Page 1: International Festival 2019 - Elmgreen School · decidimos de venir en los uniformes del equipo de futbol nacional de cada nuestro países. En general, ha sido de mucho orgullo poder

Friday 29 March 2019

International Festival 2019

“I really enjoyed international evening. I helped set up and run the Somali stall. We

served traditional Somali food like samosas and we all dressed in authentic Somali

clothing. I had a really good time exploring the other stalls, trying new foods and being

introduced to new customs.

I mostly enjoyed watching the different dances and listening

to the music”.

Madena Ali - Year 9

“I was really happy when Ms McKeone asked me to help

out on the Ireland stall at the International Festival. It

was great to see that lots of people came to our stall and

got engaged with the games and quiz to see if they had

any Irish heritage. Lots of people sampled our Irish soda

bread and cake. On one of the quizzes, I got half of the

answers correct which proved that I was half Irish which

is in fact true. I had a lovely time and it was a brilliant

evening. I hope we can do it again next year”.

Grace Keyes– Year 7

Page 2: International Festival 2019 - Elmgreen School · decidimos de venir en los uniformes del equipo de futbol nacional de cada nuestro países. En general, ha sido de mucho orgullo poder

International Festival 2019

“Running the Spanish stand was great. The students organised themselves and their

families to supply a range of delicious food, tortilla española from Spain, Colombian

empanadas, a big thanks to Valeria's grandmother, and fried plantain with a spicy

sauce. Finally the amazing dish from Peru, Causa, made from mashed potatoes and

layered with chicken, avocado and other vegetables topped with boiled eggs and olives.

We had our own musical playlist compiled by Juan and Antonio which added to the

general ambiance of the evening”.

Mrs Horne

“I loved it, and it’s definitely the best schoo l event I’ve

ever been too. So well organised, fantastic turnout, and

everyone really excited to show off their wares. These are

the stalls I visited:

Caribbean Miss Meikle and Miss Oakley’s home-made

Guinness punch and a slice of rum cake

China I wrote “China” with a calligraphy paint brush

Ireland I sampled soda bread, and did a quiz on which I only got 1 question wrong!

Italy I sampled home-made Lasagna

Japan I made an origami rosette, and had my name written out in Japanese

Poland I tried everything! Potato dumplings, Polish sausage, cheesecake (both from the

restaurant and one made by the 6th form girls – both excellent!)

Portugal Mr Cerqueira’s home-made Pastel de nata

PPF bar”

Miss Callaghan

Page 3: International Festival 2019 - Elmgreen School · decidimos de venir en los uniformes del equipo de futbol nacional de cada nuestro países. En general, ha sido de mucho orgullo poder

International Festival

¿Qué mejor hay que celebrar un festival en el cual estas

representando a tu país natal?

El pasado jueves 21 de marzo se celebró el festival

internacional en The Elmgreen School. Demasiados

países se juntaron para exponer y representar la cultura

de estos países ya sea con gastronomía o cultura

general. Todos los países trajeron comida típica al igual

que fotos u objetos que son normalmente usados para

traer el ambiente de esos países en esta tarde tan

especial. En nuestro caso, los hispanos hablantes,

hemos juntado España, ecuador, Colombia y Perú

representando la comunidad hispano hablante de este

colegio. Una de las mejores formas de exponer nuestra

cultura ha sido trayendo comida que es muy

frecuentemente comida en nuestros países, también

ensenando los alimentos que solemos usar y las formas en las que se hacen. Uno de los puntos más fuertes en nuestro puesto

fueron las emanadas. Estas diminutas ’bombas explosivas’ de Colombia hechas de un guiso que contiene carne y patata

envueltas en una masa de harina de maíz junto a un picante guacamole hecho con una base de aguacate ají y otros variantes

son uno de los tentempiés más famosos sobre Sudamérica y no solo en Sudamérica ¡en el festival fueron el plato que mas

rápido sea acabaron!

No solo se trajo comida colombiana, comida peruana como

las ‘humitas’ de ecuador estuvieron acompañándonos en este

precioso festival! También, la marca más famosa de bebidas

gaseosas en Colombia llamada Postobon estuvo

acompañándonos toda la tarde, aunque desafortunadamente

también se acabó rápido.

Como también sabemos que el futbol es un deporte muy

famoso mundialmente, este es muy apoyado

sentimentalmente por casi toda Sudamérica, por lo que,

decidimos de venir en los uniformes del equipo de futbol

nacional de cada nuestro países.

En general, ha sido de mucho orgullo poder ensenarle a la

gente la cultura de la que venimos y, las maravillosas cosas

que se están perdiendo al otro lado del planeta!

Page 4: International Festival 2019 - Elmgreen School · decidimos de venir en los uniformes del equipo de futbol nacional de cada nuestro países. En general, ha sido de mucho orgullo poder

International Festival—Our top Fundraiser!

Thank you to the many students and teachers who got involved in making goodies for our hugely successful

International evening. However, one member of staff in particular really took to heart The Elmgreen Way!

Ms Domanska organised a tremendous amount of donations from various Polish companies.

We would like to thank Ms Domanska, for organising the donations received from various polish companies and

all of the below companies for their generosity:

Kavka – for the fantastic cheesecakes, Pavlova dessert, and the Polish version of gingerbreads.

Mamuśka restaurant, Waterloo - for the Polish cakes and donating vouchers for their restaurant.

Mr John Woroniecki, manager of various Eastern European restaurants as Ognisko in South

Kensington and Baltic in Waterloo.

Polish Folk Zakopane restaurant, Turnpike Lane Station - for the amazing Polish dishes and

lending Ms Domanska the gorgeous traditional Polish costume she wore on the evening.

Polish Village Bread - for the beautiful “Polska” cake, which made a great impression.

The Polish Embassy - for their donation of flags, books, games and souvenirs.

The Violet Shop & Café – Ms Claire Ptak crafted Harry & Meghan’s wedding cake, and Elmgreen

families enjoyed a royal connection through sampling the 200 cupcakes that she donated.

Valerie Pattiserie, Victoria Station - for the donation of cakes, which were loved by all.

Wędlinka Delight, Tooting Broadway – for their donation of the ham, cheese and sweets.

White Eagle Club, Balham, who donated drinks, sweets, cakes, Polish sausages and 100’s

of dumplings.

Page 5: International Festival 2019 - Elmgreen School · decidimos de venir en los uniformes del equipo de futbol nacional de cada nuestro países. En general, ha sido de mucho orgullo poder

Table Tennis Tournament for Comic Relief

T hirty Year 7 students took part in a table tennis

tournament to raise money for Comic Relief. With a

knockout draw, we were left with Victor Atkinson and Frank

Ottoway O'Mahony to compete in the final. Our overall winner

was Frank. Well done to all that were involved and raising

money for charity.

All parents and carers! - Come to the Parents' Council on Saturday 27 April

10.30 am—12.00 pm. No experience needed. Share your ideas with us.

Page 6: International Festival 2019 - Elmgreen School · decidimos de venir en los uniformes del equipo de futbol nacional de cada nuestro países. En general, ha sido de mucho orgullo poder

KS5 Easter Intervention Programme 2019

KS5 Easter Intervention

Week 1 Week 2

Day and Date 10.00am – 1.30pm Day and Date 10.00am – 1.30pm


6 April

GCSE Maths Resit (10am-12pm)


8 April

Art & Design

Product Design



15 April


9 April

Art & Design

Product Design


16 April


Dance (Year 12)


10 April

Psychology (13A / 13C) Room 223

Aggression lessons 1 & 2

Product Design

GCSE English resit


17 April

Health & Social Care

Business Studies

English Literature

Drama* (2pm – 5pm)

Maths – Year 12


11 April

Product Design


18 April

Business Studies

Maths – Year 13 (9am-11am)

Further Maths – Year 12 (11am – 12.30pm)


12 April

Psychology (13A / 13C) Room 223

Aggression lessons 3 & 4

Product Design


19 April



Rate of pay: £10.95 per hour.

We are seeking to recruit to our team of invigilators who supervise a range of external examinations.

Previous experience is not required, but a wish to work with young people is essential. Training will be


The Elmgreen School, the first parent promoted school in England, is an 11-18 Humanities School serving

a diverse and vibrant community. The school is fully comprehensive and offers a broad and balanced

curriculum designed to help all students succeed.

Further details and an application form are available from our website on the link below:

All successful candidates will be subject to a DBS Enhanced Disclosure.

Closing date for receipt of completed applications: Midday, Friday 19 April 2019

Page 7: International Festival 2019 - Elmgreen School · decidimos de venir en los uniformes del equipo de futbol nacional de cada nuestro países. En general, ha sido de mucho orgullo poder

The Elmgreen Sixth Form are on Social Media

Follow us on

Instagram: @elmgreen6

Twitter: @elmgreen6

Facebook: The Elmgreen Sixth Form

Keep an eye out for Mr Bergin’s end of term Blog in School News next week!

Page 8: International Festival 2019 - Elmgreen School · decidimos de venir en los uniformes del equipo de futbol nacional de cada nuestro países. En general, ha sido de mucho orgullo poder

One of the shortlisted titles for the Lambeth Phoenix Book Prize is reviewed by

Rosie Mackenzie 7J2

This story is about a Syrian refugee called Nadima who arrives in England after enduring a long an dangerous

journey with her mother, father, little sister (Rasha) and little brother (Sami). She starts in year 7 at a new school,

this is when Nadima meets Jaz (a dyslexic girl her age) and jaz's friends. Soon they realise that the new girl can

speak no English so all but Jaz give up and go off. To try and soften the language barrier, Jaz decides to offer

Nadima some chocolate and Nadima understands and offers Jaz some homemade Turkish delight. They become

instant friends. Later in the book, Nadima and Jaz set up a Turkish delight shop, however, no one buys any and

the teachers find out and the girls get in trouble, this is their first argument and Jaz feels awful. This is the first of

a couple of fights. In the end, the girls make up and tell Nadima’s story

passionately and proudly to their class!

I love this book because it is heart-warming story about two girls who knew

they were going to be best friends from the start, had some hiccups along the

way but always wanted to fix everything so they could be friends again. It is

an easy, simple story to the eye but packs some series issues and can make

you think about and appreciate what you have. Everyone should read it! I

recommend it for ages 8-13 but many outside of that age range would

probably appreciate it. The book pulled on quite a few emotional strings

and even made me cry while sympathising with the characters, but the

overall emotion I got out of it was happiness and warmth. Not many books

I have read are very similar but I could compare it quite well to “The Glass

Bird Girl” because they both contain new girls who are quite different to

many students but try to hide some (or most) of their background

information. They both end up making great friends though! “Do you

Speak Chocolate?” is one of my favourite books and I think it would be the

same for many others!

Jaz and Nadima are the main characters but Lily, Kara and their families play quite a big role as well. Jaz is my

favourite character, she is very relatable, honest and nice and she makes a lot of mistakes which makes you feel

closer to her and sympathise, she has a very consistent character. Nadima was a very innocent character,

however, she had a fun, deep, emotional side to her that you didn’t notice hugely at first but were always hiding

in her shadows. This depth made her the character that she was: outgoing, committed, loyal, hardworking and


Page 9: International Festival 2019 - Elmgreen School · decidimos de venir en los uniformes del equipo de futbol nacional de cada nuestro países. En general, ha sido de mucho orgullo poder

Please sign up to Easyfundraising and help us raise FREE funds for The Elmgreen School when you’re

doing your everyday shopping online. THIS IS FREE MONEY FOR US! Plus, when you raise your first

£5, easyfundraising will match it!! This short video explains how simple it is and it doesn't cost you

anything –

Sign-up using our unique link:

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