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Clim. Past, 7, 1123–1138,© Author(s) 2011. CC Attribution 3.0 License.

Climateof the Past

Interhemispheric gradient of atmospheric radiocarbon revealsnatural variability of Southern Ocean windsK. B. Rodgers1, S. E. Mikaloff-Fletcher1,2, D. Bianchi1, C. Beaulieu1, E. D. Galbraith3, A. Gnanadesikan4,A. G. Hogg5, D. Iudicone6, B. R. Lintner7, T. Naegler8,9, P. J. Reimer10, J. L. Sarmiento1, and R. D. Slater11AOS Program, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA2National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand3Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada4Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA5Carbon Dating Laboratory, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand6Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, Italy7Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, USA8Institute for Environmental Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany9German Aerospace Center, Institute for Technical Thermodynamics, Department of System Analysis and TechnologyAssessment, Stuttgart, Germany10Queens University, Belfast, UK

Received: 14 January 2011 – Published in Clim. Past Discuss.: 25 January 2011Revised: 3 August 2011 – Accepted: 4 September 2011 – Published: 26 October 2011

Abstract. Tree ring�14C data (Reimer et al., 2004; McCor-mac et al., 2004) indicate that atmospheric �14C varied onmulti-decadal to centennial timescales, in both hemispheres,over the period between AD950 and 1830. The Northern andSouthern Hemispheric�14C records display similar variabil-ity, but from the data alone is it not clear whether these vari-ations are driven by the production of 14C in the stratosphere(Stuiver and Quay, 1980) or by perturbations to exchangesbetween carbon reservoirs (Siegenthaler et al., 1980). As thesea-air flux of 14CO2 has a clear maximum in the open oceanregions of the Southern Ocean, relatively modest perturba-tions to the winds over this region drive significant perturba-tions to the interhemispheric gradient. In this study, modelsimulations are used to show that Southern Ocean windsare likely a main driver of the observed variability in theinterhemispheric gradient over AD950–1830, and further,that this variability may be larger than the Southern Oceanwind trends that have been reported for recent decades (no-tably 1980–2004). This interpretation also implies that theremay have been a significant weakening of the winds over theSouthern Ocean within a few decades of AD1375, associatedwith the transition between the Medieval Climate Anomaly

Correspondence to: K. B. Rodgers([email protected])

and the Little Ice Age. The driving forces that could haveproduced such a shift in the winds at the Medieval ClimateAnomaly to Little Ice Age transition remain unknown. Ourprocess-focused suite of perturbation experiments with mod-els raises the possibility that the current generation of cou-pled climate and earth system models may underestimate thenatural background multi-decadal- to centennial-timescalevariations in the winds over the Southern Ocean.

1 Introduction

The tree ring �14C data from INTCAL04 (Reimer et al.,2004) and SHCAL04 (McCormac et al., 2004) indicate thatover the period AD 950–1830, atmospheric �14C varied onmulti-decadal to centennial timescales in both hemispheres(the temporal resolution of each record is represented as asequence of five year means) (Fig. 1a). The earlier part ofthe record is characterized by an atmosphere that is moredepleted in 14CO2 (e.g. relatively negative per mil (‰) val-ues), followed by a change towards an atmosphere moreenriched in 14CO2 (e.g. relatively positive ‰ values) dur-ing the 14th century. Although the Northern and SouthernHemispheric records taken together provide evidence of syn-chronous variations over nearly all timescales, it is difficult

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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NH 14C

SH 14C










950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 1850













Little Ice AgeMedieval Climate Anomaly



Fig. 1. Tree ring measurements of atmospheric�14C over the period AD 950–1830; (a) the Northern Hemisphere INTCAL04 record (Reimeret al., 2004) is shown as triangles, the Southern Hemisphere SHCAL04 (McCormac et al., 2004) record as circles. The temporal resolutionof each record is five years. The uncertainties shown in the panel reflect the uncertainties as given in the INTCAL04 and SHCAL04 datasetsthemselves. (b) The Interhemispheric Gradient in atmospheric �14C, again with five-year resolution. This is obtained by subtracting theINTCAL04 time series from the SHCAL04 time series. The uncertainties in this difference plot are calculated as the square root of the sumof the squares of the components.

from these data alone to identify the degree to which the vari-ations in �14C are driven by changes in the production of14CO2 in the upper atmosphere, and the degree to which theyare driven by variations in the physical state of the system,and the ensuing perturbations to the partitioning of 14CO2and CO2 (and 13CO2) between the oceanic, atmospheric, andterrestrial carbon reservoirs.

We calculate the difference between the two high-resolution tree-ring-derived hemispheric �14C reconstruc-tions, shown in Fig. 1a (the Southern Hemisphere SHCAL04time series minus the Northern Hemisphere INTCAL04time series), to arrive at a timeseries for the interhemi-spheric gradient, shown in Fig. 1b. Given that about halfof the 14C production occurs in the stratosphere (Masarikand Beer, 1999), it is conceivable that different (and time-varying) stratosphere-troposphere exchange between the two

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hemispheres could contribute to changes in the interhemi-spheric gradient in the absence of changes in surface fluxes.However, the modeling study of Levin et al. (2009) revealedthat the hemispheric asymmetry in stratosphere-troposphereexchange is small, and thus we assume here that changes inthe stratospheric source of 14CO2 do not project into largegradients in �14C in the atmospheric boundary layer. Itfollows from this assumption that changes in the interhemi-spheric gradient are controlled by surface fluxes.The interhemispheric gradient has persistent negative val-

ues, reflecting the fact that the Southern Hemisphere �14Ctends to be lower than it is in the Northern Hemisphere(Fig. 1b). Analysis reveals that this time series containsred noise, with variability in evidence on all timescales.We conducted a change point analysis test of the time-series following Worsley (1979), which identified a statis-tically significant (>99% confidence level) shift in 1375in agreement with Turney and Palmer (2007). This pointmarks a change between a mean interhemispheric gradientof −6.63‰ for the earlier part of the record and −4.48‰for the later part of the record, implying a change in surfacefluxes of radiocarbon.How are these changes in atmospheric �14C linked to

variations in the Earth’s climate? Before postulating a mech-anism, it is instructive to first consider the earth system mod-eling study of the last millenium presented by Jungclaus etal. (2010). They conducted a series of ensemble calcula-tions to understand climate and CO2 variability. Their mod-eling configuration allows for separate contributions to atmo-spheric CO2 variations from natural variability, solar vari-ability, and volcanic activity. An important finding of theirstudy is that their state-of-the-art earth system model under-represents the amplitude of atmospheric CO2 variability overthe last millenium. This points to the potential existence ofmissing mechanisms in their earth system model.Here our goal is to test the hypothesis that over the last mil-

lennium, multi-decadal to centennial-timescale variability inSouthern Ocean winds was larger than what is typically rep-resented in coupled climate models. If this is true, it mayhelp to account for the “missing mechanism” that caused theearth system model of Jungclaus et al. (2010) to underesti-mate variability in atmospheric CO2 concentrations over thelast millenium (Etheridge et al., 1996). We wish to test thishypothesis by presenting and developing �14C as a tracer ofvariations in the winds over the Southern Ocean. More gen-erally, we wish to introduce and develop the idea that atmo-spheric latitudinal gradients in �14C could provide a tracerthat integrates wind variations over large spatial scales overthe Southern Ocean, with this tracer thus not suffering fromthe representativeness errors described byWunsch (2010) fora number of paleo-proxy tracers.The study of Turney and Palmer (2007) has previously in-

terpreted the interhemispheric gradient in atmospheric �14Cas being a tracer of past variations in equatorial Pacific sea-air exchanges of 14CO2 and CO2. They considered the

structure of the interhemispheric gradient changes shown inFig. 1b and argued that there was a significant change as-sociated with the transition between the Medieval ClimateAnomaly and the Little Ice Age during the 14th century,which they attributed to changes in ENSO. That was in partmotivated by the analysis of�14C as a tracer of the Peru Up-welling by Toggweiler et al. (1991), as well as by the studiesof Feely et al. (1999), Le Quere et al. (2000), and Obata andKitamura (2003) that demonstrated that the Equatorial Pa-cific was the largest region of interannual variability in sea-air CO2 fluxes for the global mean.Our intention here is not to challenge the equatorial mech-

anism set forth by Turney and Palmer (2007). Rather, ourgoal is to show that the Southern Ocean is making a first-order contribution to the time-varying component of the in-terhemispheric gradient signal in �14C. More specifically,we wish to establish that changes of the interhemisphericgradient, such as the change identified at 1375, most likelyreflect past changes of the integrated strength of the windsover the Southern Ocean. This is done through the use ofsomewhat idealized process perturbation experiments withmodels. The model configuration chosen for this study is in-tended to facilitate a “test of concept” that focuses on pertur-bations over the Southern Ocean. Although our focus is thelast millenium, we are more generally interested in the sen-sitivity of the Southern Ocean to perturbations over a widerange of timescales.We are also interested in connecting the results of our

study over the last millenium to mechanisms that have beenpresented in other context for rapid global changes in re-sponse to perturbations to Northern Hemisphere tempera-tures. Specifically, we are interested in the mechanism thatwas originally presented by Anderson et al. (2009) and thenfurther developed and tested in a modeling framework by Leeet al. (2011) for deglaciation and millenial-timescale varia-tions in the climate system. In those studies, the idea wasexplored that an abrupt change towards cooler conditions inthe Northern Hemisphere can drive an abrupt southward ex-cursion of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), andthis subsequently can drive increases in the surface windsover the Southern Ocean. This atmospheric teleconnectionmechanism is distinct from the type of ocean-focused set ofconnections that have previously been invoked to account forthe way in which changes in the North Atlantic may impactthe Southern Ocean. More generally one can raise the ques-tion of whether a cooling in the northern extratropics at theLittle Ice Age onset could have driven a southwards excur-sion of the ITCZ, and a corresponding increase in the windsover the Southern Ocean. It is our hope that �14C as a cli-mate dynamical tracer can shed light upon this mechanism. Clim. Past, 7, 1123–1138, 2011

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2 Model configuration

In order to understand the processes that drive interhemi-spheric gradients in �14C, we have chosen to use a mod-eling configuration that consists of an ocean general circu-lation model and an atmospheric transport model that arerun sequentially rather than interactively or coupled. Thisallows full control over the way the Southern Ocean windsare perturbed. The ocean model is first run to steady state forits ocean interior �14C distribution. Both DIC and DI14Cconcentrations are set initially to 2000 µmol kg−1, wherethe DI14C concentrations have been multiplied by a scal-ing factor corresponding to the ratio of CO2 to 14CO2 inpre-anthropogenic atmosphere (see Appendix A for more de-tails). For DIC, convergence with the spinup is tested by theconstraint that globally integrated sea-air CO2 fluxes mustbe less than 0.01 PgC yr−1. For �14C, the convergence testis that 98% of the ocean interior volume should have driftof less than 0.001‰ per year (Aumont, 1998). This is thenfollowed by the idealized ocean perturbation studies, withthe perturbation consisting of scalar multiplication of thestrength of the winds over the Southern Ocean.The atmospheric transport model is run using sea-air

fluxes of 14CO2 and CO2 from the ocean model experimentsas its lower boundary conditions. The tracers 14CO2 and CO2are advected and mixed in the atmospheric transport model,and the sources and sinks are described below. In the per-turbation studies here, there is an inherent inconsistency inthat the wind stress perturbations used with the ocean modelare not contained in the atmospheric transport fields usedfor the transport model, since each perturbation experimentuses identical atmospheric circulation and mixing. In a sep-arate paper, we are evaluating the role of variability in at-mospheric transport, and there we will interpret that vari-ability for improved science understanding of the impact ofITCZ variations.

2.1 Ocean model

The ocean code used here is Version 3 of the GFDL Modu-lar Ocean Model (MOM3) (Pacanowski and Griffies, 1999).The model, which has 4◦ horizontal resolution and 24 verti-cal levels, is forced at the surface with buoyancy fluxes fromthe climatology of da Silva et al. (1994), corrected as de-scribed in Gnanadesikan et al. (2004). Temperature is re-stored to observations with a timescale of 30 days over the25m-thick surface layer while salinity is restored to surfaceobservations with a 120 day time scale at all points exceptfor four coastal points around the Antarctic where subsurfacesalinity values and a 30 day restoring are used to ensure for-mation of the proper water masses during the winter. Windstress is taken from the ECMWF climatology (Trenberth etal., 1989). The control model corresponds to the P2A modelof Gnanadesikan et al. (2004).

The representation of �14C in the model follows theOCMIP-2 ABIOTIC protocol (, using the gas exchange parameterizationof Wanninkhof (1992). The atmospheric�14C is maintainedat 0‰ for all experiments presented here, and the atmo-spheric CO2 concentration is maintained at 278 µatm. Acaveat with the ABIOTIC OCMIP-2 representation of �14Cis that 13C is ignored, despite the fact that it can play a non-negligible role in determining �14C (see Appendix A for amore detailed description of �14C as a tracer).Surface wind stresses τ are calculated using a quadratic

bulk formula:

τρCdu|u| (1)

where ρ is the density of air, Cd is a dimensionless drag co-efficient, and u is the horizontal surface wind vector at 10m.Likewise gas exchange is calculated using the formula fromWanninkhof (1992):

kav= 0.337|uav|2(Sc/660)0.5 (2)

where kav is the piston velocity, Sc is the Schmidt number,and u is the horizontal surface wind vector at 10m. In factWanninkhof (1992) had specified 0.39 for the coefficient onthe right hand side, and 0.337 is the coefficient for the righthand side chosen for the OCMIP-2 protocol. It is knownthat the Wanninkhof (1992) parameterization suffers from anumber of limitations that have been described in Krakaueret al. (2006), Naegler et al. (2006), Sweeney et al. (2007),and Naegler (2009). Although the value we have chosen touse here (0.337) is 14% smaller than the value proposed byWanninkhof (1992) (0.39), we have initiated a new indepen-dent study to investigate the sensitivity of the disequilibriumflux to the choice of gas exchange parameterization.

2.2 Atmospheric transport model

The atmospheric transport model Tracer Model 3 Version 3(Heimann and Korner, 2003) was used for this study. Thisis a three-dimensional Eulerian model driven by offline windfields. Here we have used both a coarse grid resolution (7.8◦

latitude by 10◦ longitude with nine vertical levels) and a finegrid resolution (4.4◦ latitude by 5◦ longitude with 19 verti-cal levels) version of the model in order to get a lower levelestimate of the uncertainty associated with errors in the atmo-spheric transport model following Rodenbeck et al. (2008).The fine grid resolution has been shown to be substantiallyless diffusive in simulations of point sources, radon, and SF6(Heimann and Korner, 2003).The wind fields used for the experiments here were taken

from the NCEP reanalysis (Kalnay et al., 1996). The 6-hmean reanalysis fluxes were used, and interpolated to thetime step of the transport model. Six different simulationswere run with the atmospheric transport model using repeat-ing wind fields from 1995 to 2000, with the six different20 yr simulations performed by looping repeatedly over one

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of each of the 6 yr spanning 1995 and 2000. The method wehave used, namely of looping through an eleven year stretchof reanalysis forcing, is commonly used in atmospheric mod-eling studies, for example in the studies of Battle et al. (2006)and Naegler et al. (2007). The resulting tracer distributionsfrom the six model runs were averaged to create a climato-logical field. By averaging over multiple years, we are in factremoving variability in the Intertropical Convergence Zone.Five different flux processes were prescribed in the

model: sea-air fluxes of CO2, sea-air fluxes of 14CO2, strato-spheric production of 14C, terrestrial disequilibrium of 14C,and a neutral terrestrial biosphere for CO2 [The neutral bio-sphere is calculated by removing the annual mean terrestrialflux from each grid box in the model, in order to represent theseasonal rectification of atmospheric CO2 (Randerson et al.,1997; Gurney et al., 2000)]. Each was treated as a separatetracer, and all five are combined to calculate atmospheric gra-dients of �14C. Sea-air fluxes of CO2 and 14CO2 are takendirectly from the ocean model output. In addition, we in-cluded a source in the mid-to-upper stratosphere due to pro-duction by cosmogenic radiation, adapted from the sourcefunction of Turnbull et al. (2009). The magnitude of the at-mospheric source was tuned such that it was consistent withsea-air fluxes of 14CO2 from the ocean model.Finally, we included a disequilibrium sink due to the res-

idence time of carbon in the terrestrial biosphere. Whilethe terrestrial biosphere is known to have a substantial dis-equilibrium in modern times due to the transient effect ofbomb-generated 14CO2, for the pre-anthropogenic period thepre-industrial disequilibrium is thought to have been small,as the residence time of CO2 in the terrestrial biosphere isshort relative to its radioactive decay timescale (Siegenthaler,1986). A simple estimate based on the lifetime of 14C inthe biosphere and the mass of the biosphere suggests that thepre-anthropogenic terrestrial disequilibrium must be no morethan 7% of the oceanic disequilibrium.We therefore formulated a simple representation of the

terrestrial biospheric disequilibrium flux by calculating theglobal total terrestrial disequilibrium as 7% of the oceanvalue and distributed it spatially according to the absolutevalue of net ecosystem productivity (NEP) of the CarnegieAmes Stanford Approach (CASA) neutral biosphere (Ran-derson et al., 1997). We calculate the flux as follows: accord-ing to the IPCC AR4 assessment, the terrestrial biomass was2300 PgC, and the carbon mass in the ocean was 38 000 PgC.If one assumes that the average �14C of the terrestrial bio-sphere was close to�14C = 0‰ (normalized 14C activity = 1)(at an average age of 30 yr), and if one assumes an aver-age oceanic value of �14C =−150‰ (normalized 14C ac-tivity = 0.85), then given that the fluxes from the atmosphereto these reservoirs must supply the radioactive decay, the ra-tio of natural radiocarbon fluxes into the ocean relative to theterrestrial biosphere is (38 000× 0.85)/2300 = 14. By invert-ing this factor, we get 1/14 = 7%.

The CASA neutral biosphere was used to simulate sea-sonal rectification in CO2 and 14CO2, although this effect isrelatively negligible for �14C. The radioactive decay of 14Cin the atmosphere was neglected because the decay-time of14C is very long relative to the duration of the simulations,and the magnitude of the signal is roughly equivalent in bothhemispheres. Thus ignoring decay in the atmosphere willhave a negligible impact on the results of the sensitivity studyconsidered here.

2.3 Coupling of ocean and atmosphere models

The atmospheric transport model is used together with theocean model to explore the sensitivity of the interhemi-spheric gradient to idealized wind perturbations over theSouthern Ocean. This sensitivity was evaluated by perturb-ing the P2A configuration of the ocean model through ascalar multiplication of the wind stress (used for dynamics)and wind speed (used for tracer gas exchange) over the en-tire region south of 30◦ S. This test was motivated by thefact that surface atmospheric wind perturbations can impactoceanic �14C both through changes to the physical state ofthe ocean in the absence of changes in gas exchange, as wellas changes in gas exchange in the absence of perturbationsto the physical state of the ocean. Of course the two typesof perturbations in general will not be completely indepen-dent, but nevertheless this sensitivity is important to test fora mechanistic interpretation. This idealized perturbation isanalogous to that used with the same ocean model in the pre-vious study of Mignone et al. (2006) (although there the per-turbation was applied only to the wind stress but not in thegas exchange formulation). The perturbation here is appliedto the amplitude but not the structure of the winds over theSouthern Ocean. The idealized perturbations with the oceanmodel were applied over a period of 20 yr. This timescale ischosen given our interest in decadal timescale perturbations,and independent convergence tests indicate that the perturba-tions obtained for years 11–20 are generally representative oflonger multi-decadal timescales. The monthly sea-air fluxesof CO2 and 14CO2 from the ocean model over years 11–20were used as the lower boundary condition for the Atmo-spheric Transport Model experiments. This is done for 10separate cases, for perturbations spanning wind multiplica-tive factors of 0.6 to 1.5 in intervals of 0.1.

3 Results

We begin by looking at the annual mean sea-air flux forCO2 (Fig. 2a) and 14CO2 (Fig. 2b) for the model. The sea-air flux of 14CO2 has been scaled by a multiplicative fac-tor (0.85× 1012) as a means of normalizing the flux to thepre-anthropogenic late 19th century atmospheric value of Clim. Past, 7, 1123–1138, 2011

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50°E 150°E 110°W 10°W







50°E 150°E 110°W 10°W







50°E 150°E 110°W 10°W







80°S 40°S 0°N 40°N 80°N







(a) (b)

Fig. 2. Surface annual mean sea-air tracer fluxes from the mean state of the MOM3 ocean model. (a) CO2 flux (mol Cm−2 s−1). (b) 14CO2flux (scaled via multiplication by the late 19th century ratio of 12CO2/14CO2, or �14C = 0, in the atmosphere) (mol Cm−2 s−1). (c) dis-equilibrium flux φdiseq [14CO2 flux (scaled) minus CO2 flux] (mol Cm−2 s−1). (d) Zonal integral of the disequilibrium flux [φdiseq](mol Cm−1 s−1).

�14C = 0‰. This scaling allows us to define the disequilib-rium flux φdiseq:

φdiseq= φ14Cr12/14−φ12C (3)

where φ14C is the sea-air flux of 14CO2, r12/14 is the pre-bomb atmospheric 12C/14C ratio, and φ12C is the sea-airflux of CO2. Henceforth, the units for φdiseq will be ex-pressed in terms of Gigatons of Modern Carbon Equivalent(GtMCE). Conveniently, this scaling is precisely that speci-fied by the OCMIP-2 protocol for modeling �14C, with thatchoice for OCMIP-2 being motivated by numerical consid-erations. Thus the product in the first term on the right handside of the above equation corresponds precisely to what isrepresented in the model for 14CO2 fluxes, and thereby φdiseqin the model is calculated through a simple difference be-tween 14CO2 and CO2 fluxes.The annual mean distribution of φdiseq is shown in Fig. 2c.

Negative (blue) values indicate a tendency for the flux of14CO2 into the ocean to be larger than the flux of CO2,thereby driving the atmospheric �14C towards negative val-ues from the pre-anthropogenic steady state of�14C = 0. The

model has a negative global mean φdiseq values due to the factthat 14C is produced by spallation in the upper atmosphere,and transferred across the sea-air boundary to balance thedecay of DI14C in the ocean interior. (As noted above, thisstudy will also account for the 7% contribution of the terres-trial biosphere to the global φdiseq).The zonal integral of φdiseq is shown in Fig. 2d. This

nomenclature is chosen so as to be clear about the factthat 14CO2 fluxes are not the same as CO2 fluxes. Thetotal φdiseq into the ocean is 3.6GtMCEyr−1, with 74%occurring in the Southern Hemisphere and 62% southof 30◦ S. A 1.8GtMCEyr−1 difference in the disequilib-rium flux between the Northern and Southern Hemisphereswould be expected to produce an interhemispheric flux of0.9GtMCEyr−1 within the atmosphere as the atmospherecame into equilibrium. Given an interhemispheric exchangetime of order 1.3 yr (Geller et al., 1997) this would imply a1.17GtMCE interhemispheric difference in the atmosphericradiocarbon inventory. Given a preindustrial troposphericcarbon inventory of ∼480GtC – or 240Gt C/hemisphere,this would correspond to a difference of 4.9‰. This value

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is within 20% of the mean interhemispheric gradient seenin Fig. 1b. This mass balance calculation illustrates howthe φdiseq at the sea surface is the fundamental driver of theinterhemispheric gradient.This simple scaling argument is more rigorously con-

firmed using the atmospheric transport model. For the P2Asimulation performed with the MOM3 model, a correspond-ing simulation was performed with the atmospheric trans-port model using the sea-air fluxes of CO2 from the oceanmodel over a period of 10 yr. The 10 yr of the simulationwas deemed to be appropriate as the interhemispheric gra-dient converges in less than two years. Although the ampli-tude of the interhemispheric gradient converges quickly, weare specifically interested in the multi-decadal (and longer)timescale variations revealed in Fig. 1b. Therefore, we alsoconsider other sources and sinks of 14CO2 in the Earth sys-tem, including the production of 14CO2 in the upper atmo-sphere and fluxes between the atmosphere and the terres-trial biosphere. The mean meridional structure of �14C inthe atmospheric boundary layer is shown in Fig. 3 (blackcurve). The �14C activity is shown as a deviation fromthe value at the North Pole in order to emphasize the am-plitude and structure of the meridional gradient. Addition-ally the large-scale meridional structure is controlled by theocean fluxes. The resulting model shows a difference ofabout 3‰ between the mid-latitude Northern and SouthernHemispheres. This is smaller than the observed gradient of6.63‰ for the earlier part of the record and 4.48‰ for thelater part of the record, and is also smaller than the gradientestimated from the simple scaling arguments. This suggeststhat the atmospheric transport model may be overestimatinginterhemispheric exchange.The tendency for a global maximum in the absolute value

of φdiseq over the Southern Ocean is the result of two factors.The first is that the Southern Ocean is where the most de-pleted waters come to the surface, as illustrated in Fig. 4a us-ing the pre-bomb data product for�14C fromGLODAP (Keyet al., 2004, following the method developed and presentedby Rubin and Key, 2002) along a continuous track runningfrom the North Atlantic to the Southern Ocean to the NorthPacific. Surface waters in the Southern Ocean are poorlyequilibrated, with values of −120‰, while North Atlanticwaters are closer to −50‰, and thereby the average flux tothe ocean is more than twice as large per unit area over theSouthern Ocean. Our model (Fig. 4b) captures this pattern of�14C activities relatively well. Additionally, the larger arealextent of the Southern Ocean means that this larger flux (perunit area) produces a significantly larger integrated uptake of14CO2 than the North Atlantic.Next we consider the distribution of �14C in the atmo-

spheric transport model, with the fluxes taken from the per-turbation experiments with the ocean model used as a lowerboundary condition. The interhemispheric gradient (the de-viation of the zonal mean surface atmospheric activities fromthe �14C activity at the North Pole) is shown in Fig. 5a for



Net Biosphere







80°S 40°S 0°N 40°N 80°NLatitude

per m


Fig. 3. The mean meridional structure of �14C in the atmo-spheric boundary layer of the atmospheric transport model understeady-state cyclostationary conditions, shown as deviations fromthe �14C activity simulated at the North Pole. Shown are the to-tal structure of the interhemispheric gradient (black), the compo-nent due to sea-air fluxes of CO2 and 14CO2 (blue), the compo-nent due to spallation/production of 14CO2 in the atmosphere (red)and the component due to the net biosphere disequilibrium (green).(per mil). The �14C for each of these components is calculated asthe 14CO2 from the specific process being considered and the to-tal CO2 from all processes. The background component reflects aglobally uniform initial value of 14C plus the seasonal rectificationin 14C for the terrestrial biosphere described in Sect. 2.2, dividedby the spatially varying CO2 from all processes. This backgroundvalue is necessary in order to ensure that the other curves sum to theblack curve.

the case where the scalar perturbation to the winds has beenapplied to both the wind stress (used for dynamical forcing)and the surface wind speed (used for gas exchange).Figure 5a reveals a clear response in the interhemispheric

gradient to the strength of the winds over the SouthernOcean, with a larger interhemispheric gradient correspond-ing to stronger winds. Here we use the notation p2a 0.5 torepresent the response of the P2A ocean model to a 0.5 mul-tiplicative perturbation, p2a 0.6 for the case of a 0.6 multi-plicative perturbation and so on. In this way, the p2a 1.0 runcorresponds to the case with unperturbed winds. Whereas theinterhemispheric gradient is nearly 3‰ at 55◦ S for the con-trol case (p2a 1.0), it is in excess of 6.0‰ for the p2a 1.4case. For the p2a 1.0 case, we note here that the meansimulated gradient is smaller (by 35%) than what is foundin the data for the mean (Fig. 1b), which had a mean ofgreater than 5‰ over the period AD950–1830, and it is alsosmaller than what is found with the scaling argument pre-sented in Sect. 2. A number of factors are expected contributeto the under-estimation of the interhemispheric gradient inthe model simulation, including numerical diffusion in the Clim. Past, 7, 1123–1138, 2011

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Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean

60N 30N Equator 30S 60S 60S 30S Equator 30N 60N







Fig. 4. Southern Ocean-centric view of pre-bomb �14C in the ocean interior (per mil). (a) GLODAP (Key et al., 2004). (b) MOM3 P2A(Gnanadesikan et al., 2004).

atmospheric transport model and biases in in the atmospherictransport fields themselves. For this reason the disagreementbetween the mean interhemispheric gradient between Fig. 1b(measurements) and Fig. 4a (p2a 1.0 simulation) is withinthe range of uncertainty with such models.In order to evaluate whether the simulated interhemi-

spheric gradient shown in Fig. 5a is controlled primarily bythe wind stress (which directly impacts the ocean circulationthrough the momentum equations) or the wind speed (whichonly acts on tracers through the gas exchange parameteriza-tion), we conducted two additional sets of perturbation stud-ies with the ocean model (Fig. 5b, c). The information shownin Fig. 5a–c is reconsidered in a scatterplot in Fig. 6 for thecase of the difference in the mean �14C north of 30◦ S andthe mean �14C south of 30◦ S. The green triangles repre-sent the full signal, the red squares represent the sensitivityto windspeed perturbations, and blue diamonds represent thesensitivity to windstress perturbations.

The dependence of gas exchange rates on windspeed dom-inates over the effect of wind stress on ocean circulation.When both effects are included, perturbations of slightlylarger than 20% in the windspeed produce changes in theinterhemispheric gradient of order 1.6‰ over the intervalof two decades. Given our prior assumptions, this suggeststhat natural variability of Southern Ocean winds over the pastmillenium have been of order 20%.

To put such variability in context, we compare it to thetrend in Southern Ocean winds that is widely interpreted asbeing an anthropogenic perturbation over 1980–2004 (the pe-riod of focus of the study of Le Quere et al., 2007). Here wefocus on the surface winds in the NCEP-1 reanalysis (Kalnayet al., 1996) that served as the forcing for the ocean model-ing component of the study of Le Quere et al. (2007). Thetime-mean 10 meter windspeeds over 1949–2008 are shownin Fig. 7a, and the monthly average of the windspeeds overthe latitude band 40◦ S–60◦ S are shown in Fig. 7b. Over the

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80°S 40°S 0°N 40°N 80°N









Perturbations to both Windspeed and Windstress

Perturbations to Windstress only

Perturbations to Windspeed (gas exchange) only









80°S 40°S 0°N 40°N 80°N









80°S 40°S 0°N 40°N 80°N








ric G


ent (

per m






ric G


ent (

per m






ric G


ent (

per m


Fig. 5. Response of zonal surface �14C to Southern Ocean windperturbations (per mil deviations from value at North Pole for eachcase). (a) Perturbation applied to both wind stress (dynamical forc-ing) and wind speed (gas exchange). (b) Perturbation applied towind stress (but not gas exchange). (c) Perturbation applied to gasexchange (but not wind stress).

period 1980–2004, a linear trend analysis indicates a rate ofincrease in wind strength corresponding to a 10% increaseover that interval. This observed change over 2–1/2 decadesis in fact less than what were inferred here to be the natu-ral background variability of the surface wind strength overdecadal timescales over the Southern Ocean from Fig. 6.There is a wide consensus that a significant part of the trendover 1980–2004 can be attributed to the effects of ozone andclimate. What we wish to emphasize here is that the nat-







Southern Ocean Wind Perturbation (%)









Wind Stress Perturbation

Wind Speed Perturbation

Both Wind Stress and WindSpeed

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60

Fig. 6. Scatterplot of response of the interhemispheric gradient ofatmospheric �14C to surface windspeed perturbations after 20 yr.

ural variability over the pre-anthropogenic period may havebeen at least as large as the anthropogenic trend detected overrecent decades.

4 Discussion

There are two main results in this study. The first is that thetrend towards increased windspeeds over the Southern Oceanover recent decades (in particular over the period 1980–2004emphasized by Le Quere et al., 2007) may be of the sameamplitude as the natural background variability over decadal-to-multi-decadal timescales for the interval AD 950–1830.These long INTCAL04 and SHCAL04 records account formultiple realizations of multi-decadal to centennial timescalevariations, thereby allowing on to characterize wind variabil-ity in a way that is not possible with the instrumental recordof surface pressure variations (AD 1884–present) (Visbeck,2009). The second main result is that there may have been aweakening of the winds over the Southern Ocean could havebeen associated with the transition between theMedieval Cli-mate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age. Change point analysisof tree ring �14C reveals that the interhemispheric gradientdecreased by 2.2‰ about AD 1375, and this is consistentwith a weakening of the winds over the Southern Ocean.One should certainly exercise caution in using the results

of the 20-yr sensitivity calculation in Fig. 6 to infer themagnitude of the centennial timescale changes evident inFig. 1b about AD 1375. It is worth noting that changes inlarge-scale interhemispheric exchange time could also playa role in altering the interhemispheric gradient. However, ascaling argument for the impact of the interhemispheric ex-change rate on the interhemispheric gradient supports ourmain contention that the Southern Ocean winds control themulti-decadal and longer timescale changes in the interhemi-spheric gradient shown in Fig. 1b. For modern conditions, Clim. Past, 7, 1123–1138, 2011

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the difference in the interhemispheric exchange timescalefor tracers between extreme El Nino and La Nina years is0.05–0.10 yr, according to the study of Lintner et al. (2004)using the NCEP MATCH (Model of Atmospheric Trans-port and Chemistry) model. The exchange timescale of thismodel is 0.86 yr, based on averages over the whole verticalcolumn as opposed to surface concentrations as in Gelleret al. (1997). Given the range of 0.05–0.10 yr, and divid-ing by the mean exchange time of 0.86 yr, one arrives at anet interhemispheric exchange time uncertainty of order 6–12%. This scaling is justified as the analysis provided inthe study of Lintner et al. (2004) applies generally to atmo-spheric gases. This would correspond to �14C gradient dif-ferences of 0.3–0.6‰, which is significantly less than theobserved difference of 2.2‰ between the Medieval ClimateAnomaly and the Little Ice Age. Indeed, changes in the in-terhemispheric exchange rate 4–8 times the size of those as-sociated with ENSO would be required to explain this sig-nal. A much more detailed and process-focused modelingstudy of this is currently underway, and will be the subject ofa future publication. In pursuing this work, high-resolutioncoral records (Cobb et al., 2003; Druffel et al., 2007; Zaun-brecher et al., 2010) would provide potentially powerful con-straints in understanding past changes in the physical state ofthe Equatorial Pacific Ocean.Weakening of winds over the Southern Ocean during the

Medieval Climate Anomaly to Little Ice Age transition is anew result that has not been previously presented in the cli-mate literature. The question arises as to whether it is mech-anistically linked with larger-scale changes in the global cli-mate system. Here we return to the question raised at theend of the Introduction section, namely of whether SouthernOcean wind changes inferred from �14C are consistent withthe atmospheric teleconnection mechanism that has been pre-sented in the studies of Anderson et al. (2009) and Lee etal. (2011) to account for abrupt global climate change. There,abrupt cooling in the North Atlantic is associated with asouthward shift in the mean position of the Intertropical Con-vergence Zone. In fact, this response would be fully consis-tent with the southward shift in the position of the Intertrop-ical Convergence Zone inferred from paleo-proxy records inthe study of Sachs et al. (2009) for the onset phase of theLittle Ice Age. According to the mechanism of Andersonet al. (2009) and Lee et al. (2011), a southward excursionof the Intertropical Convergence Zone should be expected todrive an increase in the mean strength of the winds over theSouthern Ocean in the Pacific sector.At first glance, the sign (decrease) of the change of the

amplitude of the strength of the Southern Ocean winds atthe Medieval Climate Anomaly to Little Ice Age transitioninferred from atmospheric �14C may be interpreted to bethe opposite to what one would expect with the global atmo-spheric teleconnection mechanism proposed by Anderson etal. (2009) and then further developed by Lee et al. (2011).However, Lee et al. (2011) emphasized with their modeling







1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000






50°E 150°E 110°W 10°W












Monthly mean 10m windspeed averaged over 40°S-60°S

Mean surface windspeeds over 1949-2008

Fig. 7. NCEP (Kalnay et al., 1996) monthly mean 10m windspeeds[m s−1]. (a) Average over 1949–2008. (b) Timeseries over 1949–2008 of monthly mean values averaged over 40◦ S–60◦ S.

results that they found a zonally asymmetric wind responseover the Southern Ocean to Northern perturbations, with theSouthern Ocean response being maximum over the Pacificsector. This stands in contrast to the perturbation we ap-plied in this study, which was an axially symmetric scalarmultiplication of wind strength. Thus it is plausible thatthe mechanism proposed by Anderson et al. (2009) and Leeet al. (2011) did drive an increase in winds over the SouthPacific at the transition between the Medieval Warm Periodand the Little Ice Age, but that this was more than compen-sated for in the drivers of atmospheric �14C by an indepen-dent mechanism acting over the other sectors of the SouthernOcean. A more systematic investigation of the mechanismsdriving the changes inferred from Fig. 1b is left as a subjectfor future investigation.A role for the Southern Ocean in sustaining the mean in-

terhemispheric gradient in atmospheric �14C was suggestedin the earlier works of Braziunas et al. (1995), McCormac

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et al. (2002) and Levin and Hesshaimer (2000). All threeof these studies invoked mean conditions over the SouthernOcean to account for the mean interhemispheric gradient inatmospheric �14C. The current study differs from these ear-lier studies in two ways. First, our study is the first to pro-vide an account of Southern Ocean mechanisms that can sus-tain the mean interhemispheric gradient in �14C, as well asthe time variability of this gradient. We have emphasizedthe value of the disequilibrium flux φdiseq in understandingthe interhemispheric gradient in �14C, and demonstrated itsconnection to the large-scale overturning circulation of theocean (Fig. 4). Second, whereas the focus of previous stud-ies has been on the carbon cycle, we have chosen here to em-phasize atmospheric �14C as a dynamical tracer rather thanas a tracer of the global carbon cycle. Nevertheless our mainresult, namely that natural decadal- to centennial-timescalevariations in Southern Ocean winds may be expected to belarge, should have important implications in the interpreta-tion of records of variability in atmospheric CO2 concen-trations as well. According to the model sensitivity in thestudy of Le Quere et al. (2007), stronger winds should be as-sociated with a net release of carbon from the ocean, andthereby drive the atmosphere towards higher atmosphericCO2 concentrations.A comparison of Figs. 1b and 5a revealed that there is a

discrepancy between the simulated interhemispheric gradi-ent in �14C and the gradient revealed in the tree ring data.The fact that the simulated gradient is weaker than the gra-dient revealed by tree ring records could derive from a num-ber of sources. These include biases in: (1) the atmosphericmodel, (2) gas exchange, and (3) the oceanic model. Forthe atmospheric model, this could include biases in param-eterizations of vertical transport and convection, the coarseresolution of the model, and biases in the climate state ofthe 1990s relative to the pre-anthropogenic period. As re-gards the ocean, in the next stage of our work we will usea higher-resolution ocean model that will include a bioticrepresentation of the oceanic carbon cycle. There we willtest the systematic uncertainty related to the choice of sea-air flux parameterization (quadratic versus cubic) as well asocean mixing parameter settings and choice of solar forcingfields. Regarding gas exchange, the implied natural variabil-ity in Southern Ocean winds inferred from Fig. 6 is approxi-mately three times as large as the natural variability in South-ern Ocean winds found in the coupled model of Galbraith etal. (2011), with the same being true for the higher resolutionversion of GFDL’s CM2.1 coupled model (Delworth et al.,2006). This factor of 300% is much larger than the 11%(25%–14%=11%) overestimate that we have used for thegas exchange coefficient.An additional source of uncertainty in the atmosphere

could result from a rectifying effect involving the strato-spheric/tropospheric exchange in the two hemispheres. Theprevious study of Randerson et al. (2002) considered theseasonal cycle of this exchange for 14CO2 in both hemi-

spheres (their Fig. 3), and pointed out that the seasonalityis significantly larger in the North. The maximum injec-tion of 14CO2 occurs in the northern spring, correspondingto the season or springtime tree growth. A simple scalingcan provide an estimate of the impact on the mean inter-hemispheric gradient. First, we assume a simple two-boxmodel for the troposphere, with the lateral boundary beingat the equator, the upper boundary being the tropopause,and the lower boundary being the ocean surface. The oceanin the mean absorbs approximate 2.7GtMCE for the south-ern box and 0.9GtMCE in the northern box. If the fluxacross the top of the boxes is 1.8GtMCE in either hemi-sphere (following the calculations of Levin et al. (2009), ac-cording to which the differences are less than 10% in eitherhemisphere) then this implies an interhemispheric (south-ward) exchange of 0.9GtMCE. If we assume that the am-plitude of the flux from above into the Northern Hemispheretropospheric box (1.8GtMCE in the mean) has a seasonalamplitude of 0.9GtMCyr−1, then the inventory variabilityis 0.9GtMCE/(2�) = 0.14GtMCE= 0.58‰. Including thisrectifying effect would then increase the interhemisphericgradient by nearly 20%.Another potential source of uncertainty could be the pa-

rameterization of mesoscale eddies in the Southern Ocean.A number of studies (notably those of Straub, 1993; Hall-berg and Gnanadesikan, 2006; Boning et al., 2008; Far-neti et al., 2010) have argued that the type of non-eddyingocean model used here may exaggerate the dynamical re-sponse of the Southern Ocean to wind perturbations. How-ever, the dominance of wind speed (which drives changes ingas exchange) over the influence of wind stress (which driveschanges in upwelling) suggests that the variations in the in-terhemispheric gradient of �14C in Fig. 1b stand as a robustresult no matter what the eventual resolution of the role ofocean eddies may be. Given the strength of the winds overthe Southern Ocean, this case would be stronger yet if a cu-bic wind speed-dependence for gas exchange (Wanninkhofand McGillis, 1999) turns out to be more accurate than thequadriatic formulation used here. Additionally, it is impor-tant to emphasize that the model configuration presented herehas been used to test the sensitivity to the strength of theSouthern Ocean winds, but not the latitude of the position ofthe maximum westerlies over the Southern Ocean. The typeof perturbation chosen here finds justification in the resultsof d’Orgeville et al. (2010) who demonstrated for the caseof CO2 that the sensitivity to wind strength is significantlystronger than the sensitivity to the longitude of the maximumwesterlies.Recent analysis of a coupled ocean-atmosphere model

with steady solar and radiative forcing that includes �14Cas a tracer in the ocean (Galbraith et al., 2011) gives resultsthat are consistent with variability in the Southern Hemi-sphere dominating variability in the global sea-air exchangeof 14CO2. However, the unforced decadal-to-multidecadalvariability of Southern Hemisphere westerlies exhibited by Clim. Past, 7, 1123–1138, 2011

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this coupled model is of much smaller magnitude than in-ferred from the analysis here. This opens up two interpreta-tions for this discrepancy, either of which would have impor-tant implications. One possibility is that an external driverno included in the Galbraith et al. (2011) study, such as so-lar, volcanic or ice sheet variability, could be driving siz-able variations in the Southern Hemisphere westerlies. Asecond possibility is that coupled climate models are sig-nificantly underestimating natural background variability inthe Southern Ocean westerlies. We wish to underscore herethat the second of these interpretations would be consistentwith the hypothesis that we proposed in the Introduction forwhy the coupled earth system model in the study of Jung-claus et al. (2010) underestimates centennial variability inatmospheric CO2 concentrations over the last millenium.We wish to reiterate that the model configuration pre-

sented here was by design intended to facilitate a series ofprocess-perturbation sensitivity studies rather than simula-tions of past climate variability. The cost of spinning upradiocarbon as a tracer in a coupled climate model or earthsystem model is very high, due to an inherent equilibrationtimescale for oceanic radiocarbon of thousands of years. Dueto simplifications inherent in the OCMIP-2 Abiotic formula-tion of �14C, neither the 14CO2 nor the CO2 simulated inthe Atmospheric Transport Model can be used as researchproducts by themselves. For this reason, we were not able totest or evaluate whether the mechanism emphasized here isappropriate to longer-timescale changes involving �14C, orwhat the consequences of this mechanism are for changes inatmospheric CO2.We have argued for a relatively simple link between

the interhemispheric gradient and surface ocean fluxes of14CO2 and CO2, dominated by wind-driven changes overthe Southern Ocean primarily through their impact on gasexchange. As such, the interhemispheric gradient in atmo-spheric �14C could serve as a powerful new proxy integrat-ing the Southern westerly wind strength over large temporaland spatial scales. We note that the �14C gradient withinthe Southern Hemisphere is also significant (black line inFig. 3) in addition to the overall interhemispheric gradientin �14C. Thus documenting more precisely latitudinally-resolved �14C records may help to better constrain pastchanges in the diseqiulibrium flux φdiseq.

Appendix A

�14C as a tracer

Radiocarbon (14C) is the radioactive isotope of carbon witha half-life of 5730 yr. Radiocarbon activities are usuallyreported as �14C. For practical purposes, this is the de-viation in per mil units (parts per thousand) of the ra-tio 14C/12C from a decay-corrected isotopic standard (Stu-iver and Polach, 1977), including a 13C-normalization for

isotopic fractionation where, as an approximation, it has of-ten been assumed that the fractionation is twice as large for14C as for 13C. A precise definition of �14C has been pre-sented in the study of Stuiver and Polach (1977):

�14C= 1000. · {[(1+(δ14C/1000)) ·((0.975)2)·((1+(δ13C/1000.)−2)]−1.0} (A1)

where δ14C is defined as the relative difference between theabsolute international standard activity (Aabs) and sample ac-tivity (As) that has been corrected for the age of the sample,but has not been corrected for δ13C:

δ14C= {(ASeλ(y−x)/Aabs)−1)} ·1000 per mil (A2)

for the case of a tree ring grown in year x and measuredin year y, and λ represents the 5730 yr half-life of 14C(λ= 1/8267 yr−1). Similarly:

δ13C= (RS/RPDB−1) ·1000 (A3)

with RS and RPDB being the 13C/12C ratios of sample anda standard, respectively. The first of the above equations iscommonly simplified to:

�14C= δ14C−2 ·(δ13C+25)(1+(δ14C/1000.)) (A4)

For the analysis considered here, the �14C tracer is simpli-fied by neglecting 13C:

�14C= ((14C/12C) · r12/14−1) ·1000 (A5)

Here r12/14 is the pre-anthropogenic ratio of 12C to 14C inthe atmosphere. As long as one assumes that δ13C is not af-fected by wind-driven changes in ocean dynamics and gasexchange, the variability of atmospheric �14C can be iden-tified approximately with changes in the 14C-to-12C ratio inthe model atmosphere.The zero level for �14C is chosen to correspond to

the �14C of the absolute radiocarbon standard, which is1890 wood (Broecker and Olson, 1959). For the pre-anthropogenic climate system, one usually assumes a “meanstate“ with �14C = 0‰ in the atmosphere where decay isbalanced by production of 14C in the upper atmospherethrough the effect of cosmic rays (spallation). It is thoughtthat spallation produces equal amounts of 14C in either hemi-sphere, with the transport of 14C between the stratosphereand the troposphere occurring nearly completely in the hemi-sphere where 14C was produced. The sum of the spallation-production in the atmosphere is balanced by the decay ofDI14C in the ocean interior, and to a lesser degree in the at-mosphere and the terrestrial biosphere, via radioactive decay.For this pre-anthropogenic state, scaling arguments indicatethat the net radiocarbon fluxes into the terrestrial biospherewere relatively small, as described in Sect. 2b. The varia-tions of �14C shown in Fig. 1 are thought of as being smallperturbations about this steady state.

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The atmospheric �14C values used in the study are takenfrom the IntCal04 (Reimer et al., 2004) and SHCal04 (Mc-Cormac et al., 2004) data sets. The IntCal04 data set is basedon single year radiocarbon analyses of tree-rings from the USPacific coast for the period AD1510–1950 and 10-yr blocksof tree-ring measurements for the entire period from both USand British Isle trees as described in Reimer et al. (2004).The data were combined using a random walk model (Buckand Blackwell, 2004) and evaluated at 5-yr resolution. TheSHCal04 dataset was similarly modeled from single or mul-tiple blocks of tree-ring radiocarbon analyses from Chileanwood for the period AD 1665–1950 and 10-yr blocks of tree-rings from New Zealand and South Africa (Hogg et al., 2002;McCormac et al., 2004).

Appendix B

Monte Carlo simulations for change point tests

In order to independently test the hypothesis that there is ashift in the interhemispheric gradient associated with the Me-dieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age, we apply thechange point test developed byWorsley (1979) to the time se-ries for �14C in Fig. 1b over AD 950–1830. This approachallows one to test whether a shift in the mean occurs, andin the latter case to determine when it occurs. A significantshift in the mean (>99% confidence level) was detected in1375, with the mean before the change being −6.63‰ andthe mean after the change being −4.48‰. To verify that thevariance remains constant in time, we applied the test for ashift in variance developed by Inclan and Tiao (1994) andfound (at the 95% confidence level) that the variance doesnot seem to change over the interval 950–1830. The analy-sis was repeated for the time interval AD 950–1860 (insteadof 950–1830) and the same transition in AD 1375 was iden-tified. Thus, this result is not sensitive to whether one in-cludes growth in 14CO2-depleted fossil fuels over the period1830–1860.In the parlance of climate science, the time series contains

red noise. Due to the presence of red noise in the time series,the confidence levels presented above were obtained throughMonte Carlo simulations with a similar methodology as usedby Wang (2008). Hence, the techniques developed by Wors-ley (1979) and Inclan and Tiao (1994) were designed for in-dependent (no correlation in time) and identically distributednormal errors. When these conditions do not apply, the dis-tributions of the statistical tests of Worsley (1979) can be af-fected, and thus the percentiles derived under the assumptionof independence and identically distributed normal errors areinappropriate. We were cautious about this point in the anal-ysis presented here. For this reason, we used Monte Carlosimulations to obtain the critical values of these two statisticsunder a red noise model. We consider the red noise model inthe residuals after subtracting the means to avoid a shift in the

mean to interfere with the estimation of the parameters of themodel. We identified that the residuals can be represented bya second order autocorrelation model (AR(2)) which can beexpressed as:

xi = 1.02xi−1−0.25xi−2+ei (B1)

where xi designates the �14C at time t and ei is the whitenoise residual. Using this model, we generated 10 000 timeseries of random numbers from a normal distribution hav-ing the same red noise characteristics (length, white noisevariance and autocorrelation parameters) as observed in the�14C residuals. These two change point statistics were com-puted in all synthetic series and the critical values of the twochange point statistics were obtained. These new critical val-ues were used to test for a shift in the mean and in the vari-ance of Sect. 1, instead of the original critical values pre-sented in Worsley (1979) and Inclan and Tiao (1994), whichwere obtained under the independence assumption.

Acknowledgements. We would first like to thank the AssociateEditor (Christine Hatte) for her careful attention to the manuscript.Her numerous comments and suggestions greatly strengthenedthe presentation and interpretation. We would also like to thankthe three anonymous reviewers for their insightful commentsand suggestions. Additionally, we would like to thank JohnChiang at U. C. Berkeley for numerous discussions about climatedynamical mechanisms that may have driven variability over thelast millennium. This report was prepared by K. B. R. under awardsNA17RJ2612 and NA08OAR4320752, which includes supportthrough the NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research(OAR) through the Office of Climate Observations (OCO). We wishto thank DOE for their support through DE-FG02-07ER64467,NOAA for their CPT support through NOAA NA07OAR4310096,and both BP and the Ford Motor Company for support throughthe Carbon Mitigation Initiative (CMI) at Princeton University.Support for S. E. Mikaloff-Fletcher comes from the New ZealandFoundation for Research, Science and Technology, contract numberC01X0703, as well as ESRL funding through NOAA/CICS awardNA08OAR4320752. Support for C. B. came through FondsQuebecois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les technologies inaddition to the CMI.

Edited by: C. Hatte


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