :- Revive Transform Revolutionise

Our district 3131 was formed in the year 2008 after being a part of district 3030 for quite a while. Currently, the district comprises all areas of Pune and Raigad and includes more than 30 Rotaract Clubs and over 90 Rotary Clubs.

It immediately gained a lot of recognition due to the Rotasia that we hosted in Goa and now 3131 stands as a strong, independent district full of potential.

Some of the clubs from the district have shown tremendous creativity in executing innovative projects.

1) Rotaract Club of Pune Sinhagad Road donated 3 imported Camera Traps to an organiyation “Tiger Watch” in Ranthambore, vhich helped spot a missing tiger. Their trademark euent “Green Leaf”, promotes Enuironmental Avareness bx conducting Drawing, Quiz and Science Project competitions for school going kids all over Pune.

2) Rotaract Club of Akurdi is knovn for their “R Euolution” vhich has Group Discussions on current affairs, Aptitude tests and a Buzzer round that boosts Professional Development amongst college kids.

3) Rotaract Club of Pune Pashan’s “Punxabhimaan” is an euent vherein hard-working personalities who have achieved great heights from all over Pune are felicitated and honoured. “First Step” is a draving competition conducted bx this club that creates awareness about child rights.

4) Rotaract Club of Panuel’s “Saptarang” is a signature euent and it aims at building a sense of confidence amongst students as well as creating an awareness about Rotaract by conducting interschool drawing competitions all over Panvel. The District encourages Professional Development activities on a large scale as we believe that this is the main aim of Rotaract. The clubs in Pune and Raigad are spread out in all directions, yet unite to meet and discuss activities.

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The one vho enters our district can’t miss uisiting 127 xear old Fergusson College, the ancient Shaniwarwada, the historic Aga Khan Palace, the serene Mulshi dam, the golden Dagdusheth Halwai temple, the tall Sinhagad fort, the Pandavkada falls and the steep Pratapgad. And once you have entered, you cannot leave without having Durga’s cold coffee, Katakir’s Misal, Kalxan’s bhel, Vada pau at J.J Garden, Vaishali’s cheese sada dosa, Chicken roll at Marzorin, Sizzlers at Yana and the list goes on. This year has dawned with the greatest hopes for a better tomorrow and we plan to stir actiuities amongst those clubs vho hauen’t been actiue in recent times. Hence, our DRR, Dr. Rtr Viraj Ketkar has come up vith the most apt theme of “Reuiue Transform Revolutionise”, vhich also form RTR once acronxmed. We are determined to maintain an ascending graph and will invest all our strength in revolutionizing the Rotaract Movement.

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From An Active Aurangabadkar (RID 3132)..

Drr.Rtr. Abhijeet A.Peshkar

Email Id :- [email protected]

Phone number :- +91-9028093032

District website :- NA

Year theme of the district :- Developing Possibilities

1. An Innovative project of your district

RSL -Rotaract School for Leadership. its activity similar to RYLA but conducted and executed completely by rotaractors. Rotaractors get stage as well as opportunities to showcase the talent. this RSL may be conducted on any topic.

Areas covered under your district

Best places for Sightseeing in your district Panchgani, Ajantha , Ellora, Aurangagabd caves and bibika maqbura, Mahabaleshwar, Kaas Pathar etc

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From the candid chandrapur heart (RID 3030)

Drr.Rtr. Ibrahim Zaweri

Email Id :- [email protected]

Phone number :- +91-9970047007

District website :- NA

Year theme of the district :- Bring the World Closer

An Innovative project of y our district- World Record Rangoli- a 4.8 kms long Rangoli made by 3000 Pair of Mother-Daughters duos on the Theme of 'Save Girl Child' on 5th Jan, 2013. The Project Director was Rtn. Prahlad Thak. It was recognized by ' LIMCA BOOK OF RECORDS'.

The thrust area of your district-

1. Blood Donation, 2. Check Dam, 3. Renewable Energy Source, 4. Eye Care, 5. Nail Cutting & Hand wash, 6. Organ Donation Awareness, 7. Rubella Vaccination, 8. Thalassemia & Sickle Cell Anaemia.

Areas covered under your district-

Nasik, Jalgao, Akola, Amravati, Yavatmal, Washim, Chandrapur, Gadchiroli, Wardha, Gondia, Nagpur

Best places for Sightseeing in your district-

Nagpur-( Ramtek Mandir, Pench National Park) Nasik (Hill Station), Amravati ( Chikaldhara Hill Station), Chandrapur - Baba Amte's Anandwan @ Warora, Tadoba Tiger Reserve, Coal Mines, Industries, Forts. Wardha- Gandhiji's Bapu Kuti, Pavnar Ashram.

And other details you wish to share globally with rotaractors.

1. Books Collection & Distribution Project. 2. Used Clothes & Utensils Project. 3. Sticking Reflector on back of Cycles & 4 wheelers 4. IDYE & ICYE.

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From the ultimate Lahore & Afghanistan ‘s Leader (RID


Drr.Rtr.Hassaan Bin Saadat (Malik Tipu)

Email Id :- [email protected]

Phone number :- +92 343 4342419

District website :- NA

Year theme of the district :- Lead& Serve - shine like a star

Warm Rotaract Greetings:

My district covers Punjab and Khyber Pukthawn Khaw, Lahore, Islamabad, and Murree.

Every year Rotaract district 3272 conductsRamzan Ration bag project, this is our District big project. We make Ration bags and give it to poor families so that they can spend Fast in holy month of Ramzan. This year we also conducted our District project, A total of 275 ration bags were made with generous contribution of all the members of the District. Ration bags were distributed to IDPs (Internally Displaced People) of FATA (Federal Administered Tribal area) and North Waziristan this time as many people have been displaced due to Army operation against terrorist. One Ration bag includes 20 kg flour, 2 kg sugar, 2 kg pulses, 2 kg rice, 2kg different pulses, 1 kg salt, 1 jame shirin (Sharbat drink), 2 kg oil, .25g red chilli, 1 kg vermicelli (sawain) , 0.95g Tea .

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From the Hills of Ooty (RID 3202)..

Drr.Rtr.PP.Sabari Sankar Subramanian

Email Id :- [email protected]

Phone number :- +91-9843483345

District website :- NA

Year theme of the district :- Energetic, Attitude and Triumph

Our district was bifurcated in the year 2008 as 3201 and 3202 from 3200. The first DRR of my district was Rtr.PP.M.Suresh Kumar from Rotaract Club of Dharapuram. And it is proud to say that Rtr.PP.Sabari Sankar Subramanianis serving as the 7th District Rotaract Representative this year. Areas under our district: RID 3202 merge such a heterogeneous and engrossing pictures of ethnic variations. Our district consists of parts of two different states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala and been categorized into 5 different zones as Zone I: Calicut Zone II: Tirupur Zone III: Pollachi Zone IV: Erode Zone V: Nilgris TAMIL NADU: THE LAND OF TEMPLES Tamil Nadu is a wonderful kaleidoscope of the past and present. It still keeps her glorious traditions and heritage alive amidst the bustle and maddening pace of modern times. Under Tamil Nadu we have the following places under our District Erode - Located on the banks of River Kaveri, and has been ruled, at different times, by the Early Pandyas, Medieval Cholas, Later Cholas, Vijayanagar Empire, Madurai Nayaks, Hyder Ali, Carnatic kingdom, and the British. It is situated at the center of the South Indian Peninsula, about 400 kilometres southwest of the state capital Chennai and about 80 kilometres east of Coimbatore. Hand loom, power loom textile products and readymade garments industries contribute to the economy of the city. The people in the city are employed in various textile, oil and turmeric manufacturing industries. The Handloom and Power loom products such as Cotton Sarees, Bed Spreads, Carpets, Lungies, Printed Fabrics, Towels, and Dhotis are marketed here in bulk. Erode is very important market centre for Turmeric. The following tourist places are located in the elegant city of Erode. i. Bhavani Sangameshwarar Temple (Mukkoodal)

ii. Hill Temples of Lord Murugan – Sivanmalai, Chennimalai, Thindalmalai, Vattamalai

iii. Bannari Amman Temple

iv. Dams – Bhavanisagar Dam, Kodiveri Dam

v. Vellode Birds Sanctuary

vi. Periyar Memorial House

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i. Temples – Avinashi Temple, Uthukuli Murugan Temple, Anumantharaya Temple. ii. Dams – Oorathupalam Dam, Thirumoorthi Dam iii. Amaravathi Crocodile Farm Nilgris - Nilgris, one of the oldest mountain ranges, located at the tri-junction of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka. i. Ooty – Botanical Garden, Lake, Dodabetta Peak, Pykara Water Falls, Glenmorgan, Avalanche, Parsons Valley, Western Catchment, Kamaraj Sagar Dam, Mukurthi Hills, Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary. ii. Coonoor – Sims Park, Lav Falls, Lamb’s Rock, Dolphin’s Nose, Kundah Dam, Kodamalai View Point iii. Gudalur - Thorapalli Hanging Bridge, Needle Point View, Frog Hill View Point iv. Kotagiri – Kodanadu View Point, St. Catherine Water Falls, Rangaswami Peak. KERALA: GODS OWN COUNTRY Legends. Lores. Lush Green scape. Vivid images that have always beckoned visitors to its The following are the tourist attractions in the area of Malappuram i. Beaches - Padinharekara beach ii. Pilgrimage Centers – Kadampuzha, Angadipuram, Thirunavaya, Trikandiyur, Valiya Juma Masjid Malappuram, Pazhayangadi Mosque, Kondotti, Kottakunnu. iii. Other Interesting Places - Biyyam Kayal, Kadalundi Bird Sanctuary, Aryavidyasala Kottakkal. Wayanad –Calicut - Kozhikode (Calicut), Cannanore - Kasargod INNOVATIVE PROJECT - WASTE WATER MANAGEMENT Any water that has been adversely affected in quality by anthropogenic influence. Municipal wastewater is usually conveyed in a combined sewer or sanitary sewer, and treated at a wastewater treatment plant. Treated wastewater is discharged into receiving water via an effluent sewer. Wastewaters generated in areas without access to centralized sewer systems rely on on-site wastewater systems. These typically comprise a septic tank, drain field, and optionally an on-site treatment unit. Sewage is the subset of wastewater that is contaminated with feces or urine, but is often used to mean any wastewater. Sewage includes domestic, municipal, or industrial liquid waste products disposed of, usually via a pipe or sewer (sanitary or combined), sometimes in a cesspool emptier. Sewerage is the physical infrastructure, including pipes, pumps, and screens, channels etc. used to convey sewage from its origin to the point of eventual treatment or disposal. It is found in all types of sewage treatment, with the exception of septic systems, which treat sewage on site. Sewage disposal In some urban areas, sewage is carried separately in sanitary sewers and runoff from streets is carried in storm drains. Access to either of these is typically through a manhole. During high precipitation periods a sanitary sewer overflow can occur, forcing untreated sewage to flow back into the environment. This can pose a serious threat to public health and the surrounding environment.Sewage may drain directly into major watersheds with minimal or no treatment. When untreated, sewage can have serious impacts on the quality of an environment and on the health of people. Pathogens can cause a variety of illnesses. Some chemicals pose risks even at very low concentrations and can remain a threat for long periods of time because of bioaccumulation in animal or human tissue. Treatment There are numerous processes that can be used to clean up wastewaters depending on the type and extent of contamination. There are two basic approaches: to use the waste in the water as a resource (such as constructed wetlands) or strictly as pollution (such as the majority of today's treatment plants). Most wastewater is treated in industrial-scale energy intensive wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) which include physical, chemical and

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biological treatment processes. However, the use of septic tanks and other On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF) is widespread in rural areas. The most important aerobic treatment system is the activated sludge process, based on the maintenance and recirculation of a complex biomass composed by micro-organisms able to absorb and adsorb the organic matter carried in the wastewater. Anaerobic wastewater treatment processes are also widely applied in the treatment of industrial wastewaters and biological sludge. Some wastewater may be highly treated and reused as reclaimed water. Increasingly, for most wastewaters ecological approaches using reed bed systems such as constructed wetlands are being used. Tertiary treatment is being increasingly applied and most common technologies are micro filtration or synthetic membranes. After membrane filtration, the treated wastewater is indistinguishable from waters of natural origin of drinking quality (without its minerals). Nitrates can be removed from wastewater by natural processes in wetlands but also via intensive microbial denitrification, for which a small amount of methanol is typically added to provide the bacteria with a source of carbon. Ozone wastewater treatment is also growing in popularity, and requires the use of an ozone generator, which decontaminates the water as ozone bubbles percolate through the tank but is energy intensive. Disposal of wastewaters from an industrial plant is a difficult and costly problem. Most petroleum refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants have onsite facilities to treat their wastewaters so that the pollutant concentrations in the treated wastewater comply with the local and/or national regulations regarding disposal of wastewaters into community treatment plants or into rivers, lakes or oceans. Constructed wetlands are being used in an increasing number of cases as they provided high quality and productive on-site treatment. Other industrial processes that produce a lot of waste-waters such as paper and pulp production has created environmental concern, leading to development of processes to recycle water use within plants before they have to be cleaned and disposed. Reuse Treated wastewater can be reused as drinking water, in industry (cooling towers), in artificial recharge of aquifers, in agriculture (70 percent of Israel's irrigated agriculture is based on highly purified wastewater) and in the rehabilitation of natural ecosystems. Use of untreated wastewater by agriculture Around 90% of wastewater produced globally remains untreated, causing widespread water pollution, especially in low-income countries. Increasingly, agriculture is using untreated wastewater for irrigation. Cities provide lucrative markets for fresh produce, so are attractive to farmers. However, because agriculture has to compete for increasingly scarce water resources with industry and municipal users, there is often no alternative for farmers but to use water polluted with urban waste directly to water their crops. In order to make the waste water to be managed correctly this project has been taken as an innovative project so that the waste water can be treated properly and utilized in a correct manner. Steps are being taken to create awareness on the wastewater management among the society especially among the students who are going to be the future leaders of the society and to farmers who provides us with the food. DISTRICT THEME “Alvaxs bear in mind that xour ovn resolution to succeed is more important than any other” – Abraham Lincoln. The constant need to achieve is perhaps something that blinds us all, in the Rotaract movement. Despite striving hard to succeed, it‟ s only natural, that sometimes you encounter failure, along the way. However, amidst this all, one must realize that whether one succeeds or fails, there‟ s always a lesson to be learned, success shouldn‟ t go to your head and failure shouldn‟ t dishearten you, any more than needed. What one ought to focus on is

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deliver the Energetic Attitude to reach the Triumph. From being a teen to a young Rotaractor is what stays by your side and helps you evolve over the years we learn with experience, experiences of success, of failure. The real way of leading a successful life. We have chosen the theme for the year 2014-15 “Energetic, Attitude and Triumph” ENERGETIC: Rotaract; a place where you learn that not only not only is it fine to dream but also you are fully capable of achieving them. ATTITUDE: Rotaract; a place where you become more understanding, more assertable and evolve into a smarter more confident individual. TRIUMPH: Rotaract, a platform that helps individuals to reach triumphs. Let us join together in the noble cause of developing ourselves and others as good leaders. DISTRICT PROJECTS Greedy for Agri: Dear Rotaractors here we are going to do a project based on Agricultural. We all start to plant a tree from our house itself and make that plant will be also useful to your house for example you can plant the Vegetables and fruits saplings. These small things also help to give hands to avoid Global Warming. We want to destroy some of the plant like parthenium plant. Tamil Nadu government also invited NGO‟ s like us to join hands to destroy the Plant. We proud to say one of the Rotaractor from our District is working as Assistant Scientist in Research & Development Agricultural Department section – Rtr. Asraf - +91 97 50 269064. He is always ready give hands for the innovative projects in Agricultural. Learn and Lead: Market yourself is the project all about Shaping our self as Responsible citizen and prepare our self to getting ready to climb the next step in life. In this project we are go to Joint hands with Rotarians and Experts who are shine in their field for the Orientation programs. After the orientation you will get the confidence yourself to lead the life and face the challenges in your career. Be an Engineer: Be an Engineer is all about we want engaged with Vocational Service project and first up all it want to start from us. Get ready to learn something new every day and convert the learning as helpful to you. Make your Innovations as useful to our surroundings. For this project we are request the help from Projects Centers and Arts & Cultural development Centers to develop our talent. If your projects are innovative means District Rotaract Organization is also ready to guide you for getting the pattern rights for that project. Literacy: We can do N number of the projects in literacy. Rotary also focus in this literacy. Here what District Rotaract Organization is expecting is start to collect old books from your surroundings and build the library in the nearby Government Nursery School. You can travel as group of members to a village and make them to read at least there bus routes. Go to the schools teach about Computers how they can use for studies etc. Organ Donation: Organ Donation it looks like a big project and it is very simple when we get down in field. What we want to do is spread the awareness to all you‟ re surrounding about Organ Donation. Take Orientation programs about Organ Donation in Schools and Colleges and take pledges. Make them as an ambassador for Organ Donation projects. Make them to feel proud for taking the pledge for Donating Organ and More up all it want starts from you. Our Rotary International‟ s theme for the Year 2008-09 is „Make Dreams Real‟ . We were dreaming of wonderful projects this year and work hard to make them happen. Nothing is impossible if we all put our hands and heads together, work sincerely with devotion, and faith.

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From the Charismatic Chandigarh’s Heart (RID 3080)..

Drr.Rtr. Ankur Gupta

Email Id :- [email protected]

Phone number :- +91-9991603080

District website :-

Year theme of the district :- Fellowship Through Service

An Innovative project of your district 1. Made a Human chain of rotaractors in Chandigarh on Blood Donation Day (i.e.

1st October) to aware people about the importance of blood donation. This chain was worlds largest human chain

2. This year we are going to organize a multidistrict event, having tour of whole district in 10 days at a very low cost in the month of November.

The thrust area of your district : Branding of Rotaract

Areas covered under your district: Chandigarh and Nearby Part of Haryana, Punjab, Himachal, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand

Best places for Sightseeing in your district:

1. Chandigarh: The city beautiful well known for its greenery and cleanliness 2. Dehradun, Mussorie, Shimla, Solan, Kasauli, Nahan (Well known Hill Stations) 3. Kurukshetra: The Place where Mahabharata held 4. Yamunanagar: Asia’s Largest Wood market and steel containers manufacturing 5. Mohali: World’s most beautiful cricket stadium 6. Panipat: Asia’s biggest tewtile manufacturing

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From The Charismatic ChennaiKar…..

Drr.Rtr.PP. PHF. Arjun Raja

Email Id :- [email protected]

Phone number :- +91-9841613535

District website :- |

Year theme of the district :- INSPIRE OTHERS

An Innovative project of your district No spitting and urinating in public Shiksha Road Safety with Transgenders

The thrust area of your district:

1. To focus more on regional districts of 3230, where more than 10000 rotaractors are from a rural background, break the bridge among them.

2. Blood donar website, to make blood available easily. Areas covered under your district

The Rotary International District 3230 was originated in 1984-85 when the clubs in India were regrouped in line with the specific Districts. The clubs in and around Chennai were designated as District 3230, which includes Ambur, Arcot, Arni, Chengalput, Gudiyatham, Kancheepuram, Thriuvannamalai, Vaniyambadi, Vellore and Walajapet.

Best places for Sightseeing in your district

Elliots Beach, Marina Beach, Covelong Beach, Anna Zoological Park, Dakshina Chitra, San Thome Church, Muttukadu, Sri Parthasarathy Temple, The Anna Centenary Library, Kapaleeshwar Temple, Choki Dhani, Fort St George, Kalashetra, Mahabalipuram, Theosophical Society, Tiger Caves, Crocodile Bank, Cholamandal Artist Village, Egmore Museum, Kanchipuram Temples, Thiruvannamalai Temples, Vellore Golden Temple.

Rotaract District 3230 has launched Rotaract app first of its kind during the installation ceremonx. Rotaractors can dovnload the app ‘Rotaract 3230’ in plaxstore.

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“Gold medals aren't reallx made of gold. They're made of sweat, determination, & a hard-to-find allox called guts.” -Dan Gable. The International Sports Fiesta is the first event of its kind. The biggest ever International Sports meet , where Rotaractors from different parts of India as well as outside India would be Invited in contingents to participate in a number of Sporting events, and Facilitate cultural exchange. Rotaract is a world known to bring people from cultures and ideologies under the same roof. It links many people around the world. Sports in itself has turned into a religion. It is followed religiously with an unexplained passion which goes beyond boundaries and languages. Sports unites people all around the world. International Sports Fiesta hopes to bring about Rotaract and Sports and turn it into an unbelievable time for the Rotaractors all around the globe. The International Sports Fiesta- ISF 2014 is the first of its kind. Using sports as a medium as networking and community service, R.I.D 3140 plans to make this dream project the largest across Rotaract. ISF 2014 is a sporting event happening at one of the best sporting venues in Mumbai to bring together Rotaractors across countries under one single umbrella and compete among themselves. Backed with the cause of building the Rotaract School, this is a “Dream Project" in true sense. All excess proceeds generated will be invested in the Rotaract School. International Sports Fiesta is to be held in one of the finest sports grounds in Mumbai and will include sports like Football, Volleyball, Handball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Carrom, Chess, Athletics and other water sports. It expects to create a thrilling experience for all the participants from around the world. Participants would be hosted by Rotaractors of Mumbai for 3 nights and 4 days. The event would include Sports activities, an Entertainment evening by Renowned band, and Tour of Mumbai. Dates: 31st Oct., 1st and 2nd Nov. 2014 Venue: Jamnabai Narsee Grounds and Juhu Gymkhana Contact Person :- Rtr.Manan Gala- Dsitrict Joint International Service director:- 9769814767 Slots: Slot Duration Amount Slot 1 1st June, 2014 to 30th June, 2014 Rs. 4,500/- Slot 2 1st July, 2014 to 15th August, 2014 Rs. 5,500/- Slot 3 16th August, 2014 to 30th Sept, 2014 Rs. 7,000/-

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A Bulletin in Association with RSO MDIO



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